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By Tanay Pratap

Tanay Pratap is a mentor/teacher on social media channels. He gets questions which need pondering and detailed thought process. Many such questions are answered on this podcast.

If he doesn't know the answer, guests are invited to answer. The podcast also talks about developer motivation, journey, etc. All in all a mixed bag.
Some episodes are in Hindi as well.
Currently playing episode

Infosys to Microsoft #4: Excelling at a startup (current job) ft. Abhik

thinkingwithtanayMay 08, 2020

All things about CSS ft. Kushagra
Oct 21, 202019:34
Developer Journey ft. Manjula Dube

Developer Journey ft. Manjula Dube

Developer journeys are inspirational. It gives you perspectives. More so when the developer has made it big coming from an unknown college.
Let's talk to Manjula today and find out how she made it in tech. The journey from a small startup in Pune to leading web dev in Europe.
Podcast in Hindi.
Oct 14, 202050:06
Career in Data Analysis.

Career in Data Analysis.

While I always diss off machine learning and AI as a career, there's one interesting niche which has demand.

It's called Data Analysis. When someone asked this question on the AMA repo, I reached out to an expert and senior I know from college. 

Listen to it and know about the field of Data Analysis in detail.

Oct 07, 202034:50
Financial Impact of COVID -19

Financial Impact of COVID -19

Discussions with CFO of Avalon, Shashank Udupa.

> How to get some financial discipline?

> Planning required for a recession?

> Where should we invest if we have extra money?

> Will the Indian economy crumble?

> How will this affect the job market?

> Do you see startups getting funded?

> What are the sectors which are doomed in a post-COVID-19 world?

Come ask some more questions...

Sep 30, 202040:45
English Vinglish! How to improve my communication in English?

English Vinglish! How to improve my communication in English?

A lot of us struggle with English. Here's a guy who's losing jobs because he can't speak English. AMA#31. I talk about my own problems. And give some tips from my own life while answering the question why do we need English if we're a programmer?
Jul 02, 202019:27
Do we need to do Masters to become a great programmer?
Jun 20, 202023:22
Should we keep journal? How to do it?
Jun 20, 202008:10
(hindi) kahani, podcast, aur lockdown
May 12, 202006:49
Dealing with upcoming recession, advice for software engineers ft. Shawn
May 09, 202016:33
Infosys to Microsoft #5: the Last Lap - Interviewing at Microsoft

Infosys to Microsoft #5: the Last Lap - Interviewing at Microsoft

"Can someone in a service company work in the top companies of the world someday?" "If yes, How?" This is journey of Abhik Mitra (Engineering Manager, Microsoft Teams) who came from nowhere and made his mark. It's full of inspiration, motivation and more than anything, it's full of practical tips for students and anyone aspiring to be good in their job. This is part 5 of a 5 part mini series. If you like this episode do let Abhik know on LinkedIn ( or the host, Tanay on Twitter ( The Telegram group is All opinions are personal of the show host and guest and doesn't reflect the opinion of our employers.
May 08, 202017:54
Infosys to Microsoft #4: Excelling at a startup (current job) ft. Abhik

Infosys to Microsoft #4: Excelling at a startup (current job) ft. Abhik

"Can someone in a service company work in the top companies of the world someday?" "If yes, How?" This is journey of Abhik Mitra (Engineering Manager, Microsoft Teams) who came from nowhere and made his mark. It's full of inspiration, motivation and more than anything, it's full of practical tips for students and anyone aspiring to be good in their job. This is part 4 of a 5 part mini series. If you like this episode do let Abhik know on LinkedIn ( or the host, Tanay on Twitter ( The Telegram group is All opinions are personal of the show host and guest and doesn't reflect the opinion of our employers.
May 08, 202019:20
Infosys to Microsoft #3: Interviewing at start-ups ft. Abhik

Infosys to Microsoft #3: Interviewing at start-ups ft. Abhik

"Can someone in a service company work in the top companies of the world someday?" "If yes, How?" This is journey of Abhik Mitra (Engineering Manager, Microsoft Teams) who came from nowhere and made his mark. It's full of inspiration, motivation and more than anything, it's full of practical tips for students and anyone aspiring to be good in their job. This is part 3 of a 5 part mini series. If you like this episode do let Abhik know on LinkedIn ( or the host, Tanay on Twitter ( The Telegram group is All opinions are personal of the show host and guest and doesn't reflect the opinion of our employers.
May 08, 202017:09
Infosys to Microsoft #2: Making your service job work for you ft. Abhik

Infosys to Microsoft #2: Making your service job work for you ft. Abhik

"Can someone in a service company work in the top companies of the world someday?" "If yes, How?" This is journey of Abhik Mitra (Engineering Manager, Microsoft Teams) who came from nowhere and made his mark. It's full of inspiration, motivation and more than anything, it's full of practical tips for students and anyone aspiring to be good in their job. This is part 2 of a 5 part mini series. If you like this episode do let Abhik know on LinkedIn ( or the host, Tanay on Twitter ( The Telegram group is All opinions are personal of the show host and guest and doesn't reflect the opinion of our employers.
May 06, 202019:17
Infosys to Microsoft. #1: the mindset ft. Abhik

Infosys to Microsoft. #1: the mindset ft. Abhik

"Can someone in a service company work in the top companies of the world someday?" "If yes, How?" This is journey of Abhik Mitra (Engineering Manager, Microsoft Teams) who came from nowhere and made his mark. It's full of inspiration, motivation and more than anything, it's full of practical tips for students and anyone aspiring to be good in their job. This is part 1 of a 5 part mini series. If you like this episode do let Abhik know on LinkedIn ( or the host, Tanay on Twitter ( The Telegram group is
May 03, 202024:05
why python is not recommended for cs devs?
May 01, 202008:53
Is web development safe/right as a career choice?
Apr 30, 202013:16
(Hindi) sarkari naukri k sapne dekhna kaise chhoota?
Apr 28, 202011:19
Learning strategies for Data Structures and Algorithms ft. Sushil

Learning strategies for Data Structures and Algorithms ft. Sushil

A student asked whether he should go for BFS or DFS while learning Data Structures. I got an expert competitive coder and colleague (Sushil Tripathi) to answer the question. He then goes on to tell what are the important bits, where to learn and also touch upon interviews. If you want to interact with him more join the Telegram group mentioned in podcast. . For more such content follow @tanaypratap on Twitter, Linkedin and Instagram.
Apr 24, 202016:60
avoiding DS n Algo questions in interviews ft. Kamlesh
Apr 21, 202016:13
how to meet new people and make friends?
Apr 20, 202011:51
let's get you a job
Apr 16, 202010:55
where should I host my blog?

where should I host my blog?

There are numerous options, linkedin, hashnode, medium, etc. And there's an option of personal blog. If you do it on your personal blog then you might not get traffic and if you do it anywhere else then people might not know about your other shiny cool projects. What to do? Answer is in the audio. is the place btw where you can learn what I talk about in the second part of the answer. Don't forget to subscribe to these channels.
Apr 16, 202004:15
April 16, 2020

April 16, 2020

Apr 16, 202000:53