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On Being the Change You Most Seek, Run For Supervisor!

On Being the Change You Most Seek, Run For Supervisor!

By Tevis Verrett

Brothers & Sisters, I am running for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District in 2022. I need your help in the fight for Homelessness & Mental Illness, Food/Rent Insecurity, Racial and Educational Equity to name a few. We cannot rest and MUST keep the light burning for the movement! You all deserve better. We are the Change!
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Find Your Jason!

On Being the Change You Most Seek, Run For Supervisor!Sep 06, 2019

Be the Light, be the Change! You are Powerful Beyond Measure!
Apr 17, 202105:04
Being our better angels, being our higher selves-being our brothers keeper!

Being our better angels, being our higher selves-being our brothers keeper!

Today I’m coming to you from Tijuana, Mexico! I’m here being my brothers keeper, and struck at the mad respect that I have for the hotdog vendor as he prepares his workday! Brothers & Sisters, I am running for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District in 2022. I need your help in the fight for BLM, Black Voters Matter, Women’s Reproductive Rights, Homelessness & Voter Suppression to name a few. We cannot rest and MUST keep the light burning for the movement! You all deserve better. We are the Change! if you are moved by this podcast, join us and bring your voice to the mission. Now let’s be the change for the better!
Apr 10, 202106:41
This one is about finding your voice, and being your highest self!

This one is about finding your voice, and being your highest self!

We are not products of our past, in fact life is what you get when you didn’t get what you wanted! So find your voice, be your highest self! Do you have the power to change your world, and help a brother or sister that could really use your help! Bring your voice, and join the movement! You deserve better, and we can change the world. Brothers & Sisters, I am running for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District in 2022. I need your help in the fight for BLM, Black Voters Matter, Women’s Reproductive Rights, Homelessness & Voter Suppression to name a few. We cannot rest and MUST keep the light burning for the movement! You all deserve better. We are the Change!
Apr 08, 202103:52
Out of the darkness and into the light!

Out of the darkness and into the light!

It is easy to fall in the doldrums, with all the worlds problems-depression, frustration, irritation, is just a dark thot away. Take a moment, take a breather take some time and revel in just how beautiful you are!Hang in there Baller, with you and I there is nothing that we cannot accomplish! We are the lights, we are the change!
Apr 06, 202103:08
April 2, 2021

April 2, 2021

Apr 02, 202100:59
Back at it! Be the Change!

Back at it! Be the Change!

Brothers & Sisters, I am running for Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors, 3rd District in 2022. I need your help in the fight for BLM, Black Voters Matter, Women’s Reproductive Rights, Homelessness & Voter Suppression to name a few. We cannot rest and MUST keep the light burning for the movement! You all deserve better. We are the Change!
Apr 02, 202102:26
Stay in the Hustle, Stay Hungry!

Stay in the Hustle, Stay Hungry!

If you live in the city of Gotham, if you live in the city of the Angels, this is no place to get comfortable and lead that stress free life. This is about big dreams, this is where you come to go git did!
Dec 16, 201904:27
Patience, Perseverance, & The Why!

Patience, Perseverance, & The Why!

In our fast paced and instant gratification lives sometimes the best thing that we can do is. . .

Listen In!
Nov 27, 201903:41
Beating the Tax Man at his Own Game

Beating the Tax Man at his Own Game

Hey rock stars, mentioned in this episode is the IRS Withholding Calculator. Take control of your finances, and know that I always have your back Look it up, and listen in. . .
Nov 25, 201903:16
Find Your Peace, Find Your Gratitude

Find Your Peace, Find Your Gratitude

Hey sports fans, life is so fast paced, That we forget to take a beat, slow down and find gratitude in the small things. Listen in and find your bliss.
Nov 06, 201903:08
Faking It Until You Make It!

Faking It Until You Make It!

We live in an industry that is make-believe to begin with. Work on your craft and also work to be bigger than yourself. Keep reaching up, listen in. . .
Nov 05, 201904:17
Suck it up, buttercup! The dilemma of opulence.

Suck it up, buttercup! The dilemma of opulence.

You find yourself with too much, too many, and on overwhelm. Here is the secret, listen in. . .
Oct 24, 201903:17
Wanna Know How to Become a Celebrity?

Wanna Know How to Become a Celebrity?

Hello Rockstars as an insider business and talent manager I see very talented people languishing. Do you know why? I do, so listen in
Oct 15, 201901:50
The Unglamorous World of Being a Mooovie Star

The Unglamorous World of Being a Mooovie Star

I’m sitting here, with a tent over my head and dirt underneath my florsheims sitting in a plastic chair, what it takes to be a rockstar! Listen in. . .
Oct 10, 201904:04
Never double dog ever give up on your dreams!

Never double dog ever give up on your dreams!

I just finished submitting my beloved rockstar roster. The only way to make it in this industry is to, listen and I’ll tell you!
Oct 03, 201902:26
Getting over yourself, or at least getting out of your own way!

Getting over yourself, or at least getting out of your own way!

I swear youth is wasted on the young, and the secret is to gain wisdom before you die. Listen to this little ditty and tell me what you think.
Oct 01, 201903:04
Find Your Team, You’re Not in This Alone!

Find Your Team, You’re Not in This Alone!

Life is full to overflowing, and sometimes to find your way all you need is to reach out to a trusted friend, listen in and know that I have your back.
Sep 27, 201903:08
God has got you, and God don’t make no junk!

God has got you, and God don’t make no junk!

My kindred, no that wherever you are you got garden angels looking out for you. You’re blessed so suck it up buttercup and listen
Sep 25, 201903:20
Your Triumphs and Your Disappointments!

Your Triumphs and Your Disappointments!

Life is about perception, lean your forehead in and listen closer
Sep 23, 201903:40
Parenting, it ain’t for Sissies

Parenting, it ain’t for Sissies

I had the pleasure of sitting with my very wise Masonic brothers, enjoying cigars, this is what I’ve learned. . .
Sep 21, 201904:11
The Art of Getting Unstuck

The Art of Getting Unstuck

In the age of cell phones and smart phones and this phones and that phones we find ourselves more and more isolated, stuck. Listen on how to get unstuck
Sep 17, 201902:48
Winning the race and trying to keep up with the Joneses!

Winning the race and trying to keep up with the Joneses!

Running on empty? Listen in, this is food for your soul.
Sep 08, 201903:30
Find your Peace, find your Solace!

Find your Peace, find your Solace!

The secret of happiness. . . well you already have it.  It is your soul.  Listen in!

Sep 08, 201903:16
Find Your Jason!

Find Your Jason!

We all have these people in our lives that are amazing bright shining stars. There is also a bizarre misery that we choose to commiserate with those sick people that bring us darkness. Each of us has lights, find that light. Find your Jason!
Sep 06, 201902:01
Naps! Get you Some.

Naps! Get you Some.

Life tends to get heavy and gravity thick. Sometimes instead of just fighting your way through it, the best course of action is to find your Binky and get horizontal.
Sep 04, 201903:20
Protect Your Path, Protect Your Soul

Protect Your Path, Protect Your Soul

Friends will come, and friends will go.  You can harbor a grudge, or you can forgive them and leave them with their own brand of crazy!  The latter is called wisdom.  

What are your thots?  How do you deal with crazy?

Sep 02, 201903:16
Masters of Our Own Destiny

Masters of Our Own Destiny

Life is heaven, or life is a kick your teeth out proposition, it’s all in your perception!
Aug 30, 201906:33
85 face plants

85 face plants

Life has a way of knocking you down, and in the process kicking your teeth out! The only way that I can hold you down is if you don’t get back up. Clip your big girl panties and get back up.
Aug 29, 201902:37
Step Your Game Up, Let’s Go Get Did!

Step Your Game Up, Let’s Go Get Did!

We all live in fear, you think you’ve got crazy-you ought to see my crazy. The question is, how do we get out of our crazy to live our lives and thus live our dreams?
Aug 28, 201902:26
What Goes Bump, In the Night! who wants to try and keep up with the Kardashians?

What Goes Bump, In the Night! who wants to try and keep up with the Kardashians?

The admonition wherever you go there you are rings true in 2019. We are all trying to find our place in the grand scheme of things, and we forget how blessed we are just to be!
Aug 28, 201902:55
Whupin’ the tax man at his own game. A little thing called financial literacy!

Whupin’ the tax man at his own game. A little thing called financial literacy!

Folks this is quick explanation I’ve how are you can clawback your hard-earned money that has been taken out of your paycheck. Listen, listen, listen again;And then get in touch with me and I help you with the IRS withholding calculator.
Aug 27, 201906:55
Rise and Grind. Make a difference in the world today!

Rise and Grind. Make a difference in the world today!

This past weekend, instead of whining and bitching about how much life sucks, my Masonic brothers and I got off of our butts and did something, listen for what we got ‘er did!
Aug 27, 201903:04