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The Struggle of Being Christian's Podcast

The Struggle of Being Christian's Podcast

By that'sjustkarin

This podcast is for the everyday person who is struggling to find out who they are, what their purpose is, and how to more than survive the day to day challenges in this thing called life. This podcast is focused on real life struggles, not only for Christians, but for anyone who has been questioning life.

I hope you enjoy listening to my podcast as I share my personal story that has lead me from a life of partying hard, "being spiritual", which is easier than admitting there is a God or that Jesus is real, not praying at all, to becoming a Christian.
Currently playing episode

Trusting God When He Tells You to Move EVEN Through FEAR PART 2

The Struggle of Being Christian's PodcastDec 18, 2017

Have You Gone to See THE KING About Your House & Land???

Have You Gone to See THE KING About Your House & Land???

This came from 2 Kings 8:3. Not sure who this is for, but I hope it inspires you to GO TO THE KING about your house and land, and all the value you lost over the years. Something to think about. Enjoy!

The Shunammite’s Land Restored

1Now Elisha had said to the woman whose son he had restored to life, “Go away with your family and stay for a while wherever you can, because the Lord has decreed a famine in the land that will last seven years.” 2The woman proceeded to do as the man of God said. She and her family went away and stayed in the land of the Philistines seven years.

3At the end of the seven years she came back from the land of the Philistines and went to appeal to the king for her house and land. 4The king was talking to Gehazi, the servant of the man of God, and had said, “Tell me about all the great things Elisha has done.” 5Just as Gehazi was telling the king how Elisha had restored the dead to life, the woman whose son Elisha had brought back to life came to appeal to the king for her house and land.

Gehazi said, “This is the woman, my lord the king, and this is her son whom Elisha restored to life.” 6The king asked the woman about it, and she told him.

Then he assigned an official to her case and said to him, “Give back everything that belonged to her, including all the income from her land from the day she left the country until now.”

Aug 01, 201923:27
Christian Motivation! Are You Ready to GRAB What GOD HAS FOR YOU?

Christian Motivation! Are You Ready to GRAB What GOD HAS FOR YOU?

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

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I hope this message encourages someone out there to be ready to grab what God has planned, even while you're building. Stay prayerful and hopeful.

Mar 30, 201911:17
Okay...This Elf Makeup Tutorial Did NOT Go As Planned...CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION

Okay...This Elf Makeup Tutorial Did NOT Go As Planned...CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs  -

Well, this video did not go according to plan. I was suppose to be doing an elf makeup tutorial, but this showed up instead. I hope this inspires you regardless of where you are in your Christian walk, to trust God, because he sees the end, and it turns out well for us if we choose to trust him through it all.

Rivers in the Desert - God's Promises

YouTube video version of this podcast:

Feb 25, 201913:23
God Can't Use Me with Who I've Been & What I've Done… CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION

God Can't Use Me with Who I've Been & What I've Done… CHRISTIAN MOTIVATION

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs  -

Wow... All I can say is God is AWESOME.... He will use whom ever he desires, and use their story and testimony to bring his children back to him. So don't let your plot of your story, trick you into thinking the wrong conclusion to the end that God has written about you! Amen!!! Enjoy!

Feb 20, 201923:12


Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs  -

Okay... In this podcast, I share what some words from the bible that I hope will encourage you to take another look at how you view the Love of God, and how he's been pursuing you this whole time. Talk about a Real Love Story... lol... Enjoy!

Feb 20, 201920:35
Are You STUCK In Your CHRISTIAN Walk? Maybe It's Time For Change in 2019

Are You STUCK In Your CHRISTIAN Walk? Maybe It's Time For Change in 2019

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

I got inspired to do this video after listening to a sermon by Dr. Charles Stanley on the Joy FM radio station. It truly had me thinking how most of us are stuck, and we don't even know it. I hope this gets you to thinking what God has been pressing on your heart in 2019. Just remember, whether you want to shift or not, the change is still coming. Thanks for watching.

Jan 05, 201911:39
Are You In a FAMINE? Are You Experiencing LACK? THROW SOME GOD ON IT!

Are You In a FAMINE? Are You Experiencing LACK? THROW SOME GOD ON IT!

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

Today’s verse came from 2 Kings 4:38. I hope this encourages someone who may be or coming into the season of a 7 year famine, which usually seemed to be a theme in the Bible, based off what I’ve read so far. Know this, that we need to trust in God because he is still the God that performs miracles, even in famines. Don’t forget to read the Bible for yourself, God is waiting to speak to you in there. Take care and talk soon, Karin

Dec 13, 201811:29
Follow Me Around FLORENCE VINEYARD Dallas ART BATTLE Tired of feeling pain DON’T LET LIFE BREAK YOU

Follow Me Around FLORENCE VINEYARD Dallas ART BATTLE Tired of feeling pain DON’T LET LIFE BREAK YOU

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

Link to video: It took me a moment to get around to editing this trip from Sept. It was a very eye opening trip, from a spiritual perspective. God is truly with us all if we just pay attention, we would see him reassuring us of what's going on and what's to come. I hope whom ever this is for, you receive the message in this trip, and enjoy the art and the preying mantis hiding in the door. And all that gum smacking…lol….

Dec 05, 201818:35
Is Life Too Short to Wait on God's Plans For You?

Is Life Too Short to Wait on God's Plans For You?

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

Link to video: 

I hope y'all enjoy this video. Honestly, I was just sitting there thinking what else could I record, and this came out. I hope who ever this message is meant for that you receive it, and gives you hope that God has got you, now onto occupying ourselves. Thanks for watching!

Dec 05, 201816:55
Christian Motivation! Don't Give Up Because You Tried of THINGS NOT WORKING OUT!

Christian Motivation! Don't Give Up Because You Tried of THINGS NOT WORKING OUT!

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

Link to video: 

It funny how growing plants have really taught me a lot about what it looks like when things appear dead, but actually, they're just regroup for a comeback. Same thing applies to our lives. Just because it looks dead to us, doesn't mean that God isn't working in the unseen areas of our lives, doing something awesome. I hope this video inspires you to realize that just because you tried your way or a few ways, doesn't mean it was the ONLY way. Ask God about what you should be doing, instead of just doing what you think will work. Enjoy!

Dec 05, 201821:26
Feeling Useless BUT You Are Chosen HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF What You’re Doing Isn’t Working

Feeling Useless BUT You Are Chosen HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF What You’re Doing Isn’t Working

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

Link to video: From the Joy FM Radio Station here in Georgia “We often joke about “First World Problems,” but what if you lived in a developing nation torn by civil war, and you suddenly found yourself an orphan on the run? Jacob 08, one of Sudan’s “Lost Boys,” tells us his story about how God delivered him from being a Sudanese refugee and brought him to America to begin a new life.” LOOKING TO GIVE? Watch: Meet Jacob One of the Lost Boys of Sudan | The JOY FM - You can Give here to SSHCO Southern Sudan Health Care Organization:

Dec 05, 201817:28
What’s Keeping You A Slave? MAKING EXCUSES FOR EX Stop? Being Delusional In Your Dysfunction
Dec 05, 201814:42
FEAR IS A LIAR | Zach Williams IMPROV | Don't Let Fear Consume You - YouTube

FEAR IS A LIAR | Zach Williams IMPROV | Don't Let Fear Consume You - YouTube

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

View link to video: I just felt like doing this… because it felt GOOD! LOL... Not sure who this for, but I hope if helps you to turn to God. To seek him when all looks messed up and there seems to be no way out. The Devil is a liar and he comes to steal your joy and rob you of your happiness, even in the end times. What I’ve been reading is to fear God more than you fear anything else because is the creator of all things. And I learned something new about copyright infringement today, that even applies to instrumentals, but I still look forward to doing more of these. Thanks for watching!

Dec 05, 201808:44
Are You Bartering with God to SAVE YOU from Your TROUBLES and then NOT Following Through When He Does?

Are You Bartering with God to SAVE YOU from Your TROUBLES and then NOT Following Through When He Does?

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This came to me as I was reading a scripture from Psalms. It totally felt like I had written it and was hearing what I sounded like a few years ago. Reading it reminded me of the pain I was experiencing wanting other people to know my pain even though I kept it all to myself with a good smile on face, while attempting to make deals with God every time I placed myself in some foolishness knowing full well that I didn't even know where to start to keep good on word. But I'm here today to say all things are possible one step continually forward at a time, which includes time to rest and consult with God in between. I hope this brings peace to someone that needs to hear this message.

Jun 06, 201807:54
You Say You Trust God - SO WHY YOU STILL BUGGING???

You Say You Trust God - SO WHY YOU STILL BUGGING???

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This came to me this morning as I was reading from Deuteronomy 20. It just spoke to me and where I've been for the past few years with battling fear, regardless of what victories I've experienced, I somehow allowed myself to focus on it, and believe it more than what God has done. So I hope this rings true for who it is meant for. Thanks for listening! 

Jun 01, 201806:36
Learning what it means to Praise God

Learning what it means to Praise God

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This is something I dont think it matters what stage you are in when it comes to your relationship with God, it will always come back to Praise. It will come back to us humbling out hearts Thanking and talking with God. Thanks for listening!

Apr 22, 201806:06
Don't Be Easily Deceived By the People Who Influence You
Apr 17, 201813:25
You dont have Leprosy... You're just sharing the Good News: JESUS IS COMING

You dont have Leprosy... You're just sharing the Good News: JESUS IS COMING

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This is for all those out there feeling worn down in the word that doubts the Good News like the King in 2 Kings 7:12. Don't get weary... Nothing any of us do is ever in vain. Just because you can't see God's whole plan, it doesn't mean there's no hope.

Mar 15, 201816:02


This verse couldnt have shown up more on time. I was struggling with telling someone about what I've been dreaming and whats on the way. Something is coming... You can see it all around us... The weather... the world cracking... check out World Signs and Jason A on YouTube. The evidence of whats in Danielle, and Revelations is happening as we roll over in bed thinking our lives are so good or what we experience is so hectic, but it doesn't compare. This is the time we shouldn't spend it fearing but spending it talking to God and Jesus to lead us, forgive us for xyz and for us to forgive others. Not tomorrow but today.
Mar 12, 201817:28
Jesus is Coming... Boy that Sounds Crazy As Believing in Hell
Mar 11, 201805:03
Donut Analogy | Are You Settling for Dunkin Donuts when you could have Krispy Kreme instead?

Donut Analogy | Are You Settling for Dunkin Donuts when you could have Krispy Kreme instead?

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

If you watch my videos, you already know that I love analogies. Are you settling for things you don't have a taste for, but you don't want to go out of your way or be patient for what you truly desire? This came to me one day as I struggled on not wanting to drive far just to get Krispy Kreme Donuts. I was pissed by the end of this, but the lesson I took from it is that when you want something, forget how long it's going to take to get there and just start where you are, because in the end, you will never be satisfied with something you know you can't stomach.

Mar 05, 201809:59
Today's Dream: ARE YOU READY? | Is it POSSIBLE that when Jesus comes there will be something REALLY STRANGE OCCURING

Today's Dream: ARE YOU READY? | Is it POSSIBLE that when Jesus comes there will be something REALLY STRANGE OCCURING

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

I had this dream this morning and it literally scared me enough to repent aka pray for forgiveness in not holding any anger over anyone, no matter if you were right or not. You can not afford to let even anger keep you from the presence of the Lord to back slide into hell. Or should I say hell on earth? The weather flipped from being warm to snow up to the middle of my truck tires, to middle and creating a strong flow of water that pushed all the vehicles down hill... You can find this now anywhere in the world. I'm been dreaming more and more, but as for the past week, it's been every night, and they have all been warning dreams. I have a video coming up on my youtube channel, 2 actually. One of a Tornado dream I had about 3 years ago, that occured last year, and another one I had in 1999. I found a video that shows the triangular shape I saw in my dream. - There are no aliens. Those are fallen angels doing the same mess they have done thro

Mar 05, 201819:01
The Struggle of Being Christian Believing that God is Even Real or Jesus is Real & NOT JUST A MAN

The Struggle of Being Christian Believing that God is Even Real or Jesus is Real & NOT JUST A MAN

This may bother some. I'm not sharing something off being "close minded". By far, I'm one of the most "open-minded" people I've ever met, but over time, I've learned the hard way that "open-mindedness" has a huge price, that I've paid. All these things I mentioned in this video, I've done it.... but what's funny is God uses all things to bring you closer to him, but don't waste time by not getting closer to him now when you feel him pulling you. It will only happen for so long that God will leave you to your foolishness to experience the pain that accompanies sin on it's own. The wages of sin is death... Death of all the things you thought were for you...all the things you once chased... all the things you thought were right... and ultimately, it could cost you life if you don't pull yourself out of it fully, not partial, but completely. This is my experience, but as always...THE CHOICE IS YOURS.
Mar 02, 201809:38
The Struggle of Being the Watchmen & Sharing the Word of God with Others Like We’re Called to Do

The Struggle of Being the Watchmen & Sharing the Word of God with Others Like We’re Called to Do

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

We're called to share the Word of God and alarm people as to what is going on in the world. Ezekiel 33 says if they don't accept it, that's on them, but if you don't tell people and they die in their sin, it is on you because you felt it and knew it and said nothing. Out of fear of people not accepting it or don't judge me, only God can judge, has stopped many of us from doing what we are called to do. Just listen to the audio and don't forget to share with others... The Time is Now... TIME'S UP! What will you be held for? Doing what you're called to do or being held accountable for the destruction of others? Something to think about it.

Feb 26, 201813:06
Feb 11, 201829:39
WHY do we DATE MEN like the Way WE BUY MAKEUP | Dating Advice for Women

WHY do we DATE MEN like the Way WE BUY MAKEUP | Dating Advice for Women

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This thought popped into my head after watching Amber F and Just Buy the Makeup on Youtube. After listening to Just Buy the Makeup talk about using even the makeup she didn't like, it made me thing how we do the same things with men that we're dating. We date men just to have something to do, and don't even like the results. I hope this makes sense for who it is meant for. Enjoy! 

Jan 12, 201814:42
We are Called to TRUST GOD even When We Have TRUST & FAITH ISSUES

We are Called to TRUST GOD even When We Have TRUST & FAITH ISSUES

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

The Struggle of being Christian: Trusting God always seems like one of the hardest things, especially when it comes to letting go of what we've done for the longest time. Usually, it's because we have no clue what doing what's right looks like, thinking it will be the hardest thing ever, but that's where we are wrong. Letting to trust God is not a one time thing and you're done. It's something that will be continually tested, the more and more you choose to follow God. That's where I'm at this moment in my life, learning to trust God when I have no idea where he's taking me, but I have to remember to trust when I'm tempted to go back to being fearful, as if it's a safe place for me to stay. I hope this makes sense for those it's suppose to reach. Thank you for watching. 

Jan 05, 201809:51
Trusting God When He Tells You to Move EVEN Through FEAR PART 2

Trusting God When He Tells You to Move EVEN Through FEAR PART 2

The Struggle of Being Christian Series: I'm sure this is one of the most challenging things to do, which is to Trust God when it doesn't make sense, but nonetheless you move anyway. I hope this helps someone out there who is struggling with the issue of trusting God through it all. CHECKOUT MY PODCAST ON STITCHER, ITUNES & PODOMATIC! Stitcher: iTunes: Podomatic: GooglePlay:
Dec 18, 201717:34
Trusting God When He Tells You to Move EVEN WHEN YOU'RE FEARFUL

Trusting God When He Tells You to Move EVEN WHEN YOU'RE FEARFUL

The STRUGGLE of being CHRISTIAN Series: CHECKOUT MY PODCAST ON STITCHER, ITUNES & PODOMATIC! Stitcher: iTunes: Podomatic: GooglePlay: WAITING ON THIS ONE In this video, I shared small snippets of what I've experienced over the past 5 years that has helped me learn to recognize and trust God more and more when I feel like I'm being nudged to do something I've never done before. Trust me, even after all the miracles and signs I've experience during my pregnancy, I still slipped and went back to my old ways of doing things, sex and not praying and reading. It wasn't until I read this blog one day that I was prompted to start being more dedicated in praying and reading. I fought it tooth and nail, but now, it comes so natural. So if you're struggling to sit still and focus enough to pray and read the bible, maybe start with praying over yourself for God to clear your mind and soul to focus on him, to be able to read and pr
Dec 15, 201718:31
Are you FORCING things to happen in your LIFE & ALL is STILL Falling Apart?
Dec 15, 201715:41


THE STRUGGLE OF BEING CHRISTIAN SERIES. So I haven't done one of these types of videos in a while, but I think I finally came up with a proper name for this series. In this video, I talk about comments here on YouTube whether it's on my videos or other YouTubers, that come off like WTH...but just somehow still don't surprise me. I'm not talking about if you don't agree with something I've shared in a video, I'm talking about just being rude and attacking a person based on no knowledge, just attempting to be flat out rude. This includes the not so Christian thing to do and say, especially when it comes to responding to comments and people foolishness, whether in a text message or on social media. There where also some comments I saw a while back on this video "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT +NEW PRODUCT LAUNCH! Carli Bybel" , and I was kinda surprised, but yet no really, by some comments that Christians left on this video. I think people need to learn sometimes to come down to other peoples level, no
Dec 15, 201710:09
Forgiveness - How to Forgive people INCLUDING YOURSELF

Forgiveness - How to Forgive people INCLUDING YOURSELF

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

This is a conversation I've had with people so often, the difficulty of truly forgiving and completely letting go when someone has really hurt you. Whether someone borrowed a large sum of money and never paid you back, broke your heart, lied to you, or they pretended to love you, only to manipulate and use you. Whatever the case, there is nothing too terrible that cannot be forgiven, including yourself. 

Dec 15, 201714:00
Are you tired of things going WRONG in your Life TIPS ON PRAYER & FILLING THE VOID SPACE

Are you tired of things going WRONG in your Life TIPS ON PRAYER & FILLING THE VOID SPACE

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

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After reading from one of the books I normally read from, it really had me thinking about how we want things to change, but sometimes are too lazy to ACT and CHANGE because we also don't want to stop doing what we're doing. Speaking from experience, life hasn't seemed to work that way for me. When things begin to go wrong for me, that's always the sign that I need to pay attention, and make some changes. I hope this will help someone who is feeling like things are not working out, or they are experiencing some continuous ups and downs in their life, and want things to change. I also included The Lord's Prayer with my interpretation of the prayer to help others understand, to come to their own understanding. 

Dec 15, 201715:20
Are You Feeling Lost & Confused about Life? START WITH THESE STEPS!

Are You Feeling Lost & Confused about Life? START WITH THESE STEPS!

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

Believe + Do Christian T-shirt Apparel & Mugs -

I realize in life, sometimes we move blindly through the motions of our jobs, relationships, including the one we have with ourselves and God. I hope this reaches someone out there who is feeling lost, confused about their current career, lifestyle or place in this world. If you're having thoughts of depression or suicide, I ask you to watch this video or share it with the people in your lives to help them realize that they are not alone. 

Dec 15, 201715:24
GRWM Why I Stopped Drinking GOT OUT OF DEBT

GRWM Why I Stopped Drinking GOT OUT OF DEBT

Want to support what I do here on my podcast? You can join me in helping to give a 2nd chance to women with children, who've found themselves in a homeless situation here in Atlanta. Check out my website for more details! 

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In this audio, which is also a video on my youtube channel, I share why I stopped drinking. I hope this encourages someone out there to listen to the inner voice of the holy spirit to lead you when it comes to discontinuing sinning when you know you feel otherwise. 

Dec 15, 201716:57