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Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones

Something Good with Dr. Ron Jones

By Something Good Radio

Something Good Radio features the Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Ron Jones, lead pastor of Atlantic Shores Baptist Church in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Ron is a pastor, author, discipleship coach, and radio broadcaster.
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Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 1

Something Good with Dr. Ron JonesMay 14, 2024

A Look Back at the Future, Part 2

A Look Back at the Future, Part 2

Centuries before the Roman Empire rose to prominence, God had already prophesied its eventual fall. Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter two, and to one of the most fascinating prophecies in the Bible. To the Babylonians, this was a future event. To you and me, it’s history. It’s a sobering reminder of God’s authority and sovereignty, and it comes your way next.  

May 31, 202424:58
A Look Back at the Future, Part 1

A Look Back at the Future, Part 1

Today, Ron takes us to Daniel chapter two, and to a critical moment in the life of both Daniel and the Babylonian empire. It’s a story about a dream, but more importantly, the interpretation of that dream, and the power of God to reveal the future to whomever He chooses. The series from Daniel 1-6 is called, “Standing Strong.” 

May 30, 202424:58
Character Under Pressure, Part 2

Character Under Pressure, Part 2

How can you show character under pressure? Find out next, on this Tuesday edition of Something Good. Well, Daniel was a man of high character, and it was put to the test by the King of Babylon. Today,, from Daniel chapter 2, we’ll find out how he responded, as Dr. Ron Jones as he continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong.”   

May 29, 202424:58
Character Under Pressure, Part 1

Character Under Pressure, Part 1

When enemies come against you or try to harm you, their actions reveal their character. They can also reveal your own. Well, it’s hard to get a good read on someone’s character until they face adversity. That’s when our true character is revealed. Today, Ron takes a look at what genuine, godly character looks like. 

May 28, 202424:58
Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 2

Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 2

During the time of Daniel the prophet, ancient Babylon was a depraved and godless culture. Not all that much different from our own. Sad words, but true words. America is becoming more godless by the day, more opposed to Jesus and His followers than ever before. How do we stand strong in the face of such great opposition? Answers come your way next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Standing Strong,” based on Daniel 1-6.  

May 27, 202424:58
Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 1

Standing Strong in a Godless Culture, Part 1

How can you be in the world but not of it? Well, you’ve joined us at the perfect time because today Ron begins his teaching series, “Standing Strong" from the book of Daniel. As believers in Christ, we’re called to be a light in an ever-darkening culture, to impact the world for Christ without conforming to the world’s image. Finding out how to do that is what this series is all about.  

May 24, 202424:58
Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Part 2

Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Part 2

In Revelation chapter three, Jesus has some strong words for the church at Laodicea. It has become dispassionate, distasteful, deceived, and dangerous. These are the earmarks of a lukewarm church. But as hopeless as that may sound, there is a remedy. Ron shares it with us today as he wraps us his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

May 23, 202424:58
Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Part 1

Laodicea: The Lukewarm Church, Part 1

Some people like their coffee steaming hot. Others prefer an iced latte. But almost no one likes it somewhere in between. In Revelation chapter three, we come across a church that was lukewarm, neither hot nor cold. What did Jesus say to this body of believers, and what can we learn from His admonition? Answers and insight come your way next, as Ron moves ahead with his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

May 22, 202424:58
Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 2

Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 2

In John ten, twenty-seven, Jesus said “My sheep hear My voice. I know them and they follow Me.” In Revelation chapter three, Jesus praises the church at Philadelphia for its faithfulness.  One of the rewards for that faithfulness is a deeper, more intimate walk with Christ, one in which you can hear His voice better than you otherwise might. Today, Ron points to three other blessings that come when we are faithful to God. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.

May 21, 202424:58
Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 1

Philadelphia: The Faithful Church, Part 1

It was a small church with little power or influence. Some would have called it insignificant. But Jesus paid them the highest of compliments. Of the seven churches to whom Jesus dictated letters in Revelation chapters two and three, the church at Philadelphia stands alone as the only one to receive no correction or criticism. What was it about this church that drew such high praise from Jesus. Stay with us now to find out, as Ron continues his series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3. 

May 20, 202424:58
Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 2

Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 2

In our vocation, in our relationships, and in our walk with Christ, experience very often leads to complacency. In Revelation chapter three, Jesus dictates a letter to the church at Sardis. Although the church had a good public reputation, the Lord knew most of its members had grown complacent. Sardis was a dead church, but as you’ll see today, the news wasn’t all bad. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

May 17, 202424:58
Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 1

Sardis: The Dead Church, Part 1

It may be nice to have a good public image. But ultimately, you’re not defined by what people think you are, but by what God says you are. The Testament church in Sardis had something of a good reputation. By all appearances, it was vibrant and alive. But Jesus saw through the façade and in Revelation chapter three He calls them a dead church. What did He mean by that proclamation? What are the traits of a lifeless church? Ron has answers next, as he continues his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.

May 16, 202424:58
Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 2

Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 2

In our last broadcast, Ron took us to Revelation chapter two and to the words Jesus said to the church at Thyatira. Ron has more to say on that subject coming up next, but he also shares a practical application, and a word of caution, for all of us who call ourselves believers in Christ. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.  

May 15, 202424:58
Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 1

Thyatira: The Corrupt Church, Part 1

In our lives, our homes, even our churches, things are not always what they seem. The church at Thyatira looked fine from the outside.  But something was lurking beneath the surface, and Jesus made it a point to confront it. First, He offers some kind and encouraging words about the things they had done well. But what Jesus says next may surprise you, and it’s definitely worth a listen. Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.

May 14, 202424:58
Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 2

Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 2

Today, Ron returns to the book of Revelation and a letter written to the church at Pergamum. They had begun to compromise the Word of God, and Jesus strongly admonished them. As you follow along today, see what similarities you may find between Pergamum and the church here in twenty-first-century America.  

May 13, 202424:58
Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 1

Pergamum: The Compromising Church, Part 1

Sometimes in life you have to compromise. In marriage. In friendship. On the job. But there’s a time to meet halfway, and a time to stand your ground. In the book of Revelation, the church at Pergamum had begun to compromise the Word of God. Its members encountered some false teaching, and they decided to go along, to get along. Today, Ron examines what Jesus had to say to them and how we can apply it to our own Christian experience.  

May 10, 202424:58
Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 2

Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 2

Here in America, the church has begun to suffer, if not outright persecution, at least some degree of prejudice. Might it get worse in our lifetime? The short answer is yes, the treatment of Bible-believing Christians here at home may very well grow worse in the coming years. With that in mind, Ron has three critical lessons to teach us today as he continues his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3.   

May 09, 202424:58
Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 1

Smyrna: The Persecuted Church, Part 1

Here in America, we hear the stories of Christians being persecuted or killed for their faith all over the world. Could something like that happen in the United States? Today, Ron takes us to the second of seven letters written to the churches in the book of Revelation. It’s a sobering letter to the church at Smyrna, telling them they are about to suffer great persecution for their faith. Could something like that ever take place here at home? Find out next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1-3. 

May 08, 202424:58
Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 2

Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 2

Love God. Love people. These two commandments comprise the entirety of God’s Law. The church at Ephesus was doing a lot of things right back in the First Century. This body of believers was committed to the truth of the Gospel, and they worked hard to share it with the world. But the Lord had one thing against them, and, as you’ll see today, it was a pretty big problem! Stay with us now as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready For His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3.  

May 07, 202424:58
Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 1

Ephesus: The Loveless Church, Part 1

If Jesus wrote a letter to your home church, what might He say? Today, Ron takes us to the book of Revelation, and to the first of seven letters to the seven churches in First Century Asia Minor. First on the list is the church at Ephesus, for which Jesus had both praise and criticism. As you follow along today, see if you find any similarities between the church at Ephesus, and the church you attend at home.  

May 06, 202424:58
The Glorified Jesus, Part 2

The Glorified Jesus, Part 2

Now, we see through a glass darkly, but then: face to face. The world got a glimpse of Jesus Christ two thousand years ago.  He was Divine but also fully human, and, for our sake, He temporarily emptied Himself of the full weight of His glory. But one day we will see Him as He truly is, the glorified Jesus coming in the clouds to set things right once and for all. Stay with us now as Ron continues his teaching series, “Ready for His Return,” based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3. 

May 03, 202425:58
The Glorified Jesus, Part 1

The Glorified Jesus, Part 1

No one knows the day or the hour in which Jesus Christ will return. But we’re closer to it now than we were yesterday! You know, the Bible tells us that Christ will return soon. Even two thousand years ago, in the book of Revelation, the Apostle John says the Lord’s Second Coming is near. Ron sheds some light on this seeming contradiction next, as he moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return.”  

May 02, 202424:58
The Blessed Hope, Part 2

The Blessed Hope, Part 2

All over the world, believers in Christ look forward to His future return. But between this day and that, we need to be going about the business of being ready for His return. How can we do it? Find out next, as Ron moves ahead in his teaching series, “Ready for His Return.”  

May 01, 202424:58
The Blessed Hope, Part 1

The Blessed Hope, Part 1

Right before He ascended into heaven, Jesus promised He would one day return. As believers in Christ, we look forward to that great and glorious day. We desire His return, we’re excited about it, the question is, are we ready for it? Over the next few weeks, Ron shows us what it looks like to be ready for the Lord’s Second Coming, as he shares his teaching series, “Ready For His Return, based on Revelation chapters 1 to 3.” 

Apr 30, 202424:58
Speaking Words of Wisdom, Part 2

Speaking Words of Wisdom, Part 2

Sticks and stones may break your bones, but words can crush your spirit.Great is the power of the human tongue. It can divide or unite, kill or give life.Today, Ron returns to the book of Proverbs to show us how we can use our tongues for good and not for evil, to build one another up instead of tearing one another down.

Apr 29, 202424:58
Speaking Words of Wisdom, Part 1

Speaking Words of Wisdom, Part 1

Did you know that twenty percent of the book of Proverbs is devoted to the human tongue? That’s how seriously God takes the words we say.They have the power to heal or to harm to comfort or to kill.Today on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones shares a few words about our words, as he continues his teaching series from the book of Proverbs, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”

Apr 26, 202424:58
Wisdom While You Work, Part 2

Wisdom While You Work, Part 2

What does your work ethic say about you? Are you a sluggard or an ant? Do you do what needs to be done on your own, or do you wait for someone to tell you to do it? God has a lot to say about the way we do what we do. And that’s where Ron takes us today as he continues his teaching series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.” 

Apr 25, 202424:58
Wisdom While You Work, Part 1

Wisdom While You Work, Part 1

Did you know that the old-fashioned American work ethic, the one we see all the way back in the eighteenth Century, was rooted in the pages of Scripture? It’s true, our founding fathers built America’s foundation on God’s Word, that includes the idea of rewarding people who were willing to work for what they had. Today, Ron will challenge you to take a good look at your own work ethic as he continues his teaching series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”  

Apr 24, 202424:58
Financially Wise and Otherwise, Part 2

Financially Wise and Otherwise, Part 2

Solomon was the wisest man who ever lived other than Jesus Christ. So if he has something to say about money management, it’s a good idea to listen. You may not know it, but Ron’s undergraduate degree is in financial planning. Today, he uses that knowledge, plus some wisdom from the book of Proverbs, to share what he calls the ten-ten-eighty financial plan.  

Apr 23, 202424:58
Financially Wise and Otherwise, Part 1

Financially Wise and Otherwise, Part 1

True wisdom comes from God and God alone. And if we heed it, it always leads to a healthier, more joyful life. Coming up next on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones takes us to the book of Proverbs to share some godly wisdom about our personal finances. 

Apr 22, 202424:58
A Father's Advice to His Son, Part 2

A Father's Advice to His Son, Part 2

Attention all parents, God has given you a special brand of wisdom and insight as it concerns your children. Do not shy away from sharing it. Throughout the book of Proverbs, Solomon trains his son to make wise decisions about the friends he chooses, about sexual purity, about money management, in short, about living life God’s way. The message is clear, we as parents have been charged with the task of passing along godly wisdom to the next generation.  

Apr 19, 202424:58
A Father's Advice to His Son, Part 1

A Father's Advice to His Son, Part 1

The book of Proverbs is designed to help believers in Christ grow in knowledge and wisdom, and then to take that wisdom and pass it down to the next generation. That’s what Solomon did for his son, and that’s where we’re headed next, as Ron continues his teaching series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”  

Apr 18, 202424:58
Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 4

Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 4

For the past few days here on Something Good, Ron has been looking at what the book of Proverbs says about sexual immorality. Along the way we’ve seen how slowly and subtly sexual temptation can lead to sexual sin, and if we’re not careful, sexual addiction. How can we avoid these issues? Find out next, as Ron continues his series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”

Apr 17, 202424:58
Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 3

Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 3

Sexual temptation seldom overtakes you all at once. It comes in stages, each one more dangerous than the one before. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones takes us through the stages of seduction, and reminds us that for anyone who is in Christ, there is always a way of escape. 

Apr 16, 202424:58
Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 2

Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 2

God created sex for two reasons, recreation and reproduction, and for two people, a man and his wife. Today, Ron takes us to the Old Testament book of Proverbs, both to remind us of God’s design for sex, and to warn us of the consequences of venturing outside His will. It’s all part of his continuing series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life,” and it comes your way next.  

Apr 15, 202424:58
Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 1

Making Wise Choices About Sex, Part 1

The world spends an awful lot of time talking about money and sex. As it happens, so does God. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones takes us directly to God’s Word, specifically the book of Proverbs, to give us God’s instruction regarding sexual intimacy, something the world has and continues to pervert.  

Apr 12, 202424:58
The Secrets of a Successful Life, Part 2

The Secrets of a Successful Life, Part 2

What’s true about our finances is true of life in general. Those who live the best lives are the ones who give their lives away. Coming your way next, Ron takes a look at what it means to live successfully in the area of our personal finances, as he continues his teaching series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life."

Apr 11, 202424:58
The Secrets of a Successful Life, Part 1

The Secrets of a Successful Life, Part 1

The world defines success in terms of individual achievement. But God’s ways are not our ways. Today, Ron continues his teaching series from the book of Proverbs, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.” As you follow along, pay special attention to the keys to living a successful life. These are practical steps, seemingly simple steps, but following them is not as easy as you might think.

Apr 10, 202424:58
The Hidden Treasures of Wisdom, Part 2

The Hidden Treasures of Wisdom, Part 2

Are you a treasure hunter? Are you willing to seek after godly wisdom with perseverance and passion? The Bible tells us that we will seek God and find Him if we seek Him with all our heart. Today, Ron reminds us of what the pursuit of wisdom looks like. It’s not always easy, but it’s always worth it. 

Apr 09, 202424:58
The Hidden Treasures of Wisdom, Part 1

The Hidden Treasures of Wisdom, Part 1

Coming up next on today’s edition of Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones takes us once again to the book of Proverbs to explain the true value of wisdom. Now wisdom isn’t as easy to find as your wallet or your car keys, it takes some hard work and perseverance. But the rewards of godly wisdom are well worth the sacrifice.  

Apr 08, 202424:58
Straight Talk for Mr. Smarty Pants, Part 2

Straight Talk for Mr. Smarty Pants, Part 2

The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. But a fool despises wisdom and instruction. In our last broadcast, Ron introduced us to Lady Wisdom. The book of Proverbs tells us we need to listen to lady wisdom, and respond to lady wisdom. But there are two more things we need to do with wisdom, and that’s where we pick it up today as Ron continues his series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”  

Apr 05, 202424:58
Straight Talk for Mr. Smarty Pants, Part 1

Straight Talk for Mr. Smarty Pants, Part 1

Do you remember the old E. F. Hutton commercials? When E. F. Hutton talks, people listen? Well, when Lady Wisdom talks, it’s a good idea to listen to her as well. Today, Ron takes us once again to the book of Proverbs as he continues his series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.” 

Apr 04, 202424:58
Choosing Friends Wisely, Part 2

Choosing Friends Wisely, Part 2

In our last broadcast, Ron took us to Proverbs chapter one to talk about the importance of choosing the right kind of friends, like-minded believers in Christ who can encourage us in our faith. As he continues the message today, he’ll tell us how to go about doing just that. 

Apr 03, 202424:58
Choosing Friends Wisely, Part 1

Choosing Friends Wisely, Part 1

There are good ideas, and God ideas. Good relationships, and God relationships. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones continues his teaching series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.” Along the way he’ll remind us that the enemy will often use other people, acquaintances, classmates, co-workers, even friends, to tempt us to go astray.  

Apr 02, 202424:58
The Beginning of Knowledge, Part 2

The Beginning of Knowledge, Part 2

Go to any bookstore in America, and you’ll find thousands of books filled with maxims, axioms and wise sayings. But not all proverbs are created equal. Coming your way next, Ron takes us to the preeminent source of wisdom, the Old Testament book of Proverbs, as he continues his series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”   

Apr 01, 202424:58
The Beginning of Knowledge, Part 1

The Beginning of Knowledge, Part 1

When Solomon wrote the book of Proverbs, he gave us a garden of wisdom, but he did so without the flowery speech. He was a champion of brevity, clarity and wisdom, and his writings give us practical advice on virtually every aspect of our day to day lives. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones begins an in-depth look at the book of Proverbs in his series, “Wise Sayings: Guidance For Everyday Life.”  

Apr 01, 202424:58
Warfare Prayer, Part 2

Warfare Prayer, Part 2

Did you know that your prayers could be hindered? Prayer can move mountains. But there are a handful of hindrances that can make your prayer life an uphill climb. Today, Ron covers these barriers to prayer next, as he wraps up his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory in Spiritual Warfare.” 

Mar 28, 202424:58
Warfare Prayer, Part 1

Warfare Prayer, Part 1

In Ephesians chapter six, the Apostle Paul tells us about the armor of God. There are six pieces in all, each uniquely crafted to help us win the invisible war with Satan. In just a few moments here on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones takes us to the end of Ephesians chapter six, to the point where we’re fully dressed and ready for battle, to explain the critical role prayer plays in holding everything together. Today’s message comes your way next. Stay with us now for Ron’s continuing series, “Armored: Dressed For Victory In Spiritual Warfare.” 

Mar 27, 202424:58
Putting On the Helmet of Salvation, Part 2

Putting On the Helmet of Salvation, Part 2

And be not conformed to the image of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Those words from Romans twelve, verse two, tell us that as our mind is renewed through time in God’s Word and in prayer, it has the power to transform us, and to prevent us from the enemies’ attempt to poison our minds with his lies. Ron has more next, as he continues his teaching series, “Armored: Dressed for Victory in Spiritual Warfare.”  

Mar 22, 202424:58
Putting On the Helmet of Salvation, Part 1

Putting On the Helmet of Salvation, Part 1

If you’re a believer in Christ, you’ve been given a sound mind. Satan knows this, but that doesn’t stop him from attacking our minds anyway. Today, on Something Good, Dr. Ron Jones introduces us to a critical piece of battle gear, one designed to protect our minds from the onslaught of enemy attacks.  

Mar 21, 202424:58