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Speaking of Sustainability - The Impact Show

Speaking of Sustainability - The Impact Show

By Powered by Ecochain

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway
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How to use Ecodesign to Stay Relevant in a Changing Market.

Speaking of Sustainability - The Impact ShowApr 28, 2022

Real vs. Fake Christmas Tree: Which is More Sustainable?
Dec 16, 202230:34
Sustainability tips from the world's first circular denim brand: MUD Jeans.

Sustainability tips from the world's first circular denim brand: MUD Jeans.

MUD jeans is considered a frontrunner in the sustainable fashion space by insiders and the public alike. But what really makes them such a standout in the industry?

To find out, we spoke to the man himself - Bert van Son the Founder and CEO of MUD Jeans. MUD Jeans being a client of Ecochain, we are very familiar with the measurement side of their sustainability, but we wanted to dig deeper. What do they do with this data and how do they operate sustainably?

In the episode:

  • What does it mean to be a truly sustainable fashion brand?
  • You can’t do it all at once, but where do you start?
  • How to use environmental data to back up your sustainability claims;
  • Why sustainable product design has to be integrated into the business strategy;
  • How can you overcome the financial challenges of being a sustainable fashion brand.

And take a closer look at MUD Jeans sustainability journey via our case study and their 2021 sustainability report.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Nov 23, 202225:14
Energy Crisis: How to lower your company’s energy bill & environmental impact

Energy Crisis: How to lower your company’s energy bill & environmental impact

Nov 09, 202222:31
What on Earth is a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA)?
Oct 18, 202229:20
The two types of data in LCA - A Short Introduction

The two types of data in LCA - A Short Introduction

To make an LCA you first need DATA on your product(s). But what kind of data, often comes up in the conversation. In this podcast episode, we will go through the two main types of data - primary and secondary data. And what's the difference between them in LCA?

So what kind of data do you actually need to make a Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of your products? Think of the energy usage for your manufacturing and waste processes, data on your purchased & used raw materials, etc. Much data can be found in your own finance or purchase department. But with supply chain data (e.g. purchased raw materials) it’s trickier. How do you get to know the exact raw impact behind the specific materials you purchase? It’s information your suppliers hold.

This raw supply chain data is called primary data. And it’s crucial for credible footprint calculations. The other option is secondary data. Meaning already existing scientific databases collected by previous researchers.

To get a comprehensive look into the differences and uses of each of these types of data, we spoke to Ecocahin’s Zazala Quist - who recently did a deep dive into all things data.

In this episode:

  • The difference between primary and secondary data in LCA
  • Which form of data is the best?
  • And what you can conclude, based on the data you have used.

And take a closer look at these two different types of data in Zazala’s thorough article.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Sep 28, 202218:26
What sustainability claims can you make as a company? - Talking Transparency in Fashion.

What sustainability claims can you make as a company? - Talking Transparency in Fashion.

Navigating the world of sustainability claims has become hard work. When can you claim what and how do we know when claims are legitimate? Our consensus: It comes down to transparency. Companies must show their sustainability data, detail their methods of measuring AND talk about their failures.

We spoke to Femke Lotgerink the sustainability manager of O My Bag, to find out her thoughts on the topic. With her sustainability expertise came a strong commitment to transparency. And a willingness to admit the sustainability actions that still require progress at O My Bag. Sustainability is a multifaceted topic. As Femke puts it, the Amsterdam-based bag company values the focus and direction their environmental data has given them, on their sustainability efforts.

In the episode:

  • How measuring/sharing your product’s environmental footprint is crucial for positive change;
  • You can’t do it all at once, but where do you start?
  • How to collaborate with suppliers;
  • How to use yours (and other’s) sustainability fails as learnings;
  • And why sustainable product design has to be integrated into the business strategy.

And take a closer look at O My Bag's sustainability journey via their website.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Aug 24, 202224:51
The impact of our daily fashion choices- How to design for durability.

The impact of our daily fashion choices- How to design for durability.

Have you ever thought about the environmental impact sitting in your closet? Yes, clothing can still have an impact even when it leaves the factory or shop shelves. This is called the ‘use phase’ of a product. Something our guest Olof Hoverfält is very familiar with.

Olof conducted an extensive study where he documented EVERY single piece of clothing he wore every day (for 3 years!!) - And monitored the amount he used each piece. This taught him a thing or two about the value and environmental impact of the clothing we use. At Ecochain we have seen time and time again with our clients that the use phase in Life Cycle Assessments can be a major contributor to a product's environmental footprint and therefore very important to take into account. Just like Olof found.

In the episode:

  • Findings from Olof’s study - why clothing products' use phase can make all the difference;
  • Concrete examples of how to pivot to designing for durability;
  • And how to invest in value creation in your products rather than gross profit.

Find out more about Olof’s study from this article

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact.

Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Aug 04, 202243:12
#GotData Webinar 1: Data Collection for Environmental Footprinting

#GotData Webinar 1: Data Collection for Environmental Footprinting

Ecochain Webinar series #GotData. This is the first webinar in our new monthly webinar series #GotData. Every month we will discuss another topic in environmental footprinting with our own Environmental Specialists and inspiring guests. From practical topics on footprinting (data collection, how to model products, analyzing footprint results, etc.) to real-life examples & insights from companies embracing their sustainability journey. We got you covered - Stay tuned!  

GotData - Webinar 1: How to do Data Collection in Environmental Footprinting  - With Ieke Bak, Environmental Specialist at Ecochain  Data on your usages & emissions, utilities, transport, ingredients, etc. Measuring the environmental footprint of products (whether it’s your portfolio or individual products) always starts with data collection.

We discuss:  - Who is responsible for collecting this data?

- What data do you need for environmental footprinting- from who?

- Where do you collect this data from?

- What data processes do you need to set up?

About Ecochain: Ecochain’s environmental intelligence tools enable you to measure and improve the environmental footprint of individual products (Mobius), or your entire product portfolio (Helix).

- More about our easy sustainable product design tool Mobius + the free trial:

- More about our portfolio footprint tool Helix:

Wonder which tool(s) fits you best? Request a demo:

Jul 27, 202238:16
How to take the environment seriously in tough industries - Example from Emma Safety Footwear.

How to take the environment seriously in tough industries - Example from Emma Safety Footwear.

With EMMA Safety Footwear’s passion for creating a safe working environment for its customers and having social sustainability at its core, it only made sense that sustainability was the logical next step in their business practices.

They had already implemented many sustainable improvements in their manufacturing processes & supply chain. But, lacked measurable environmental insights on the effectiveness of these initiatives. So - they measured the environmental footprint of their shoes with Ecochain Mobius.

To find out about how and what they discovered we had a chat with Iris van Wanrooij, the Program Manager of CSR, at EMMA Safety Footwear.

In the episode:

  • How do they approach innovation in materials used in their products;
  • How material choices can impact the entire environmental footprint of your product;
  • What can measuring the use phase of products tell us;
  • And why measuring FIRST is crucial to making real sustainable improvements in your products.

Want to know more about how EMMA Safety Footwear measured and improved their products’ environmental footprint? Check out our case study here!

Connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn!

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Jul 14, 202222:03
How audio lifestyle brand Skullcandy battles the E-Waste crisis.

How audio lifestyle brand Skullcandy battles the E-Waste crisis.

We're accustomed to getting 'new' and ‘improved’ electronic products at a fast pace. Companies are racing to create the next best thing, so they don’t lose out on business. Is it time we re-evaluate the definition of 'new' and 'improved'? Jessica Klodnicki, Chief Marketing Officer at Skullcandy definitely thinks so. One of the biggest problems? Batteries.

Audio lifestyle brand Skullcandy’s employees & customer base are made up of passionate outdoor enthusiasts. They care about the health of our planet and it hurts them to see its current condition. An emotion that reflects in their way of doing business. Jessica Klodnicki has been a part of the sustainability shift at Skullcandy since the beginning. From measuring their products’ environmental impact to opening their minds to inspiring & creating a sustainable consumer electronics industry. And the results are impressive. Today Skullcandy has significantly improved many of its products’ environmental footprints- and changed its design guidelines for ALL future products. This is how.

In the episode:

  • How measuring your products' environmental footprint is crucial for positive change;
  • The surprising design element with the BIGGEST environmental impact;
  • How to collaborate on sustainability within different teams;
  • Why the end of the battery war is essential to sustainable change in the consumer electronics industry;
  • And why sustainable product design has to be integrated into the business strategy.

Find Jessica Klodnicki via her LinkedIn. And take a closer look at the amazing sustainability work of Skullcandy via their website or our case study.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators, and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Jun 01, 202234:14
How Supply Chain Data Helps Make the Complex Fashion Industry Less Complex

How Supply Chain Data Helps Make the Complex Fashion Industry Less Complex

By now it’s pretty obvious - but the fashion and textile industries are one of the BIGGEST polluters of all. We need transparency and sustainable product improvements to happen and fast. Whether it’s to answer consumer demand or keep up with new legislation (Such as the EU Textile Directive), fashion is in a state of transformation. But change is not always easy. Supply chain data collection, particularly in the fashion & textile industry, can be a bit of a pain.

With over 10 years of experience in the fashion industry Jolanda Kooi, Co-Founder of tex.tracer is the perfect person to speak to help with this issue. She talks us through how to best collect supply chain data in the fashion industry and help move the sustainable transition forward.

In the episode:

  • Why fashion supply chains are so complex;
  • How the way we collect data can make it much less complex;
  • How to best engage with your suppliers when collecting data;
  • And how you can use the data to make your company and the industry better.

Find Jolanda Kooi, via her LinkedIn. Check out tex.tracer to find out more about their data collection platform.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact.

Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

May 10, 202228:17
How to use Ecodesign to Stay Relevant in a Changing Market.

How to use Ecodesign to Stay Relevant in a Changing Market.

Product design has a HUGE impact on the environment, and here’s why. We are constantly using an array of different products. Some last us years and years. Some get thrown away within a few months. Some are repairable. Some are only used once. You get the picture. All of these design choices have pretty direct impact on the environment around us. And legislation is catching up to this reality. The EU has recently announced several proposals for Ecodesign requirements. But waiting for legislation to kick-in, might just mean you will fall behind.

Michiel Cornelissen from our partner Kode21 is the person to talk to about just how we can use product design to make a positive impact on the planet. With his passion for making products a vessel for the company to make a meaningful impact on the environment, he has a lot to say on this topic.

In the episode:

  • A step by step guide to sustainable product design;
  • How ecodesign will keep you relevant in the future;
  • And how product design can have the biggest impact on the environment.

Find Michiel Cornelissen, via his LinkedIn. And take a closer look at Kode21 and their inspirational design studio on their website.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact.

Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Apr 28, 202228:39
How To Sustainably Innovate Products - And Make It Profitable.

How To Sustainably Innovate Products - And Make It Profitable.

Our daily lives revolve around the use of different products. We wake up to an alarm clock, we get dressed in our clothing, we rush to get breakfast from the fridge. But how are all of these products designed? AND more importantly how can they be innovated to fit the modern need for sustainability - while also being profitable for the company?

With his expertise on sustainable product design our guest Felix Arand from Zuehlke talks to us about his tips and tricks on how to get started.

In the episode:

  • Why sustainable product development is crucial for business;
  • What are the first steps needed within the company;
  • How collaboration within different teams can make or break your development efforts;
  • Why sustainable product design has to be integrated into the business strategy.

Find Felix Arand via his LinkedIn. And take a closer look at Zuehlke and their innovative design projects on their website.

Don’t forget to connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Apr 20, 202224:18
How To Tackle SDG's and Create A Killer Sustainability Report: Practical Examples

How To Tackle SDG's and Create A Killer Sustainability Report: Practical Examples

A governmental agreement - but one that COMPANIES will have to fulfil. A collective set of goals that will benefit each and everyone of us. We are talking about the UN Sustainable Developments Goal's (SDG’s) of course. A topic our guest Tuuli-Anna Tiuttu is very familiar with and will explain how you can apply them in your sustainability strategy. And she will also help you to effectively communicate this progress to your stakeholders. And not the boring way! 

With her extensive work in the field of translating governmental initiatives to sustainability action plans, Tuuli-Anna Tiuttu CEO of SDG Monitor is the perfect person to provide the tips and tricks on this topic.

In the episode:

  • The UN SDG’s explained;
  • How can your company apply them?;
  • How to translate data into stories;
  • And the MUST haves of a great sustainability report: a practical example (IKEA);

Link with guest Tuuli-Anna Tiuttu via her LinkedIn. And find out more about SDG monitor on their website.

And connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn to keep up to date on the latest sustainability topics.

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Apr 13, 202226:12
From Information to Impact: How Sustainability Reports Can Stand Out.

From Information to Impact: How Sustainability Reports Can Stand Out.

Ok - you’ve done the hard work and calculated your environmental footprint. But now what?

What can you actually do with the results? We speak with one of our partners Nexio Projects to hear the ins and outs of utilising your data - AND building a sustainability report that catches peoples attention.

In the episode:

What are the first steps to take in building an impact reduction strategy;

How to create a killer sustainability report;

And why quality data is better than more data.

Keep update with our guests Cesar Carreño-Chasin and Zuzana Struharova via LinkedIn.

And connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn as well!

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Photo by: Russell Elloway

Mar 30, 202222:43
4 Arguments Against Climate Action - And How To Counter them!

4 Arguments Against Climate Action - And How To Counter them!

Mar 04, 202224:05
How To Do Carbon Offsetting Right - It Might Surprise You.
Mar 04, 202230:46
A Danish Furniture Design Brand on Essentials of Sustainable Product Innovation.
Feb 22, 202225:18
National Geographic Expedition Scientist's Shocking Research on Plastic Pollution
Feb 10, 202228:47
The Danger of Sustainability Bubbles and How to Fix Them
Feb 02, 202222:54
Yumeko CEO Rob van den Dool on the Future of the Textile Industry

Yumeko CEO Rob van den Dool on the Future of the Textile Industry

The textile industry is one of the worlds big polluters. The good news is there are companies out there looking for solutions.

As founder & CEO of Dutch bedding company Yumeko- our guest Rob van den Dool wants to revolutionize the textile industry.

In this episode?

  • What are the main sustainable developments in the market?
  • What are the impact reduction measures that need to be made in the textile industry?
  • How to make sustainable fabrics scalable?
  • Why re-examining the way we produce products is crucial?

Find out more on Yumeko and Rob on his LinkedIn page.

And connect with our host Hanni Larma on LinkedIn!

‘Speaking of Sustainability’ is a podcast where we speak to frontrunners, innovators and experts on how they make their field more sustainable.

In our weekly episodes, we share the knowledge, tools, and tactics, that sustainable business leaders need to make an impact. Our topics range from climate science and environmental regulations to internal engagement on sustainability, environmental footprinting, and design.

Jan 26, 202226:17
NASA Climate Scientist Dr. Kimberly Miner On Climate Change and Its Risks & Opportunities For Businesses

NASA Climate Scientist Dr. Kimberly Miner On Climate Change and Its Risks & Opportunities For Businesses

In a changing world, businesses must understand their own position and how to best navigate it. You may have heard the term 'future proofing'. Well Dr. Kimberly Miner from NASA gives us a whole new perspective for just why it's so important to harness. 

Jan 20, 202224:42
Inside CSRD Tips From EU's Head of Corporate Reporting Alain Deckers
Jan 20, 202223:02