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Stoep Zen

Stoep Zen

By Stoepzen Podcasts

Stoep Zen is a series of Dharma Talks by Antony Osler (Dae Chong, Osho), the guiding teacher at Poplar Grove Zendo in South Africa and a former Zen monk. The ‘Stoep’ in the title refers to the stoop or porch of an old farm house in the remote dry veld where the zendo is situated; it refers to the title of Antony’s first book and the zendo website (; and it refers to the plain embodiment quality of the Zen practice there. The talks draw from traditional Zen teachings and koans to make them relevant wherever we live and whatever life we lead.
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The Gift of Pure Presence

Stoep ZenMay 10, 2024

The Gift of Pure Presence

The Gift of Pure Presence

When we meet with others, we bring some kind of judgement, complication and confusion with us. This is part of our life as self. But everything becomes very simple when we drop everything and step into the meeting with only pure presence. This is part of our life as Dharma itself, as the radical acceptance of What Is.

May 10, 202424:01
Touching the Earth

Touching the Earth

People ask how to deal with environmental problems and climate change. In Zen we practice on this very earth where we sit. That is where we begin and where we end. And our environmental repsonses come from this.

Apr 13, 202432:43
Touching enlightenment with the body

Touching enlightenment with the body

Instead of seeing Zen as a training of the mind, it is helpful to consider it as essentially the practice of embodiment - to begin in the body, with its particular intelligence, memory and straighforwardness.

Mar 09, 202425:10
The Eloquence of Zen

The Eloquence of Zen

Our practice is not about finding the right words. It is finding freedom in our life, then the words will shine by themselves.

Feb 08, 202428:09
The Arms of Compassion

The Arms of Compassion

Even when we face a situation where we long to help but cannot, our practice remains the same - to take that helplessness into our life and allow it to transform us. Then, on the day we are able to help, we can.

Jan 14, 202422:47
Your tears are your enlightenment

Your tears are your enlightenment

People often express their helplessness at not being able to help the suffering in the conflicts raging around the world. This is one response from the clarity and purity of our original compassion.

Dec 08, 202337:02
Veld & Sky Practice

Veld & Sky Practice

We all find ourselves in a particular landscape and it is here we live, as part of it and with respect and gratitude.

Nov 14, 202332:60
The World is Burning - Now What?

The World is Burning - Now What?

The old texts say life is suffering, that the world is burning, that the world is in trauma. Our practice is not to discuss the merits of this statement but to take the next step, to make it real. Insofar as there is suffering, how will I respond? In the same way, other texts say life is beautiful; how will I respond? Then Zen goes beyond slogans and comes to life.

Oct 17, 202333:22
In the Beginning was the Life; the Word came after

In the Beginning was the Life; the Word came after

We practice Zen to make our life real, not to fit in with any words or scriptures. This radical non-attachment gives us wings and allows us the freedom to live, play and die without obstruction.

Sep 08, 202329:21
Attention is what happens when you stop trying to pay attention

Attention is what happens when you stop trying to pay attention

In this talk Antony Osho talks about attention as a natural human faculty that works efficiently, flexibly and full-bodiedly when we let it.

Aug 12, 202329:08
Always Already Connected

Always Already Connected

Our fundamental reality is one of selfless connection to this vast flow of life, death and transformation - early Bushmen poems from the Karoo illustrate this beautifully. But we live as if we are disconnected and the suffering that arises from this brings us to spiritual practice.

Jul 08, 202335:52
Zen Beyond Strategy

Zen Beyond Strategy

In this Dharma talk Antony Osho looks at a natural Zen practice that is an expression of our deep connectedness to the world, rather than a practice that expresses only our need, ambition or anxiety.

Jun 08, 202333:39
I take refuge in the veld

I take refuge in the veld

In this talk, Antony Osho looks at taking refuge as a gesture of connectedness with this life.

May 12, 202332:22
Within There is the Jewel

Within There is the Jewel

This practice is not just about finding the jewel in the world of form but of living the world of form as the jewel itself.

Apr 13, 202331:57
When the world goes to the dogs, we do dog practice

When the world goes to the dogs, we do dog practice

Antony Osho looks at our willingness to go to hell for others, through the koan 'Langzhong's Hell'.

Mar 09, 202327:44
Zen as Life Beyond Self

Zen as Life Beyond Self

There are many styles and forms of Zen practice but the essential characteristic of them all is that they grant us the fullness of a life beyond the self.

Feb 13, 202330:47
Zen as An Act of Friendship

Zen as An Act of Friendship

At  Poplar Grove Zendo we take refuge daily in Buddha Dharma and Sangha.  Sangha is our community, which is every person, thing, event or process  in our life - including our precious environment. We commit ourselves to  taking the world as friend, to looking after it as it looks after us.

Dec 09, 202231:48
 Authentic self as the healing self

Authentic self as the healing self

Trauma and suffering accompany attachment to the activity of me-self. This also perpetuates the suffering and conceals our true nature. The Dharma teaches that only our authentic self can be the source of true healing and the Zen way is to find and make real that boundless life.

Nov 15, 202226:24
If you want to learn about a tree, go to the tree

If you want to learn about a tree, go to the tree

First we find the mind that is clear like a mirror, then we take a step into that clear world on our own two feet. 

Oct 12, 202227:04
Beyond Words and Scriptures

Beyond Words and Scriptures

Teachings that are helpful for the suffering self become beautiful when seen from the complete world - and then they disappear.

Sep 11, 202233:29
I'll save the world tomorrow

I'll save the world tomorrow

Thinking  about Dharma teachings can make our practice complicated and unreal.  Complicatedness is a neon sign telling us to look at things differently.  This is one part of koan work - taking the language of self and  translating it into the language of embodiment.

"We sometimes find  that what we call our spiritual path has become yet another strategy  for the ego, a tactic to avoid one part of our life and grasp another,  to escape suffering and find enlightenment. We remain divided.
Seeing this is wonderful. For, in truth, we are not dealing with freedom from suffering but freedom in suffering.  When we truly accept this - even for a moment - we find ourselves  living in the space beyond both suffering and the end of it. We have  attained the teaching of the Buddha."
—Antony Osler, “Zen Dust”

Aug 17, 202227:19
Riding the Wave of this Moment

Riding the Wave of this Moment

The  image of a surfer riding a wave is a common one in Zen. But true wave  practice is not just the riding of the wave; it is also about falling  off, about paddling out, about failing and being cold and wet. The  purity of this never-give-up mind is the heart of a Zen life.

Jul 05, 202229:36
Zen as the Great Way

Zen as the Great Way

Zen is not an elite hobby for those who 'get it.' The Great Way embraces  both clarity and confusion, moments of awakeness as well as times of  selfless perseverance and commitment.

Jun 13, 202226:01
Beyond Hero-Zen

Beyond Hero-Zen

Zen is not just about great figures who 'got it'; it's really about everyone else.

May 08, 202234:13
Guided meditation

Guided meditation

This guided meditation follows on from the dharma talk on the true power of Zazen.

Apr 10, 202221:34
The true power of Zazen

The true power of Zazen

In this talk, Antony Osho looks at the real nature of zazen as well as the kind of teachings and instructions that support it.

Apr 10, 202224:47
How we make the Great Way narrow and why it doesn't really matter

How we make the Great Way narrow and why it doesn't really matter

Here Antony Osho talks about how we limit the path according to our own image; how the Way remains wide despite our tendency to narrow it down; and how we need to set a deep direction in our practice that includes both our self-projects and the infinite breadth of the Way.

Mar 16, 202224:42
How to be completely useless

How to be completely useless

We spend so much energy on being useful, we forget the beauty of uselessness and the wonder of going beyond both.

Mar 16, 202233:29
The churches are closed but the bells still ring

The churches are closed but the bells still ring

Zen as a response to suffering in a world of emptiness and a poem in memory of Archbishop Tutu. 

Jan 10, 202223:13
The Taoist root of Zen

The Taoist root of Zen

In  this talk, Antony Osho looks at the Taoist inspiration behind Ch’an and  Zen and asks whether it may point towards a practice that is  particularly at home in southern Africa.

Dec 14, 202130:22
So sad, so sad

So sad, so sad

In  this talk, Antony Osho looks at the aliveness that arises naturally  when we open ourselves to grief, and what this means for our Zen  practice.

Nov 12, 202126:38
Riding the wild horse: a Zen guide to falling off and climbing back up

Riding the wild horse: a Zen guide to falling off and climbing back up

When  we embrace every part of our experience, we have a chance to find a wider perspective and, in so doing, to step into a life of intimacy from  which wisdom and compassion can arise naturally.

Oct 10, 202128:34
Vimalakirti, Compassion and Lay Zen life

Vimalakirti, Compassion and Lay Zen life

This talk looks at layperson Vimalakirti’s ‘I am sick because the world  is sick’ and what this gesture offers those living a non-monastic life.

Sep 13, 202129:33
Within there is a jewel

Within there is a jewel

An exploration of the movement in our lives from impasse into the light.

Aug 03, 202135:45
South Africa has woken up!

South Africa has woken up!

After a week of riots and violence in South Africa, the nation realised that its heart had been broken. This is a Dharma talk about those events.

Jul 26, 202126:13
Zazen and Koans: How to give yourself to this life

Zazen and Koans: How to give yourself to this life

This talk looks at koan 43 of the Blue Cliff Record (Dongshan’s Hot and Cold) and the practice of Zazen as traditional Zen practices that enable us to meet our world as it is.

Jul 12, 202127:53
An act of friendship: Zen Practice at Poplar Grove Zendo

An act of friendship: Zen Practice at Poplar Grove Zendo

This talk is an introduction to the Stoep Zen lineage and practice style at Poplar Grove Zendo as seen through the lens of the traditional Three Refuges of Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Jun 29, 202131:25