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Supa Black!

Supa Black!

By Supa Black

Welcome to Supa Black! We are a group of superhero enthusiasts from across the African Diaspora. Every episode we will talk superhero fair-- past, present and future. From Marvel and DC to anime, there is no stone we will leave unturned. Are you ready to turn up, up and away? 💥
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Episode Thirty-Two - Phil Lamarr

Supa Black!Dec 31, 2022

Episode Thirty-Five - Top 5 Worst Love Interests

Episode Thirty-Five - Top 5 Worst Love Interests

Another day another Top 5! Today is Valentine's Day and we've got a shorty but goody episode coming your way. Instead of leaning into the mushy and gooey love fest, we decided to be chaotic and go in the opposite direction. Today we are talking Top 5 WORST love interests and the conversation jumps from our more traditional fair to Sailor Moon to everyone's favorite Ninja Turtles. Did we nail our list? Or did our bullseye hit one of your OTPs (One True Pairings). Join the conversation on IG and don't forget to follow us on IG and Twitter!

Feb 14, 202343:16
Episode Thirty-Four - Top 5 Worst Villains

Episode Thirty-Four - Top 5 Worst Villains

Another week, another episode. This time we have another Top 5 for you!-- sort of. We got so caught up in the conversation, I'm not sure we quite got there.  There are a LOT of really terrible villains that have been brought to life over the years. What are YOUR thoughts? Come on over to IG and let us know! Follow us there and on Twitter to join the conversation.

Feb 07, 202357:04
Episode Thirty-Three - Race & The X-men

Episode Thirty-Three - Race & The X-men

Did you miss us?!

We’re back y’all! Join us for a riveting discussion to start off our SECOND SEASON! Today we talk about the the correlation between the X-Men and Race. We attempt to name 5 Black Mutants (harder than it sounds), cognitive dissonance for white people who understand the struggle of the mutants we know and love and refuse to get on board with Black causes, and super-powered beings vs. mutants.

Jump on board and join the conversation. Don’t forget to follow, like and subscribe.

Feb 01, 202358:00
Episode Thirty-Two - Phil Lamarr

Episode Thirty-Two - Phil Lamarr

Our finale is finally here— and guess what?!


Does he really need an introduction? Most people have come across his work (especially that voice) in some shape or form: MadTV alumni, Pulp Fiction victim, Bail Organa, John Stewart Green Lantern, Samurai Jack, and SO much more!

Please excuse our panel. They couldn’t contain their delight during this episode. Who could blame us?!?

Make sure you stick around for a surprise at the end. Phil, just about made our year! 

Thank you to all who made “Supa Black!” a part of your year. We’ll catch y’all in February 2023 with more episodes.

Dec 31, 202201:03:32
Episode Thirty-One - Representation in Hollywood

Episode Thirty-One - Representation in Hollywood

Can you believe it?!— It’s our penultimate episode of the season/year!

If you’ve been a long-time listener, then you know a large portion of our panel has been a part of the entertainment industry. Though we are mostly theatre folk, we know all too well the rat race that can be the attempts at representation in the industry.

Today we wanted to talk about Hollywood in particular: where it succeeds, where it fails, and where it can do better. (Hint: it can ALWAYS do better)

Are you as thrilled as we are about the opportunities that marginalized communities have been getting? You must be or you wouldn’t be listening to this podcast!

Dec 29, 202249:29
Episode Thirty - Trilogies

Episode Thirty - Trilogies

In today’s episode, join the panel as we discuss the trilogy as a storytelling device. There are so many famous ones: The Dark Knight, Spider-Man (both the Tobey Maguire and Tom Holland versions), Heck— Star Wars has been told in trilogy form since the 70s.

Do you like the use of the format? Is it overdone? Which ones are you favorite? Which is you least favorite and why is it the one with Spider Man three and emo Peter Parker? Are you a fan of the nonology? Did Rolls invent a word?

Get into it!

Dec 28, 202201:03:26
Episode Twenty-Nine - Top 5 Spider Beings

Episode Twenty-Nine - Top 5 Spider Beings

In honor of the recent premiere of the trailer for Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse, the sequel to the visual and emotional feast that was Into the Spider-Verse, we thought it an apropos to release this episode!

Today we try to nail down our Top 5 Spider Beings. There have been a LOT of people (and creatures) bitten by spiders in the Marvel Universe and we tried our best to talk about a large chunk of them. Who knew about Spider Wolf before this episode? Not us! Big fan though.

Who did we miss? Who would YOU have placed on our list? Does Peter Porker haunt your dreams?

Get in on the action with the panel, only here on Supa Black!

Dec 27, 202258:52
Episode Twenty-Eight - "The Blackening"

Episode Twenty-Eight - "The Blackening"

"The Blackening"-- a phenomenon that occurs in popular culture where traditionally white-identified heroes have their race changed to Black. It's been a popular way to diversify old properties for decades... but how do we feel about the practice?

During this episode, the panel discusses the positives and negatives of making well-known characters Black where they had not before. We talk about how it works in practice (Nick Fury) and hypothetical Blackenings that would intrigue us (Batman). We also get into why original works would be the preferable way to go. 

Whether you hate it or love it, I think we can all agree that it makes racists mad and isn't that just delightful? If they put a cape on, then they can even be "Supa" Mad! Thanks to Rich for that one.

Jump on in! (Oh, and DM us for shirt inquiries).

Dec 26, 202253:33
Episode Twenty-Seven - LARPer Interview

Episode Twenty-Seven - LARPer Interview

This was a big one for the panel! 

This time last year we were all enjoying Hawkeye on Disney+. We were thrilled to get the majority of the LARPers from Hawkeye together for an interview: Adetinpo Thomas (making a glorious return to us), Adelle Drahos and Robert Walker-Branchaud!

We chatted about the casting process for their respective roles, current projects and ones on the horizon, and had a little fun playing what we like to call "Hawkeye I Spy". "How am I supposed to play along?" you may be asking-- Well, never fear! Once you're done listening to the podcast in your car, on the train, at the gym (or wherever you best enjoy your podcast experience), hop on over to and follow along for our FIRST PUBLISHED VIDEO INTERVIEW! Our Christmas gift to you.


Dec 25, 202201:16:56
Episode Twenty-Six - DC Property Adaptations

Episode Twenty-Six - DC Property Adaptations

Another day another episode!   

Today the panel got together to discuss some DC properties we thought should be adapted and given the big screen treatment.  

Full disclosure— this was recorded awhile ago and recent announcements were not a factor, though we were definitely clairvoyant in some respects.  

What properties are you a fan of that we left out? Are you a Gunn hater? Come one come all and let us know YOUR thoughts on the future of DC live-action!

Dec 24, 202250:39
Episode Twenty-Five - Top 5 Black Heroes

Episode Twenty-Five - Top 5 Black Heroes

It's nearing the end of year and for a Black experience-centered podcast it's time for the ultimate question: Who are the top 5 Black heroes? 

It was a hard nut to crack but we were on the case! Did we leave any of YOUR faves out? Do you agree with our list? Should we have included any mentioned disco slaves? What is a disco slave? You'll have to listen to find out!

We have fun here. Hah!

Dec 23, 202248:33
Episode Twenty-Four - The MCU Cultural Boom

Episode Twenty-Four - The MCU Cultural Boom

Here we go! The first of two entries today!

This last Phase has seen Marvel pump up the volume on non-traditional cultures and cultural specificity that we think is really beautiful to see.

 Between Marc Spector, Kamala Khan, Shang Chi and others, what are some of you favorite depictions of different cultures of our MCU superheroes (and villains).  Do you like where Marvel is going?

Join the conversation today on "Supa Black!"

Dec 23, 202254:15
Episode Twenty-Three - "Wakanda Forever" Review

Episode Twenty-Three - "Wakanda Forever" Review

The moment has finally arrived. Years of waiting for the sequel to Black Panther-- and boy did they deliver a feast for our souls. 

The panel got together and discussed stand out moments of Wakanda Forever, it was almost impossible to touch on everything that was brought to bear but we did our best! Let us know if you agree with our assessments.

In case it wasn't clear, SPOILERS abound! 

Nov 17, 202201:34:22
Episode Twenty-Two - Black Panther 2 Speculations

Episode Twenty-Two - Black Panther 2 Speculations

We recorded this episode months ago before much information was known and thought it would be fun to post right before the premiere of Wakanda Forever.  The panel got together to discuss our hopes, theories, and fears about the upcoming sequel to the global phenomenon that was Black Panther. 

Who is the next ruler of Wakanda? Is Shuri ready? When the heck does this all take place? 

Join us in speculating on the future of our beloved Wakanda in this week's episode!

Nov 08, 202249:16
Episode Twenty-One - Deep Dive: Daredevil

Episode Twenty-One - Deep Dive: Daredevil

How apropos for the continuation of spooky season!

We continue our Dossier Deep Dive conversation series with the one and only Matthew Murdock, aka DAREDEVIL!

Daredevil recently made a surprise cameo in the She-Hulk series on Disney+ with Charlie Cox returning to portray our favorite Hell’s Kitchen lawyer. He’ll be making appearances in other shows along the way which will culminate in his full-time return to the silver screen in “Daredevil: Born Again”.

He has such an amazing history that we thought we should invite the expert to give us a sermon— everybody say “Heyyyyyy Omar Holmon!”

Aside from being the most lively guest in the podcast history up until this point (he really made me keep one hand on the volume this week!), Omar is one of the co-founders of @blacknerdproblems.

Are you ready for this confessional?

Nov 01, 202254:22
Episode Twenty - Top 5 Secret Identities

Episode Twenty - Top 5 Secret Identities

Halloween is almost upon us!  One of our favorite times of year. A time for witches and ghosts and people in masks. Speaking of…

For a superhero their secret identity can be sacred. They hold on to their double life for fear of protecting their own lives and the lives of those they love outside of their super suits. So, what is is that makes a great secret identity? Who has the best one?  What does Hannah Montana have to do with this conversation.

Jump in on the conversation and find out what we decided as we came up with our Top 5 Super Secret Identities!

Oct 25, 202242:09
Episode Nineteen - "Common Man" Superheroes

Episode Nineteen - "Common Man" Superheroes

In a world filled with the fantastical, what place is there for the common man?

For this week's episode, join the panel as we discuss the supers without powers; from Marvel's Daredevil to DC's Batman-- what is it that makes them able to go toe to toe with their super-powered counterparts? Is money a superpower? Is the life of a superhero more than just "punchy powers"? Why do so many villains NOT have superpowers?

Supafans, ASSEMBLE!!

Oct 12, 202239:57
Episode Eighteen - International Heroes

Episode Eighteen - International Heroes

It’s Tuesday! That means another new episode from the Supa Panel!

This week we’re talking “International Heroes”— what’s that you ask?

Over the course of the conversation it came to mean a lot of things, but you can bet we talked Power Rangers and Sailor Moon. With Jason and Sheridan on the panel, it was a given. All roads lead to Japan with this group.

Get into this convo!

Oct 04, 202242:32
Episode Seventeen - Ranking the Marvel Movies of 2021

Episode Seventeen - Ranking the Marvel Movies of 2021

Better late than never!

2021 was a strange time. COVID was still keeping us from enjoying our cinema without fear of Omarion, Venom 2 happened, and all four MCU movies hit us fast and furious at the tail end of the year.  

Take a trip down memory lane and join the panel (we had a full house this day!) as they get down to ranking the MCU Movies of 2021! Can you remember them all?

Sep 27, 202201:02:04
Episode Sixteen - J. Holtham

Episode Sixteen - J. Holtham

Attention, attention! For your entertainment today, tune-in to our interview with writer/producer J. Holtham!

As we mentioned in yesterday’s post, he was a writer on The CW’s “Supergirl” as well as “Cloak and Dagger” and Netflix’s “Jessica Jones”.

J was a fabulous guest— we learned a lot about the producing side of the TV game from him. What is your favorite project he’s worked on and why is it Jessica Jones? 🥺🥺🥺

Jk! 😝 There’s enough love to go around for all the things he’s done!

Thanks for tuning in!

Sep 20, 202247:16
Episode Fifteen - Can the DCEU Save Itself?

Episode Fifteen - Can the DCEU Save Itself?

Surprise! We've got another episode coming at you. Today's episode needs no explanation because we've all been thinking the same thing: What the F@&K is happening at Warner Brothers Discovery?! Please someone save DC. We're begging for a Kevin Feige-type figure to fix it. BEGGING. We're starting to think the owls in a trench coat theory holds water... #hoothoot

Disclaimer: Most of the episode was spent scream-laughing. So... you've been warned. Thanks to the panel for the deep belly laughs. If you need a pick me up, this is the episode for you!

Sep 13, 202256:48
Episode Fourteen - Deep Dive: Black Panther

Episode Fourteen - Deep Dive: Black Panther

Welcome back Supa Fans!! 

Here it is— our very first Deep Dive Episode! In our “Dossier Deep Dives” we plan to really dig into the characters, places, and things that make up our beloved superhero universes and who better to start with than the Black Panther himself?!

Join the panel as we dig into the myth, the (sometimes) man, the legend and how much Black Panther has come to mean to the culture. Plus we discuss the teaser trailer for “Black Panther 2: Wakanda Forever” and misogynoir that reared it’s ugly head in the aftermath.

Links in the bio!


Sep 06, 202248:07
Episode Thirteen - Kwanza Osayjefo

Episode Thirteen - Kwanza Osayjefo

Another interview coming in hot!  

Today we have someone whose voice in the community only grows stronger with time, Kwanza Osayjefo! The collaborative efforts of himself and other amazing artists in the comic book world brought us BLACK, which is an action-packed graphic novel that poses the question: What if only Black people had superpowers? Earlier this summer it was announced that BLACK would be made into a feature film directed by the one and only Gerard McMurray, director of "The First Purge".

Most recently you can catch him paying homage to Dwayne McDuffie and the legacy of Milestone Media in the new documentary feature "Milestone Generations" now available on HBO Max.

Get cozy and join us in welcoming Kwanza to the show!

Aug 09, 202256:31
Episode Twelve - Super-Pets!

Episode Twelve - Super-Pets!

And... we're back! Thanks for joining us after our little hiatus.

Assemble with today's Supa panel as we discuss SUPER-PETS. In honor of the release of DC League of Super-Pets this week we thought we'd have an in-depth discussion about a heroes best friend-- their pet. Be they dog, cat or alien in nature, we leave no animal behind in this one! Let us know some of your favorite super-powered pets!

Jul 26, 202238:49
Episode Eleven - Cosplaying

Episode Eleven - Cosplaying

We're deep in the middle of Con season and you know what that means-- fierce cosplays! On our final episode before the midseason break, we discuss our favorite things about cosplaying, cosplaying while Black, ashy gatekeepers and our resident Con expert Rich gives the Dos and Don'ts to first time cosplayers. We're all just here to have a good time-- Amirite?!

We'll be b(l)ack July 26th. Catcha soon!

Jun 21, 202236:29
Episode Ten - Ian Quinlan

Episode Ten - Ian Quinlan

Hey Supafans! We've got another interview for your listening pleasure. Please give a warm welcome to Ian Quinlan! 

Ian has been in not just one but TWO superhero universes including a starring role in the Millarverse Netflix collaboration Jupiter's Legacy. You can also catch him in Fox's Gotham as Officer Carl Pinckney. 

Check out the spirited discussions had about these shows and more on this week's episode.

Jun 08, 202248:30
Episode Nine - Top 5 Avenger Weapons

Episode Nine - Top 5 Avenger Weapons

A shortie but goodie! In this episode we attempt to make a Top 5 list of Avenger Weapons. Between Mjölnir, Cap's Shield and so many more, this was a hard one to figure out. Which weapon will reign supreme for the "Supa Black!" crew? Only one way to find out!

May 24, 202236:54
Episode Eight - "Multiverse of Madness" Review

Episode Eight - "Multiverse of Madness" Review

Get lost in the multiverse with us as we talk about the latest Dr. Strange installment and our multiversal theories. It's gonna be wild ride. The real question is... which Dr. Strange are YOU? 

May 10, 202201:42:32
Episode Seven - Why It Gotta Be "Black"?

Episode Seven - Why It Gotta Be "Black"?

In this week's episode, our conversation takes many turns as we chat about Black superhero names, what a Black Superman means to us and the world at large, the Blackening of Nick Fury, and use of “The Everyman” in popular culture.

Apr 26, 202201:01:57
Episode Six - Jordan Calhoun

Episode Six - Jordan Calhoun

Another day, another interview episode in our "Spotlight!" series where we highlight Black Artists who have in some way crossed paths with the superhero genre.

Welcome to "Supa Black!" Jordan Calhoun! You may recognize his name as the writer of the viral article that firmly reminded us that "A Goofy Movie" is the Blackest, Most Underrated Nerd Classic of All Time. He is the Editor in Chief at Lifehacker and host of the award-winning podcast, The Upgrade. His newsletter in The Atlantic, Humans Being, searches for lessons in the most popular movies, books, TV shows, and video games.

His first book, "Piccolo is Black: A Memoir of Race, Religion and Pop Culture" comes out April 26th and is now available on pre-sale. Join our chat with him as we discuss everything from his real life superheroes, Bruce Lee, and race-coding in the media of our childhoods.

Apr 12, 202255:27
Episode Five - Angelica Chéri

Episode Five - Angelica Chéri

We're closing out this Women's History Month with another episode in our "Spotlight!" series where we highlight Black Artists who have in some way crossed paths with the superhero genre.

Welcome to "Supa Black!" writer of stage and screen Angelica Chéri! You may recognize her work from her brilliant musical Gun & Powder or most recently from the Lifetime remake of Highway to Heaven starring Jill Scott. Last summer she took a foray into the wonderful world of Disney and Marvel with the new show Warriors of Wakanda: The Disciplines of the Dora Milaje, now playing in the Avenger's Campus at Disneyland. 

Powerful women talking about powerful women?-- Sounds like a good time to us!

Mar 29, 202249:16
Episode Four - "The Batman" Review

Episode Four - "The Batman" Review

On today's episode of "Supa Black!" we get into our first review! Join us as we discuss Matt Reeves' "The Batman". Riddle us this: Are you vengeance? 

Mar 15, 202201:19:42
Episode Three - Adetinpo Thomas

Episode Three - Adetinpo Thomas

We are proud to present the first interview in our "Spotlight!" series in which we highlight Black Artists who have in some way crossed paths with the superhero genre.   

Welcome to "Supa Black!" actress and producer Adetinpo Thomas! You may recognize from her respective roles as Jamillah Olsen and Wendy Conrad on "Black Lightning" and "Hawkeye". Listen and laugh along with us as we kiki and dive into her career on today's episode!

Mar 01, 202256:13
Episode Two - What Makes a Superhero?

Episode Two - What Makes a Superhero?

Superpowers…tragedy…a good villain. All of these and more come up as the Supa Panel tries to answer the question, "What makes a superhero?" Is there a tried and true formula? Are there some heroes who defy it? Come along with us on the journey as we try to figure it out!

Feb 15, 202255:08
Episode One - Origin Stories

Episode One - Origin Stories

We all know the importance of an Origin Story to superheroes great and small: Peter Parker had Uncle Ben, Bruce Wayne had a fateful night after the theatre, and Kal-El was saved from the destruction of his home planet only to crash land on this dusty rock we call Earth. Get to know our host and Supa Panel as they dive into their own origin stories and what brings them here today. Welcome to Supa Black!

Feb 01, 202201:05:55
Intro - Why "Supa Black!"?

Intro - Why "Supa Black!"?

This little episode serves as an introduction to the delightful mind of our friendly neighborhood host Zuri as she goes about explaining what inspired her to create this podcast in the first place. Get ready to turn up, up and away! 😜✊🏾

Feb 01, 202216:18