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Stop Chasing What isn’t Changing

Stop Chasing What isn’t Changing

By Elaine Scudds

I chased dreams for years. The perfect house, the perfect body, the perfect family, and the perfect job. I realized I spent so many years chasing someone else’s standards. Someone else’s dreams. Scociety's. The conversations on this podcast are here to help you accept love and validate yourself. I am here to have the conversations that will hopefully inspire you to live the life you want, to make you realize that age and gender should not limit you on what you desire, and that being a woman and a mom shouldn’t be so damn hard and on the days you feel defeated you aren’t alone.
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Getting to know Lisa Hicks

Stop Chasing What isn’t ChangingMar 23, 2022

No More Shaming
Mar 01, 202316:20
Choosing Yourself First

Choosing Yourself First

When was the last time you decided to do something for yourself before anyone else?

When was the last time you put your needs, dreams, and desires ahead of your children or spouse?

We can become lost in who we are when we are told who we need to be because of a certain title that we carry.

In this episode, I ask the question do you think you can love and respect others if you don’t love and respect yourself? Do you love yourself and respect yourself the way you love and respect others. 

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Feb 15, 202314:38
Understanding My Midlife Crisis

Understanding My Midlife Crisis

Growing up whenever the word midlife crisis was used in the sentence I would associate it with a man buying a sports car. I never understood what the word midlife crisis actually meant until this now. I know that since turning 47 this past year I have entered my own midlife crisis. Everyone’s midlife crisis will look different. For myself I am not buying the convertible but I am looking at my life thinking how much time can I make up after not allowing myself to experience the life that I truly wanted. In this episode I talk about the regrets that I have in allowing people in my life or just society tell me what or how I should’ve lived. 

This moment is actually magical. Coming full circle in accepting and forgiving the choices that I had made in the past because of the fear of either rejection, disappointment and ridicule. It's about no longer worrying about anyone but myself. It's about wanting to make new experiences and creating more memories. It's about living the next half of my life for me. 

I hope you enjoy it!

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Sep 21, 202214:12
Are You a People Pleaser?

Are You a People Pleaser?

In this weeks episode I talk about being a people pleaser.

Are you someone that always wonders whether or not you’ve done enough for someone? Are you someone that will put aside what you were doing or wanted to do to please someone else and what their expectations are? Are you someone that always feels like you are not going to be liked or part of a group or excepted unless you go above and beyond to make people happy? Have many times have you decided to do something and then felt like you had to stop and give your energy to someone else? If you find yourself nodding your head yes to some if not all of these questions then this episode is for you! 

I hope you enjoy it!

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Aug 03, 202213:02
Who Have You Become?

Who Have You Become?

In this episode I talk about the choices we may make as we enter into a committed relationship when it comes to our own personal finances, and our own personal growth. We automatically feel like we need to be someone different to be able to adapt to the life we are choosing to have. Why do we do this? Why do we forget about ourselves and what we need in our own personal journey?

Are we able to change this? Is it possible for us to have it all? I would love to her what you have to say!

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Jul 13, 202222:24
What is Your Legacy?

What is Your Legacy?

In this episode I share with you what I want my legacy to be. So what does this even mean “what is your Legacy” Your legacy is what kind of impact you are going to leave in this world in that particular role, what will you be remembered by.

I want to live the life of being fierce and vocal. I want to live the life of being fair and honest. I want to live the life of speaking the truth and being understanding and compassionate to others. I want to live this life as a female that is proud to be a woman.

I want to my daughters, nieces, and every other female to believe that they can be all of that as well and still be loved and liked by others. I want to prove as women that we can live in peace and harmony amongst each other and not to have to portray the role of a mean girl or a bitch to protect ourselves from being hurt from one another. 

I really want to build this vibration of unity, power, and self respect. I want t help change this world so that as a woman we will have an easier time living our lives.

What do you want your legacy to be?

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Jul 06, 202215:42
Do You Give Yourself Permission?

Do You Give Yourself Permission?

In this weeks episode I talk about what giving yourself permission may look like.

In 2020 I gave myself permission to trust myself in saying yes to something that I feared so much in doing but I was also so excited to know how different my life could actually be.

Giving myself that permission made me feel alive. It made me believe that I could trust in myself and in my own decisions.

Remember back to when you were a child and asked your parent for permission to go on a bike ride, or have a sleepover, or stay up super late and watch movies all night long. How excited did that make you feel as a child? How happy did it make you feel knowing that your parents allowed you to do something that you really wanted to do.

As an adult why do we no longer give ourselves permission on a daily basis to do things that make us happy. That may give us a little skip in our step. That allows us to just smile a bit and be thankful that you gave yourself permission that day to do that little thing that brought you joy.

Are you going to reevaluate and be kinder to yourself and start to give permission to enjoy some of the little things in life… While you’re at it also remember to give yourself permission to trust your gut and say yes to some of the bigger things in life and just go for it!

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Jun 08, 202211:50
What is Hyper and Hypo Thyroid with Dr. Nicole Panethere

What is Hyper and Hypo Thyroid with Dr. Nicole Panethere

In this weeks episode Dr. Nicole Panthere joins me as we discuss what it means when you haven a hyper or hypo thyroid.
Dr. Nicole breaks down how the thyroid works and why it is important for us to make sure that it is functioning properly.
The most common symptoms when you don’t have a proper functioning thyroid is hair loss, weight gain, fatigue, constipation and brain fog. Other symptoms can be unexplained weight loss, hard time falling asleep, and unexplained facial hair.
Because the symptoms are so common with other health issues that can appear it is very important to make sure you have proper testing done to determine whether or not you need to help support your thyroid.
In this episode Dr. Panthere talks about what you can do to help support your thyroid on a daily basis.
If this is your first time tuning and listening to a conversation between myself and Dr. Nicole I invite you to go back and listen to episode #8 Has Your Body Experienced Burnout, and episode #13 Do You Have too Much Estrogen, and episode episode #17 Understanding Insulin Resistance.
Dr. Nicole Panethere, ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario.
She graduated in 2011 from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and aims to combine her knowledge of the human body and natural medicine in her practice. Dr. Nicole approaches each patient’s case in a holistic manner and aims to find the root cause of each illness in order to strengthen the body as a whole.
She provides treatment protocols that fit the needs of each patient and follows each individual through all aspects of their journey to optimal health and wellness. She has a particular interest in sports medicine, pain management, digestion, stress management and prevention of chronic disease, and works with her patients to reach their health goals by being an active partner in their healing.
You can follow Dr. Nicole on Facebook and/or Instagram and she can also be reached through her website
If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram
Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!
Elaine xoxo
Jun 01, 202228:10
What do You Deserve to Have

What do You Deserve to Have

In this weeks episode I share about my own experience on how I get into my own head and tell myself to just settle. I talk myself out of believing that I deserve more, and that I should just accept the way things are.

Do you find that you also settle and tell yourself that you don't need to change? Whether it has to do with changing your job, moving homes, staying in a relationship, or changing your personal mindset do you tell yourself to just accept it the way it is? 

Do you dream of the changes you so desperately want but are too afraid to make them a reality? What are you afraid of? Failing? People judging you? Are you afraid of the changes to actually happen? Why make that stop you? 

What do you deserve to have? What do you deserve to feel? What do you deserve to dream of and have? Find a way to have it all. Don't settle.

In order for something to happen action is required. Don't sit on it. Don't talk about it. Just do it, for you.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

May 25, 202219:35
Chasing the Clock

Chasing the Clock

In this weeks episode I discuss what life looks and feels like when you tell yourself you never have enough time. When you are constantly thinking about what needs to be done tomorrow, the following weekend or next month.

From the moment you wake up do you find yourself struggling to keep up? Do you look at the clock and feel like it's running ahead of you? Do you give yourself permission to just not get everything done before the day ends? 

When you don't live in the present moment it makes you feel like you constantly have so much on the go and so much to do. The feeling of exhaustion and trying to play catch-up becomes present.

Also the feeling of a failure can linger because you’re reminding yourself of what still needs to happen.

Why do we tend to do this to ourselves. Sometimes I think we do it because we feel the need to be busy. We feel the need to micromanage everything that will be occurring in our lives. Is it a bad trait to have? Probably in the long run because there is no time to just enjoy the moment. Can you really tell yourself I will think about it tomorrow and allow that thought not to come back into your head until then?

How much changed for yourself when the world went into lockdown? How long did it take you to start living your day by the second? Not thinking about what had to be done tomorrow, or how was the next weekend gong to pan out. Did you learn to how to appreciate your breath?

I hope this episode brings inspiration to you the listener that feels they also chase the clock every day. I hope it brings inspiration to you the listener that does not ask for help. And I hope it brings inspiration to you the listener that feels the need to be a perfectionist at what you are doing every day. Taking the time to love and appreciate your self will allow you to truly live your best life. It’s never too late to start you just need to do it.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new episode drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

May 11, 202220:52
Understanding Insulin Resistance with Dr. Nicole Panthere

Understanding Insulin Resistance with Dr. Nicole Panthere

In this weeks episode Dr. Nicole Panthere explains what it means to have insulin resistance. 

Over the last couple of years the term Insulin Resistance has been used to explain many different changes in the body, one of the biggest ones is unexplained weight gain, or stubborn weight loss. But being insulin resistant can bear many other health concerns such as 

*severe high blood sugar 

*severe low blood sugar

*heart attack


*kidney disease

Dr Panthere explains how Insulin Resistance can start to occur in the body, and what can be done to help reverse it.

If this is your first time tuning and listening to a conversation between myself and Dr. Nicole I invite you to go back and listen to episode #8 Has Your Body Experienced Burnout and episode #13 Do You Have Too Much Estrogen?

Dr. Nicole Panethere, ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. As part of her education, she completed a yearlong clinical internship with a special focus in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

She graduated in 2011 from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and aims to combine her knowledge of the human body and natural medicine in her practice. Dr. Nicole approaches each patient’s case in a holistic manner and aims to find the root cause of each illness in order to strengthen the body as a whole.

She provides treatment protocols that fit the needs of each patient and follows each individual through all aspects of their journey to optimal health and wellness. She has a particular interest in sports medicine, pain management, digestion, stress management and prevention of chronic disease, and works with her patients to reach their health goals by being an active partner in their healing.

You can follow Dr. Nicole on Facebook and/or Instagram and she can also be reached through her website

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

May 04, 202236:39
Bringing Awareness to Infertility

Bringing Awareness to Infertility

In this weeks episode my friend Jacqueline shares her own personal journey with infertility. Never really thinking she would of had a hard time conceiving she has spent the last 9 of her 10 years married trying to conceive. With April 24th to April 30th being Infertility Awareness week in Canada there is no better time to share her story with you.

Jacqueline talks about how she never thought she would of had an issue getting pregnant. After a few failed attempts she shares how they discovered there was a problem. Once they determined what the issue was they were told IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) was probably their best option. She shares how it all affected herself personally. Jacqueline hopes in bringing awareness to infertility will help others who are also on the same journey. She would also like to bring awareness to the vocabulary used and to help others understand what the personal experience can be like.

If you would like to get to know Jacqueline more you can follow her on Instagram

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Apr 27, 202240:03
Are You a Passenger or Driver in Your Life's Journey?

Are You a Passenger or Driver in Your Life's Journey?

In this week's episode I talk about what the difference is living your life as Passenger over living your life as a Driver.

Being a passenger can mean that you are someone that watches your life pass you by. You are content with the choices that have been made for you. You really believe that you cannot achieve anything different. Maybe you believe you are not worthy of it maybe you believe you don’t want anything different.

Passengers can have fear of change

Fear of judgement

Fear of failure

Fear of the “what if”

I decided to become the Driver of the path of my life when it came to self acceptance of body image over a year ago. I wanted to have the control of what I thought was beautiful. I wanted to love every aspect of my self regardless of what other people believed was worthy of being loved.

Being the Driver can mean having "control" every day. You control how fast you drive. You can take the scenic, or highway. You end up having this new found confidence because You are in the drivers seat.

Imagine the freedom?

So I ask you these questions, 

How comfortable is it to stay in the passenger seat? At what point do you stop watching how other people live their lives?

When do you stop telling yourself that it cannot happen. 

When do you stop talking yourself out of what you want?

When do you become your own leader?

What do you think makes someone decide to become a driver in their own Life's Journey?

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Apr 20, 202217:46
How to Find Self Worth When Surrounded by Certain Beliefs of Body Image with Tanecia Rodriguez

How to Find Self Worth When Surrounded by Certain Beliefs of Body Image with Tanecia Rodriguez

This weeks episode I am having a conversation of how to find self-worth when surrounded by certain beliefs of body image with my friend Tanecia Rodriguez.

Tanecia shares her own personal journey of how she struggled as a young adolescent and teen with body image. She shares what that journey looked like and how she was able to change the way she valued her self-worth surrounded by body image.

Tanecia is passionate about many social issues including Black Lives Matter, Indigenous issues and relations, self-Love and body acceptance. As a mother to three kids she has implemented those beliefs in her home and has raised her children to be proud of who they are.

You can follow Taneica on Instagram

Whether you have started this journey yourself or you have been watching others change their narrative thinking you cannot do it yourself this episode is for you. I hope you can have many takeaways listening to our stories and start to implement the changes needed for you to find your self-worth when it comes to your beliefs of body image.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Apr 13, 202233:52
Do You Have Too Much Estrogen?

Do You Have Too Much Estrogen?

Join me and Dr Nicole Panthere as we talk about what estrogen dominance is and what it may look like.

You don’t need to be in any age category to have estrogen dominance. Some of the most common symptoms are heavier periods, low sex drive and unexplained weight gain but there are so many more symptoms and most are addressed in this episode.

We discuss what can cause this to happen and how you can help balance out this hormone either on your own with certain choices of food and exercises or by seeking naturopathic and/or medical advice.

If this is your first time tuning and listening to a conversation between myself and Dr. Nicole I invite you to go back and listen to episode #8 Has Your Body Experienced Burnout.

Dr. Nicole Panethere, ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. As part of her education, she completed a yearlong clinical internship with a special focus in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome.

She graduated in 2011 from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and aims to combine her knowledge of the human body and natural medicine in her practice. Dr. Nicole approaches each patient’s case in a holistic manner and aims to find the root cause of each illness in order to strengthen the body as a whole.

She provides treatment protocols that fit the needs of each patient and follows each individual through all aspects of their journey to optimal health and wellness. She has a particular interest in sports medicine, pain management, digestion, stress management and prevention of chronic disease, and works with her patients to reach their health goals by being an active partner in their healing.

You can follow Dr. Nicole on Facebook and/or Instagram and she can also be reached through her website

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Apr 06, 202231:43
Our Voices Create Change

Our Voices Create Change

Lets have a conversation about what happened at the Oscars this past weekend.

Let me reassure you the conversation is not about a grown man slapping another grown man across the face. 

It is about a joke that was made towards a woman who has an auto immune disease that causes her hair to fall out.

It is about no longer finding humour at other people‘s expenses. 

Do you feel we are becoming too soft of a society. Do you think the jokes are harmless and people need to grow thicker skin? 

There is no thicker skin to be grown here. We need to take a moment and sit and think what it feels like. We need to have conversations about how we can should no longer disrespect so many other human beings on this earth.

I don’t think that we are becoming too soft of a society. I think that we know the harm that so many of the things we allowed to happen for so many years has caused people and we want it to stop.

To stop chasing what isn't changing means you need to make a pivot in your life and sometimes it’s really scary to stand up for what you believe in but if you really want the changes you will have the courage to make it happen.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a new episode is released every Wednesday morning so make assure to subscribe so you do not miss out, and while you are at it please like and share. 

Let's all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Mar 30, 202216:41
Getting to know Lisa Hicks

Getting to know Lisa Hicks

Have you ever thought of seeing a life coach? I always thought a life coach was there to help guide you on what you wanted to do with your job. But it actually is all about coaching you as you try to live your life I would say as your most authentic self.

In this episode I have a conversation with Lisa Hicks. We talk about what a Life Coach can help you with.

Lisa (she/her) is a queer, quirky, neurodivergent, Mom of 2. She lives with her kids and her husband of 10 years in Ontario.

Lisa was diagnosed with ADHD when she was 18 years old but was never told what that meant. It wasn't until she was 34 and saw a relatable TikTok video that had her finally understanding why her brain worked the way it did.

Through this journey of self-discovery, Lisa came out as a queer woman and is navigating what that means in a happily monogomous, hetero-presenting marriage.

Lisa owns a coaching business and has a team of three other incredible coaches working alongside her. Her business and coaching method is designed to help folx understand why their brains work the way they do, help them to unlearn old stories and help them to live the happiest and most fulfilling life possible. Lisa and her team offer virtual one-to-one sessions, online community gatherings, an ADHD support group and other group programs.

You can follow Lisa on Instagram You can also visit her website You can sign up for her Zumba classes here

If you would like to know more about the Boudoir Photographer Jen you can find her here

I hope you enjoyed the conversations we had in this episode. I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a new episode is released every Wednesday morning so make assure to subscribe so you do not miss out, and while you are at it please like and share. Let's all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Mar 23, 202258:57
Creating Small Habits

Creating Small Habits

How many times have you tried to change something or achieve something but have failed? When setting a goal for ourselves without knowing what we need to do to not only achieve the goal but to make a sustainable we are basically sitting ourselves up for failure.

In this episode I talk about the book Atomic Habits by James Clear. If you have not heard of this book today is your lucky day!

I highly recommend investing time into either listening or reading Atomic Habits.

In life it is not about getting across the finish line it is about what you can do to make sure that you cross the finish line. So just start your journey.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a new episode is released every Wednesday morning so make assure to subscribe so you do not miss out, and while you are at it please like and share. Let's all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Mar 16, 202217:49
**TRIGGER WARNING** Sexual Assault, Me Too Movement, Women's Rights

**TRIGGER WARNING** Sexual Assault, Me Too Movement, Women's Rights


In this episode I talk about sexual harassment/assault in the workplace and sexual-harassment/assault in general.

I know some of us do not mind having these conversations and there are others that would rather not listen. But after watching Season One of The Morning Show starring Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon, and Steve Carell, I felt the need to have a conversation about it.

If you are watching Season One of them Morning Show there is a spoiler in this podcast.

For many years we just learned to just live with the harassment. Some people would say it was flattery. Some people would shrug their shoulders and think it wasn’t that big of a deal. But in the end it is not called for and it is not necessary and we should not have to be put into uncomfortable situations not only at work but in every day life.

There has been a shift in the last decade of what is perceived as no longer acceptable. There is still a lot of work that needs to be done. The biggest obstacle that we still need to overcome is to have feminism looked at as positive, and empowering.

If you have been a victim of sexual assault or harassment or know someone that has please reach out to somebody. You are not alone and there is great comfort when you can finally talk to someone about it.

Let’s stop judging why it happens to the victim. And instead start judging the person who committed the assault.

I hope that you have a listen.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a new episode is released every Wednesday morning so make assure to subscribe so you do not miss out, and while you are at it please like and share. Let's all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Mar 09, 202221:42
Has your body experienced burnout?

Has your body experienced burnout?

Is burnout really a thing? Yes!!!! I know first hand what it feels like to be in burnout mode. 

In todays podcast I have the conversation with my Nauturopathic doctor, Dr Nicole Panethere, ND of what burnout is, how it looks on different people and what we can do to help our bodies cope.

Dr. Nicole Panethere, ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine in Toronto, Ontario. As part of her education, she completed a yearlong clinical internship with a special focus in fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. She graduated in 2011 from Wilfrid Laurier University with an Honours Bachelor of Arts in Kinesiology and aims to combine her knowledge of the human body and natural medicine in her practice.

Dr. Nicole approaches each patient’s case in a holistic manner and aims to find the root cause of each illness in order to strengthen the body as a whole. She provides treatment protocols that fit the needs of each patient and follows each individual through all aspects of their journey to optimal health and wellness. She has a particular interest in sports medicine, pain management, digestion, stress management and prevention of chronic disease, and works with her patients to reach their health goals by being an active partner in their healing.

You can follow Dr. Nicole on Facebook and/or Instagram and she can also be reached through her website

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Mar 03, 202243:52
Ready to Love Yourself, Again with my Guest Host Helena Leppanen

Ready to Love Yourself, Again with my Guest Host Helena Leppanen

In keeping with the theme for the month of February, Ready to Love yourself (Again) I would like to introduce you to Helena Leppanen.

Like so many others Helena lived her life pleasing others. To the extent that she even proceeded to go into a career that made others happy, and not herself.

After a health scare in 2021 Helena started to make some changes. 

She thought, what kind of example am I telling my kids to be their authentic self when I am not doing it myself? 

She started doing things that brought her happiness.

Helena is a mother of two teenage sons, & an army spouse. She took the leap of faith to open her photography and media studio in 2022 (12North Studios) after being a financial professional for over 28 years, with aims to help businesses grow their brand and media presence.

The photography portion of 12North is to help people fall in love with themselves and how they look. Being plus-sized, Helena recognized there was a gap for people who didn’t fit body norms in photography; she understands that you “aren’t just a pretty face”. She considers herself a “Plus Size Specialist” because unless you are one, you cannot understand what it can feel or look like to be photographed and review the results later.

She is also a best-selling author in the YA Genre for a dystopian thriller and has another fiction work on the go, as well as being a YouTube Creator.

When not working, you can find her with her partner (sometimes sons) in the kitchen or off on an adventure, or quietly reading.

You can follow Helena on her personal Instagram page or your can follow her 12NorthStudios Photograpghy page

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Don't forget about my giveaway!! I would love for you to own your own Bloom Notes in Bloom Guided Reflective Journal, you can enter to WIN your own Guided Reflective Journal! Head over to my Instagram Page make sure to Follow, Like and Share the Giveaway Post! Contest closes at 11:59pm on February 28th

Feb 16, 202230:13
The Day I Started to Love Myself, Again

The Day I Started to Love Myself, Again

In keeping with the theme for the month of February, Ready to Love yourself (Again) Here is my story.

Living in the past was something that I was really good at. Reliving moments of hurt and pain was a habit I repeated for a long time.

I sat in those moments because I never wanted to forgive. I wanted to hold them near and dear to my heart because I wanted to be reminded of how much I was hurt. I was abusing myself, and it was what I thought I needed to do.

May 2020 my path in life changed. I came to understand why forgiveness was important. I came to understand that I couldn't put unrealistic expectations on others because I was too afraid to put them on myself. 

In this episode I tell you about the day I made those changes. I stopped chasing the desire of having a protector, someone to speak for me and stand up for my rights. Instead I am now that person. I made those changes happen.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Don't forget about my giveaway!! I would love for you to own your own Bloom Notes in Bloom Guided Reflective Journal, you can enter to WIN your own Guided Reflective Journal! Head over to my Instagram Page make sure to Follow, Like and Share the Giveaway Post! Contest closes at 11:59pm on February 28th

Feb 09, 202220:00
Learning to Love Yourself Again with Jenn Laforet

Learning to Love Yourself Again with Jenn Laforet

For the entire month of February I will be focusing on being ready to love yourself. Today I share my space with my friend Jenn Laforet who is a writer, author and Founder of Write Current. 

In this episode I discuss the journey Jenn took to be able to fully love herself, find her worth, and celebrate the changes she made to make her life journey matter.

Through her own journey of self doubt, an unhappy marriage, unhappy in her career and several health scares Jenn found herself journaling her fears, hopes and desires which transformed into the popular Bloom Notes in Bloom Guided Reflection Journals

She now helps women get out of their heads and into their hearts with words that matter so that they can reconnect, reclaim, root and celebrate their sense of self as they navigate seasons of change.

She writes and publishes soothing and supportive life enhancement guided reflection journals, digital art prints and programs that help women 25-65+

Her popular Bloom Notes: Celebrating Moments of Joy, Laughter, Strength, Resilience, Care and Compassion life enhancement guided reflection journal is read by women 25-65+ worldwide.


You can follow Jenn on social media at You can slow listen to her podcast Bloom Notes in Bloom on Apple Podcasts or Spotify a new episode is released every Tuesday!

I would love for you to own your own Bloom Notes in Bloom Guided Reflective Journal, you can enter to WIN your own Guided Reflective Journal! Head over to my Instagram Page make sure to Follow, Like and Share the Giveaway Post! Contest closes at 11:59pm on February 28th

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at 

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Feb 02, 202249:51
Expectations of Motherhood

Expectations of Motherhood

To me being a mom meant my life was complete. It was one of the biggest jobs I wanted to fulfill and I did it 3 times. Pretty amazing right, but why didn’t I feel fulfilled? Why didn’t I feel that I was amazing

I felt confused, I felt alone and scared. I felt like a failure so many times. I felt exhausted and I felt angry.

We are thrown into the role of being a mom once the baby is delivered into our arms and our entire life changes. The person we once were no longer exists. The career and hobbies we had are put on the back burner. Our bodies have been transformed into a milk producing highly hormonal vessel. But what happens to our partner? What changes for them? What do they need to adapt to? Pretty much nothing.

It is very common to feel scared, alone, exhausted, and angry as you journey through the role of being a mom, but how often do we talk about these particular feelings? My goal is to bring awareness and normalcy to this conversation.

If you felt a connection with this podcast I would love to hear from you. You can email me at You can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo

Jan 26, 202216:18
Reframing Old Beliefs

Reframing Old Beliefs

We are all raised with certain beliefs. Some are good, and well some need to be re-evaluated!

When you take a closer look at the beliefs that a girl grows up with you can start to understand why so many of us struggle with what we have and what we have done. 

Get married, have kids, create a career that is compatible with being a mom and wife.

Women did house work. Women cooked meals that made their husbands happy.

Women are always pleasant.

Women never complain that they are sick or need help

And if you do not accomplish or become these things you are a failure. Not good enough. Not a woman.

I definently reframed those beliefs when it came to raising my 2 daughters and son. 

The beliefs that I reframed had to do with linking my success, happiness, love, laughter, joy, commitment, pure existence and so many more to my body size.

If I was overweight I wasn’t smart, I wasn’t pretty enough, I wasn’t someone people wanted to admit they were friends with, I wasn’t worthy enough, I didn’t deserve nice things….honestly the list can go on and on.

I am here to talk about how I credited being thin to a happy time in my life, when in fact I was happy because I was doing something that I not only loved but was really great at. So that made me very confident, and confidence is sexy and desirable. In the end none of it came from being thin.

In this podcast I mention my friend Jenn Laforet, and the podcast I co-hosted with her that talks about reframing old beliefs, you can catch that podcast here

I would love to hear from you! You can connect with me through email, or you can also follow me on Instagram

Don't forget a a new segment drops every Wednesday so make sure to subscribe so you don't miss out and while you are at it, like and share, lets all Stop Chasing What Isn't Changing!

Elaine xoxo


Jan 19, 202217:37
Lets talk about New Year Resolutions

Lets talk about New Year Resolutions

What is your New Year Resolution? Do you automatically set yourself up for failure? I have never had a New Year Resolution, I always felt society set it up for me. Weightloss has been and still is broadcasted worldwide as the number one resolution. 

What do you think would happen if we replaced the resolution of weight loss to declaring a resolution on changing how we treat ourselves. 

Changing the way we speak to ourself. 

Respecting ourself. 

Loving ourself. 

Accepting ourself. 

Making the Resolution to treat yourself better will have more of an impact on your life than anything else. 

I invite you to share your journey, lets make 2022 the year that you learn to love, live and celebrate your life. You can email me at, follow me on Instagram and don't forget to follow, like and share this podcast!

Cheers to what is to come xoxo

Jan 12, 202215:04
Welcome to Stop Chasing What isn't Changing

Welcome to Stop Chasing What isn't Changing

I chased dreams for years. The perfect house, the perfect body, the perfect family, and the perfect job. I spent so many years chasing someone else’s standards. Someone else’s dreams. I allowed society to dictate my life....I hopefully to inspire you to live the life you want, to reassure you that you are not alone, and make you realize that age and gender should not limit you on what you deserve. Being a woman and mom shouldn’t be so damn hard! I can’t wait to have you join me to Stop Chasing What isn’t Changing!

Jan 05, 202202:28