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Sri Kandikonda

Sri Kandikonda

By Sri Kandikonda

I share what I learn, about leadership, inspiration and leading a successful life.
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Producticity Tip #5 - Create Not - To - Do Lists

Sri KandikondaJul 21, 2018

Greatness and Goodness, Abraham Lincoln

Greatness and Goodness, Abraham Lincoln

Hello there. This is a real life story of Abraham Lincoln, on how a young 23 year old ran senate race to only fail initially, put the greater good of others before his, to loose again and again. But only, to go on to become the top 3 best presidents in the history of American politics. Even his opponents rooted/campaigned for him!
How did that happen? And, what can we learn from it? Can we still be successful if we put the greater good before ours? Find out.
Mar 13, 202208:44
The Incredible life story of KFC founder, Colonel Sanders!

The Incredible life story of KFC founder, Colonel Sanders!

We all know Colonel Sanders is the founder of KFC, right? But what else happened in his life? What other notable things happened in his life?

I was curious, so researched and here is a very fascinating life story of Colonel Sanders. From his humble beginnings, working on several jobs in his life, owning a gas station/restaurant where the fried chicken began first to starting the world famous KFC when he was 65 years of age!!!

How fascinating!

I hope you like the episode, very inspiring and interesting. If you like it, please like the episode and share it with your friends/connections. 

Sri Kandikonda

May 04, 202010:00
Obstacles can be your opportunities, a short inspirational story of King and a peasant!

Obstacles can be your opportunities, a short inspirational story of King and a peasant!

This is a simple story of how obstacles can present opportunities in disguise. Once upon a time, a king wanted to test their citizens. So, one day, he placed a big rock in the middle of the road to see what people would do. 

so, what did they do? find out more in the episode and how the obstacle was instead an opportunity, but only for the peasant who struggled to change the situation. 

I love speaking, that's my motivation to do this podcast. Along the way, I hope these short and simple stories of inspiration will ignite a light in you and help you in whatever you wish to accomplish. Would love to hear your feedback and thoughts on the podcast. Thanks!

Sri Kandikonda

Apr 26, 202005:04
Inspirational story of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Inspirational story of Arnold Schwarzenegger

Most people know #Arnold #Schwarzenegger from movies, #bodybuilding etc., But do you know that he was abused by his nazi father when he was a kid? Did you know that he was put in jail at the same time, he won Mr. Europe?  His life story is truly #inspirational and this video is an attempt to show his #motivational life #story in a simple video.. #GetMotivated

Apr 20, 202009:31
The Elephant and the rope - Not bound by rope, but by own limiting belief

The Elephant and the rope - Not bound by rope, but by own limiting belief

This is a short story about how a mighty elephant can believe that a small rope can hold it back! Only because, that's what it believed all its life, not because rope actually can hold it back.

as humans, we create our own limiting beliefs some times. 'I cannot', 'I am not capable', 'I fail'.. whatever it may be, it limits our ability to succeed. It is about time to regain confidence, change your negative beliefs to positive beliefs and say to yourself.. 'Yes, I can'!!!
Apr 12, 202002:44
WFH Tips For Developers

WFH Tips For Developers

This is the episode dedicated to developers, to improve their productivity working from home.
Apr 01, 202005:21
5 Work From Home Productivity Tips

5 Work From Home Productivity Tips

This is a special episode to learn 5 simple tips to be productive working from home. Corona virus changed how we work. It's important to know how to be productive with our changing habits, so we keep up our productivity.

Apr 01, 202006:50
5 min daily checklist to take control of your work day and kill stress

5 min daily checklist to take control of your work day and kill stress

5 min daily checklist to take control of your work day and kill stress by Sri Kandikonda
Oct 20, 201908:47
#productivity101 tip 11 - Take a step back when you are overwhelmed

#productivity101 tip 11 - Take a step back when you are overwhelmed

#productivity101 tip 11 - Take a step back when you are overwhelmed by Sri Kandikonda
Aug 21, 201902:23
Time Management Tips - #8#9#10 - Time Audit, 80 - 20 Rule, Take A Break

Time Management Tips - #8#9#10 - Time Audit, 80 - 20 Rule, Take A Break

1. Create a Time Audit - Audit your time for 7 days straight. You have no idea what you are spending time on, until you start tracking it and putting it on paper. Get some real data for a week and then see where you stand.

Important thing to note is to track. every. thing. including items that you don't think that are important. and be very honest with yourself.

I've to tell you, I did this for a week and my results were embarrassing. I'm not very proud of some of those items in there, but that's ok. Then I knew, what exactly I was doing. There was no assumptions, these were cold facts and once you do it, there will be some very obvious things that you don't want to do.
And there will be a lot of scope to improve it.

how to do it: Nothing fancy, just take notes somewhere you can hold on to for at least a week.

2. The 80-20 rule. The secret of achieving more with less.

This is the best time management tip of all. 80-20 rule of the pareto principle, 80% of the results come from 20% of the tasks.
The trick is to identify those 20% of the tasks that will fetch you 80% of the results. This also means that you have to trash items that are not really contributing to your overall success.

Here's a simple example. Let's say you have a goal that states 'I need to finish reading 5 books this month', but do you really need to do that? You would probably be well off, if you focused on 1 or 2 best books that will contribute to your goals. Quantity is not quality, is it?

This principle is true in life and relationships as well. Look around you, and you'd probably find about 20% of your relationships to be actually fulfilling and rewarding, rest of them are crap. So, focus on those 20% of people and make sure to be invested in them. Whether its your mom, dad, siblings, cousins, friends or your colleagues. I don't know, but just try to find that close 20% relationships and spend time on them, nurturing those relationships. Your life could be more fulfilling if you did that.

3. Take frequent breaks

Research shows that if you are working for 52 mins, you should take a break for 17 mins. sometimes, you may not have that luxury, but when you do, make it a priority to take a break. Focus is more important than the time spent on a task. To achieve higher productivity, you need your cognitive and psychological states to be at peak levels, and to do that, you have to take breaks, unless you are elon musk, then you work 15 hours a day without taking a break.

haha, anyway, taking a break will significantly improve your productivity.

Sep 11, 201806:13
Productivity Tip #8 - Create Love - To - Do Lists

Productivity Tip #8 - Create Love - To - Do Lists

This is a tip to make your to-do lists more enjoyable and energizing. To-do lists are great at boosting productivity, but they can get really boring if you don't incorporate items that you actually enjoy doing. You'll be surprised as to how well you perform if you do include simple pleasure that you actually enjoy doing into your daily checklists. It relaxes and energizes you.

1. Incorporate items into your to-do lists that you love to do.
2. Don't feel guilty for doing things you love. Just add them to your to-do lists and have fun doing it.
3. Happy people accomplish more. So, find out what makes you happy.

Aug 07, 201802:18
Productivity Tip #7 - Avoid Distractions - Turn Notifications Off

Productivity Tip #7 - Avoid Distractions - Turn Notifications Off

This is a tip to avoid distractions and boost productivity. Smart Notifications are a major distraction to focusing on a work effort and getting things done. According to a research, one-third of the notifications make your mood worse. Its no wonder that they are helpful, but most of them are not. So, turn the notifications off and focus on the work effort. You'll be able to get a lot more accomplished.
Jul 29, 201803:07
Producticity Tip #6 - 5 Minute Rule

Producticity Tip #6 - 5 Minute Rule

You'll see a mega boost to your productivity if you followed the 5 minute rule. It's simple. Once you have the To-Do list, identify items that can be finished in under 5 minutes and finish it. It may be an email that you need to send or a conversation you need to have with your colleague, do it the first thing. Once you do these, these small wins will give you momentum to plow through the rest of the to-do lists and get them done.

What's something you can do in 5 minutes or less that will boost your productivity?
Jul 21, 201802:03
Producticity Tip #5 - Create Not - To - Do  Lists

Producticity Tip #5 - Create Not - To - Do Lists

This is a productivity trick that is insanely hard to do. That is to create a Not-To-Do lists. To-Do lists help you consciously write down what you need to do, but Not-To-Do lists help you consciously avoid the things you are addicted to or things that are holding you back from achieving your goals.

That netflix series you can't stop watching, that youtube feed you can't stop scrolling, whatever it may be that is hindering your productivity. Write. Them. Down. And Consciously make a choice to not do it. Sherlock, go get'em.
Jul 21, 201803:57
Producticity Tip #4 - Pomodoro Technique Aka Tomato Timer

Producticity Tip #4 - Pomodoro Technique Aka Tomato Timer

Pomodoro Technique a.k.a Tomato Timer, is designed to fight procrastination and help you become super productive. It's simple, you start out by writing down a large task that you need to finish. You then break it down into 25 minute tasks (set a timer for 25 minutes), followed by 5 minutes of break. you do this for 4 cycles followed by 20 minutes of a longer break. Research suggests that this technique can help you get your work done in half the time, or you can get double work done in the same time.

It's really helpful. Trick is to avoid distractions. Now, go get your tomato timer.
Jul 21, 201804:47
Producticity Tip #3 - Batching Your Tasks

Producticity Tip #3 - Batching Your Tasks

Productivity Tip #3 - Batching. Batching is the idea of grouping together similar tasks to do them all the same time. Think of laundry, for example, you don't wash just the pair of socks each time, you batch them up in a basket and do it at once. Similar concept with your Daily, Weekly, Monthly or quarterly goals. Why do you do that? Because there is task switching costs and set up costs involved with each work task and if you batch similar tasks at once, you can reduce these costs and improve efficiency and effectiveness. Have you used it before? What do you use to boost your productivity? I'd like to know more.
Jul 15, 201803:13
Productivity 101 - Tip #2 - Create Daily Checklists

Productivity 101 - Tip #2 - Create Daily Checklists

Productivity Tip #2 in this series is to create Daily Checklists. A Daily Checklist is the tasks you want to accomplish in that day prioritized in the order of most important tasks first. To be super effective, you need to tackle the most important task first, even if its most difficult. The second trick is to have a sense of urgency in executing these tasks. Sense of urgency is the #1 trait of successful CEO's after all. There you go! Now, go get your daily checklist going.
Jul 14, 201803:05
Productivity 101 - Tip #1 - Just. Get. Started

Productivity 101 - Tip #1 - Just. Get. Started

Productivity 101 is a podcast designed to share tips and techniques to increase your productivity 10 times or more. Everyone has goals in life that they'd like to accomplish, but some people are able to do it better than others. This podcast is an attempt to help people reach their biggest goals by sharing #productivity tips and techniques backed by science.
Jul 09, 201802:44