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Soul Driven Podcast

Soul Driven Podcast

By Ahna Hendrix

The Soul Driven Podcast is dedicated to exploring the intersection of living a soulful and spiritual life in a driven and ambitious world.

If you are searching for meaning and purpose, if you are unsure about how to combine the spiritual with the everyday, if you are ready to uncover who you truly are -- you're in the right place!

Tune in for practical guidance, truthful discussions about mental, physical, and spiritual evolution, and interviews with people who are successfully living a soul driven life.

Hosted by Ahna Hendrix, Spiritual Guide, and Akashic Soul Channel!
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Currently playing episode

223. What is a Lightworker? ✨

Soul Driven PodcastMay 13, 2024

225. JUNE Akashic Forecast: Get Grounded 🌿
May 30, 202401:01:09
224. When Lightning Strikes ⚡️
May 16, 202428:19
223. What is a Lightworker? ✨
May 13, 202444:38
SD 222. Exploring the Healing Power of Plants with Kristen Grover 🌿
May 09, 202401:12:40
221. You Were Born Confident 🙌🏽
May 06, 202416:41
220. MAY Akashic Forecast: Celebration 🤩

220. MAY Akashic Forecast: Celebration 🤩

Welcome back for another Monthly Akashic Forecast!

Today, we're diving into the exciting, innovative, and empowering energy of MAY with our theme of Celebration! Since late 2023, we've been going through the underbelly of our shadows, purging old patterns, and coming face-to-face with intense emotions.

It's been a LOT!

But May is the salve. It's the release. And it's a full-on celebration of all we've come through, not only since the beginning of 2024, but since the pandemic. It's time to celebrate together, to learn how to master energy, to discover what you've been learning, and to Find Your Confidence!

"It's almost felt as if you have been stuck in mud for some time. As if the sludge has been building up around your ankles and knees and has been pulling you back every time you thought that you were rising up, standing up, looking towards the sun.

But this month, you will be rejoining with her. Yes, yes, in so many ways, you will be bringing her deep and into the depths of you, welcoming in that radiant light that is not only purifying, clearing out all of the heaviness and debris in which you have been carrying and working through the past several months. But also reopening, igniting, setting on fire within you."

Enjoy and let me know how the MAY Akashic Forecast resonates with you!

For the full show notes & links:


May 02, 202401:03:38
219. Exploring Abortion Through the Akashic Records ⚡️

219. Exploring Abortion Through the Akashic Records ⚡️

Welcome back to another Soul Driven episode! 

This week, we're diving into a profoundly misunderstood topic - ABORTION. 

The debates around abortion are multifaceted and explosive. But it's time for us to come into a deeper understanding of abortion through the eyes of the Akashic Records, which provide invaluable wisdom about the intricacies of such a delicate subject.    

Even more so, it's time for us to realize that charged topics such as abortion are masquerading as distractions to much more important topics that we aren't even discussing!  

In this episode, I'll be sharing my views and personal experience with abortion (which I've never shared before), before opening up the Akashic Records to share their perspective.

Specifically, they will be answering these questions:

1. What do we most need to know about abortion?

2. When do souls enter a human body?

3. Are babies conscious from conception?

4. If a woman chooses to have an abortion, is she killing a child?

I felt it was important to ask direct questions about abortion to clarify any doubts about their viewpoint. You can find the full transcription on my website!

I would love to hear how this episode resonates with you and pray that it serves to open your heart and expand your mind in a new way! 

Access the full show notes & links HERE:


Apr 25, 202401:04:04
218. Aggressive Behavior, Life Purpose, Health Issues (ANIMAL Akashic Client Reading) 🐶
Apr 18, 202401:00:16
217. The Role of the Unconscious in Our Healing with Kelly Vanyai 🌿

217. The Role of the Unconscious in Our Healing with Kelly Vanyai 🌿

Welcome back to another Soul Driven discussion!

Did you know that at any moment, your conscious mind is only 3% aware of what's happening while the unconscious mind is managing the rest?

In the health and wellness industries, there's been an explosion of nervous system discussion, but little's been said about the power of the unconscious mind, which is the brain of the nervous system. It holds our wounds, memories, and traumas, and is the gateway to our deepest healing.

In today's episode, meet Kelly Vanyai, a Spinal Flow Technique™ Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Master Neuro-Linguistic Programming & TimeLine Therapist from Australia who's been making astounding discoveries in her work with the nervous system and the unconscious mind!

Join us for a discussion that started with the nervous system but ended with the mysteries of the unconscious and a deeper look at how powerful the body is!

Enjoy this conversation and let me know how it transforms your perspective of healing!

Access the full show notes & links HERE:




Apr 11, 202401:14:29
216. APRIL Akashic Forecast: Cracking Open 💥
Mar 28, 202401:02:55
215. MARCH Akashic Forecast: Deeper Into Self 🔥
Feb 29, 202401:17:02
214. Akashic Emotions: Expanding Emotional Consciousness 🕊
Feb 22, 202422:17
213. Career Change, Taxes, Energy Management & More (Akashic Client Reading) 🌿

213. Career Change, Taxes, Energy Management & More (Akashic Client Reading) 🌿

Feb 08, 202401:22:07
212. Futuristic Technology for Healthcare 🌀
Feb 05, 202428:56
211. FEBRUARY Akashic Forecast: Choose Yourself 🔑

211. FEBRUARY Akashic Forecast: Choose Yourself 🔑

Welcome back for the first monthly Akashic Forecast of 2024!

For many of us, January was a difficult and confusing month. One spent in-between timelines and unsure of what day it was. And it seemed to last forever.

But as we step into a brand new month, with Pluto now firmly planted in Aquarius and the Chinese New Year kicking off in ten days, the energy has shifted. Momentum is building. And all that we've been purging in January is being left behind.

The month of February offers us a continuation of January's release while challenging to learn how to handle living at an increased pace, get clearer on our choices, the outline way we care for ourselves.

Make no mistake about it - learning how to choose ourselves and care for our body and minds is everything!

"You must make your steps, one step at a time. Laying one foot on the ground, seeing where it lands before taking another. We know that this will grate on the way in which you would like to be moving through the planet at this time, certainly through your life, but that is none of your concern.

For we are only here to share with you the best way forward. Buckle yourselves in. Strap down. Knowing that the ride is only beginning to pick up speed.

For this last month, you have been purging. Purging, purging, purging at such a deep depth. Laying a foundation for the year to come. For now, the speed picks up. The lights come on. And the music begins to play."

Tune in, enjoy, and let me know how it resonates!

Access the show notes & links HERE:

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Feb 01, 202401:01:38
210. Searching For Your Purpose? You Need THIS! 🔥
Jan 30, 202425:09
209. The Body as a Landscape with David Fichera ☀️
Jan 25, 202401:16:15
209. An Akashic Message: How was the Human Body Created? ✨
Jan 23, 202420:50
208. My Top 10 “Solid Foundation” Tools 🤓
Jan 18, 202442:44
207. The Mystery of Galactic Astrology with Ulrika Sullivan ☀️
Jan 11, 202401:16:22
206. The Six Akashic Themes for 2024⚡️
Jan 04, 202453:19
205. 2024 Akashic Forecast: Redefining Yourself ☀️

205. 2024 Akashic Forecast: Redefining Yourself ☀️

Welcome back to another yearly Akashic Forecast episode!

Today, we're diving into the 2024 Akashic Forecast and its theme "Redefining Yourself" to uncover what the Akasha forecasts for the year ahead and the energy we'll be experiencing.

This comprehensive episode not only outlines what is to come for the Soul Driven Podcast, but includes a 2023 wrap-up, a channeled Akashic Forecast message, a breakdown, and resources to utilize in 2024!

The year 2024 is a Dragon year (Chinese astrology), an 8-year (numerology), and a Strength year (tarot). And because Pluto is transitioning into Aquarius full-time this year, it's the beginning of a NEW 20-year cycle!

Suffice it to say, 2024 is a MAJOR shift in energy, priorities, and direction. Therefore, the more intention you bring to entering it and working through it - the Better.

PLUS, be sure to visit the landing page for this episode for 12 journaling prompts to help you close down 2023 and prepare for 2024!

"For this is a year unlike any other.

That which was burdened is being undone. Lives are being ripped open. There will be much to say, much, much for us to share with you about this time and event. 

For it truly is pushing things in a completely different direction, pulling them up from the earth, allowing them to come through the sky. 

The sky, the sky, oh my, the sky, you will look to it for words and messages, for direction in your everyday, for you will feel so lost and yet so rightly found.

It won't be easy, friends, to find your way. "

Let me know how this episode resonates and enjoy!

Access the full show notes & links here:

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Dec 28, 202301:47:27
204. The 2024 Astrological & Akashic Forecast with Stevie Calista ⚡️
Dec 21, 202301:19:55
203. Assumptions: A Personal & Akashic Message 🌿

203. Assumptions: A Personal & Akashic Message 🌿

Welcome back to another episode of the Soul Driven Podcast!

Assumptions, assumptions - we make them everyday. About the people we meet, those in our lives, the world around us, and everything in between.

It doesn't matter who you are or how elevated you've become, assumptions play a role in how you perceive the world.

But what if you allowed yourself to change the lens? What if you stepped outside of this perspective and acted from a place of safety and trust?

This week, I'm diving into a personal and powerful lesson that I learned during the November eclipse portal. My experience wasn't just an awakening, it was a life-CHANGING process, and I've been eagerly biding my time to share it with you!

Because I know it's a transformative lesson that can benefit everyone. And because living under the law of assumptions only minimizes our everyday life, adds to the complication of relationships, and keeps us small.

And my Beautiful Soul, there's no time for playing small!

To take this message even deeper, I tapped into the guidance from the Akashic Records and channeled through a beautiful message about what assumptions are and how they diminish our human experience.

May this message resonate and fill you deeply!

*FYI: I'll be on vacation until 12/17 - if you try to contact me, I'll respond next week - thank you!*

Access the full show notes & links HERE: 

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Dec 13, 202348:43
202. The Unfolding of Light Language with Makaya Moon ✨
Dec 07, 202301:12:03
201. DECEMBER Akashic Forecast: Wrapping Yourself Up 🎁
Nov 30, 202301:01:33
200. CELEBRATION: My Top 10 Favorite Episodes 🥳
Nov 27, 202331:19
199. My Story: From Marketing CEO to Spiritual Guide

199. My Story: From Marketing CEO to Spiritual Guide

Welcome back to another Soul Driven episode!

This week, in early celebration of reaching episode 200, I’m sharing my journey from marketing CEO to spiritual guide! Although this story centers around my career’s evolution, it’s actually a story of a (metaphysical) spiritual awakening - the difficulties, loss, and deep rewards experienced along the way.

We dive into topics such as growing up a Christian, my relationship with God, getting fired (multiple times), walking away from family members & friendships, devastating illness, bankruptcy, sobriety, building a spiritual business, suicidal ideations, finding the Akashic Records, finding my “purpose” (a few times), learning to believe in myself, and MUCH more. 

To respect your time and keep this episode’s length reasonable, this episode primarily focuses on my move to Vietnam in 2013 to the present day and shares the aspects that I believe will be both interesting and helpful for you. 

It is an incomplete story, a raw overview, but I hope it captures what my life is really about – choosing the more difficult yet ultimately most fulfilling path - the one guided by my soul. 

May it provide a realistic view of the suffering and celebration we experience along the way to following our soul’s path and choosing ourselves over the societal expectations placed upon us.  

Enjoy and let me know how it resonates!

For the full show notes & links: ⁠⁠⁠⁠  

Connect online: 

YouTube ⁠⁠⁠⁠ 

Instagram ⁠⁠⁠⁠Facebook ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Nov 09, 202301:40:59
198. NOVEMBER Akashic Forecast: Wider Lens 🕊

198. NOVEMBER Akashic Forecast: Wider Lens 🕊

Welcome back for another monthly Akashic Forecast! ✨

Today, we're diving into the Akashic Records channeled forecast for NOVEMBER! In October, we excavated and dove deep, but those invitations are continuing to expand into November as we're beginning to wind down 2023. Make no mistake, we are in preparation for 2024 and much will be coming to the surface.

Although this isn't another eclipse month, we'll be feeling into those "between spaces" and working heavily with our shadow aspects. Please remember that YOU are equipped to handle whatever comes your way!

"We know that it's not easy for you to look around and to feel hopeful about being on the planet at this time.

But we suggest and invite you to change your perspective, open yourself up, widen the lens from which you are receiving the outside world. No, no, we're not talking about involving yourself in it. Simply, the ways in which you view it.

Realize that things must crash and burn in order for them to be rebuilt.

We know that we have said this many times, but... It is so important for you to begin seeing things through new perspectives. A wider lens, a deeper leg in to the ocean, to the deep, to the dark depths that are beneath you. For they are all coming up now, coming up, coming up to be released, expulged, purged from the planet."

Tune in and let me know how this episode resonates with you!

Access the full show notes & links HERE:

* FINAL DAYS to join "An Akashic Journey With Fear: Reclaim Your LIFE" A 6-week channeled Akashic Records course to transform your relationship with fear. ONLY a few seats are available! Registration CLOSES Friday midnight EST.
* NOVEMBER Events: Akashic Restoration Circle 11/10 at 7pm EST and Access the Akashic Records Level I 11/20 at 6:30pm EST (REPLAY available)

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Oct 26, 202301:00:42
197. YOUR Q'S: Does releasing big energy affect my pet? 🦋
Oct 23, 202312:58
196. Q4 Astrology & Akashic Forecast with Stevie Calista ✨

196. Q4 Astrology & Akashic Forecast with Stevie Calista ✨

Welcome back for another Soul Driven Podcast episode ✨

On Monday, I published episode 195, which outlined four priorities (from the Akashic Records) for us to focus on during Q4, plus the Q4 Akashic Forecast. 

This channeled message was originally recorded for the 2023 Akashic Forecast Toolkit, but it was so powerful that I knew it needed to be shared on the podcast. It is an important reminder to take these final days seriously to ensure we start 2024 successfully. 

Today, we're diving further into Q4 forecasting by taking a combined look of the Akashic energies and astrological transits for the final months of 2023 with @farmhousemoon Stevie Calista, Soul Blueprint Alchemist. We cover a wide range of topics from important transits to shadow work to our intuitive understanding of 2024 and how to best prepare. 

AND I share exciting news about a project Stevie and I are launching for 2024! Tune in, take notes, and let us know how this episode resonates with you.

In this episode, we discuss: - How the Aries Full Moon ushered us into the final Q4 energies - The purpose and impact of the final eclipse season of 2023 - The huge role of Pluto in Q4 - The importance of taking responsibility for ourselves - How the Q4 Akashic Forecast & astrological overview align - What's key for us to focus on in the final months of 2023 - How to take our power back in these times - What is shadow work and how to work with it - The astrological breakdown for October, November & December - and more!

Access the full show notes & links HERE:

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Oct 19, 202301:18:46
195. Q4 Akashic Forecast & Overview ✨
Oct 16, 202346:35
194. The Israel-Gaza War: An Akashic Perspective 🙏🏽

194. The Israel-Gaza War: An Akashic Perspective 🙏🏽

Welcome back to another Soul Driven episode!

This week, I was guided to bring you a channeled message from the Akashic Records about what is taking place in the Israel-Gaza War at this time.

It was very difficult for me to approach this topic as I've seen the explosion of vitriol online. But my guides reminded me that I'm not only a channel for my clients in private sessions, but also for the collective.

This episode does NOT contain my opinions or any opinion about this situation. It simply offers a higher perspective of what is taking place and why. And it offers us practical advice on how to navigate it.

Let us remember to be kind to one another in these times. Let us do our best to lead with curiosity and openness. And let us find a way towards peace together.

Finally, I've provided a link to an organization "promoting Israeli-Palestinian reconciliation", if you would like to donate to the cause.

I pray this message connects with your heart and I would love to know how it resonates with you 🙏🏽

*I will not be responding to any hateful, angry, or derogatory comments on this topic. I am not a historian, a journalist, or anyone qualified to speak on this topic. I am simply a channel who's following my guidance. You're welcome to your opinions, but divisiveness will not be given my energy or tolerated in my online communities.*

Access the show notes & links here:

* Donate to the
Sulha Peace Project: Promoting Israeli-Palestinian Reconciliation
* Join "An Akashic Journey With Fear: Reclaim Your LIFE" A 6-week channeled Akashic Records course to transform your relationship with fear. ONLY 7 seats available! Learn more here.
* OCTOBER Events: Akashic Restoration Circle October 13th (SOLD OUT) and 26th (only 3 seats available) and Access the Akashic Records LEVEL II on October 18th 
* OCTOBER Akashic Forecast: Excavation 

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Oct 12, 202327:51
193. INTRODUCING: An Akashic Journey With Fear & Akashic Message 🔥
Oct 09, 202323:37
192. A Holistic Approach to Pet Care with Dr. Alexia Tsakiris 🐶
Oct 05, 202301:15:20
191. OCTOBER Akashic Forecast: Excavation 🔥

191. OCTOBER Akashic Forecast: Excavation 🔥

Welcome back for another monthly Akashic Forecast on the Soul Driven podcast!

This month, we're diving into OCTOBER, and folks, we've got a major one ahead of us. This month is going to test us. It's going to require our courage. It's going to unearth things we aren't prepared for.

In August, we experienced deep heart work. In September, we tuned in and matured our connections to ourselves and the spiritual world. And in October, we'll be excavating all that's now ready to go!

"For the boat is going to rock, the tables are going to turn, and things are going to look almost as if you are in a completely different situation.

No, no, it's not going to be easy, but we are here to assure you that you have every ability within you to do what it takes to make it through. To lift up your head, to remember the sun, to know about the strength that lies within you.

For there is so much here, the crumbling, the shaking, the letting go.
Oh yes, yes, the letting go."

Tune in and check out the OCTOBER Akashic Forecast and let me know how it resonates with you!

And remember, you have EVERYTHING you need to ride these waves in THIS moment. You are equipped. You are capable. Try to let go and surrender to the process.

Many Blessings!

Click here for the full show notes and links:

21:15 Akashic Forecast
31:05 Akashic Forecast Breakdown & Integration

* OCTOBER Events: Akashic Restoration Circle October 13th and 26th and Access the Akashic Records LEVEL II on October 18th. Grab your seat HERE!
* SEPTEMBER Akashic Forecast: Growing Up Inside

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Sep 28, 202301:05:23
190. Deconditioning the Next Generation with Alexandra Cole

190. Deconditioning the Next Generation with Alexandra Cole

Welcome back for another Soul Driven discussion!

Today, I'm excited to introduce you to the fascinating world of Human Design and parenting with guest Alexandra Cole, Human Design Coach!

First, this isn't just an episode for parents - it's an episode for the inner child in ALL of us who grew up being conditioned to Act and Be a certain way. It's also an episode that provides a rich understanding of why we do the things we do and how to step more into Who We Are.

But parenting played a huge role in our conditioning process and after falling in love with Alexandra's work, I knew it was imperative to bring her voice to the forefront!

Our next generation NEEDS us in ways we can't comprehend. They're growing up in a tough world with little privacy and lots of opinions about who they "should" be. Human Design offers a powerful way to offset that imbalance by easing the pain of parenting AND being a kid. 

Even if you're not a parent, tune in, and consider how conditioning played a role in your life. Then share it with your friends and family who may want to better understand such a powerful tool!

In this episode, we discuss:
* From employee to entrepreneur: Alexandra's background
* An overview of Human Design's five energy types
* How Human Design helps you "express your energy"
* Her son as a catalyst into working with parents
* The benefits of utilizing Human Design in parenting
* The most important aspects of the HD chart to review
* Why food/eating offers the greatest chances of conditioning
* Where to begin (for parents) if you're brand new
* Alexandra's NEW 6-month mastermind for parents (launching 9/22)
* and much more!

Let me know how it resonates and be sure to reach out to Alexandra for your HD needs!

Access the full show notes here:

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Sep 21, 202301:14:51
189. How to Manage Your Energy 🔮
Sep 14, 202329:52
188. Sharpening Our Spiritual Mind with Lorri Gifford ✨

188. Sharpening Our Spiritual Mind with Lorri Gifford ✨

Welcome back for another Soul Driven discussion!

Today's guest, Lorri Gifford, Psychic & Spiritual Counselor has graced us with her presence before and I'm not only excited to dive into today's topic but also to announce her new deck - now available for pre-order!

It's very important for us to be aware of the things we allow into our minds - fear? Anxiety? Worry? If so, that's aligned with the times, BUT it doesn't serve us. And we have to fight back!

Dive in with Lorri and me to discuss having a spiritual mindset - what it is, how to utilize it, and why it's so beneficial. And learn all about Lorri's new deck, "Flip the Script" cards which are a powerful, artistic, and beautiful tool to cultivate strong mindsets. PLUS, check out her awesome discount for Soul Driven Podcast listeners!

Enjoy the discussion and let us know how it resonates! Access the show notes & links HERE:

In this episode, we discuss:
* The victim mentality - What it feels like/looks like
* Shifting out of victimhood
* An updated definition of VIP
* The little mind versus the universal mind
* What is a spiritual mindset?
* How to strengthen our mindsets in these times
* How to have reflective conversations
* The inspiration for the "Flip the Script" cards
* A reading for the Collective
* and more!

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Sep 07, 202301:14:11
187. SEPTEMBER Akashic Forecast: Growing Up Inside 🌿

187. SEPTEMBER Akashic Forecast: Growing Up Inside 🌿

Welcome back to another monthly Akashic Forecast episode on the Soul Driven Podcast!

Today, we're diving in SEPTEMBER, another mega month of excavating the internal, sitting with self, and determining Who We Are and Who We Want To Be. It's a continuation of August's heart-work and yet the protective covering leaves us with the advent of this new energy.

It's time to learn how to live from our heart space. How to cut out distractions. How to honor ourselves in the midst of tumultuous times. Grounding will be our greatest ally this month and moving forward. Time to dig in!

"Yes, yes, here you are. Walking upon planet Earth in one of her most interesting times. You have access to the phone. You have access to the communication that is coming through.

Yet you know not what is happening. So you look to others. You grab and you paw and you gnaw. Looking, wanting, trying to find, digging holes where there are none to be dug.

Searching inside your pockets and clothes… It's almost as if you've lost something. But you haven't. No, no, not at all. It's been here all along."

Enjoy and let me know how this month's reading resonates with you! ✨

Click here for the full show notes:

* Join the Akashic Restoration Circle on 9/15
* SEPTEMBER Workshops: "How to Manage Your Energy" on 9/18 and "Access the Akashic Records" on 9/21 - registration OPENS 9/1 Grab your seat here!
* Book an Akashic Soul Reading or Akashic Restorative Session today! with code: NEWBEGINNING

Join the Soul Driven Newsletter Community

Aug 31, 202301:10:13
186. Conspiracy Theories & the Maui Fires 🔥
Aug 24, 202348:18
185. LIVE Akashic Reading (from An Akashic Journey With the Body) 🕊
Aug 17, 202301:22:51
184. How to Love Yourself in Difficult Times with Suse Silva 💛
Aug 10, 202301:12:26
183. AUGUST Akashic Record Forecast: Underneath the Fold 🌿
Aug 03, 202301:07:55
182. A Return to Prayer ☀️
Jul 27, 202332:44
181. Deconstructing & Healing Conflict in Relationships with Nicolas Canon ☀️
Jul 20, 202301:21:29
180. An Akashic Message About the Changing of the Nodes 🌙
Jul 18, 202319:11
179. An Akashic Message About the Body ✨
Jul 13, 202333:25
178. Energetic Sovereignty & Channeling with Amber Sauvé 🕊
Jul 06, 202301:17:38
177. JULY Akashic Forecast: Reverberations 🔥
Jun 29, 202301:15:40