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Talk It Thru with Rui Pedro Silva

Talk It Thru with Rui Pedro Silva

By Rui Pedro Silva

Talk It Thru is a project that aims to give voice to the real people all over the world, trying to create a bigger awareness to the real problems we all face.
We will be sharing a series of conversations with people from all parts of the world, that share at least one characteristic: The desire to help others overcoming difficult situations

Stay tuned and let's Talk It Thru together
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Preetham Murva | Fly Higher India

Talk It Thru with Rui Pedro SilvaJan 25, 2020

Candace Lightner | You can be the game changer

Candace Lightner | You can be the game changer

Do you know Candace Lightner?

One of the most influential activists in the history of the United States.

Known by being the founder of the "Mothers Against Drunk Driving", an organization created after she lost her daughter, hit by someone driving under the influence of alcohol.

MADD has changed so many lives, and saved thousands of lives, by educating people on the problematic of driving while being on the influence of alcohol, but as well, by working with lawmakers to change the rules of the game, and with that also change more and more lives

She has not stopped after MADD. After leaving MADD, Candace has worked with so many organizations all over the world, and she is now running an organization "We Save Lives", that is still focusing on Drunk Driving, but it doesn't stop there. 3 D's: Drunk, Distracted and Drugged Driving is the cause.

Jun 28, 202054:10
Catarina Marques Rodrigues | Let's talk about Gender Equality?

Catarina Marques Rodrigues | Let's talk about Gender Equality?

Catarina is a TV Host at RTP, the Portuguese Public Broadcast channel, and her biggest focus is related to gender equality, civil rights, and fairness of treatment in general.
During this podcast, we talked about Catarina's youth that drover to her current profession, but we also talked about the current society and the state of art in regards to the equality discussions.
We debated education, religion, parents, families, stereotypes, and so much more.
If you feel this is a topic that needs more discussions and to be addressed more and more, just don't miss this podcast, and join us raising awareness to it.
Mar 24, 202052:10
Ricardo Diniz | Connect with Nature, Part II

Ricardo Diniz | Connect with Nature, Part II

Another great conversation, to inspire people all over the world. Today we talked with Ricardo, a famous personality in Portugal, a lot because of his adventures as solo sailor, but as well speaker, business man, and an inspiring person. We talked about his life, his character, but we also talked about the society, the nature, the oceans and so many more things. This is not a podcast to share a specific story, this is a fluid conversation about life, about inspiration, about people.
Don't miss it!
Mar 22, 202034:22
Ricardo Diniz | Connect with Nature, Part I

Ricardo Diniz | Connect with Nature, Part I

Another great conversation, to inspire people all over the world.
Today we talked with Ricardo, a famous personality in Portugal, a lot because of his adventures as solo sailor, but as well speaker, business man, and an inspiring person.
We talked about his life, his character, but we also talked about the society, the nature, the oceans and so many more things.
This is not a podcast to share a specific story, this is a fluid conversation about life, about inspiration, about people.
Don't miss it!
Mar 22, 202030:02
Barry White Jr | Treating children as individuals

Barry White Jr | Treating children as individuals

Barry became famous because of his personalized handshakes at the school where he teaches. We had to talk to him and learn where did that come from, what is behind, and who is the men behind the handshake thing. Well, the outcome is brilliant. An amazing conversation debating how much we should treat children as individuals, how much school system still differentiates social classes, but as well, how much is being done by teachers to fight that. We still shouldn't judge a fish by his ability to climb a tree!! Barry took some time to explain us how is the system in United States, and we had a great time also debating the role of a teacher in modern society. Listening to this conversation is a must.
Mar 14, 202040:55
Juliet Birungi | Say NO to more orphans in Uganda

Juliet Birungi | Say NO to more orphans in Uganda

The number of Orphans in Uganda is quite significant, and while the institutions do the best they can to give a good life to these kids, the fact is that they won't, likely, ever relate with their biological family.
This is even more obvious, if we take in consideration the large business around international adoption, and the big interest some countries have to have a larger number of Orphans, as that is a clear source of significant revenue. The borderline between business and human trafficking is quite thin.
Juliet and the Zion Family Support is trying to fight this, by giving tools to the mothers or close family for them to be able to raise these children and with that, prevent them to end up in an orphanage.
Thanks to the No White Saviors, Juliet has been able to keep on helping families to learn how run businesses or even manage emotions, building that way, the proper mental structure to not give up on their kids.
Zion Family Support needs our help. Listen to this podcast, learn more about them, and maybe just give them some help to keep going.
Mar 12, 202037:43
Marieke Bink | Combating Elderly Loneliness

Marieke Bink | Combating Elderly Loneliness

How many times do we hear "that virus is just killing older people" or "at that age what would you expect?" Loneliness is an issue no matter what age. Everyone deserves dignity and happy life at all stages of their lives. We connected with Singapore to talk with Marieke, a Dutch woman that took the typical Dutch cycling culture to Singapore. She did more than that though,  she understood that connecting the generations and getting people to spend time together while going for a bicycle ride, it is simply priceless and can easily give years of life back as she explained. Cycling Without Age is more than just going out for a tour with someone "carrying you". It is about making sure the elderly people understand how much we respect them, how much we can learn with them, and belong to a world that is more and more disconnected. This podcast is dedicated to all people that suffer from loneliness anywhere in this world, as that shouldn't ever happen to anyone. 

Let's #TalkItThru Together!  

#elderly #socialinclusion #aging #cycling #socialawareness #healthylife #experience #sharing #knwowledge #wisdom #socialresponsibility

Mar 09, 202041:32
Conscious Change | The narcissistic abuse

Conscious Change | The narcissistic abuse

Have you ever heard about Narcissistic people? Is the first thing it comes to your mind, the person that often looks at the mirror?
Well, there is a lot more in there to be known.
Today, we talked about Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and how much people with that disorder can abuse others, and cause so much damage in their life.
Nadina, who is working with victims of this type of abuse, has helped us to better understand this topic, and more important, gave her testimonial on how much we can identify those behaviors and with that, potentially help people.
This kind of trauma is also mental health, and therefore can't be ignored.
Listen to this great conversation, and educate yourself on this topic.
Let's #TalkItThru together!
Feb 18, 202035:56
Julia Lalla-Maharajh | Female genital cutting is not a myth

Julia Lalla-Maharajh | Female genital cutting is not a myth

When we think of Female Genital Mutilation or Cutting, we tend to believe it is not something that still exists. does, and we need to bring that up, so we raise awareness to that. We had a great conversation with Julia about the beginning of the Orchid Project, something that she set up to battle this social issue. We talked about the challenges they face, the cultural shift that is needed, and in some cases even political shift too. After listening to Julia, we got a much clear understanding of the issue we are facing in all Continents, though in higher number in Africa. This is civil rights, and can't be ignored. A must listen conversation, which we hope it helps everyone to understand how much we can do to help people. Let's #TalkItThru Together!
Feb 17, 202042:36
Dr. Eric Harris | Dental care can't be a nice to have

Dr. Eric Harris | Dental care can't be a nice to have

Do you think Dental Care is not something we would bring as social awareness? No way we would leave that out. For the record, dental care is one of the most important things we should think of, because contrary to what people may think, if we have problems on our mouth, we have a massive risk to develop an endless count of conditions that ultimately put our lives at risk.
Talking to Dr. Eric Harris has been just an extraordinary experience, because we truly believe that we talked with an extraordinary human being. For about 30 minutes, we went thru the experiences of Bright Island Outreach Foundation, but we also had a in-class session about dental care, and the awareness needed to improve a situation that is quite dramatic in some countries.
This conversation is not "only" about the inspiring work done by the Bright Island Outreach, but as well, a must have lesson to a lot people all over the world that do not understand the impacts of dental issues to our general health.
Let's #TalkItThru together!
Feb 07, 202036:59
Maria Martinez | Get the Plastic Off

Maria Martinez | Get the Plastic Off

We are back on the environmental topics, and this time we went to Spain to discuss it with Maria.
Maria has created a company that is aiming to raise awareness to the fact that we are the first ones to blame when it comes to plastic issue all over the world.
She produces content to get people to understand that small behavior changes are needed in order to have a big impact on our society's future.
Interesting conversation, discussing how did she think of creating plasticOff, and the journey of getting better educated to this, while she was studying in Sweden.
As she rightfully said, it is not only about recycling, neither it is only about PET bottles. A lot has to do with our overall need to change frequently, to buy more and more, and with that, dispose an enormous amount of plastic.
If you have a clear concern on the environmental impacts of your day-to-day actions, you should definitely stop and listen to this amazing conversation.
Let's #TalkItThru together!
Feb 06, 202037:23
Abhik Bhattacherji | Go out and help others through education

Abhik Bhattacherji | Go out and help others through education

You may not think about it, but there are plenty of people without access to proper education. It may sound crazy that these days we have those issues, but it is still quite a big issue. Today we talked to Abhik Bhattacherji from "Teach for India," an organization placing young people in schools that have a lack of teachers. These "fellows" as they are called, teach in those locations for a period of 2 years giving children a proper access to a education. Like so many other "Teach for Countries" all over the world, the one in India is simply bringing help to those areas that struggle with a lack of teachers, creating a stronger foundation to a better education for children for the first time.  Stay tuned and learn that education is not available to everyone and how you can help solve that problem

Let's #TalkItThru together!

Feb 03, 202036:32
Avani Prasad | What is good or bad touch?

Avani Prasad | What is good or bad touch?

Not every day we meet someone so young pausing a potential successful career after a successful journey in her education, to make something entirely different. Avani is such an inspiration. Few months ago, she started Project Sparsh, which is a project trying to raise awareness to what is good or bad touch, educating schools, children and parents that child abuse is out there, and we can't ignore it. Proper education on that, is a very strong measure to prevent it to happen. More than 80% of the cases do come from people close to the children, and that also means we need to learn the meaning of it. Avani opened up her own story, which is something we would love you to listen, because it explains a lot of her motivations for this project.

Let's #TalkItThru together

Feb 01, 202036:19
Susan Pratt | Help the planet by going Vegan

Susan Pratt | Help the planet by going Vegan

Veganism is something we all believe is positively contributing to a better world, supporting animal protection, and overall environment protection. Today we talked with Susan, who is a Home Cook, and the conversation was super funny and interesting. We learned that vegetables can taste much better if cook right. We talked about Susan's channel on Instagram, but we also talked about her views about the impact that we can have in the world, if we all start going more vegan. She was not extreme though, and as she mentioned, we can all start with small steps, and get used to that.  Listen to the whole conversation and maybe start thinking on how can you also help the planet. Let's #TalkItThru together!

Jan 29, 202037:39
Neisha Himes | Surviving Domestic Violence

Neisha Himes | Surviving Domestic Violence

"Domestic Violence has no face" That may sound like a cliché, but it is just a fact.  Today, we talked with Neisha about her story, and how did she survive a 5y relationship that not just affected her physically, but psychologically. She walked us through the painful journey of realization that she was in a serious situation, and she needed to do something. It has been an absolutely fantastic conversation, where we talked not "just" about how did she survive, but also how did she create the GROW Foundation, who is helping other survivors. The word is survivor, and not victim. It may sound a detail, but it is not. Has she says, we all know someone that is being affected by Domestic Violence, we just don't identify it easily. We encourage you to listen to this conversation, and learn something, so you can either identify your own story, or help others identifying it. Let's #TalkItThru Together

Jan 29, 202038:18
Emmanuel Ikoro | Feeding and Dressing Up Nigeria

Emmanuel Ikoro | Feeding and Dressing Up Nigeria

Today we visited Nigeria, and the Bakog Foundation. Emmanuel Ikoro, directly from a location where an outreach was being prepared, walked us through the amazing work done by this foundation. They try to fight poverty in marginalized areas, by bringing food, clothing and hygiene products to those areas. This group is built out of volunteers who are there just to help and make people's life better. We talked about the rough conditions in Nigeria, how much the system doesn't really help to make things better, and how hard is to keep going without big support. Check it out and get inspired by this.  Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 25, 202027:26
Preetham Murva | Fly Higher India

Preetham Murva | Fly Higher India

After having this conversation with Preetham, we are even more sure that India can fly really high. Preetham, together with his volunteers, has created a quite interesting concept to support children through special programs, that aim to provide tools and skills for them to be successful in a sustainable manner. There is not better or worse way to help, but when you aim for sustainability, it makes it more powerful for their future. Mindful meditation, team work, arts or creativity, are some of the examples of programs that Fly Higher India is pushing to the unprivileged children in India. They cover more than 30 cities these days, and hopefully they will keep growing. A great pleasure to share their story.

Let's Talk It Thru together! 

Jan 25, 202032:09
Michael Anthony | Think Unbroken

Michael Anthony | Think Unbroken

We have talked with a lot of people that went through quite traumatic experiences, and Michael is definitely on of them, with quite an impressive story. From psychological violence, abuse, drug addiction, Michael went through a lot, but that did not define who he wanted to be. His "mirror moment" at the age of 28, is the turning page. He decided to take the control of his life back, and today is a successful person, who is also helping others, not through therapy, but through working step by step to get those people to the place they want to be. Reverse engineering some of the problems and starting to change the narrative. What an inspiring story.

Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 24, 202036:47
Tomas Tigchelaar Lourenco | Cleaning up the basics

Tomas Tigchelaar Lourenco | Cleaning up the basics

How a simple act can make such a difference? Well, that is exactly what Tomas just explained to us during a fantastic conversation. Today we talked about cleaning up the beaches and the oceans, but not necessarily with very big initiatives, but rather with a very simple and old fashion process: With your own hands Tomas just explained to us where did this project @givesealifeahand start, and just gave as an overwhelming class on environmental protection and preventive behaviors. If you care about environment, you MUST listen to this. You can give a hand, and it is so simple.

Let's Talk It Thru together! 

Jan 19, 202034:05
Chris Parkes | Part I: The Institutional Racism

Chris Parkes | Part I: The Institutional Racism

The first part of an extraordinary conversation with Chris.  We talked about Chris's career, his passion about photography, but we also talked about Apartheid or the fact that we have likely been helping the racial discrimination, by institutionalizing racism. Chris opened up his views about the world, his experiences in several African countries, but as well, how much he changed through this process and what does that mean for his life and future. Listening to this podcast is not just an inspiration but, as well, a deep learning about human beings and human behaviours

Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 19, 202024:32
Chris Parkes | Part II: The Institutional Racism

Chris Parkes | Part II: The Institutional Racism

The second part of an extraordinary conversation with Chris.  We talked about Chris's career, his passion about photography, but we also talked about Apartheid or the fact that we have likely been helping the racial discrimination, by institutionalizing racism. Chris opened up his views about the world, his experiences in several African countries, but as well, how much he changed through this process and what does that mean for his life and future. Listening to this podcast is not just an inspiration but, as well, a deep learning about human beings and human behaviours 

Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 19, 202034:59
Agne Nainyte | Experteering rather than volunteering

Agne Nainyte | Experteering rather than volunteering

Today we talked with Agne about her time in the rural Uganda, during her career-break. Interesting conversation about something that we usually know as volunteering, but that she clearly describes as experteering, as she believes she brought expertise in a specific area, rather than just come and make work in random areas, without real knowledge on that. We debated a lot of things regarding sustainability of the local businesses supported by NGOs.  Not least important, we talked about her experience of living in rural Uganda for 2 months, and what differences she faced on her day-to-day experiences.

Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 12, 202030:33
Rose Shuman | Technology impacts to the society

Rose Shuman | Technology impacts to the society

What a great time we just had with Rose over a podcast.  Rose just walked us through the process of coming up with the idea to the "Question Box". She also shared the experiences and learnings that she and her partner took out of this project, that are still helping them today during projects they get involved. Rose collaborates with United Nations, Food Bank or Unicef, bringing all her knowledge and experience and helping introducing technologies as Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence or Big Data. We also discussed some sociological aspects of the technology impact over the next 10 years, and what her views on that.

Let's Talk It Thru together!

Jan 05, 202032:22
Hugo Amaral | Racket for a smile

Hugo Amaral | Racket for a smile

We just spent a fantastic 30 minutes talking with Hugo about the Raqueta Por Um Sorriso project, or in English, Racket for a Smile. What an experience to learn how did Hugo start, and to get to know the stories behind the time he drove to Bissau, or the award in Barcelona for his project. This project brings tennis rackets to marginalized schools, and with that, helps children to practise sports from a young age.

Stay tuned and let's Talk It Thru together

Jan 05, 202029:22
Talk It Thru the first days!!

Talk It Thru the first days!!

Rui Pedro Silva just gives some thoughts of the first days of Talk It Thru project, explaining where we are, what are we doing and what to expect
Jan 05, 202004:51