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By Gracie Berry

Become a Paid Subscriber: Welcome to SmudgeTalk! Home of the NappyNotes. Smudging is the burning of sacred herbs to clear. To me smudging is an invitation to stay or to go. SmudgeTalk plants seeds of healing generational traumas, a reclamation of Afrikan roots and traditions through high vibrational energy exchanges powered by GirlrillaVintage. for bookings, art and more
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Yes, beloved! It has to be this way.

SmudgeTalk May 03, 2023



Happy solar return to my brother Davids on what would’ve been his 42nd birthday (yesterday)! Welcome to SmudgeTalk, home of the NappyNotes. I’m your hostess, TheeAmazingGrace. Journey with me to season 2 episode 7, Hart&Hand. I share reflections on my brothers life and last days and a live reading of the poem I wrote for him in 2018 called, I’m Sunflowers Sista. 

Oh, how time flies and heals all at the same time. While cleaning on Friday I stumbled across an old business card of when he worked as a massage therapist. He called his business Hart&Hand. How fitting because my brother had the most beautiful hands to me. He was not only the person I loved most in the universe, but his hands held so many stories in them that I cherish. They were bold and gentle and wise. They were brave and offered up protection. The cleanliness and shape of his nail beds while experiencing the harshness of life. I loved the darker shades of brown on his knuckles, the scars and calluses. 

I added a small segment at the end that I had forgotten after recording the whole video about why finding the business card was so important to me and Davids relationship. I remember when he was alive, he’d offer his services whenever he noticed I was in pain. I always declined because his energy was chaotic at times. But after he became an ancestor, I wished for nothing more than to have allowed him to give me a healing massage. Grateful to his beautiful gift of life and sight as one of my most trusted ancestors. 

Jul 24, 202342:04
Yes, beloved! It has to be this way.

Yes, beloved! It has to be this way.

Sometimes in life, things are meant to grow us aren’t always sugary sweet, and certainly don’t appear in the best most pretty of packages. Sometimes a situation has to play out just exactly the way it is, so that it can show you to grow you.
May 03, 202305:53
My mamas an ancestor now, she conjures through pennies

My mamas an ancestor now, she conjures through pennies

As a child, pennies meant the world to me because finding them meant I could afford sweet candy treats from Mr. Goodmans Radio & Penny Candy Shop lol! However, as I grew deeper into poverty and being a teenager, the innocence was lost, made me detest cheap sentiments of pennies because they were a constant reminder of hard times and being poor. I remember how harsh passer Byers were towards transient folks, winos and addicts by tossing brown coins at them like garbage, so forceful that it would cut exposed skin and make them bleed. How pitiful and desperate their faces appeared, grappling to catch the change. The site made me angry and sad because I remember the same treatment being done to us and worse from our own family at times when we were out there without a home. The memories make me sad to this day. Fast forward to the summer of 2005 which marked the last conversation my mother and I would ever have in the flesh before her untimely death months later. I remember how special our relationship was. I remember how humble and thoughtful she was. How she taught us to appreciate brown spots on bananas and to pick up brown coins when we crossed their paths. During our last conversation my mom shared so many priceless things to include messages of remorse, apologies, gratitude. She mentioned that to try in life was the best part and that even though she might not be around much longer, she would always look after me. She jokingly said that if she passed away, and I saw a penny that would be her saying hello. And as harsh as the drugs diseased my mothers outlook toward me, she had a way of bringing out a child like silliness, only mom knew how. I had to learn that ancestors will always find a way to communicate even beyond this life if we just stay open to their voices. The pennies were my mother's tangible mouth piece, sent through as cryptic messages from the ancestral realm. Admittedly, it took me some time to start listening when she would speak. I found myself asking so many questions, and being overwhelmed, not knowing what she was trying to communicate right away. I’m learning to intuit messages through dreams, in the pennies and the cowries she sends my way now. I feel like I can receive messages clearly now. I started collecting pennies again like I did as a child, but this time I offer them to mama and her penny bowl on my ancestral altar. This episode is a 30 minute dialogue highlighting what would've been, Shirley Ann Berrys 61st celestial birthday. How I discover new ways to celebrate her life. This year she communicated more than others. She visited my dreams months leading up to her birthday. She kept asking me to bring her flowers. I totally dismissed that she was buried at Fernwood. I never wanted to visit her there, but I realize that it wasn’t about me. She needed me to be there for her. I had a difficult time finding her plot. I tearfully asked her for signs out loud. One by one, she sent the birds, then the bumblebees, leading me right on top of her unmarked grave. Where her bones lay bare, part of the earth beneath. I came bearing gifts of flowers, cowries, and cotton bulbs . Ethereal how Mamas teachings grow me still. Shirley teaches me to never be numb to life, pain and triumph. Shirley loved red. Shirley said that I am destined for greatness. Shirley said that she will always help me to be greater, no matter dead or alive. What a courageous blush Shirley is. What an honor to celebrate my first human example, my mother, my ancestor. Enjoy this sweet story time ya'll, as I reflect on grief, loss, tragedy and triumph. The warmth and healing my mom brings to my life keeps my world from standing still. Ase’O! Warmest, Gracie
Apr 25, 202329:31
Down by the Riverside

Down by the Riverside

My deepest gratitude to Esu’ for keeping our Ase' Affirmations safe on this beautiful voyage. 

Blessings to the 62 people including myself that left Ase’ Affirmations to our ancestors in that bowl, know that your ancestors got your messages long before this moment, I just ushered them out into the universe from an Ifa perspective. Y’all dope! 

After walking for hours in the woods, meeting a tree ancestor with a sweet face, and encountering a mob of racist white people only to make it safely to the creek area, to be blessed by all the elements and the sound of Afrikan drums in the distance (like seriously during the moment I started the live video lol)! Copy my Blogs link below to see the LIVE VIDEO and to read in more detail about my journey:

 Listen to all the divinely guided twists and turns in this unedited, interactive conversation between me and my folks at PAVAA Gallery. Shout out to Dumas, Gerri, and Teetos for their contribution! Ase’O, TheeAmazingGrace

Jul 11, 202232:31
He Gifted Us Galaxies, Brut & Cinnamon: The Fragrance of Jean Michel's King Pleasure

He Gifted Us Galaxies, Brut & Cinnamon: The Fragrance of Jean Michel's King Pleasure

He left us galaxies and treasures of information y'all! Jean Michel Basquiat's King Pleasure was an INCREDIBLE working of one families example on what healing Black, healing generational trauma and legacy looks like. I’ll share more in depth in a Blog post on my blog spot at later, but Jean Michel's existence through his art was the anchor to change in his family, community and entire world. How intentional his father was at keeping his sons legacy alive through how well he handled his sons estate since his passing in 1988. How the entire family worked together to share an intimate glimpse into the window of their families past to bring forth the current exhibit. It brought me childlike joy to take my mom on an ancestral mommy daughter date for what would've been her 60th birthday to see King Pleasure. Ya'll gotta get to NYC to go see it! Fyi: There were no vaccine or mask mandates. Also, if you can pay the extra to skip the line, its totally worth it. All of the posters to commemorate the event were sold out, but the venue was well thought out in terms of time and space. We had plenty of room to move about and plenty of time to explore. ABSOLUTELY AN INCREDIBLE DAY! 

May 03, 202240:56
Share Yo Damn Gifts

Share Yo Damn Gifts

Share yo damn gifts 

Just because a thousand people have similar gifts to you doesn’t invalidate your gifts. That’s the beauty about being an individual, the way you birth an idea into the world is not going to be the same as an another person, so share yo damn gifts! The world needs them just as much as you need to share them. 

Apr 04, 202206:25
Just gettin started

Just gettin started

Just messing around. Getting my feet wet and voice acclimated to the podcast vibration. Here goes something. Thanks for your patience.
Apr 04, 202207:56