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Finding Meaning

Finding Meaning

By Skip Rushing

This podcast is about finding true meaning in life.
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The meaning of life!

Finding Meaning May 17, 2024

Compare and contrast

Compare and contrast

In the false reality, we have learned to determine our identity by comparing ourselves to others. Which intern leads to more false identity. Take a listen thanks
May 31, 202420:19


If love, kindness, generosity, and awareness is a part of what it means to be authentic then surely hope must be included
May 30, 202414:24
In the image of the world

In the image of the world

We are formed by how this world/humanity lives and behaves. And were ignorant for the most part that we are formed by the way of the world.
May 29, 202417:40
Dualism, the nature of the false reality.

Dualism, the nature of the false reality.

If true reality and authentic reality are about love and kindness. Then the false reality is built in dualism and separation.
May 24, 202416:57
How we got here!

How we got here!

Happy third anniversary to Finding Meaning. This is the episode where I talk about the seed of thought that brought Finding Meaning to fruition.
May 23, 202422:45
The humility of awareness

The humility of awareness

Our spiritual growth comes from knowing that we do not know everything. When we are exposed to new ideas, new ways of thinking that reflect our authenticity, we’re often surprised. And that’s a good surprise.
May 21, 202413:58
Being authentic everywhere

Being authentic everywhere

We live in a world that teaches us to pretend. Pretend to be something we’re not, pretend to be people we are not. We learn that to get along in a false reality. Being authentic is being you, authentically you in every circumstance.
May 20, 202417:33
Rejecting authenticity

Rejecting authenticity

How often have we human beings been offered the truth of who we are? How often have we rejected that truth?
May 19, 202418:08
The meaning of life!

The meaning of life!

Today we begin a weeklong journey towards the third anniversary of our podcast Finding Meaning.
May 17, 202418:03
Piercing the veil

Piercing the veil

If we look closely, and if we pay attention, we can see outside of the falsely created reality that we live in.
May 16, 202413:35
Empathy and forgiveness

Empathy and forgiveness

One must experience the qualities of authenticity in order to share the qualities of authenticity. Take a listen thanks
May 15, 202416:10


We always have to remember that the foolishness, the stupidness, and the ignorance of this world is based in the manifestation of thinking. The question is, what’s at the basis of the thinking. When we figure that out we become less judgmental.
May 14, 202417:05
Not what you think!

Not what you think!

When we discover authentic spirituality, we discover that what we thought was spiritual wasn’t. Authentic spirituality is about the discovering of truest self. Not of lofty religious concepts, but of authenticity.
May 13, 202417:39
People being people

People being people

We live in a world where people have learned to be the people they are. As we grow spiritually we find ourselves outside of that. How do we live with that?
May 10, 202417:10
The Muck

The Muck

How do we change the world around us? We begin by changing ourselves.
May 09, 202418:00
That one simple question

That one simple question

As ancient philosophy says, the journey of 1000 miles begins with one step. It begins with one question! Finding our authentic self begins with one simple question. Take a listen.
May 08, 202416:56


To be authentic is to find freedom in our life
May 07, 202415:54
Some people

Some people

This episode is a celebration of those in our life that teach us authenticity
May 06, 202414:25
It's unfolding

It's unfolding

Spirituality is an unfolding of awareness and consciousness. Take a listen.
May 04, 202414:30
Spirituality is our humanity

Spirituality is our humanity

To be spiritual, to be human, to be human is to be spiritual
May 03, 202413:57
Embracing who we are

Embracing who we are

To be spiritual, to be human, to be human is to be spiritual. We have from time and memorial try to deny our humanity and call it spiritual. When in fact, it is the embracing our humanity that leads to enlightenment in my opinion.
May 03, 202420:26


Spirituality is a metamorphic happening!
May 02, 202418:42
The simplicity of spirituality part three

The simplicity of spirituality part three

In this episode, we look at practical spiritual disciplines of behavior that can lead us to finding our authenticity.
May 01, 202419:48
The quest to simplify, part two

The quest to simplify, part two

This is the second of three podcasts on the simplicity of spirituality
Apr 30, 202419:34
The quest for simplicity part one

The quest for simplicity part one

The spiritual journey is simplification of life. It's that simple.
Apr 29, 202412:04
Spirituality is?

Spirituality is?

This is my most succinct explanation of spirituality through the lens of Finding Meaning. Enjoy! Thanks for listening.
Apr 28, 202417:36
The meaning part

The meaning part

What is the meaning in Finding Meaning? Take a listen.
Apr 26, 202412:44
It is what it is

It is what it is

As we grow, spiritually, we discover that we don't have to control, we don't have to be the center of the universe. People are the way they are and we are the way we are. No judgment.
Apr 25, 202417:32
The monsters we make

The monsters we make

Human beings create monsters to identify with. Take a listen thanks!
Apr 24, 202420:37
What are you looking for?

What are you looking for?

Life is spiritual and spirituality is a journey. The question is what are we looking for and where are we looking?
Apr 23, 202416:09
The matrix has you

The matrix has you

Three years ago when I began this podcast, it was named the matrix has you. It is still true today that the matrix has us.
Apr 22, 202418:10
A bit down the rabbit hole

A bit down the rabbit hole

And this episode we're going to talk about the meaning of being a part of the universe. Expanding the idea of finding meaning to larger understandings
Apr 20, 202417:06
Seeking transactions

Seeking transactions

We live in a transactional world. We trade salvation for belief and belief for salvation. We trade ethics for power and power for ethics. Take a listen.
Apr 19, 202415:28
Simple markers of growth

Simple markers of growth

There are some ways in which we can tell that we are growing into our authenticity. There are some markers that we can see that allow us to understand. We are uncovering who we truly are.
Apr 18, 202417:59


Just as being kind, being loving, being generous is a part of our authenticity, too, is being a person who seeks and finds pleasure in healthy ways
Apr 17, 202419:35
Belief, the golden calf part two

Belief, the golden calf part two

This is a further exploration of how we truncate our spiritual growth through systems of belief
Apr 16, 202418:55
Golden calf of belief!

Golden calf of belief!

We are taught that what we believe, is actually what is real. When in fact, it is our experience of love, kindness and forgiveness that are the real.
Apr 15, 202417:39
How do we get there?

How do we get there?

How does one find their authenticity? By what mechanism is there to find ourselves? What has to happen for us to find our authenticity? What do we do when we start to find it?
Apr 14, 202415:45
We'd love to change the world

We'd love to change the world

We can effect real change in the world. But, only if we find our real and authentic self.
Apr 12, 202418:55
Predictable patterns

Predictable patterns

In the false reality, we can see predictable patterns of behavior learned overtime, that are destructive.
Apr 11, 202417:23
Not about the easy

Not about the easy

We are programmed by this world to seek the path of least resistance. We are programmed to seek the easy. Unfortunately, that is not the way this works.
Apr 10, 202419:21
The path less traveled

The path less traveled

The concepts of authentic spirituality are easy to grasp. Living authentic spirituality is difficult. Take a listen.
Apr 09, 202418:17
We are ok!

We are ok!

Once we understand that much, if not all of our anxiety is caused by the toxicity of the false reality, we can begin to find some inner peace take a listen, Thanks.
Apr 08, 202414:27
Buying the concepts

Buying the concepts

We buy into what other people think about us. We buy into what other people think about the world. We spend most of our life buying other peoples concepts. Take a listen. Thanks.
Apr 07, 202416:30
I am, you are!

I am, you are!

Here is my attempt to unpack the entirety of finding meaning in 18 minutes. Enjoy.
Apr 05, 202419:27
Understanding not judgment

Understanding not judgment

April 4 is the anniversary of the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.. In my spiritual journey, I learned from his writings in his speeches to seek understanding rather than judgment. Which is a very deep spiritual attribute. Take a list and thanks.
Apr 04, 202418:53
Not my monkey, not my circus

Not my monkey, not my circus

When we live out of a false sense of self, in a false reality. We become often delusional about our importance. That's the ego telling us that everything is our monkey and everything is our circus. Take a list. Thanks.
Apr 03, 202418:15
The great disconnect

The great disconnect

We live in the world where people say that they believe one thing and their actions do not line up with that belief. Take a listen to this difficult subject.
Apr 02, 202418:59
Being our own spin, Dr

Being our own spin, Dr

The false reality is incredibly easy to manipulate. Most of us do it every day. Take a listen. Thanks!
Apr 01, 202419:38
Never forget this

Never forget this

Never forget, my friends, no, two people in the world see reality the same way.
Mar 31, 202414:00