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Healthy Habits with Coach Steve

Healthy Habits with Coach Steve

By Stephen Galietta

Weekly talks on life lessons, philosophies, and healthy habit strategies to building a better mind, body, and spirit. My experience and wisdom comes from being a successful business owner, fitness coach, holistic therapist, father, husband, seeker, and human being.
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Language is the X - factor

Healthy Habits with Coach SteveMay 09, 2024

Take time for you

Take time for you

We are busy people. We need to unplunge and take a break from our busy lives and the people in our circles to restore and balance ourselves. That's part of being healthy and living well.
Jun 01, 202407:06
Language is the X - factor

Language is the X - factor

What we say to ourselves determines an outcome. Are you using the right language with yourself and others to promote self growth or destruction? Choose your words wisely.
May 09, 202406:47
Time is a gift

Time is a gift

Be present in the moments you need to be with the time you have. Time is truly a gift that we take for granted.
Apr 25, 202403:33
Be of good moral character

Be of good moral character

We should be of good moral character. Being honest, trustworthy, kind, committed, empathic and assertive when need to in life.
Mar 20, 202406:08
You have to be all in!

You have to be all in!

Even in the days you don't feel like putting in the effort, you have to. You have to be all in to get the results and achievements your striving for.
Mar 13, 202405:05
Stop making excuses

Stop making excuses

In order to start making progress you have to stop making excuses of what you can’t complete your goals.
Mar 07, 202404:58
The weekend flow

The weekend flow

Staying consistent with progress, recovery and healthy habits are important for long term health. Navigating through the weekend can be tricky if you don't have a plan to help with healing and growth. In the podcast I talk about ways you still make progress on the weekends and not sabotage your weekly progress.
Feb 24, 202404:47
The morning routine and consistency

The morning routine and consistency

We have the opportunity to set ourselves up for success throughout the day and it starts with the morning routine. Practicing a morning routine consistently will help you better manage the day and help you with personal growth.
Feb 10, 202407:33
50 reasons why you should be exercising.

50 reasons why you should be exercising.

Are you struggling to find reasons why you should exercise? I have 50 reasons why you should.
Feb 01, 202403:25
How to get unstuck in the New Year

How to get unstuck in the New Year

In the episode I share some insights on how to get unstuck with goal starting.
Jan 16, 202419:01
Goal setting for the New Year

Goal setting for the New Year

Goal setting and working towards completing goals are important for personal development. I share with you the SMART system for setting and achieving goals. It's time to get in motion and complete those goals.
Jan 05, 202408:01
Can’t change anyone- stop trying

Can’t change anyone- stop trying

We cannot change anyone. People have to be willing to change. We can only change ourselves.
Dec 27, 202308:22
The morning routine

The morning routine

Your morning routine is either setting you up for success in the day or not. In this podcast I share the morning routine I use and what I teach others to use to set up for success in the day.
Dec 18, 202306:22
Be compassionate

Be compassionate

Showing compassion when someone does something wrong or hurtful is a strength and not weakness. It helps us grow and heal and spread more love and kindness into the world.
Nov 30, 202306:39
Everything Changes

Everything Changes

Life is always changing and we need to understand and accept this. Everything changes. Embrace it and flow with it.
Nov 15, 202310:28
Best ways to better manage Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

Best ways to better manage Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

With the seasons changing so is the chemical balance of our brain and body. Seasonal Affective Disorder is very real and impacts many people. Many people who may not even realize they are affected by the seasonal change. In this podcast I talk about SAD symptoms and methods to better manage SAD so it doesn't manage the person experiencing SAD.
Nov 01, 202311:38
How to build long lasting healthy relationships

How to build long lasting healthy relationships

Love doesn't hold relationships together. Active communication, honest, trust and understanding keeps relationships thriving.
Oct 20, 202321:52
Put down your phone

Put down your phone

I see too many people using phones in situations where it could be harmful. It's time to practice better self care habits. Use your phone in safer places with good posture.
Oct 02, 202307:34
Don’t lose your composure

Don’t lose your composure

Self regulation is a must. We shouldn’t let other people or situations take us out of our character and lose control of ourselves. Maintain control, maintain composure.
Sep 21, 202307:03
Give what you got

Give what you got

Sometimes in life we’re going to have days where we're not 100% for what ever the reasons. On those days we should be mindful of how we feel, our energy level and what were capable of doing. We shouldn’t over extend ourselves when we're not 100%. Thats part of good self care. Take care of yourselves.
Sep 18, 202306:21
The power of your mind

The power of your mind

Our minds can create or destroy. We have the ability to make choices that support our goals or not. It's the mind that has to be convinced your capable.
Sep 06, 202306:24
This is the Way

This is the Way

Sometimes in life we may think we’re doing all the right things and walking the chosen path, but yet we keep having such difficulties with our process and progress. Life isn’t working out the way we planned when doing all the things we think are good and just. When the way is clear there is no confusion, we can see and navigate on the path. We handle situations better, we make no excuses to take on challenges and we stay in a flow state. That’s what it means to walk the way. Sometimes we need to take a step back, reassess our belief systems and be open to change directions when life seems to not work out for us. This is the Way.
Aug 26, 202310:07
Don’t sweat the small stuff

Don’t sweat the small stuff

Sometimes we invest too much time, energy and thought into things and situations that we cannot change or control. It’s important to invest time and energy into what matters most.
Aug 22, 202306:47
Gently down the stream

Gently down the stream

Change requires effort, direction and a positive attitude. We have choices we can make to better invest in our self care and personal development. It's time to make better choices and apply effort.
Aug 16, 202313:50
5 tips to better manage stress

5 tips to better manage stress

We all have a lot of things we deal with on a daily basis that can create stress. If we don't manage stress in healthy ways, stress can have some serious negative impacts on our health and quality of life.
Aug 11, 202309:26
No one’s coming to rescue you

No one’s coming to rescue you

We are going to experience challenging situations in life that are going to be stressful. Regardless of what the situation is we have to manage, process and navigate through the stress.
Aug 09, 202307:08
Nutrition is the key

Nutrition is the key

If you’re goal is to lose weight, burn fat or get toned your nutrition has to be correct. What I mean by correct is that it has to be consistent, clean and accurate for your body type, gender, age and activity capabilities.
Aug 01, 202305:58
Ways to improve relationships

Ways to improve relationships

I share with you 3 ways that helped my wife and I work through life difficulties together. To reinforce the relationship bond.
Jul 21, 202307:48
It’s time to rise and shine

It’s time to rise and shine

We have a duty to ourselves and the people with work with to show up and be of service. So get out of bed and get to doing.
Jul 08, 202304:29
Nothing selfish about self care

Nothing selfish about self care

No matter what happens in our lives, we have to take care of our mind, body and spirit in the best way we can. We must practice good self care habits.
Jun 28, 202308:21
Don’t give up

Don’t give up

Life is going to be difficult at times. Don't give up on yourself or the goals you're trying to accomplish when the road gets rough. Put together a new path if you must, but don't quit. You’re worth it.
Jun 26, 202307:36
Stop trying to win

Stop trying to win

There's a better way to work through a conflict in all relationships. Stop trying to win, that's ego driven. Seek to understand, listen and comprise.
Jun 24, 202307:57
10 mins a day

10 mins a day

To build any new habit you have to put effort into that new habit everyday. Start will applying effort daily for 10 mins.
Jun 21, 202305:29
Be gentle with yourself

Be gentle with yourself

It's time to walk a different path. It's time to be kind and gentle with yourself. You deserve it.
Jun 19, 202316:17
No shame in asking for help

No shame in asking for help

We need to put our ego aside and ask for help when we struggle. It empowers our process and helps us grow.
Jun 16, 202304:23
Don’t make it worse

Don’t make it worse

When a problem or situation arises in your life, don't react, respond by giving yourself the opportunity to think it through and a develop a plan so you don't make it worse.
Jun 11, 202306:48
Do it anyway

Do it anyway

Have you ever said, “ I don't feel like doing that” Even when you knew it was good for you for whatever reason? That's what happens in our mind when we don't have the habit of doing things when life is difficult. We have to build those habits and utilize them when life or ourselves become challenged. Do it anyway !
Jun 09, 202311:07
Follow the process

Follow the process

Having a better approach to life events will help you better achieve success. Follow the process.
Jun 08, 202308:48
The wildness of the untrained mind

The wildness of the untrained mind

In this episode I talk about the importance of meditation and share my experience in Zen meditation while at the Buddhist monastery.
Jun 06, 202314:04
Movement is medicine

Movement is medicine

We must keep the body moving in the way we can. If you don't use it, you'll lose it.
Jun 05, 202304:44
Spend time with the people that matter

Spend time with the people that matter

Life is short and time is limited. Make time count and spend time with family and friends.
Jun 03, 202315:40
It’s ok not to be ok

It’s ok not to be ok

There are times in life when we'll experience difficult situations. We have to feel what we feel, process what we need to and let it go.
Jun 01, 202316:31
Put that cookie down

Put that cookie down

Short chat about self-control and discipline.
May 31, 202319:34
Work is therapy

Work is therapy

Work is nourishment for our mind, body, and spirit. Plus it helps with being productive and purposeful.
May 30, 202307:07
Best ways to make a decision

Best ways to make a decision

There is always a better way to approach and handle situations in life. In this episode I share Marcus Aurelius strategies for making decisions.
May 28, 202310:04
The Power Of Forgiveness

The Power Of Forgiveness

In order to move forward in our process of personal development and healing, we have to heal from the emotions that keep us tied to the triggering event/trauma. It's starts with the able to forgive.
May 27, 202310:24
Best ways to start your day

Best ways to start your day

Doing the most important tasks in the morning will better help you increase your focus, energy and self confidence to set you up for success in your day.
May 26, 202306:36
The beginning, understanding habits.

The beginning, understanding habits.

Introduction to identifying habits and first steps to create new healthy habits.
May 25, 202308:55
May 24, 2023

May 24, 2023

May 24, 202300:60