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The Love Where You Are Podcast

The Love Where You Are Podcast

By Somer Colbert

Equipping Christian Moms to embrace their season, live life on mission and share Jesus right where they are!

Like a weekly coffee date with the girls, Somer and her guests come together to ask the hard questions, have honest conversations and dive deep into God’s Word.

Her heart is to equip and encourage Moms who are seeking to model an authentic Christian walk for their families while also making an impact for the kingdom through love in action wherever God has them in their current season of life.

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There is Purpose in the Pain with Jen Roland Part 1

The Love Where You Are PodcastJul 09, 2021

Love Where You Are: How to Change the World One Blessing at a Time with Becky Kopitzke

Love Where You Are: How to Change the World One Blessing at a Time with Becky Kopitzke

We have been enjoying some fantastic conversations to encourage listeners to break out of the typical and frustrating cycle of New Year’s resolutions and instead shift their mindset and focus toward being present and loving others right where they are.

Closing us out today is author, speaker, and writing coach - Becky Kopitzke!

In addition to her writing and speaking, Becky is the co-founder of Ministry to Business, helping Christian communicators to generate recurring income from digital products so they can make a bigger difference in people’s lives.

In her latest release, Love Because, readers will discover the courage and inspiration to live the joy of Christ every day and change the world one blessing at a time.

This conversation with Becky was an absolute joy as we talked about how to love on purpose with a purpose, enjoying the mundane moments rather than living for the emotional highs and the reality of under spent treasures.

Becky will share about:

  • how to build your blessing toolbox
  • the 4 P’s of Blessing your family and
  • the importance of loving and blessing those who aren’t like you

This conversation will have you laughing one minute and hit you with some serious truth the next.

Connect with Becky at or on Instagram and grab your copy of Love, Because HERE!

Connect with Somer on Facebook, Instagram @somercolbert and at!


We are in a season of division and the lines between the believer and the nonbeliever are becoming clearer and more divisive and I still believe the Bible calls and tells us to love across those lines

To out bless means to look beyond ourselves and to love other people the way they need to be loved

Love on purpose, for a purpose

Identify what is preventing us from loving people well

There are so many distractions right now that cause us to think inward

I’m going to reward myself with life for doing the work - let me reward myself with the people I love

I’m called by the Lord to do the work but I’m also called by the Lord to rest and enjoy my family

Drop it and Do It mantra

Life is that thing that happens while you’re working toward goals

The Rich Young Ruler - Matthew 19:16-22

What is it you treasure most that you’re not allowing God to utilize?

Recognizing that that’s an area where it’s difficult for me to give the Lord access, it’s probably where I’m going to find the most opportunity to bless other people

Detours can be God’s course

Building Your Blessing Toolbox:

  1. Remain on the vine
  2. Start with your Jerusalem (family)
  3. No blessing is too small
  4. Be a cheerleader, use your words for encouragement
  5. Play the right tapes (run the Truth through your head)
  6. Forgive quickly
  7. Show the real you
  8. Take care of yourself

If you burn yourself out you are useless to the cause of loving other people

4 P’s of Blessing Your Family:

  1. Presence
  2. Possessions
  3. Perspective (are we looking at other humans as being created by God?)
  4. Prayer

View people as believers and pre-believers - everyone has potential to hear and come to God and therefore, they are worthy of our time and effort

Prayer should be our daily, hourly, minute by minute habit.

What is one thing you can do today to bless one person? Do it!

Jan 31, 202240:37
Love Where You Are: Rock the Season You Are In with Courtnaye Richard

Love Where You Are: Rock the Season You Are In with Courtnaye Richard

As Christian women, we wear many hats and carry a variety of responsibilities based on our calling and season of life. 

No matter what we are doing, we are certainly busy and, let’s be honest, we struggle to balance our activities well while also staying rested, fueled and ready to pour out.

How can we effectively love where we are if we are uncertain of our calling?

What if we are just too tired and weary and don't know where to start?

How can we keep a healthy balance between doing and resting?

Joining me on the show today is author, speaker and life coach, Courtnaye Richard.

Courtnaye Richard is the founder of Inside Out with Courtnaye, a ministry that helps women grow in Christ, while equipping them for their calling. She is an author, contributing writer for and YouVersion. Her blog, Inside Out with Courtnaye reaches thousands of women across the globe!

In today’s conversation we are going to answer these questions and dive into:

  • Partnering with the Lord in all of our endeavors
  • How to identify our calling
  • Taking a “day-cay”
  • The importance of being present

This was such an encouraging conversation and I am excited to have you tuning in today!

Connect with Courtnaye on Facebook, Instagram and at

Connect with Somer on Facebook, Instagram and at


Make spending time with God non-negotiable

Take your rest and get ready to get up because you’ve got work to do

Be about the Father’s business

Ways to rest:

  • Take a break from social media
  • Read
  • Rest your body

When you are refreshed you are ready to refresh others

What can we do together, Lord?

Jesus - I came to do the will of my Father

Do what you can where you are

Be present where you are and grow where you are

Cultivate your gifts

Take the time to prepare for the next season God has for you

Know your season and rock the season you are in!

If we despise the season we are in we are not going to experience the growth God wants for us

How to identify your calling:

What are you passionate about?

What gets you up in the morning?

What keeps you up at night?

What are you passionate about and get to it!

We don’t want to do what we want to do, we want to do what He’s calling me to do

Some things God calls us to are exciting and some things are hard


Begin studying

God is faithful to give you whatever you need to carry out what He’s calling you to do

Go on a day-cay!

Love the people in front of you

1 John 3:18

Jan 24, 202227:35
Embracing Awkward Moments for the Sake of the Gospel with Becky Keife

Embracing Awkward Moments for the Sake of the Gospel with Becky Keife

Today we are continuing our brand new series on the show to kick off 2022 called - Love Where You Are…

Last week I shared a conversation with Amy Debruque and we spoke about this idea of beginning the new year, not with the typical resolutions but with a renewed mindset to truly see and love others right where we are, wherever God has us.

Today I am excited to welcome Community Manager for (in)Courage and author Becky Keife back to the podcast to discuss this topic further.

Becky’s new book release, The Simple Difference - How Every Small Kindness Makes A Big Impact shares practical advice and real life stories of what it looks like to embrace the awkward and reach out to people for the sake of the gospel.

I love Becky’s heart for keeping it real as she calls out the truth that we all make snap judgments and tend to steer clear of the uncomfortable.

But as we discuss in today’s episode, in order to be effective at kingdom work…

- We have to be prepared to step into messy and uncomfortable places

- We have to be willing to be inconvenienced.

- We have to be willing to give of our most precious commodity – TIME

Thanks for tuning in to today's episode!

We'd love to hear from you!

Connect with Becky on Instagram and grab a copy of The Simple Difference HERE

Connect with Somer on Facebook, Instagram and be sure to join her email list for weekly updates and resources!


We have to be prepared to step into messy and uncomfortable places, we have to be willing to be inconvenienced and we have to be willing to give of our most precious commodity, which is time.

We have to be honest, we make snap judgements

“What if we’re supposed to be the answer to our prayer?”

The outward appearance does not tell the whole story

It’s time to embrace the awkward because we will never regret being kind

The treasure is found in our obedience

We are wired to advocate for self, protect self and elevate self - we live in a “me first” society

If the Holy Spirit is prompting me to do something, I am responsible for my obedience and God is responsible for the outcome.

I’m willing to be awkward for the sake of the gospel

“Be where your feet are”

God, I want you to be reflected in my everyday life starting at home

What would happen if our words and actions dripped with kindness instead of irritation?

Rather than trying to balance it all, ask God to help you to prioritize that next thing God wants you to do

Being salt and light isn’t an extra thing on our to-do list, it’s the lens through which we see our whole lives

As I go on my way, Lord, have your way with me

Jan 17, 202238:33
Love Where You Are: The Importance of Seeing Others with Amy Debruque

Love Where You Are: The Importance of Seeing Others with Amy Debruque

As we begin the new year, we are all accustomed to resolutions and self-improvement - they’re pretty much expected, right?

This might look like a Bible reading plan, an eating plan, an exercise plan or a word for the year.

But what do we see so much of the time?

We commit early on and then the reality of the new year sets in with its busyness and distractions and we get a few weeks in and before we know it, haven’t held to our commitments like we hoped. I have certainly been there myself.

All of these things are good that I mentioned but so much of the time we see this focus on self, really, to make ourselves feel better about life and the new year...etc.

But as I was praying about how to begin season two of this podcast, I starting thinking:

What if we purpose to begin the new year with a resolve to think outside of ourselves and really apply this idea of loving where we are - as Jesus did?

Joining me to help kick off this new series is my friend, author and speaker Amy Debruque!

Today we are going to discuss the importance of slowing down in order to look up, what it looks like to truly see others around us and ways we can meet their needs specifically and accordingly in response to God's effect, love where we are.

Connect with Amy on Facebook, Instagram and at - Order a copy of Embolden HERE!

Connect with Somer on Facebook, Instagram and at


Sometimes our goals can create blinders because we are so focused on our own goals, our needs and our wants

You can’t see somebody if you never look up

Set your stuff aside that you think is important and be the hands and feet

We can always be too busy

You have opportunity for interaction and relationship everywhere you go

God wants us to be able to relate to people in a way that brings glory to His name and points others to Christ

Luke 10:25-37

It’s easy to overlook that person that you feel like isn’t significant enough to propel you to the next level

Every person is worth stopping for

You can make a difference even when you are in the trenches yourself

Just pay attention

The chain reaction of the hands and feet of Christ

When we’re out of certain seasons we can forget what it felt like to be there

Simple gestures

It doesn’t take much to be seen but if we don’t look up it is easy to miss

How much are we willing to let go to put someone else first?

Lord, help me to see others to show them You see them.

Jan 10, 202249:05
Lies the Enemy Speaks to the Hearts of Your Kids with Charity Rios

Lies the Enemy Speaks to the Hearts of Your Kids with Charity Rios

We have spent the last 12 weeks identifying and calling out the lies the enemy speaks to YOU - the hearts of moms. We’ve countered each lie with the Truth of scripture and encouraged you to embrace the incredible role you’ve been given as biblical steward over the lives of your children.

Now - what about the lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of your kids?

If you’re anything like me, you can handle a little attack here and there but when the enemy messes with your babies - LOOK OUT!

If you’re thinking - how and where do I even begin teaching my kids about something that I am still battling myself - this episode is for you!

Today I am joined by author and speaker, Charity Rios. Charity is here to share today about her latest book release; My Heart’s Garden - a picture book and workbook designed for parents and kids to equip them to identify and battle against the lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of children.

I absolutely loved this conversation with Charity as we discussed:

The 4 step process of teaching your kids to tend their hearts and identify the lies of the enemy

How to teach our kids about the enemy without scaring them

How to identify what she calls “heart flags” and what it means to become a student of your children

How to give permission for constant conversation with your kids and an open door to guide them as they grow and learn to hear God’s voice and lean into His comforting presence as they encounter life’s challenges, both little and big. 

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook and at

Connect with Charity on Instagram and grab your copy of My Heart's Garden at 


The enemy is ruthless attacking the core of our children’s identity

Common lies the enemy speaks to the hearts of our kids:



Your kids struggles are not your failures

Model for our kids and teach them how to talk to God and give Him their pain, their fears and their disappointments

We’re all learning how to hear His voice and access Him more

Speak life into your kids

Show them as a Mom that the place you go to for comfort is God.

I tell my kids satan is real, I don’t water it down, but I don’t give him power.

The enemy does not play nice

The 4 R’s - the process of teaching your kids to tend their hearts and identify lies the enemy speaks to them...





If it aligns with scripture, the character of God and if it is encouraging - it is from God

Scripture is a solid place we can stand even when our feelings are not lining up

While my intentions and my heart for my children is good, God’s is better.

Nov 29, 202153:47
Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to be Super-Mom with Lisa Clark

Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to be Super-Mom with Lisa Clark

Super mom. Who is she? Does she exist? And is she worth emulating?

Today’s hustle culture creates a never ending hamster wheel that can very quickly fill our days with rushing from one thing to the next and add pressure for us and our kids to find our identities in what we do and not who we are.

Pretty soon we find ourselves and our families worn out, stressed out and living life waiting for the next break instead of soaking up the mundane moments that build the culture and character of our family.

And all because we wanted to be super mom and do the things the world defines as super!

How can we, as Christian moms, find balance in 'all the things' and still cultivate a God-centered culture in our homes and within our families?

Here to speak to this topic with me this week on the podcast is author, speaker and podcaster - Lisa Clark!

Lisa co-hosts both The Wonder podcast and Raising Sinners podcast with our friends over at Christian Parenting where she encourages Moms weekly to raise their children by God’s Word.

We’re going to talk about the “crazy lady” behind the super mom facade, how to establish what is negotiable and non-negotiable for your family’s schedule, embracing our average kids and so much more!

Lisa Clark is the author of Raising Sinners and co-hosts both The Wonder podcast and Raising Sinners podcast with our friends over at Christian Parenting where she encourages Moms weekly in all things Biblical parenting. She loves studying God’s word and imparting wisdom on women of all ages. Lisa lives in the Dallas/Ft. Worth area with her husband and enjoys time with her two grown daughters and 6 grandchildren.

Learn more about Lisa at and on Instagram!

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook and at


Our kids need love, tenderness, devotion, discipline, structure

We have the best intentions but super mom does not exist - and if she does, she’s exhausted, she’s anxious, she’s tired and she really is missing out on those mundane moments of the day. Those mundane moments of the day are where memories are made.

There is nothing in scripture that encourages us to hustle.

We need to understand that we are the vessel that God is using to get to His children, to bring His children back to Him.

List the negotiables and the non-negotiables in your life and see what you can cut out

We are passing the baton of faith

Make a list...

Things I’m doing to prepare my child for eternity vs. Things I’m doing to prepare my child for life - which one is more full?

80% of our children are leaving the faith when they leave home

I believe that is because those 80% don’t know who they are

Look outside of what your child is doing and focus on who they are

Deuteronomy 6

If we’re relying on the church to teach our children, we’ve missed the mark.

If we’re relying on a Christian school to our children, we’ve missed the mark.

1 Corinthians 10:31

The tipping point happens when it becomes the children’s identity…

It’s our job as moms and dads to de-program our kids from the messages of who the world says they are

It’s the struggle that keeps us on our knees

If we’re “good” we don’t need a whole lot of God

Nov 19, 202155:56
Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to Be Perfect or I'm Going to Mess Up My Kids with Sarah Wood

Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to Be Perfect or I'm Going to Mess Up My Kids with Sarah Wood

Today’s topic is one that can easily keep moms spinning, striving and ultimately worn down.

Yep - we are taking on the lie: I have to be perfect or I’m going to mess up my kids.

Every mom’s greatest fear! Why?

Our Momma hearts have a deep desire to do well and to be confident that we are, in fact, good moms who are doing a good job with our kids. We want to look back on our motherhood journey and know that we did what was pleasing to the Lord by raising little disciples who, ideally, become adults living out their lives with kingdom purpose. So naturally, this is an area the enemy is going to attack because he knows if it is important to us, we can be found vulnerable.

Here to speak to this topic with me today is writer, speaker and editor in Chief of Mom Mentor - Sarah Wood and friend, you are going to love this conversation with Sarah as she and I dive into the real life struggles, the mom fails and the lessons we’ve learned so far in our motherhood journeys as it pertains to perfectionism.

Sarah will share how her experiences have helped her to grow as a mom and as a believer and offer you practical steps to encourage and get your started in silencing this lie and replace it with Truth about your identity, your mission and purpose!

Connect with Sarah on Instagram and at

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook and at

Get this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE!


The enemy knows, if it is important to us - we can be found vulnerable.

What exactly does perfect mean and how are we defining that?

I find that it’s not about perfectionism, it’s about control.

We have to realize as moms that we are stewards, we’re not puppet masters.

Because it’s God’s plan for their lives, not our plans for their lives.

It’s not up to us, it’s up to God. - audio clip

We cannot impose our identity and self worth on our children and their behavior

The minute we do that, it places this terrible millstone around their neck.

We often take a snapshot of what our child is struggling with and project it through their entire life.

God is the perfect Father but look at His children.

2 Timothy 3:3-6

I was really trying to modify behavior and not change the heart.

I wanted that behavior modification because I wanted to look good.

I wanted to have that appearance that I was a good mom, that I had it all under control, that I was doing things the right way.

I had to get with the Lord and have Him root out that false foundation I had placed my identity on.

If my child acts up that does not mean I am a bad mom, that does not mean that I’m a failure, that does not mean that I am doing things wrong.

What is my child’s poor behavior teaching me?

Sometimes when we say no, that means we are a good mom.

As moms we are cultivating character. It’s not about cultivating an image, it’s about cultivating character.

2 Timothy 1:6-7

  1. Think about what you’re thinking about.
  2. Call it out and bring it into the light.
  3. Write it down and find a verse that will combat the lie.
  4. Get to work - keeping speaking God’s Truth over yourself

Lies are not only meant to discourage, they are meant to distract and take you off course.

Nov 12, 202151:29
Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to Justify My Actions as a Christian Mom with Misty Phillip

Lies Good Moms Believe: I Have to Justify My Actions as a Christian Mom with Misty Phillip

We are called to be set apart, salt and light and difference makers but how can we do that if we are blending in with the crowd? 

We’ve been so conditioned as a society and even within the Christian community to avoid offense, follow the crowd and keep the peace. And yet now, more than ever, Mommas are answering a call to action and stepping out and making choices for their kids and their families that go completely against "the norm". This leaves a lot of people asking “why” and can create pressure for moms to feel like they need to prove their stance or justify their choices to a world who might attack these choices or simply not understand.

Author, speaker, host of the By His Grace podcast and founder of Spark Media, Misty Phillip, is no stranger to stepping out and doing things against the norm and that is why I am excited for you to hear from her today.

My heart for you, dear listener, is to give you a new sense of confidence, resolve and boldness you didn’t know you had to go out and combat a world that is unapologetically seeking the destruction of our kids, our families and ultimately, our faith.

God has given you everything you need to be the mother of your children. Your only task is to seek and trust Him as you disciple your children. 

Today, Misty and I will unpack issues like social pressure, mom-shaming and why it is so important now, more than ever, for Christian parents to stand out against and live life differently!

Connect with Misty at, or on Instagram and Facebook @mistyphillip

Connect with Somer at or on Instagram @somercolbert

Download this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide!


The enemy has only a few tactics - he comes to discourage, to distract us, to think of anything other than the Lord

This lie is so effective because it is condemning

He (the enemy) uses the same tactics, it just manifests in different ways

Philippians 4:8 is a good filter to use when these thoughts come into our minds

If it’s a condemning thought - it’s not true

Take our thoughts captive and line them up with the Truth of scripture

Be the gatekeeper of our minds so we don’t dwell on it because then it becomes sin

What are we filling our minds with?

We have to be intentional with the choices we make

God gave us these children as gifts and that’s because He thinks we’re the one for the job

My family looks exactly the way God intended it to look

God is faithful to give us what we need when we focus on Him and that is why it is so important that we extinguish those lies

We have to be infused with the Word so the Word comes out of us.

If the Word is not in us the Word will not come out of us

The first step is understanding that we are in a battle

We have to fight for our kids hearts and minds and continually pouring into them

The more I had to make different choices the more it emboldened me

We have to change what we’re doing as a society because so many kids are walking away from their faith

Drop the facade that everything is perfect and ok

Surrounding yourself with a loving community is a game changer

When we’re isolated we’re more susceptible to those mind games the enemy plays

Have “God-fidence” knowing God has entrusted us to be the parents of our children and He will give us the wisdom we need to parent each child in the way we need

If you see mom-shaming, stop it, confront it and gently correct

God has given us everything we need to do our jobs as moms

God has us and our little disciples here “for such a time as this”

Proverbs 3:5-6

There’s peace in your decision making when you are trusting in Him


Nov 05, 202140:27
Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Take Care of Myself with Rachael Gilbert

Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Take Care of Myself with Rachael Gilbert

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend, author and speaker and host of Real Talk with Rachael, Rachael Gilbert, to take on a key lie the enemy uses to attack the hearts of Moms and really, all women.

The lie: I’m just too busy to take care of myself

Motherhood is hard on your body, your mind and your spirit because, honestly, it is just a demanding role that God gives us.

As busy moms we are prone to serve everyone around us and place our own care at the back of the line. We kinda can’t help it, it’s how God wired us as caregivers and overseers of our homes and families. But we also know when warning signs creep in through short tempers, lowered immune systems and burnout - that my friend is when it’s time to re-evaluate.

The Lord designed us for this hard work called motherhood but sometimes we just need the reminder that He desires a healthy balance of service and rest.

Today, Rachael and I want to call out the lies the enemy whispers to keep you frantic and exhausted and point you back to the Truth of God’s heart and His Word and give you practical steps to care for your temple, your heart and your mental health.

Connect with Rachael at and on Instagram!

Connect with Somer at, on Instagram or check out the Ahavah Community private Facebook Group!

To download this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide, click HERE!


You’re not alone in this struggle - the enemy loves to isolate us and make us think we are the only one struggling

When I’m wrestling with a lie of any sort, I always want to get to the root of where did the lie come from and does it have any validity.

You might have a root lie that I’m not enough or worthy -  it really comes down to a value issue, what do we see as valuable and what does God see as valuable

Mom’s have such a servant heart.

It is noble at the end of the day that the first ball we are willing to drop is our own

Warning signals:

Numbing out - shutting out all of your feelings

Health falling apart

Snapping at your kids

Change in libido

When you no longer love the things you used to


Check in: How’s your heart?

Am I numbing out?

Is my heart sad?

Follow the peace, not the pressure

The world puts pressure on us, but let’s be honest, we put pressure on ourselves too.

When you are letting pressure guide your decisions, you will experience anxiety

Following the peace doesn’t always look like an easy decision, sometimes it’s the harder decision.

You can have peace when making a hard choice.

Self care has gotten a bad wrap because we think it’s supposed to look the same for everyone.

Your thoughts affect your feelings and your feelings affect your behavior

So if the enemy can mess with my thoughts, he gets to mess with my feelings and my behaviors or my actions.

Our body is a temple to be taken care of, not an idol to be worshipped

When we actually steward our temple well, not only do we get the benefits of the fruit that’s produced, but our family does as well because we feel better.

You are a daughter of the Most High God and He cares about all of the things you are going through. Not only does He care but He is here to set you free!

Oct 29, 202138:10
Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Pray with Sarah Keeling

Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Pray with Sarah Keeling

All throughout scripture we are taught the importance of prayer and communicating with God and yet, I haven’t met a mom yet who has this practice down the way she would like. Every mom I talk to truly desires more time in prayer but I often hear them sharing that they are defeated and discouraged by a lack of time, life’s constant distractions and feeling completely inadequate.

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend, author and speaker, Sarah Keeling to take on a key lie the enemy uses to attack the hearts of Moms.

The lie: I’m just too busy to pray

Sarah and I want to encourage you to take on the enemy and this lie with a battle plan straight from God’s Word and show you His purpose and design for prayer, His heart behind it and give you practical and guilt free steps to get you started.

Connect with Sarah at her website and on Instagram

Grab a copy of Psalm Prayers for Kids HERE!

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook and at

Grab your FREE download of this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE!


Moms feel like they have to have tons of uninterrupted time - and we don’t

Sometimes we have too much on our mental plate

Praying the Bible - Donald S. Whitney

Satan wants us to stay stuck, anxious and disconnected

We know Biblical prayer is our weapon

“Prayer is the power that wields the weapon of the Word.” - John Piper

If we don’t spend time in prayer we try to do things in our own strength.

We’re so much more powerful when we’re surrendered to God.

Prayer is our only offensive weapon when you look at the armor of God

The Screwtape Letters - C.S. Lewis

It’s ideal to have your own quiet time with God, but if you can’t, it’s ok to do it with your kids too. That doesn’t disqualify that time with God.

Keep the tiny humans alive and point them to Jesus

Every day that we’re alive is a battle for our family and for our kids.

The enemy is going to do everything he can to break down your family and prevent you from being an effective discipler of your kids.

We can’t afford NOT to pray. You can’t win the battle without the weapon.

We can’t hear God if we are drowning in all the noise.

Prayer is a discipline and a practice. Disciple means learner. It takes practice to be still.

There are so many expectations on moms and none of them are realistic.

There’s so much freedom in asking for help.

Really think about what is preventing you from praying?

James 4:8 - Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.

Matthew 6

Start simple.

Find an easy method to pray scripture.

God is not looking at you with judgement and condemnation when you come back to Him.

Kick your shame to the curb. God doesn’t deal in shame.

Every time our seasons change, we have to adjust.

Oct 22, 202141:44
Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Read the Bible with Natalia Drumm

Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Just Too Busy To Read the Bible with Natalia Drumm

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend, Bible Teacher, author of Girlfriends in the Word and host of the Girlfriends in the Word podcast, Natalia Drumm.

I am so excited to share this discussion with you today as Natalia and I take on the lie: I’m Just Too Busy To Read the Bible!

Natalia’s passion is to help make Bible study encouraging, understandable and sustainable for every woman in every season of life.

As busy moms, it is a given that it is a battle to find time to spend in God’s Word and yet we know, as Christians, that time in God’s Word is the single most important use of our time next to prayer.

Each season of life presents new challenges that compete for our time and attention that can draw us away from reading our Bibles on a daily basis. Add in the expectations set by both ourselves and Christian culture and you will find some pretty discouraged Mamas feeling shame and condemnation when those expectations are not met.

Natalia and I are here today to talk openly and honestly about the struggle...because, yes Mama, it is real. We’re going to give practical tips to free you of those expectations leading to condemnation and encourage you to get back to the most important reason we read God’s Word - relationship.

Connect with Natalia on Instagram and at to check out her Bible study resources mentioned today.

Connect with Somer on Instagram and Facebook @somercolbert and at 

Download this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE!


The enemy knows that if we are in our Bibles and we are getting God’s Word, God’s Word is getting into us and it will absolutely transform everything we touch.

God’s Word is power and the enemy doesn't want us to have power.

Satan is crafty, not creative.

The enemy gives us just enough truth to discourage us but not enough truth to get us where we need to be.

In the race to be best we’ve lost what’s good.

As Christian women, we are getting a lot of noise from all different directions and somewhere in that we’ve lost wisdom.

Church and our relationship with God has essentially become something we check off a list and we wonder why we struggle on Monday through Saturday.

We’ve given up responsibility of fueling our souls to the pastors in the pulpit.

Deuteronomy 6:4-9 - when you want to know what God wants from you, read this passage

As you are out doing the things, that’s how you make disciples.

Whether you are sitting in a laundry room or a board room, God is calling us to love Him with everything that we have and that works out in our day to day, mundane everyday life.

We all have the same 24 hours. How we choose to steward that time is a different story.

​​Let’s not lose sight of the fact that it’s simple… but it’s hard to accomplish

We get scared when things get hard, but we have to remember that God made us to do these hard and holy things

We are not too weak a women that we can’t accomplish this.

When God calls us to abide in Him and He calls us to spend time with Him and He wants to build this relationship with us, He’s not asking for something we can’t do. It just becomes an issue of prioritizing what we want to do.

Christianity is not for the faint in heart and it is not for the weak in spirit.

I am not responsible to multiply what God is doing. I am just responsible to show up.

God has assigned me this season, this period of time, because I am the girl for the job. He’s given it to me. He trusts me with it. So how can I give it back to the Master?

Oct 15, 202136:06
Lies Good Moms Believe: Growth Should Happen Quickly with Sarah Philpott

Lies Good Moms Believe: Growth Should Happen Quickly with Sarah Philpott

As busy Moms, we often find ourselves in a survival mindset rather than a growth mindset. We have good intentions to plant those good seeds and cultivate fertile soil in the hearts of our children and within ourselves, yet too often we despise seasons of growth as we seek quick fixes and fast results.

The enemy waits to plant lies into our minds that we are responsible for every aspect of growth in our children’s lives and if we don’t see it, we must be doing something wrong.

Through this honest discussion today, author Sarah Philpott is going to share practical tips and Biblical encouragement as it relates to the growth journey.

Grab a copy of Sarah's new book releasing October 12th, The Growing Season HERE!

Connect with Sarah by going to or on Instagram

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook or at

Download this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE!


We are trying to quick solve our issues instead of trusting the Lord

The lie the growth must happen quickly comes when we as mothers think we are in control when really we are not. We are caretakers of these children’s lives.

The greater challenge of motherhood is the release and the understanding the role of stewardship rather than control.

We want quick fixes and we don’t like when things are uncomfortable.

We have to realize that we are doing is so important and we will see the growth

I do believe that the enemy tries to steal our joy throughout motherhood when we just need to be able to realize that our work is important.

We have to be able to see our trials as opportunities for growth

If we believe these lies, we are going to just wallow in this pit of despair

You can deliver a sucker punch to the enemy when you choose joy

Our kids are not problems to be solved or issues to be fixed. They are lives to steward.

“This is the day the Lord has made, I WILL rejoice and be glad in it.” - Psalm 118:24

Stop and look around you and find what is joyful.

We are going to be such better mothers when we abide.

When the enemy tries to whisper those lies, redirect your mind and say: “No! I am a good mother. I am loving my children. I am a child of God.”

Give yourself a checklist that you know you can accomplish

As moms, we are part of this planting and watering but ultimately it is God who gives the growth and we can rest assured, we can have that faith that God is in all of this and it is all going to be ok.

Oct 08, 202137:58
Lies I Believed in Broken Places with Author Bonnie Gray

Lies I Believed in Broken Places with Author Bonnie Gray

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend, Author and Host of the Breathe: The Stress Less podcast, Bonnie Gray.

Bonnie writes regularly for DaySpring’s (in)courage and is the author of Whispers of Rest, Finding Spiritual Whitespace and today, we are going to be talking about her latest release: Sweet Like Jasmine - A memoir sharing her story as the daughter of a mail order bride, abandoned by her father at the age of 7 to be raised by her toxic and abusive mother.

Bonnie’s real life story is beautifully told like a novel that will have you turning page after page and I can’t wait for you to hear from her today as she speaks to the lies she battled as a result of her upbringing.

Join me for this special episode as Bonnie shares her story, excerpts from her new book release and offers encouragement to the Mom who comes from broken places.

In this episode, Bonnie discusses lies she believed such as:

You cannot be sad. 

No one is going to help you. 

You have to do everything on your own.

Nobody wants to hear your story. Nobody can relate to it.

Don’t talk about how lonely you feel.

There are parts of me I need to cut off, shut down and not talk about.

You can connect with Bonnie on Instagram @thebonniegray and at her website:

Grab a copy of Sweet Like Jasmine and the FREE audio book by going to

You can connect with Somer on Instagram and Facebook @somercolbert and her website:

FAVORITE TAKEAWAYS from Today's Episode:

We need a safe place to confide in God and in each other.

2 Corinthians 2:14-15

How can we share the fragrance of God’s love? It’s when we share our weaknesses.

The world’s view of triumph: I’m looking beautiful, awesome and nothings wrong and I’m always positive and always strong.

He completes you using things you already have.

I was serving in the church so I didn’t want anyone to think I was broken

I realized it wasn’t shameful that I was having anxiety and panic attacks, it was because I’ve been strong.

It’s not about just being from broken families - every woman has a different story.

Even though you’ve experienced brokenness, it doesn’t disqualify you from being a good mom.

Oct 01, 202101:02:18
Lies Good Moms Believe: "I Am Not Enough" with Cynthia Yanof

Lies Good Moms Believe: "I Am Not Enough" with Cynthia Yanof

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend from Christian, author and host of the Pardon the Mess podcast, Cynthia Yanof, and we are here to take on a very important lie the enemy speaks to the hearts of every single Mom - and quite frankly, every single woman regardless of your parenting status.

The lie is: I Am Not Enough

When I surveyed my readers and listeners in preparing for this podcast series, this lie was by far the one I heard most. It is a lie that gets us right where we are weak and vulnerable because, let’s face it, we struggled with this lie before we were moms, before we were wives, and even before we were grown!

There is a reason why this lie is so common and so effective and today, Cynthia and I are going to tackle this lie head on and give you some practical advice, scripture to lean into and share some real life battle scars of our own as we continue facing this lie in our own lives.

Get ready, sister. This conversation will have you laughing and shouting “me too” as you listen but it will also give you the tools you need to defeat this lie in your own life.

You can connect with Cynthia on Instagram, her website: and don't miss the Pardon the Mess podcast! 

Grab your copy of Joyful, Patient, Faithful: A Parent's Prayer Journal for the 2021-2022 School Year by clicking HERE!

You can connect with Somer on Instagram and Facebook 

Grab your copy of this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE


The enemy tailor makes the lies he speaks to us

If we realize his motives, we can get angry in a healthy way and stand against his lies

Two ways we respond to his lies:

  1. Paralysis - we step out
  2. Step in too much - we chase after things that aren’t necessarily God’s plan for our kids

Find perfect peace in God’s sovereignty over your parenting

Our best parenting comes when we are chasing after the Lord

“Don’t be afraid of failing. Be afraid of succeeding at the wrong things.” - Francis Chan

Why do we agree with the enemy’s lies?

  1. We feel overlooked

1 John 2:20

I’m not overlooked - I’m anointed

  1. We feel disqualified

Know how to repent and know your identity

We don’t have to have this idea that we should have already achieved this perfection as a mom, as soon as we become a mom.

Let’s not compare, let’s model after.

Guard who you allow to speak into your parenting

Everyone has an opinion - that’s overwhelming and that starts a comparison game.

Don’t reject teachable moments because you are threatened by another’s perceived perfection.

Esther 4:14 - “Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”

If our impact wasn’t significant, the enemy wouldn’t go after it.

Wherever you are feeling “not good enough” - remember, He is raising up good in those places

Sit in God’s Word and sit in the truth of your anointing

Sep 24, 202138:34
Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Fighting a Losing Battle with Trudy Lonesky

Lies Good Moms Believe: I'm Fighting a Losing Battle with Trudy Lonesky

In today’s episode I am joined by my friend, author and host of the Kingdom Mamas Podcast, Trudy Lonesky, to take on a very important lie the enemy speaks to the hearts of Moms.

The lie is: I’m Fighting A Losing Battle - the world’s influence is greater than mine - and here’s why we are discussing this topic today...

The enemy’s pursuit of the misleading and destruction of our children, I believe, is worse than ever before. With countless outside influences speaking conflicting messages into their hearts and minds, how can Christian Moms stay ahead of the game and maintain godly influence over their children’s lives?

Take heart, Mama, you are bolder, stronger and more capable than you can possibly imagine and today, Trudy and I want to encourage and empower you to take on the enemy with a battle plan straight from God’s Word.

You can connect with Trudy on Instagram and Facebook and be sure to listen to the Kingdom Mamas podcast!

You can connect with Somer on Instagram and Facebook - and be sure to download this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide HERE!

Favorite Takeaways and Scriptures Referenced in today's episode:

Ephesians 6:12

Whatever is precious to God is precious to the enemy

The enemy wants nothing more than to take the identities of our children and to lie to them on the daily and to turn them away from God because, let’s face it, we are raising the next generation of disciples. So we have to stand firm and rebuke these lies.

The enemy wants nothing more than to disconnect the family unit and that foundation that we are creating in our children to create Christ followers.

John 10:10

He wants nothing more than to keep our children from spreading the gospel and being a light in this dark world

He wants this world to be dark and noisy and he wants it to be confusing for them

Operate in an Ephesians 6 mindset

If we stand as a victim, we are not actively creating “God-fidence” = God confidence

Are we looking for worldly valuation or are we looking to scripture?

Our thought life is powerful

Phillipians 4:8 Is it true, noble, kind, praiseworthy? If it’s not, it’s not of God and it has to go.

Let’s take a step back from what’s being said to you - if’ its not, it’s not God breathed.

Let’s disconnect from that and let’s hold on to Truth.

God says I’m chosen, God says I’m set apart, God says that He has plans and a future for me.

Romans 12:2 - Do not conform to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind

It’s time to stand out through the way that we live our lives.

Bark technology

Pinwheel phone

We are spiritual guardians over our children from the time they are entrusted to us

Declarations of prayer over your child:

This child is covered by the blood of Christ

The plans of the enemy will not prosper against this child

I will loose and bind any spirit that comes against this child

This soul must be so precious because both God and the enemy are after it

The Word is our weapon

Jesus countered everything the enemy said with God’s Word

Psalm 91 - insert your child’s name in that passage

Proverbs 3:5-6

Jeremiah 29:11

The Blessing - by Kari Jobe

You Version Bible App 


Sep 17, 202144:18
Lies Good Moms Believe: "Someone Else Can Do A Better Job Than Me" with Becky Keife

Lies Good Moms Believe: "Someone Else Can Do A Better Job Than Me" with Becky Keife

We are in a series called Lies Good Moms Believe and today we are taking on the lie: “someone else could do a better job than me”.

This was a topic that came about as a result of a survey I did with my readers and listeners and this lie was one that really stood out to me, because, as I got to thinking about it, I believe is an unspoken battle for many moms, right? 

This lie speaks shame, failure, inadequacy and a questioning of God’s sovereignty - ultimately, to agree with this lie is to confess out loud that we don’t believe that God got it right when He made us the mother of our kids...and what a dangerous lie to agree with!

In today’s episode we are taking on this lie and joining me in this discussion, is Author, speaker and Community Manager for Dayspring’s (in)courage - Becky Keife! 

Becky is the author of multiple books and Bible studies including, “No Better Mom for the Job” and her latest release: The Simple Difference.

Get ready for some honest talk from two Mamas just doing our best and trusting God to do the rest!

Connect with Somer on Instagram, Facebook and Sign up for this week's Lies Good Moms Believe Prayer Guide!

Connect with Becky on Instagram and at and check out her books: No Better Mom for the Job and The Simple Difference!


Because we care so much, we are faced with our own inadequacies

Today we have an extra layer of struggle living in the social media age where we see a highlight reel of other people’s lives

Sometimes we don’t realize we are living under this blanket of inadequacy and shame

Learn to study your child and yourself and set boundaries that set you up for success

I’m going to fail my child

I’m not going to be what they need

What if what I have to give is not enough for what is needed?

When we’re stuck in this lie, we are stuck in our own lack. When we are focused on our lack we are not looking to rely on God’s power and that’s what the enemy stands to gain by convincing us this (lie) is true.

Deuteronomy 31:8

We need to be fully reliant on God in order to steward these lives well.

Do I trust God or do I believe He made a mistake in pairing me and my sons together?

Just because it’s hard doesn’t mean I’m doing it wrong

Just because I feel like I’m not cut out for it doesn’t mean God made a mistake - there is a plan and a purpose for this journey.

As I am helping my kids grow up, God is helping me grow too.

God is going to use your relationship with your kids as an opportunity for your own growth

  1. Be honest with God. He can handle your doubts, your pain, your frustration, your fears. As women, we often don’t realize how much we are holding in. Journal, go on walks, get it out in order to be able to hold more.
  2. Philippians 1:6 - the One who began a good work in you...Friend, your story is not over - God is continuing to do a good work in you!
Sep 10, 202145:48
Lies Good Moms Believe: You Are "Just" A Mom with Cheri Fletcher

Lies Good Moms Believe: You Are "Just" A Mom with Cheri Fletcher

Welcome to my new series, LIES GOOD MOMS BELIEVE!

Over the next 12 weeks I am going to be joined by some amazing guests, and together we are going to dedicate each episode to calling out a common lie the enemy speaks to the hearts of Moms. 

Today's guest is writer, speaker and host of the Your Spiritual Game Plan podcast, Cheri Fletcher!

We’re going to measure each lie against the truth of scripture, offer you some practical advice and Biblical encouragement through discussion and then end our time with a simple but powerful prayer to equip you to take these lies head on whenever they try and sneak their way into your mind.

Notice I am calling this series Lies GOOD Moms Believe because I want to point out that we all struggle with feeling like we are not good moms at one time or another. My goal throughout this series is to encourage you that you are, in fact, a good mom and you are in good company, Momma.

I believe the enemy knows we are all vulnerable in this area and he delights in hammering us with doubt, guilt, regret, fear - all in the form of complete and total lies. and that is why I am passionate about encouraging women to recognize the lies the enemy speaks to them so that they can call it out and put it in its right and proper place which is squashed under the authority of God.

Here’s the thing we have to remember: The enemy knows we cannot be effective for the gospel both in and outside of our homes if we are bogged down by or agreeing with the lies the enemy feeds us.

And that’s his plan. To derail, distract and disable us from making a difference for the kingdom of God as wives, moms, employees, volunteers - in whatever role He has given us to fulfill.

So over these next few moments, can I challenge you to turn off all distractions and really dive into our time together? I believe God has a word for you, to empower you to begin to identify when the enemy speaks lies to your Momma heart and to shut him down with all the authority He gives you through Christ Jesus.

Connect with Somer on Facebook, Instagram and at - SUBSCRIBE to my e-mail list and receive the weekly prayer downloads!

Connect with Cheri on Facebook, Instagram and at and be sure to check out Your Spiritual Game Plan podcast!


  1. The enemy hates us
  2. He is seeking to trip us up and derail us from our mission
  3. He lies to us constantly in order to achieve that

When we end up dropping the ball, the enemy is there to remind you “you are nothing more than…”

The enemy was able to entire her (Eve) with wanting to be more than she already was and believing she wasn’t who God wanted her to be after all. Once he could get that thought into her mind, she took care of the rest on her own.

God has a PLAN for you and the enemy has a PLOT against you.

The enemy wasn’t created in God’s image and he can’t create.

We are made in God’s image and we can create.

Just = nothing more than VS Just = exactly what I need

Ephesians 2:10 

John 10:10 

What the enemy says is true, but it’s not THE TRUTH

We’re in a battle whether we choose to acknowledge it or not.

We’re in a battle whether we choose to be a part of it or not.

The only way I can find victory is to claim it every day.

Fight the battle but also keep the mission in mind

Sep 03, 202137:36
Girl - It's Just You and Jesus: A Reintroduction to Mary

Girl - It's Just You and Jesus: A Reintroduction to Mary

Today’s episode will close us out of this 4 week series, Assumptions - A Reintroduction to Familiar Women in the Bible. 

I don’t know about you, but I love to watch movies! It’s one of my favorite things to be able to cuddle up with a blanket, my dogs and a favorite snack and be transported into someone else’s world and story for a while.

One of the things that really drives me crazy is when a story has no resolve at the drives me nuts because I want to know what happens or if the characters finally get together or get justice or whatever the plot line might be! But, it keeps me thinking…and that’s the point.

The story of Martha and Mary is just such a story.

Luke chapter 10 gives us the setting, the characters, the conflict and the climax but NO resolve!

It’s as though verse 42 leaves us with the intense orchestral soundtrack and a close up of Jesus’ face followed by Martha’s face, she opens her mouth to respond and CUT to a black screen...roll credits! Agh!

We don’t know if Martha settled down and sat beside her sister, Mary, allowing Jesus to resume His teaching. We don’t know if she stormed off and begrudgingly continued her preparations and continued to miss the point. We don’t know if she later gave Mary the cold shoulder with frustration and jealousy in her heart over what had transpired.

We hope the best for Martha but we only know where the story ends - which is Jesus highlighting Mary’s choice as “good” and insisting it would not be taken from her.

So like my unresolved movie, this should encourage us to keep thinking after we’ve read this passage.

Join me as I close out this series with the story of Mary!

And hey! I'd love to connect with you! You can find me hanging out over on Instagram, in the Ahavah Facebook Community and of course, through weekly e-mail!

If you'd like to download this week's free resource, 5 Lessons I Learned from the Story of Mary, click HERE!


Luke 10:38-42 - I used The Message translation.

We get irritated with her because her (Mary) right choice just highlights our poor choice over and over again - and we don’t like the accountability that brings our way sometimes when we are in a place in our lives where we are insecure and our heart is not teachable. The hard truth is, oftentimes We get on Mary because her choice makes us uncomfortable and insecure when we don’t do the same.

Martha prioritized perfection over presence.

With Mary, we clearly see the opposite.

She prioritized presence over perfection and she was praised for her choice.

There will always be something to do.

There will always be needs that need to be met

You don’t have to do things FOR God, just sit WITH GOD and His presence in you will abundantly spill over to all of the other relationships in your life.

Jesus said: “Mary has chosen what is better and it will not be taken from her”

Her reward was the result of her rhythm.

Jesus was trying to teach Martha and all of us who read His word, the simplest and yet most difficult task for us, is to be still.

Ps. 46:10 “Be still and know that I am God.”

Jesus isn’t worried about our tasks and to-do’s for Him, He simply desires relationship.

He knows that out of that relationship comes trust that leads to healthy and easy to recognize right steps for our lives.

When He is our main focus, everything else falls into place.

Our priorities are correctly aligned

Our actions are honoring to Him

Our purpose is clear.

Aug 30, 202118:51
Judged by a Snapshot - Assumptions Series: A Reintroduction to Martha

Judged by a Snapshot - Assumptions Series: A Reintroduction to Martha

This week we are diving into the life of Martha. Yep, you know her. The one who was worried about many things. The one who missed out on Jesus teaching in her own living room.

Martha gets a bad wrap for being distracted, snappy with Jesus and ultimately for missing the big picture.

But, I want to sift through her story today and really try to place ourselves in her shoes, understand her perspective and get to the heart of her reactive behavior. .

I relate to Martha on so many levels.  How about you?

Her story mirrors so much of our daily lives as busy Christian women who are both eager to serve and desperate for a genuine relationship with Jesus.

Today I want to help you to see Martha with fresh eyes and see not only her heart, but also Jesus’ heart behind his famous rebuke we know all too well.

Are you ready to meet this woman all over again?

And hey! I'd love to connect with you! You can find me hanging out over on Instagram, in the Ahavah Facebook Community and of course, through weekly e-mail!

If you'd like to download this week's free resource, 5 Lessons I Learned from the Story of Martha, click HERE!


Luke 10:38-42 - I used The Message translation.

If I’m not careful and don’t keep myself in check, I’m already exhausted before the first guest arrives. My tank is already empty and I have little to nothing left to give my guests in the way of conversation, attention and true fellowship.

As women in the church, we have been hammered - and yes I say hammered - with her story for years because it is easy to get stuck on her mistake and miss her heart behind her reaction.

We judge her because she “missed it” but how many times do we miss our opportunities to sit with Jesus each and every day?

How many of us would like to be judged for the brief snapshots people see when you lose it?

Martha had a big heart and she cared so much about getting it all just right for Jesus that she ended up missing the mark and snapping under pressure.

Your relationship with Jesus is not just another relationship in your life that you have to prove anything to or do anything to earn His love...maybe this was the heart behind Martha’s frenzy - we don’t really know but it’s a relatable thought - how many times do we feel we need to earn or maintain Jesus’ love for us through the way we perform or accomplish our tasks in life?

Whatever  responsibilities you’re carrying. Whatever expectations you’ve set. Whatever frustrations you have. Whatever you think you have to do to hear Him say, “well done, good and faithful servant” - know this - one thing is essential/absolutely necessary - not a list of things, one thing: sit in His presence sweet friend.

Aug 20, 202121:20
We All See Her: A Reintroduction to the Samaritan Woman

We All See Her: A Reintroduction to the Samaritan Woman

This week I am diving into the life of the Samaritan woman or as some of you know her, the woman at the well. I’ve heard this story many times before but throughout this series I am reminded that God’s word is living and active and God is always ready to give fresh insight as we devote time to really study it.  And so as I have spent time in this woman’s story I have been reintroduced to her in a whole new way and after today’s episode, I pray you will feel the same!

So, grab your Bible, your favorite cup of coffee and join me as I share 5 lessons I have learned from the life of the Samaritan woman.

And hey! I'd love to connect with you! You can find me hanging out over on Instagram, in the Ahavah Facebook Community and of course, through weekly e-mail

If you'd like to download this week's free resource, 5 Lessons I Learned from the Life of the Samaritan Woman, click HERE!


John 4:1-26

Galatians 5:22

Assumptions: When you take one look at somebody, decide who they are and choose to discount their story.

People living in blatant sin are all around us, and like the Samaritan woman, they too need a radical encounter with Jesus.

We have an opportunity each and every day to facilitate and experience “well moments” with those closest to us and those we encounter as we go about our daily lives.

Never despise the mundane because life changing moments can happen anywhere at any time!

Jesus is willing to meet you in uncomfortable places

Jesus is willing to sift through the ugly in order to reach your heart

Look outside of what is comfortable and be willing to truly “see” people in their mess and sin and be Jesus to them

Aug 16, 202116:19
Too Perfect for Our Comfort: A Reintroduction to the Proverbs 31 Woman

Too Perfect for Our Comfort: A Reintroduction to the Proverbs 31 Woman

If you’ve been a believer and reader of God’s word for any length of time, people in the Bible can become familiar to you in such a way that you might tend to overlook their story - I know I have. The Bible is clear that it is living and active, God’s Way of speaking to us daily, reminding us of His love for us and of our mission and purpose.

Over the next four episodes I want to dive into scripture and reintroduce you to 4 very familiar women in the Bible. You know them well, you’ve heard their stories over and over. But what if you’ve missed something? What if you’ve just made up our mind about them and missed out on a chance to know them a little bit better?

In today's episode I want to begin with a woman we are all too familiar with if you’ve spent any time in scripture at all. 

She is one that we have a really hard time relating to, often feel threatened by and quickly dismiss.

She’s the standard we’re told to pursue. The one who can do it all. Always together, Always on her game, always one step ahead and her husband, children and the community praise her for it.

Will you meet the Proverbs 31 woman with me all over again? 

I'd love to connect with you!  You can find me on Facebook, Instagram or sign up for my weekly newsletter with all of the latest podcast episodes, devotionals for busy moms and free downloadable resources.

To Download this week's FREE Resource: The 2021 Proverbs 31 Woman, click HERE!

Favorite Takeaways:

If the enemy can feed the lies of our assumptions about others and ourselves, he can keep us from connecting with others in the body of Christ

Assumptions, simply put, are when we take one look at somebody, decide who they are and choose to discount their story.

You can determine a lot about someone by observing the rhythm of their life.

Let’s be honest for a moment: We make assumptions about the Proverbs 31 woman because she conflicts with our struggles of inadequacy and performance mindset. She’s just too perfect for our comfort.

Titus 2:3-4 “In the same way, older women are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not slaves to excessive drinking. They are to teach what is good, so that they may encourage the young women to love their husbands and to love their children.”

Our lives are not supposed to look exactly like hers - we don’t need to match her tasks. We are all on our own journey with our own assignments from God.

You’re not so different from this Biblical super woman after all!

Aug 09, 202124:20
How Busy Christian Moms Can Have a 15 Minute Date with God

How Busy Christian Moms Can Have a 15 Minute Date with God

As Christian women we want to have a healthy and growing relationship with God, right? Just like any other relationship, that means we need to spend time with Him.  And yet, life keeps us so busy, distracted and never feeling like we are getting it right when it comes to spending time with God. The struggle is real and time never seems to be on our side. Can I get an amen?!

In today’s episode, I am speaking with author, speaker and Executive Director of Hooks2Crook, Candice Reyes about How Busy Christian Moms Can Have a 15 Minute Date with God.

You will walk away equipped with 3 easy steps to help you begin spending time with God confidently and consistently each and every day, learn what it looks like to have a “date” with God and be encouraged to truly get to know the One who loves and pursues relationship with you.

You can connect with Candice at and on Facebook.

To get your copy of Candice’s latest book: Awake My Soul - 3 Ways to Ignite Your Relationship with God click HERE!

As promised, click HERE for this week’s FREE download: Simple Steps to Start Reading God’s Word Today!

You can connect with Somer at, Instagram or in my private Facebook community!

Thanks so much for listening today!


God created us to have community and fellowship and it’s for our good.

The difference between a testimony and a story. The story is all about me. But a testimony is all about Him

He doesn't call the equipped, He equips the called.

I would not have been able to step out in obedience without having gotten to know who God truly is.

“All I want is for you to have Me on your mind” - God

You don’t have to be a scholar to understand what God is saying to you

There is a difference between studying God’s Word to teach out of the overflow and then there is studying God’s Word to give God the opportunity to pour back into us, to fill us.

If we learn how much He loves us, then we won’t be ashamed when we approach Him

Mommy needs her “Jesus time”

The best way to start loving where you are is to spend time with the One who put you there

Jul 30, 202139:39
How Busy Moms Can Love Where They Are

How Busy Moms Can Love Where They Are

Every season of motherhood is busy, full of demands and oftentimes, very challenging. It can be so easy to find ourselves in survival mode and just hoping for the next season where, surely, things will be easier, right? But what happens when we spend our current season wishing it away and waiting for the next? We miss precious moments and precious lessons.  

Join me for this candid conversation for moms with the host of the Creating Confidence podcast, Gloria Guadron as we unpack the topic of How Busy Moms Can Love Where They Are.

We will answer questions like:

What does it mean for moms to truly love where they are in their current season? 

What if I don’t love my season? 

What does it look like to love your season regardless of your circumstances? 

The answers to these questions are different for each of us as we walk our individual journeys but the heart of our mission is the same and that’s what we want to encourage you in today.

Thanks so much for listening! Let's connect on Facebook and Instagram

As a "thank you" for listening, I would like to offer you my latest free resource - Click to get the Self Care Strategy Every Christian Woman Needs Today Teaching Bundle!


Satan attacks our motherhood because he is threatened by the impact we have with on children

Learn to devalue those perfect images on social media

It is not your circumstances that are keeping you from loving your season, your mindset about your circumstances is.

Be aware of your expectations

You can plan, but plan loosely.

It’s important that we don’t miss the journey trying to look ahead and the lessons we learn along the way

Nothing has taught me more about my walk with the Lord than being a parent

If you’re walking with the Lord it can be a sweet season even in the hardest of circumstances.

I can walk in His abundance right now - If His presence is with you, which it is if you are a Christ follower, that’s all the abundance you need.

Be transformed by the renewing of your mind - Romans 12:2

Choose your thoughts

Motherhood is a drink offering and moms must come back to be filled daily, some days hourly….

Deuteronomy 6 = your lifestyle, not an event

God is calling us back to simplicity.

It is a life well lived when you are loving your family well, when you are walking with Jesus and you are serving where He has you.

God calls us to start with what we have

Jul 23, 202135:38
There is Purpose in the Pain with Jen Roland Part 2

There is Purpose in the Pain with Jen Roland Part 2

Join me for part 2 of this powerful discussion with writer, speaker and coach, Jen Roland as we continue our conversation, There is Purpose in the Pain, and discuss the importance of maintaining our identity outside of our circumstances, how God feels about our grief, the ministry of presence and how to love and serve others through the ministry of hospitality.

Be sure to check outJen's upcoming workshops:

July 15th Workshop (at 3 pm & 8 pm EST): Identifying Spheres of Personal Control & Surrendering the Rest
Link for more information and to register:

July 29th Workshop (at 8 pm EST): Natural Methods for Pain Management
Link for more information and to register:

For Somer's latest FREE teaching bundle, go to and be sure to connect on Facebook in the Ahavah Community Group and on Instagram @somercolbert

My Favorite Takeaways:

What if God didn’t give this to you as a punishment? What if God gave you this to draw you closer to Him?

Psalm 77 - shifting our focus away from our problems back to God’s faithfulness and how He’s brought us through in the past, it can actually dissolve our anger

Our laments can be a pathway to praise - God wants to hear them

God has encouraged me to remember - remember his faithfulness and how He has brought me through

God gives value to the grief process

It’s not the pain, its the mindset

Romans 12:1-2

There is an eternal purpose to our pain

It’s healthy to grieve, it’s healthy to feel anger we just have to bring those feelings to God in a state of brokenness because when we bring our anger to God in a state of brokenness He uses it for healing but when we don’t do that, it can turn into bitterness and resentment that can then keep us in that pit of depression and anxiety

Our greatest ministries are born out of our deepest pain

Jul 16, 202129:02
There is Purpose in the Pain with Jen Roland Part 1

There is Purpose in the Pain with Jen Roland Part 1

Jen was a healthy mom with a loving family and a thriving career teaching others about the importance of health and then she received a diagnosis that would change her life and her ministry forever. 

Join me for this powerful discussion with writer, speaker and coach, Jen Roland as she shares her story of chronic pain, how she learned to shift her mindset and the impact of sharing her struggles with the world in this, part of 1 of our conversation titled, There is Purpose in the Pain.

Jen's upcoming workshops:

July 15th Workshop (at 3 pm & 8 pm EST): Identifying Spheres of Personal Control & Surrendering the Rest
Link for more information and to register:

July 29th Workshop (at 8 pm EST): Natural Methods for Pain Management
Link for more information and to register:

For Somer's latest FREE teaching bundle, go to and be sure to connect on Facebook in the Ahavah Community Group and on Instagram @somercolbert


Even though I felt loved, I still felt alone

To think ahead just fuels anxiety

It’s definitely been a lesson in just taking thoughts captive and really focusing on what’s true, pure and praiseworthy and really focusing on God’s promises instead of the ‘what-if’s’ that may never materialize

Don’t grieve losses that haven’t yet happened 

Surrender the things that I couldn’t control and that’s where God’s strength really came through

Knowing that God was with me, He was for me and THIS was His plan and He was going to use it for good and opening my eyes to see His provision in the midst of it

Our dysfunction does not define us, it is just a part of our story

If you really want to impress someone you talk about your successes, but if you really want to impact and connect with them you talk about where you are struggling or where your weaknesses are.

It’s our shared brokenness that actually really bonds us together and also unites us with God

Knowing the end of the story makes it possible to have strength and perseverance in the midst of the hardest parts of it because we know where its going and we can trust that He is going to use it for good.

God has something for us on every single page of our story

Are you going to allow adversity to chisel and shape you into the image of Christ or are you going to flee from it?

Pain isn’t the stronghold - the way you’re thinking about pain is the stronghold.

Pain wasn’t something I could control but my thoughts were.

I was blaming the pain when it was my mindset that needed the shift

Jul 09, 202135:27
Encouragement for the Heart of the Fearful Mom with Shay Sizer Mason

Encouragement for the Heart of the Fearful Mom with Shay Sizer Mason

Sometimes we can get so caught up in our identity as mothers that we forget that we are first children of our Heavenly Father. No matter their age, we carry the weight of our children's happiness, safety and success which can oftentimes lead us into a place of fear and ultimately, weariness.

Join me as I speak with author, Shay Sizer Mason, as she shares the story of her own battle with fear, how she learned to release control and ultimately rediscover her identity in Christ.

We will discuss the different ways we can respond to fear, how to find strength to persevere through the most difficult of situations and why it is important to find our identity in Christ alone plus Shay's new book release, Rest for the Weary: Finding Freedom from Fear in the Heart of the Father.

Grab your copy of Shay's new book wherever books are sold or visit her website: Connect with Shay on Facebook @shay.mason and Instagram @shaysmason

Check out my latest FREE resource at and connect with me on Facebook in the Ahavah Community Group and on Instagram @somercolbert


When fear comes in and we don’t trust God to take control and we try to control everything ourselves, it goes into a very ugly place.

Fear is a silent struggle. Do not struggle alone anymore!

We end up being more hurtful to our kids and not caring for them in the way that we really want to and not being the mom we really want to be because we are so overwhelmed with our fear.

If I had known that there really was a place where I could rest, that my heart could find rest back when I was struggling with this I think I would have responded to a lot of things differently. And there is this sense of grief, like “Lord, if I’d only known” but He’s so good and He redeems all of those things and He restores what’s been lost.

I loved my son so fiercely that I was too fierce

God has our children in His hands and we are stewards but we’re not the ultimate say so, you know, God still directs their paths

We can’t punish ourselves for not knowing what we didn’t know but we still do

God doesn’t make mistakes when He gives us children - those children are meant for us despite our shortcomings, despite our failures, despite our mess ups.

I took an unhealthy heart desire and I transferred that into my parenting and thought, now I have to be the best parent, and that is not a good way to parent. It didn’t take me long until I hit that wall where I’m like, I don’t know who I am, I don’t know what I’m doing, I’m not worth anything to anyone. I really had an identity crisis.

It’s a good thing to get to an identity crisis because that’s where the Lord can start to come in and speak into some of those lies.

I knew in my head that He loved me, I knew a lot of scripture, I crammed a lot of scripture into my head and I was waiting for it to drop to my heart.

What we all really need is to allow our Heavenly Father to come in and provide the things that we lack. The comfort, the nurture, the things that allow us to know that we’re safe. To know that we’re loved. That we are precious daughters of a Father who loves us more than anything. It’s that heart understanding of the depth of that love that really brings the healing.

Ask God: Lord, where does my heart need to be touched?

Jul 02, 202146:31
Inviting Jesus into Your Motherhood Journey

Inviting Jesus into Your Motherhood Journey

We want to do all the things and be all the things that our children need. We also struggle with the busy demands of life and a deep desire to sit at the feet of our Savior. Do we have to give up one for the other? What does it look like to balance our time with the Lord while also meeting the daily needs of those most precious to us? How can we serve Jesus through the way we love our kids? Join me and be encouraged as I discuss these questions and more with blogger, speaker and Author of "Draw Near", Monika Kirkland!

Links from today's conversation:

To find out more about Monika's Soul Detox, head to 

Connect with Monika on Instagram @monikakirkland 

To get Somer's Self Care teaching bundle, head to 

Connect with Somer on Instagram @somercolbert or @somercolbertwriter on Facebook!


Inviting God into my mothering journey

We don’t just meet God on Sunday morning - He’s with us all throughout our week in every moment. He is with you in the preschool drop off line, He is with you when you are folding laundry, He is with you when you’re doing dishes.

Partnership with the Lord in all those little moments 

Take a moment to just ground yourself in the presence of the Lord and invite Him in to whatever it is that you are doing

Pause and take a moment to thank God for the ways He has brought you through

It’s not about anything we do, it’s about what has been done for us - we get to rest in the grace and the love of Jesus

We don’t have to strive, we don’t have to earn, we don’t have to wear busyness like a badge of honor - we get to just rest in God’s presence

It is so easy to compare our season to someone else’s season

If you are in a season where you just have to clear everything off your plate, rest and remain and steward your family and steward motherhood - I challenge you to not compare to other people who are in a different season - that’s just where the enemy loves to attack - he has you looking at what everyone else is doing and feeling like you don’t measure up

The truth is, I am not enough on my own, I am only enough by His grace and His power

Simple is sustainable

I was making it about the doing instead of about the resting in His presence

If you’re not taking care of your soul, you are going to be spiritually malnourished

What are those simple ways that you can simply nourish your soul

Let’s do our best to model for our kids what it looks like to be present with whoever you are with

Look at your child and partner with the Holy Spirit and ask Him - who did you make them to be? And then call that out and affirm it and speak it over their life because our words have so much power.

Speak life into your children

A little goes a long way. You don’t need to be too ambitious to where it’s not sustainable.

Life happens and we are weak vessels at times and we have to give ourselves grace and balance - if time with our kids becomes something that we think is just "one more thing" that we have to do at the end of the day then it just loses the heart behind it.

Jun 27, 202123:37
Motherhood and Ministry - You Don't Have to Choose!

Motherhood and Ministry - You Don't Have to Choose!

Motherhood is exhausting, refining and at times, even lonely. As busy moms, we find ourselves in "survival mode" and struggle with feelings of guilt for not savoring every moment. Add to that the extra burden we carry as Christian moms who deeply desire to live a life of ministry and make an impact for the kingdom, and you've got one worn out momma.

Join me as I speak with writer and Editor in Chief of Mom Mentor, Sarah Wood, as we discuss the importance of community for moms in all seasons, share wisdom women wish they had received before becoming a mom, redefine ministry for moms and encourage you to silence the common lies the enemy speaks to your momma heart.

Connect with Sarah on Instagram and be sure to check out Mom Mentor's new book, Mom Mentor: What Other Moms Never Told Me 

Connect with Somer on Instagram and grab her latest free resource: Self Care Strategy Every Christian Woman Needs Today (teaching video and workbook bundle) at

Show Notes:

Not everyone is going to mom like you do - the same like you’re not going to mom like everyone else - and that doesn’t mean that they’re better or worse.

There will be seasons where you have a lot more ministry inside of your home than outside of your home, however, I am always looking at “what is in my hand right now?”

People want to be seen, heard and loved.



Jun 18, 202151:24
How to Be a Happier Mom by Cultivating a Healthy Mindset

How to Be a Happier Mom by Cultivating a Healthy Mindset

The first documented attack from the enemy in scripture was against Eve. What did he attack? Her mind. He caused her to question the goodness of God and the truth of His word.

It's important to remember that the enemy's bag of tricks are the same now as they were at creation, but make no mistake, they are still highly effective.

This week we are going to be diving in to our mindset and our mission as Christian women.

Join me for this encouraging conversation with Mindset Coach, writer, speaker and host of the Vibrant Christian Living podcast, Alicia Michelle, as we discuss the importance of having a healthy mindset as Christian women, learn how to identify unhealthy thought patterns and share practical ways to renew our minds and silence the inner critic in our heads!

Find out more information on Alicia's Christian Mindset Makeover Bootcamp HERE 

To check out Alicia's free resources, go to her website or connect with her on Instagram!

For more resources from Somer at Ahavah in our Hearts Ministry, check out her website or connect with her on Instagram!

Thanks so much for tuning in today!

Jun 11, 202149:60
Emboldening You to Love Well with Amy Debruque
Jun 04, 202139:52
How to Love Well When You Are in a Season of Waiting
May 28, 202130:57
How to Love Well When You Have Lost Your Joy
May 21, 202136:41
How To Love Well When You Are Weary
May 14, 202121:50
How to Love Well When You Need Rest
May 07, 202138:51
How to Love Well When You Are Stuck in a Cycle of Busyness
Apr 30, 202147:17
How to Love Well When You Have Been Hurt
Apr 23, 202133:23
How Assumptions Hinder Us From Loving Well
Apr 16, 202137:38
How Anxiety Can Hinder Us From Loving Well
Apr 09, 202133:39