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By Benjamin Dutill (a.k.a. The Horror Heathen)

Are you fascinated with horror and the macabre?

From the paranormal to the supernatural, horror has always fascinated those who seek to acknowledge what lurks in the heart of men and women. Is horror the powerful psyche that grabs our undivided attention? From actor interviews to movie reviews, I will attempt to entertain your obsession by sharing what we love to hear. All that is covered in this Podcast and more!
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Season 4, Episode 16: Interview with DeWanda Wise (Jessica) from Blumhouse’s “Imaginary” (2024)


Season 4, Episode 36: Interview with Peter Dobson (Ray Lynskey) from “The Frighteners” (1996)

Season 4, Episode 36: Interview with Peter Dobson (Ray Lynskey) from “The Frighteners” (1996)

I had the opportunity to sit down with Peter Dobson, New Jersey native, as he peels back the layers and breaks everything down about the movie. Consisting of how the movie was made, where it was filmed, and how fun it was to work alongside the legendary R/ Lee Ermey. What is there to know about this movie? 

Essentially, the movie is fun to watch, the non-stop action entertaining, and the actors performed exceptionally well. To this day, The Frighteners is still one of my favorites as it continues to move up my list of my Top 25.

If you have not seen this movie, sit your butt down in front of the television now and watch it! I promise that you will not be disappointed. Each actor delivers their character with promise and surmise as I am thoroughly impressed, not only with the actors but with the dialogue and the movie itself.

If you are looking for laughs and a little bit of scare, look no further! The Frighteners is the movie you are going to want to watch tonight.

May 31, 202432:04
Season 4, Episode 35: Interview with Bill Oberst Jr (Tony Commando) from Rob Zombie’s “3 From Hell” (2019)

Season 4, Episode 35: Interview with Bill Oberst Jr (Tony Commando) from Rob Zombie’s “3 From Hell” (2019)

Bill Oberst, Jr. – what a fascinating and talented individual! I can talk to this guy about anything, ranging from “what if” scenarios to Rob Zombie. Bill has a wonderful personality, and I can see why he has been in so many movies, he’s a very likable person.

As I sit here and attempt to recall what we talked about, I may catch some heath regarding my comments about Hitler. At this point, I am not worried. I said what I said, and I do not take anything back; you have to hate the ideology, not the person.

Enough of that… Back to the talented Bill Oberst, Jr. He certainly had a lot to say about his career and how it all started for him. We were both raised in the same generation, we both know what it’s like to have been raised… No offense to the newer generation out there, Bill and I were brought up an entirely different direction, we both see the world for what it really is.

His role as Tony Commando is undoubtedly an intriguing role. Acting alongside the major talent you see in Hollywood today has me convinced that Rob Zombie can have just about anyone he wants in his films. If you have not seen “3 From Hell” – I highly suggest that you do. You can also support Bill on his Instagram page by following him and seeing what he’s up to.

May 22, 202434:12
Season 4, Episode 34: Interview with the “Monster Mash” (2024) Movie Cast - Ethan Daniel Corbett, Erik Celso Mann, Adam Slemon, Gabriel Pranter, & Ian Hummel

Season 4, Episode 34: Interview with the “Monster Mash” (2024) Movie Cast - Ethan Daniel Corbett, Erik Celso Mann, Adam Slemon, Gabriel Pranter, & Ian Hummel

This is a delightful, fun, and awesome interview with the cast from the new movie, "Monster Mash" starring Ethan Daniel Corbett as Dracula, Erik Celso Mann as Boris (Dr. Frankenstein's Assistant), Adam Slemon as Ramesses (The Mummy), Gabriel Pranter as Hawley Griffin (The Invisible Man), and Ian Hummel as Charles Conliff (The Werewolf). **As a side note, Erik showed up a little late (and we forgive him), he makes his entrance around the 4:00 minute time frame. For those that did not see this movie, I believe that is was very entertaining and it was well directed. The talented actors didn't even have to try to make it look cool, they just naturally did it... Natural talent is hard to come by these days; the dialogue was not overdone, the scenes were not boring, and not once did I lose interest. If you're a fan of the classic universal monsters, I suggest you watch this more modern-day take on it. If you find yourself disappointed with this movie, then I apologize. I definitely give it two thumbs up!

May 20, 202428:07
Season 4, Episode 33: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Catherine Curtin (Commissioner Peterson) from “Founders Day” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 33: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Catherine Curtin (Commissioner Peterson) from “Founders Day” (2023)

What an absolute honor and pleasure to speak to Catherine about her role in the comedy horror “Founders Day” – getting to know the personality of her character was very insightful and it’s going to be unforgettable. She definitely strikes me as the Columbo/Kojak type in the movie and you can see her channeling those two with the funny one-liners and the hard candy.

Her role as Commissioner Peterson is hilarious, there’s no doubt about it. If you want to see someone deliver an exceptional performance, Catherine is the one who can and will for any role given to her. From acting in Stranger Things to Orange is the New Black, her paramount talent is definitely to be remembered.

One question does beg to be asked: Will Commissioner Peterson return in the sequel of Founders Day if there is one? After all, we did not see her actually get killed. And some of us may have jumped to conclusions way too fast. If she does return in the sequel, you can bet that I will bs stoked!

If you have not seen the movie yet, I highly suggest that you do. Even if you’re not a slasher nerd, don’t worry, this entertaining, wicked little movie can still win you over.

May 17, 202431:06
Season 4, Episode 32: Interview with Emmanuel Bonami (Gilles) from “Infested” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 32: Interview with Emmanuel Bonami (Gilles) from “Infested” (2023)

Hailing from across the Atlantic Ocean, Emmanuel delivers us his insight on those creepy eight-legged crawlies we know as spiders. Generally, I can handle spiders, they are not usually a problem for me but when they get as big as they do in the movie, you can guarantee that I will do whatever it takes to find my way out of the building. Even if it means that I have to jump out of the 20th story window; it’s all about survival. I’d rather have a broken leg than suffer the fate of being bitten by one of those horrors.

So what’s there to say about Emmanuel’s character in the movie? That he is the grumpy neighbor and is always under the conclusion that his neighbors are drug dealers and thieves? Let’s assume that his character is right in this instance, that his neighbors are drug dealers. Would that have changed the circumstances? Who knows…

However, I do know that Emmanuel is a very talented actor who portrayed his role perfectly. I had no doubts that this gentleman is one of France’s finest actors. I’m not saying that because I am French, also – I am saying that because I have an eye for talent and Mr. Bonami is not running short on that talent. His fate at the end of the movie on the other hand was quite predictive, though.  Then again, I wasn’t counting on anyone getting out of that apartment complex alive. I stand corrected…

Overall, great actor and great movie. Anything to do with spiders that are the size of a basketball, you can forget it! I will be on the edge of my seat and probably biting my nails. The entire duration of the movie, my adrenaline was pumping, and my heart was racing because the movie is unpredictable. If you do have arachnophobia, I highly suggest that you watch this movie with the lights on and have a flamethrower sitting next to you because you don’t’ know what’s going to crawl up your leg when you’re not looking.

If you think the movie “Arachnophobia” is scary, then you are in for a huge surprise. This movie surpasses it with all of the right elements: the acting, the dialogue, the jump scares, and the tension. Buckle up because you are in for one hell of a ride!

May 16, 202424:16
Season 4, Episode 31: Interview with Wes Robinson (Lane) from “Blair Witch” (2016)

Season 4, Episode 31: Interview with Wes Robinson (Lane) from “Blair Witch” (2016)

What you may actually know about the Blair Witch franchise may be something entirely different and your opinion may change after watching this interview.

I had the honor and pleasure of speaking to Wes Robinson who plays Lane in the movie; to discover what his personality really is. Wes describes Lane as an obsessive fanatic of the Blair Witch myth. Trying to conceive the possibility that the Blair Witch actually exists and is trying to get answers.

I get it. We have all been there. Attempting to wrap our minds around what the universe cannot explain. And that is exactly what Wes delivers in this movie. I am convinced that Wes is very talented, and he acted phenomenally in this movie, and I would love to know what happened to Lane. Why did Lane fall off the face of the earth? Hopefully someone, somewhere can draw up some kind of conclusion for the fans of the franchise. To me, it’s damn near frustrating when I don’t have answers.

Overall, Blair Witch (2016) is a great film. It’s more modern take on the legend has had me on the seat for years. No matter how many times I watch the movie, I want to know more. Fan theories may suffice for now, but I would love to see a final conclusion for the franchise that explains everything. I cannot be the only one that wants a final end to the mystery that started in 1999.

Wes is working on a project alongside L.C. Holt (another fantastic and talented actor), a movie called “Watchdog” – with an amazing cast: Felissa Rose, Mark Patton, Chaney Morrow, and Lucas Dunaway. Make sure you support Wes by following him on Instagram and you will also be kept up to date with what is coming your way.

May 11, 202432:20
Season 4, Episode 30: Interview with Regina Ting Cheng (Counselor Kelley) from “Stranger Things” (Season 4, 2022)

Season 4, Episode 30: Interview with Regina Ting Cheng (Counselor Kelley) from “Stranger Things” (Season 4, 2022)

We all know that there are a ton of fan theories regarding Regina’s character (Counselor Kelly) in Season 4 of Stranger Things; theories that she has connections with Vecna. Whether she is Vecna herself or she is an agent, sending troubled kids his way. Either way, I’d like to see Regina make a comeback in Season 5 as Vecna in human form. That would be an amazing and epic plot twist!

Regina is such a wonderful and talented actress; we discussed family traditions and how her roots are embedded with customs and that makes me respect her a lot more. No matter what, I believe that her grandmother would be very proud of her achievements. Grandmothers are the best!

She also discusses her memorable moments on the set of Stranger Things… From the attention to detail to the background/extra actors. And I have to wholeheartedly agree with her. The attention to detail in the show is impeccable and I have always been surprised (in a good way) how much the Duffer Brothers put into this show. Not to mention the fact that the entire series takes place in the 1980s and the memories come flooding in with every episode.

Overall, great interview with Regina. She did hint that she stars in a movie with Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson that will be released this November and that it’s a holiday movie. Either something to do with Thanksgiving or Christmas. Who knows but surely, I will be keeping an eye out for it.

May 04, 202432:40
Season 4, Episode 29: Interview with Award-Winning Actor Tom Ohmer (Warden Tom Moss) from “Nefarious” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 29: Interview with Award-Winning Actor Tom Ohmer (Warden Tom Moss) from “Nefarious” (2023)

Tom Ohmer, fellow veteran and talented actor… That is how I would define this magnificent person with a great personality.

We talked about his role as ‘Warden Moss’ in the movie and what it was like to work on set and act alongside Sean Patrick Flannery. To film a movie in an actual functioning prison must have rattled some nerves. But in this case, it seems all of the actors were well protected and safe from the environment.

Tom Ohmer seems to be the better actor when it comes to being chosen and I can see why. Being a veteran, it’s not hard to memorize lines and show self-discipline. He was chosen because the director recognized Tom’s talent immediately and I don’t think anyone could have portrayed Warden Moss better.

I cannot stress enough how intense this movie is! For starters, I am sure the actors had to prepare themselves by getting into the right headspace. It’s a psychological thriller with some religious aspects, the defining moments are there. For those who have not seen it, it is available for streaming on demand on Amazon. I highly recommend that you give it a watch if you’re looking for a mind melt.

Apr 23, 202433:15
Season 4, Episode 28: Interview with Actress Laura Albert (Wendy Barnes) from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Unnamable” (1988)

Season 4, Episode 28: Interview with Actress Laura Albert (Wendy Barnes) from H.P. Lovecraft’s “The Unnamable” (1988)

Let’s take a trip down memory lane! That’s exactly what this interview was all about for both of us. It’s not exactly what I thought it would be, it was much better. Speaking to an actress who has seen and been through it all, especially from the “Golden Era” of Hollywood, is a huge honor for me. I have always enjoyed movies from the 1980s. However, any movie from the 1980s with a touch of Lovecraft is golden, the practical effects cannot be matched by what we see today.

Laura, being the aspiring actress she is, explains how she went from actress to stunt performer and why. I mean, it’s a solid and genuine choice and she has no regrets. Being a stunt performer in some of Hollywood's most notable horror movies will land you the recognition you deserve. And Laura deserves all of the recognition because we all know that being a stunt performer is NOT easy.

She talks about her favorite scenes, what it was like behind the scenes, and everyday life on set. I am still in awe, getting to know the first-hand experience from Laura. Giving such detail of her perspective is truly the ‘knowledge’ we all need to soak in.  Such a fantastic and talented individual and I cannot wait to go back and watch all of the horror movies where she was a stunt performer in, to get a closer look at her talent.

Apr 23, 202431:20
Season 4, Episode 27: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Ashton Solecki (Firefly) from “Roswell Delirium” (2024)

Season 4, Episode 27: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Ashton Solecki (Firefly) from “Roswell Delirium” (2024)

For those who are not familiar with the conspiracy theories from the 1980s, the thought of aliens either excited or scared the population of the residents of New Mexico. Either way, here’s to Richard Bakewell directing an awesome Sci-Fi, psychological thriller. And with that being said, the interview with Ashton Solecki was fantastic.

Even though from what I learned from the trailer, is that this movie does indeed carry a 1980s nostalgic theme. Ranging from the cast, the costumes, and the special effects. You name it, it’s there!

She and I spoke about the movie and its synopsis; the story behind Kylee Levien’s character and her connection to the aliens although with hardly any evidence but “intergalactic stress calls” from an unknown source can cause panic and rumors. And to clarify Ashton plays the ‘grownup’ rendition of Mayday Malone – which takes place in the later years of her life, so let’s not get that confused.

It’s very well obvious that Ashton is a talented actress; with the awards she has won in the past, it’s no wonder why she was chosen for the role of Firefly, and I can see that she can portray anyone if she puts her mind to it.

Overall, I feel that this movie is going to do very well when it is related to the public. With a star ensemble cast of Anthony Michael Hall, Dee Wallace, Reggie VelJohnson, and Sam Jones, the box office and the audience are going to go nuts.

Apr 19, 202431:11
Season 4, Episode 26: Interview with Award-Winning Actor C. Ernst Harth (The Great Child) from “13 Ghosts” (2001)

Season 4, Episode 26: Interview with Award-Winning Actor C. Ernst Harth (The Great Child) from “13 Ghosts” (2001)

This guy is such an amazing person all around! One of Canada’s most talented actors and fun to talk to. I loved gaining insight into this movie and all of the behind-the-scenes secrets.

He describes how the house was built, how everything worked, and what it was like on set. Being stuck on set for almost 12 hours daily, my heart goes out to him. Nothing personal towards the other actors in the movie.

Asking him if he could be any other character from the film, and of course he said Matthew Lillard but from a ghost perspective, he would have loved to be The Hammer, I would have agreed, I believe the best makeup was on The Hammer. I cannot imagine what Herbert Duncanson went through and the prosthetics he had to wear in that type of climate.

Moreover, we both agreed there should be a sequel or a spinoff of the film; what happened to the ghosts as they were set free at the end? An even better question: what if Tony Shalhoub’s character died? There are so many possibilities!

Overall, great interview with this awesome individual! Simply put, 13 Ghosts is a fun movie to watch, and I consider it an underrated gem for the horror community. You would have to admire everything about it: the costumes, the makeup, the special effects. And all of this takes place in one of the best horror sets I have ever seen. It is masterfully comprised of talented actors and visually stunning special effects, making it worth watching.

Apr 17, 202434:38
Season 4, Episode 25: Interview with Allan Trautman (Tarman) from “The Return of the Living Dead” (1985)

Season 4, Episode 25: Interview with Allan Trautman (Tarman) from “The Return of the Living Dead” (1985)

The movie is absolutely incredible! And so, talking with Allan and gaining his perspective about his role and the movie, I wholeheartedly admit that the movie is richly deserved for us older generation. Although there is nothing wrong with anyone from any generation being fan of the cult classic, the movie certainly broke the ground and paved the way for other zombie movies.

In the interview, Allan tells how he heard of the role of Tarman and what he did to prepare for it… Which was absolutely nothing! He improvised and acquired the role. Natural talent at its finest! He walks jaggedly so well, I mean if I were to attempt that, I would most likely wind up in the hospital. He does give a tip for those who wish to mimic the walk, “It’s all in the hips.” Except my hips are too worn out for that type of walking.

Overall, great interview with such a talented and remarkable actor! Still idolized to this day, almost 40 years later, Tarman has been immortalized. I find it fascinating that the costume is still being sold at stores and bought online for Halloween parties, conventions, and haunts throughout the United States.

Apr 14, 202423:58
Season 4, Episode 24: Interview with Award Winning Actress Megan Ashley Brown (Young Lorraine) from “The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It” (2021)

Season 4, Episode 24: Interview with Award Winning Actress Megan Ashley Brown (Young Lorraine) from “The Conjuring: The Devil Made Me Do It” (2021)

This young and aspiring actress is now forever rooted with The Conjuring Universe! Megan is such a lovely and talented actress who has become a part of history acting alongside Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga.

What did we discuss, exactly? Her role in the movie and how she was surprised to be a part of the cast, as if she didn’t believe her agent at first. I don’t think I would have, either. Who knew starting in theater would be answer to her prayers?

Her insight of the movie is also very cool; she explains what she thinks about the franchise and the movie, and of course, we both agreed that we absolutely love it. Playing a young Lorraine has certainly paid off and I, without a doubt, think she nailed the role.

In the end, we both admit which horror movies we saw first in our younger years, and which is our favorites. Right now, hopefully, not have any upcoming projects or movies to speak about but optimistically she will very soon!

Overall, a fantastic interview and Megan is such a wonderful and talented actress (obviously) and she deserves more recognition for her role in the film. Be sure to follow and support her on Facebook.

Apr 10, 202430:16
Season 4, Episode 23: Interview with Award Winning Actress Maria Caballero (Luz) from “The First Omen” (2024)

Season 4, Episode 23: Interview with Award Winning Actress Maria Caballero (Luz) from “The First Omen” (2024)

**WARNING** This interview MAY contain spoilers, watch at your own risk!

What an absolute honor and pleasure it is to speak to an actress before the movie releases nation and world-wide! I cannot emphasize enough how much it means to me when I get a first-hand notion of the movie straight from an actress before the movie is released.

With all of that aside, this interview was very informative. Maria clarifies that this movie will clear up a lot of confusion in regard to “The Omen” from 1974; this being a prequel, it will bring a lot of information to light, and I cannot wait to see this movie in the theater.

Maria also explains that her character plays a key/significant role in the movie and that her character is indeed important. However, she could not go into details without spoiling the movie.

I am sure that the audience will have a myriad of questions and also, I am hoping that they will all be answered in due time. Make sure that you support Maria on social media by following her on Instagram and you will see just how talented she is.

Apr 08, 202418:30
Season 4, Episode 22: Interview with Daz Crawford (Lighthammer) from “Blade II” (2002)

Season 4, Episode 22: Interview with Daz Crawford (Lighthammer) from “Blade II” (2002)

Daz Crawford is one amazing and talented mother f**ker! In this interview, he gets really personal with me by providing all the details on how his acting career started and how he landed the role of ‘Lighthammer’ in the movie Blade 2. This guy is the prime example of why no one should give up on something that they want, ever…

Blade 2 has such a great cast: Wesley Snipes, Ron Perlman, Norman Reedus, and Donnie Yen. Who would not want to be in a movie with those awesome people? Words cannot describe what the audience is fathoming over this great movie.

Yes, I said it… Blade 2 is my favorite out of the trilogy. The first movie was good, but Blade 2 is better! The third, Blade Trinity, not so much. I just wasn’t impressed with the silly dialogue and puns. To me, it seems the actors tried too hard to impress the audience. But Daz Crawford as Lighthammer, that’s one guy you do not want to run into in a dark alley.

With the great insight of the makeup, the stage, and the talent, Blade 2 will always be one of my favorite vampire movies of all time. I mean, it’s the perfect Blade movie.

Overall, great interview with Daz Crawford! He’s such an amazing and wonderful person all around and I hope that he gets to act in a lot more movies. Is it selfish of me that I would like to see a spinoff of Lighthammer?

Be sure to check out Daz in his upcoming movie, “The Viewers” when it comes to the theaters and if your kids like books, check out his published childrens books. Supporting actors and what they do is all they ask for and in return, they bring their best to the big screen.

Apr 02, 202437:03
Bonus Episode: Interview with Leslie Hoffman (Hall Guard) from Wes Craven’s “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)

Bonus Episode: Interview with Leslie Hoffman (Hall Guard) from Wes Craven’s “A Nightmare on Elm Street” (1984)

Another actress from the ‘Golden Era’ of Hollywood and the film industry! Leslie Hoffman, the notorious Hall Guard who had the nerve to yell at Nancy, “Hey Nancy, where’s your hall pass?” This has to be one of the most iconic lines from the A Nightmare on Elm Street franchise.  And to this day, Leslie is still recognized as her part in the movie at conventions worldwide.

Leslie shares her experience with me, on deep and personal level, on how she acquired the role in the first place. It still amazes me that Leslie, just a stunt performer, was chosen for this role. Something so simple and yet something that will be forever immortalized. If anyone has the opportunity to star in a film with Robert Englund and be Freddy Kreuger for a brief moment, it’s setting the bar for other actors.

There’s a fun fact in this interview: Leslie Hoffman and Robert Englund are the only two actors in the movie that wore sweaters that had no stripes on the sleeves. Leslie confirmed that! However, it’s unfortunate that sweater has somehow “disappeared” from the set. I have an idea (or theory) that Wes Craven himself must have kept that sweater for his own personal vault.

Overall, Leslie was a wonderful guest and I wish that I could see her perform in more movies, but she admits that she is retired from acting but she is still doing conventions up in Canada. With that being said, make sure to follow and support her on social media; show her some love because there can only be one hall guard and that is Leslie Hoffman.

Apr 02, 202432:36
Season 4, Episode 21: Interview with Belinda Balaski (Terry Fisher) from “The Howling” (1981)

Season 4, Episode 21: Interview with Belinda Balaski (Terry Fisher) from “The Howling” (1981)

An actress from the Golden Era of Hollywood, founding at the age of five she decided to share her talent with the rest of the world. Who would have known that starting as a dancer would have landed her a role in many television commercials and then working her way up to some of the best horror movies of all time.

Belinda is such a great person! Talking to her about her role in Joe Dante’s “The Howling” from 1981. How she progressed and developed the character of ‘Terry Fisher’ to be a nosey Nacy Drew type of investigative reporter which landed her demise when she got too close.

I especially loved hearing about her background in acting; working alongside Charlton Heston in the movie “Proud Men” which she was nominated for an Emmy Award. It’s quite evident that she is talented and it’s no wonder why she was chosen for the role in “The Howling” alongside Dee Wallace.

Overall, a great interview! Gaining the insight of the practical special effects and some of the behind-the scenes secrets (which I always love hearing about). Now Belinda is an art teacher in Los Angeles, teaching her way up the artist ladder and becoming a renowned painter. I am very happy for her, and I hope that I get to see her in more movies.

Mar 30, 202429:10
Season 4, Episode 20: Interview with Actress Sarah Robinson from “Life of Belle” (2024)

Season 4, Episode 20: Interview with Actress Sarah Robinson from “Life of Belle” (2024)

Throughout the 73-minute runtime, Life of Belle is a grand effing mind spank. It has you looking in the corners of the frame looking for someone or maybe something moving around. The last half hour of this movie is where things start to go sideways; It turns up the creepy factor to a thousand and it’s a masterpiece for the macabre!

Sarah and I discussed how it was for her and her children to prepare for their roles in the movie, seeing being a family affair, it seems that the children were just fine afterwards. Hopefully, the movie didn’t leave a traumatic mark on their lives. However, their performance overall as astounding and paramount.

Sarah also described the phases of her character; how she started with the medication and then slowly progressed into something more sinister and supernatural in which I think may have confused the audience because I was confused at first as well. But I do like how she explained it in accordance with the script and directing.

Comparing this movie; it feels like a combination of “Quarantine”, “Poltergeist” and “Paranormal Activity” all wrapped up into one movie but with a dark entity with a purpose. Sarah also revealed there may be a sequel explaining the entity we see at the end, sort of an origin story.

Overall, this movie is nothing short of being impressive and it’s quite evident that the actors, Sarah, Zachary, and Syrenne are very talented, and I hope to see them in a lot more movies. And if this movie doesn't win an award, I will be disappointed with found footage community; these actors definitely deserve something for their genuine talent and on-screen performance.

Life of Belle is now streaming for free on Tubi. Also, you can follow and support Sarah and her family on Facebook as well and stay up to date with her current movies and those she will be working on in the future.

Mar 25, 202423:16
Season 4, Episode 19: Interview with Award Winning Actress Ingrid Torelli (Lilly D’Abo) from “Late Night with the Devil” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 19: Interview with Award Winning Actress Ingrid Torelli (Lilly D’Abo) from “Late Night with the Devil” (2023)

What an honor and pleasure it was to speak with Ingrid about her role in this fantastic found footage movie! This being her very first interview in regard to that movie makes this a very special episode indeed! One that you would not want to miss!

With her playing Lilly in the movie, she has definitely found herself immersed in in a film that brings a unique spin on found footage horror and it is a way to creep into our souls, so to speak.  Although I am not surprised how well this movie did in the theaters with her “what should be” an Oscar performance is exactly what it is.

She explained how well she was engaged in her role and how she prepared for it. Her answer is original and unique, and I believe that from now on, every casting director should point to her and have an auditioning actor watch Ingrid in this movie for reference. Not only did Ingrid perform extraordinarily well, but she also went beyond what was expected of her and it’s exceptional.

Overall, I wouldn’t have this movie rewritten at all. Keep it the way it is, no one should be replaced, and all of the actors definitely deserve the recognition. In hopes that this movie will bring future auditions for Ingrid, I believe that she will be the next Linda Blair and part of The Golden Era of exorcisms and possessions.

Mar 24, 202428:08
Season 4, Episode 18: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Ali Chappell (Eva) from “Necropolis: Legion” (2019)

Season 4, Episode 18: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Ali Chappell (Eva) from “Necropolis: Legion” (2019)

What’s there to say about this epic interview? Except that Ali is such a wonderful person! Who would not want her to star in their movie? Seriously! It’s quite obvious that she is very talented and laid back. So much so, that she admitted that she is Nicholas Cage’s future wife.

She delves into what got her into acting and horror, starting at a budding age and evidently, she was born to be a star in the horror community.

For those that don’t know Ali, it feels like that I have connected with her on a more personal level; getting to gain the insight of what she thought about the movie and its synopsis. It’s quite obvious what the movie entails and what’s to say about her character, Eva, except that she is hellbent on revenge and she has every right to be.

With that being said, Ali provides the audience with some outstanding advice in which every new actor should listen to. Ali is very passionate about what she does, she has proved that from the beginning, and I could see that she is definitely up for an Oscar.

Overall, Ali is such a magnificent person with the right talent, and I would absolutely love to see her in more movies. You can follow and support her on Instagram, and support women in horror in general.

Mar 22, 202432:15
Season 4, Episode 17: Interview with Rachel Cora Wood (Kelly) from the movie “Evil Eye” (2020)

Season 4, Episode 17: Interview with Rachel Cora Wood (Kelly) from the movie “Evil Eye” (2020)

Does anyone believe in karma and reincarnation these days? I sure as hell do! I have had my fair share of “bad” karma come my way and it’s quite possible that I may have been someone else in a past life. Who knows?

Talking with Rachel has certainly made me open my mind some more as we are both convinced that there is karma and reincarnation. Perhaps doing this interview will present more opportunities for potential auditions.

We spoke about the movie’s cultural storyline in regard to how most cultures force their daughters and sons to marry. But what is the impact of that on the families? I can’t say that I agree to that because of my own personal beliefs so let’s just keep that door closed, shall we?

We also discussed that everyone should be careful of what they wish for. If someone were to wish for the wrong thing, who knows the outcome. Greed will get you nowhere and that plays a major role in karma.

I do, however, love Rachel’s answer when I asked her if she could rewrite the storyline. I could not agree more. I guess it has something to do with her own superstitions about how Pallavi and Sandeep could have never met. There are many variables that can or cannot control fate or karma and yet we also do not know how it works. Doe the movie represent that. You are the judge.

Mar 18, 202426:27
Season 4, Episode 16: Interview with DeWanda Wise (Jessica) from Blumhouse’s “Imaginary” (2024)

Season 4, Episode 16: Interview with DeWanda Wise (Jessica) from Blumhouse’s “Imaginary” (2024)

What a fantastic interview! DeWanda Wise is such an incredible and talented actress, I believe that her role as “Jessica” is definitely Oscar worthy.

DeWanda explains that she is a force not to be reckoned with while protecting her sweet and innocent daughter, Alice played by Pyper Braun. What have learned? Once you take someone or something you love, you have opened Pandora’s box.

She also gave her perspective about the ‘Never Ever’ on a more personal level and I could not agree with her more, specifically the mind-bending psychological aspect of the film.

She compares Imaginary with A Nightmare on Elm Street in which I found interesting and fascinating because of the similarities of the two movies and how there is an entity that chases you and to hurt you along with your loved ones. Great comparison in my opinion!

If there is a sequel to the film, I hope the writers and directors bring back DeWanda, Pyper, and Taegen as the main characters and I bet it will be a lot better than the first.

Make sure to follow DeWanda on Instagram and catch her in the upcoming film, “Poolman” directed by Chris Pine.

Mar 15, 202424:52
Season 4, Episode 15: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Lulu Adams (Axe Girl) from “Where the Devil Roams” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 15: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Lulu Adams (Axe Girl) from “Where the Devil Roams” (2023)

My 100th Guest!

Lulu Adams is perhaps one of the most talented actresses I have ever spoken to from the independent horror community: her diverse strategy of acting has certainly put herself and her family in the top tier of horror.

She and I discussed the possible theory about Maggie making a possible connection that the ‘Axe Girl’ is Eve’s sister by the way she looks just right before she gets hacked into pieces. Does that theory hold? Who knows?

Lulu also explains how she was chosen for the role, and I believe that chopping a ‘fuck-ton’ of wood would definitely have something to do with it. Who wouldn’t want to hack someone into pieces in the name of justice? Afterall, Maggie, Seven, and Eve killed the tenant of the home. Then Maggie proceeded to “snoop” around the house in which therein caused her demise. The moral of the story is don’t go snooping around where you’re not supposed to.

If you are interested in dark horror with the lore of angels and devils, and the possibility of reanimating body pieces, then “Where the Devil Roams” is most certainly your type of movie.  Where the Devil Roams is not your typical systematic movie where things are supposed to happen in sequence but more along the lines of trying to survive and provide for your family. I get the notion that being a “Carny” is not easy and it’s a tough life.

Overall, in the end the family got what they wanted, even though Seven wasn’t there to enjoy their small victory of Making it to the Buffalo Horror Show. Even in darkness, there is light.  Be sure to follow and support Lulu on Instagram and keep your eyes and ears open for her next film.

Mar 12, 202417:41
Season 4, Episode 14: Interview with Melissa Holder (DJ Raven) from Terror Film’s Series “The Dead Hour” (2010-2014)

Season 4, Episode 14: Interview with Melissa Holder (DJ Raven) from Terror Film’s Series “The Dead Hour” (2010-2014)

Melissa Holder as you know portrayed DJ Raven in Terror Film’s Series “The Dead Hour” (2010-2014) which is a series that presents short stories in an anthology format which is available video on demand via Tubi.     

Her and I talked about her role as ‘DJ Raven’ and how much she enjoyed playing a significant role although she compared herself with the Crypt Keeper from “Tales from the Crypt” which these two do go hand in hand for bit but minus the puns from the Crypt Keeper.

She also explains that majority of the episodes are filmed in Omaha or surrounding cities in Nebraska, keeping it centralized, keeping it low key on budget. In which there is absolutely nothing wrong with that! It’s simple, it’s cheap, and it modernized to what we know as an anthology.

Asking her what her favorite sub-genre in horror is, she conveys that she cannot do gore but absolutely loves paranormal. Rewinding a bit, she also tells a tale of how she experienced paranormal activity herself and how it affected her. I think we would all be scared, too. However, she does admit she loves the Scream franchise.

Such a wonderful guest and hopefully we will see her reprise herself in a season 4. Fingers crossed and hopefully the writers and directors at Terror Films will see this and begin coming up with ideas immediately!

Mar 09, 202427:31
Season 4, Episode 13: Interview with Tallulah Evans, Eddie MacKenzie, Lewis Santer, & Marcus Massey from "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2" (2024)

Season 4, Episode 13: Interview with Tallulah Evans, Eddie MacKenzie, Lewis Santer, & Marcus Massey from "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood and Honey 2" (2024)

I had the absolute pleasure of speaking with Tallulah Evans, Eddie MacKenzie, Lewis Santer, and Marcus Massey who act in the new and upcoming "Winnie-the-Pooh: Blood & Honey 2" (2024). In a first quadruple interview special, it's a first for The Horror Heathen YouTube Channel and the South Jersey Horror Podcast. They each described their character's persona; Tallulah (Lexi), Eddie (Piglet), Lewis (Tigger), and Marcus (Owl) in their own way. We also discussed how it would have been if bigger shoes had to be filled by the new actors taking over the roles. However, in my opinion, I am 100% certain that Tallulah and Eddie have earned their way into the Pooh Universe. With the second installment, there is supposed to be more blood, "Buckets full" according to Eddie, and more gore. With a bigger budget, it's expected to surpass the first movie. I for one, am looking forward to seeing the sequel because I was thrilled with the first with a lot of "WTF" moments and that is what exactly I am looking for in a horror movie.

Mar 04, 202424:01
Season 4, Episode 12: Interview with Stasa Nikolic (Aerial) from “Subspecies V: Bloodrise” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 12: Interview with Stasa Nikolic (Aerial) from “Subspecies V: Bloodrise” (2023)

Stasa Nikolic is defined as the actress who wears many hats; from acting, to dancing, and theater, she is an all-around talented individual. The insight that she offered about the movie is paramount knowledge that anyone can soak in, I can admit happily that I learned a lot about the movie, and I also believe that her on screen chemistry with Anders Hove is brilliant.

As I stated in the interview, this rendition from the franchise is one of the better films that I actually enjoyed. I can imagine as if any other fan of the franchise feels the same way. Hopefully, there will be a sixth installment as Stasa sneakily hinted in the interview.

Overall, this was a great interview with Stasa. I can tell by her personality that she is committed to her strategies of becoming a better actress and for that, I have a lot more respect for her and what she does.

Be sure to follow her on Instagram and catch her in her new & upcoming thriller: “Tarot” where she plays the ‘Countess’ alongside Olwen Fouéré (from The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – 2022), Jacob Batalon (from the Spiderman Universe), and Harriet Slater (from Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny).

Mar 01, 202424:19
Season 4, Episode 11: Interview with Legendary Award-Winning Actress Susan Lanier (Brenda Carter) from The Hills Have Eyes (1977) – the original “Scream Queen”

Season 4, Episode 11: Interview with Legendary Award-Winning Actress Susan Lanier (Brenda Carter) from The Hills Have Eyes (1977) – the original “Scream Queen”

I was sort of in the virtual presence of excellence with the legendary actress Susan Lanier from Wes Craven’s “The Hills Have Eyes” (1977). I must admit that I was star-struck (again) and I am not sure why I keep having that issue. However, it was an absolute honor and pleasure to speak to her about her role in the classic horror.

Talking to her about her past and current roles was nothing but enlightening; talking about some behind-the-scenes secrets and how hard it was to film in the desert despite the hot and cold conditions. As austere as the environment can be, she sure as hell pulled it off, which makes me respect her a whole lot more.

Susan and I also discussed how to be a successful actress; you have to give it all, your 100% in order to make yourself stand out. In my opinion, I can tell by an actor’s body language if they want to be there or not. Any budding actors out there need to listen to Susan’s advice.

Make sure to follow Susan on social media, Facebook and Instagram. She also acts in the movie Black Mass alongside Lisa Wilcox, Jeremy London, Lew Temple, Devanny Pinn, and a lot more renowned actors. There is a movie in post-production called “The Boatyard” that she also stars in, be sure to check out the trailer and support Susan.

Feb 27, 202425:56
Season 4, Episode 10: Interview with Award Winning Actress Najarra Townsend (Samantha) from Contracted (2013) & Contracted: Phase II (2015)

Season 4, Episode 10: Interview with Award Winning Actress Najarra Townsend (Samantha) from Contracted (2013) & Contracted: Phase II (2015)

WARNING: This interview contains spoilers to the movies

Najarra Townsend is such a wonderful actress; I am still star struck from speaking to her about her role as Samantha in two of my favorite films. If anyone has not seen these two films, I highly recommend watching them because Najarra carries the role as Samantha throughout the entire movies making the audience connect with her, helping the viewers understand what she is experiencing which made me develop a soft spot for Samantha.

Envision someone who was wrongfully subjected to someone’s guilty pleasure. Samantha goes through the stages of grief, loss, and anger and yet she continues her life as if nothing ever happened. And yet, the assailant is never identified or caught. That’s a bit damn frustrating if you ask me.

What does this movie and Najarra’s character represent? Are the movies representations or metaphors of the dangers of unprotected sex? How are STDs easily spread if you are not cautious? It depends on how you look at it from director’s and writer’s perspective.

Overall, both films are excellent, and I would love to see a third adaptation to carry on from the first two. If you are into zombies and someone who is hellbent on getting revenge, these movies are definitely for you.

Be sure to follow Najarra Townsend on Instagram and check out her posts; she will be starring in three new horror films: The Devil Makes Three, NFT, and Bits. She is a VERY talented actress, and I would love to see her in a lot more movies and I would love to see her win more awards.

Feb 27, 202421:44
Season 4, Episode 9: Interview with Kelsey Livengood (Mischief) from “Clown Motel: 2 Death Do Us Part” (2022)

Season 4, Episode 9: Interview with Kelsey Livengood (Mischief) from “Clown Motel: 2 Death Do Us Part” (2022)

Kelsey Livengood, such an incredible actress who acts in the movie “Clown Motel: 2 Death Do Us Part” (2022). I was thoroughly impressed with this movie. Although filmed in the hot Nevada desert, I would have to give major props to the location scout for finding abandoned caves to film a movie. However, you would never catch me in Nevada, not even to visit Las Vegas, too much bad stuff happens in Nevada. Have you not seen “Army of the Dead” and other zombie/apocalyptic movies in deserts?

Kelsey goes on to tell us what it was like on set and to act with other actors such as Tony Moran, Elissa Dowling, and Ari Lehman. Big names in the horror community and I am sure that it was great to work with them on set.

Apart from other ‘Clown’ movies, this one definitely sets itself apart from other independent movies that involve the scary nightmares of clowns and things that go bump in the night. Clowns are most definitely top on my list of things to be afraid of. Coulrophobia is a REAL fear in case anyone didn’t know… I mean, look at Pennywise and Art.

Make sure to catch Kelsey on her podcast “A Little Bit of Mischief” wherever podcasts are heard. And she also stars in the new horror short movie “Sorority Babes” alongside Jessa Flux, Angel Nicole Bradford, and Morrigan Thompson.

Until next time freaks and geeks, stay spooky!

Feb 23, 202420:01
Season 4, Episode 8: Interview with Tom Fitzpatrick (Parker Crane/The Bride In Black) from the “Insidious” Films

Season 4, Episode 8: Interview with Tom Fitzpatrick (Parker Crane/The Bride In Black) from the “Insidious” Films

Feb 16, 202422:25
Season 4, Episode 7: Interview with Award Winning Actress Giovannie Cruz (Officer Huxley) from “Suitable Flesh” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 7: Interview with Award Winning Actress Giovannie Cruz (Officer Huxley) from “Suitable Flesh” (2023)

Giovanne Cruz! Such a wonderful guest! Who would have thought that she and I had so much in common? But that’s not what the interview is about.  Her role in the latest Lovecraftian movie, “Suitable Flesh” alongside Barbara Crampton, Heather Graham, Bruce Davidson and Judah Lewis. This movie certainly touched all points in the H.P. Lovecraft universe: from the low-cosmic colors to body jumping, and the gratuitous sex scenes, this movie is made for the Lovecraft genre.

Giovanne posited the theory that Barbara Crampton’s character and Heather Graham’s character are actually biological sisters due to the fact that the “ancient one” (that’s what I am calling this so-called demon/person who is causing all of this trouble) can only jump to bodies of those who are within the same bloodline. After mentioning that, I am going to have to rewatch the movie and see if that theory holds – but I am most certain it does.

Overall, a great guest that I would love to have back on my shows in the future. In the meantime, follow Giovanne on Instagram for updates. Additionally, continue to follow me as I continue to add more guests to my shows.

Feb 13, 202428:00
Season 4, Episode 6: Interview with Award Winning Actress Erin Boyes (Judy Carruthers) in “It’s a Wonderful Knife” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 6: Interview with Award Winning Actress Erin Boyes (Judy Carruthers) in “It’s a Wonderful Knife” (2023)

In this magnificent interview, I spoke to the talented Erin Boyes in regard to her role in the Christmas horror comedy, “It’s a Wonderful Knife” alongside Jane Widdop, Justin Long, and Joel McHale. For anyone who has not seen this movie, it’s a Nancy Drew rendition of a teen slasher with a hint of Ghost Face from the Scream franchise.

We discussed how the chemistry was on set with the other actors and actresses and how it was an absolute blast for the cast and crew. We also spoke about how the LGBTIQA Community has worked its way into horror movies and how it has drawn in nothing but a positive impact in the horror genre and other actors to step forward. It’s with that perspective I believe that horror movies will continue to do so much better in the industry.

Make sure to follow Erin Boyes on her Instagram account and continue to support her and her current/future projects. Also make sure to check her out in her new role in the upcoming horror movie “Longlegs” due to be released this year.

Feb 09, 202422:35
Season 4, Episode 5: Interview with Lelia Symington (Emma) from “The Jester” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 5: Interview with Lelia Symington (Emma) from “The Jester” (2023)

I had the opportunity to speak to Lelia Symington who is a very talented actress, by the way… We spoke how The Jester may be an allegory of mental illness or of those who suffer from depression or guilt. Although Lelia brought up the notion that the audience does not actually see the deaths of the characters in the film, it makes one wonder what the hell is actually going on. Even though The Jester is after Emma, we cannot quite figure out if The Jester has it out for her. Is it just business or is it personal?

Make sure to follow Lelia on Instagram for up-to-date news with her upcoming movies and roles. Also, The Jester is available for VoD on Vudu, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, and Google Play Movies & TV.

If you or a loved one is suffering from mental illness or depression and is having suicidal thoughts, please call 1-800-273-8255 for help.

Feb 04, 202423:45
Season 4, Episode 4: Interview with Boyana Balta (Lily) from “The Last Exorcism Part 2” (2013)

Season 4, Episode 4: Interview with Boyana Balta (Lily) from “The Last Exorcism Part 2” (2013)

In this fabulous interview, I had the opportunity to speak to Boyana Balta in relation to her role as ‘Lily’ in the exciting and anticipated movie, “The Last Exorcism Part 2”- gaining very good insight about the movie and her role. Being a native Canadian, Boyana is very talented, and she performed exceptionally well in the role for the movie, I firmly believe that the casting director made the right choice for Boyana to portray Lily.

As you all know, I am a huge sucker for possession/exorcism movies and as far as I know, this movie does not portray any events that are true. However, I am 100% sure that this movie has been inspired by other exorcism movies from the past. Truly, The Last Exorcism 1 & 2 are exceedingly underrated and underappreciated. Eerie as it sounds, this movie was filmed in New Orleans, and we all know how the supernatural plays a major role in that part of the United States – Voodoo and black magic, there are some things that should not be mettled with. As much as I love Boyana and this movie, I believe that the sequel is labeled as a successful found-footage movie for this type of sub-genre for horror.

Jan 20, 202423:39
Season 4, Episode 3: Interview with Katie Silverman (Huxley Hendrix) from “The Exorcists” (2023)

Season 4, Episode 3: Interview with Katie Silverman (Huxley Hendrix) from “The Exorcists” (2023)

I had the opportunity and absolute pleasure speaking to Katie Silverman who portrayed Huxley Hendrix in the independent thriller/horror, “The Exorcists” (2023). This movie is not to be confused with William Peter Blatty’s “The Exorcist” from 1973 however there are some scenes paying homage to the cult classic.

This movie, conversely, is in more of a modern sense with possessions and exorcisms that involves a young lady, her father, and a few other actors with a plot twist that even caught me off guard. Acting alongside Doug Bradley, Denice Duff, and Michelle Bauer (the voice of the demon) – Katie undoubtedly nailed this role in the film, and I was thoroughly impressed with her strategy and preparation. Being a young actress with two awards and four nominations, Katie has the potential to become a rising star.

Overall, Katie is a very talented actress and I hope that I get to see her in a lot more movies! Be sure to follow her on Instagram and check out any other updates.

Jan 14, 202423:06
Season 4, Episode 2: Interview with Award-Winning Actor Robert Maillet (The Master) from “The Strain”

Season 4, Episode 2: Interview with Award-Winning Actor Robert Maillet (The Master) from “The Strain”

Such a wonderful interview, talking to The Master! It’s great seeing a villain’s face outside their character’s persona, especially when it’s an old strigoi that stands over seven feet tall.

Robert Maillet has to be one of the most talented actors I know, leaving his thriving career as a professional wrestler to become an actor and to star in mega blockbuster movies such as 300, Sherlock Holmes, Pacific Rim, Deadpool 2, and The Immortals.

He spoke about the makeup process for transitioning into The Master, some behind the scenes secrets, and what life was like on the set. I would definitely have to say that he nailed the role as The Master, and he is most definitely my favorite rendition. This gentle giant can take on any role that is given to him; Guillermo del Toro has certainly placed his trust in him, enough to have Robert come back to play roles in multiple movies written/directed by Guillermo.

Although Robert is not acting at the moment, be sure to check him out in the movies mentioned above. This man is definitely the embodiment of talent!

Jan 12, 202428:20
Season 4, Episode 1: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Natalie Brown (Kelly Goodweather) from "The Strain" (2014-2017)

Season 4, Episode 1: Interview with Award-Winning Actress Natalie Brown (Kelly Goodweather) from "The Strain" (2014-2017)

What a fantastic way to start off the new year by talking to Natalie Brown about her role in the FX Series, “The Strain” which happens to be one of my favorite horror series still to this day… I was (still am) very excited that I had the opportunity to speak to in regard to her role as ‘Kelly Goodweather’ – the mother we have all come to establish a love-hate relationship with. I am still speechless and starstruck; Natalie nailed that role without a doubt. Performing exceptionally well in a series about vampires, the casting director could not have chosen a better actress.

For those that are not familiar with the FX series, it is still streaming on Hulu (with ads). It’s a great take away from the traditional fangy-vampires in which I find the originality catching and it will sure reel you in for more. It’s definitely one of those shows that will make you beg for a fifth season. As for me, I was heartbroken after the show ended just after four seasons. I completely understand 100% why. But do I agree? Absolutely not. Sure, there’s the principal of ending it all with a nuclear bomb (which was way too predictable) but still, the show will always have a place in my heart.

Be sure to follow Natalie Brown on social media and to catch her new movies, “Baby Daddy” and “Widowed Seduced” which is still in post-production. Natalie for sure is a very talented and phenomenal actress and I cannot wait to see her in more horror genre movies.

Jan 02, 202426:37
Episode 135: Interview with Award Winning Director Richard Bakewell – Director for the new Sci-Fi Thriller, “Roswell Delerium” (2024)

Episode 135: Interview with Award Winning Director Richard Bakewell – Director for the new Sci-Fi Thriller, “Roswell Delerium” (2024)

I had the esteemed pleasure of speaking with Mr. Richard Bakewell who is the Director and Producer of the new & upcoming Sci-Fi Thriller, "Roswell Delirium" which is slated to be released in March 2024. This movie has a star-studded cast starring Anthony Michael Hall, Reginald VelJohnson, and Dee Wallace with each individual significant role to play.

Essentially, it's a movie about survival in Area 51. A young girl named Mayday tries to make contact on a series of ham radios with her father who is in space on a shuttle mission. Instead of making contact she receives an intergalactic distress call from space that leads her on a journey to Spacerock, the land where Area 51 once was.

I for one, am very excited for this movie's release. Who isn't excited about aliens and conspiracy theories? This is the next level stuff for the X-Files!

Dec 24, 202321:04
Episode 134: Interview with Christina Crivici (Agnes) from "Black Christmas" (2006)
Dec 19, 202323:50
Episode 133: Interview with Award Winning Actress Danielle Keaton (Sarah) from "Grieve" (2023)

Episode 133: Interview with Award Winning Actress Danielle Keaton (Sarah) from "Grieve" (2023)

Danielle Keaton portrays 'Sarah' in the psychological thriller "Grieve" which was distributed by Terror Films this year. Although she has a few short parts in the movie, it's brought together by a story of a heartbroken fiancé whose loved one died in a car accident.

Interviewing Danielle, I've come to learn that there is power in art; with her project developing, she sets herself apart from the others by gaining what is most important: to raise awareness to the healing powers of ART by discovering & uniting budding Artists.

The movie is a slow burn with some scenes that may not make sense to the audience the first time around, but in the end, it will make the synopsis a lot clearer.

Overall, great interview! Speaking to Danielle has opened my mind to the movie and I am definitely going to watch it again.

Dec 18, 202320:20
Episode 132: Interview with Award Winning Actor Woody Norman (Peter) from "Cobweb" (2023)

Episode 132: Interview with Award Winning Actor Woody Norman (Peter) from "Cobweb" (2023)

Woody Norman, who portrayed Peter in the movie, “Cobweb” (2023) … Only 14 years old and he’s an award-winning actor! How impressive is that? This talented individual is going places, and I would love to see him in a lot more horror movies. With his personality and aptitude, he is definitely Oscar worthy! In this intriguing interview, he told me had fun working on set with the movie. I touched on the subject about bullying for a second stating how his role may have had the potential to inspire others to stand up for themselves (without the pushing down the stairs and breaking bones). Ands which brought up a personal matter to me from the past. Moreover, Woody has a great strength of personality which makes him definitely a rising star in the film industry. Woody Norman is starring in an upcoming adventure movie called “The Electric State” alongside Millie Bobby Brown, Stanley Tucci and Chris Pratt which is slated for release sometime next year. Make sure to check out his other roles in horror: The Last Voyage of the Demeter and The Small Hand (Ghost Story). Overall, fantastic interview! He performed phenomenally in Cobweb, and I wish nothing but success and prosperity in his future.

Dec 15, 202318:20
Episode 131: Interview with Award Winning Actress Natalie Burn from “Til Death Do Us Part” (2023)

Episode 131: Interview with Award Winning Actress Natalie Burn from “Til Death Do Us Part” (2023)

Natalie Burn! Such an amazing and talented actress! And major kudos for performing her own stunts in this movie… This is definitely not the typical romcom/romance/hallmark wedding you’d hoped it to be. More like a sleekier version of “Ready or Not” but with a surprise twist at the end. Although there are the time hops throughout the movie (the jumping back and forth), I was thoroughly entertained by Natalie Burn’s willfulness to continue on with the ass kicking. I guess living the life of an assassin just wasn’t for her and she really wanted to settle down. However, the University and the Groomsmen had other plans with her. Overall, this captivating, ass kicking, chainsaw wielding bride did it all. From bride-to-be to being single and free but with a fun twist, of course. I mean, who gets the opportunity to cut up a dwarf with a chainsaw? Or stab someone in the testicles? I wouldn’t pass that up! Also, to mention that she is a martial artist, too – which means she can kick anyone’s ass any day. Aiming to be a top role model for future and budding actors, she has absolutely earned my respect and gratitude. Make sure to check out Natalie’s new and upcoming movie, “The Last Redemption” where she gets to act alongside Kevin Sorbo (yes, Hercules!) in this fantasy movie with sorcery and swords. Also, make sure to follow her on Instagram for up-to-date events and announcements

Dec 14, 202322:38
Episode 130: Interview with Award Winning Actress Dennice Cisneros (Oliva Romo) from "Red Snow" (2021)

Episode 130: Interview with Award Winning Actress Dennice Cisneros (Oliva Romo) from "Red Snow" (2021)

Part Three of my Christmas Special! Dennice Cisneros who you all know plays ‘Olivia Romo’ in the comedy horror, “Red Snow” alongside the legendary Vernon Wells and other great actors such as Nico Bellamy (Luke), Laura Kennon (Jackie), and Alan Silva (Brock). At first, I was reluctant to watch this movie, but I am certainly glad that I did. It’s not your typical comedy horror with just vampires, the storyline is quite ‘cheeky’ and very entertaining. Dennice Cisneros, an award-winning actress who is the first a first generation Mexican American and quite talented. She pinned the role of Olivia very well and I am delighted to say that no one else could have acted as Olivia better. For those that love cheeky, romance, vampires, and comedy all wrapped in a horror movie, this film is definitely for you to watch… And to put on your list as Horror Christmas movies to check out, I guarantee that you will not regret it. Overall, great flick… The cheesy and cheeky comedy makes up the entire 80 minutes with a plot twist at the end. If I were to rate this movie with ‘fangs’ – I would give it a 4.5 out of 5.

Dec 11, 202323:36
Episode 129: Interview with Krystle Martin (Cindy) from "The Mean One" (2022)

Episode 129: Interview with Krystle Martin (Cindy) from "The Mean One" (2022)

What an amazing interview with Krystle Martin! I was finally able to watch the movie, “The Mean One” starring her and David Howard Thornton. Although this movie has received a lot of negative feedback due to some individuals believing the Dr. Suess version was skewed, I can firmly attest that Krystle Martin and David Howard Thornton brought nothing but value to this film. Sure, it’s not the rated G version or Jim Carrey’s live action movie but the principle is still there.

Yes, this is a macabre rendition of what we are used to, but the general consensus is going to have to get past that. Just talking to Krystle alone, I learned a lot about this movie and its meaning. Who cares that “The Mean One” is based on another version? To me, the macabre version is two hundred times better.

In this exciting interview, Krystle delves into her favorite scenes and kills. Hers being the SantaCon kills in the restaurant… Not surprising it’s mine, also. It was a very creative kill scene and I have to believe that David Howard Thornton enjoyed that scene. Who wouldn’t? The chance to get rid of pompous customers due to their rudeness? That’s a server’s wet dream!

To add while watching as the movie progressed to the climax (the final fight scene), I sensed a little Rocky-Home Alone mashup. The montage fighting, the home invasion preparation. Yeah, there’s definitely a mashup with the two movies. And Krystle is right, it’s nice to see directors paying a little homage to the movies we grew up watching.

I, however, am very impressed with Krystle’s acting and talents. She performs her own stunts, and she has a plethora of skills she proudly exhibits in the movie. Kudos to her! I wish nothing but the best in her career and I hope she wins an award for this role.

Be sure to follow her on Instagram for more up to date news and upcoming movies.

Dec 07, 202318:53
Episode 128: Interview with Sarah Dolan (Rachel) from "Desperate Souls" (2023)

Episode 128: Interview with Sarah Dolan (Rachel) from "Desperate Souls" (2023)

I had the absolute pleasure of speaking to Ms. Sarah Dolan in regard to her role as ‘Rachel’ in the romance-horror movie, “Desperate Souls” (2023). For those that have not seen, it’s a really well-developed independent movie that features Angel Nicole Bradford as the succubus and Sarah’s character is the therapist for the main male lead, Devin, played by Joe Rosing.

We covered the premise of the movie along with Sarah’s role, discussing her significance to “Devin” in the movie. Then we decided to nerd out a bit by talking about massive(ly) multiplayer online role-playing games. And as usual, I had to ask at least hypothetical question: “Would Devin’s life have changed if Sarah convinced him to stay away from Moira?” Who knows? And will there be a sequel with Rachel returning? Who knows.

Overall, a great interview with the talented and beautiful Sarah Dolan: gaining insight about the movie brought the attention that there is an alternate ending that I was unaware of. For those that love romance-horror and independent movies, make sure to check out the movie and follow Sarah Dolan and Angel Bradford on social media.

Dec 04, 202325:23
Episode 127: Interview with Karen Cliche (Kathleen) from Eli Roth's "Thanksgiving" (2023)
Dec 01, 202323:53
Episode 126: Interview with Jane Widdop (Winnie Carruthers) from "It's a Wonderful Knife" (2023)

Episode 126: Interview with Jane Widdop (Winnie Carruthers) from "It's a Wonderful Knife" (2023)

My interview with Jane Widdop who plays 'Winnie Carruthers' in the new horror-Christmas comedy, "It's a Wonderful Knife" (2023). This is part one of three of my Christmas Special series. This movie, one of the best horror-comedies that I have watched in a very long time. Starring Jane Widdop alongside Justin Long and Joel McHale. The acting, the dialogue, the special effects, and the makeup truly put you into the Christmas spirit. Not only does it provide all the elements of a Christmas movie, but it also provides the "Scooby-Doo" mystery aspect which made it very entertaining and fun to watch. Overall, a great movie with great actors. I am very much honored to have had the opportunity to speak to Jane Widdop about her role and gain her insight on the movie. The movie will be available for VoD this Friday, make sure to check it out! Movie Synopsis: After saving her town from a psychotic killer, Winnie Carruthers' life is less than wonderful. When she wishes she'd never been born, she finds herself in a nightmare parallel universe where without her, things could be much, much worse.

Nov 29, 202314:24
Episode 125: Interview with Chaney Morrow (John Malum) from the cult/horror "Malum" (2023)

Episode 125: Interview with Chaney Morrow (John Malum) from the cult/horror "Malum" (2023)

Chaney Morrow! My 75th guest on my shows! Clearly this man is a very talented actor and Oscar material. He stars as “Ghost” in one of my all-time favorite Halloween movies, “Haunt” (2019).

So, what is the movie “Malum” all about? A rookie police officer willingly takes the last shift at newly decommissioned police station where members of a cult committed suicide years prior. However, she begins to experience supernatural occurrences throughout the night as she also uncovers the secret of her mother and father’s history.

Chaney Morrow acting as the cult leader, John Michal Malum – very charismatic and very talented. I really enjoyed this interview because I tapped into the one source that could tell me everything about this movie. Yes, it’s a remake of the “Last Shift” but after comparing the two, “Malum” is by far much better with the supernatural aspect. With 200 times more the scares and cult affiliation, this by far is more accurate. Rather than focusing on one character throughout the entire movie, in “Malum” you have all the actors which turned out to be a brilliant ensemble who obviously had a lot of fun providing more of a story.

But Chaney Morrow – tapping into my own soul with his words of wisdom in the interrogation scenes… That’s something that will probably make you shit your pants, making you question yourself and your sanity. With the anticipation, the foreboding, the suspense, the makeup, the special effects, and especially with the women singing – this movie turned out to be a labyrinth of death and I could not ask for anything more.

With his upcoming movies, make sure to follow this brilliant and talented actor on social media.

Nov 25, 202324:46
Episode 124: Interview with Award-Winning Director/Writer, Demián Rugna - "When Evil Lurks" (2023)

Episode 124: Interview with Award-Winning Director/Writer, Demián Rugna - "When Evil Lurks" (2023)

One of the most profound interviews I have done yet! Talking with the renowned director and writer, Demián Rugna who wrote and directed one of the goriest and suspenseful movies of the year, “When Evil Lurks.”

During this interview, I did not ask my normal questions. I wanted to know more about the movie itself, to get a better understanding of the concept. It’s nothing new finding out why he decided to make this movie.

It’s to show love for his fellow countrymen in Argentina, exposing the widespread health issues, mostly farm pesticides. Essentially, the demon, also known as the rotten, is a metaphor for this.

The inspiration behind the film is from other movies: The Wailing and The Evil Dead, two notorious movies regarding the spread of diseases and evil. Logically, which makes it much clearer to comprehend the setting, the acting, the dialogue, and the mystery.

Although he mentioned that he did not have any favorite scenes, there was one difficult scene for him. The rich farmer shooting the goat; he was afraid that he was going to anger animal activists everywhere. I 100% attest that there were no animals harmed in this movie. However, the fight scene between Pedro and Sabrina did seem genuine; I could feel the tension and the animosity. In other words, it was phenomenal acting.

For those that have not seen it yet, I highly recommend watching it. The story behind the movie will grab you and suck you in… And it will have you guessing, wanting to know what’s going to happen next. I ‘m just a tad bit upset that there won’t be a sequel. But he did admit that there might be a prequel to the film in which I would love to see.

Nov 18, 202323:41
Episode 123: Interview with Synnøve Macody Lund (Cecilia Pederson) from SAW X (2023)

Episode 123: Interview with Synnøve Macody Lund (Cecilia Pederson) from SAW X (2023)

Who else better to play Cecilia Pederson in SAW X? Synnøve Macody Lund is such an amazing actress and it's no wonder she was chosen to play the villain in the newest installment of the SAW Franchise. What I am really impressed with is that she didn't even have to audition for the role of Cecilia!

I was astonished with her answers to my questions because of the integral possibilities of the movie itself. And she is a phenomenal actress, published author, and director. I am completely honored that I had the opportunity to speak to her, this interview will definitely not be forgotten.

Unfortunately, she could not speak of any upcoming movies or projects. However, you can follow her on Instagram (she posted some very cool behind the scenes pictures from the set of SAW X). Make sure to give her a follow and continue to praise her work!

Nov 17, 202322:11