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Something Even Better

Something Even Better

By Stacie Mitchell

Here’s what no one tells you about creating a meaningful life and career: it’s never as straightforward as it seems.

A great life means following the breadcrumbs of what you love, staying curious, and being willing to fail, looking a little flaky, and staying true to yourself -- even when it all feels a little bit scary.

Because when you’re brave enough to let go of old dreams and what’s no longer aligned, you make room for something even better.
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"What do I really want?" plus a quick 2021 recap

Something Even BetterDec 20, 2021

Moving on to Something Even Better
Sep 26, 202214:59
Strengths > Stress: How to avoid feeling stretched thin as a solopreneur
Sep 12, 202230:21
High functioning anxiety and the power of a pivot with Alyssa Cotten
Aug 29, 202230:21
Loving yourself out of corporate burnout with Sarah Feeley
Aug 15, 202239:32
How to spend less time on social media: 10 can't-miss tips
Aug 01, 202224:59
How to market yourself without social media with Jenna Hellberg

How to market yourself without social media with Jenna Hellberg

Link to Part 1 of this special collab: Social media marketing and the true costs for small business on the Building Balance Podcast


This is a special podcast collaboration with my good biz friend Jenna from the Building Balance podcast.

We decided to do something a bit different with this topic and split it into two separate episodes.

In Part 1, which you can find right now over on The Building Balance podcast, we answer the question: “Is social media costing you more than just your time?”

Listen to Part 1 here before you listen to this episode – Part 2!

In this episode – Part 2 – we talk about how we can start to move away from social media toward other marketing methods. Because if not social media, then what?

Read the transcript(ish) for this episode here!


Free resources:

If you’re interested in taking a different approach to marketing your business, I highly recommend downloading my free SEO Cheat Sheet and Tutorial at  This also adds you to my twice-monthly newsletter where I dig deeper into the topic of moving away from social media, as well as how to overcome the mindset gunk that can come with entrepreneurship. 

Jenna has a guide, called Instant Relief, which includes a really simple 4-step exercise that’s specifically designed to help you figure out which marketing and sales activities are actually bringing in sales, so that you can stop doing *all the things*, or reduce the time you spend on marketing activities that aren’t bringing in sales –– whether that’s social media or something else. You can find it along with Jenna’s other current resources at

Mentioned on the podcast:
Jessica Eley’s Free Workshop:
The Top 3 Reasons Why Your Expertise Isn't Converting To Sales (and what to do about it)

Claire Paniccia (@conqueryourcontent): The importance of creating long-form content for your ideal audience to binge.

Jul 18, 202235:22
The power of a simple coaching website with Samantha Mabe

The power of a simple coaching website with Samantha Mabe

Does your website feel old, outdated, or – (gasp!) - you don’t even HAVE a website?!

Join me as I chat with Samantha Mabe, creative director and designer of Lemon and the Sea. 

We talk about:

  • How a new approach to web design projects completely shifted her relationship with her business and allowed for more flexibility in her life and with her family
  • How she knew it was time to find a different framework for offering her services
  • How a simple website is the BEST approach for converting more clients
  • How she delivers a website in just ONE day
  • Tips for making your website better – that you can apply today!

Book mentioned on the podcast:
Stolen Focus by Johann Hari

Samantha Mabe, creative director and designer of Lemon and the Sea, helps service providers and coaches who are ready to launch their signature offer and need a website that matches the high-caliber work they're doing. With her signature framework, Samantha has designed and customized over 25 websites over the past 6 years for all different types of entrepreneurs. When she is not digging into design and strategy, Samantha loves true crime podcasts, adventures with her toddler, and trying to keep up with her Netflix queue.

You can connect with Samantha over on her website or on Instagram @lemonandthesea.

Jul 11, 202228:24
How to get life coaching clients online:  My fav marketing "hack"
Jun 20, 202221:60
Finding your way as a multi-passionate entrepreneur and creative with Jessica Tudos

Finding your way as a multi-passionate entrepreneur and creative with Jessica Tudos

Today’s special guest is Jessica Tudos, who helps fellow high-achieving multi-passionates organize and declutter physically - and mentally - in order to be more focused, productive, and creative at home and at work. As an Olympian turned edupreneur, life design coach, and organizer, Jessica helps creative portfolioists bring their ideas, projects, and passions to life.

If you’ve ever found yourself struggling to find your “one right path”, if you feel like you’re always  “trying to fit a square peg into a round hole” or you just have way too many interests and a fear of being "flaky", this episode is just for you!

Jessica and I talk about:

  • How the myth of the “one path” can keep you from discovering the joys of being a multi-passionate creative or entrepreneur
  • How to create a “portfolio” life where you can enjoy your many interests while feeding your curiosity and your need for variety
  • An approach to stability and financial security that doesn’t hamper your creativity 
  • How to stop feeling ashamed of your curiosity and many interests and how to embrace your identity as multi-passionate creative

Jessica is grounded by lifelong learning, creative expression, and lots of juggling. Her adventures include having 65+ jobs (and counting), traveling to 40+ countries, becoming a single mom by choice, and getting married at 50. Not a conventional path, nor possible if she had continued to pursue the “one thing” in my career or “settling down” in her personal life.

Breaking free from societal expectations, trusting her gut, and taking creative risks allowed her to find Something Even Better! You definitely don’t want to miss this episode!

You can connect with Jessica by joining her
Thrive with 5 email list, where each month she sends multi-passionate portfolioists items to reflect on, read, watch, listen and do!

Jessica is also hosting a 10-day Group Decluttering Challenge from June 10 – 20, 2022, and you can sign up here!

Mentioned on the episode:
Jessica’s Curated List of Her 100 Most Inspiring Books
What she’s reading now:
Creative Acts for Curious Peopleby Sarah Stein Greenberg

Check out Jessica's children's book "
Kika the Upside-Down Girl" right here!

Jun 06, 202243:30
Email marketing for life coaches: The best tips to sign clients and grow your list

Email marketing for life coaches: The best tips to sign clients and grow your list

When I was a life coach focused on burnout, email marketing helped fill my 1:1 and group programs more than any other method. And there’s evidence to support that it’s a much more effective marketing method than almost any other out there, with a higher conversion rate than social media.

I love email marketing – especially for coaches – because it allows you to get a bit more personal. You can share stories you might not feel comfortable sharing elsewhere. You can slowly build trust over time. And your email subscribers aren’t expecting you to send them an email every day, and you’re not penalized for not being active every single day like you are on social media. 

In today’s podcast, I dig deep into email marketing, specifically for coaches, and how effective it can be in signing new clients, while touching on these topics:

  • Why every life coach (or any coach!) needs email marketing
  • How to create a freebie that your ideal clients actually want
  • Why I love MailerLite for email marketing for life coaches
  • Where to share your email opt-in
  • The next step in your email marketing: Your welcome sequence
  • How to sign coaching clients from email marketing

Check out the blog post for this podcast, which includes links to extra resources and a full email example.

Download my free SEO Cheat Sheet that grew my podcast by 58% over 5 months!

Grab my new Sign Clients Without Social Media mini-course bundle, which includes a copywriting template for your opt-in landing page, a copywriting template for all of your welcome sequence emails, more examples of my emails that converted to clients, video tutorials for how to set up the automations in MailerLite, and more! 

This bundle also includes an SEO mini-course and a guest podcasting mini-course with loads more tutorials and templates so you can sign clients without social media. You can buy the bundle over at – and use code SUMMER25 to get $25 off for a limited time, making it just $50!! And anyone who buys the course before midnight on June 1st also gets a private invite to a 1 hour long group coaching call where you can ask me questions and get feedback, scheduled for Sunday, June 26th from 4-5 pm EST.

Mentioned on the podcast:
Create Your Laptop Life podcast episode: 13 List Building Ideas

May 23, 202229:52
SEO for Coaches: A quick-start guide to attracting your ideal clients

SEO for Coaches: A quick-start guide to attracting your ideal clients

SEO tools can be a secret weapon for coaches. But I’ll be honest, many coaches shudder when they even hear the word "SEO."  Get links to research, screenshots, and more for this episode over here on the blog!

It sounds technical, maybe a little cold, and definitely too complicated to understand, so why even bother, right? Wrong!!!

Today on the podcast, I talk about how SEO strategy can make every piece of content you create work harder for you over time and help your perfect fit clients find you with way less effort.

I dive into:

  • Why every coach should use SEO in their business
  • What is SEO and why do coaches need it?
  • Does SEO really work for coaching businesses?
  • How SEO keywords help coaching clients find you
  • My favorite simple tools for SEO keyword research
  • How to get the biggest bang for your buck with SEO as a coach

Grab my free SEO Cheat Sheet with my 5 minute tutorial for how to use my favorite tools that helped me grow my podcast by 58% in just 5 months! 

And apply to snag your spot to receive your customized SEO content marketing roadmap, where you’ll get the best keywords for your Home page, About page, and content, a custom guest podcasting plan, and more. I only offer one of these intensives each month. You can find out more and apply to work with me at 

May 09, 202226:44
Social media marketing for coaches: The hidden cost to your practice

Social media marketing for coaches: The hidden cost to your practice

Everybody and their mother says you MUST use social media marketing for your coaching business, but why haven’t we stopped to consider the possible repercussions on our craft – our abilities as a coach? Read the blog with linked resources here!

In today’s episode, Stacie talks about social media marketing for coaches, the potential hidden costs to your coaching practice, and a better, more mindful and moderate approach to marketing your business with social media. 

Stacie answers a big question – Does social media marketing – specifically for coaches – have the potential to degrade our coaching skills over time? – by diving deeper into the questions below:

  • Is social media marketing really worth your time and energy?
  • What creates a great coach? And how can social media marketing potentially impede these skills?
  • The research: Can focusing too much on social media marketing potentially destroy our skills as coaches?
  • A better, more moderate approach to social media marketing for coaches

If you desperately want to stop feeling glued to your phone, but you just can’t seem to make it happen, download the free guide to the absolute best resources to help you quit (or pull way, way back) right here.

And if you want to use SEO to help bring your perfect clients right to you, download the SEO Cheat Sheet and Tutorial today! This is the same method I used to grow my podcast downloads by 58% in 5 months!

Mentioned on the podcast:

Book: Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman
Podcast: Six reasons to quit social media, maybe even forever

May 02, 202231:14
Overcoming good girl syndrome in a sacred women’s circle with Mandy Steinhardt

Overcoming good girl syndrome in a sacred women’s circle with Mandy Steinhardt

On today’s podcast, Stacie chats with Coach Mandy Steinhardt about overcoming good girl syndrome and codependency, and how the power of a sacred women’s circle completely changed her life. 

We dig deeper into:

  • What good girl syndrome is and how it relates to codependency, decision making, and the inability to say no
  • How to listen to your own intuition to make better, more aligned decisions
  • How to set and keep boundaries
  • What a sacred women’s circle is and what to expect when you join one
  • Examples of activities to reconnect to your divine feminine
  • The importance of learning how to mother and care for yourself

Mandy Steinhardt is an authenticity and career coach who helps women combat the blahs and overwork by engaging with the divine feminine through healing women’s circles and 1:1 coaching. 

There’s still time to join her “Divine Within” Women’s Circle this summer where you’ll meet every other Wednesday and connect with other women and:

  • Kick FOMO to the curb in favor of real connection.
  • Recover old and new dreams we have set aside in order to “get along” and “be a good girl/wife/mother.”
  • Learn how to access our intuition, define our values, and create our individual plans to mirror them in our hectic lives.
  • Connect with Mother Earth and remember Goddesses that pre-dated patriarchal religion
  • Work on how we can create a sense of community in these disconnected times.

You can connect with Mandy on Instagram – check out this post about the 5 warning signs of codependency! Check out Mandy’s website for more!

Mentioned on the podcast:

Apr 18, 202241:03
Why I quit my MLM with Sales Strategist Erika Tebbens
Apr 11, 202231:16
Mimetic desire, the social media comparison trap, and why it matters for your business
Mar 28, 202229:46
Debunking the myths of entrepreneurship with Jenna Hellberg
Mar 14, 202201:00:29
Marketing your business without social media: Is it possible in 2022?

Marketing your business without social media: Is it possible in 2022?

Stacie jumps in to talk about something she is hearing from more and more online business owners: “I would love to quit social media, but is marketing my business without social media even possible?!”

The TLDR answer: Yes, it is! Stacie walks you through her 7 simple tips for marketing your business without social media plus shares her own experiment using SEO to boost her organic podcast and blog traffic, and the initial results she’s gotten from just 3.5 months of using SEO research. Sneak peek: Podcast downloads are up ~43%! 

Here’s a little summary of what Stacie digs into on this episode:

  • Why so many of us want to market without social media
  • But when it comes to marketing your business without social media – How do you do it???
  • Stacie’s experiment: Can you still make money while marketing without social media?
  • Stacie’s “rules” for her “marketing without social media” experiment
  • The initial results of her experiment, 4 months in

If you want to see how Stacie uses two SEO tools to conduct SEO keyword research that helps her content grow her traffic over time,  head over to to download her quick, 5 minute tutorials that show how you can do it for your content too!

See more about this podcast over on the blog!

And if you’re looking to quit social media in your personal life, grab the absolute best resources to help you quit!

Finally: You can access my private podcast episode for figuring out what you really want right here!

Loved this episode? First go write a review, and then go listen to:
6 reasons to quit social media -- maybe even forever
My no social media challenge: results from just one week

Feb 28, 202236:17
Breaking up with someone you love with Kari Lu Cowell

Breaking up with someone you love with Kari Lu Cowell

I have a super special episode for you this Valentine’s Day – and it wasn’t even planned that way, how serendipitous! 

Join me as I interview The Anti-Soulmate Love Coach Kari Lu Cowell about breaking up with someone you still love (including her story with the rom-com classic “meet cute”), how to know when it’s time to move on, and how to find a more equitable relationship with your next partner.

Kari and I dig into:

  • The power of physical attraction with someone you love, but that’s just not quite right for you
  • When your values just don’t match in your relationships
  • How a mismatch in values can cause more emotional labor in your relationships
  • How to find more balance and equity in your partnerships, especially with the social conditioning we all have
  • The power and relief that comes from realizing you can’t make other people change 
  • How honesty and co-creation is so important to all of our intimate relationships
  • The importance of cultivating loving relationships outside of our romantic partnerships

Mentioned on the podcast:

Kari’s favorite book:
The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz

Kari Lu Cowell is The Anti-Soulmate Love Coach!

She helps people examine and expand their definitions of love, romance, and dating so that they can step off the relationship escalator and create the loving and liberated relationships of their dreams!

Kari is a non-monogamous, non-binary, queer, demisexual woman who brings 22 years of experience in non-monogamy and kink/BDSM along with a doctoral education in Clinical Psychology and multiple wellness and trauma informed trainings to her work as a coach

You can connect with Kari on Instagram @karilucoaching  or on her website here.

Feb 14, 202237:47
The truth about working for yourself vs. working for someone else
Jan 31, 202234:26
Making a career change in your 30s with Courtney Holgate-Champney

Making a career change in your 30s with Courtney Holgate-Champney

Courtney Holgate-Champney joins the podcast and talks about finding her path later in life, falling into healthcare supply chain for nonprofit healthcare through temp work (and loving it at the time!), and ultimately making a career change into tech in her 30s after a period of feeling dissatisfied and “stuck.”

Courtney and I dig into:

  • How moving away from her hometown was the first step to stepping into her own power and living a more aligned life.
  • How she got her Bachelor’s degree in Public Health at age 32 and how it gave her the foundation for making changes later in her career.
  • How networking ultimately helped her realize how her current skills working in healthcare supply chain were well suited to tech sales – something she NEVER thought she’d do, that she absolutely loves, and that gives her family much more financial security and stability.
  • How more flexibility and extra financial security with her job has allowed her to give back to her community, support local businesses, and volunteer more.
  • The hardships that helped prepare her for a career change in her 30s and the 10 months it took to make the change.
  • Handling the rejections along the way to making this career change.

Courtney currently works in technology sales and has been in this position for over two years after moving from healthcare supply chain at a local non-profit healthcare system. She loves learning and talking about supply chain and healthcare, however her passion is in empowering women in industries that are traditionally dominated by men. Her undergrad is in public health and she also has an MBA, both from Oregon State University in Corvallis, Oregon, where she currently resides with her husband and four year old. 

You can connect with Courtney over on LinkedIn or follow her on Instagram @workingwomxnrise.

Check out the blog for more!

Extra resources mentioned in the interview: ubu pod interview with Erika Tebbens – stats about women, money, and giving  back to the community

Courtney’s favorite book: Burnout: The secret to solving the stress cycle by Emily Nagoski and Amelia Nagoski

Stacie’s recommended book on therapy: Maybe You Should Talk To Someone by Lori Gottlieb

Jan 17, 202237:32
My no social media challenge: Results from just one week
Jan 10, 202219:20
Arrival fallacy: The curse of the unhappy achiever
Jan 03, 202229:38
"What do I really want?" plus a quick 2021 recap

"What do I really want?" plus a quick 2021 recap

As we close out 2021, I take a quick moment to reflect on this year and its many ups and downs.

I also share my 2022 word of the year, as well as a free private podcast episode that can help you find more clarity around what you really want as you set your intentions for the new year.

Grab the free private podcast episode, where I take you through the coaching exercise, and point out what to watch for so you get the most out of it, along with a “clarity cheat sheet” to help you dissect your own answers - it’s like your personal BS detector for your own thoughts!

Dec 20, 202108:40
How to close your business and walk away for something even better

How to close your business and walk away for something even better

In this episode we catch up with Bri -- my first guest to come BACK on the podcast! 

We last talked to Bri on the “When the business you’ve built causes you dread and how to love it again” episode, which I recommend listening to first if you haven’t already.

In this episode, Bri talks about deciding to close her business and walk away to find her Something Even Better, and we dig into:

  • The strangeness of no longer having an “easy” elevator pitch
  • The pros and cons of entrepreneurship and having a job, and choosing what’s right for you
  • Recovering from burnout AND realizing you still don’t love entrepreneurship
  • Making the tough decision to close her business and walk away - a business she used to see as her big dream
  • How to get comfortable with messy and colorful curiosity -- being more flexible and not always knowing the big picture
  • Why thinking your work is your ONE BIG THING is dangerous

Mentioned in the podcast:

The interview with Marie Forleo and Elizabeth Gilbert -- on choosing your flavor of sh*t sandwich

The Studio Challenge - Music School Bootcamp for music teachers 

Bri’s favorite books: the Harry Potter series and The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo

Dec 13, 202138:05
Six reasons to quit social media in 2022, and maybe even FOREVER (gasp!)
Nov 29, 202130:51
“Why am I never happy with any job?!”: The 6 surprising reasons
Nov 15, 202122:42
What you’re chasing is chasing you with Burnout Coach Katie Rapkoch
Nov 01, 202140:22
Follow the fun to more interesting work
Oct 25, 202118:49
Making room for something even better
Oct 20, 202121:40
Pre-SEB: Charging for the transformation with Mindset Coach Rebecca Wiener McGregor
Oct 04, 202154:18
Pre-SEB: Finding the balance with Burnout Coach Maggie Supernova
Sep 27, 202146:12
Pre-SEB: Why every coach should create a signature coaching program
Sep 13, 202117:23
Pre-SEB: From zero audience to fully booked with Social Work Coach Laura Ann Dunn
Sep 06, 202146:26
Pre-SEB: The two boats and the power of commitment
Aug 30, 202114:06
Pre-SEB: Your most important business non-negotiable

Pre-SEB: Your most important business non-negotiable

What should be the #1 item on your business to-do list every week? Join me as I dig into your most important business non-negotiable -- THE thing that makes everything else work in your coaching business - seriously!

Aug 23, 202110:46
Pre-SEB: Coach burnout and why it matters
Aug 16, 202130:35
Pre-SEB: The coaching that made us

Pre-SEB: The coaching that made us

In this off-the-cuff episode, Stacie talks about the lessons from the Netflix docuseries The Movies That Made Us, lessons that help us keep from giving up, even when it seems like nothing is working and our dreams will never happen.

Aug 09, 202116:58
Pre-SEB: Consistently create unboring copy with Tracie Kendziora
Aug 02, 202153:38
Pre-SEB: Make your own marketing rules with Miranda Rodriguez
Jul 26, 202159:44
Pre-SEB: Putting your joy first with Marisa Bailey
Jul 19, 202153:43
Pre-SEB: The neuroscience of consistency and how it makes your business easy
Jul 12, 202127:30
Pre-SEB: The truth about consistent coaching income
Jul 05, 202121:06
Pre-SEB: The big lie: “Only business coaches make money”

Pre-SEB: The big lie: “Only business coaches make money”

What’s something I hear from my clients WAY too often? “Only business coaches can make money!”

But that’s a big lie! Today you’ll hear from four coaches who have made good money in non-business niches. If you want to expand your mindset and create the belief that EVERY coach can make good money, this episode is for you!

Our guest coaches:

A former weight loss coach who was making 6 figures before shifting to business coaching. She talks about the identity shift required to become the coach who creates a consistent, sustainable income: “If you don’t become the boss, nobody else will.” Caryn Gillen now helps other coaches build their businesses. You can find her at or on Instagram at @caryngillen.

A sleep consultant for exhausted parents, making a very comfortable, even surprising (!) income that allows for lots of fun with her family. Find Christine Stevens at or on Instagram at @christinestevens.sleep.

A public speaking coach who left a “cushy” job in academia so she could fully experience being her own boss. Her income is increasing steadily and this year (in May) she surpassed what she made in all of 2020. Find Megan at or on Instagram at @ubuskills

A sex coach and educator, and founder of Passion by Kait, who went from selling sex toys on her Catholic college campus to building a sustainable business practice that works with her chronic illness and still supports her life. You can find Kait Scalisi at or on Instagram at @passionbykait.2

Struggling to stay consistent in your coaching business? Download The Consistent Five: Five powerful questions to help you get unstuck and start staying consistent -- and signing consistent clients -- with ease! Grab 'em here!: 

Jun 28, 202132:23
Pre-SEB: Building trust in yourself as a coach and entrepreneur
Jun 21, 202122:30
Pre-SEB: When you want to quit your coaching business
Jun 14, 202122:11
Pre-SEB: How to become a thought leader and attract more coaching clients
Jun 07, 202120:52
Pre-SEB: Get coaching clients without social media

Pre-SEB: Get coaching clients without social media

Hear directly from my client Julie from Happy Mind Guide about how she has coaching clients consistently reaching out for consults --- WITHOUT using social media to do it! And has booked herself out for the next 7 months!

We talk about how my coaching program has shifted her approach to marketing - so she can use her strengths and book clients with ease. If you're struggling to grow your coaching business and hate using social media so much, this is for you!

Are you ready to simplify and supercharge your coaching business and become The Consistent Coach? The coach with consistent clients and consistent income? 

Learn more and apply at

Want to learn more about Julie and her program? Check her out at!

May 31, 202124:39
Pre-SEB: The 5 C’s of The Consistent Coach
May 24, 202121:35
Pre-SEB: Why we fall for secrets, formulas, and scams
May 17, 202114:19
Pre-SEB: Your niche doesn't matter (that much)
May 10, 202117:54