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Bold Dreams Held Loosely

Bold Dreams Held Loosely

By Taryn Watts

The Mind Rebel Academy presents: ‘Bold dreams, held loosely’

‘Bold dreams, held loosely’ is a collection of missives from waystations on the journey to self-actualization and becoming. It is a path that is constantly evolving, a path on which we create every step just before taking it. This path requires faith in our vision, and trust in Life to co-create our destination as we travel.

We will be collecting the most meaningful, purposeful conversations and accounts of real humans becoming, and we invite you to join us on what will be us playing out a bold dream, held loosely.
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Your Hero’s Journey

Bold Dreams Held LooselyMar 08, 2024

Appreciating your body on your own terms

Appreciating your body on your own terms

In the podcast season finale, host Michelle Theriault is joined by returning guest Sanaa Geneski. Sanaa is an entrepreneur, certified Mind Rebel coach, and co-author of the bestselling Self-Love Club Vol. 1 (among so many other accomplishments!). Her specialty is helping women to embrace their authenticity, body acceptance, and self-love and she and Michelle explore the raw realities of that process.

Together they bravely explore their evolving relationship with their bodies, the cycles of body image struggles, the layers of honesty in self-reflection, and the importance of embracing change and growth.

Episode highlights:

  • Sanaa explains how the 75 Hard Challenge helped her prioritize her health and well-being, leading to profound life changes

  • Michelle shares recurring body images issues and the importance of holding space for her body. 

  • How to shift your mindset from self-criticism and shame to devotion and self-love.

  • The importance of listening to the body’s needs and being open to change

If you’ve struggled with body image, let this examination of challenges and breakthroughs serve as an inspiration and guide. Learn how to approach and appreciate your body on your own terms, leading to deeper self-awareness and self-acceptance.  

Apr 26, 202401:03:04
Coaching Life: How To Find Clients as a Life Coach

Coaching Life: How To Find Clients as a Life Coach

In this Coaching Life bonus episode, Taryn and Michelle are talking about tried-and-true strategies for attracting paying “soulmate” clients to your coaching business.

Taryn outlines her six-step process for aligning your coaching practice with your life vision, ensuring that you connect authentically and serve with passion. Learn how to build trust and rapport, to support clients in an impactful way that transcends transactions.

Episode Highlights:

  • The importance of creating a comprehensive life vision that encompasses all key areas, including your coaching business.
  • Identifying and understanding your soulmate client – who they are, their challenges, and desires.
  • Developing offers that resonate with your coaching style and meet the needs of your soulmate clients.
  • The necessity of openly claiming and declaring your coaching identity to attract the right clients.

Listen in for a detailed exploration of the six steps to building an ideal client-base, attracting soulmate clients, and fulfilling your deepest professional aspirations. 

Apr 22, 202430:20
Building a Soul-Led Business (Part 2)

Building a Soul-Led Business (Part 2)

Taryn is joined by Laura Mora, an MRA Alumna and Faculty member, to continue their interview-style discussion on building a Soul-led business. Part 2 furthers their exploration into the transformative journey of creating a business that resonates with the deepest parts of our being.

Through Laura’s thoughtful questioning, Taryn shares how her business name evolved, the power of co-creating with a team, and the significance of aligning with the energy and vision of your business.

Episode Highlights:

  • how to evolve business names and titles to reflect growth and transformation.
  • the importance of co-creating with a team and trusting others to contribute meaningfully to the business.
  • creating a business persona to foster healthy co-creation and the impact of authentic self-representation in attracting soulmate clients.
  • strategies for letting go of control, embracing slow transitions, and trusting the process to achieve a soul-led business.

Listen as Taryn and Laura unravel the layers of building a business that not only succeeds but also fulfills the deepest yearnings of the soul, making every step an authentic expression of one's true self.

Apr 19, 202401:17:29


In this growth-centered episode, hosts Taryn and Michelle deep dive into a groundbreaking book on personal and professional development: '10X is Easier Than 2X' by Benjamin Hardy and Dan Sullivan. Hardy, an organization psychologist, and Sullivan, an entrepreneurship expert and strategic coach, put forward a seemingly counterintuitive idea that’s perfectly aligned to the mission of Bold Dreaming. 

It’s about ridding yourself of limiting beliefs and setting goals so large, they may seem impossible. – but that’s where the magic happens.  

Episode highlights:

  • the importance of the 20% of activities that provide the most value and how to leverage them to 10X your life.
  • how to identify and embrace your unique ability as the core essence of who you are.
  • the transformative power of aligning with your authentic self and setting clear intentions for growth.
  • insights into the 10X mindset and how it can lead to exponential personal and professional development.

This episode isn’t just about achievement and optimization – it’s about getting clear on what activities align with who you are. We’re examining the goal of growth through the lens of making an impact on the world around you. Tune in to learn how dreaming boldly is the secret to success.

Apr 12, 202401:28:56
What Do Life Coaches Do

What Do Life Coaches Do

In this Coaching Life bonus episode, we’re debunking myths about life coaching, unraveling the common misconceptions and shedding light on the true role of a life coach. This episode is a must-listen for anyone curious about the transformative power of coaching, whether you're considering hiring a coach, becoming one, or simply exploring personal growth avenues.

Episode Highlights:

  • Discover what life coaching is truly about (hint: it's not about having a perfect life or providing advice).

  • Learn how coaching empowers individuals to access their own wisdom and make decisions that align with their inner truth.

  • Understand the importance of viewing clients as whole, capable, resourceful, and creative beings.

This episode is a treasure trove of insights for anyone looking to deepen their understanding of life coaching. Join us as we explore the transformative journey of coaching, emphasizing the importance of individuality, inner wisdom, and the client-centered approach that makes coaching a powerful tool for personal development.

Apr 05, 202423:03
Honoring the Masculine (Part 1)

Honoring the Masculine (Part 1)

A perspective on the divine dance of masculine and feminine energies.

In this thought-provoking episode, Michelle and Taryn tackle the complex, often divisive topic of masculine and feminine energies. They delve into the controversial aspects of embracing traditional gender roles, the societal pressures that challenge these choices, and the internal journey towards releasing shame and judgment.

This conversation is an invitation to explore, understand, and ultimately find peace within the complex interplay of energies that define our experiences and relationships.

Episode  Highlights:

  • the societal and personal impacts of masculine and feminine energies, challenging the conventional narratives and inviting a deeper understanding of these forces.

  • their journeys toward embracing their dominant energies, highlighting the liberation found in honoring one's true nature.

  • the healing potential of aligning with our divine energies, advocating for a world where individual truths are celebrated and respected.

  • the pressures and expectations placed on individuals to conform to specific roles, advocating for a more inclusive and accepting society.

This episode is a powerful call to action for listeners to engage in self-reflection, challenge societal norms, and embrace their authentic selves. It's about finding harmony within the masculine and feminine energies that reside within us all and advocating for a world that honors this balance.

Mar 29, 202401:29:23
Supporting Someone to Generate Their Own Inner Wisdom and Solutions

Supporting Someone to Generate Their Own Inner Wisdom and Solutions

In this Coaching Life bonus episode, Taryn and Michelle are joined by MRA Faculty Member Miranda Solomon to discuss the difference between advice-giving and holding space for people to express themselves and discover their own paths forward. This episode is a treasure trove for coaches, leaders, healers, or changemakers, offering deep insights into the transformative power of facilitating self-discovery in others.

Explore the intricacies of creating an environment that nurtures trust, humility, and the belief in another human's capacity to find their own answers.

Episode highlights:

  • The pivotal role of coaches in fostering a space where people feel empowered to uncover their own wisdom and solutions, rather than relying on external advice.
  • Techniques for crafting honest and powerful questions that stimulate deeper self-exploration and personal insights, moving beyond simple yes or no answers.
  • Strategies for establishing an atmosphere filled with trust and humility, essential for encouraging people to open up and engage in meaningful self-reflection.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone aiming to more effectively support people’s journeys toward self-awareness, autonomy, and empowerment. Tune in to discover how to embody the mind of a coach, making every conversation a step closer to unlocking the immense potential within those you love and serve.

This Spring marks the launch of the MRA’s renowned flagship coach training, a holistic journey where students are trained to the highest standards as set out by the International Coaching Federation.

Mar 25, 202429:33
The Beauty of an Invisible Life

The Beauty of an Invisible Life

In this introspective episode of Bold Dreams, Held Loosely, hosts Taryn and Michelle delve into the concept of "invisiphilia" – the love or desire for invisibility and simplicity in our lives and careers. They explore the nuanced beauty of living quietly on purpose, challenging the societal norms that often equate success with visibility and loud declarations of purpose.

Episode Highlights:

- Taryn and Michelle share their own experiences and desires for a quieter life, offering listeners a deep dive into their personal journeys and the realizations that have come from embracing simplicity.

- Striking a balance between the need for visibility to success professionally and the yearning for privacy

- The significance of small, unseen acts and their profound impact on the world, often surpassing the influence of more visible achievements.

Join us in unpacking the concept of invisiphilia, exploring the desire to embrace quiet and simplicity as a conscious choice rather than a retreat from the world. Discover what it would mean to your legacy to focus on listening, presence, and the impact we have on others over grandiose achievements.

Mar 22, 202401:19:38
How to choose a coaching school

How to choose a coaching school

In this Coaching Life bonus episode we’re setting out to demystify the process of starting your coaching journey: choosing the right coaching school. Get an inside look at everything from researching your options and what to look for in a school, to the profound impact coaching skills have on personal and professional growth. Unpack the essence of alignment with a coaching institution's values and training standards, and learn how life coach training can 

transcend beyond professional development to foster personal healing and improved relationships.

Episode Highlights:

- How to choose a coaching school that resonates with your core values and vision for a truly transformative educational experience.

- How coaching skills extend beyond the professional realm, enhancing personal growth, fostering better human connections, and improving relationships.

- The shift from a problem-solving mindset to one of holding space, highlighting the power of vulnerability, curiosity, and deep listening in coaching.

- The importance of practical coaching experience, mentorship, and the integration of skills for developing coaching mastery.

- The value of International Coaching Federation (ICF) accreditation, understanding its role in setting ethical standards and enhancing credibility in the coaching industry.

Join us in this episode to gain a deeper understanding of how coaching education can be a catalyst for profound personal transformation and professional excellence.

Mar 18, 202448:28
Building a Soul-led business

Building a Soul-led business

In this tell-all episode, Taryn is interviewed by Laura Mora, MRA Alumna and Faculty member, to discuss what it looks like to build a Soul-led business. In this open interview, Taryn shares the steps she took to build her coaching practice to a point where she could leave her stable corporate job and the importance of claiming and holding the vision for your vocation.  Laura asks Taryn questions on the minds of many coaches and entrepreneurs, like how she navigated pricing her offers,  finding soul mate clients, making investment decisions,  and the lessons learned from her most challenging (and expensive) business mistakes.  

Join Taryn and Laura for a conversation that sheds light on the practicalities of building a soul-led business that emphasizes the power of intuition, love, and inner wisdom in personal and professional growth.

Mar 15, 202401:43:59
Introducing Coaching Life: Allison Prest

Introducing Coaching Life: Allison Prest

This week’s Coaching Life bonus episode profiles Allison Prest, a trailblazing coach and hypnotist specializing in menopause. Allison shares how she got her start in coaching, and why finding her coaching niche transformed her business and life.

Blending coaching, hypnotherapy, and a deep understanding of the physical and emotional changes women face, Allison supports women through all phases of menopause. This unique and highly specific approach has proven to be her secret for success.

Episode Highlights:

  • Allison's journey from a career in wellness and fitness to navigating personal challenges and finding her calling in menopause coaching.

  • Embracing menopause as a phase of empowerment, using coaching and hypnotherapy to navigate its challenges.

  • How hypnotherapy complements coaching by addressing the subconscious, aiding women in overcoming limiting beliefs and embracing change.

Allison has blended the modalities of coaching and hypnotism to build a community where women can share experiences, find support, and learn to navigate menopause with confidence and grace.  Beyond menopause, her message will inspire anyone facing life's tricky transitions. Her holistic approach offers insights into how embracing our journeys can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment.

Tune in to discover how Allison Prest is changing the narrative around menopause, one empowering session at a time.

Mar 11, 202443:14
Your Hero’s Journey

Your Hero’s Journey

In the season four premiere of the podcast, we’re finding inspiration for personal and professional growth in Joseph Campbell’s concept of the Hero's Journey. Join Taryn and Michelle as they explore the stages of this universal narrative, sharing their own transformative experiences and the impact it had on their lives and careers to embrace their own Hero’s Journeys. Episode highlights: Exploring the stages of the Hero’s Journey, from the initial call to adventure to the triumphant return home, and its relevance to our personal and professional endeavours. Taryn and Michelle open up about their own journeys, including career transitions, facing doubts, and the crucial roles mentors played in their lives. The societal pressures to rush our journey, the importance of divine timing, and navigating the emotional turmoil that accompanies change. How surrendering to the universe's guidance can lead to unexpected paths and opportunities, highlighting Taryn's shift from one-on-one coaching to a broader vision and Michelle's journey towards embracing change. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur, a seasoned professional, or navigating the complexities of personal growth, this episode offers invaluable insights into the Hero's Journey as a framework for understanding and embracing the transformative path ahead of you.

Taryn and Michelle's stories serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration, reminding us of the power of trust, surrender, and the beauty of embracing our true selves. Tune in now to embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation, and discover how the Hero's Journey can illuminate your path to personal and professional fulfillment.

Mar 08, 202401:46:28
Visions Embodied: Akshaya Chinapa Reddy
Feb 02, 202443:25
Slow Visioning

Slow Visioning

“It feels like I'm on fast forward, Life and business, being a business owner, everything is moving so fast. I am really wanting this year to be very intentionally slowing everything down.” - Taryn Watts

Join Taryn and Michelle as they explore the transformative philosophy of slow living and slow visioning. Discover how to navigate life's fast pace with mindfulness, gratitude, and intentionality. Dive into the nuances of parenting, everyday decisions, and the balance between being present and pursuing long-term visions. This episode is a contemplative journey into living purposefully and making conscious choices.

Episode Highlights:

Intentional Living: Taryn shares her journey towards mindfulness and gratitude as a busy parent and entrepreneur.

Slow Living Philosophy: Michelle discusses applying slow living to parenting, cooking, and more.

Balancing Parenting and Vision: Insights into mindful parenting and long-term goal setting.

Overcoming Instant Gratification: Tackling societal pressures for quick results.

Honoring Ancestors and Future Visions: The importance of considering long-term impacts and evolving goals.

This episode deeply explores the art of living purposefully, making conscious choices, and finding pleasure in the journey. A must-listen for anyone seeking to embrace a more intentional and fulfilling life.

Feb 02, 202401:33:46
Visions Embodied: Sarah McEwen

Visions Embodied: Sarah McEwen

“If it's truly mine, it will never disappear. You know, lf it's truly mine, it will be ready when I'm ready.” - Sarah McEwen

This week’s Visions Embodied bonus episode features MRA Alumna Sarah McEwen, a civilian member of the Ottawa Police who uses her coaching skills in the wellness unit she advocated to create. Sarah has a profound talent for turning her dreams into reality, and a unique perspective on the negative possibilities of manifestation. 

In this episode, Sarah shares about:

- Feeling called to support her peers in the Ottawa Police with a more robust wellness unit

- The challenges and rewards of manifesting her vision in both her career and personal life

- The importance of discernment in distinguishing between opportunities that align with her goals and those that don't

- Her methods for surrendering, such as journaling and setting specific dates to release worries about her goals

- Her passion for working with first responders and their families

Sarah's story is not just about a career change; it's about understanding the deeper aspects of our desires and the power of aligning our actions with our true purpose. Her journey is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset and determination, we can manifest our dreams and create a fulfilling life.

Tune in to this episode for an enriching and motivational experience. Sarah's insights might just be the inspiration you need to take your own leap of faith.

IG:  @sarah_mcewen_life_coach

Facebook:  @sarahmcewenlifecoach

Jan 29, 202443:14
The Leap from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

The Leap from Corporate to Entrepreneurship

“Who am I to stay exactly where I am when this thing is calling towards me so loudly?" Angela McKay

In this inspiring episode we’re joined by Angela McKay, who shares her transformative journey from a stable corporate job to the adventurous world of full-time entrepreneurship. Angela delves into the emotional rollercoaster of this significant life transition, discussing the challenges, insecurities, and revelations she encountered along the way.

Episode Highlights:

- Angela's decision to leave a 25-year corporate career for entrepreneurship, and the challenges and emotional journey of transitioning to full-time coaching

- Angela's role as a space holder and the importance of self-reflection in her practice

- The importance of incorporating various modalities into coaching work

- Thoughts on certification and regulation within the coaching industry

Angela's story is a powerful narrative of embracing change and pursuing one's true calling. Her journey highlights the complexities of leaving the security of a corporate job to follow a passion, underscoring the importance of self-belief and resilience. This episode offers valuable insights into the world of coaching, the significance of aligning one's work with personal values, and the courage required to step into the unknown. Angela's experience serves as an inspiration for anyone contemplating a leap into entrepreneurship and the pursuit of a more fulfilling career path.

Jan 26, 202401:33:15
Visions Embodied : Serena Henry

Visions Embodied : Serena Henry

“I was so excited to turn 40 — and then 40 hit, and something about the reality of 40 was uncomfortable for me in a lot of ways. And I started to unravel emotionally in ways that I didn't anticipate.” Serena Henry

In this week’s Visions Embodied bonus episode we welcome MRA Alumna Serena Henry, a professional singer turned life coach. After a remarkable 30-year career in singing, sharing stages with legends like Gladys Knight and Smokey Robinson, Serena found a new calling in life coaching during the pandemic. She shares her transformative journey, discussing the emotional shifts and realizations that came with this significant life change.

Episode Highlights:

- Serena's transition from a successful singing career to life coaching

- The call to enroll in the Mind Rebel Academy and launch Intentional Roots Life Coaching

- Reflections on turning 40 and the emotional unraveling it triggered

- Vulnerability as a superpower

- Trauma coaching for women of color over 40

Serena's story is a testament to the power of embracing change and following one's passion. Her journey from the stage to life coaching is not just about a career shift but a deeper exploration of self, vulnerability, and the pursuit of fulfilling one's true purpose. This episode offers a unique perspective on navigating life's unexpected turns and the importance of self-expression and alignment in one's vocation.

Jan 19, 202439:20


"When I anchor into my soul and take solid next steps forward that are in alignment with where I want to go, the universe has always responded positively financially." - Taryn Watts

In this insightful episode Taryn and Michelle delve into the topic of vocation, drawing on the wisdom of thinkers like Frederick Buechner and Parker J. Palmer, as well as their own personal experience.  Explore the vital role vocation plays in the pursuit of personal growth, fulfillment, and wealth, and get inspired to chase your own vocation.

Episode Highlights:

- The concept of the wheel of life, and where vocation fits in the big picture of your personal development 

- The intricate relationship between vocation and wealth, and the pursuit of self-expression and alignment.

- Treating vocation like a relationship, emphasizing safety, security, and value.

- The importance of simplification in entrepreneurship and creativity; how stripping away the non-essential can lead to a more focused and fulfilling professional life.

This episode offers a deep dive into understanding vocation as more than just a career choice, but as a path to personal fulfillment and growth. It offers a thoughtful exploration of vocation, encouraging listeners to reflect on their paths and seek alignment between their work and their inner selves.

Jan 19, 202401:46:42
Vision Embodied: Julie Doan - A Holistic Approach to Health

Vision Embodied: Julie Doan - A Holistic Approach to Health

“I have this belief that the truth is always so simple. That all things good and true are back to basics.” - Julie Doan

In this week’s Visions Embodied bonus episode, we had the privilege of hosting MRA Alumna Julie Doan, a pharmacist turned life and health coach. Julie shares her transformative journey from traditional pharmacology to a holistic approach in healthcare, and her advocacy for using lifestyle changes to manage chronic conditions and reduce medication reliance.

Episode Highlights:

- Julie's transition from a pharmacist to a life and health coach.

- Her holistic and sustainable approach to managing women's hormonal, cardiovascular, and metabolic health.

- The importance of lifestyle changes in managing chronic health conditions.

- Julie's new project, a podcast for healthcare professionals' mental and emotional well-being.

- Her vision of bringing mindfulness programs to pharmacists and universities in Canada.

This episode offers a unique perspective on health and wellness, emphasizing the potential for empowerment that comes with taking a holistic approach to your healthcare.

In this week’s Visions Embodied bonus episode we welcome MRA Alumna Julie Doan, a pharmacist turned life and health coach. Julie shares her transformative journey from traditional pharmacology to advocating for a holistic approach to healthcare.

This episode is full of valuable insights about utilizing lifestyle changes to manage chronic conditions and reduce medication reliance. Listeners will be empowered to address ways they can improve all aspects of their health with easy, accessible tools.

Episode highlights include:

- Julie's journey from pharmacy to coaching and her holistic approach to health.

- Her work in women's hormonal, cardiovascular, and metabolic health.

- The role of lifestyle changes in reducing medication reliance.

- Julie's vision for mindfulness programs in Canadian healthcare education.

- The importance of mental and emotional well-being for healthcare professionals.

Tune in for an episode filled with valuable insights into taking charge of your health and wellness with holistic solutions to common ailments. Let Julie’s transformational journey inspire your own!


Instagram: @juliedoanhealth and @thecollectiverx (my podcast)

Jan 12, 202437:50
Surrendering Into a New Paradigm

Surrendering Into a New Paradigm

“This is too big for me, I don't want to carry all this anymore, I can't control these things." Taryn Watts 

In this intimate and honest episode Taryn and Michelle have a profound discussion about surrender, control, and the journey of personal transformation. Using Oracle cards as a starting point, they delve into their emotional states and personal challenges, uncovering deeper insights about their lives. 

If you struggle with letting go of things that aren’t meant for you, and resist the inevitable changes on your path, this episode will show you how to take the next step forward, trusting yourself and the universe.

Episode Highlights:

- Exploring themes of surrender, control, and the fear of loss in their lives.

- The journey of embracing true self and navigating the challenges it brings.

- Insights into the process of letting go and trusting life's natural flow.

- The importance of being gentle with oneself and embracing vulnerability.

This episode offers a deep and vulnerable exploration of self-discovery, the challenges of transformation, and the peace found in trusting life's ever-changing path.

Jan 12, 202401:30:28
Visions Embodied: Michaela Kealey

Visions Embodied: Michaela Kealey

“It's brought me to letting go of my safety zone and exploring the world, starting my full time coaching practice in the most beautiful, easeful, abundant way that I've ever been able to experience.” - Michaela Kealey

In this week’s Visions Embodied bonus episode we welcome MRA Alumna Michaela Kealey, a wellbeing coach and cultural strategist, as she shares her inspiring journey fwith her intuition as her guide.  Michaela opens up about overcoming significant obstacles, including illness, and how mentors and friends played a crucial role in her path.

Episode Highlights:

  • Michaela's mission to prove employee wellbeing is key to profitable business

  • The role of intuition and facing fears in personal and professional growth

  • Overcoming the challenges of outgrowing one's vision

  • The importance of taking small steps towards larger goals

  • Michaela's experiences with mentors and the impact of their guidance

  • How to find a purpose larger than yourself

Let Michaela’s journey inspire you to commit to your own growth, and believe in the value of wellness. This episode is a deep dive into the power of wellbeing and cultural strategy, and how these elements are essential for sustainable success in business and life.

Jan 05, 202444:41
Manifesting: Feeding the Vision or Collapsing It

Manifesting: Feeding the Vision or Collapsing It

"All of those times I was getting scared and I was trying hard to make it come into reality, I was actually applying force to it that caused the energy to collapse and have to start over and rebuild." - Michelle Theriault 

In this insightful episode of "Bold Dreams, Held Loosely," Michelle and Taryn delve into the intricate concept of energy in the manifestation process. They share their personal experiences, and how they learned that visions require nurturing and protection to flourish. The discussion revolves around what enhances and what diminishes energy during manifestation, including their own trials of forcing manifestations into reality.

Episode Highlights:

- The role of energy in manifesting desires.

- Personal journeys of nurturing and protecting visions.

- Balancing the desire to manifest with the need for patience.

- The significance of admitting true desires and daily devotion.

- The impact of internal and external cleaning on manifesting goals.

- The importance of feeling safe in the present while manifesting future desires.

- The power of faith and consistent action in achieving goals.

This episode is a must-listen for anyone interested in understanding the deeper dynamics of manifesting dreams and goals.

Jan 05, 202401:45:14
Visions Embodied- Laura Mora

Visions Embodied- Laura Mora

“Through Reiki, I learned how to stop resisting my sadness or my depression. I was able to allow it to be. And I became friends with my sadness.” - Laura Mora

This week’s bonus episode features MRA Alumna Laura Mora, a Reiki Master and Spiritual Coach.  Laura shares her personal journey from a structured corporate life to a spiritually awakened existence, emphasizing the role of Reiki in her transformation. She recounts her experiences of questioning conventional beliefs, embracing emotional healing, and the challenges she faced while transitioning to a life dedicated to teaching and practicing Reiki. 

Laura's story is a profound reminder of the courage it takes to follow your heart and the transformative impact of embracing your true path. This episode is a testament to the power of intuition and the healing journey towards self-discovery and love.

Dec 15, 202348:27
The Ways We Betray Ourselves

The Ways We Betray Ourselves

“We're scared on some level we're going to die; I'll die if I don't do this, I'll die if I reject this person, I'll die if this person's not happy with me, nothing will be okay.” - Michelle Theriault

In this profound and introspective episode of "Bold Dreams, Held Loosely," Taryn and Michelle delve into the complex themes of self-betrayal, self-compassion, and the journey towards authenticity and harmony. The episode is a candid exploration of their personal experiences, shedding light on the nuances of aligning actions with one's true self. They discuss the significance of self-forgiveness, trusting intuition, and the challenges of overcoming people-pleasing tendencies. 

Just in time for the holiday season and its accompanying pressures, it offers a thoughtful perspective on the liberation that comes from breaking free from patterns of self-betrayal and the importance of celebrating personal growth. This episode is a must-listen for anyone seeking the transformative power of authenticity and self-love.  

Dec 15, 202301:43:14
Visions Embodied-Carolyn McGuire
Dec 08, 202351:54
The Wild West of the Coaching Industry (Part 2)

The Wild West of the Coaching Industry (Part 2)

“I was hearing that I had my life figured out because I was a life coach, which I do not think has to be true." - Michelle Theriault

Part 1 of this conversation was so juicy, a second episode was needed to explore all the implications and feelings that came up. This follow-up episode delves deep into the coaching industry, discussing the term "life coach," the dangers of predatory practices, and crafting a vision for the future of coaching. 

The conversation addresses the documentary series "Escaping Twin Flame Universe," which exposes the negative aspects of the industry. In reaction to it, Taryn and Michelle emphasize the need for integrity, authenticity, and humility in coaching, sharing their personal experiences and the importance of discernment in choosing a coach.

There’s sunshine along with shadows – this episode also contains a hopeful vision for the future of coaching, where it becomes widespread and impactful, and plans to partner with organizations to raise awareness about the true essence of coaching. 

It’s a must-listen for anyone interested in the evolving world of coaching and its potential for positive change.

Dec 08, 202301:55:12
Visions Embodied: Kristin Pelletier

Visions Embodied: Kristin Pelletier

“Safe Harbour was born out of a deep desire to help other people and to be that person I didn't have when I needed it.” - Kristin Pelletier This week’s bonus episode profiles MRA Alumna Kristin Pelletier, the CEO of Safe Harbour, who shares her incredible journey from the music industry to establishing a groundbreaking coaching business. Kristin opens up about her personal experiences, including her husband's struggle with addiction, which led her to the field of trauma betrayal coaching. Kristin discusses the prevalence of sex addiction and the urgent need for effective support mechanisms. She delves into the evolution of Safe Harbour, which focuses on coaching artists, actors, and victims of betrayal, advocating for personal growth, setting boundaries, and trusting one's intuition. Listeners will be inspired by Kristin's philosophy of resilience and empowerment, as she shares how she transformed challenges into opportunities to help others. This episode is a powerful narrative of healing, growth, and the journey to finding one's true calling.

Dec 01, 202343:32
The Wild West of the Coaching Industry (Part 1)

The Wild West of the Coaching Industry (Part 1)

“We all deserve the beautiful, luxurious support of another human. We don't need to do it alone." - Taryn Watts 

Join Taryn and Michelle as they share their personal journeys to becoming coaches. From initial forays into energy healing and opening a reiki practice, to discovering the profound impact of coaching, this episode is a deep dive into the dynamic evolution of the coaching industry.

Get an insider’s perspective of how the landscape of coaching has changed over time, from the advent of widespread use of social media to the ever-evolving societal perceptions of what coaching means. They reflect on the challenges of an unregulated industry and the importance of authentic listening and holding space for clients.

This episode is not just about their stories – it's a testament to the empowering nature of coaching and its potential to transform lives, as well as a deeply hopeful vision for the future of coaching.

Dec 01, 202301:48:31
Visions Embodied -Diana Eskander

Visions Embodied -Diana Eskander

“It's beautiful to be a dreamer and always expanding in my dreams. But there needs to be a moment where I really do settle into the gratitude of what is here and now." - Diana Eskander

This inspiring bonus episode profiles MRA Alumna Diana Eskander, the founder of the School of Love and a renowned love coach. Diana shares her unique journey from a singer and wedding planner to becoming a love coach, weaving a story of transformation, personal growth, and the magic of alchemy in life's journey.

Diana opens up about her vision of running a successful coaching business, balancing family life, and maintaining well-being. She delves into the importance of attuning to the nervous system and prioritizing personal health in the midst of a bustling career.

Benefit from Diana's practices for managing both her business and personal life, and her insights into the delicate balance of professional success and personal fulfillment. She also discusses her aspirations for the future, including expanding her home, hosting a global supper club series, and developing a certification program for aspiring love coaches.

The episode is not just about Diana's journey; it's a reflection on the power of personal sovereignty and the role of alchemy in personal transformation, offering a blend of inspiration and practical wisdom for a life filled with love, growth, and transformation.

To learn more:

IG:  @dianaeskander_

Facebook group:  Fearless Love with Diana:  From Overthinking to Openhearted:

Nov 24, 202342:40
Emotions as the Portal to Your Soul

Emotions as the Portal to Your Soul

“I'm having an emotion for a reason. It's meaningful and whether it's good or bad, it's good. If I just look at it and embrace it, I can learn from it.” - Michelle Theriault

Join Michelle and Taryn in this thought provoking podcast episode as they delve into the world of emotions. From the chaos of uncertainty to the thrill of excitement, they explore how our feelings, influenced by hormones and menstrual cycles, shape our experiences. Through techniques like body scanning, they guide us in embracing and understanding our emotions without judgment.

They discuss the personas within us, like the Rebel Mind and the Guard, highlighting the power of acknowledging and expressing these facets for emotional growth. The conversation emphasizes creating a safe space for emotions, using tools like journaling and meditation for self-discovery.

This episode is a journey into authenticity, encouraging listeners to honor their feelings and find unique ways to connect with their emotions. Tune in for an enlightening experience that promises to transform your understanding of your own emotional landscape.

Nov 24, 202301:49:05
Visions Embodied- Izumi Favia
Nov 17, 202340:31
Following Your Desires as a Path to Prosperity

Following Your Desires as a Path to Prosperity

“Maybe there is a different way to achieve prosperity and to achieve wealth and abundance in this life through the deepest yearnings of our soul” - Taryn Watts

Discover the art of thriving in abundance without giving in to the grind in this transformative podcast episode.  Join Taryn and Michelle as they delve into the heart of prosperity, wealth, and the joy of authentic living.

In a world that often equates hard work with success, unravel a different narrative—one that sings the praises of ease, enjoyment, and the truest forms of creative expression. Taryn and Michelle share personal stories of how prosperity is not just about the accumulation of wealth, but about the richness of being truly expressed and feeling good in the now.

This episode is a tapestry of anecdotes and insights, exploring the soul's language of yearning and its magnetic pull towards our most aligned life. Challenge the conventional, dissect the pressures of societal norms, and dare to ask: Can prosperity come not from relentless pursuit, but from walking our unique paths with heart?

Tune in for a session that promises to shift paradigms, as we reflect on the beauty of present joy over future gains, the dance between desire and expression, and the ultimate quest for a prosperity that feels like home.

Nov 17, 202301:34:42
The Guard

The Guard

The Guard

"When I'm in my Guard, I'm in a protective energy. When my Guard is in full integration with my authentic self, my Guard is in the deepest of reverence to my authentic self." - Taryn

For the season finale of the podcast, join Taryn and Michelle as they embark on a profound exploration of the symbolic concept of "Guards" in the Mind Rebel™ Method. Unravel the intricate layers of the three main personas - the Authentic Self, the Rebel Mind, and the Guard – and shed light on how these aspects shape our perception and interactions with the world around us.Listen as Taryn and Michelle candidly share their personal encounters with their Guards, in both their darkest incarnations and the more empowered Guard energy, a state of calmness and love, moving away from fear and lack.

Learn how to hone the intuition required to discern someone’s true essence beyond their Guard, as well as the necessity of understanding and acknowledging our own Guards.Get ready to uncover the layers of your Authentic Self, Rebel Mind, and Guard, and start your journey back to who you truly are.

[00:00:07] The introduction of the Mind Rebel Method

[00:02:50] Explanation of the personas in the Mind Rebel Method

[00:11:37] Understanding the Guard energy

[00:15:38] Integration of the three parts of ourselves

[00:20:56] The persona of the Guard

[00:28:38] Different manifestations of Guard energy

[00:32:51] Validation and battle of the Guards

[00:39:57] The empowered Guard

[00:46:17] Transitioning to your authentic self

[00:57:28] The battle of the Guards

[01:01:53] Disarming Guards

[01:08:49] Sensing the true essence of others 

[01:22:43] Revealing and embracing the authentic self

[01:26:19] The role of Guards and their purpose

[01:35:57] Trusting intuition and overcoming fear

[01:39:26] Collaborating with the Guard

[01:43:59] Reverence vs. protection

Sep 29, 202301:46:07
The Terrifying Ordeal of True Self-Expression

The Terrifying Ordeal of True Self-Expression

“There was something very liberating about that experience of putting it all out there. These are the worst things someone could say about me in a public way, and if that happened – then what?” - Taryn Watts 

In this episode, Taryn and Michelle get painfully honest about their experiences in the realm of authentic self-expression. They touch upon the universal fears and vulnerabilities that come with baring one's soul and the courage it takes to be truly seen and accepted. From confronting negative reviews to navigating the treacherous waters of judgment, they share personal anecdotes that will resonate with many. They also discuss the podcast's intention as a haven for healing and expansion. Join them as they explore the intricacies of self-expression, the challenges it presents, and the profound growth it promises.


[00:01:42] The universal fear of self-expression

[00:13:43] The strep throat story and healing through self-expression

[00:18:46] The fear of rejection

[00:28:51] Navigating negative feedback

[00:32:10] Fear of being unaligned in self-expression

[00:40:20] The fear of being misunderstood and the impact of others' perceptions

[00:51:27] The fear of judgment and self-judgment

[00:54:18] Fear of haters and the wounds they touch on 

[01:07:44] Self-expression and vocation

[01:10:49] The challenges and vulnerabilities of self-expression

[01:13:33] The desire for intrinsic worth and making a difference

[01:21:45] Scared to share – the fear of being cancelled

[01:24:15] The podcast as a safe space

Sep 22, 202301:40:08
Embracing Your Body- Bonus

Embracing Your Body- Bonus

*viewer discretion is advised*

“The orgasms that I have been able to achieve are at a level that you don't know exist until you get there.” - Sanaa Geneski

In this bonus minisode of the Bold Dreams Held Loosely podcast, Taryn, Michelle, and guest Sanaa delve into a juicy side conversation about the link between sexual pleasure and body acceptance. They discuss the transformative power of connecting with one's body sexually, the benefits of self-pleasure, reading erotic novels, and the art of the touchless orgasm. 

Sanaa shares how embracing her body led to achieving incredible orgasms, and releasing shame around exploring her sexuality. Learn the importance of being present in the moment, releasing societal expectations, and prioritizing pleasure without judgment. If our ‘Embracing Your Body’ main episode didn’t convince you, these perks might be just the push you need to give self-acceptance a try ;)

[00:00:45] The pleasure of connecting with the body

[00:01:25] Orgasms without physical touch

[00:03:54] Embracing sexuality

[00:8:32] Releasing expectation and enjoying the moment

[00:14:31] The pressure to please

Sep 15, 202323:51
Embracing Your Body

Embracing Your Body

“There wasn't a time where I didn't want to lose weight. All through my teens, all through adulthood. Every single day. I wanted to lose weight. I would wake up, and I would want to lose weight.” -Sanaa

How do we learn to truly embrace our bodies amidst societal pressures? In this episode, Taryn & Michelle sit down with Sanaa Geneski to learn about her transformative journey of self-love and body acceptance.

Sanaa shares her raw battles with body shaming and struggles to build a positive relationship with food and nourishment. The conversation touches on the mind-body-soul connection, emotional eating, women’s health and menstrual cycles, and setting authentic boundaries with food. 

Listen for a practical guide to embracing your body, developing self-acceptance, spirituality as a tool for personal progress, and how to utilize discomfort in your favour.

About the guest:

Sanaa Geneski is an entrepreneur, mother of 3, co-author of the Amazon best-selling book “Self-Love Club - Volume 1”, host of the Hey, Sanaa podcast and certified Mind Rebel™ Coach, working with women looking to embrace their authenticity, body acceptance and self-love. Sanaa is funny, kind, a social butterfly and loves with her whole heart. She is committed to self-exploration and personal growth.  

Connect with her on instagram @hey.sanaa

Listen to her podcast here:

[00:03:10] The journey towards self-love and the struggle with body:

[00:04:23] Struggling with body image and weight loss

[00:09:32] Embracing the body and releasing weight

[00:14:00] Body harassment in school and impact on body image

[00:15:24] The decision to embrace body and happiness

[00:29:03] Understanding the mind-body-soul connection, especially the menstrual cycle:

[00:40:32] Emotional eating and trusting our body's cravings

[00:52:31] Embracing the joy of food and struggling with a juice cleanse

[00:56:33] Teaching body positivity to children

[01:03:03] Setting boundaries with food and drinks, and releasing the idea of "bad" food

[01:15:05] The journey towards self-acceptance

[01:25:07] The mind-body-soul connection

[01:27:26] Using discomfort as an invitation

[01:32:46] Desiring feelings of luxury and radiance

[01:41:21] Sanaa's coaching services and podcast

Sep 15, 202301:43:13
True Essence

True Essence

“We have to see the soup you swam in and the environment you were raised in and the experiences that you had to find out where we started to believe certain things about ourselves that aren't actually true.” - Morgan Crew

How can we navigate the intricate maze of our emotions and reactions to truly understand ourselves? In this episode, Taryn and Michelle are joined by Morgan Crew, a multifaceted professional in the realm of mental health. As a registered nurse, psychotherapist, and Mind Rebel™ Practitioner, Morgan brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the table.

Morgan delves into her transformative program, "Prevail: Prove Your Power," shedding light on the concepts of "True Essence" and "Private Logic." She shares her journey from being a mental health nurse to establishing her private practice, emphasizing the limitations of traditional models and the transformative power of Adlerian psychology.

Discover techniques like the "float back" method, which traces emotions to their roots, and learn how childhood experiences shape our adult reactions. This episode is a deep dive into understanding oneself, embracing one's unique qualities, and aligning with one's true values.

About the Guest: 

Morgan Crew is a registered nurse, registered psychotherapist, certified Mind Rebel™ practitioner, and mental health educator. With her program "Prevail: Prove Your Power," she aims to empower individuals to align with their true selves and values. Her approach combines traditional practices with innovative techniques, offering a holistic perspective on mental health.


[00:04:57] Private logic and true essence

[00:11:17] Settling the nervous system 

[00:16:09] Conflict and upset

[00:22:42] The dethroning experience 

[00:24:39] Creating a blueprint 

[00:32:28] Feeling betrayed and outraged

[00:36:05] Private logic and inadequacy

[00:42:19] True essence and developmental traits 

[00:53:37] Reconnecting with true self 

[01:03:04] The doubts of not being enough

[01:08:23] Reconnecting with true essence 

[01:11:44] Reflecting true essence in parenting

[01:29:52] Understanding Private Logic 

[01:35:07] Fast track to personal growth

Sep 08, 202301:35:40
Life Beyond Chronic Pain

Life Beyond Chronic Pain


"You actually can rewire yourself, you actually can take your healing into your own hands, you aren't stuck in chronic pain." - Michelle Theriault

How do you untangle the web of chronic pain, a condition that blurs the lines between the physical and emotional? In this episode, Taryn and Michelle sit down with Dawn Harvie, a chronic pain recovery coach with firsthand experience.

Dawn shares her journey, which began with a fall that led to complex regional pain syndrome. She highlights the emotional toll of chronic pain and the brain's role in managing it. Dawn introduces the concept of neuroplastic pain, emphasizing the power of self-compassion in the healing process.

Explore techniques like hypnotherapy and pain reprocessing therapy, and get a fresh perspective on recovering from chronic pain. If you're navigating the complexities of chronic pain, this episode serves as a compassionate guide.

Dawn is a Chronic Pain Recovery Coach. Through her journey of recovery from chronic pain, she became fascinated with the topic. She uses her skills as a Mind Rebel™ Certified Coach, as well as everything she has learned about chronic pain, to help you understand the role of the brain in chronic pain and how to overcome it.

Read more about Dawn’s story, find resources, and connect with her at

Disclaimer: The concepts and skills discussed in this podcast do not replace formal medical or psychological treatment and should not be considered personal medical advice. Consult your own medical practitioner for any medical or psychological issues that you are having. 

Hope for Healing with Dr. John Stracks

Like Mind Like Body expert interviews and recovery stories

Psychophysiologic Disorders Association:

Dr. Rick Hanson: “the brain is like velcro for negative experiences and teflon for positive ones.”

The Boulder Back Pain Study by Yoni K Ashar et al., Effect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Patients With Chronic Back Pain: A Randomized Clinical Trial, published in JAMA Psychiatry, 79(1): 13-23, in 2022. DOI: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.2669 

Dr. Howard Schubiner, Unlearn Your Pain (4th ed, 2022, Mind Body Publishing) 

Unlearn Your Anxiety and Depression (2016, Mind Body Publishing).

Study of hypnosis and breast cancer patients: Sofie Bulling Lind et al., Clinical Hypnosis in Medical Care: A Mixed-Method Feasibility Study published in 2021 in Integrative Cancer Therapies, Volume 20: 1-11. (Study was done in Norway, not Sweden as noted during the podcast.) 

Joan Rosenberg, 90 Seconds to a Life You Love (2019, Little Brown and Company). 

J Matta et al., Association of Self-reported COVID-19 Infection and SARS-CoV-2 Serology Test Results With Persistent Physical Symptoms Among French Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic 

[00:01:34] What is chronic pain?

[00:03:19] Dawn’s personal journey with chronic pain

[00:09:05] Pain as a message from the brain

[00:13:39] Childhood trauma and personality traits

[00:15:39] Dawn’s journey to recovery

[00:17:52] Techniques for dealing with chronic pain

[00:29:27] Criteria for identifying neuroplastic pain

[00:43:25] The resistance of the medical system to new approaches

[00:44:09] Understanding neuroplastic pain

[00:58:54] The link between chronic physical pain and emotional pain

[01:06:57] Visualization in chronic pain recovery 

[01:11:42] The promise of hypnobirthing, and the reality of experience

[01:12:55] Hypnotherapy and chronic pain relief

[01:14:38] The brain's role in pain perception

[01:21:57] The connection between fear and pain 

[01:28:47]Emotions as messages

[01:30:13] Listening to the body’s signals

Sep 01, 202301:31:24
The Void in Between

The Void in Between

"I've been here so many times so there's this really deep part of me that knows everything is going to be okay." Taryn Watts

How can you navigate the uncertain waters of the "messy middle" - that void between the past and the future? In this episode, Taryn and Michelle delve deep into the vulnerable spaces of feeling lost and uninspired on their journeys, through the lens of Dannon Perry’s "Warriors of the Heart."

Taryn reflects on her entrepreneurial journey, filled with unexpected twists and turns that often left her feeling lost. Michelle shares her struggles with financial obligations, emphasizing the transformative power of gratitude and the importance of surrendering to the present moment.

Together, they explore the significance of connecting with their future selves for guidance, emphasizing the magic that lies in stillness and embracing the void. This episode is a heartfelt exploration of resilience, trust, and finding beauty in life's uncertainties. If you're seeking inspiration to navigate your own "messy middle", this episode can guide you towards finding magic in the midst of the mess.

[00:01:15] Dannon Perry and The Parable of the Trapeze

[00:02:17] Embracing the Void 

[00:12:39] Taryn’s journey of starting a food business seven years ago

[00:21:08] The wisdom of action with vision

[00:26:22] The surrender and clearing 

[00:27:26] Action without vision

[00:40:45] Shifting your energy 

[00:50:18] Embracing the messy middle

[00:59:31] The messy reality of life

[01:06:48] Journaling in the morning

[01:09:17] Tapping into the wisdom of your future self 

[01:19:45]  Surrendering to the present moment 

Aug 25, 202301:24:00
Rising in Love

Rising in Love

"I don't think I've ever heard anyone speak about their partner the way you do." - Taryn Watts

How can you turn past trauma into a beacon for future love? In this episode, Taryn sits down with DeAngela Johnson, the trailblazing Mind Rebel Coach, to unravel her transformative journey from an emotionally abusive past to manifesting her dream relationship.

DeAngela shares her brave escape from a toxic relationship and the healing that followed, 

Including the pivotal moments of personal growth that paved the way to her current loving partnership.

This episode is a masterclass in resilience, self-belief, and the power of a positive mindset. If you're seeking inspiration to hold onto bold dreams and manifest love, DeAngela's story promises insights that can reshape your journey.

About the Guest

DeAngela Johnson is a Transformational Love & Wellness Coach and nature-loving retreat leader. Having learned from her own season of burnout, she coaches her clients to mindfully integrate self-care and expand their relationship skills to live abundantly and love wholeheartedly. 

DeAngela is a practitioner and facilitator of somatic healing including yoga, soundbaths, breathwork, reiki, and meditation. She is a recent graduate of Afro Yoga's Decolonize Your Teaching Mentorship program and an active Mentor Coach with the Black Love & Marriage CORE Individual and Relationship Transformation program. She recently received her 200 YTT and is currently working toward becoming a Certified Mind Rebel™ Coach this fall.

You can book a coaching session with her here.

[00:01:28] The journey of manifesting a dream relationship

[00:08:07] Emotional abuse – what it can look like

[00:11:00] Deciding to leave, and leaving

[00:13:04] Preparing for a new chapter 

[00:15:06] Manifesting love and creating space

[00:24:14] From friend to lovers

[00:28:43] How love should feel

[00:35:15] The commitment to preparedness

[00:39:30] The importance of surrender and trust 

[00:42:30] Embodiment practices and staying playful

[00:49:44] BIPOC wellness retreats 

[00:54:07] Balancing gratitude for what you have with big dreams for the future

Aug 18, 202301:02:39
"Love, Love, Love"

"Love, Love, Love"

"I knew in my heart of hearts that this chaotic dance that we were dancing and the loop that we were spinning in would never change unless I removed myself from it."
In this relationship-centered episode, Michelle and Taryn explore the dynamics of love and self-discovery. Taryn offers insights into the challenges and triumphs of her bond with her husband, emphasizing that love is more than just romance—it's a journey of growth and understanding. Michelle shares her transformative post-breakup journey, highlighting the power of new beginnings and self-healing.
Both delve into the importance of deep connections and the need to see beyond superficialities. They advocate for healthy relationship boundaries and the respect of our self-worth. As the episode concludes, they touch upon the gratitude for the love they've discovered, leaving listeners with a message of hope and the belief that lasting happiness is within reach.
Tune in for a deep dive into love, resilience, and personal growth, and learn about the significance of nurturing and maintaining healthy relationships in our lives.

[00:00:01] Two different paths to healthy relationships
[00:02:46] Michelle's challenging relationship
[00:09:24] Breakups and self-discovery
[00:17:27] Thriving relationships
[00:24:34] Fiercely loyal relationships and protecting loved ones.
[00:27:09] Trusting your instincts in relationships.
[00:36:39] Figuring out what you want
[00:39:49] Letting the aloneness burn
[00:49:32] How to build a vision for your relationship
[00:55:32] Continuing healing in a relationship
[00:59:12] The Mirror Effect
[01:08:20] Choosing Self-Trust
[01:13:07] Gratitude and awe
Aug 11, 202301:14:58
Sober Curious

Sober Curious

"If the idea of giving it up for a month makes you feel a little tense, a little sweaty, anything, you absolutely need to do it."

Have you ever thought about committing to Dry January, or Sober October? Spent a hungover Sunday morning regretting that third glass of wine? Wondered if your harmless indulgence was maybe not so harmless after all? This episode, Taryn and Michelle are joined by friend of the show Erin Mitchell to discuss sober curiosity and sobriety.

Erin shares the ups and downs of her current 19 month sobriety streak, and what she’s learned from reading every book she could find on the topic. We explore the physical risks of alcohol, the concept of sober curiosity versus sobriety, and the effects of alcohol on brain functioning. We’ll also touch on other dependencies like social media, shopping, caffeine, and cannabis, sharing our personal experiences with alcohol and our vices of choice.

This episode is about empowerment rather than deprivation, challenging stereotypical notions of alcoholism and the complex interplay between alcohol, self-care, and capitalism. If you’re ready to rethink everything you’ve been taught about the substances that supposedly serve you.

Recommended Resources:
Sober Curious, Ruby Warrington
This Naked Mind, Annie Grace
The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, Catherine Gray
Alcohol Explained, William Porter


[00:01:21] Sober Curiosity and Sobriety
[00:03:45] Physical Risks of Alcohol
[00:08:09] Alcohol's Effects on Brain Functioning
[00:12:28] Alcohol and its consequences
[00:13:29] Erin's journey to sobriety
[00:20:35] Self-examination and monitoring moods
[00:25:10] Tools for managing emotions
[00:29:21] Challenges of mommy wine culture
[00:38:15] Taryn’s moment of awakening
[00:44:47] The struggle with moderation
[00:49:59] Exploring other dependencies
[00:54:55] Buddhist non-attachment
[01:09:29] Addictive tendencies and nature vs nurture
[01:11:56] Self-control, self-discipline, and self-trust
[01:23:56] The journey to self-love
[01:35:47] Should you consider a month of sobriety?
Aug 04, 202301:40:51
Owning the “F” Out of Your Visions

Owning the “F” Out of Your Visions

"I'm ready to let go of the idea of being lucky and to own my power to draw to me all of the things that I would want luck to bring to me." - Michelle Theriault

Season Two of the podcast is starting strong, with a behind-the-scenes look at how Taryn and Michelle create and evolve their vision statements. An inspiring and honest look at where they’ve gone wrong – and right! – in the past, and how you can learn from their mistakes and victories.

We’re getting into the power of feeling over logic, accepting change, the pitfalls of impulsivity and the antidote to urgency. You’ll hear how to make negative emotions work for you, and how to harness the magic of manifestation and the power of daydreaming.
Get ready to get real. It’s a conversation that will change the way you dream.

Time stamps:

Time Stamps

[00:00] Owning the “F” Out of Your Visions

[00:01:16] Crafting and adapting vision statements 

[00:02:45] How to focus on the essence of your vision and be flexible with the details 

[00:12:43] Learning to trust in feeling over logic to bring you your desires

[00:13:45] Halting the pattern of impulsive actions motivated by fear 

[00:15:59] Why the vision for your future relationship may not involve dating apps

[00:18:36]  Trusting the process of doing

[00:27:42] The difference between urgency and control, and how believing in their visions gives them a sense of control

[00:28:59] Michelle shares her vision statement, how she created it, and the one thing she might change about it

[00:45:17] Following negative feelings to identify wants

[00:55:36] The journey of self-discovery and arriving at the vision 

[01:06:05] Choosing the right path, and the pain of unfulfilled expectations.

[01:10:17] How writing down and claiming a vision attracts circumstances for growth.

01:13:08] Letting yourself evolve.

[01:21:55] Connecting to your vision more intentionally.

[01:23:13] Using mantras and daydreaming 

[01:27:01] Taking ownership

Jul 28, 202301:29:54
Life-giving Boundaries
Apr 07, 202301:22:07
The Road Less Travelled

The Road Less Travelled

“When the heart breaks is when we see the light coming through.”- Jamie Walker

TW: Sexual trauma, childhood trauma/abuse, complex PTSD

Bold dreams, held loosely. It’s an action. It is what we commit to, and it is who we become.

We create bold dreams. We take courageous steps towards those dreams. We orient ourselves to the North Stars of our souls. We say yes, when our knees are shaking. We do things that stir our Soul and simultaneously terrify our mind. And we are relentless. We walk the path towards our bold dreams, while we hold those dreams loosely in both hands. It is equal parts effort and art, and no small feat. In this episode we walk alongside Jamie as she explores with Taryn what she learned about her authentic self in the thick of healing and on the other side. Jamie has taken the road less travelled to the deepest parts of herself; she truly walks the talk of what it means to boldly forge her own unique path.

'About the Guest

Jamie Walker is an ICF Associate Certified and Mind Rebel™ Coach who founded - helping you walk your path your way.

As a Life Coach, Jamie helps her clients connect their minds with their hearts to make aligned choices and build the life of their dreams. Wildly in love with life and never one to shy from doing the deep internal work herself, she is able to hold deep, transformative space. She teaches clients from around the world to tap into their greatest desires, identify blockers, and live their most authentic lives.


Instagram: walkerxoxo

Contact Jamie to work directly and receive a free complimentary session:

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @the_mind_rebel_academy or visit for more information.

Original song created for use of the Mind Rebel™Academy- Artist Al Brazeau

Mar 31, 202355:36
Rhythms, Rituals, and Routines
Mar 24, 202357:55
Assistance Along Your Journey: Expanders, Door Openers, and Vision Holders

Assistance Along Your Journey: Expanders, Door Openers, and Vision Holders

Who are the people that show you what is possible? Who are the people in your life that understand your greatest desires, and can hold your vision on the darkest of days? Are there people in your life who have gone before you and walked alongside you through the doors of your journey? 

“Expanders, Door Openers, and Vision Holders” will explain and expand on these precious people in our lives who help shape our potential and support us in reaching it. Taryn and Soul Coach Stephanie Overman have an expansive conversation, with tangible examples of how to tune into these key people. They also give you lots of questions to reflect on for yourself. We don’t walk these paths to our greatest potential and our boldest dreams alone, and this episode gives you an opportunity to learn who you can add to your team.

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @the_mind_rebel_academy or visit for more information.

Original song created for use of the Mind Rebel™Academy- Artist Al Brazeau

About the Guest

Stephanie Overman is a Soul Coach whose work is rooted in mindfulness, somatics, and self-nurturing. She is a Certified Mind Rebel Coach™, Registered Trauma-Informed Yoga Teacher, and Certified Meditation Teacher.

Using powerful emotional embodiment & mindfulness techniques, Stephanie’s mission is to empower individuals to cultivate worthiness, nurture their truth, and take brave steps towards their dreams. She believes that when we align with our path and our truth we are able to help others, creating waves of positive change. |  @stephioverman

Mar 17, 202301:09:14
Motherhood as the Fuel to Finding your Passion
Mar 10, 202353:29
Choosing to Belong Wherever Your Feet Land

Choosing to Belong Wherever Your Feet Land

In this episode, Taryn is joined by two Mind Rebel Academy Alumni, who share their unique journey into entrepreneurship, living their vocations, finding self-worth, and teaching others to do the same.

Mayra Ramirez sought her purpose in life outside the business world, and found herself on a transformational spiritual journey. A certified Angelotherapist and ICF/MRA Certified coach, she seeks to better the world by helping one soul at a time to find their worthiness and True-Self.




Roma Bajaj Kohli is a mindset and self-confidence coach for teenagers of ethnic descent who struggle with feeling like a misfit, helping them discover their identity and anchoring them in their self-worth.  In addition to founding ‘The Empowered Teen Pathway’, a 16 week transformational program, she is also co-author of Amazon bestseller  ‘Women who Boss Up’.





Podcast: Awaken to your real Power

YouTube Channel -

You can find us on Instagram and Facebook @the_mind_rebel_academy or visit for more information.

Original song created for use of the Mind Rebel™Academy- Artist Al Brazeau

Mar 03, 202354:57
Arriving, Despite Current Circumstances
Feb 24, 202301:21:14