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Successfully Screwed Podcast

Successfully Screwed Podcast

By Sara Rosenberg & Ashley Owens

Often, we only see the results of the hard work that it takes to grow a successful business. It’s rare that anyone talks about the tough mistakes, the uphill battles, and the tears that it takes to get there…but those are the meaty conversations that give struggling entrepreneurs (or those just having a bad day), the inspiration to keep going! Ashley Owens and Sara Rosenberg host successful, growing business owners and talk to them about their pivotal fuck ups and how they overcame them in this fun, motivational podcast.
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Successfully Screwed PodcastJan 13, 2020



As you start out and grow your business, you don't know what you don't know....but you better start figuring it out!

In this episode, we talk to Robyn Graham of Robyn Graham Photography about HOW she figured stuff after a low point, HOW she learned to differentiate herself (because, like, she's not the only photographer in the world!) and how YOU can figure stuff out,  even if you don't have a ton of money to invest into it!


River Avenue Digital - Click NOW to learn how you can help your business stand out from the crowd!  (Come on.  You need that!)

While you're here, support us!  Follow us on Instagram, please!  We follow back!  We might even engage with you!  Okay - we will, because we don't have many friends in real life!

About The Successfully Screwed Podcast:

We like to talk to successful entrepreneurs about their failures and low points.  Why?  Because we want to make sure that YOU know that you're not alone - all business owners fuck it up at some point (or even often!) and we also want you to learn from our guests about how to bounce back and keep going. They'll give you the resources they used to do that!  Check out our website!

Want to be a guest?  Click here!

Want to sponsor the show?  We get more than 10K entrepreneur eyeballs on the marketing of every episode!  Click here to get a package!

Thanks for listening!  Please share with a friendly, stressed out entrepreneur in your life!

Jan 13, 202024:20
Episode. 2.11 - Back From the Dead

Episode. 2.11 - Back From the Dead

There are a tons of analogies you can make about hitting rock bottom as it pertains to active addition and business failure.  But we're going to let Joe White of Sales Gorilla and Get Life Coaching tell you that...and we won't even judge him for his weird obsession with Live PD (Sara's DH digs it, too, and it's weird.)

Listen in and hopefully, one of your takeaways will be, "Damn, if he can do *this* after getting through all *that*, I can, too!

We thank Joe for being so open about his experiences, and we hope to bring him back to talk more about addiction and recovery in Season 3.

***This show is explicit and discusses addictions**  

You may not want to listen to this one around sensitive ears. 

This episode is sponsored by:

Unstuck Sessions with Sara And Ashley.

Feeling stuck in your business?  Give us 90 minutes, and we will set you straight!  You'll walk away with a renewed sense of clarity about your business and a set of some productive next steps to get you moving forward.

Click here to get started!

Aug 24, 201924:53
Episode 2.10 - Thick Skin

Episode 2.10 - Thick Skin

 Marissa Taffer of M. Taffer Consulting  is the one you call when you want  your small business to grow.  She has the chops and the experience to do it, so when a client went for the jugular when they weren’t getting the results they thought they should, Marissa figured out, all at once, why having thick skin is a MUST if you have your own business. 



Sensitive ears, you may want to skip it.


Feeling stuck and frustrated in your business?  Sara and Ashley can talk an unbiased look at your business and help you create a next steps plan to propel you forward!  Visit 

Jun 16, 201932:29
Episode 2.9 - Not Asking Permission

Episode 2.9 - Not Asking Permission


When he decided to start a co-working space in Doylestown, Jonathan Mercer, founder of Stacks Co. was drawing from his corporate experience, as well as from his own person struggle with depression and anxiety that often lead him to isolate himself when he probably should have been out and socializing with other professionals.

His idea was awesome – create a space where entrepreneurs could work, collab, and share resources *and* he got to own his own business! Everything was all up and running on all cylinders…..and then some BIG turns happened – obvi – he’s on the show isn’t he?!?!?

Listen in and learn from Jonathan’s early fails and the resources that helped him get over it and GROW!


Sensitive ears, you may want to skip it.


Join our Hyper Growth Entrepreneurial Mastermind! Solve your business problems with the support and experience of other business owners in your corner! Visit 

Mar 12, 201939:48
Episode 2.8 - Better Them Than Us

Episode 2.8 - Better Them Than Us

Remember Barbara from last season?

She's the one who learned very quickly to create boundaries for her clients so that they wouldn't drop off checks TO HER HOUSE WHEN SHE WAS IN HER PJ'S!

This week, we're talking to her hubby, Mark Crowell, who decided recently not only to leave his corporate job, but to join his wife in the marketing biz!

We talk his fears about that (ARE THEY GONNA KILL EACH OTHER?!?), as well as just the general strategy for jumping on to the entrepreneurial roller coaster, and the plans he has for dealing with that!

And while neither Ashley nor Sara would last very long working with our significant others (especially because we're too cute of prison, so homicide isn't an option), we kinda think these guys will make it!

Have a listen and let us know if you could work with your s/o!


Sensitive ears, you may want to skip it.

Unstuck Session with Ashley and Sara!

Feeling stuck in your business?  Click here and let's fix it!

Feb 12, 201922:56
Episode 2.7 - Boundaries, Values and 'F*ck You, Pay Me'

Episode 2.7 - Boundaries, Values and 'F*ck You, Pay Me'


Internships are, theoretically, a win/win situation. Win for the student because they get real world experience in their chosen field, and a win for the business owner – free labor and passing the torch to the next gen!

It’s even cooler when you can parlay that internship into a paying job at the same firm you’ve been interning at for half a year! They’ve recognized your talent and want to pay you for it…and things are going along great for another 6 months – UNTIL THEY AREN’T!

That’s when you find yourself drawing your very firm boundaries, LOUDLY, in the streets of Chicago, having an “Oh fuck, what did I just do?!?!” moment, and unwittingly starting your own marketing agency. This moment also helped her realize that values are everything and other #queerpreneurs often need to trailblaze their own entrepreneurial paths differently than heteronormative business owners. Andy has a passion for supporting that!

That’s what Andy Schu of Little Shoe Studios did, anyway. We particularly LOVE how she figured out what her boundaries are, especially so young. It’s the foundation of her entrepreneurial journey! Now she’s built up her team into a cohesive group of creatives and marketing professionals that feel valued are able to get shit done for their clients!

Fun fact: Andy coaches youth hockey, and DARN IT if those kids don’t teach her more than any mentor could do!

***Language warning***

Sensitive ears, you may want to skip it.

SuccessfullyAccountable Entrepreneurial Accountabilty Groups
Get Sh*t Done and Level Up.
Now enrolling 12 business owners. New groups starting February 2019! 

Jan 17, 201937:34
Episode 2.6 - From Genius to Devil

Episode 2.6 - From Genius to Devil


Remember the financial disaster of 2008? Jack Miller, President of Gelt Financial does. He remembers it well, because, prior to the economic downturn, he bought a bank.

Yes. He bought a bank right before a huge economic crisis. 

The ramifications of that were devastating – not just financially – it affected every aspect of his life. He even tried to make it work for a few years, which probably made it worse.

Listen in and learn about what it took for Jack to survive and rebuild his business and reputation, and how it actually helps him be even more passionate about helping businesses grow and get the credit they need to do that.  (And yes, this involved crying on the sofa for a while...something all entrepreneurs can related to!)


The one thing we realized that every business owners eventually encounters at one point or another in the entrepreneurial journey is feeling STUCK and the one thing we've found they need is an AFFORDABLE kick in the pants and CLEAR next steps to move them to the next level!

That's what an UNSTUCK SUPPORT SESSION is all about! It's 90 minutes of intensive problem solving and a clear next-step plan for moving forward! Click the link above to see all the details and schedule your UNSTUCK SUPPORT SESSION! You're not alone in this! 

Dec 27, 201840:22
Episode 2.5 - Chasing the Win...and Losing

Episode 2.5 - Chasing the Win...and Losing

That rush you get from making a sale or getting a great ROI on an investment is hard to deny. And then add in a thought process of "Well, if one is good, fifteen is better!", along with a sprinkling of a chemical imbalance that fosters some depression and dark've got a formula for high risk tolerance/and high rewards....but also some low lows. Chris Bentley, an award winning Realtor with Rogers Healy & Associates, is all about that high risk/high reward thing - lots of entrepreneurs are - and he shares with us the important things you need to survive the lows, because his mom isn't bailing YOU out. (She has Chris for that!) Sponsor: SuccessfullyAccountable Entrepreneurial Accountabilty Groups Get Sh*t Done and Level Up. Now enrolling 12 business owners. Groups start in January 2019!
Dec 11, 201840:32
**BONUS** Young. Not So Dumb. And Breaking the Mold.
Nov 25, 201839:16
Episode 2.4 - "Acting" Like a Business Owner
Nov 05, 201828:39
Episode 2.3 - Hiring, Firing, and Ignoring Your Numbers
Oct 08, 201840:56
Episode 2.2 - No Plan Survives Contact with Reality
Oct 01, 201835:00
Episode 2.1 - "When It Rains, It Pours"
Sep 24, 201834:04
Episode # 12 - "Don't Hurt Me! Travis Will Kick Your Butt!"
Sep 04, 201829:46
Episode # 11 - Snowflakes & Stalkers & Safe Spaces
Aug 27, 201836:57
Episode #10 - "Check's in the Mail"

Episode #10 - "Check's in the Mail"

Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries. Your clients need them and so do you. Otherwise, your clients will do things like show up banging on your door when you're hair's a mess and you're not wearing a bra. Or something. Barbara DiLisio of Wicky Designs tells us about how she figured out about setting expectations for her clients so that everyone is clear on how the relationship will work IN THE BEGINNING. Don't wanna play by the rules? Then go play with someone else. (And that's kinda scary when you're trying to build a business!) Oh - and Barbara's super power? SHE CAN WORK WITH HER HUSBAND! (And there's a little announcement from Ashley & Sara in this one too! You asked - we delivered!) Our sponsor: The Goble Group - Unstuck Sessions - Please support our sponsors! Music by - Tee_Wyla
Aug 20, 201831:42
Episode 9 - "Cupcakes & Confidence" with Ruth Scott
Aug 13, 201827:57
Episode 8 - "Mrs. Marchman is a Saint"
Jul 31, 201843:30
Episode #7 - "Pandas and Candles and Kids! OH MY!"
Jul 23, 201837:24
Episode #6 - "But First, John Legend."
Jul 16, 201835:58
Episode #5 - Lotsa Eggs, One Basket with Joe Monzo
Jul 09, 201826:42
Episode #4 : Less Than Perfect Partnerships
Jun 25, 201824:14
Episode #3: Sometimes Imitation Isn't Flattery, It's Thievery

Episode #3: Sometimes Imitation Isn't Flattery, It's Thievery

(Or AKA "B*tch Stole My Idea".
Jun 18, 201824:53
Episode #2 : Out Learn Everybody with David Arena
Jun 11, 201835:49
Ep. #1 -Screwedness with Bearj Jehanian
Jun 04, 201842:45
What Can You Expect from SSP?

What Can You Expect from SSP?

Here's a sneak peek into what you can expect from the Successfully Screwed Podcast!
May 25, 201801:20