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St Matthew’s Carver Street Podcast

St Matthew’s Carver Street Podcast

By St Matthews Carver Street

Teaching ministry, interviews, testimonies, and more from the Parish at the Heart of the City of Sheffield.
Vicar - Fr Grant Naylor
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'Be My Witnesses' Ascension 2024 - Fr Naylor

St Matthew’s Carver Street Podcast May 09, 2024

'Beyond Words' Trinity Sunday Evening - Fr Parker

'Beyond Words' Trinity Sunday Evening - Fr Parker

The Trinity confronts us with the challenge of speaking of an indescribable Godhead. How can we find the knowledge of God? Let us carefully attend to His Word in the Bible and enter into the Trinitarian Life in Sacrament and Witness.

May 26, 202409:44
'A riddle wrapped in a mystery' Trinity Sunday Morning - Fr Naylor

'A riddle wrapped in a mystery' Trinity Sunday Morning - Fr Naylor

The Trinity is the Mysterious doctrine at the heart of our Faith. But this is a Mystery which invites us close, to know God as we know someone who loves us. Let us take the time to enter into that Mystery and not be put off by the seeming enormity of the challenge.

May 26, 202410:02
Pentecost - Fr Naylor

Pentecost - Fr Naylor

"All people have a right to hear the Good News and Christians have a duty to share that joy with others" - Pope Francis

Today we seek the outpouring of the Holy Spirit to make us able to share the Gospel with all people and especially our neighbours and friends.

May 19, 202410:03
'That They May Be One' Easter VII - Fr Parker

'That They May Be One' Easter VII - Fr Parker

In Jesus' great prayer before his Passion recorded in John's Gospel we hear the Lord pray for unity amongst His followers. This can seem impossible because of all our sins, our differences, and disagreements. Yet God lavishes His gifts on us - even the gift of unity - because of His grace. Let us trust in Him!

May 12, 202409:32
'Be My Witnesses' Ascension 2024 - Fr Naylor

'Be My Witnesses' Ascension 2024 - Fr Naylor

On this Solemnity of the Ascension we heard how good, and glorious, it is that Christ in human flesh ascended to the Father. He has dignified our lowly nature with the dignity of heaven! What difference does this make?

May 09, 202408:48
'God has no favourites' Easter VI - Fr Naylor

'God has no favourites' Easter VI - Fr Naylor

In the first reading this week we hear how St Peter realises that the Gospel is for everyone and not just the Jewish people. Who are those we find it hard to accept? Do we know deep down that God has no favourites?

May 05, 202409:50
'Bear much fruit' Easter V - Fr Naylor

'Bear much fruit' Easter V - Fr Naylor

In this sermon for the evening Mass Fr Naylor warns us of the danger of being a branch all by ourselves, disconnected from the True Vine. How can we cultivate a spiritual life that will bear much fruit?

Apr 28, 202407:56
'How to remain in the Vine' Easter V - Fr Price
Apr 28, 202414:40
'I am the Good Shepherd' Easter IV - Fr Parker

'I am the Good Shepherd' Easter IV - Fr Parker

On this Sunday sometimes called Good Shepherd Sunday we learn how Jesus is our Good Shepherd who goes before us and guards us from danger, who even lays down His life to save us when we are lost and alone.

Apr 21, 202409:32
'He opened their minds' Easter III - Fr Naylor

'He opened their minds' Easter III - Fr Naylor

On the Third Sunday of Easter we hear how the Disciples had their minds opened to fully understand the Scriptures and how this led to them becoming bold witnesses to Jesus Christ even unto death.

Apr 14, 202413:58
'Who can overcome the world?' Easter II - Fr Naylor

'Who can overcome the world?' Easter II - Fr Naylor

The truth of the Resurrection of Jesus Christ shows us that we can stand up with hope and share it with the world which needs it so much.

Apr 07, 202412:25
Easter Evening

Easter Evening

Sermon preached at the evening Mass on Easter Sunday

Mar 31, 202407:59
Easter Vigil

Easter Vigil

Sermon preached at the Great Vigil of Easter by Fr Naylor

Mar 30, 202407:44
Good Friday

Good Friday

Sermon preached by Fr Price on Good Friday

Mar 29, 202408:55
Maundy Thursday

Maundy Thursday

Sermon preached by Fr Naylor on Maundy Thursday

Mar 28, 202408:45
Palm Sunday - Fr Naylor

Palm Sunday - Fr Naylor

In this sermon on Philippians 2:6-11 Fr Naylor explores how knowing Jesus' divine identity transforms us in His self-giving on the Cross.

Mar 24, 202409:49
'Sir we would like to see Jesus' Lent V - Fr Naylor

'Sir we would like to see Jesus' Lent V - Fr Naylor

In this week's Gospel we hear that some Greeks had come to find Jesus. Why is this the moment that Jesus chooses to announce not only His identity but also His death?

Mar 17, 202407:30
'A Mother's Love' Lent IV - Fr Naylor

'A Mother's Love' Lent IV - Fr Naylor

On this Mothering Sunday Fr Naylor explores what the ideal image of motherhood says about the Church and about the love of God.

Mar 10, 202408:48
'Three Conversions of the Christian Life' Lent III - Fr Robin Ward

'Three Conversions of the Christian Life' Lent III - Fr Robin Ward

On the Third Sunday of Lent we welcomed The Rev'd Canon Dr Robin Ward SSC, Principal of St Stephen's House Oxford to preach. He reminded us of the three great conversions in the life of the Christian, the three moments that set us on our path to become saints.

Mar 03, 202410:55
'Love casts out fear' Lent II - Rev'd Dr Phil Wall

'Love casts out fear' Lent II - Rev'd Dr Phil Wall

For the Second Sunday of Lent we were joined by The Rev'd Dr Phil Wall, URC Chaplain of Oakhill Young Offender's Training Institution. In this homily he explores how fear shapes our lives to great destructive ends, and the way to find hope in Jesus Christ.

Feb 25, 202407:51
'A Love Letter to Jesus' Lent I - Bishop Mark Bryant

'A Love Letter to Jesus' Lent I - Bishop Mark Bryant

On the first Sunday of Lent we were joined by The Rt Rev'd Mark Bryant, sometime Bishop of Jarrow. He spoke to us of how all our spiritual strivings and efforts are always only rooted in the love God has for us first. We never earn it.

Feb 18, 202412:11
'Just Do It' Ash Wednesday - Fr Naylor

'Just Do It' Ash Wednesday - Fr Naylor

Now is the day of salvation! Let us lay aside anything keeping us from the Lord. Let us make confession. Let us come to Him in the Blessed Sacrament. Let us be reconciled to our neighbour. Now is a favourable time. Now is the day of salvation!

Feb 14, 202407:27
'The Life of Jesus for a Hungry World' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Nichols

'The Life of Jesus for a Hungry World' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Nichols

At the 6:00pm Mass The Very Rev'd Otis Nichols, the Dean of St George's Cathedral, St Vincent and the Grenadines, taught us how God gives us His own self in the Eucharist so give us power and grace to share His life with the world in need.

Feb 11, 202408:10
'Worship, Fellowship, Mission' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Nichols

'Worship, Fellowship, Mission' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Nichols

The Very Rev'd Otis Nichols, the Dean of St George's Cathedral, St Vincent and the Grenadines, preached at the 11:00am Mass on how our worship flows into our fellowship, which overflows into our mission. The Church has a distinct culture and unless we drink deeply from that which is uniquely our own, we will have little to give to our needy world.

Feb 11, 202413:46
'The Lord Heals the Brokenhearted' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor

'The Lord Heals the Brokenhearted' 5th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor

In this homily we learn how Jesus has come to bring us healing and to deliver us from the power of evil. Let us put our trust in Him and ask for His touch in every place we are broken.

Feb 04, 202411:59
A Wedding Homily

A Wedding Homily

Homily preached on the joyful occasion of Liam and Maddie's Nuptial Mass. Rich teaching for all of us and especially those discerning their call to married life and what that means for living out our Missionary lives.

Feb 03, 202406:53
'The Lord Enters the Temple' Candlemas 2024 - Fr Naylor

'The Lord Enters the Temple' Candlemas 2024 - Fr Naylor

On the Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple we heard how God fulfils His promise to be united to His people and dwell amongst them, no longer in a temple of stone but a living Temple built by the Holy Spirit.

Feb 02, 202410:14
Charles, King and Martyr - Fr Edmonds

Charles, King and Martyr - Fr Edmonds

Homily for the Feast of Charles I, King and Martyr

Jan 30, 202410:02
'Who is Jesus and who am I?' 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Edmonds

'Who is Jesus and who am I?' 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Edmonds

Fr Stephen Edmonds preaches at the 6:00pm Mass exploring how Jesus is the great Prophet - and more than a Prophet - for whom the people of God have waited. How then do we respond?

Jan 29, 202410:29
'Christ our guide' 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price

'Christ our guide' 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price

Fr Price explores 5 teachings from St Paul and how we are instructed to live in this time as we await the fulfilment of Christ's Kingdom.

Jan 21, 202417:25
'Grafted into the Vine' 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price

'Grafted into the Vine' 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price

Fr Price preaches on our calling like the first disciples to follow Jesus and how we can grow in our faith by making use of the Confessional and by studying the Scriptures.

Jan 14, 202417:13
New Year Message 2024 (Audio only)

New Year Message 2024 (Audio only)

Fr Naylor's Epiphany message giving thanks for the past year and looking forward to the coming months

Jan 08, 202414:33
New Year Message 2024

New Year Message 2024

Fr Naylor's Epiphany message giving thanks for the past year and looking forward to the coming months

Jan 08, 202414:33
'Your light has come' Epiphany - Fr Naylor

'Your light has come' Epiphany - Fr Naylor

On the Feast of the Epiphany we rejoice that salvation in Christ is for ever nation. In this sermon we learn how to share that hope with others.

Jan 07, 202409:29
Feast of the Holy Family - Fr Naylor

Feast of the Holy Family - Fr Naylor

In this homily we hear how the perfection and beauty of the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary, and Jospeh isn't a judgement against us and our experiences of family, but an invitation to join in God's vast and loving family in Christ.

Jan 01, 202407:14
"Become children of God" Christmas Day - Fr Naylor

"Become children of God" Christmas Day - Fr Naylor

"God became man that man might become God"

Fr Naylor preaches on our calling in Christ to become all that God intends for us.

Dec 25, 202309:01
"Have you ever thought that you are God's gift?" Midnight Mass - Fr Naylor

"Have you ever thought that you are God's gift?" Midnight Mass - Fr Naylor

Fr Naylor helps us celebrate the coming of Jesus Christ and the joy of knowing peace in Him.

Dec 25, 202310:08
"The Mystery was Revealed" Advent IV - Fr Price

"The Mystery was Revealed" Advent IV - Fr Price

Fr Price explores how God has persevered with us to bring about our Salvation in Christ. God plays the long game.

Dec 24, 202312:45
'Let the Light in' Advent III - Fr Stephen Dickinson SSC

'Let the Light in' Advent III - Fr Stephen Dickinson SSC

In this sermon Fr Dickinson, sometime Vicar of New Bentley, teaches us how God shapes us to become more and more like Jesus when we make our Confession.

Dec 17, 202323:29
'The Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ' Advent II - The Rev'd Canon Mark Brown

'The Beginning of the Good News of Jesus Christ' Advent II - The Rev'd Canon Mark Brown

Fr Mark Brown, Area Dean and Vicar of All Saints Ecclesall preaches on the witness of John the Baptist and how we can learn from him and take our place in leading people to Jesus.

Dec 10, 202310:39
'Four steps to become holier' Advent I - Fr Trevor Jones SSC

'Four steps to become holier' Advent I - Fr Trevor Jones SSC

Our first visiting preacher of the Advent season is Fr Trevor Jones, sometime Vicar of St Peter's London Docks.

In his sermon he gives us four practical ways to draw near to God in this sacred season and be made ready to meet Jesus when he comes in glory.

Dec 03, 202311:01
Christ the King 2023 - Fr Naylor, Vicar

Christ the King 2023 - Fr Naylor, Vicar

On this the last Sunday before Advent we hear how the kingly reign of Jesus gives us stability and confidence in a world of political and social turmoil.

Nov 26, 202308:18
Remembrance Sunday 2023 - Fr Naylor, Vicar

Remembrance Sunday 2023 - Fr Naylor, Vicar

Fr Naylor preaches on Remembrance Sunday how we remember the devastation of war and how in Christ we can find real and lasting peace.

Nov 12, 202307:15
'The greatest among you shall be your servant' 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

'The greatest among you shall be your servant' 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr Naylor

Nov 05, 202312:25
'The souls of the virtuous are in the hand of God' All Souls' Day - Fr Naylor

'The souls of the virtuous are in the hand of God' All Souls' Day - Fr Naylor

In this sermon Fr Naylor helps us understand what happens to those who die in the Lord and what we are doing when we pray for them, and how all of this works together to help make us holy and ready to meet God on the Day of His coming in Glory.

Nov 02, 202310:49
'I saw a great multitude no one could number' All Saints' Day - Fr Robert McTeer

'I saw a great multitude no one could number' All Saints' Day - Fr Robert McTeer

The Rev'd Canon Robert McTeer SSC, Vicar of West Auckland delivered this year's All Saints' Day Sermon. He challenges us to take a closer look at the saints in all their vast diversity and strangeness and to recognise that we too have been given unique gifts by which we will help build up the Kingdom of God today.

Nov 01, 202314:43
'I love you Lord my strength' 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Bishop Stephen Race

'I love you Lord my strength' 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Bishop Stephen Race

The Bishop of Beverley visited us on Sunday to administer the Sacraments of Initiation to several candidates. Listen again to his sermon on how Christ gives us strength by his death and resurrection.

Oct 29, 202313:33
"You have shown your faith in action" 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor, Vicar

"You have shown your faith in action" 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor, Vicar

In this homily Fr Naylor explores how our giving is motivated by the goodness of our generous God, overflowing into our generous lives.

Oct 22, 202310:09
'Invite everyone' 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price, Assisting Priest

'Invite everyone' 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Price, Assisting Priest

Fr Price exhorts us to consider how generous God's invitation to us has been, and how we can generously invite others to find a new life in Christ.

Oct 15, 202312:17
'There is no need to worry' 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor, Vicar

'There is no need to worry' 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Fr Naylor, Vicar

St Paul tells the Philippians (and us) that there is 'no need to worry'. But his teaching isn't just sentimental. He gives us tools to help keep us from anxiety and to find peace in the providence and goodness of God.

Oct 08, 202312:11