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Living A Ferociously Powerful Life

Living A Ferociously Powerful Life

By Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual growth is vital for our overall success in life moving forward. Setbacks, trials, and challenges come to make us strong and powerful so that we can laugh in the face of adversity and celebrate the achievement of our goals with honor and dignity. I will show you powerful tools and techniques we can use to stay strong and focused. I will also bring new guests and their stories to you so you can see how they survived through their situations and what tools they used to stand strong.
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Wisdom Wednesday #5 Greetings and Blessings

Living A Ferociously Powerful LifeMay 04, 2021

Raindrop Sound for Anxiety, Stress Reduction, and Racing Thoughts

Raindrop Sound for Anxiety, Stress Reduction, and Racing Thoughts

Raindrop sound has always fascinated me throughout my childhood and as I enter my next phase in life, I seem to feel more connected and in tune with nature and its marvelous beauty. 

When going through challenging times where running away from stress wasn't an option and anxiety would hit the ceiling, listening to nature sounds and especially the sound of the rain would bring immediate relief to my overwhelmed mind. 

Eversince then this practice has continued and it brings me greater joy sharing what has worked for me with the intention that it will heal you too. 

With love and good wishes I have created this video. Please listen to this video when you are feeling stressed or overwhelmed. I have made this a 7 minute video so that it can conveniently fit in your busy schedule. During your lunch break or right after work listen for 7 minutes to this video so that you may feel relaxed before entering your home to see your wife/husband and kids, before you go out with friends, or before you sit for an exam. This video will work like a charm. 

Please like, Subscribe, and share this video.

Music by NatureEye.

I have been working on bringing Mental Health Awareness for 20 plus years. 

FB : MindBodyHealingGroup

Etsy: Meditation Gift Shop |

Feb 21, 202407:01
Speak your truth

Speak your truth

When we speak our truth we stay healthy mentally and physically. Remove the fear to live an authentic and powerful life. You can do this!
Jan 24, 202303:22
How do you want to spend your day!

How do you want to spend your day!

It is very important to spend our day wisely. Look all around you and see the progress. See how far the world has come and see how far you have come. Staying focused and determined will help you to accomplish your goals. Set your intention and get to work! Use your day wisely and you will get closer to your intended goal.

Jan 14, 202306:56
The excitement of focus

The excitement of focus

An episode from the heart. The excitement of focus helps in manifesting what your heart desires faster. It helps to reduce the time of being able to enjoy the fruit of your focus. So practice this simple but powerful technique to make your dreams a reality. Stay excited and let your focus bring them in.
Jan 08, 202308:26
Thoughts can make us sick

Thoughts can make us sick

By having positive thoughts we can live a happy and healthy life. It is up to us to make this choice and get into action to stay healthy. Our entire well-being is dependent on the way we think. So think happy and pleasant thoughts so you can live an extraordinary life.

Jan 07, 202308:03
I am not ALONE!

I am not ALONE!

I hope you enjoy this episode as much as I have enjoyed making it. I love writing poetry. It's my escape from life where I can relax and be myself. Let me know what you think about it. Your comments are much appreciated! Have a beautiful day! Please follow me and share my work with the Universe!

Oct 05, 202203:02
The Magical World of Reiki

The Magical World of Reiki

Reiki helps to reduce stress and promote relaxation. It is a Japanese technique that has made its way across the ocean and into our hearts. It is an alternative and complementary to modern medicine.  There are countless benefits to receiving Reiki healing. If you or your loved one needs holistic healing, please give this gentle healing a try. 

Sep 22, 202205:02
How to live an authentic life.

How to live an authentic life.

Be yourself so you can enjoy life. When we discover our power to be our true self, that is a defining moment. That is the moment to rejoice and celebrate. Fear subsides and a new YOU is born. 

Apr 18, 202210:42
So you think you are trapped.

So you think you are trapped.

The only way to not feeling trapped is to take massive action and get things done. Remember that life is happening in the present moment. So whatever needs to get done, will be done in the present moment taking you out of a state of "trapped" to a state of accomplishment. You can do this!

Please subscribe and support my podcast. Leave me a message and I will get back to you.

Many blessings coming your way,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Aug 27, 202107:02
Moving Mountains

Moving Mountains

You can move mountains out of your sight and see yourself reaching your goals. 

Thank you and have a beautiful day!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Jul 16, 202110:26
Can't drive your car forward looking in the rearview mirror

Can't drive your car forward looking in the rearview mirror

Life is unpredictable and life is challenging. When we stand in strong FAITH we can conquer any obstacle in life. Go get your DREAMS!!!

Jun 30, 202103:16
Who is running your show?

Who is running your show?

Live your life the way you want to not the way others want to. 

Thank you for supporting my podcast.

Syeda Aslam

Jun 23, 202103:46
Stay away from anger.

Stay away from anger.

Life is to be spent wisely. Lets us all stay away from anger so that we can make beautiful relationships and maintain good communication with all.

Thank you for listening to Living a Ferociously Powerful life and supporting my podcast.

Syeda Aslam

Jun 20, 202108:22
A Non-judgemental Discussion

A Non-judgemental Discussion

Lets have a non-judgemental discussion so that we can move forward with a better mindset. There is healing that takes place after any given discussion so lets make sure that we discuss things with an open mind and that there is no blaming going on. The goal in life is to live in peace. If we live in peace in any relationship, we empower others to do the same. This is one of the ways to restore peace to this planet we call home.

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam 

May 15, 202114:50
Mental Health Awareness Month

Mental Health Awareness Month

Please take care of your mental health. This is your life. One chance to live. Live it healthy mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually. Don't let stigma stop you from seeking mental health. Don't let anyone keep you from getting help. Your life matters. You matter. Your mental health matters. 

Thank you for standing you for your mental health

I am proud of you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam 

May 15, 202121:11


It is very important to validate feelings. To have a healthy relationship, validation should be applied so that there are no ill feelings left in the heart. Join me in mending broken hearts and repairing relationships. Through the power of VALIDATION, we can save the world!

If you like my content, please support my efforts. Like me on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. 

Thank you

Syeda Aysha Aslam

May 15, 202112:09
Awareness- Our Tone Of Voice

Awareness- Our Tone Of Voice

It is very important that we are mindful of how we speak. It is important that we protect the person in front of us by controlling our tongues. We cannot have a peaceful and harmonious world if we don't have control over how we convey our message. Harmonious and peaceful living can be practiced through good communication. Help me in bringing awareness of Mental Health so that we can all work together to remove the stigma it carries and repair relationships all over the world. 

You can reach me at

or leave me a voice message and I will get back to you. 

Thank you for supporting my work,

Syeda Aysha Aslam 

May 10, 202119:15
Motivational Monday - In Love Of The Prophet Pbuh

Motivational Monday - In Love Of The Prophet Pbuh

Prophet Muhammed PBUH is considered the last in the line of Prophets and the Muslim world strives to follow his example. Prophet Muhammed PBUH was honored by the U.S. Supreme Court as one of the greatest lawgivers of the world. My poetry is a small effort and a token of my love for him PBUH. My deepest wish is to follow in his footprints and serve all of humanity with love, peace, respect, empathy, justice, unconditional positive regard, and kindness. 

Please share my work with family and friends. Leave me a message and I will get back to you.

Thank you for all your support,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

May 04, 202114:10
Wisdom Wednesday #5 Greetings and Blessings

Wisdom Wednesday #5 Greetings and Blessings

Greetings and blessings can open doors for new opportunities. They also act as healing making all the pain and ill feelings disappear. Incorporating them in our daily morning routines can do wonders for all of us. Keep up the great work guys!

Please share my podcast with family and friends. Do browse through my website and leave me a voice message.

Take care,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

May 04, 202104:25
The Gift of Time

The Gift of Time

Time is the most wonderful gift to give someone. Help people feel loved. Help people feel they matter. This valuable commodity is free. Offer it to anyone around you and see the blessings in your life multiply. 

Please subscribe to my podcast and support my efforts in saving human life by bringing awareness.

Get in touch, leave me a message and you will hear from me in no time. 

Take care,

Aysha Aslam

Apr 30, 202105:51
The Awakened

The Awakened

It feels good to awake from a sleep of unmindful living. I am much happier in this state. It is a state to be. From this state of conscious living, I serve humanity with 100% focus and full concentration. Join me in serving the community from a place of peace, love, joy, empathy, unconditional positive regard, and humbleness. Let's give the world the gift of time so that all those around us can feel important and loved. 

Thank you for supporting my work 

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 23, 202106:49
Are You Comfortable Being You?

Are You Comfortable Being You?

Discomfort creates change. Massive results are achieved when we do something about it. If you are not comfortable being you then listen to this episode for quick ways that can help you achieve your goals faster and easier. This is YOUR LIFE. Please make it SPECTACULAR!

Thank you for listening to this episode and click on the link below this description box to leave me a message. Love to hear from you!!!!! 

Kindly share it with family and friends,

Aysha Aslam

Apr 23, 202110:24
Step In To Your Authentic Power

Step In To Your Authentic Power

Just be who you are, that is where you NEED to be. That is where peace is. That is where "You" is. You will be much happier and much relaxed. My poetry highlights the power of being our true self. Our life is all about being our authentic self and not what we are conditioned to be. Shine my friend. Shine like the morning star for that's who you are. Your are amazing. You are awesome. You are wonderful the way you are. 

Follow me and support my work. Please share my podcast with family and friends.

Thanks a million!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 19, 202105:01
Thankful Thursday Episode 3 - Motherhood

Thankful Thursday Episode 3 - Motherhood

It is a beautiful experience to be a mother. I am very grateful to be one and this episode is dedicated to all the mothers out there who do such a phenomenal job taking care of their children. This is an episode of encouragement to all moms so we don't accept defeat in times of challenges in our children's stories. Life is all about back to back stories and we mothers play a crucial part in our children's stories. Always stay strong. Remember, these little humans were given to us for a reason. Let's take good care of them and let us take care of ourselves as well as we all know taking care of children is no easy task. Hats off and salute to all the mothers in this world! Take care and God bless you all. I appreciate you!

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 12, 202106:52
Wisdom Wednesday # 3

Wisdom Wednesday # 3

Keeping yourself connected with God is living in the NOW! Live your life. You deserve all the goodness God has to offer. Trust in Him, Believe in Him and He will bring all blessings and abundance into your life. You will not do justice to yourself if you intend to stay in the NOW but your mind is in the past. To have full life experience please stay present and be in control of your thoughts. You have power. Use it.

Love you all,

Thank you for listening,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 09, 202107:09
Timeless Tuesday Tales #2 Syeda Sultan Jehan Begum

Timeless Tuesday Tales #2 Syeda Sultan Jehan Begum

Moms are a gift from God. I present to you my beloved mother and a glimpse into who she was and how she lived her life. A beautiful and strong woman inside out. She was full of life. Full of love. Full of kindness for all. Losing her was not easy and yet to this day, I cry to have her back. My mother, Syeda Sultan Jehan Begum a woman of a strong personality and tender heart. A woman who stood for her children, protected and cared for them. For her, we were her world. She made us who we are now, Strong and ferocious, bold and fearless, compassionate yet resilient. Love you mom and may you rest in peace. 

If you love the work I present, please support my podcast and share it with family and friends.

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 08, 202118:58
Motivational Monday - Hope for All

Motivational Monday - Hope for All

Hope is the best medicine moving forward and God is the BEST FRIEND to keep for an entire lifetime. Rejoice this moment and celebrate your beautiful friendship with Him. Stay motivated. Stay strong. He believes in you. Sorry got a little emotional while singing. Love you all!!!

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 06, 202105:36
Thankful Thursday # 1

Thankful Thursday # 1

Staying in a state of gratitude is the best gift we can give ourselves. It is great for our Mental Health and it is FANTASTIC  for our physical health too. There are so many benefits to being grateful and some of them I have mentioned in this episode along with some techniques and tools to help you along the way. Let's celebrate our life, our living, and our existence. Thank you, God, for EVERYTHING!

Thank you so much for your love, kindness, and support. If you are looking for one on one coaching please check my website below.

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 05, 202116:12
Wisdom Wednesday # 2

Wisdom Wednesday # 2

It takes One decision to change our present situation. That one decision will be the Best gift you will give yourself. It will change your life forever. This is YOUR life and YOU have every reason to live your life in the BEST WAY. Our past experiences set the stage for newer and more beautiful experiences.  Being mindful of the NOW is the key. Hang in there guys. You can do it!!!!!

Please support my podcast and share it with family and friends. Please visit my website and check out what else I am doing !!!! :)

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Apr 03, 202110:02
Timeless Tuesday Tales #1

Timeless Tuesday Tales #1

Women throughout history have contributed to world progress and human achievement. I want to take one day of my week to recognize and celebrate the names of all women who have suffered through time and have sacrificed their lives for our freedom and prosperity. There are countless women in this world whose work and effort have gone unrecognized. I want to CELEBRATE each and every one of them. I want to bring attention to our new generation and old by bringing stories of strong, resilient, persistent, courageous, and brave women so we can appreciate the many hats a woman has to wear just to go through daily life. She is a daughter, wife, mother, sister, teacher, educator, mentor, guide, friend, granddaughter, grandmother, and much much more. With patience and a whole lot of love, she takes care of the house along with all the other responsibilities and duties she has to carry out. A huge SHOUT OUT  to ALL the women of this world. Thank you for everything you do!!!!

If you would like to be a guest on my podcast or would like to celebrate your mother, sister, or your daughter's contribution to humanity please reach out to me. Leave me a voice message or you can leave me an email at

Thank you for listening and supporting my podcast.

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 31, 202110:26
Motivational Monday- If You Stay in Action You Get Results

Motivational Monday- If You Stay in Action You Get Results

We all like getting good results because that tells us we are headed in the right direction. We all need to stay focused and on our designated paths to become successful in life. There are many lessons to learn from people around us and much inspiration to receive. Real stories and true challenges motivate us to live a Ferociously Powerful life. Let's keep going. 

Please share my podcast with family and friends.

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 30, 202107:27
Wisdom Wednesday # 4: Taking Control Of Our Lives

Wisdom Wednesday # 4: Taking Control Of Our Lives

We have a beautiful and amazing life full of blessings. Let's not waste it. Staying in action is going to help us achieve our goals and keep us in a livelier state. I have provided 7 points we all can use to take control of our lives. Good Luck! If you need help let me know. Leave me a voice message and I will get back to you. As a therapist/coach I help many clients on a daily basis meet their goals. You may book a free 30-minute consultation with me by leaving me your name and number.

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 27, 202109:37
Poetry - Indestructible

Poetry - Indestructible

God is always around us and with us. There is no reason for any one of us to fear anything AT ALL. Let's live in the light and enjoy the blessings He has for us. Anxiety is what I call negative energy and we cannot let it take power over us. We are strong. We are brave. We are INDESTRUCTIBLE!!!

If you like my work please support my podcast with family and friends. Please leave me a voice message and I will get back to you. Let us make this world more peaceful and loving, living under the light of God.

Thank you for your support and love,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 25, 202109:47
Motivational Monday 2

Motivational Monday 2

Stay strong on your path and you will reach your desired goal in no time. You can do it, poetry written and recited by your host Syeda Aslam. Please support my podcast with family and friends. 

Thank you

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 23, 202102:50
I Am Thankful

I Am Thankful

I am thankful to be alive, to be here and to be part of this beautiful life. I am thankful for my audience and everything that surrounds me. Please support my work and share my podcast with family and friends. You all are amazing and fabulous. Keep up the good work that you are doing and don't let ANYONE take your happiness away. Not even for a SECOND. THIS IS YOUR LIFE AND MAKE THE BEST OF EVERY MOMENT OF YOUR DAY!

Take care and thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 20, 202108:10
Wisdom Wednesday #1 - Are You A Healer?

Wisdom Wednesday #1 - Are You A Healer?

Healing is inside everyone. WE are all healers. We have to listen to our inner calling and walk that path with full determination and passion. I now know I am and I am very happy. This article will help you find your inner healer. Please bring it out. We have to save the planet and human life.

Please share my podcast with family and friends,

Thank you very much,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 19, 202119:19
Poetry - My Love For You

Poetry - My Love For You

I love writing poetry. The inspiration to write this poetry came after reading Rumi's work. I haven't shared with you that I am a huge lover of Rumi's work and have a good collection of his books. The closeness to God/Universe/Source Energy is peaceful and serene. Thats the kind of feeling I get when I write poetry as if there is no separation between me and The Divine. I consider this self-healing and it really keeps me grounded.

Please support my work and share it with family and friends. As you all know that I am on a mission to save human life, bringing awareness, and restore world peace one episode at a time. If you would like to leave me a voice message you are very welcome to do that. 

Take care and stay blessed!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 19, 202106:13
Motivational Monday #1

Motivational Monday #1

I know we all have the ability to move forward in life. If you believe in yourself and ask yourself the question "Why Not?", imagine the amount of power you are giving yourself and you are actually telling yourself that you are worthy. Please take care of yourself and reach all your desired goals NOW! 

If you love my content, please support my podcast and share it with family and friends.

Thank you so much!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 17, 202106:08
Poetry - Have Faith

Poetry - Have Faith

I wrote this poem when I was suffering from nerve pain and through this suffering I realised the suffering of humanity. God showed me hope, and that pain is temporary just like everything else on earth. While going through excruciating pain, I saw His sign in a book and He said, "I Wanna See You Have Faith." So through inspired action, I wrote this poem. I love you all and I want you all to know that even in the darkest times, God appears and brings you into His Light. We call this Light, Hope!

Please share my podcast with family and friends,

Thank you very much,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 14, 202104:50
Making An Impact

Making An Impact

Let’s bring our greatness out and make an impact on this beautiful planet. Please share this podcast with family and friends. Take care.
Mar 13, 202108:06
So What Is Your Action Plan?

So What Is Your Action Plan?

We live our lives doing the same things over and over again. Let’s take action and introduce something new in our lives everyday. Let’s challenge ourselves! Please share my podcast with family and friends.
Mar 13, 202107:43
A Place of Reference or A Place of Residence. Its What You Choose.

A Place of Reference or A Place of Residence. Its What You Choose.

Your place of residence is where you are now. Your place of reference is where your past experiences are. Lets stay in the NOW and focus on accomplishing what we want in our finite life. Nothing lasts forever so lets show gratitude and work from a state of peace so that what we manifest is according to what we want in life. Please support my podcast and share with family and friends.

Thank you very much,
Syeda Aysha Aslam
Mar 12, 202115:54
Poetry-World Peace

Poetry-World Peace

Living in peace is the way to go. Life is a one-time deal so let us live in peace inside out. Please support my efforts and share my podcast with family and friends. 

Thank you very much,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 12, 202104:27
Leadership Affirmations

Leadership Affirmations

We are leaders inside out. We lead with love and compassion. As we stand strong and work towards bringing communities together, we also give time and attention to ourselves. I present to you Leadership Affirmations. Please repeat them multiple times during the day and for as many days as possible. With time we will become what we speak. So, let's not keep ourselves from reaching our greatness. Please support my work as my mission is to save human life, bring awareness to the world, and raise the vibration of this planet by us becoming the best versions of ourselves. 

Thank you very much,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 10, 202110:21
Success Affirmations

Success Affirmations

What a wonderful day to start by listening to these success affirmations crafted by your one and only Aysha Aslam. Please listen to them throughout the day and every day as this daily repetition will bring you massive results. Please support my work. My mission is to save human life and raise the vibrations of this amazing planet one episode at a time. Please help me in this effort!

Thank you so much!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 07, 202105:13
Faith Affirmations

Faith Affirmations

Affirmations are a great tool to have to create a new and beautiful reality. I present to you Faith Affirmations. Please repeat them numerous times throughout the day. You may also listen to them before you go to sleep for a peaceful and calming sleep. This is a good way of getting rid of racing thoughts and overthinking which usually keeps the human mind awake. Please kindly support my Podcast as I continue to bring new and creative ways of Living a Ferociously Powerful Life. 

Thank you so much for your kindness,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 06, 202108:36
Meditation- At The Beach

Meditation- At The Beach

Meditations are powerful. They help the mind and body relax. I have been practicing meditation for some time now and I have experienced great results. The peacefulness that follows after the meditation is the energy that will help to bring ease, comfort, and beautiful synchronicities to your daily life. I am the songwriter of this meditation and it is indeed my voice. Feel free to leave a voice message and let me know what you think of my work. Your support is greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 06, 202104:58
Mental Health Affirmations

Mental Health Affirmations

Mental health is as important as physical and spiritual health so let's take good care of it. I have come up with 40 affirmations on this topic. Please repeat them daily as many times as possible. Help me by sharing them with family members and friends. Put them on all social media to bring awareness. The world needs to know that we all need help. Just because mental and emotional health is invisible, doesn't mean it does not EXIST. It is as important and demands as much attention as other topics discussed. HELP me bring help to people who struggle with mental illness, Help me save life. Please support my podcast so I can create more content to preserve and protect human life and raise the vibrations of our planet. 

Thank you,

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 06, 202105:46
Motivational Affirmations

Motivational Affirmations

Motivation is ACTION IN MOTION! Let's pull ourselves together and make a difference in our lives and in the lives of others. We all deserve to have a beautiful experience here on earth, why not be focused, persistent, determined, be completely engaged in what good we want for ourselves and everyone around us. Please repeat these affirmations on a continuous basis and regularly to see massive results. 

Thank you for supporting my Podcast, my mission, and my effort. Please visit my website at:

Have a beautiful day!

Syeda Aysha Aslam

Mar 03, 202109:58
Healing Affirmations

Healing Affirmations

We all need healing at some point in life. Going through my own setbacks and the pain that accompanied it, I didn't feel I could share with anyone what I was going through. But when I started using affirmations and using them repeatedly, I began to see a change in my life.  This change gave me hope for a better future so I kept up with this ritual. Knowing from experience that this works. I have sat down and wrote these affirmations for you. Each affirmation comes from a place in my heart that was once was in a lot of pain. It has gotten better. Perhaps you will be able to feel me as you repeat these affirmations along with my recording. My heart goes out to each and every one of you as you go through your journey fighting to survive, struggling through addictions, working with your coping skills, protecting yourself from triggers that surround you, and much more. The mind is a complicated and complex machine. But fear not, believe in the power of these and other affirmations I have recorded and will continue to record for you and they will work. In no time YOU will be feeling AMAZING! 

Please support my efforts in bringing this podcast to you. You can also visit my website at ---- Check it out :)

My mission is to bring peace to this world by saving human lives and raising the vibrations of this beautiful planet.

Thank you

Mar 03, 202110:37