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Yoga Beyond Asana with Syari

Yoga Beyond Asana with Syari

By Syari Jaques

A weekly podcast from Syari Jaques that designed to uplift, inspire and add a little extra intention to your everyday. Listen to my voice in Pranayama practise, Yoga Nidra, Meditation, Poems and Sleepy stories that helps you get into a good night rest.
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1 minute Awareness Meditation

Yoga Beyond Asana with Syari Jan 27, 2023

Mindfulness of the Breath Meditation

Mindfulness of the Breath Meditation

Setting aside a few minutes for mindful breathing can make a big difference to your day.

Mindful breathing is an important way to establish a routine and become comfortable with the practice.

What’s important is practice. It’s a tool you can use to bring yourself back to the present moment in stressful situations, and who wouldn’t appreciate having such a valuable tool on hand for those times when you need it?

Learning mindful breathing is straightforward, and it’s as easy as your next breath.

Sep 08, 202302:45
1 Minute Grounding and Balanced

1 Minute Grounding and Balanced

We all sometimes need to have a minute. Pause. Take a breath. Take a moment. With so much going on in the world it is even more important that we have the tools to help us all cope with every day. 

Jun 02, 202301:09
Setting Your Daily Intention

Setting Your Daily Intention

The Power of Setting Intention. Setting an intention is powerful when done properly, but it's more than just setting goals — it's about being purposeful in pursuing your desires. Put simply, an intention is an aim or purpose, something you plan to do or achieve — and paying more attention to your intentions can do truly incredible things for your life. Have an amazing day 💫

May 26, 202305:49
1 minute Awareness Meditation

1 minute Awareness Meditation

Not enough time in your schedule for a lengthy mindfulness practice or not sure how and where to start meditation? Start by giving yourself with this simple 60secs Awareness Meditation. Beginning the practise of mindfulness can feel daunting at first, but starting small with 1-minute awareness can make mindfulness very doable. The more regularly you practice any-length of meditation, the more mindfulness will be a part of your everyday life. Then, you can reap the rewards of living more mindfully. Inhale peace, exhale chaos. 

Jan 27, 202301:09
Meditation for Loneliness

Meditation for Loneliness

“Don’t surrender your loneliness so quickly. Let it cut more deep. Let it ferment and season you…” – Hafiz

Loneliness felt like a painful, aching, hollow feeling at the core. Loneliness is a powerful emotion that, while uncomfortable, does have some important lessons for us in our lives about true connection. Loneliness is a natural emotion that is a form of desire. Loneliness wants true, deep connection, and is not satisfied with superficial company. That’s why you can feel lonely within a relationship or in a crowd full of people. When we can learn to tolerate the discomfort of loneliness, it can help guide us toward the connection we truly want. This meditation explores those emotions. It can be done in any comfortable position that is relatively free of distractions.

Nov 21, 202210:05
Simple Love & Gratitude Meditation

Simple Love & Gratitude Meditation

This is a simple and peaceful meditation on learning and practice to give yourself some Love and Gratitude. Life is love. It does not judge. It accepts you totally as you are. Love is this acceptance. As you sit, go with your awareness to the breath. Becoming aware of the body through the breath. And then expand your awareness through the breath and the body to the moment. I do hope you enjoy this episode.

Nov 16, 202208:00
5 Senses Mindfulness Meditation

5 Senses Mindfulness Meditation

The more you meditate, the better you’ll be. Whatever you do, find what works best for you. If that means you sit on the floor wrapped in a plush blanket sipping on your favourite tea, then so be it. To enrich your meditation experience—and make it a staple in your daily routine—try focusing on your five senses (sight, sound, smell, touch and taste) while you get your OM on. Create a quick and short mindfulness meditation of your own to awaken your sense to calm the nervous system down. 

Oct 15, 202106:41
Catch Yourself And Your Thoughts

Catch Yourself And Your Thoughts

We know that what we think and do affects the way we feel and it can transpire through our words and actions that we may regretted. So, if we want to change the way we feel, then it is important that we know what we are thinking. Everyone has hundreds of ‘automatic thoughts’ every day. These are thoughts that just ‘pop’ into your mind. Sometimes they’re helpful, and sometimes they’re not. Negative (unhelpful) thinking patterns can have a strong and sometimes devastating impact on our relationships, our health, our work…our lives. One good way of catching these negative thoughts is to take a pause, give ourselves a moment to breathe.  When we change your thoughts, we will change your feelings as well. Enjoy listening.

Jun 25, 202106:33
An Introduction To Yoga Nidra

An Introduction To Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra in Sanskrit translates to yogic sleep. The definition of Yoga Nidra varies across traditional yogic and Vedic texts written over thousands of years ago. It has been defined as both a state of the body as well as a meditative practice to alter the state of consciousness. Yoga nidra, as a powerful relaxation and manifestation technique, has been practiced in varied forms over thousands of years by yogis. Yoga nidra as practiced in most modern studios today is a deep relaxation technique where practitioners are systematically guided into entering a state between wakefulness and sleep. One of the great things about yoga nidra is it is easily accessible to anyone – no prior meditation or yoga experience is required. A typical yoga nidra session can last between 30-60 mins. Practitioners start in Savasana (lying on their backs) making themselves comfortable using as many props as needed – they may use pillows, bolsters and blankets. A teacher will then guide them into deep relaxation through verbal cues. Throughout, the practitioners are constantly reminded to stay awake and resist the urge to fall asleep. 

May 13, 202103:45
Manifesting I AM ENOUGH

Manifesting I AM ENOUGH

The idea is to bring your awareness to whatever it is you want to manifest. As it spends time in your subconscious. It will soon make its way into your life. Let the idea of your affirmation really sink in and truly believe yourself, when you say them. You need to believe in every ounce of your being that you are bringing what you want into your life. My biggest tip is to have fun with it. Like I said before, manifesting will become your magic power. By shifting your thoughts and aligning your actions, you will create your dream life and manifest your YES. Enjoy!. 

May 05, 202112:00
A Love Reminder to Yourself Meditation

A Love Reminder to Yourself Meditation

By drawing our attention to our innermost self, we find our source of inner peace and acceptance. In this short 4mins meditation practice, we are reminded that we are enough even in the difficult and uncertain times. 

Apr 20, 202104:00
The Practise of SamaVritti Pranayama

The Practise of SamaVritti Pranayama

It has been observed SamaVritti Pranayama is a type of slow & deep breathing exercise when performed accurately. Any breathing technique which is slow and deep has a stress-busting effect and thus regulates the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The regular practise of SamaVritti Pranayama makes us aware of every moment of the breathing cycle. This awareness doesn’t let mind fickle on other thoughts and hence a good preparatory exercise for meditation. 

Apr 07, 202108:30