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Supernatural Life Church

Supernatural Life Church

By Supernatural Life Church

We teach men and women everywhere to respond to the love of God and stir them to desire to live the very life he has made available through Jesus Christ.
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The Word of God & Your Faith- Min Buchi Nathaniel

Supernatural Life ChurchMay 08, 2024

Faith that Overcomes - Pastor Poju Oyemade

Faith that Overcomes - Pastor Poju Oyemade

• ⁠Faith is not an emergency thing, Faith gives you revelation of things to come so that you can prepare for it.

May 31, 202401:09:43
Pre Bible Faith Seminar Meeting - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Pre Bible Faith Seminar Meeting - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Faith series

May 30, 202401:02:18
Audacious - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Audacious - Pastor Philip Olubakin

What comes out of your mouth on a day of crisis is a reflection of what you have previously fed your heart with.

May 26, 202451:01
Good Fight of Faith - Min. Emenobong

Good Fight of Faith - Min. Emenobong

"The Secret Place is the best place to be"

May 22, 202437:54
Faith for the Impossible (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Faith for the Impossible (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Faith comes by the word, fear also comes by the word.

-Faith doesn't just speak, faith speaks loud.

May 19, 202401:00:21
Faith for the Impossible - Pastor Philip Olubakin.mp3

Faith for the Impossible - Pastor Philip Olubakin.mp3

-Faith is specific

-Faith sees the invisible

-Faith speaks

-Faith looks beyond the physical

May 12, 202401:18:58
The Word of God & Your Faith- Min Buchi Nathaniel

The Word of God & Your Faith- Min Buchi Nathaniel

Faith is doing.

May 08, 202440:55
The Fundamentals of Faith - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Fundamentals of Faith - Pastor Philip Olubakin

📌Principles of Faith.

- Faith is redemption-based. You have to be born again.1st John 5:4

- Faith is revelation-based. It comes by hearing. Rom 10:14-17

May 06, 202457:33
99 for 1- Pastor Philip Olubakin

99 for 1- Pastor Philip Olubakin

-Grace is not the permission to commit sin.

-Grace is the empowerment to be above sin.

The grace of God does not permit us, it teaches us.

The love of God is the ultimate cure.

We are not under the law but under grace.

Stop fighting against what you don't want,fight for what you want.

you can't do to your body what you like, because it doesn't belong to you

The love of God is unconditional, because it not base on performance

We keep falling short because,we keep rating our life by our performance.

God's love is not circumstantial.

Apr 28, 202456:40
Rich in Mercy- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Rich in Mercy- Pastor Philip Olubakin

God is rich in mercy.

His mercy is everlasting.

His love is unconditional but an average believer doesn’t even understand the love of God and how to walk in it.

This sermon teaches on the everlasting love of God.

Apr 23, 202401:16:58
Clothed in Righteousness - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Clothed in Righteousness - Pastor Philip Olubakin

I am not living right to become a child of God. I’m living right because I am a child of God.

Apr 21, 202447:39
Handling Your Emotions: Nipping Sin at the Bud- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Handling Your Emotions: Nipping Sin at the Bud- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Every temptation is a thought.

If you keep thinking it, you will soon start feeling it and it won't be long before you act it.

If you are going to be able to overcome temptations, then you will have to know how to handle your thoughts and emotions.

Apr 16, 202401:26:04
How to Deal with and Overcome Temptation - Pastor Philip Olubakin

How to Deal with and Overcome Temptation - Pastor Philip Olubakin

📌 Anything you compromise to get, you compromise to keep

📌 The moment you take your eyes off yourself, you’re able to overcome temptation

📌 Satan persuades you to do something before the set time.

📌 Selfishness makes you want to have something before the right time.

📌 Selfishness makes you want something you shouldn’t have in the first place

Apr 14, 202401:02:47
Building Strong Personal Christian Character - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Building Strong Personal Christian Character - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Building Strong Personal Christian Character is non negotiable for believers.

Apr 10, 202401:19:22
No Longer Slaves to Sin - Pastor Philip Olubakin

No Longer Slaves to Sin - Pastor Philip Olubakin

📌 Sin disgraces

📌 Your carnal desires are your strongest weakness. What you like can take your life.

📌 There’s a small gap between sin and temptation. It is overconfidence.

📌 There is a level of mastery that gets you destroyed

📌 The devil will not tempt you with what you don’t like

📌 Temptation does not make you weak. It reveals your weakness

📌 The enemy comes to you with what you want, when you want it.

Apr 07, 202451:49
What the Bloody Cross and Empty Tomb Did for Me - Pastor Philip Olubakin

What the Bloody Cross and Empty Tomb Did for Me - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Apr 02, 202401:19:38
He Rose, I Rose- Pastor Philip Olubakin.mp3

He Rose, I Rose- Pastor Philip Olubakin.mp3

📌 The wages of sin is not undoing

📌 Jesus was God’s wisdom. He hid his plan in Jesus.

📌 Satan understood the purpose of God but never knew the plan to fulfill it.

Mar 31, 202453:39
How God Prospers- Pastor Philip Olubakin

How God Prospers- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Mar 27, 202401:22:46
Positioning for Kingdom Prosperity- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Positioning for Kingdom Prosperity- Pastor Philip Olubakin

The prosperity of the church is the individual prosperity of its members.

📌One agenda against the righteous is to let them believe that wealth is wrong for them.

📌 God wants us to prosper.

📌 keep the word of God before your eyes, in your ears, in your heart and your mouth, don't just memorize it.

📌God wants us to have prosperity here on earth.

📌there is something for all believers here on earth, and also in heaven, and it is Gods desire that we have them all.

📌 If your seed means nothing to you, it will mean nothing to God.

📌 Honour and give to your Parents

📌 Your giving on earth credits your heavenly account.

Mar 24, 202401:22:43
Understanding Prosperity; Overcoming Covetousness'- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Understanding Prosperity; Overcoming Covetousness'- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Prosperity is God's Will for us as believers

Mar 19, 202401:24:23
Prosperity is God's Will - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Prosperity is God's Will - Pastor Philip Olubakin

📌Kingdom prosperity is the ability to use God’s power to meet needs.

📌It is righteous to be rich.

📌Poverty is not synonymous to holiness.

📌The nature of God is abundance.

📌The blessed man is not under any circumstance.

📌There is no greener pasture anywhere for a man, the greener pasture is the man.

📌The wisdom of the poor man is not heard.

📌It is good works that glorify God.

Mar 17, 202401:19:46
Undeniable Proofs - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Undeniable Proofs - Pastor Philip Olubakin

-God wants us to give Him the glory for the blessings He gives us

- God likes to pose with our lives, He likes to give us blessings with undeniable proofs

-If everything can be explained then it’s not God that did it (1 Sam 2:8)

Mar 10, 202445:50
Commanding Exploits - Bishop David Abioye

Commanding Exploits - Bishop David Abioye

Glory does not belong to you, blessings belong to you. Take the blessings and return the glory to God.

Mar 09, 202401:12:35
Breaking Financial Hardship - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Breaking Financial Hardship - Pastor Philip Olubakin

📌 You take dominion. You don’t wish for it

📌 Spiritual, intelligent and talented people that do not produce anything will be broke

📌 God did not design man to work for what to eat. You are meant to work to feed the nation.

Mar 04, 202401:16:06
Built for Combat - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Built for Combat - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Dominion is not given, it is taken. This Sunday, we receive more word to equip us for the battle ahead of us. We all have a role to play in God’s purpose and we are ready to step into all that God has prepared of us.

Feb 25, 202401:04:37
The Mature Man in Christ (2)- Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Mature Man in Christ (2)- Pastor Philip Olubakin



Feb 20, 202401:25:54
The Mature Man in Christ - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Mature Man in Christ - Pastor Philip Olubakin

• A great God does not make a great Christian. It is the individual responsibility of the Christian to be great. There is always a part to play in your growth.

• ⁠If God gives you an open door, you need wisdom to keep it open.

• ⁠you may learn by observing but you have to carry it out to grow.

• ⁠Faith comes by eating God’s word, faith grows stronger by excercising God’s word.

• ⁠When you excercise your faith, you build your confidence.

Feb 18, 202401:09:34
Growing Up Spiritually- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Growing Up Spiritually- Pastor Philip Olubakin

• It is the speed of your growth that determines the speed of your inheritance

• ⁠God will not suffer you to go through a temptation you cannot handle same way He cannot give you a blessing you cannot contain.

• ⁠If you want God to do it faster, grow up faster.

• ⁠Growing old is the passage of time, growing up is the usage of time.

Feb 11, 202401:01:08
Understanding Spiritual Maturity - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Understanding Spiritual Maturity - Pastor Philip Olubakin


Feb 06, 202401:02:37
The Necessity for Growth - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Necessity for Growth - Pastor Philip Olubakin

-There is a set time for the fulfilment of your inheritance. It is controlled by your maturity.

- There is no delay in God. There is delay in growth.

- God is looking for a measure and stature in a believer.

- Maturity is displayed by choice

- To refuse to grow is to postpone your own inheritance.

Feb 04, 202459:31
Expressions of Wisdom (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Expressions of Wisdom (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Christ is the wisdom of God.

Jan 28, 202401:04:31
Expressions of Wisdom - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Expressions of Wisdom - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The spirit of wisdom is one of your inheritances as a believer.

Jan 21, 202401:01:31
The Compelling Power of Light (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Compelling Power of Light (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Compelling Power of Light

Jan 14, 202401:06:34
The Compelling Power of Light - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Compelling Power of Light - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The dominion of light over darkness is instant and in-negotiable.

It is God’s design that our dominion will be by light.

Jan 07, 202401:23:33
Wisdom for the New Year - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Wisdom for the New Year - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Seven decisions to make in 2024

1. Decide to build a strong spiritual life.

2. Decide to develop your mind.

3. Decide to take care of your body.

4. Decide to build strong and strategic relationships.

5. Decide to build your finances.

6. Decide to discover to pursue your God-given purpose and assignment early.

7. Decide not to waste time.

Dec 31, 202301:02:11
Joy to the World - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Joy to the World - Pastor Philip Olubakin

This message gave a detailed analysis of the essence of Christmas.

Dec 24, 202347:09
2023 Annual Thanksgiving - Pastor Philip Olubakin

2023 Annual Thanksgiving - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Pastor Philip highlights reasons to thank God in this message.

Dec 24, 202348:37
Enlarging Your Capacity for More - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Enlarging Your Capacity for More - Pastor Philip Olubakin

God is inexhaustible.

Nov 28, 202301:14:39
Pre-Wind of the Spirit 3.0 - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Pre-Wind of the Spirit 3.0 - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Charged up with the Holy Spirit

Nov 23, 202301:50:60
Holy Spirit My Helper- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Holy Spirit My Helper- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Studying the person of the Holy Spirit

Nov 23, 202301:10:46
Practicing the Presence of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Practicing the Presence of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Holy Spirit is the best teacher.

Nov 14, 202301:28:26
Friendship with the Holy Spirit (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Friendship with the Holy Spirit (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

- God does not deal with us in groups. He deals with us individually

- God has a flame with your name on it. Don’t be lost in the crowd.

-Ways You Cannot Know The Holy Spirit

- You cannot know the Holy Spirit by talking about him.

- You cannot know the Holy Spirit by group engagement.

- Being familiar with the Holy Spirit for a long time will not translate into true knowledge

Nov 13, 202301:01:16
Friendship with the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Friendship with the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Enjoying a life transforming relationship with the Holy Spirit is God's intention for his children.

Nov 08, 202352:46
The Person of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

The Person of the Holy Spirit - Pastor Philip Olubakin

This message unravels the personality of the Holy Spirit.

Nov 08, 202354:15
Questions and Answers on Kingdom Service & Stewardship - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Questions and Answers on Kingdom Service & Stewardship - Pastor Philip Olubakin

This is the concluding message on Kingdom Service and Stewardship.

Oct 31, 202301:37:02
Platforms for Kingdom Service (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Platforms for Kingdom Service (2) - Pastor Philip Olubakin

How to Serve:

- Serve willingly

- Serve cheerfully

- Let your service be love-motivated

- Serve God righteously

- Serve God tirelessly

- Serve God as a privilege not a burden

- Serve God sacrificially

- Serve God while you can

Oct 29, 202343:45
Effective Techniques for Winning Souls - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Effective Techniques for Winning Souls - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Practical and Effective Techniques for Winning Souls especially in a corporate environment.

Oct 24, 202301:32:50
Platforms for Kingdom Service- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Platforms for Kingdom Service- Pastor Philip Olubakin

Serving God is not a calling, a ministry or a gift. It is a choice. Joshua 24:15

📌 Serving God is essentially serving your own interest. Job 36:11

📌 Serving God is a covenant

📌 God has a reward for those who serve him.

📌 God rewards service not status

Oct 22, 202355:27
Anagkazo - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Anagkazo - Pastor Philip Olubakin

Compel them to come..... Practical ways to soul winning

Oct 17, 202301:18:48
The Future of Now - Pastor Kunle Soriyan

The Future of Now - Pastor Kunle Soriyan

'•Education is the ability of the human spirit to experience 4 things

1. Experience his world

2. Question it deep enough

3. Know the options that exist in it.

4. Find the best option to embrace.

-Pastor Kunle Soriyan.

Oct 15, 202301:37:16