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Temple Cambridge

Temple Cambridge


Temple Baptist Church in Cambridge, Ontario is on mission with Jesus to turn broken people into whole people who multiply Christ-followers. We LOVE God, CONNECT with others and SERVE in our community. Check out this podcast to learn more from the Word of God.
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Holy Together in the Gospel - The Example of Your Parents | May 12, 2024

Temple CambridgeMay 12, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - The Example of Your Parents | May 12, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - The Example of Your Parents | May 12, 2024

Happy Mother's Day! We thank our mothers for not only giving us life but helping us throughout life and teaching us about life. One of the benefits that parents provide is their example. We can learn from their good examples and their bad examples. This is also true from God’s people. We can learn from their good and bad examples as we will discover from 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 this Sunday. If your mother is still alive, seek ways to honour her this weekend and throughout the year! I thank God for my mother and her godly example!

May 12, 202442:10
Holy Together in the Gospel - The Cost of Ministry | May 5, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - The Cost of Ministry | May 5, 2024

We in Canada have more rights and freedoms than many others around the world. Granted, some of those are slowly being taken away, but we still enjoy so many rights. The big question is: How are you using your rights? This Sunday we are going to find out how to use our rights in light of the gospel from 1 Corinthians 9. How are you using your rights to win the lost with the gospel? That is the burning question. Will you do whatever it takes to see more people come to faith in Jesus Christ?

May 05, 202448:03
Holy Together in the Gospel - Let Love Be Your Food Guide

Holy Together in the Gospel - Let Love Be Your Food Guide

What are the issues you think are non-negotiable for you? Are they based on Scripture or a matter of conscience? If it is a matter of conscience, would you be willing to forego your freedom to act if it caused others to stumble? These are some of the questions we are going to address this Sunday from 1 Corinthians 8. May we do all things out of love

Apr 28, 202445:11
Holy Together in the Gospel - Instructions for the Married and Unmarried | April 21, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Instructions for the Married and Unmarried | April 21, 2024

If you are single, should you get married? If you are widowed, should you get remarried? In light of all the troubles in the world and Jesus coming back soon, how are we to now live whether married or single? These are some of the questions we will be addressing this Sunday as we study 1 Corinthians 7:25-40. I love how the Bible has practical answers for everyday life while showing us that there is more to live than just living for today. Do you?

Apr 21, 202441:06
Holy Together in the Gospel - Live as You Are Called | April 14, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Live as You Are Called | April 14, 2024

One of the great things about following Christ is that we are to be future-oriented. We cannot change the past. Christ cleanses us from our past, then He calls us to move forward with Him. This is part of the reason why we are to live as we were when we were called, especially in regard to whether we were single or married, or widowed. Furthermore, if we were married to an unbeliever at the time of our conversion to Christ, we are to stay with that person as long as they will have us. We learn this from 1 Corinthians 7 that Pastor Kyle will be unpacking this Sunday. Christ calls us to move forward with Him, not to try to undo the past. Hallelujah! What a Saviour!

Apr 14, 202446:27
Holy Together in The Gospel - Who Owns You? | April 7, 2024

Holy Together in The Gospel - Who Owns You? | April 7, 2024

Due to the cost of housing, more and more family members and friends are moving in together to share costs and have a sense of community post-COVID when we are all lonely. Multi-generational homes and joint-ownership is not a new concept. In fact, living by ourselves or with just our immediate family may be a more recent phenomenon that has been predominantly practiced in the West due to affluence and rugged individualism. Certainly the Bible describes multi-generational living arrangements from the time of Abraham moving with his wife and nephew (Genesis 12:5) to when Jesus asked His disciple John to take care of Jesus’ mother after His death (John 19:25-27). Multi-individual and multiple-family dwelling is permitted and may be even modelled in Scripture. We find this surprisingly in all places of God’s Temple - our bodies. Did you realize that, if we are believers, that our bodies do not belong to us? Jesus purchased them with His own blood. He now resides and abides in us through His Spirit - the Holy Spirit. Therefore, our bodies have multiple occupancy by different members of the Trinity. This is what we will learn in 1 Corinthians 6:12-20 this Sunday and it emphasizes how important it is to use our bodies in a way that honours God. Furthermore, if we are married, we share joint ownership of our bodies with our spouse as we will discover in 1 Corinthians 7:1-16 a long with other instructions about marriage and remarriage. Please pray for Pastor Jason as he prepares and preaches this important message. We will also be hearing an update from our missionary to the Czech Republic Christina Mayer, so we look forward to having her home. See you then!

Apr 07, 202455:53
Holy Together in the Gospel - The Resurrection for Our Future | March 31, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - The Resurrection for Our Future | March 31, 2024

Christ has risen! Those three words may be the most life-changing in history. As we celebrate Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, this weekend we are going to focus on how Christ deals with our past and Christ also gives us a future from 1 Corinthians 15. That future includes our own resurrection. We too will rise! As a picture of what Jesus did for us, is doing for us and will do for us, we also have baptisms this Sunday planned for the end of the service. If you have not been baptized and would like to be, please come ready to testify to Christ’s love and power in your life.

Mar 31, 202430:18
Good Friday | March 29, 2024

Good Friday | March 29, 2024

Good Friday | March 29, 2024

Mar 29, 202430:05
Holy Together in the Gospel - Avoid Lawsuits and Hell | March 24, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Avoid Lawsuits and Hell | March 24, 2024

One of the big differences I have noticed over the nearly three decades of ministry is that Christians are now more prone to sue one another. This should not be as we will discover from 1 Corinthians 5! Why not leave room for God’s justice? Why not leave room for God to work and change a person’s life? As we will discover, God can change the heart of the vilest offender of sin. Has He changed yours and mine?

Mar 24, 202439:44
Holy Together in the Gospel - Keeping the Church Holy | March 17, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Keeping the Church Holy | March 17, 2024

I recall having a conversation with a person outside of the faith who wanted to encourage the church to be tolerant by quoting Jesus’ words, “Judge not, that you be not judged!” Of course, those words ripped from their context do not tell the whole story. What Jesus said in Matthew 7:1 is missing from what Jesus goes on to say in Matthew 7:2, “For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.” Jesus then talks about getting the log out of our own eyes causing us to not see our own sin, when we look at the speck of dust in our brother’s eyes. Jesus is not saying there should not be any judging. Just that you should expect to be judged on the same things you are judging others. This Sunday from 1 Corinthians 5, we are going to learn when to judge and not judge others and in fact, who to judge and not judge. I think it will be very helpful going forward as we live in this paradoxical world where at one moment we are judged while at the same time people are calling for tolerance. May we never tolerate sin in our own lives and yet have grace for those outside the faith.

Mar 17, 202444:51
Holy Together in the Gospel - Wait for God's Judgment | March 10, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Wait for God's Judgment | March 10, 2024

Maybe not all of us don a robe and pick up a gavel, but we often play the role of judge. We judge people’s appearances, their actions, their attitudes, and their aptitudes. Why do we do that? Is it because God gave us human beings the responsibility to take dominion over the earth as Genesis 1:26-28 describes? Or is it because when we humans ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that we have wrongly seen ourselves as being a pretty good judge of character and other people’s actions? However, have you ever made the wrong judgment? I have! Too many times to count. How embarrassing. Ministry is a particular easy target for our judgments. Maybe because ministry is so public that it is open to greater scrutiny? In 1 Corinthians 4, we find Paul’s plea to wait until God judges a ministry. In fact, Paul didn’t even judge his own ministry’s effectiveness. Come this Sunday to learn how to delay your judgments for the Ultimate Judge to speak first. Someday we will even judge angels. But until that day, do what my grandfather taught his family, “Wait for the Judgment!”

Mar 10, 202434:47
Holy Together in the Gospel - How to Build up the Church Rather than Tear It Down | March 3, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - How to Build up the Church Rather than Tear It Down | March 3, 2024

Are you building your life on what will last? There is going to come a Day when each person’s work will be shown for whether it has lasting value. That Day will be when we see Jesus. Are you building what will last? Is that building contributing to God’s construction project called the Church? This is what we learn about from 1 Corinthians 3:1:18 this Sunday. I leave you with an awesome promise by God from 1 Corinthians 3:22, “ … all are yours, and you are Christ’s and Christ is God’s.” All is yours if you are building on the right foundation with the right materials.

Mar 03, 202443:38
Holy Together in the Gospel - Wisdom Comes from the Holy Spirit | February 25, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Wisdom Comes from the Holy Spirit | February 25, 2024

Where do you get wisdom? Want to know the secret to getting wisdom? Well, I’m not telling! Pastor Aaron will be this Sunday as he preaches from 1 Corinthians 2:6-16. See you Sunday!

Feb 25, 202436:57
Holy Together in the Gospel - Preaching Christ Crucified | February 18, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Preaching Christ Crucified | February 18, 2024

Ever struggled with not being able to say the right thing or you feel you stumble over your words, especially when you are trying to tell others about Jesus? Join the club! Moses, Jeremiah and even the Apostle Paul struggled with not being able to speak God’s Word eloquently. I too feel this way when I am speaking and preaching. However, there is great encouragement because not only does God make up for our weaknesses, but we only need to preach one thing - Christ crucified. We don’t need to try to be fancy. We need to keep the main thing, the main thing - Jesus died for our sins and rose from the dead to give us new life! This is what we will learn this Sunday as Pastor Kyle preaches from 1 Corinthians 2:1-5. Have a great Family Day weekend!

Feb 18, 202438:55
Holy Together in the Gospel - The Power, Wisdom, and Boasting of the Cross | February 11, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - The Power, Wisdom, and Boasting of the Cross | February 11, 2024

Did you know that the Bible says it is okay to boast? I know most of the boasting that we encounter is an immediate turn off. The exception may be grandparents who get away with boasting about their grandkids as long as it is not overdone. However, there is one type of boasting that is good, godly, and permitted in Scripture - boasting in the Lord for what He has done for us through the gospel of Jesus Christ. We can boast of God’s wisdom and grace. Let’s boast about what Christ has done. This is what we will learn this Sunday as we study 1 Corinthians 1:18-31. See you there!

Feb 11, 202430:58
Holy Together - No Divisions Among You | February 4, 2024

Holy Together - No Divisions Among You | February 4, 2024

Do you recall when you were old enough to be left alone at home not needing a babysitter? Your parents might go out to run an errand or go out on a long-awaited date without the extra cost of babysitting fees. What did your parents tell you before leaving you alone? Probably they gave a lot of instructions including phone numbers to call. I don’t remember all the instructions, but I recall my parents telling my sister and I not to fight with each other. It is at the heart of every parent - love and unity amongst their children. This was true of the Apostle Paul who planted the church at Corinth and was a father to them. He had since heard that the church was divided over their following their favourite preachers/leaders. This Sunday we learn more about the need to stay united from 1 Corinthians 1:10-17. The key phrase, “There should be no divisions among you.” May that be true of us as well!

Feb 04, 202437:18
Holy Together in the Gospel - Not Lacking Any Gift | January 28, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Not Lacking Any Gift | January 28, 2024

We tend to lack lots of things - friends, money, time, and affection - to name a few. However, do you realize that we as a church do lack any gift to do the assignments God has given us? Everything we need to complete the task before us, God has empowered us to do. This is what we will discover in 1 Corinthians 1:4-9 this Sunday. Now whether we use those gifts in another question altogether, but we lack no gift.

Jan 28, 202428:24
Holy Together in the Gospel - Christ's Church and Calling | January 21, 2024

Holy Together in the Gospel - Christ's Church and Calling | January 21, 2024

Who owns the church? As much it may seem that we have ownership, the church belongs to her Husband who won her hand by shedding His own blood. The church belongs to Jesus Christ. This is what we will learn this Sunday as we begin a new series in 1 Corinthians entitled Holy Together in the Gospel. Our leadership team has had a desire to teach on 1 Corinthians and particularly spiritual gifts for years, but other pressing matters like COVID took precedence. We are excited to study this letter as it tackles so many issues in life and in the church. Come prayed up and expect Jesus to meet you in a profound way!

Jan 21, 202443:33
Living Wisely through Family Discipleship | January 14, 2023

Living Wisely through Family Discipleship | January 14, 2023

How are you discipling your family? Don’t know how? This Sunday Pastor Kyle will help us learn how to live wisely by discipling our family.

Jan 14, 202437:44
How to Live a Spiritually Disciplined Life | January 7, 2024

How to Live a Spiritually Disciplined Life | January 7, 2024

We are called to be like Jesus! That is what Christian means “little Christs.” We become like Christ as we are united to Christ, but also by living like Christ. This Sunday Pastor Jason will unpack how to live like Christ through the spiritual disciplines.

Jan 07, 202401:03:21
Live Wisely | December 31, 2023

Live Wisely | December 31, 2023

Happy New Year! Let’s conclude this year by coming and telling some stories of how God worked in our lives this year. Come ready to tell your God story! We will conclude the service looking ahead to 2024 with our theme of living wisely.

Dec 31, 202332:52
BLESS - Share the Story of the Messiah | December 24, 2023

BLESS - Share the Story of the Messiah | December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas! We have two services this Sunday with different themes. The first theme will be serving the need of others in the morning service at 10:30 am. Jesus came to serve our ultimate need as we will learn from Luke 2:8-14. Then come back at night to our Christmas Eve service at 6 PM as we share the story of Jesus from Luke 2:15-20. It will be a great time with special music from our choir and end with a candlelight musical reflection on Christ. Please invite a friend to share the story of Jesus.

Dec 25, 202322:45
BLESS - Serve the Needs for the Messiah | December 24, 2023

BLESS - Serve the Needs for the Messiah | December 24, 2023

Merry Christmas! We have two services this Sunday with different themes. The first theme will be serving the need of others in the morning service at 10:30 am. Jesus came to serve our ultimate need as we will learn from Luke 2:8-14. Then come back at night to our Christmas Eve service at 6 PM as we share the story of Jesus from Luke 2:15-20. It will be a great time with special music from our choir and end with a candlelight musical reflection on Christ. Please invite a friend to share the story of Jesus.

Dec 24, 202327:08
BLESS - Eat With One Another | December 17, 2023

BLESS - Eat With One Another | December 17, 2023

One of our strengths is that we like to eat. This is a great strength because people feel loved when you eat their food with them. As we continue our Advent theme of B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with prayer, Listen to the need, Eat with others, Serve the need, Share the story of Jesus), we will be focusing on eating with others. Now, eating with others has a broader context of hospitality. What does this have to do with Christmas? Remember, Mary and Joseph travelled to Bethlehem (lit. “The house of bread”) and there was no room for them in the inn. Hospitality was not afforded the holy family. And yet, Jesus was hospitable to the point of making us God’s forever family if we believe in him. He will even host a supper someday called the Supper of the Lamb. But for now, if we eat with others, this may lead to a gospel conversation about Jesus. Christmas dinners can turn into Christ-focused dinners, which if people come to faith in Christ may result in them attending the greatest dinner of all time - the Supper of the Lamb.

Dec 17, 202342:56
BLESS - Listen To The Need for the Messiah | December 10, 2023

BLESS - Listen To The Need for the Messiah | December 10, 2023

Hearing aids are amazing inventions. They enable people to hear things that they wouldn’t otherwise. My son-in-law recently got hearing aids because he had experienced hearing loss from birth. At first, it was mind-blowing as he heard so many sounds. It took him a while to filter out some of those sounds. In fact, they only put his hearing aids at 80% capacity because it was too overwhelming. This reminds me of how loud and noisy our lives are and begs the question - are you able to truly listen to the needs of others? This is part two of our advent series on B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with prayer, Listen for the need, Eat with others, Serve the need, Share the story of Jesus). After prayer, listening to the need requires being present and listening to what people really need. We are going to discover what the ultimate need of others is through the prophecy of Zechariah in Luke 1:67-80 this Sunday. Our missionaries with Child Evangelism Fellowship (CEF) in B.C. Denis and Pauline Quinn are retiring and they will be joining us this Sunday as well to thank us for many years of support. I hope to see you on Sunday.

Dec 10, 202333:44
BLESS - Begin With Prayer for the Messiah | December 3, 2023

BLESS - Begin With Prayer for the Messiah | December 3, 2023

As we begin the advent season, our aim is to B.L.E.S.S. (Begin with prayer, Listen for the need, Eat with one another, Serve the need and Share of the story of Jesus) others. We think B.L.E.S.S. fits perfectly with advent because advent has the idea of "the arrival of a notable person, thing or event.” The notable person was Jesus, the thing was the Kingdom of God and the event was Christ's birth. Jesus was sent by God for us. Jesus was God’s ultimate missionary. And we are called to be missionaries to our neighbourhoods, workplaces and schools. How? Our mission always begins with prayer as we will discover from Luke 1:17-25 this Sunday. We are also going to introduce you to a new friend of Temple who is trying to reach our Samaria of Quebec with the gospel. May God bless you in every way!

Dec 05, 202346:04
Loving God with all Our Strength | November 26, 2023

Loving God with all Our Strength | November 26, 2023

What is in your hand? A ball? A tool? A pen? A phone? How are you using what God has given you? How are you loving God with your talents and abilities? God gives some of us more talents than others, but He gives each of us at least one talent as we will discover from Exodus 17. This Sunday I want you to bring that object to church if you can, as an act of surrender and dedication. Trust me, you will get it back! See you Sunday!

Nov 26, 202344:12
Your Time Is Not Your Own | November 19, 2023

Your Time Is Not Your Own | November 19, 2023

God is going to give you 168 of these this week. What are “these”? Hours! You have 168 hours. How are you going to spend these 168 hours this week serving and loving God? When you go to work and provide for your family with integrity by not overworking or underworking - you love God! When you work hard on your school assignments - you love God! When there is a blessed interruption and you stop and help someone - you love God. When you read your Bible, spend less time looking at a screen and pray for others - you love God. This is what we will unpack as Pastor Kyle leads us from Matthew 12:1-8 as we learn to work from rest and love God with our souls and our time.

Nov 19, 202346:54
The Battlefield of the Mind: Practicing Biblical Worship with our Thoughts | November 12, 2023

The Battlefield of the Mind: Practicing Biblical Worship with our Thoughts | November 12, 2023

Did you know that your mind and intellect is a gift from God? Some of you might be worried because like me, you feel like at times you are losing your mind and cannot keep track of everything. However, your minds are a gift from God and one of the main ways we can love God. We steward our minds for God as we study, thank and praise Him. When we use our minds in our lives to serve God and our families as workers and students that too is good stewardship. This Sunday Duane Friesen will be preaching on how to love God with our minds. Come ready to love God with your minds.

Nov 12, 202329:57
Loving God with all Our Hearts | November 5, 2023

Loving God with all Our Hearts | November 5, 2023

Have you ever gone to one of those blood pressure machines at a pharmacy to check how your heart is doing? You have sit there perfectly still while the cuff seems to cut off all circulation to the lower half of your arm and just before your arm dies from lack of blood flow, you are rewarded with seeing if your blood pressure and heart rate are normal or not. Though annoying for a moment, the information is helpful. This Sunday we will NOT be asking you to put on blood pressure cuffs. However, we will be doing a spiritual heart check. If you want to know how your spiritual heart is, then one of the great indicators will be to look at your cheque book or transactions on your online banking. This is what we discover from Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 6:19-21 as we begin a one month Stewardship Series from the Gospels. We hope to learn how to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, minds, souls and strengths. Someday we will stand before Jesus and give an account for what we did with what He gave us. The good thing is that if we are having spiritual heart problems now, God can do spiritual heart surgery, even a heart transplant, where we exchange our misery hearts for His generous one! What an amazing God!

Nov 05, 202339:04
Global Outreach Weekend | October 29, 2023

Global Outreach Weekend | October 29, 2023

Welcome to our Global Outreach Weekend! This is one of my favorite weekends of the year when we have a concentrated time on what God is doing around the world. This year's theme is Gospel Boldness for the nations and our speaker is the Fellowship president Steve Jones. I can't wait for you to hear all that God is doing through our Fellowship ministries both nationally and globally. Many are becoming saved and baptized! Don't forget the weekend starts at 5:30pm on Saturday with our International Supper. It concludes on Sunday night at 6:00pm with our breakout sessions hearing from multiple missionaries. Ask God to enlarge your heart and give you a Gospel Boldness for the world!

Oct 29, 202301:00:54
Understanding the End of the World | October 22, 2023

Understanding the End of the World | October 22, 2023

How much time do we have left? As a time-oriented person, this has always been a question in my mind. I would want to know the answer to that question when it came to test, “How much time do we have left to take the test?” Or I would want to know how much time we had left until work was done when I worked as a young man in the cornfields. Aged Daniel in Daniel 12 wanted to know how much there was left until the end of the world? As we will find out from Daniel 12, he got a heavenly and friendly redirect without a concrete answer. Instead, Daniel is told what he should be focused on before the end. And this message is for us too. Let’s find out what God said about the end of the world and how we should prepare for it.

Oct 22, 202343:40
The Kings of the North and the South | October 15, 2023

The Kings of the North and the South | October 15, 2023

Are you amazed at the accuracy of the Bible? If not, open your minds and hearts to God’s Word this Sunday as Dr. Wayne Baxter preaches from Daniel 11. We will study and read a prophecy that is very precise about what would happen in Persia and Greece in the days after Daniel. It is a reminder that God is in control of history because it is His story. And if God is controlling history, we do not have to fear. We can take great comfort and have hope for the future. Jesus is reigning! See you Sunday as we worship our King Jesus and we see how He is changing people’s lives.

Oct 15, 202340:16
Strength from God's Word | October 8, 2023

Strength from God's Word | October 8, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving is one of my favourite holidays because of its four “f’s” - family, fellowship, food, and football. And yet, I realize for some of you that another word can characterize Thanksgiving - fear. Fear of family having another fight. Fear of a lack of fellowship. Fear of the food not turning out right. Fear of getting hurt playing football in our Annual Turkey Bowl on Monday morning or fear of your football team losing once again. Fear was the experience of Daniel in Daniel 10. It caused him not to feast, but to fast. Fear caused Daniel to fall face on the ground. And yet God’s messenger strengthened him. I believe God wants to strengthen you and I this Thanksgiving weekend and beyond as we turn to the Lord and find comfort in Him. I hope to see you on Sunday, as we partake in Communion. There is much to be thankful for in Jesus Christ.

Oct 08, 202345:19
Persevere in Prayer | October 1, 2023

Persevere in Prayer | October 1, 2023

I have to confess that when I was young, I thought prayer was boring. I would much rather "do something" than sit around and talk to God about it. I have since learned that talking to God about a situation is doing something about it - it is joining Him in His work. This weekend, starting tonight at 7 PM is our Prayer Summit, will be a time where we praise God and seek what He wants to say to us personally and as a church. It is a can’t miss event. Tomorrow starting at 9 am, we will have an opportunity for children to lead us in prayer and to also make an impact on the world by praying global prayers. On Sunday, we will actually see how our prayers are being answered in the west African country of Togo as we will hear from Global Aid Network and Togo's country leader Patrice. (We have been praying and partnering ministry in Togo for years with Kwashie and Davi Amenudzie and now have intensified that in praying for the engaged people groups of the Bago, Basil, Tchamba and Tamberma peoples since 2017.) Finally on Sunday, we will learn how to pray identificational prayers for our families and church family like Daniel did in Daniel 9 for his people. God uses prayer as the first step in completing His mission. Let’s pray! Let’s continue to be a house of prayer!

Oct 01, 202336:50
God is in Control Over History | September 24, 2023

God is in Control Over History | September 24, 2023

What bad news would make you sick to your stomach and overwhelm you so that you would not be able to get out of bed? Would it have to do with family? Would it have to do with your financial portfolio? Would it have to do with losing all of your save work on your computer? Or maybe something to do with your house you have been working so hard to fix up to become your dream house? This Sunday we will be studying Daniel 8 and find out what made the prophet Daniel sick to the point that he lay sick for some days. It was something that wouldn't affect him personally, but his people. What a reminder that our first concern should be for God's people and not ourselves. Come and find out how bad news is not the end. You will see this especially as we have a baptism this Sunday.

Sep 24, 202338:21
Love God, Connect with Others, and Serve the Community | September 10, 2023

Love God, Connect with Others, and Serve the Community | September 10, 2023

Love God, Connect with Others, and Serve the Community

Sep 10, 202327:25
Work and Rest in God | September 3, 2023

Work and Rest in God | September 3, 2023

Do you feel burdened, heavy, tired, or worn out? Caught in a cycle of busyness? Are the demands of life getting you down? We live in a fast paced culture, that at times, can feel overwhelming. This can be true of our relationship with Jesus as well. If we are not careful, our walk with Jesus can quickly turn into a list of do’s and don'ts. This Sunday we will receive an invitation from Jesus in Matthew 11:28-30 to find rest for our souls. Come prepared to RSVP to his invitation.

Sep 03, 202333:04
Seek the Welfare of God's People | August 27, 2023

Seek the Welfare of God's People | August 27, 2023

What legacy will you leave behind? A good legacy? A bad legacy? It is an important question, especially since none of us know when we will see Jesus. This Sunday as we wrap up our summer series on Esther, we are going to not only see the legacies of King Ahasuerus and Mordecai, but also discover the Lord’s legacy for us, which at first is not apparent. Come, find out the Lord’s legacy for us in the morning and then come back at 6:00pm as we will have an information night on the End Times followed by a Q & A.

Aug 27, 202333:46
God's War on Evil | August 20, 2023

God's War on Evil | August 20, 2023

God is at war with evil. It has been a dragged-out war for millennia, not because God doesn’t have the superior power to win, but because He is winning hearts one-by-one at the same time. It is also part of reversing the curse that occurred at the Fall. Esther 8 is a snapshot of God overcoming evil whereby the roles have been reversed. The violence and impending genocide proclaimed against God’s people in Esther 3 is now turned and God’s people can defend themselves. This was not a case of violence begetting violence, but the building of a line of defense and deterrence against evil. Peace prevailed! May that be true in our day. And remember, God is still winning hearts one-by-one. He replaces hearts of fear with hearts of joy.

Aug 20, 202341:15
Justice Prevails | August 13, 2023

Justice Prevails | August 13, 2023

Will we ever fully have justice on the earth? Probably not! But there are times when we come close. Esther 7 is one of those times. We love those times because it seems evil wins so often. Pastor Kyle will unpack this passage and remind us once again that God is always working, even if it is behind the scenes and seemingly at the last minute to rescue the oppressed.

Aug 13, 202336:17
Deferred Reward | August 6, 2023

Deferred Reward | August 6, 2023

Ever had trouble sleeping? What if that troubled sleep is for a divine purpose? Maybe to pray? Maybe to recall a task or situation that you forgot about and now it is God’s timing for you to act upon? This is what happened to King Ahasuerus (aka King Xerxes). He forgot to reward someone. The timing wasn’t right when the righteous act was performed. Now it is. Often rewards are deferred for a divine purpose. That is certainly true of our heavenly rewards. So, whether you are having insomnia and God wants to use it for His purpose, or whether you are on the other end of the stick waiting for that reward, God’s timing is perfect. Rest in that truth! This is what we will learn from Esther 6 and more, as Pastor Jason Elliotson preaches this Sunday.

Aug 06, 202342:59
Being Reckless vs. Being Courageous | July 30, 2023

Being Reckless vs. Being Courageous | July 30, 2023

Imagine you are at a feast with lavish decorations and your favourite food. For some of you who have the gift of hospitality and love to cook, maybe you prepared some of your favourite dishes? Can you picture it? Now imagine that a king is there and he loves all the food and wants to show his gratitude. He promptly asks you this question, “What can I do for you? I will give it to you, even if it is up to half my kingdom?” What would you ask for? This is the situation Esther finds herself in except she was the one throwing the banquet. Come this Sunday and learn from Pastor Steve Limmer what is happening in Esther’s reply in Esther 5.

Jul 30, 202333:18
For Such a Time as This | July 23, 2023

For Such a Time as This | July 23, 2023

"For such a time as this..."

We do not want to create and overinflated sense of self, but God has you in that workplace, that home, that community, or that challenging relationship to complete the assignment He has for you. Would that help you persevere? Would that give you an extra sense of courage? Would it cause you to be bold in your faith and share the gospel? This week as we study Esther 4, we will be reminded that God has given us each an assignment and we are to do it completely in His strength.

Jul 23, 202336:17
Watch For Evil Plots | July 16, 2023

Watch For Evil Plots | July 16, 2023

Ever been bullied? Ever felt attacked like there was a plot against you? It seems that the most peaceful course of action is to do what they say and bow to their wishes. Esther 3 teaches us the exact opposite. Come this Sunday and hear one of our Elders Dr. Wayne Baxter explain further what our response should be to when there are evil plots against us. And remember, your Heavenly Father can beat up a bully any time of the day if you just call out to Him!

Jul 16, 202349:39
Selected For Significance | July 9, 2023

Selected For Significance | July 9, 2023

Have you ever been selected for a job, task, or assignment that you didn’t want to do? Probably we all have. However, none of us have experienced what Mordecai did when he was captured, taken to Babylon, lost his uncle, and then had to take care of his cousin in a hostile environment. Also, none of us have experienced the assignment of being forced to marry an evil king and become part of his harem. That is what Mordecai’s cousin Esther had to do after the former queen, Vashti, refused to be exploited. And yet, God used Esther’s selection by the king for a greater purpose and service. Often, we cannot see it, but God is doing something behind the scenes as part of His redemption plan that is amazing. Pastor Jason will help point us back to God from Esther 2 when we receive those unwanted assignments. Look to Jesus!

Jul 09, 202351:35
Refusing the Powerful | July 2, 2023

Refusing the Powerful | July 2, 2023

Happy Canada Day weekend! One of the freedoms I cherish in our country is the freedom of speech that we can peacefully disagree and not have reprisals by those in government (at least for now.) This was not true for Queen Vashti in the days of Persian Empire. As we begin our summer series through the Book of Esther, we are going to learn about refusing the powerful and sticking to our convictions. May God give us great wisdom and be faithful as we live in an ever increasing culture!

Jul 02, 202333:35
Courage Over Cowardice | June 25, 2023

Courage Over Cowardice | June 25, 2023

This week we will be studying Daniel and the Lion’s Den from Daniel 6. This is one of the most beloved stories in the Bible, but let’s remember that it probably wasn’t for Daniel. This 80+ year old man getting to spend a night in lion’s den would not have been on or completed his bucket list. And yet, it shows a cyclical nature of prayer and courage - prayer builds courage and courage invokes more prayer. As we continue to lose our religious freedoms here in Canada, it may not be lions that we get thrown to, but persecution is on its way. The ire of authorities may cause us to choose between abandoning our spiritual disciplines or continuing our commitment to pray come what may. May we obey God and find courage from Him!

Jun 25, 202338:00
Contentment Over Corruption | June 18, 2023

Contentment Over Corruption | June 18, 2023

Happy Father’s Day! As a dad, I confess I worry about the future. I worry and wonder whether my children will walk with God. To fight this worry I need to remember that God is in control of the future and has a plan for my family’s life. We see how God was in control of the future in Daniel 5. He even writes it on a wall. What do you think God would write on the wall to you?

Jun 18, 202344:53
Consistency Over Conceit | June 11, 2023

Consistency Over Conceit | June 11, 2023

Have you ever been on top? Top of the class? Top of the standings? Top of the heap? Have you noticed how high it is up there and how long the fall is? This Sunday we are going to learn from Daniel 4 about how King Nebuchadnezzar was on top of the world and how God brought him low. Remember, God can quickly humble those with the biggest egos! May those egos never be ours! No wonder the Bible often repeats God gives grace to the humble, but opposes the proud.

Jun 11, 202347:45