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Soul Renovation - With Adeline Atlas

Soul Renovation - With Adeline Atlas

By Soul Renovation

Welcome to the Soul Renovation Podcast! I am Adeline Atlas, author of the School of Soul Series, a 3x published author, master manifestor, 7-figure entrepreneur, and your cheerleader bestie on the internet! I am here to help you live the life you know you deserve! The game of life is not fair, and when you know how it works, you suddenly win every time. I'll teach you HOW things work by pairing science and academic research to back up the laws of spirituality in order for YOU to WIN!

Instagram @soulrenovation
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Soulful Individuals

Soul Renovation - With Adeline AtlasMay 15, 2024

31 Life Lessons
Jun 05, 202402:46
Hive Mind
May 29, 202403:32
Celebrate Your Wins
May 22, 202403:33
Soulful Individuals
May 15, 202403:27
The Dangers of Digital Taylorism
May 08, 202409:43
Tower Moments
May 01, 202405:18
Controlling Your Character
Apr 24, 202404:59
The Grand Game

The Grand Game

In this inspiring episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we embark on a journey to decipher "The Grand Game," a metaphorical exploration of our existence and purpose. This high-level overview challenges the notion of life as mere coincidence, urging listeners to recognize their integral role in a divine design. By encouraging simple yet profound actions, like observing the sky or looking into the eyes of loved ones, we're reminded of the beauty and intention behind creation. The episode delves into the intertwined games of the Soul and Life, highlighting the necessity of aligning with our inner selves to navigate the external world successfully. Through this enlightening discussion, we're invited to question the essence of our participation in life's grand game, emphasizing the importance of understanding and valuing our inherent worth. Join us in this captivating exploration of self-awareness and purpose, and discover how mastering your "Soul Game" is the key to triumph in the Game of Life.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 22, 202402:36
Character Stats

Character Stats

Dive into the transformative world of personal development with today’s Soul Renovation Podcast episode, where we explore the fascinating concept of "Character Stats" in the game of life. Just like in video games, our lives are defined by various stats—Intelligence, Wisdom, Health, and Physical abilities—that dictate our performance and success. This episode unveils the dynamic nature of skill acquisition and improvement, emphasizing the active role we play in enhancing our life's character stats. Through an insightful exercise, we're guided to assess and reflect on our current levels in each category, setting the stage for intentional growth and mastery. Whether it's expanding our knowledge, enriching our experiences, optimizing our health, or boosting our physical prowess, this episode is a masterclass in leveling up in life. Tune in to uncover how you can strategically enhance your character's stats, transforming your potential into tangible achievements and a fulfilling life journey.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 18, 202403:18
Sole Focused

Sole Focused

In this enlightening episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we delve into the profound distinction between being "solely focused" and "Soul focused." While the former implies an intense concentration on a single aspect of life, the latter represents a more holistic approach, where our actions and intentions are deeply rooted in the essence of our being. We explore how being "Soul focused" harnesses the full power of our inner spirit, aligning our purpose with the universe's rhythm, transforming scattered energy into a formidable force capable of manifesting our deepest desires. This episode is an invitation to engage with life on a more profound level, ensuring that every step we take resonates with our truest self, guiding us toward a path of fulfillment and purposeful living. Join us as we uncover the art of living "Soul focused," a journey that transcends mere achievement and leads to a life in harmony with our most authentic selves.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 15, 202402:43
Filters = Fragmentation

Filters = Fragmentation

In this thought-provoking episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we delve into the profound impact of digital filters on our perception of beauty and self-worth. As virtual enhancements become increasingly indistinguishable from reality, we find ourselves caught in a relentless cycle of comparison and self-doubt, challenging our ability to recognize and appreciate our authentic selves. We explore the psychological and societal implications of this shift, from the rise of 'snapchat dysphoria' to the surge in cosmetic surgeries fueled by the desire to mimic these digitally altered images. This conversation is a clarion call to reclaim our self-esteem from the clutches of screen-bound ideals and to celebrate the unfiltered essence of our humanity. Join us as we navigate the complex interplay between digital distortion and the timeless quest for genuine self-acceptance, reminding us that the true art of beauty lies in the courage to be authentically ourselves.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 11, 202405:50
Royal Posture

Royal Posture

In this episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast titled "The Royal Posture," we delve deep into the essence of self-worth and its profound impact on how we navigate the world. We explore the concept that self-worth is an intrinsic belief in one's value, not contingent upon achievements or material possessions, but a fundamental recognition of one's inherent worth simply by being alive. This episode illuminates the idea that authenticity and unwavering self-belief are as invaluable as salt once was, a vital and cherished commodity in human history.

We draw a vivid analogy between the physical posture of royalty, bearing the weight of their crowns with grace and dignity, and the metaphorical 'royal posture' we are encouraged to adopt in our daily lives. This posture is not about physical bearing alone but symbolizes the resilience, integrity, and inner strength required to carry our personal 'crowns' - our self-worth, authenticity, and unique contributions to the world.

Embracing this 'royal posture' means standing tall amidst challenges, wearing our authenticity like a crown, and acknowledging the weight of our unique identities without allowing them to bow us down. It's about guarding and protecting our value, much like royals protect their kingdoms, and never letting societal pressures diminish our innate sparkle.

This episode is a call to action to recognize and honor our royal nature, to wear our crowns with pride, and to let our authentic selves shine brightly in a world that too often promotes conformity over individuality. It's a reminder that each of us is unique, irreplaceable, and possesses an inherent worth that deserves to be celebrated.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 08, 202403:55
The Royal You

The Royal You

In this compelling episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast titled "The 'Royal' You," we explore the profound concept of our inherent nobility and the extraordinary privilege of being human. We delve into the enigma of life's spark, a marvel that remains beyond the full grasp of science, symbolizing the inherent trust and creative potential bestowed upon us at birth. This episode invites you to recognize and embrace your "Royal Right," a metaphorical trust fund of creative energy and potential, urging you to safeguard this invaluable asset.

We reflect on the historical significance of royal bloodlines as markers of destiny and power, drawing a parallel to the divine essence that flows within each of us. This essence, our "royal blood," is a testament to our unique purpose and potential, an inheritance far surpassing any material wealth.

As we stand on the brink of a new era, where the boundaries between natural and artificial life blur, this episode emphasizes the rarity and value of being 100% naturally human. With predictions of significant changes in human reproduction and the rise of AI and transhumanism, our natural heritage becomes an emblem of a bygone era, imbuing our existence with a sense of royal lineage.

Drawing inspiration from dystopian narratives like "The Giver," we ponder the implications of a future where the essence of humanity is diluted by technology. This thought-provoking discussion serves as a call to action, urging us to embrace our royal heritage, to stand as guardians of the human spirit and the authentic essence that defines us.

This episode is not just a reflection on our individual significance but a rallying cry for recognizing the collective heritage of humankind. As the last of a kind, we bear the responsibility to uphold the values, sensations, and connections that make life truly vibrant and meaningful.

Embrace your majesty, acknowledge your royal rights, and let the world revel in the grandeur that is the essence of true humanity. Join us in this celebration of life, a tribute to the "Royal You," and a homage to the indomitable spirit of humankind.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 05, 202405:58
Who Wins The Lottery?

Who Wins The Lottery?

In this inspiring episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we delve into the extraordinary phenomenon of our existence, likening it to winning the cosmic lottery. With odds of 1 in 10^2,685,000, the chance of any one of us being born is almost beyond comprehension, dwarfing even the staggering odds of winning the Powerball jackpot. This episode serves as a powerful reminder of the miraculous nature of life and the incredible luck we embody simply by existing. We explore the profound implications of these odds, encouraging a deeper appreciation for every moment of life as a continuation of this extraordinary win. Through this lens, we are invited to view every sunrise, breath, and personal connection as a gift, a testament to the rarity and privilege of our existence. This perspective transforms the notion of luck, urging us to find gratitude in life's experiences and lessons rather than material gains. Let this episode be a call to cherish our unique journey, recognizing that being alive is the ultimate lottery win, and every day is an opportunity to celebrate the sheer improbability of our existence.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Apr 01, 202402:28
Earth As A School For Life

Earth As A School For Life

In this captivating episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we embark on a philosophical journey, envisioning Earth as an elaborate school designed for the soul's evolution. Each life experience, from the joys to the struggles, is a lesson meticulously crafted for our spiritual growth, teaching us invaluable virtues like empathy, resilience, and love. We dive into the concept of life as a series of purposeful encounters and challenges, all contributing to our journey toward enlightenment. This episode illuminates the idea that nothing in life is coincidental; every moment is a stepping stone towards becoming who we are destined to be, as determined by the soul's desires before our earthly incarnation. We discuss how our innate talents and gifts, honed over many lifetimes, equip us for this life's journey, guiding us toward fulfilling our soul's purpose. Embrace this transformative perspective on existence, where each earthly experience is an essential chapter in the grand book of our soul's education.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Mar 30, 202404:06
Analysis Paralysis

Analysis Paralysis

In this episode of the Soul Renovation Podcast, we explore the common trap of 'Analysis Paralysis,' where the fear of making the wrong choice leads to inaction. We dissect the causes, from the dread of regret and the quest for perfection to the overwhelming flood of information in our digital era. The episode highlights the significant consequences of this paralysis, including delayed decisions, missed opportunities, heightened stress, and stunted productivity. By understanding and acknowledging analysis paralysis, we pave the way for overcoming this barrier, emphasizing the importance of action over endless contemplation. Tune in for insights on breaking free from the shackles of overthinking and stepping confidently into decision-making, propelling you toward the life you truly deserve.

Instagram @soulrenovation

Mar 28, 202402:19
What Is A Soul Retrieval
Mar 25, 202407:08
The Google Effect

The Google Effect

Mar 22, 202406:03
Soul Math- Divine Accounting

Soul Math- Divine Accounting

The Currency of Experiences

Consider for a moment the currency of our lives: experiences. Unlike the tangible currency that fluctuates in value and can deplete, the experiences we gather, share, and multiply only increase in value over time. They become the compound interest of our spiritual bank account, providing returns in forms of wisdom, resilience, and connections.

Risk Management and Faith

In any financial portfolio, risk management is key. In the divine scheme, this translates to balancing our actions with faith. Taking risks—stepping out of our comfort zones, trying new things, pursuing our dreams—requires a belief in the universe's support system. Faith is the safety net that allows us to take these leaps, knowing that whatever the outcome, it's accounted for in our divine ledger, serving our ultimate growth and highest good.

Mar 22, 202405:45
What Is Money?

What Is Money?

In today's episode, I am going to invite you to reframe how you view money.

Money is still necessary, don’t get me wrong I’m not against money in any way, I love nice things, really I love them! But, nice things aren't why I love money! You can drive your dream car, which i do , wear a rock bigger than finger can hold and your level of happiness can improve, of course, and it will and you are allowed to want all of these things - but money can do something more for you - something better then getting you things - it can open doors! It turns keys and speeds up levels!

What money does do is it provides you options and choices in life. The more money you have the more options you will have, and In turn more freedom. 

Money is not about ‘getting’ (consumerism)it is about freedom. Freedom of having choices of what you will do with your life, and what direction you will go. Having no limitations - never having to say not to an opportunity, experience or moment because of lack of money.

Mar 19, 202404:31
Paying the Price Now vs Later Reward and Sacrifice

Paying the Price Now vs Later Reward and Sacrifice

In a world that glamorizes instant gratification and overspending, it's refreshing to know that going without can actually be cool again. Instead of having everything all at once, the intelligent person knows how to do the math and realizes that sacrificing now can lead to having everything later.

Going without can teach discipline and dedication to work towards what you want most, rather than what you want in the moment

In life, everyone must pay a price in terms of time, energy, and money. Choosing to pay the price now, rather than later, can lead to a more rewarding and fulfilling life in the long run. By investing in ourselves and our goals, we are setting the stage for a future where the rewards far outweigh the initial sacrifices.

The decision to pay the price now allows us to reap the benefits sooner, and can ultimately lead to a smoother, more enjoyable journey towards our goals. By working diligently and committing to the process, we're building a foundation that will support a life where our hard work and determination pay off in spades.

When the day comes that our entire life is paying us back for the efforts we've put in, the ride downhill will feel effortless and gratifying. Embracing the concept of paying the price upfront can be a game-changer for personal growth and overall success.

Mar 19, 202406:09
Beginner Souls vs Advanced Souls

Beginner Souls vs Advanced Souls

What is the point in playing The Game of Life if, at the end of your days, you are depleted and drained by the world, never having done any of the things you wanted to do? Never seeing your dreams or going for the big IT? At the end of your game, you will want to reflect on a life of value that satisfied you, not others.

The game of life is one thing, to win in ‘the world,’ you often feel abundant when you have material objects or the things they tell you to chase the fancy car, the job title, the bag of the moment, AND once you win the Soul game none of that matters. And in that moment, you will be happy whether you have any of that or not, you will be happy to simply be alive because you are happy in your Soul. All happiness achieved in the game of life is fleeting. The only happiness that is ever-sustaining is that which is reached through winning the Soul game.

Mar 19, 202404:37
You Are Not Your Body

You Are Not Your Body

You Are Not Your Body

The Body is your equipment, it is not YOU.

If you don’t like your body, all that means is you do not like your equipment. it doesn't mean that you do not like YOU as in yourself. 

Why Does Your Body Seem to Defy You?

During those moments when you're adamant about not wanting that scoop of ice cream, or when you can’t avoid messaging someone, what's behind your contradictory actions? Are they mere suggestions and not commands? It is your job to distinguish between the directing thought and who’s thought it is.

Mar 19, 202405:15
Breaking the Illusion of Perfection

Breaking the Illusion of Perfection

The Illusion of Perfection is more than a mere concept; it's a pervasive mindset that subtly dictates our decisions and actions. Often operating under the radar, this illusion convinces us that there is an ideal state of readiness, an impeccable moment when all variables align flawlessly. But this relentless pursuit of perfection can become an insidious trap, leading us into a perpetual cycle of preparation and hesitation, where the real essence of life – its spontaneity, learning, and growth – is perpetually deferred.

Mar 06, 202404:24
Do Humans Glow?

Do Humans Glow?

The Science of Human Glow
Scientifically, the concept of humans emitting light takes a tangible form in the study of biophotonics. This field examines how humans indeed emit light, albeit at levels not perceivable by the naked eye. Our inability to see this light is not a limitation of its existence but rather of our perceptual capabilities, with human vision only capable of detecting a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. This revelation opens up a broader discussion about the vastness of the unseen world and the potential it holds.

Feb 27, 202404:51
Soul Loss

Soul Loss

Soul Loss is not merely a metaphorical feeling of disconnection or disenchantment. It represents a profound sense of detachment from the parts of ourselves that make us whole. This detachment can manifest in various forms, from a pervasive sense of numbness to a feeling of being incomplete, as if a vital piece of our identity is missing or has been left behind.

This feeling of loss often leads us on a quest, a deep and introspective journey to reclaim what was lost. It's a journey that takes courage and honesty, as it requires us to confront not just the external factors that might have contributed to this sense of loss, but also the internal barriers we've erected against our own healing.

Feb 25, 202408:42
Standards and Strategy

Standards and Strategy

Having a strategy helps you create your standards. Your standards are a part of your strategy. Unlike a strategy which helps point you in the right direction, standards are something you can use to measure your decisions against to see if they meet the criteria you’ve set out for yourself in your strategy. Having standards is crucial for executing your strategy. They help you determine when you are beginning to go off path and course correct. They can also stop you from straying from your strategy.

Feb 02, 202404:12
You Have Been Assigned This Mountain to Show Others It Can Be Moved

You Have Been Assigned This Mountain to Show Others It Can Be Moved

Realizing that you've been assigned this mountain prompts a shift in outlook. It's about perceiving each challenge not just as a barrier but as a reservoir of latent potential – a potential that propels growth, forges resilience, and ignites a spark of transformation, not only within ourselves but also among those who witness our ascent. As you embark on this path, understand that your climb serves as a beacon of hope and determination, a testament to the conquerable nature of obstacles.

Jan 31, 202403:12
What Is Pivoting?

What Is Pivoting?

Pivoting is not a term you hear often - for change is not promoted in our society. Sure, we all see the instagram quotes and some of us read inspirational books. However, in general we are conditioned to stay in our lanes and essentially this means, keep doing what you're doing.

Think about it, how many people do you know that have radically changed their lives? Completely swapped their careers? Gone back to school or reeducation mid life? Moved across the globe?

Not many in consideration to the entire pool of people.

This is why school leads to university and university leads to a career in which you are intended by traditional standards to continue on until retirement.

And this used to work.

Jan 24, 202407:35
An Experience Rich Life

An Experience Rich Life

What is a Soul satisfying life? It is an existence brimming with life itself. It's about collecting experiences, moments, accomplishments, and memories, not merely amassing items or objects. Envision beautiful sights captivating your eyes, melodious tones serenading your ears, and the vibrant sensations of life inviting you to fully immerse in its richness. When you think of an 'experience rich life,' it's not about the fleeting thrill of YOLO or adrenaline-pumping adventures; it's much deeper.

Jan 24, 202403:39
Episode 19 - Habit of Reliability

Episode 19 - Habit of Reliability

In todays episode we will be talking about the The Habit of Reliability

How do you teach yourself to be reliable in life?

It’s actually very easy.

Once I teach you how,

it is going to make sense why you sometimes think you are not capable of doing

new andbigger things.


The way you teach yourself to be reliable is by doing the things you say you are going to do.

That's it.

That’s the HUGE SECRET.

As you will learn in the School of Soul Section: Power of Belief and The

Power of the Spoken Word,

every word matters.

You create what you speak.

When you sayout loud that you are going to do something

and then do not do it,

you are training your brain to think you cannot rely on yourself.

How does this play out?

If you tell yourself you will get up at 6am and do yoga

and then DECIDE not to,

you have taught yourself that you are unreliable.

The next time you tell yourself you are going to do something new,

your brain remembers the recent instance when you did not do what you said you would do.

Dec 06, 202203:51
Episode 17 - Levels

Episode 17 - Levels

In todays episode we will be talking about the

You need to pass levels in each of your games to progress. Once you complete a level, you either meet your target or the next level on your path opens for you.

The sooner you pass your levels, the faster you acquire resources and gain skills and experiences required to meet your targets and goals. Why wouldn’t you want to do this as soon as possible to move forward?

Before you start thinking that passing levels is easy, it’s not. You must do the work. You want to pass the levels as soon as you can BUT you need to be ready to put in the work to pass the challenges.

The obstacles and challenges you need to pass are part of the lessons you need to learn. This is especially true when you aim for large goals. Sometimes, when the path starts to look difficult, it’s just a signal that you need to learn something. When you want to really level up or when you are chasing life-changing goals, you need to expect level challenges. The path isn’t always going to be easy. The closer you get to your big goals, the more challenges may pop up.

I’m not telling you this to scare you. I’m just telling it to you like it is.

Level challenges are both a lesson and a test. They are there to show that you learned the lessons. They show that you are REALLY committed to your goals. You’re not just saying you want something. You’re working for it.

You won’t get far in the game with wishy-washy intentions or a lack of reliability. You need a persistent attitude when times get tough. When you prove yourself, your commitment is answered with success. THAT is how you pass the levels.

Instagram: @soulrenovation


Nov 29, 202203:14
Episode 18 - Friends

Episode 18 - Friends

The word friend used to be a high value word.

It used to be easy to identify who you valued most

and were most connected to in your life.

You called these people your friends.

Most of them would deserve to be in your life in one arena or another.

After all,

to become your friend, you would have applied some sort of filter

when first connecting with them.

If you resonated and aligned with them enough,

you’d maintain that connection in your life.

It makes sense then that,

traditionally, your friends would be included in your team.

Now we need to stop, because this what the word USED to mean

The word ‘friend’ has morphed.

Nov 22, 202204:26
Episode 16 - Keep Your Own Council

Episode 16 - Keep Your Own Council

Be smart enough to ask for advice,

but be wise enough to know who to seek it from."

Trust yourself.

You know what is best for you.

Except for your mentors,

you should NOT be taking

anyone else's opinions into account

when making your big MOVES in the game of life.

If they have not been where you are going -

their advice is not relevant

and has not been proven.

Nov 14, 202203:33
Episode 15 - Own Your Lessons

Episode 15 - Own Your Lessons

In today's episode will be: Own Your Own Lessons, You arrived yourself here.

Yes, you created everything that has happened to you. You have chosen it all. You called it all in with your thoughts and words.

Yes, everything you think and say is creating.

The Universe serves you what you deserve and what you are an energetic match for every single time.

You are made of energy and you can create with your energy. You literally have the ability to shape, create, bend and manipulate your physical world around you with your energy.

And your words act as a paint brush creating from your thoughts.

This magical creative power runs through you and through every cell of our body. It’s an energy that, when harnessed, can create miracles in your life.

You have access to this amazing resource within you every single day. Every single moment of your life.

Most people think time and money is their best resource. They have this other amazing resource at their fingertips that they're just not even harnessing. Time and money is nothing compared to your energy.

You can create anything with your energy and your words. You can create more time. You can create more money. Those things most people are focused on are actually subpar compared to what we have available to us through our energy. As soon as you begin playing with your energy, learning to harness it, the more powerful it will be for you too. And your connection to your soul will also only get stronger and stronger as you tap into your own energy, unless you turn this energetic connection off.

I’ll let you know now that words are going to be a HUGE part of this course.

Transformation begins with your words. It’s important that you know what you are speaking and speak only what you want to create. Understanding the words you are choosing is going to matter GREATLY in this course.

Throughout this course you will RE-LEARN what many of the words we speak actually mean. And specifically in Module 3, you will learn the full power of the spoken word through learning the history, origins and evolving meanings of certain words. This all relates to how what we speak can either empower, or disempower, our ability to harness and control our energy.

If there is one core belief I have in life, it is that every word counts. The words we speak create our reality. Knowing this, I give myself the constant reminder to mind my words. Every word carries a positive or negative vibration. Words don’t disappear and dissipate. The words we speak have power, and implications in ways we can not see. Words hold energy and they create. So if we don’t understand the power and meaning behind our chosen words, we may as well all be illiterate because we are not using our words correctly. And for this reason, most people are actually creating in error in their lives without even knowing it. So in Module 3&4 we spend a great deal of time correcting that. After all, you can’t rebuild your life until you do the foundation work of setting the right base.

Nov 12, 202206:39
Episode 14 - Inspiration Vs Motivation

Episode 14 - Inspiration Vs Motivation

In todays episode we will be defining what inspired action is and how to know when you are not operating from a place of inspired action.

Inspired actions are actions that you're being guided to do, by the divine. It’s any action taken when there is a clear connection between the Universe and your soul.

Inspired action never feels forced, and you never find yourself avoiding it. it is an action that comes from a sense of joy and

WANTING to do what you are doing. It’s the kind of action you always look forward to, make time for, and lose track of time doing.

Apr 29, 202205:19
Episode 13 - I Am Telling You To Be Selfish

Episode 13 - I Am Telling You To Be Selfish

In today's episode we will be talking about being selfish - a favorite topic of mine. And not why you think.

Have you ever been told you are acting selfishly? What does that statement even mean? If being selfish means you are focusing on yourself, trust that it is NOT a bad thing.


Instagram: @soulrenovation



Apr 14, 202209:29
Episode 12 - Challenges Are The Way Through

Episode 12 - Challenges Are The Way Through

In today's episode we will be talking about what levels and challenges really are!

When challenges arise,

I think,


You see, when viewing Life as a Game,

life becomes nothing more than levels and challenges

brought upon you

for your higher good and future self.

Lessons are blessings.

Challenges are seen as an advantage in life

since facing and passing them empowers you to level up!


Instagram: @soulrenovation



Apr 14, 202204:13
Episode 11 - Creating Vs. Consuming

Episode 11 - Creating Vs. Consuming

Welcome to the Pieces of soul podcast. My name is Ashley and Im a gamification and goal setting expert. A master visionary, strategic planning coach and a A 7 figure entrepreneur.

I LOVE helping people figure out what it is they truly want in life and then teaching them practical steps to take their vision from being a dream to their realty.

Let me guide you in pairing the spiritual world with the business world in order for you to plan your practical strategic steps needed to cross the finish lines of your dreams.

In today's episode we will be talking about the difference between consuming and creating.

When we are busy watching others,

we aren’t making time for ourselves

or building our lives.

We get stuck in the trap of consuming instead of creating.

You are either creating or consuming,

never both.


Instagram: @soulrenovation



Apr 14, 202208:45
Episode 10 - Breakout Of The Herd

Episode 10 - Breakout Of The Herd

In todays episode we will be talking about the HERD In life - what is the herd? Who is in it and how are people trapped here?

Let me tell you about the Herd

The system has set you up to be where you are right now.

It has literally socially conditioned you into what you believe is “normal”

It has prepared you for your place in the herd

rather than for a place at the top.

Until now, have you questioned the things you believed to be ‘true’?

Probably not.


Instagram: @soulrenovation



Apr 14, 202206:07
Episode 8 - Keeping Your Vibration High

Episode 8 - Keeping Your Vibration High

How high are you vibrating? 

How vibrant are you? 

How much life lives inside of you? 

Do you have a sparkle in your eyes?

Do you have a bounce in your step?

Do you naturally wear a smile?


In life, we can go through seasons of different amounts of energy 

and higher and lower vibrations. 

Internal or external situations can influence it. 
The good news is that at any time, 

you can choose again and raise your vibration! 

You are never stuck in a vibration. 

You always have the ability to raise your vibration.

Feb 28, 202206:37
Episode 9 - Unlimited Possibilities - Do Not Choose From What Is Available

Episode 9 - Unlimited Possibilities - Do Not Choose From What Is Available

This is an important note. 

When making your list, do not choose from available options. 

This is also my policy in life. Do not choose from what is offered to you. 

Choose from the ultimate endless supply of potential possibilities. Choose from nothing. What I mean by that is that you get to choose from EVERYTHING being possible, not a pre-set list.

When you are creating the vision for your future, whether it be for your partner or any other arena of your life, do not limit yourself. For example, if the goal is to manifest your dream house. Why would you sit down with just a couple architecture magazines and choose only from them. That house picture goes on your board and you begin manifesting it because it was what was available? Then, you tell yourself, it is “good enough.” 

Feb 28, 202202:46
Episode 7 - Are You Ready For Your Partner?

Episode 7 - Are You Ready For Your Partner?

Here’s another important question to ask when thinking about manifesting a partner:

Is now the time?

Remember, if you choose now - you are choosing someone who matches the current you. You attract a partner who is a vibrational match to you now.

Do you want to attract a partner where you are? Does your vibration match everything you are calling in? Or is there work you want to do first?

Timing is everything in life, and it's true here too. Sometimes the partner you desire won't be a match for you right now. Maybe there are more levels that you want to reach, and milestones for your character to pass FIRST before it will be the right time for your desired partner to enter your life. 

Feb 28, 202203:29
Episode 6 - Hustle Culture

Episode 6 - Hustle Culture

Anyone who knows me in what I like to call ‘ real life,’ knows that I work HARD. I am literally always working on something. I generally split my days into 3 categories: Health, Wealth and Creation. In the morning I make time for health and fitness, while in the afternoon my time is spent on my wealth building projects or enterprises. In the evening, often until quite early into the morning, my time is all about creation. 

Reading that, you probably think that sounds like an exhausting schedule. My days are long and focused on productivity and work. The truth is that in the last couple years especially, I am doing more than I have ever done in life. 

AND the funny thing is I have more energy than ever before. I literally have to force myself to go to sleep at night because I am not tired at all...

When you do the things you love in life they fill you with energy.

Feb 23, 202213:33
Episode 5 - Space For Grace - Space For The Parter Intro

Episode 5 - Space For Grace - Space For The Parter Intro

Space for the partner and space for grace. 

Space for grace is a core theme in the game of life and it is no different when it comes to attracting in your partner.

 If you desire a partner to enter, make sure you have space for them! 

Figuratively and literally.

In the very beginning, embracing that space for grace is more important than focusing on any specific partner or outcome. 

I’ve just introduced another word for you. 

And now, especially if you are completely new to talking about manifestation, 

you’re probably wondering, 

what do I mean by space for grace? 

Grace is a word that will come up again and again in this course, so let me first explain it and break it down for you. 
What is Grace?

Feb 19, 202205:40
Episode 4 - The Game Of Pass, Pass, Keep - Vibration Alignment

Episode 4 - The Game Of Pass, Pass, Keep - Vibration Alignment

<strong>Let me introduce you to The Game of Pass, Pass, Keep!<br />It sounds savage, and it kind of is! But it is VITAL to say no to experiences that you do not want. NO to people whose energy does not match yours. Say NO to ANYTHING that threatens your energy. <br />Keep your vibration in alignment with everything around you or in your life – people, places, experiences. <br />You will not align with everyone. <br />You will not meant align with everyone and everything. <br /></strong><br /><strong>And do not expect to! You will have a rude awakening in the game of life if you step onto the field with this outlook.<br />It is your part to recognize when you do, <br /></strong><br /><strong>And when you do not sign with people.<br /></strong><br /><strong>And then play the game of pass, pass, keep! <br /><br /></strong><br />
Feb 19, 202201:57
Episode 2 - Take 2- Be A Beginner To Be A Master

Episode 2 - Take 2- Be A Beginner To Be A Master

Ya, the audio SUCKED on the first take! AND winners fail their way into winning - TAKE 2 - Let's kick the ball a little better this time.

I walk my talk, there is no need to wait in life on your dreams - just start - kick the ball - and then kick it better next time!

Feb 15, 202227:56
Episode 3 - Affirmations, What Are They Good For?

Episode 3 - Affirmations, What Are They Good For?


Affirmations are an important step in manifestation. They’re about writing down what you want in your life. 

You see, you are a creator in your life. Everything that you desire, you can get. You are the creator of your own life. So start writing affirmations
 to tell the universe how to fill up your life. It is 

completely within your control. 


Feb 15, 202210:23
Episode 1 - Soul Renovation
Feb 13, 202223:39