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Tater Thoughts

Tater Thoughts

By Charly Tate

A musician, singer, songwriter and dreamer obsessed with soundscapes, deeper stuff and bright and shiny things. We're talking Queen, music in general and the human psyche.
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Queen Deep Dive: "Put Out the Fire", don't believe what your granddaddy said

Tater ThoughtsDec 23, 2022

Queen Deep Dive: I am the god of kingdom come, "Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme)"

Queen Deep Dive: I am the god of kingdom come, "Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme)"

Brian brings the heat, the roar and a guitar bagpipe solo in "Gimme the Prize (Kurgan's Theme", an aggressive and demanding metal-tinged anthem inspired by Highlander's villain. Distorted guitar layers and Freddie's sharply delivered full chest vocals make this one of Queen's heaviest songs. It was never performed live but several "eYe Versions" exist (Queen: The eYe Soundtrack), omitting the impressive intro and all film sounds. Some fans dig the aggression, Brian's bagpipe solo and Freddie's screams and cackles. But me? Well...

May 12, 202440:41
Joy in Everything

Joy in Everything

Life has a way of reminding us we're seldom in control. Life comes at us, things happen, and we're pushed to the ground. When we go through turmoil and tragedy, it changes us; forever, and sometimes deeply. But as we decide to fight and we rise, something remarkable happens, and we suddenly realize...this is what I've been missing.

Apr 25, 202430:22
Queen Deep Dive: "Who Wants to Live Forever", forever is our today

Queen Deep Dive: "Who Wants to Live Forever", forever is our today

Brian's grandiose "Who Wants to Live Forever" was ignored when Queen's twelfth album was released. Nevertheless, the song has become a fan favorite. Inspired by Highlander's love story, Brian wrote it quickly in the car, laid down the entire track and its impressive chords in the "Skips Demo" versions, and worked with a full orchestra to create one of Queen's absolute best. Brian and Freddie contribute lead vocals, Roger busts out strategic and impactful percussion, and Brian's guitar is soulful. This is one of my favorites: A powerful live number and an evocative piano piece.

Apr 07, 202451:20
Queen Deep Dive: Right 'till the end, "Friends Will Be Friends"

Queen Deep Dive: Right 'till the end, "Friends Will Be Friends"

Another gorgeous Freddie/John co-write and one of Queen's last piano-driven songs, "Friends Will Be Friends" is an impactful power rock ballad that emphasizes the importance of relationships. Freddie performs his lyrics with impressive dynamics, tackling massive intervals effortlessly. Brian's guitar is soulful as ever, complimenting Freddie's brilliance. John provides rhythm guitar alongside his immaculate bass, and Roger's delicate percussion is perfection. Live, this was a moving number tucked between two longstanding setlist closers; and fans loved it.

Mar 16, 202444:10
Be Intentional

Be Intentional

There comes a time when we realize...we're doing way too many things in this attempt to do everything. Sometimes, life demands compromise, and we have to set aside our aspirations simply to function. But when we're given the opportunity to love life, and not just live it, we should be absolutely intentional only with what matters most. Don't spread yourself too thin.

Mar 06, 202434:36
Queen Deep Dive: "Pain Is So Close to Pleasure", everybody knows

Queen Deep Dive: "Pain Is So Close to Pleasure", everybody knows

Freddie and John's collab, "Pain Is So Close to Pleasure", is such a well-executed motown pop rock number. Brian embellishes with soulful guitar and Roger may or may not appear on accented percussion. It's a lively contrast of lighthearted vocals and dreamy chords against heavier concepts, and key changes aplenty. The remixed single version (and its extended mix) provides a bit more energy. But I admit, I often forget about this song...

Feb 19, 202430:34
Queen Deep Dive: Just "One Year of Love"

Queen Deep Dive: Just "One Year of Love"

Nearly a John and Freddie collaboration, the ballad "One Year of Love" is unapologetically romantic. Brian (and perhaps Roger) is absent, and a saxophone fills the solo space, along with sweeping strings. John's hands on nearly all instruments create a lush and relaxed atmosphere, with Freddie crooning in controlled expressions of sensitivity and confession. It's a heartfelt performance and incredibly pretty, but something about it occasionally takes me out of the magic...

Jan 28, 202439:37
My Favorite Songs (According to My iPod)
Jan 20, 202449:32
Queen Deep Dive: This is "A Kind of Magic"

Queen Deep Dive: This is "A Kind of Magic"

One of Queen's best pop singles, "A Kind of Magic" started life as a mashup in "A Kind of Vision" and was elevated to grand energy in Roger's original version (featured in the Highlander film credits); before Freddie injected a commercialized streak, creating the final take that would be released as a single. This lively song features everyone at their best, whether restrained or unleashed. Isolated vocals showcase the brilliance of subtle and effective production. And the boy's live performances have brought my love and affection for this song to a ridiculous level.

Jan 15, 202446:00
Queen Deep Dive: Give me "One Vision" (or fried chicken)

Queen Deep Dive: Give me "One Vision" (or fried chicken)

Arguably one of Queen's best album (and concert) openers, "One Vision" kicks off album twelve with heavy rock and brighter pop elements. It's credited to the entire band and perfectly blends Roger's (original) lyrics, Freddie's powerful playfulness, Brian's rock hooks and John's bopping bass. There's even a documentary of their energetic collaboration. This song began as a combined demo with another great Queen number, and does in fact close with a request for food. Live, it was a powerhouse performance, and one of Queen's finest.

Jan 06, 202446:25
Queen Deep Dive: It's A Kind of Magic

Queen Deep Dive: It's A Kind of Magic

After Queen's The Works in 1984, the band wanted a break. But the success of Live Aid led to fresh developments, and an opportunity to contribute songs for the film Highlander. Those invigorating and energized songs shaped the boys' 12th album, the pop rock celebration A Kind of Magic. The first digitally produced Queen album, its plethora of synthesizers didn't impress some critics. But fans' affection reigns supreme, and it resulted in Queen's final (and in some ways, most memorable) tour with Freddie.

Dec 17, 202301:00:47
Queen Deep Diversion: When Queen Dominated Live Aid

Queen Deep Diversion: When Queen Dominated Live Aid

Voted the greatest live performance in the history of rock. The Note Heard Round the World. Queen at Live Aid was an incredible moment that unified and encouraged and roused us. To this day, it's heralded as one of the best, if not the absolute best, rock moments ever. And we have four fabulously talented men to thank.

Nov 18, 202344:28


Whether or not we realize, we are resilient beings. Our spirits retain a resilience even our miraculous bodies cannot touch. Despite the fear and doubt we sometimes feel, we have the ability to rise. It's almost supernatural, and otherworldly. But when we're challenged and we're facing the toughest struggles, something compels and encourages us to hope harder, and rise above it.

Oct 19, 202353:59
Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on The Works

Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on The Works

When it came time to name the man who stole my ears the most on this dynamic and accessible album, I hesitated. I couldn't decide. And then a recent interview drove me to reassess and revisit the songs. The expression. The emotion. Throughout every genre tackled in these compositions, one thing suddenly pulled it all together more than anything else. And there was only one man who could take the crown.

Sep 22, 202326:31
Queen Deep Dive: "Is This the World We Created...?" What did we do it for?

Queen Deep Dive: "Is This the World We Created...?" What did we do it for?

Pensive isn't often a word used to describe Queen's music. But Brian and Freddie's co-written "Is This the World We Created...?" is a perfect example of urgent restraint and seriousness, created with a sparse arrangement of 12-string guitar and tugging vocals. Moved by visions of disturbing living conditions in Africa, our co-writers took a unique approach to write this song, resulting in one of the band's most moving and beautiful compositions; notably performed at Live Aid, but perhaps even more stunning at Wembley.

Sep 16, 202341:18
Queen Deep Dive: We're just waiting for the "Hammer to Fall"

Queen Deep Dive: We're just waiting for the "Hammer to Fall"

A sturdy rock number from Brian, "Hammer to Fall" is about death; which seems to be one of Brian's favorite subjects. Nevertheless, the energy of this song is rousing, impressive and electric, an almost empowering take. Freddie is in fine vocal form, busting out some impressive high notes. And Roger's bombastic drums are back (as are his aggressive harmonies). No shortage of Brian's riveting guitars and rounded backing vocals. And John particularly impresses with interesting basslines. This was a live favorite for good reason, and Brian gave it his own soft twist in '98.

Aug 25, 202334:01
The Musical Bandwagon

The Musical Bandwagon

Have you always detested current artists and musical trends? Hey, I see you. I was, and to an extent, still am that person. For various reasons, I wouldn't listen to music everyone else loved; partially because I thought it to be boring and surface and lifeless. What I failed to notice at the time was just how genius many of those songs were, and the talent and intentions of the artists who made them. They did and continue to do things I never could as a singer. So I'm diving in and I encourage you to explore the world of music you once hated.

Aug 12, 202333:58
Queen Deep Dive: Just believe, just "Keep Passing the Open Windows"

Queen Deep Dive: Just believe, just "Keep Passing the Open Windows"

Freddie's brilliantly stirring "Keep Passing the Open Windows" is a remnant of a film production project. His piano is melodic and sustained, sweeping and epic; along with his lead vocal performance. Roger, Brian and John provide impressive instrumental performances full of bombastic enthusiasm, ostinato, grit and soaring melodies. There's even a moment of throwback Queen choral vocals! It was never played live but two demos were preserved. A rare and unique treat, this song means an awful lot to me for one important reason.

Aug 05, 202339:28
Queen Deep Dive: I want, I want, I want, "I Want to Break Free"

Queen Deep Dive: I want, I want, I want, "I Want to Break Free"

A beloved declaration, John's sole contribution to The Works "I Want to Break Free" is breezy pop rock at its best. Freddie's expressive vocal (and video) performance often lead listeners to assume this is his number, but John's work on acoustic guitar and synthesizer (as well as bass) in the sparse arrangement leave no doubt. Brian and Roger appear briefly to round out this addicting radio-ready confection that rocks harder and louder on stage. It's become an anthem and continues to win more fans, but upon its initial release as a single, it didn't fair well everywhere...

Jul 15, 202337:20
Queen Deep Dive: "Machines (or Back to Humans)", living in a new world how you gonna last

Queen Deep Dive: "Machines (or Back to Humans)", living in a new world how you gonna last

A rare Roger-Brian collab, "Machines (or Back to Humans)" features blipping Fairlight synths, programmed drums and a vocoded Roger bounced against Brian's rocking guitars, John's jiving bass and Roger's energized live percussion. Freddie's lead vocal is magnificently aggressive and commanding. Fans forget about this, but it's a ridiculously relevant topic of the moment, as the boys create a lively battle between man and machine. And about that instrumental remix...

Jun 27, 202332:52
Queen Deep Dive: "Man on the Prowl", you better watch out

Queen Deep Dive: "Man on the Prowl", you better watch out

A lively rockabilly tune, Freddie's "Man on the Prowl" bops and jives like another tune before it. Though its familiar vibe feels less original and is certainly less complex, Freddie provides dynamic and impressive stylized vocals and piano, Roger and John hold it down with snappy live drums and a boogie woogie bass, and Brian rocks out on a Fender Telecaster. Bonus: The ending features some impressive piano glissandos, courtesy of guest musician Fred Mandel.

Jun 05, 202325:08


I intended to talk about this weeks ago, and since then, so much has happened in the world of artificial intelligence. Copyright concerns. Regulations. Experiments. In many ways, AI isn't new. In the music world, it's been around in various forms for decades. But thanks to recent technology advancements, we're all hyper-focused on AI, and whether you're inspired or terrified, it's good to be aware.

May 26, 202333:43
Queen Deep Dive: "It's a Hard Life" in a world that's filled with sorrow

Queen Deep Dive: "It's a Hard Life" in a world that's filled with sorrow

Freddie delivers a powerhouse vocal performance in his touching and dramatic declaration "It's a Hard Life". Incorporating operatic and ballad elements, this song echoes several earlier Freddie compositions and continues his journey of love. It's also a welcome return to Queen's no-synths approach, with all the boys returning full force to their respective instruments and wall of sound choral harmonies. As impactful and powerful as the album version is, I'm surprisingly torn about the live performances. And  the flashy video polarized the band.

Apr 27, 202337:13
Queen Deep Dive: We're gonna "Tear It Up"

Queen Deep Dive: We're gonna "Tear It Up"

The heaviest tune on The Works, "Tear It Up" comes at us hard and fast, courtesy of Brian's composition genius and Freddie's aggressive vocals. It echoes many previous Queen tracks (and not all of them are Brian numbers) but we welcome its unabashed sexiness and rousing, gritty rock 'n' roll vibe. It even mentions a previous well-known Queen song. Not a lot is said about this by critic or fan, and it's not the most impressive live Queen performance. But something about it keeps me coming back for more.

Apr 16, 202319:29
Queen Deep Dive: All we hear is "Radio Ga Ga"

Queen Deep Dive: All we hear is "Radio Ga Ga"

Roger's first big hit with Queen, "Radio Ga Ga" kicks off The Works with invigorated, celebratory energy; and of course, nostalgia. Inspired by a phrase blurted by Roger's young son Felix, this song has become an anthem that features classic Queen enthusiasm and heart, with a healthy dose of synthesizers. It's the most atmospheric we've heard the boys, and despite the indifference from many (including fans), I think people really like this...and it's not just because of the Live Aid performance. Or the imaginative video (or its outtakes).

Apr 07, 202351:40
Queen Deep Dive: Ready for The Works

Queen Deep Dive: Ready for The Works

After the lackluster response to funk-infused Hot Space, Queen took a break and came back fresh, uniting with enthusiasm to create their 11th album, The Works. For the first time, the boys made a conscious decision to rely on their tried and true rock 'n' roll style while retaining some of their recent and more minimal pop and dance vibes. They "played it safe" to reaffirm their presence and reconnect with fans. Press and the public lauded this as the boys' return to form. Its tracklist is short, and some find the fusion of rock and pop uneven. But it packs a joyous punch that's fresh and invigorating.

Mar 25, 202349:32
Feeling Social Media

Feeling Social Media

In the ever-changing rapidly shifting digital world, social media is one element that never sits still. And as sentiments change and concerns arise and questions are asked, I had to ask do I feel about the social media platforms I use? When I'm on them, how does that affect me? And when you're on social media, how do you feel? The good news is...if something's not working for you, there's always another option. It's possible to find your social happy place.

Mar 12, 202339:30
Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on Hot Space...

Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on Hot Space...

The synth bass. The dynamic compositions. The attitude. The vocals. When I listen to Queen's tenth album and its many funky and danceable twists and turns, one man stands out to me more than the rest. We're reminded that his ability to perform in every genre ever is innate, and his confidence and swagger are through the roof. From his impressive falsetto to his album art concept, this man epitomizes Hot Space.

Feb 25, 202323:15
Queen Deep Dive: This is ourselves "Under Pressure"

Queen Deep Dive: This is ourselves "Under Pressure"

Evolved from a Queen demo called "Feel Like", and fueled by an iconic bassline, "Under Pressure" is the miraculous unplanned collaboration between Queen and David Bowie that continues to win new fans. Its universal relevancy makes it a timeless piece of intense urgency contrasted with cautious optimism. Bowie's experimental approach to songwriting ignited Queen's talents, and what we ended up with, live or in the studio, is a song that deserves all the praise it gets; and then some.

Feb 22, 202349:27
Queen Deep Dive: "Cool Cat" tapping on the toe with a new hat

Queen Deep Dive: "Cool Cat" tapping on the toe with a new hat

This rare Freddie Mercury/John Deacon co-write almost included improvised vocals from another notable performer. But perhaps, it was for the best that they were removed? "Cool Cat" is a minimally funky and jazzy number that perfectly encapsulates that groovy era. Roger and Brian sit this one out, but in Freddie and John's capable hands, this song jives and moves along comfortably, endlessly listenable and incredibly relaxing. Freddie's falsetto is truly something special.

Feb 12, 202329:30
The Gift of Age

The Gift of Age

It's sad that as we age, we may feel as though we matter less; that the best is behind us, that we're past our prime. We may feel nostalgic and regretful for opportunities missed and goals unmet. But our perspectives also shift, and what mattered so much suddenly doesn't anymore. We change, but in some ways, we don't. We still feel, deep within, the same way our younger selves did. And I hope we retain the enthusiasm and dreams of youth. That's what keeps us going.

Feb 02, 202334:53
Queen Deep Dive: "Las Palabras de Amor  (The Words of Love)"

Queen Deep Dive: "Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love)"

Brian's previous passionate reflection culminates in "Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love)". He brings acoustic and electric guitars, synths and keys, and even provides lead vocals at a crucial moment; as well as haunting backing accents. Freddie's lead vocals are some of his most natural, tender and dynamic. John's bass arrangement includes surprising movement. And Roger's drumming echoes much earlier Queen albums (with plenty of magical cymbal work). If it wasn't obvious (because I must have said and sang the word so many times), I love this song.

Jan 28, 202330:03
Queen Deep Dive: "Calling All Girls", calling all boys

Queen Deep Dive: "Calling All Girls", calling all boys

Roger's second offering on Hot Space (and the first Queen single release written by him), "Calling All Girls" takes us on a poppy rock ride. The boys are all playing real instruments again, bopping along as Freddie sings loud and clear for all to hear. Roger even adds some guitar feedback as Brian provides sparkling and jiving guitar layers. The song's video may not have pleased at least half the band, but the live performances were altogether magical.

Jan 23, 202331:42
Queen Deep Dive: "Life is Real (Song for Lennon)", so real

Queen Deep Dive: "Life is Real (Song for Lennon)", so real

An ode to John Lennon's artistry, Freddie's "Life is Real (Song for Lennon)" is also a stunning and affecting confession from our frontman. It's a beautifully constructed ballad with aching phrases of doubt and fear: A revealing admission. All of the boys shimmer here, with shocking restraint that still evokes. Roger's delicate drums, John's lyrical bass, and Brian's soulful guitar all make their mark. But Freddie really owns this; piano, synths, graphic lyrics and a gorgeous vocal. And live, it's even more fantastic.

Jan 12, 202339:52
The Newness

The Newness

Is there a part of your life that looks and feels completely alien? You might be asking yourself how you got there, how it happened; maybe how you let it happen. If that's the case, it's time to assess. It's time to reflect, to ponder, to navigate. Get feedback. Get help. And when it's time to make a decision, take a step forward in confidence to something new, and better.

Dec 26, 202223:57
Queen Deep Dive: "Put Out the Fire", don't believe what your granddaddy said

Queen Deep Dive: "Put Out the Fire", don't believe what your granddaddy said

Brian's second contribution to Hot Space, "Put Out the Fire" is the most Queen song on the album. All four boys are back in classic form, on live drums and gritty guitar (including a stellar guitar solo) and rolling bass glissandos. Freddie sounds fabulous in his aggressive full voice register, and we get a welcome return of layered vocal harmonies. This song sounded epic in its abbreviated live performances, but wasn't played often. And there's likely a big reason for that...

Dec 23, 202229:42
Queen Deep Dive: "Action This Day", action this night

Queen Deep Dive: "Action This Day", action this night

Roger's first contribution to Hot Space calls us to stand and take "Action This Day". It's a poppy, dance rock number with new wave inflections and contrasted vocals between our composer and our frontman. John is totally absent, as Rog performs many of the instruments (including synth bass) and Brian jives with Roger on electric guitar tradeoffs. This sounded stunning on a stage, and audiences responded enthusiastically. And about that low note in Roger's harmony vocals...

Dec 12, 202225:47
Queen Deep Dive: I got a case of "Body Language"

Queen Deep Dive: I got a case of "Body Language"

Never has Queen been more sexed up than Freddie's second contribution to Hot Space, "Body Language". Driven by Freddie's synth bass performance and extraordinarily aggressive and dynamic vocal, this is almost a solo piece; with Brian and Roger making brief appearances (John may be totally absent). Fans were stunned this slinky and minimal dance number was the lead single for Hot Space. But live, this takes on a rock identity, all the boys giving us their skills and enthusiasm on stage, winning over even the most skeptical of fans.

Dec 05, 202244:14
Thank You

Thank You

It's been another incredible year on my podcast, and I have you to thank! So, thank you. I'm so grateful you've stuck around, and you've tuned in. To know you're helps keep me going. So here's a plethora of thanks, some ideas for future episodes, and a few bits of encouragement and silliness for you.

Dec 03, 202234:58
It's Not the Same

It's Not the Same

With the recent shifts in the Twitterverse, I started thinking about the history of the platform, what it was like over a decade ago when I joined it, and what it's become. The bottom line? It's not the same. Social media is nothing like it was years ago, neither is the world. And neither are we. We've changed, along with everything else. We have the power to drive change. So how can we do that in a positive way?

Nov 26, 202228:40
Queen Deep Dive: "Back Chat", you burn all my energy

Queen Deep Dive: "Back Chat", you burn all my energy

John's first contribution to Hot Space, "Back Chat" is locked in dance as the album's funkiest and poppiest number. Its catchy bass groove and rhythm guitars (as well as programmed drums and synths) were all played by John. Freddie takes the lyrics and attacks them all the attitude and accusation, flying in staccato arrangements and expressive soulful moments. Brian and Roger appear in brief flashes of impressive guitar power chords (a fun solo) and percussion breakdowns. And live? Oh, this was hot.

Nov 06, 202227:50
Queen Deep Dive: "Dancer", I can't live with it, I'm gonna die without it

Queen Deep Dive: "Dancer", I can't live with it, I'm gonna die without it

Never a single, never played live (why!), Brian May's "Dancer" continues kicking off Queen's Hot Space with edge and an experimental metal dance jive. Parallel guitar harmonies surround programmed drums and a synth bass; all contributed by Brian, our composer. Freddie's aggressive vocals, rounded out by fun harmonies from Brian and Roger, take center stage. And surprisingly, John is nowhere to be found.

Oct 16, 202224:48
What is your intention?

What is your intention?

Let's get straight to the point. I've been seeing some questionable, insensitive content shared in the midst of the devastation from Hurricane Ian. My thoughts have been bouncing around in my brain, and I have to talk about it. This isn't just about a storm. It boils down to this...when you share something, what is your intention?

Oct 01, 202223:03
Queen Deep Dive: Baby, you and me got "Staying Power"

Queen Deep Dive: Baby, you and me got "Staying Power"

Leave it to Freddie Mercury to bring the heat with "Staying Power"; the funky Hot Space opener that leaves nothing to the imagination. Our composer contributes not just all vocals (delivered in driving staccato fashion) but also a groovy synth bass. A surprise appearance of energized brass bounces off of Freddie's playful vocals. Guitar contributions from both Brian and John create a balance of bright and gritty riffs, and Roger's programmed drums still have his magic touch. But live, this song was another animal entirely, and its heavier, rockier jive is right up my alley.

Sep 28, 202241:08
Queen Deep Dive: Hot Space, let's go

Queen Deep Dive: Hot Space, let's go

Despite hesitation from a band member or two and disagreements about musical direction, following the massive success of "Another One Bites the Dust", our boys take sparse, rhythm-driven and funky arrangements to surprising extremes on their 10th album, Hot Space. Incorporating heavy synthesizers and more drum machines, Queen stunned press and fans alike, alienating hard rock lovers with a complete shift away from the former 'no synths!' policy. This album remains Queen's most controversial as the debate continues: Is this a hot mess, or just hot?

Sep 10, 202250:10
Lean Into It

Lean Into It

We all have moments of opportunity. Something comes our way and it's a rare chance to take it on and make a difference. So why do we hesitate? Why do we shy away? Why do we chicken out?

Sep 01, 202218:58
Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on Flash Gordon...

Queen Deep Diversion: He stole my attention on Flash Gordon...

The boys' one and only soundtrack album includes impressive contributions from every band member, but one man almost single-handedly saw it through. Not only did he push to include film dialogue in the songs and visit with the orchestra during recording, he was the writer behind the album's only single, as well as its impressive closing number. And when he plays his Red Special? There's passion and energy all over it, creating a welcome nod to Queen's rockier roots that energizes the songs with bluesy grit and memorable themes.

Aug 24, 202224:55
Queen Deep Dive: All you gotta do is save the world ("The Hero")

Queen Deep Dive: All you gotta do is save the world ("The Hero")

Brian May's brilliant collaboration with composer Howard Blake brings Queen's ninth album Flash Gordon to a close. "The Hero" is a favorite among fans who applaud the song's return to a classic Queen energy, with many insisting this was a missed opportunity. It went over well live, and employs multiple themes heard previously on the soundtrack album. Did you know an alternate version exists? And it's probably the superior version, if you ask me.

Aug 22, 202219:23
Quality Not Quantity

Quality Not Quantity

Your worth should never be measured in numbers. Likes, followers, views, listens, runs, miles run, sales, successes; it should all take a backseat to what really matters and the quality of what matters. Your integrity, your humility, the gift you bring simply by being you. Focus on what you have, not what you want. Focus on what matters, right now.

Aug 13, 202229:56
Queen Deep Dives: Double Episode! "Crash Dive on Mingo City" & "Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)"

Queen Deep Dives: Double Episode! "Crash Dive on Mingo City" & "Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)"

Nearing the end of Queen's album Flash Gordon, we dive into two tracks that are both Brian May compositions, "Crash Dive on Mingo City" and "Flash's Theme Reprise (Victory Celebrations)". Both incorporate various themes and surprising shifts in tone and arrangement, and both celebrate the bravery and devotion of our hero. Brian and the boys do a wonderful job capturing that energy.

Aug 10, 202214:50