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ALL IN with Stephanie

ALL IN with Stephanie

By Stephanie Winslow

ALL IN with Stephanie is produced to encourage you and point your eyes toward Jesus! In each episode of ALL IN with Stephanie we will unpack scripture and learn how to live life ALL IN for Jesus! As you listen may your heart be revived, your mind be renewed and your spirit be refreshed as you walk in the freedom and abundance of Christ! This podcast airs three times a week with teaching, application and prayer. The first Episode of ALL IN with Stephanie lands on Monday, February 5th.

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ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: NUN

ALL IN with StephanieMay 13, 2024

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TAW

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TAW

This Psalm reminds us that we are sheep, and we easily go astray. It reminds us that we are prone to wander, and therefore the consistency of praying God's word, and crying out to Him, reminding ourselves who He is is critically important in our walk of Faith.

We end this series of Psalm 119 with a charge. Take one section of Psalm 119 that spoke to your heart - pray this Psalm back to God. Make these words your own cry for help. And your own heart's desire to remember His laws, His commands, His precept, His word.

Thank you for joining me for this series! We plan to be back to recording in July! Have a great June. Much love my friends.

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

May 31, 202414:21
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: SIN and SHIN

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: SIN and SHIN

How often during the day do your thoughts focus on praising God? The Psalmist in this section of Psalm 119 starting in verse 161, declares that seven times a day he praises God.

I just wonder, what would our lives look like if we gave God praise seven times a day? What would shift in our lives if we praised God seven times a day. I imagine those seven times would bleed over - and the seven would become 12 and then more. It would be an awareness and awakening of our souls for more of God!

Should we try it out? Are you willing to give it a go? Set your timer on your phone for seven times a day - and connect with one word - PRAISE or JESUS or GRATEFUL. Whatever word brings you closer to the heart of God! Let me know how it goes!

Blessings me friends! See you Friday!

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

May 29, 202416:20
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: RESH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: RESH

Today is our Memorial Day episode! We are so grateful for the men and women who have fought for our freedom! Thank you for those who have fought for us, and lost their lives on our behalf.

Today in Psalm 119, section RESH, we focus on God's character, the words that describe His truth, and the Psalmists cries for help. We can relate to the cries for help for sure, perhaps we can follow the lead of the Psalmist and follow our cries for help with affirmations of God's truth.

May 27, 202415:10
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: QOPH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: QOPH

Do you need to cry out for help? Are you facing a situation in life you've been shouldering in your own? Have you been unwilling to cry out for help? Maybe today is the day that you can cry out. Maybe today you take your lead from the Psalmist who helps us see how to cry out.

Join with me in today's message from Psalm 119.

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

May 24, 202416:41
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TSADHE

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TSADHE

Are you in trouble and anguish? You can find rest in God! These are the testimonies of His word -they allow your soul to be at rest.

Join me today and find rest for your soul!

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

May 22, 202416:19
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: PE

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: PE

We're back for another episode of ALL IN with Stephanie as we meditate and study through PE section (verses 129-136)

There are two main elements of this section that hit home with me - and I wanted to unpack them with you. One is the hunger for God's word - the idea of "panting" for His word. And the second is being moved to tears for those who are far away from God.

Join with me today as we wrestle with the state of our own hearts and engage our hearts in a deeper way with God.

#ALLIN #PSALM119 #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

May 20, 202418:24
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: AYIN

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: AYIN

Do you wish you could see resolutions to the problems your facing? Does the lack of being able to see solutions tempt you to doubt that God is at work? Join me today as we unpack Psalm 119: 121-128 and confess the reality of our desire to see God at work- and the struggle to trust Him when we can't.

Don't forget to bring a friend along for the this journey of growing in faith and living all in for Jesus!

#ALLIN #RefreshSouls #RenewMinds #ReviveHearts

May 17, 202415:09
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: SAMEKH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: SAMEKH

Do you view God as a safe place? Are you fearful of God? What does it look like to see Him as both safe and to be feared? Join me today on this episode of ALL IN with Stephanie and let's learn together the balance of both safety and fear of God.

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls

Invite your friends to go ALL IN with us!

May 15, 202416:18
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: NUN

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: NUN

On today's episode of ALL IN with Stephanie we are journeying through verses 105-112 which start by talking about God's word being a lamp and light. Join me to learn what this means and how it applies our lives today.

Don't forget to share this episode with a friend!

#ALLIN #RefreshSouls #RenewMinds #ReviveHearts #Psalm119

May 13, 202420:07
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: MEM

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: MEM

Looking for wisdom in all the places? Grasping at straws to find understanding? Have you looked to God's word?

His word is the source of TRUTH. His word will give you wisdom necessary for any situation. He tells is if we need wisdom- ask and He will give it. Ask Him, and let His wisdom flow!

Join me today as we unpack Psalm 119: 97-104 and look to God's word for wisdom. #ReviveHearts #RenewMinds #RefreshSouls #ALLIN

May 10, 202416:46
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: Lamedh

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: Lamedh

Feeling unstable in this shaky world? Don't fret - just stand firm on the word of God! God's word, the BIBLE, stands firm, is enduring, remains true, sustains life, and provides a plan. You, my friend, can trust His word. He is faithful from generation to generation!

Join me today and let's find our stability in the only one who can provide it.

#ALLIN #ReviveHearts #RenewsMinds #RefreshSouls

May 08, 202417:52
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: KAPH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: KAPH

Do you struggle with control or fear? This section of Psalm 119 will be particularly helpful to you if you do!

This Psalm points our eyes to the reality that we have a choice in how we respond to things out of our control, and if we are going to CHOOSE to trust God amid the fog.

Join me, and share this episode to bring hope to friends around you! It's time to go ALL IN with Jesus!



May 06, 202417:03
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: YODH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: YODH

YODH or HAND, is the focus of this section of Psalm 119. It first and foremost focuses our gaze on the creator. His hands have made us (vs 73). Additionally, there are two words that are repeated throughout the Psalm, which are: good and let.

God is good. No matter what we face.

God in in control. No matter what we face.

It is for our good that we go through affliction, it shows us HE is good, and He is in control of all.

May 03, 202414:18
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TETH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: TETH

TETH is a paradox. This pinnacle verse in this section of Psalm 119 is a paradox that we each will experience and will have to wrestle through. The paradox is this, that affliction is for our good. Why is it for our good? Join me, and let's learn together what the Psalmist has to teach us.

Join me Friday also, we we conclude the week with the next section of Psalm 119.

May 01, 202414:13
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: HETH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: HETH

The Lord is your portion. That means that He is your inheritance. A gift that is given to you because you have been adopted into His family. This section of Psalm 119 helps us focus on the gift that God is to us. And that his face is turned toward us - and the more aware of the awesomeness of the gifts He is, the more we desire to turn our feet toward Him!

Join me today as we go ALL IN!

Apr 29, 202420:54
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: ZAYIN

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: ZAYIN

Are you in the middle of affliction? A conflict? An illness? A broken relationship? Whatever you are walking through, as the Psalmist guides, let God be your comfort.

Join with me in unpacking Psalm 119:49-56 as we learn how to let God be our comfort in affliction.

Let's go ALL IN with Jesus!

Apr 26, 202416:05
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: WAW

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: WAW

Do you feel like the walls of your life are caving in? Does walking through open spaces of a field sound life-giving and beautiful? Such is the life of walking with Jesus, we are given the blessing of walking in open spaces- through the world that's crumbling, we have hope.

Let's find mercy, deliverance and hope in Jesus and His word!

Joi me and remember to invite friends to learn along with us!

Apr 24, 202412:53
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: HE

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: HE

Teach, lead, incline, establish. These words and others from this Psalm help us to see the Psalmist understands his neediness for God. We also, are desperately needy for Him, but how do we acknowledge this need?

We lean into His word, and pray, we ask God for vision and help to understand, to desire and delight in His ways.

Join me for today's message on Psalm 119:33-40, section HE.


Apr 22, 202414:46
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: DALETH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: DALETH

Are you at your wits end? Do you feel as if your face is in the dust and that you are pressed up against a wall? God is your safe place and He can revive your heart! He will be your strength.

Join me today we we read and contemplate together Psalm 119:25-32, section 4, DALETH. The blood of Jesus covers over us, and protects us!

He is our strength and our lifeblood!

I am praying that your heart for His word would be revived all the more.

Apr 19, 202413:33
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: GIMEL

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: GIMEL

What do you think of when you think of God? Do you think of majesty and are you filled with wonder? Well, that indeed is the kind of God we serve - and yet Jesus also chose to come to the earth as a man - and rode into Jerusalem on a donkey - even as the KING of all KINGS.

Join me as we unpack section 3 of Psalm 119: GIMEL, and cultivate a hunger for more of God!

Blessings be upon you my friends! Until next time.

Apr 17, 202411:07
ALL IN with Stephanie: PSALM 119: BETH

ALL IN with Stephanie: PSALM 119: BETH

This is part 2 of 22 of the Psalm 119 series: HUNGER. In today's episode I read verses 9-16 in the section BETH, which is the Hebrew letter. The question we are met with today is "how do we keep our way pure?"

The psalmist gives us the answer. Listen in and be encouraged today in your pursuit of relationship with God.

Be blessed my friends! And looking forward to next episode!

Apr 15, 202412:27
ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: ALEPH

ALL IN with Stephanie: Psalm 119: ALEPH

ALL IN with Stephanie is beginning a 22 episode series on Psalm 119 called HUNGER. This Psalm is all about hungering for God's word and how blessed we are when we live in alignment with God's word.

Join me Monday, Wednesday and Fridays from now until May 31st as we unpack the Psalm and pray for a hunger for God's word like never before.

I look forward to praying with you and growing in relationship with our God.

Apr 12, 202414:40
ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 3

ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 3

Prayer, is it your go to only when life has gone off the rails?

I believe that prayer is not reserved only for times of difficulties, but in all times in all things.

Today we take a look at Jeremiah 33:3 and Matthew 6:6-7. We pray together for the desire for prayer to be birthed in us. That the desire would expand beyond prayer in church or in groups, but it would be a close and personal time with Jesus!

Prayer is the fuel of our lives.

Mar 22, 202411:02
ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 2

ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 2

Do you desire to do what you have learned in God's word? This takes what we have studied and learned to a whole other level!

We take a look at James 1:22 and 25 which tell us that we are to be doers of the word and not just hearers.

Together we pray today, that God would help us not have only head knowledge, but that we would put into practice what we have learned.

Praying for you my friend!

Mar 20, 202412:30
ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 1

ALL IN with Stephanie: DESIRE, part 1

Do you desire, enjoy or look forward to spending time in God's word? Reading the Bible is a struggle for a lot of us. So often our Bible's collect dust.

Today we are going to take a look at Romans 15:4 and pray.

Yes, that's it. One verse, and pray. I believe this verse will give you a fresh perspective on reading the Bible but also, when we pray, we change. And that's what's needed.

Looking forward to praying over you and with you this week.

Mar 18, 202412:49
ALL IN with Stephanie: The Well, part 3
Mar 15, 202406:11
ALL IN with Stephanie: The Well, part 2
Mar 13, 202411:25
ALL IN with Stephanie: The Well, part 1

ALL IN with Stephanie: The Well, part 1

Have you experienced intense thirst? What about the experience of having to hike for miles to draw water, only to discover the well is dry? With Jesus, He gives us water, living water, from a well that will never run dry. We can trust Him with this!

Join me today to learn and grow together how to go ALL IN with Jesus.

John 14:13-14

Psalm 63:1

Handout for this week is here:

Mar 11, 202414:10
ALL IN with Stephanie: Supernatural Outcomes, part 3
Mar 08, 202408:05
ALL IN with Stephanie: Supernatural Outcomes, part 2
Mar 06, 202412:06
ALL IN with Stephanie: Supernatural Outcomes

ALL IN with Stephanie: Supernatural Outcomes

Are you walking through something right now that needs a miracle? A true work of God? Maybe it's a habit you've been trying to break? Maybe you are believing for mental, emotional or physical healing for you or a loved one?

With the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us, we can move through the hardest of hard days with hope!

Join me this week as we unpack the power of the Holy Spirit. I highlight some additional resources that I'd love you to check out!

Listen and learn this week!

Here is this week's BLOG

Here is this week's handout.

Mar 04, 202414:12
ALL IN with Stephanie: Lackadaisical Faith, part 3
Mar 01, 202405:45
ALL IN with Stephanie: Lackadaisical Faith, part 2
Feb 28, 202410:39
ALL IN with Stephanie : Lackadaisical Faith, part 1
Feb 26, 202410:26
ALL IN with Stephanie: Pray: Fear, Crazy Town and Trust
Feb 23, 202406:49
ALL IN with Stephanie: Apply: Fear, Crazy Town and TRUST
Feb 22, 202409:54
ALL IN with Stephanie : Fear, Crazy Town and TRUST
Feb 19, 202412:05
ALL IN with Stephanie: Seek First, PRAY
Feb 16, 202406:31
ALL IN with Stephanie: Seek First, APPLY
Feb 14, 202410:16
ALL IN with Stephanie: Seek First
Feb 12, 202410:17
ALL IN: Search with all your heart, Part 3

ALL IN: Search with all your heart, Part 3

It's prayer time! Feel free to download this weeks handout to follow deepen your experience!

I can't think of a better place to be that at the feet of Jesus in prayer! He hears us, he longs to meet our needs. He know what we need even before we ask - and when we pray in alignment with His word, He is sure to answer us.

Join me today we we close out this week praying that God would help us to search Him with all our hearts so we can know Him better and serve Him better.

Blessings friends. See you next week. God bless you and keep you, may His face shine upon you and give you peace.

Feb 09, 202407:34
ALL IN : Search with all your heart, Part 2

ALL IN : Search with all your heart, Part 2

Welcome back! Don't forget to download this weeks handout.

I am excited to work with you today and to talk through some application questions. Listen to today's episode and we will learn together to apply by making the necessary adjustments to our schedules. I am thrilled to walk this out with you because this is where the rubber meets the road. This is where we get raw and real and ask the Spirit to help us to be doers of the word - not just hearers. Be blessed. See you next episode.

Feb 07, 202408:18
ALL IN: Search with ALL your heart, Part 1

ALL IN: Search with ALL your heart, Part 1

ALL IN is a podcast designed with you in mind! Most believers desire a close walk with Jesus, but often it's the practical, how to, and just doing the things we know we need to do, or stop doing the things that aren't helping us. I pray that this episode and every episode hereafter blesses you, challenges you and encourages you to live ALL IN for Jesus.

First, don't forget to download your handout to follow along this week.

Join me Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8:30am where we will unpack together the verses that lead us into a deeper relationship with God. Listen and let your heart be revived, your mind be renewed and your soul refreshed.

Don't forget to subscribe and share this show with your circle!

Feb 05, 202410:10
ALL IN with Stephanie INTRO

ALL IN with Stephanie INTRO

Together we will live out ALL IN for Jesus!

Each week we will sit in the L.A.P. of Christ. We will Learn, Apply and Pray. The more we learn about Him, the more the Holy Spirit transforms us into His likeness. It is my desire that you would be refreshed in your soul, renewed in your mind and that your heart would be revived with the love of Christ as we study His word together!

Join me Monday - Wednesday - Friday @ 8:30am starting February 5th.

#ALLIN #RenewMinds #ReviveHearts #RefreshSouls

Jan 29, 202402:05
Cup of Hope: Advent: Useful & Fruitful
Dec 22, 202311:04
Cup of Hope: Advent: Love
Dec 20, 202314:60
Cup of Hope: Advent: Brotherly Kindness

Cup of Hope: Advent: Brotherly Kindness

Brotherly kindness. It's easier said than done. When considering those among us with personalities that are are more challenging, we can easily get trapped into brotherly irritation more than kindness.

2 Peter 1:7a

Let's join together and spur one another along in tapping into the Spirit at work within us that is enabling us to live kindly toward all.

#cupofhope #brotherlykindness #inspirehope #advent

Dec 19, 202311:10
Cup of Hope: Advent: Godliness
Dec 15, 202314:16
Cup of Hope: Advent: Patient Endurance
Dec 13, 202313:15
Cup of Hope: Advent : Self Control
Dec 13, 202312:50