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Talking With A Good Man

Talking With A Good Man

By Jay Goodman

Hello! My name is Jay Goodman and this is “Talking with a Good Man!” God is calling all of us to be a Good Man!

My last name, Goodman, its an absolutely hard one to live up to, sometimes near-impossible! Through daily successes and lots of failures, by my faith shown through my works, (James 2), I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because we’re all made for greatness and Jesus calls us all to truly be a Good Man.
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14. TWAG meets Along the Way Catholic Mastermind Group on Discouragement

Talking With A Good ManApr 01, 2023

19: Jason Jones-Hiking the Ball when No one else Will

19: Jason Jones-Hiking the Ball when No one else Will

Hello! Welcome back to another episode of Talking with a Goodman. I’m Jay Goodman and this podcast today is very special. I mean, aren’t they all, right? I probably say that every single time, but Jason Jones is someone who puts himself out there, but quietly until the right time, if that makes sense. It probably doesn’t, but if you knew what I know, it would.

Jason Jones, in a sentence, and he will tell you this, is a VERY zealous Catholic Man, is an American Film Producer and human rights activist. But that one sentence, except for the part about him being a very strong catholic Man, is a drop in the bucket. He the President and founder of Hero Inc, known for two massive projects, the movie to movement and the vulnerable people project, of which my family started giving to each month and you should too, and i’ll have a few links at the bottom.

What Jason is doing and where he is going doesn’t get noticed as much as you would think, and that’s just because of our modern day news and the way it is. I think what he is doing and where he has been going will be eventually very noticed, but he lives largely in a silent place and in an unheard place with people that are unheard and silenced and that’s not cool with me at all! People in America really are blind, and really are just completely oblivious to what’s really going on in the world.

We will find in this podcast from Jason what it’s like to stand up and advocate for the truly vulnerable out there and the people out there who are truly being taken advantage of. Jason is there trying to stop it. Somehow he still finds time to be the best Dad and Husband he can be, like all of us!

After listening to this podcast, if you would like to help out his causes, the “movie to movement” project and the “vulnerable people” project, here are the links:

If you would like to help out my ministry, and I definitely need the help, to further my reach, give me the ability to publish my upcoming first book I am currently writing, to help fund editing, to make this podcast better technically, and to fund my future events and projects I have scheduled, please send all funds to @jaygoodman75 on venmo. Thank you so much if you have given and may God bless you all.

Stay holy Men! If we fall, and I do daily, we get back up and keep moving forward. I try to go to confession once a week and employ what I like to call “spiritually tactics” to help me to be more solid and to be strong enough that if I do mess up or have a spiritual setback, i’ll feel normal guilt and not shame.

Take care and i’ll talk to you next time!
Mar 15, 202401:02:58
18. Bishop Larry and the Maui Lahaina Fires

18. Bishop Larry and the Maui Lahaina Fires

Welcome to another episode of Talking with a Goodman! I’m so glad you are here. I hope and pray that you grow closer to Jesus through my ministry of Podcasting.

Men, we have an epidemic of mass proportions of Men not taking back their homes from satan. We are the gatekeepers of our homes and if we are struggling with addictions, porn, drugs, too much alcohol, laziness, whatever it is, then we are participating in sitting on the sidelines and not being engaged in the fight. We are in a football game except we know Jesus will win, he already won the game, but we are being called to play the game out. Don’t sit on the sidelines, being either too humble to go to work in the game, or too scrupulous to see past our pride, but to be magnanimous, saying to yourself and others, “hey, i’m good at A B or C, and I can’t help”. That is what it’s all about. And if you think i’m arrived or something and that’s why I have this podcast, you are dead wrong. I’ve had the worst spiritual life these last few weeks and doing these podcasts help me to decide to be stronger. I do this ministry and am constantly trying to expand it because of what I see in ME, as well as AROUND ME. It scares me.

Remember these two things: 1), I am public enemy number one, and 2), I am always one decision away from ruining my life and probably consequently others lives around me. I learned that from an old Pastor of mine when I was Protestant, and it still sticks as a Catholic in the one true Church started by God through Peter.

As for Maui and the devastation, please give. Give what you can, it goes straight to the effort to help them. If you want to verify it, google epic ministry and do your due diligence and confirm where this money is going.

Bishop Larry is an awesome Man, I really enjoyed hanging out with him, spending time around him, and seeing his heart in action. He confirmed all three of my kids and i’m honored to know that Man.

Here is the link if you feel in your heart to give to the Maui Fire relief through Bishop Larry of Hawaii:

If you find it in your heart to help my budding ministry, please give at my venmo: @jaygoodman75. I need every penny and every penny helps me. I am planning something really cool and highly necessary for next lent, 2025, so be on the lookout! I am still organizing the first Catholic Men’s Pilgrimage in the Mountains of Denver Colorado!!! Work will begin this summer when there’s no snow. Keep watch for that!

If you want to get hold of me, my email as always is

Until next time, may God bless you, and may you constantly ask for the strength to be truly magnanimous! In the words of Paul, 1st Corinthians 16: 13, “Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong!”
Mar 14, 202401:05:42
17. Bob Parker_Pearl Harbor Survivor Untold Story

17. Bob Parker_Pearl Harbor Survivor Untold Story

Welcome to episode 17! This is a recording I have had stuck in my phone for over 10 YEARS! I found it recently and wanted to wait until today, December 7th, to release it to honor this individual as well as all those who perished in the attack on Pearl Harbor.

December 7th, 1941 was the date that lives in infamy. If you would like to get hold of me, email me at and all my podcasts can also be found on with my good friend Dave Fortin who is a fellow podcaster.

Be watching! In 2025 I will have the first ever Catholic Men’s Pilgrimage in Colorado. It will be in July of 2025 and will begin at the Saint Francis Cabrini Shrine. Then using a guide and some previous extreme planning, we will all hike from there and go about 7-10 miles a day over about a week until we reach Saint Catherine’s Chapel on the Rock outside of Estes Park. There will be guest speakers every day, including Dave Fortin, who has agreed to come here and be a guest speaker on one of the days! i have about 4 speakers as of right now, so if you are interested in being a speaker, please email me and i can meet with you on zoom to see if you would be a good fit for it. Each night there will be a fire pit, (weather and permits permitting) along with Cigars, Pipes (if you choose to) and the Saint and Drink of the day by me. Each morning before the hike there will be a mass, followed by a stretching session from Alexander Frank (check him out on youtube!) and each night before we “bed down”, we will have a rosary given by a special guest.
Talk to you all next time and I hope you enjoyed this podcast!
Dec 08, 202342:60
16. Eddie Barinque_Cancer & A Rocky Montage Jesus Healing

16. Eddie Barinque_Cancer & A Rocky Montage Jesus Healing

Hey! Welcome back to talking with a good man podcast, i’m Jay Goodman. This show is all about Catholic masculinity and being the best Man God created you to be.

Today’s guest on my show is a very good friend of mine named Eddie Barinque. I met him a few years ago in the Catholic Men’s group here called “fishers of Men”. I have gotten to know him a lot more over the last few years too. He’s a great Man of God, an awesome Catholic guy who really loves his family, and he has a cool job too! He makes t-shirts at a business he started called “tee by you” t shirts. It is a company where you get to come in with a design, or choose one he has and you get to try your hand at creating a t shirt, pressing it and making it on your own through a little help and expertise from this amazing man. He has 3 children, an amazing Wife who loves him so much, and so many friends in his Hawaiian catholic Ohana here.

Recently however, he found out he has a form of cancer called Non hodgkin’s lymphoma.

It was metastasized enough that he had to immediately leave the island and go to an excellent hospital and cancer center in Texas for treatment. I was so sad when I saw him at the last Catholic homeschool event we had because he had lost so much weight and was so tired. This guy is usually a machine….he is ripped, works out all the time and really bruises and buffets his body daily like a good Catholic man should. So I was definitely worried when he wasn’t his normal self. I mean, he would do some pretty amazing physical things and then he wasn’t able to, at least for a short time.

But this cancer knocked him down. I saw him before he left and he was very different…. Then after he left it’s like God took him through a long, drawn out Spiritual Rocky montage towards healing and building his body back again.

He is a very strong Man, a very good man, and someone who I want to take parts of what he stands for and model my life after. I had the honor of sitting down and as we say in Hawaii “talk story” with him. (talk story means something like hang out or spend time w someone).

Anyway, it is my great pleasure to introduce Eddie Barinque.

If you would like to get in touch with me, my email is

Also, I am now partnered with Salt and Light Radio out of Boise Idaho!! (Podcasting and Speaking seems to be so fluid and ever-changing!) and I now have a 2 minute show on their radio station where I am finally putting my 23 years of being a Fitness Trainer to good use for God! I have a show where I take Exercise and Nutrition and help you use that to be more spiritual and be closer to Jesus. So please check that out, but enjoy it on this show today so you can hear the First Episode without trying to find the show on youtube. If you could though, please go to the youtube channel below and comment that you loved my show. It would actually really help my efforts and showing on that radio station. Thank you!

In this podcast too, youʻll find the Drink and Saint of the Day from Michael Foleyʻs book, “Drinking with the Saints”. You can go to his website, or Amazon to purchase this book or his other books!

As always at the end of my show, I play you a short “Silent Retreat” sung by my favorite Priest ever, Father Rheo from Holy Family Catholic Church in Honolulu, Hawaii.

If you feel in your heart to donate to my show and future efforts, and believe me, MANY things are going to happen over the next 2 years, please send all donations to my Venmo which is @jaygoodman75.
Nov 07, 202301:38:16
15. CSM Nathan Marshall_God, Grit and the 82nd Airborne!

15. CSM Nathan Marshall_God, Grit and the 82nd Airborne!

Hey! I’m Jay Goodman and this is Talking with a Good Man, or TWAG. You know, my last name, Good Man, is an absurdly hard one to live up to, iʻm more fail than success when it really comes down it, but the difference is I will never stop the struggle, I will never give up the fight to be holy.

Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because, hey…we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

Join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for our Lord Jesus!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the true work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

My next guest is a CSM, or COMMAND SERGEANT MAJOR, the highest position and rank in the working Army. Let me explain…his rank is SGM, or SERGEANT MAJOR. Inside of that rank, his positional authority is a CSM. So he is the highest rank you can have in the Army enlisted side of things, or E-9 AND he is the second positional rank from the top of the entire Enlisted Army, which would be SERGEANT MAJOR OF THE ARMY. Yes, that means, if you are in the Army and you happen to meet the Sergeant Major of the Army, you would address him as, “Yes, Sergeant Major of the Army…” or “No, Sergeant Major of the Army”. We must literally address him with that complete title when speaking to him. To say “Sergeant” or “Sergeant Major” would be an insult and disrespectful. The same sort of goes with CSM Nathan Marshall. If you donʻt know him like I do, and you are a Soldier who comes across him, you would FIRST address him as “Beautiful morning CSM!” And THEN after he addresses you, you would use “SGM” in place of CSM until you are done talking to him. THEN, when you are leaving his presence, you finish by saying something like, “Have a good day CSM Marshall!”

Thank God he is Nathan to those of us Men from the Hawaii group. That is WAY too complicated, isnʻt it? But he deserves it and he earned it through his hard work, which is extremely hard as he is the CSM for the mighty 82nd Airborne!!! Hooooooahhhh!!!!

They were first introduced to combat on June 25th, 1918 in France during WW1 and have been located at Fort Bragg since then! They had many very dangerous roles during D day such as capturing bridges over the Merderet River at La Fiere and Chef du pont and capturing and destroying bridges over the douve river at beuzeville la bastille. They also participated in Operation market garden, an allied attack on holland, and the great battle of the buldge. SGM Nathan Marshall is part of this elite airborne unit but best of all, he is the one enlisted Soldier in charge of the entire thing!! Iʻll tell you something else about this Man, he reminds me a lot of General Hal Moore, made famous in the movie “we were soldiers” in the sense that I know Nathan, and I know for a 100% fact he is as old as me, is hurting, has all sorts of body problems from our great time in the Army, but he jumps WITH HIS MEN, and leads them the way a leader should lead. He really cares about the Men assigned to him, and treats everyone with respect and a great sense of brotherhood. He really loves his Wife and kids fiercely too and spends time with them, engages with them, and although he would be the first to tell you how imperfect he is, I know for a fact that he does his best every day to leave work at work and to be a husband and dad to the best of his ability.

For these reasons, as well as so much more that youʻll soon hear, I am very humbled and excited to introduce my brother in Christ, friend and comrade, CSM Nathan Marshall. For more information or to contact me, or to order Shaklee and change your life nutritionally, email me at
Jun 04, 202301:15:34
14. TWAG meets Along the Way Catholic Mastermind Group on Discouragement

14. TWAG meets Along the Way Catholic Mastermind Group on Discouragement

Hey! I’m Jay Goodman and this is Talking with a Good Man, or TWAG. You know, my last name, Good Man, is an absurdly hard one to live up to, sometimes I just suck at it, to be blunt with you. Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because, hey…we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

Join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for our Lord Jesus!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the true work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

Recently I had the pleasure of being part of what my friend Dave Fortin and I are trying to do every so often is bring these six great Men together to talk about things, pick each otherʻs brains and hopefully make it applicable to you and your life in some way by way of a topic. Todayʻs topic is discouragement and how to overcome it…how we each overcome it and work through it.

Today the group is comprised of “down the hall” Dave Fortin from “along the way” podcast and, and he is leading it today, along with Dave Emhoff his producer, then myself, Jay Goodman of Talking with a Good Man…next up is Eddie Trask from Catholic Recon podcast, after him is Pat King of Pat Kings man cave and salt and light radio out of Boise Idaho, then an awesome Catholic man with an awesome podcast: Trace “big guns” Chamberlin.

So please enjoy this special group podcast as we discuss the topic of discouragement and how to combat it as well as our personal experiences with it.

For more information or to contact me, or to order Shaklee and change your life nutritionally, email me at
Apr 01, 202301:19:37
13. Paul Thigpen: Marriage, Roots, and True Strength

13. Paul Thigpen: Marriage, Roots, and True Strength

Hey, I’m Jay Goodman and this is Talking with a Good Man. You know, my last name, Good Man, its an absurdly hard one to live up to, sometimes I just suck at it, to be blunt with you. Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because, hey…we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

Join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for our Lord Jesus!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the true work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

You might wonder some things about this next Man, my Man, Paul Thigpen. Let’s celebrate this Man for a moment… check this out…he is the editor of TAN Books and was appointed as a lay representative on the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ National Advisory Council, speaks frequently at conferences and scholarly gatherings in the U.S and abroad. He earned a B.A. in Religious Studies from Yale University and an M.A. and Ph.D. in Historical Theology from Emory University. A best-selling author, Dr. Thigpen has published fifty-five books, including the book, “Manual for Spiritual Warfare” and “Saints Who Battled Satan: Seventeen Holy Warriors Who Can Teach You How to Fight the Good Fight” and other amazing books like “Vanquish Your Ancient Enemy”, and my favorite book, “the rapture trap”….as well as more than five hundred articles for both scholarly and popular audiences. His work has been translated into twelve languages.
Mar 11, 202301:14:15
12. Steven Arms: Milestone to Manhood

12. Steven Arms: Milestone to Manhood

Welcome back to another episode of Talking with a Good Man!

My next guest is named Sir Steven Arms, author of his book “Milestone to Manhood”. When he was 13, his Father, Uncle and “Bobo”, (his Grandfather) took him through a Catholic rite of passage, an initiation, into manhood when he was 13 years old. Now he has taken the time to carefully document his experiences and how it was done and along with his Father, he wrote this amazing book.

Now you can learn how to do this and take your Sons through this same beautiful and manly rite of passage…or if you know someone who has a young Son, you can gift it. What if you knew a good friend and found out he and his Wife had a baby boy? You could certainly get this as an awesome wedding gift.


He just released a 6-week workbook to add to the “Milestone to Manhood” book!!! Check it out on Amazon.

My last name, Good Man, its an absolutely hard one to live up to, sometimes near-impossible! Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for God!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

He will also tell you his favorite Saint and favorite drink as well as how he got to where he is now, his trials and tribulations and how he really loves his Wife and children and is looking forward to his 1-year old Son becoming 13.

Please like this podcast, leave me comments, whether good or bad, and tell your friends about this podcast!

If you want to get hold of me, my email is
Mar 03, 202301:19:57
11. Dave Fortin: Along the Way with a Good Man

11. Dave Fortin: Along the Way with a Good Man

Welcome back to another episode of Talking with a Good Man! As you can probably tell, it has been a long, LONG time since I last uploaded an episode. I explain all of that and more in this episode, but the REAL focus is my guest on this week’s podcast. His name is, of course, Dave Fortin.

Over this last year or so, he has become a great “friend I have never met in person” and someone that I have really been slowly teaming up with to podcast together while also keeping my show going.

My last name, Good Man, its an absolutely hard one to live up to, sometimes near-impossible! Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for God!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

Today’s podcast with Dave Fortin tells about how he got to where he is now, which is married for the last 29 YEARS to a Woman he says he does NOT deserve…sounds like how I as well as every other Catholic Man truly feels about our Wives! What a good guy…but he has 2 kids and apparently his shoe size is 11, so he’s got some big feet, and anyone who knows him at all knows that he’s got a big podcast too. He is rocking it podcasting at and if you want some amazing content, check him out.

He will also tell you his favorite Saint and favorite drink as well as how he got to where he is now, his trials and tribulations and how he really loves Mother Mary.

Please like this podcast, leave me comments, whether good or bad, and tell your friends about this podcast!

If you want to get hold of me, my NEW email is
Feb 24, 202359:41
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 31 w/ Super Secret Guest Commentary

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 31 w/ Super Secret Guest Commentary

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 31, the FINAL EPISODE in the Screwtape Letters Lenten Series!!!

I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

To sign up now for the group for your entire family, go to the link below! If you ever have any questions, please email me.

To first check it out:

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Apr 16, 202251:04
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 30 w/ Jeff Reid

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 30 w/ Jeff Reid

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 30!! One letter left!!

I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

To sign up now for the group for your entire family, go to the link below! If you ever have any questions, please email me.

To first check it out:

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Apr 15, 202232:53
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 28 w/ Spencer Gregoire

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 28 w/ Spencer Gregoire

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 28!
I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

To sign up now for the group for your entire family, go to the link below! If you ever have any questions, please email me.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Apr 13, 202220:23
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 27 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 27 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 27! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

To sign up now for the group for your entire family, go to the link below! If you ever have any questions, please email me.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Apr 13, 202217:29
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 26 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 26 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 26! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 12, 202209:12
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 25 w/ Chris Stefanick

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 25 w/ Chris Stefanick

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 25!! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 12, 202220:19
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 24 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 24 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 24!! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 09, 202220:18
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 23 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 23 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 23! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 09, 202215:12
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 22 w/ Jim Beckman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 22 w/ Jim Beckman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 22! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 09, 202214:44
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 21 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 21 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 21! I hope you enjoy this, and please like, comment and subscribe.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 02, 202214:19
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 20 w/ Bishop Larry Silva Bishop of Hawaii

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 20 w/ Bishop Larry Silva Bishop of Hawaii

Aloha! Today is Screwtape letter 20. I am working hard to get caught up. I had some things happen to me that slowed stuff down but I am back and working on this. This one is long, but every second counted with the Bishop. Just AWESOME AMAZING NEEDED information and wisdom from this Man, so enjoy!

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 01, 202239:14
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 19 w Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 19 w Jay Goodman

Aloha! Happy day today. It’s been a very rough week and last weekend and I was finally able to get this video out to you. I hope you enjoy it.

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Apr 01, 202216:12
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 18 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 18 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! I am still sick but almost recovered, so my apologies for not getting this one out until late tonight!

This is letter 18 and I’ll be doing the commentary today. This is the fourth week of Lent!

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 29, 202220:58
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 17 w/ Jim Beckman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 17 w/ Jim Beckman

Aloha! I am still sick but almost recovered, so my apologies for not getting this one out until late tonight!

This is letter 17 with an awesome special guest, Jim Beckman as we are on the third Friday of Lent!

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 26, 202221:50
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 16 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 16 w/ Jay Goodman

Update this morning!! I caught a glitch that has it going to almost 26 minutes for no reason. I apologize! The video actually ends at 16:25. I’ll fix this for future uploads.

Aloha! I am still sick and could not record until earlier tonight (Hawaii time) I was and am pretty sick with a cold. Thank God it is not Covid. I needed another window from God of a short time period I was composed enough to record so I hope you enjoy this.

This is letter 16!! We are over the halfway point!!

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 25, 202216:26
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 15 w/ Jay Goodman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 15 w/ Jay Goodman

Aloha! Because of some tech issues and the fact that I got really sick last night and most of today, I could not record until earlier tonight (Hawaii time) I was and am still a mess! Through a miracle of God (literally!!) I was able to compose myself just long enough to record what you see. I truly hope you enjoy it and that God uses me in any way.

This is letter 15!! We are at the halfway point!!

The Screwtape Letters are 31 letters written by CS Lewis who wrote through the mind of a fictitious senior demon named uncle Screwtape who provides advice to his young nephew Wormwood about how best to lead his human ''patient'' to hell. They manipulate the people, events, circumstances, emotions, and even spirituality in the human's life in order to cause the man to turn away from God little by little. It deals with the lies and subtle temptations that the devil can use to lead us to hell without us even knowing it.

Screwtape values subtle and devious methods, writing in one letter, “Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one---the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 24, 202215:52
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 14 w/ Rob Hayes

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 14 w/ Rob Hayes

Aloha! Good Morning! Welcome to the Screwtape Letters Lenten Series by Jay Goodman and “Talking with a Good Man”. This is Letter 14 with my special guest, VERY respected Coast Guard Officer (Retired) Husband, Dad, Grandpa and close personal friend, Rob Hayes!!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special show where I will draw a name out of my “Long Ride Home” hat that I sometimes wear and have some amazing gifts for a lucky winner! There MUST be 100 comments on my videos by April 13th for me to do the drawing!

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 23, 202226:34
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 13

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 13

Aloha! Good Morning! Welcome to the Screwtape Letters Lenten Series by Jay Goodman and “Talking with a Good Man”. This is Letter 13!

This is the one I had the most special guest on my show, so you’ll love it. It went a little long today but COMPLETELY worth it!!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 21, 202232:11
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 12 with Jim Beckman

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 12 with Jim Beckman

Aloha! We are on letter 12 and I am so excited to give you this one, as we welcome Jim Beckman back to guide us through the Screwtape Letters!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 19, 202227:34
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 11

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 11

Aloha! This is Letter 11!! I’m so excited to give you this one, and looking forward to more tomorrow! What a Lent this has been!!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 17, 202213:40
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 10

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 10

Aloha! This is the double digits!!! Letter 10!! I’m so excited to give you this one, and looking forward to more tomorrow! What a Lent this has been!!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 16, 202212:43
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 9 - Michael Foley

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 9 - Michael Foley

Aloha! This is Letter 9!! In an effort to not let this go too long but still bring you the best I am able to give you, I jumped right into the book and then an amazing commentary with the great Michael Foley, author of “Drinking with the Saints” so please enjoy!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 15, 202224:48
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 10

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 10

Aloha! This is Letter 8!! The YouTube video for letter eight is coming, I am just having some major technical issues uploading it to YouTube today. I guess that’s one of the “perks” of living in Hawaii is horrible cell and Wi-Fi service. 🙄

So please enjoy the audio version for now.

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 14, 202215:21
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 7

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 7

Aloha! This is Letter 7!!

Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 11, 202227:22
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 6

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series - Letter 6

Aloha! This is The Screwtape Letters, Letter 6!!!

Welcome to Letter 6 as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 10, 202213:53
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 5

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 5


I apologize for this uploading so late, we had major technical difficulties, but here it is, long last!

Welcome to Letter 5 as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 09, 202233:49
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 4

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 4

Aloha! I want to welcome you to Day 4 as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better as well as make other videos in the near future! Please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 08, 202217:27
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 3

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 3

Aloha! Join me on Day SIX and Screwtape letter 3, as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last Screwtape Letter, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better! please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.

Here are the Catechism references I promised!
The references for letter 3 are In CCC 456-460, CCC 1427-1433 CCC 2197-2199.
Mar 08, 202219:03
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 2

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 2

Aloha! Join me with Screwtape letter 2, as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better! please Venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 05, 202228:26
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 1

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Letter 1

Aloha! Join me as we continue an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Let’s strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches, and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to The Screwtape Letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better! please Venmo me @jaygoodman75.

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife, and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 03, 202220:26
Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Introductions

Screwtape Letters Lenten Series: Introductions

Aloha! This is the beginning of an amazing Lenten journey through the Screwtape letters! Join me as we strive together to be good Men for God, for our families, for our Churches and for ourselves!

God has called us all to greatness, no more sitting on the sidelines! We know what God does with those who are lukewarm…He spits them out.

Starting today, and every day of the week, Monday to Friday, through all of lent, I’ll be reading a Screwtape letter every day, followed by some amazing and life-changing insight from Marlon De La Torre’s study guide to the Screwtape letters. After this, you can expect a brilliant commentary on the letter for that day from either myself or a special guest.

On the last day, on April 14th, I’ll have a very special live YouTube show to celebrate the end.

Enjoy and I’ll see you tomorrow!

If you would like to contact me, my email is

If you feel in your heart to support this ministry, I would love that! There is so much other equipment I would love to be able to purchase to make this a whole lot better! please venmo me @jaygoodman75

I have partnered with my friend Bear Woznick and, and I would love to plug you in with like-minded, amazing Catholic Men who want to truly be manly Men while serving the Lord. Bear’s website has amazing content designed to help you, your Wife and even your older kids (age 13-18) be part of a group of Men who are truly amazing.

May God richly bless you.

St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.
Mar 03, 202214:37
10. Mark Hartfiel: TMIY, his Wife and God’s Calling to Ministry

10. Mark Hartfiel: TMIY, his Wife and God’s Calling to Ministry

Aloha! This is another episode of Talking with a Good man, my name is Jay Goodman! This show is all about Catholic masculinity and being the best Man God created you to be.

Enjoy the new music, it’s awesome!!

My last name, Good Man, its an absolutely hard one to live up to, sometimes near-impossible! Through daily successes and lots of failures, I work to be forgiving and loving while striving for strength with magnanimity because we’re all made for greatness and God calls us all to truly be a Good Man.

join me in striving to be a Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for God!! Let’s step into that scary breach, where the work and danger is! And we as Men love the danger, don’t we? If we use it appropriately and righteously, mannnnnn in can bring strength.

Today’s podcast is with a guy who is a truly masculine Catholic man, Mark Hartfiel…and he will be the first to tell you he is struggling daily like the rest of us. This Man is blessed at being the VP for TMIY, otherwise known as that man is you. It was started by Steve Bollman as a HIGHLY SUCCESSFUL attempt to make a program for Fathers to be better Dads, Husbands, Men and Catholics.

From their website, TMIY or That Man is You! honestly addresses the pressures and temptations that men face in our modern culture, especially those relating to their roles as husbands and fathers. The program harmonizes current social and medical science with the teachings of the Church and the wisdom of the saints to develop the vision of man fully alive!

As I always do at the end of my podcasts, here is the drink of the day from my friend Michael Foley’s book “Drinking with the Saints”.

I made sure to ask Mark who his favorite Saint is. He said it was St Joseph! How cool!

On Saint Joseph, Mark told me why he picked him. St Joseph is hidden, humble, meek, pure of heart and yet powerful, a terror of demons. He saw the face of God every day in his home in the face of his child. He found the presence of Christ abiding within his wife. His home was a type of paradise. He is everything I want to be.

After all of this and the podcast, we go into the drink of the day from Michael Foley’s book “Drinking with the Saints” which is coming out soon as a re-release in BLUE color!!!!

Enjoy the podcast, enjoy the “short silent retreat” at the end with my beloved Priest, Father Rheo, please pray that I am a holy Man and that I continue to uphold all that is Catholic Masculinity.

If you want to get hold of me, my email is a new one! It’s

Feb 20, 202255:34
9. Sister Maris Stella: From Counter-Drug Naval Operations Officer to Sister Maris Stella

9. Sister Maris Stella: From Counter-Drug Naval Operations Officer to Sister Maris Stella

Aloha! This is Jay Goodman and welcome to Talking with a Good Man! A Podcast aimed at calling all Men to be a Good Man! My last name, Good Man, is a hard one to live up to. Daily, I work to kill Pride, be forgiving while striving for humility because, we’re all made for greatness and God calls us to be a Good Man. I want to ask you to join me in striving to be that Good Man, for yourself, your Family, your Church, and most importantly for God!!

Once you realize we’re all Good Men, deep down, past our struggles with Sin, past our failings, and seeing our successes in life, our magnanimity, you’ll begin to grow!!

And when we truly embrace being a Good Man, it gives us great power in Jesus. And like Spider-Man said, “with great power comes great responsibility”. So let us be great!!
Let us be noble!! Let us be constantly full of the Holy Spirit. In doing so, you will truly be a Good Man.

Today I am welcoming the first Good Woman onto my show. Remember, Beside every good Man is a good Woman and Jesus has thousands of good Women that work directly for him, Sisters or Nuns, that serve him directly, and only him, as we know, never being married, devoting their entire lives to the cause of Christianity, of our one, true Holy and Catholic Church. And this particular Sister has had a HUGE role in Men’s lives, through the Into the Breach video series put on by the Knights of Columbus last year. Into the Breach was originally a homily written by Bishop Olmsted, the Bishop of the Arizona archdiocese to spur Men on to step into the breach and be stronger Men for God, their Families, and their Church. It is based off of the verse from Ezekiel 22:30 which says “and I sought for a man among them who should build up the wall and stand in the breach before me for the land”.

And after the Knights of Columbus used this homily to create a study guide and 12 amazing videos, they took this and inside each of the 12 amazing videos produced by my fellow Knights of Columbus are many fellow Catholics who were asked to speak their wisdom here and there, really bringing us a great treasure in these videos. One of the people, Sister Maris Stella, was in the Into the Breach videos and mainly on the 6th video installment titled “Life” where she speaks of Men needing to be courageous and to, quite literally, stand in the Breach for Women against abortion. She talks about how they can do that and we will talk about that today too.

We will first though, talk about how she went from being a counter drug Naval operations Officer to being Sister Maris Stella and all about her journey to directly serving God with her life by becoming a Sister in our beautiful Catholic Church. Enjoy!

Well that’s it for the podcast today my friends!! I hope you are looking forward to the next podcast I will have, as I welcome onto my show Mark Hartfiel, the TMIY (that man is you) National Director. He’s an awesome Catholic Man and just an all-around great guy.

If you have a question for me, please email me at
If you feel in your heart to give to my podcast show, I would greatly appreciate it. My Venmo is @jaygoodman75. I am actually expanding a little so help would be amazing right now. If you have never had the Hallow app on your phone, and would like it, you should get it! They just started a 30 day sleep challenge where great Catholics out there we know and love speak the word to you in a very calming way in order to help you wind down with God at the end of your day. People like Dr Scott Hahn, Father Mike Schmitz and others! There l is a link through me, in the show notes, to download this amazing app to use to grow closer to God. And lastly, please enjoy the Drink of the Day!
Sep 03, 202101:18:52
8. Nick Redd: His Conversion, Demonic warfare, Magic and Ydisciple

8. Nick Redd: His Conversion, Demonic warfare, Magic and Ydisciple

Welcome to the 8th podcast on talking with a good man.

Today i would like to introduce our next guest, an awesome Good Man named Nick Redd from Ydisciple on the show. He is a Catholic magician missionary/witness extraordinaire for Ydisciple and other ministries. Have you ever heard of such a person?

What is Ydisciple, you ask?

In a nutshell, Ydisciple is small group discipleship for young people. This concept got lost somewhere and it is making its way back into the church. That’s why I like the Catholic Men’s group I’m in, because it’s small enough and diverse enough that we can each offer “indirect discipleship” to each other by listening to what the other is going through, while offering direct one-on-one discipleship outside of the group, but BECAUSE of the group. YDisciple is a toolbox of training resources for adults and teaching resources for teens specifically designed with small groups in mind.

These resources include very well-done videos for young people middle school through high school, but also leader guides to help adults facilitate meaningful discussion, participant guides to help teens grasp key concepts, and parent resources to encourage parents to stay engaged.

YDisciple isn’t just another video resource. They understand that programs don’t make disciples. Only a disciple can. That’s why YDisciple couples video resources with extensive training and support for leaders. In Nick’s case he has a very non-threatening form of approaching people to witness Jesus to them through magic and illusion, Then he invites them to get involved with a Ydisciple meeting and the rest is history.

Discipleship is apprenticing someone in the Christian life and helping them develop spiritual disciplines. We are truly living out Matthew 28:19 when Jesus asked us to “go therefore and make disciples of all nations.”

Jesus focused on a small group. Making disciples is very relational and time intensive. There needs to be a strong level of trust, communication, and support in order to create the environment for discipleship. In a small group a teen can feel known, loved, and cared for. A level of confidentiality can be achieved which gives teens the freedom to open up about their struggles and doubts. In a small group there is the greater possibility to catch the things that teens don’t understand and have a discussion. In addition, the small group allows the leader to know their disciples well and thus be able to customize the topics of discussion that best reach those teens.

Today with my very special guest, Nick, we will talk about his life, his history with Ydisciple, and how he ended up on the videos for and with young people doing magic!!?? We will also talk about a defining dream he had including a great demonic presence, and his AMAZING conversion story. If you are a young person, this podcast will really speak to you, but this is also amazing for Men and Dads everywhere too, so you can see (and remember hopefully!) what life was maybe like for you when you (we) cause I’m there too! were all teens and young people. Here’s the thing Men, if your kid is not being holy, it’s a direct reflection on you in some parts. Yes, they have the free will to sin, and boy DO they, but we are called as Dads to be holy and awesome towards them so they make better decisions. The ugly truth is that if our kids are doubting their faith and really struggling, it’s because of us. BELIEVE me though, I struggle with this every single day. That loss from screwing up with my kids, watching them act like me but on my worst days, it just really smacks me in the face and makes me contemplate heaven and hell and my personal holiness on earth like never before. I love them so much, and I know you all do too, but unfortunately some of our bad habits and idiosyncrasies are passed on. My email is and my Venmo (if you feel inclined to give) is @jaygoodman75 enjoy this podcast!
Jul 17, 202101:01:58
7. Chris Currie Part 2: The Benedict Option, being intentionally Catholic, and being a Man today
Jun 19, 202143:40
6. Chris Currie Part One: Intentional Catholics, Family & being in the book “The Benedict Option”

6. Chris Currie Part One: Intentional Catholics, Family & being in the book “The Benedict Option”

Being Intentionally Catholic, Family and being in the book “The Benedict Option”

Chris Currie, who was one of many people featured in the book “Benedict Option” by Rod Drehr, is an awesome Catholic Good Man who lives in Hyattsville Maryland, just outside of the D.C. area. After noticing the downward unfortunate spiral of the Saint Jerome parish there, he, along with a few others, saved the Church AND made it, with God’s help, into one of the most amazing Catholic schools in the Nation!

In this part one podcast with Chris, we will talk family, past and present, but he will also speak deeply about the need to be an intentional Catholic, to seek out those churches that truly provide community. Nowadays it seems so difficult to find churches like this, and even though many seem to be leaving the Church, more and Catholics are working to seek out the churches that provide an amazing community. He goes on to talk about how, if you can’t find something like that, create it yourself! Change your church by making it more of a Catholic COMMUNITY yourself!

He and I also talk about judging and miss judging others at church and sometimes what happens when you end up judging others at church and just some personal thoughts and stories about that.

Then we move into Fathers and what sort of a Father and Mother Chris had and how that helped shape his faith and especially his consistency and devotion to the faith. We all have faith, but how strong is it? Who helped instill, shape and strengthen your faith?
Jun 13, 202153:25
5. Michael P Foley: The Author of “Drinking with the Saints”
May 07, 202153:09
4. Stephen Ray: Marriage, Porn, What Women Want, Kids and Footprints of God
Apr 11, 202101:11:49
3. Ryan Young Part Three: Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas Final Episode.

3. Ryan Young Part Three: Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas Final Episode.

Join us as I finish this amazing discussion with Ryan Young, Camp Veritas Director and one of the show hosts for the Into the Breach video series put on by the Knights of Columbus. He discusses in this episode who actually got him out of his funk in starting Camp Veritas and we discuss what it truly means to be a Catholic Masculine Man, especially in this day and age! Men! Step into the Breach for your Family and for the Church!! Become a Knight (if you are not one) and join the “Into the Breach” movement.

If you don’t have a group where you are, and you are willing to stay up late (if you are on the east coast), feel free to join us on our once-a-month (on Friday evenings) Into the Breach Men’s study I am leading through December. We will hit all 12 episodes, watch one of the awesome videos put on by the Knights of Columbus, and learn so much together and grow closer as Catholic Masculine Men as we go through the study guide during the meetings. We have many Men who connect from the mainland. All are welcome!

Here is the Into the Breach site link, the study guide link so you can follow along, and the original homily by Bishop Olmsted.

Here is the link for Camp Veritas. Such an awesome opportunity for your children at only around $400 a person! Scholarships are available!! Also, as promised, here is a website with the complete statistics of Catholics who have left the church in staggering numbers and in various ways. So sad.

Also, here is my website. It is up and ready and I’ll be adding and fixing it as we go so I can make it as perfect as possible for you, including a new logo. please be patient as I make updates again before website goes live again. Sorry for the inconvenience.

And lastly, after humbly receiving permission from the author, I bring you the new and permanent addition to my podcast, my “Drinking with the Saints” enjoy that!
Mar 17, 202154:42
2. Ryan Young, Part Two: Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas

2. Ryan Young, Part Two: Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas

Welcome back to PART TWO of Talking with a Good Man! In this podcast I am talking again with Ryan Young, from the Into the Breach Knights Of Columbus video episodes and movement. He and his Wife are also the masterminds behind the Camp Veritas Catholic Camp for young people. (See link below)

Men! Step into the Breach for your Family and for the Church!! Become a Knight (if you are not one) and join the “Into the Breach” movement.

If you don’t have a group where you are, and you are willing to stay up late (if you are on the east coast), feel free to join us on our once-a-month (on friday) Into the Breach Men’s study I am leading through December. We will hit all 12 episodes, watch one of the awesome videos put on by the Knights of Columbus, and learn so much together and grow close as Catholic Masculine Men as we go through the study guide during the meetings. We have many Men who connect from the mainland. All are welcome!

Here is the Into the Breach site link, the study guide link so you can follow along, and the original homily by Bishop Olmsted.

Here is the link for Camp Veritas. Such an awesome opportunity for your children!

Also, here is my website. It is up and ready and I’ll be adding and fixing it as we go so I can make it as perfect as possible for you!!

And lastly, after humbly receiving permission from the author, I bring you the new and permanent addition to my podcast is my “Drinking with the Saints” section so enjoy that!
Mar 05, 202142:18
1. Ryan Young, Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas

1. Ryan Young, Into the Breach-Knights of Columbus & Camp Veritas

Welcome to Talking with a Good Man! In this first podcast I am talking with an awesome good Man, Ryan Young, from the Into the Breach Knights Of Columbus video episodes and movement. He and his Wife are also the masterminds behind the Camp Veritas Catholic Camp for young people. (See link below)

This is Part 1, so look for Part 2 in about a week! After that I’ll have a new podcast about once a week.

Men! Step into the Breach for your Family and for the Church!! Become a Knight (if you are not one) and join the “Into the Breach” movement.

If you don’t have a group where you are, and you are willing to stay up late (if you are on the east coast), feel free to join us on our once-a-month (on friday) Into the Breach Men’s study I am leading through December. We will hit all 12 episodes, watch one of the awesome videos put on by the Knights of Columbus, and learn so much together and grow close as Catholic Masculine Men as we go through the study guide during the meetings. We have many Men who connect from the mainland. All are welcome!

Here is the Into the Breach site link, the study guide link so you can follow along, and the original homily by Bishop Olmsted.

Here is the link for Camp Veritas. Such an awesome opportunity for your children!

Lastly, here is my website. It is still under construction, but will be up soon and will have all these links in one place. It is a work in progress so please be patient. :-)
Feb 24, 202101:03:44