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The Super Hero Mum podcast

The Super Hero Mum podcast

By Stefania Iancu

Welcome to Superhero Mums , the show which challenges motherhood, womanhood and lifestyle.
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#3 Can healthy coping mechanisms keep you away from addictions?

The Super Hero Mum podcastNov 12, 2018

#2.3 What does it take to recover mentally, emotionally and physically postpartum?

#2.3 What does it take to recover mentally, emotionally and physically postpartum?

I had the honour to be invited as a guest on the Mums Journey podcast and we discussed lots about motherhood and postnatal recovery.  I shared my story on how I overcame PND, lost 6 stone postpartum, and had a career change from lawyer to fitness professional and creator of the SHM movement.  Hope you enjoy it!

Apr 15, 201901:03:16
#2.2 To change or not to change sheet

#2.2 To change or not to change sheet

I developed a 'change or not to change' sheet to help me in my transformation journey. In this episode I share how I applied it to my life and what the outcome was. If you want to be successful you need to start with your mindset. 

Apr 12, 201925:06
#2.1 How I overcame anxiety and panic attacks

#2.1 How I overcame anxiety and panic attacks

In this episode I share my approach to healing myself from anxiety and panic attacks. Since last year I've been through a lot and only recently I've felt like myself again.

I did not document my healing journey because I needed privacy. I felt very vulnerable and weak, and I could not have been on the screen. It was a very painful healing process and I needed to be alone with my thoughts and emotions.

I share the exact steps I took to recover and I mention a list of books that have helped me tremendously.

Apr 11, 201925:44
#23 Can bulling crush your self esteem and self worth?

#23 Can bulling crush your self esteem and self worth?


The line between jokes and hurtful statements is very thin. How many times have jokes hurt you?

Well, after a while, you start to believe those jokes. And you lose sight of your real value, because your waist line is not small enough. 

Feb 13, 201923:28
#22 Does certainty enhance motivation?

#22 Does certainty enhance motivation?

Lack of motivation is the no one reason for failure in weight loss. Why do we keep giving up? What does it take to make it happen?

Feb 04, 201921:22
#21 If u could recognise and accept fear, would you be more courageous?

#21 If u could recognise and accept fear, would you be more courageous?

 Being able to recognise and face your fears, will free you. It will allow you to make better choices. It will make you more courageous. Because now you know that all your 'reasons' are a lie. 

Jan 25, 201921:10
#20 Are there any benefits to exercising?

#20 Are there any benefits to exercising?

To exercise or not to exercise? Well, that is one hell of a question. We are all in a rush to get quick results, but none of us is willing to pay the ultimate price: your health. 

Jan 25, 201924:30
#19 How to gain confidence in the gym?

#19 How to gain confidence in the gym?

Lack of confidence is the number one reason why people give up on going gym. Find out how to increase your confidence and make permanent changes. 

Jan 21, 201921:13
#18 How to live free of opinions, standards and outside pressure

#18 How to live free of opinions, standards and outside pressure

Do you live the life you want or the life your environment wants you to? The only way to live a happy life is to act in agreement with yourself. 

Jan 11, 201923:57
#17 Why would you want to lose weight quickly?

#17 Why would you want to lose weight quickly?

Weight loss is a transformation journey. It is not about the dress size, it is about your inner healing and building the courage to live the greatest life. 

Jan 09, 201923:16
#16 Do you ever feel like it is impossible to maintain your weight?

#16 Do you ever feel like it is impossible to maintain your weight?

I share a number of tips to help you maintain your weight. It is never easy to stay fit and slim when you are a mum. The challenges are always there...

Jan 07, 201926:09
#15 What does it take to stick to the New Year's Resolution?

#15 What does it take to stick to the New Year's Resolution?

New Year's Resolution can be achieved. Do you have what it takes?

Jan 07, 201922:17
#14 Why do you seek food entertainment?

#14 Why do you seek food entertainment?

Food entertainment is meant to distract you from your own thoughts. OMG I am on a diet, I am restricted, I cannot do this. How often have you been there? As a former obese person who used food entertainment as an excuse, I share with you the steps you need to take to stop the cravings. Enjoy!
Dec 17, 201822:51
#13 A tribute to myself

#13 A tribute to myself

I just turned 28 years old. I wanted to share with you guys how you can turn your life around if you commit to greatness. I am bragging a lil :)
Dec 14, 201824:40
#12 Why is food the hardest addiction to overcome?

#12 Why is food the hardest addiction to overcome?

Society refuses to recognise food as an addiction although obesity is the number one cause of illnesses. What steps can each of us take to defeat the fastest growing addiction in the world?
Dec 09, 201822:07
#11 Top Tips on Meal Prep

#11 Top Tips on Meal Prep

Are you a busy mum who finds it hard to meal prep? These tips are a game changer.
Nov 24, 201816:27
#10 How unworthy do you think you are?

#10 How unworthy do you think you are?

If you often think less of yourself, then this episode is for you.
Nov 21, 201825:39
#9 Calorie deficit will make you gain weight

#9 Calorie deficit will make you gain weight

Are you fed up with losing and gaining weight? Don't expect different results if you keep doing the same thing.
Nov 20, 201825:35
#8 Is mass media the number 1 reason for self hate?

#8 Is mass media the number 1 reason for self hate?

Fake ass, fake breasts, fake lips... unless you fake it, you are not pretty enough. Is everything around you the problem?
Nov 17, 201819:37
#7 Is lack of confidence preventing you from making changes?

#7 Is lack of confidence preventing you from making changes?

Lack of confidence is one of the main reasons why mums don't take action. How can you overcome lack of confidence?
Nov 17, 201820:56
#6 Can intuition and common sense eating help you lose weight?

#6 Can intuition and common sense eating help you lose weight?

Learning the key principles of nutrition will help you build a healthy lifestyle. In this episode I share with you the steps you must take to make intuition eating work for well for you.
Nov 13, 201821:33
#5 Can you lose weight every day?

#5 Can you lose weight every day?

All mums are in a hurry to lose weight. How quickly can you actually do it? Where do you draw the line on self destructive diets?
Nov 13, 201819:06
#4 Where to start if you've never trained before?

#4 Where to start if you've never trained before?

Exercising means getting out of your comfort zone. A loooot. Not knowing where to start ads to the burden of doubt. I share with you a few tips to ease off the transition
Nov 12, 201829:18
#3 Can healthy coping mechanisms keep you away from addictions?

#3 Can healthy coping mechanisms keep you away from addictions?

When faced with life difficulties, most of us easily regress into old habits. What does it take to overcome the old addictions?
Nov 12, 201823:51
#2 How well do you digest your emotions?

#2 How well do you digest your emotions?

Your ability to digest negative emotions will impact your weight loss. Could you really defeat binge eating by learning how to deal with your emotions?
Nov 09, 201826:15
How many times per week should mums have intercourse?

How many times per week should mums have intercourse?

Most women find it hard to have any sex drive after becoming mums. Throughout this podcast I refer to what is truly holding you back from orgasmic pleasure and how can you improve your sex life. Enjoy it x
Nov 09, 201823:50