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That's Grace Podcast

That's Grace Podcast

By Grace Church

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Walking Daily With God | Roadmap | Week 2 |

That's Grace PodcastMay 12, 2024

A Faith That Takes Action | The Unlikely | Week 1 |

A Faith That Takes Action | The Unlikely | Week 1 |

What if God chose you to do something extraordinary? Most of us would feel very unqualified or unprepared. It's easy to doubt ourselves because of our past, present struggles, or feelings of inadequacy. But what if God wasn't looking for the most skilled, perfect, or confident person? What if He just needed someone willing to trust Him? In this video, we explore the story of Deborah, and see unlikely heroes from the Bible who faced overwhelming odds. Through their journey, we'll discover that God delights in using ordinary people to accomplish His purposes and gain some powerful lessons that can move our faith into action.

Jun 02, 202448:58
Making Decisions You Won't Regret | Roadmap | Week 4 |

Making Decisions You Won't Regret | Roadmap | Week 4 |

It would be great if we could be confident in every decision we make. Unfortunately, the reality is that we all struggle with the fear of making the wrong choice and failing and so often, we are just frozen by indecision which can lead us to a life of regret and missing the life God has planned for us. So how can we navigate these times of uncertainty and indecision in a way that pleases God and minimizes regrets? In this video, we’ll see from the Bible how we can lean on God’s guidance and wisdom in these times and how we can develop the courage to move forward even when the path ahead seems unclear.

May 26, 202453:53
Anchoring Your Faith Through Life's Storms | Roadmap | Week 3 |

Anchoring Your Faith Through Life's Storms | Roadmap | Week 3 |

When we come face to face with the storms of life —challenges, difficulties, and uncertainties can leave us feeling overwhelmed and shake our faith. So how can we still cling to God’s peace and strength even if everything around us is telling us to freak out? In this video, we’ll see that even God’s own people were not immune from doubts and fear, but from these stories we can draw powerful lessons that can help us hold onto hope even when the path ahead seems bleak and uncertain. Whether you're currently facing a storm or seeking to strengthen your faith for future challenges, this message will provide the encouragement and guidance you need to navigate life's ups and downs better.

May 19, 202455:40
Walking Daily With God | Roadmap | Week 2 |

Walking Daily With God | Roadmap | Week 2 |

Life can often feel overwhelming with the number of decisions and choices we have to make. Choices that will inevitably lead us somewhere, but not always in the direction that God would have us go. But with so many opportunities and paths to take, it can be a struggle to know which is the right one. In this video, we continue our series Roadmap where we are exploring a powerful story from the book of Exodus that reveals how God's love and faithfulness can guide us through life's most difficult moments. As we see the Israelites' struggle between trusting God or their own reason, we'll uncover valuable insights that can help us trust God more deeply and choose the right paths in our own lives which can bring us closer to His perfect plan and purpose for us.

May 12, 202459:17
Overcoming The Fear Of Obedience | Roadmap | Week 1 |

Overcoming The Fear Of Obedience | Roadmap | Week 1 |

Have you ever faced a situation where you knew what God wanted you to do, but fear held you back? Maybe you're struggling to let go of something that's hindering your spiritual growth, or you're afraid of the risks that come with obedience. In this video, we'll see a fresh perspective on the story of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt to uncover powerful insights that can help you get unstuck. We'll explore what it means to trust God fully and surrender every area of our lives to Him, even when it feels scary or uncertain. Whether you're facing a difficult decision, dealing with overwhelming challenges, or simply seeking to deepen your faith, we’ll discover the unexpected blessings that await when we courageously obey God and let go of anything that holds us back.

May 05, 202449:27
When Life Feels Out Of Control | Jesus In Genesis | Week 4 |

When Life Feels Out Of Control | Jesus In Genesis | Week 4 |

Since the very beginning of time, God has been writing a story of rescue and redemption through history. But in a world that often feels chaotic, uncertain, and overwhelming, it's easy to wonder if God is still at work. In this week’s video, we'll dive into the life of Joseph and explore how God uses even the most painful and unjust circumstances for good in the story He is writing and we’ll find wisdom for today in dealing with forgiveness, faith, and the importance of trusting in God's plan, even when life feels like it's falling apart.

Apr 28, 202456:12
When God Asks for Everything | Jesus In Genesis | Week 3 |

When God Asks for Everything | Jesus In Genesis | Week 3 |

When life feels uncertain and we're faced with difficult choices, it's natural to hold onto what's familiar and comfortable. But what happens when God asks us to place ourselves in a vulnerable spot and trust Him completely? In this video, we dive into the stories of three men in the Bible who were called to make extraordinary sacrifices. Through their stories, we’ll see that true fulfillment and purpose aren't found in clinging to what we know, but in surrendering to God's plan and stepping into the unknown. Together we’ll gain practical tools for navigating adversity, deepening your relationship with God, and aligning your life with the greater story He is writing in our world.

Apr 21, 202457:59
God's Plan For New Beginnings | Jesus In Genesis | Week 2 |

God's Plan For New Beginnings | Jesus In Genesis | Week 2 |

Sometimes, the challenges of life and the brokenness around us leave us craving a fresh start—to leave the past behind and embrace renewed hope and purpose. The Bible reveals that God once faced a similar situation with the world. Confronted with pervasive evil and suffering, He chose to hit the reset button through a catastrophic flood. The story of Noah and the Flood is more than a tale for children; it's a narrative of divine resets and second chances—a story where God offers a fresh start amidst despair, no matter how badly we've messed up. From this ancient account, we will gain insights into how, even when things seem at their worst, God has a plan for new beginnings that can transform our lives forever.

Apr 14, 202438:46
How The World Went From Good To Broken | Jesus In Genesis | Week 1 |

How The World Went From Good To Broken | Jesus In Genesis | Week 1 |

Why do we so often feel like we are chasing after something more? Like no matter what we achieve or acquire, there's this lingering sense of dissatisfaction or emptiness? The truth is, we all live in a broken world, and the weight of our own brokenness causes us to combat the feelings of guilt, shame, and disconnection and seek for something to bring wholeness and purpose. But what if most often we’re just looking in the wrong places? In this video, we are headed back to the beginning of recorded history to see what the ancient stories of the Bible reveal about our struggles and how we find answers to our lingering questions and gain greater understanding of our purpose and responsibility in this world that God created.

Apr 07, 202454:31
Condemned to Free: The Easter Story You Haven't Heard | Easter With Grace | Sean Sears |

Condemned to Free: The Easter Story You Haven't Heard | Easter With Grace | Sean Sears |

Have you ever wished for a fresh start, a chance to leave your past behind and embrace a new beginning? The message of Easter, is the hope that promises just that - and so much more. Understanding not only the history but the significance of Jesus' life, death and resurrection, points to a love that knows no bounds, and a grace that extends to all, no matter your past failures or present hardships. So if you’re carrying a heavy burden, searching for meaning, or simply longing for a deeper sense of worth and purpose, this video will bring the clarity you need. Discover how this Easter could be your first step towards a fresh start and an invitation to something greater.

Mar 31, 202444:20
How To Recover From Spiritual Failure | Unfollow | Week 4 |

How To Recover From Spiritual Failure | Unfollow | Week 4 |

There are few feelings worse than realizing that we’ve blown it. Whether it's a major betrayal or a minor misstep, our instinct is to often hide in shame. But when we feel like we’ve blown it with God, we can be tempted to think there’s no coming back. But in this video, we’ll see how our response to our failure can make all the difference. We'll explore the difference between shame-filled isolation and repentance that leads to restoration. If you've ever felt like you've let God down, this is something you don’t want to miss.

Mar 24, 202450:15
Keeping Faith In A Distracting World | Unfollow | Week 3 |

Keeping Faith In A Distracting World | Unfollow | Week 3 |

Every day we are faced with things that can distract us from what matters most. We chase after things looking for happiness and fulfillment, but what can often happen is that the pursuit of these things can cause us to drift away from our faith, something that has eternal consequences. In this week’s video, we'll explore what Jesus taught about living a focused, meaningful life and his warnings on the dangers of wasted time, discontentment, and self-centered living. Together, we’ll discover ways to keep our faith at the center of our lives so that we can live a life focused on the things that matter most.

Mar 17, 202454:33
A Faith That Stretches Us | Unfollow | Week 2 |

A Faith That Stretches Us | Unfollow | Week 2 |

In our curated digital world, it's tempting to unfollow anything that challenges our comfort or image. But what happens when following Jesus leads us to hard truths? In this video, we'll explore how Jesus' teachings often pushed the levels of comfort of many of his followers, causing many to question and even abandon him in the final week of his life. We'll see how we can learn to embrace these testing moments of following Jesus in a culture that avoids sacrifice and we'll find that the temporary discomfort we experience leads to a more fulfilling faith than we could ever imagine.

Mar 10, 202448:08
Encountering The Real Jesus | Unveiling Jesus | Week 4 |

Encountering The Real Jesus | Unveiling Jesus | Week 4 |

When life feels smooth and God seems close, it’s wonderful. Yet we often hit times when our faith seems to lack connection, leaving us frustrated and craving blessings without requiring change. But true encounters with God are not something to be controlled or manipulated for our gain. When we clearly see and understand Jesus’ glory and power, it can't be molded comfortably. In this video, we’ll see how some of Jesus’ closest friends reacted when Jesus fully revealed Himself to them and how this experience led them to the same question we are faced with  - what place will He hold in our life?

Feb 25, 202434:49
Who Is Jesus To You? | Unveiling Jesus | Week 3 |

Who Is Jesus To You? | Unveiling Jesus | Week 3 |

Was Jesus just a good teacher? A revolutionary rabbi who liked to stir the pot? Or is He a nicety we rarely think about beyond the holidays? We often try to fit Jesus into a mold of our own making. However, in doing so, we risk missing His true identity. In this video, Jesus confronts His followers with a soul-searching question: "Who do you actually believe I am?" Rather than indulging inaccurate assumptions, He dispels those misguided notions. Jesus reveals He was sent for a far greater purpose - not just to teach platitudes but to radically transform lives through profound truth and grace.

Feb 18, 202452:01
Following Jesus Isn't About The Rules | Unveiling Jesus | Week 2 |

Following Jesus Isn't About The Rules | Unveiling Jesus | Week 2 |

Do you ever feel like you don't measure up spiritually no matter how hard you try? It can be exhausting trying to do good all the time and obey the religious rules. We’re tempted to feel discouraged, less than, or even to treat others differently based on how we all obey the rules. But is following Jesus just about keeping the rules? What if religious scorecards completely miss what God actually cares about? In this week’s video, we see Jesus revealing that God isn't foremost concerned with strict rule-keeping. Through a surprising encounter with religious leaders, we'll discover the one thing God truly prioritizes over anything else.

Feb 11, 202449:47
The Inconvenient Jesus | Unveiling Jesus | Week 1 |

The Inconvenient Jesus | Unveiling Jesus | Week 1 |

If we’re honest, we often prefer to envision Jesus as all-loving and endlessly patient - it's just more comforting. While we do see Him portray these characteristics in the Bible, we also see Him be raw and honest about other aspects of His identity. It’s often easier for us to minimize Jesus confronting sin and requiring self-reflection and repentance and focus on the more gentle aspects. But without grasping His justice and grace, we cling to partial truths. In this video, we start a journey to discover who Jesus really is - not just the gentle caricature we create to suit our preferences.

Feb 04, 202453:04
A Faith That Costs | Unpredictable Savior | Week 5 |

A Faith That Costs | Unpredictable Savior | Week 5 |

Many feel drawn to God yet hesitate when faith costs comfort or disrupts plans. It’s tempting to disengage when spiritual roads diverge from what we envisioned. But Jesus surprised disciples by challenging assumptions on following Him. No sugarcoating. Complete surrender - of security, reputation, resources - would amplify meaning. Centuries later, we still wrestle with trusting God’s wisdom over self-protecting logic. But what if yielding control unlocks courage and purpose despite uncertainty? In this video, see how Jesus calls ordinary people to walk away from their fears and insecurities to pursue something greater. Discover how relinquishing control unlocks courage and unconventional purpose despite uncertainty.

Jan 31, 202455:11
Jesus Transforms Messy To Meaningful | Unpredictable Savior | Week 4 |

Jesus Transforms Messy To Meaningful | Unpredictable Savior | Week 4 |

Escaping the messiness of life is not something any of us are exempt from. Whether it’s past mistakes and regrets or present failures and insecurities, we can often feel disqualified from God’s care and affection. But what if you’re wrong? What if the God that we often give up on has never given up on you? In this video, we see outrageous stories of Jesus that prove that nothing is too broken for Him to heal and that His relentless love and compassion can not only transform your life, but can offer you a newfound hope and unexpected purpose for your life.

Jan 21, 202442:56
Jesus’ Greatest Speech (And Why It Still Matters Today) | Unpredictable Savior | Week 3 |

Jesus’ Greatest Speech (And Why It Still Matters Today) | Unpredictable Savior | Week 3 |

“Love your neighbor." "Turn the other cheek". Jesus' statements sound ideal but living them out is tough. Rather than rally political revolt like many of his day had hoped, Jesus focused on inner change instead. His piercing principles targeted the very areas we still today drift from God — money, enemies, judgment, hypocrisy. Beyond nice words, He exposes and transforms hearts, however unexpectedly. The question is — will we trust His wisdom to shape our lives for His greater purpose? In this teaching, we explore the gap between admiring Jesus and following Him when spiritual rubber meets life's road.

Jan 14, 202453:21
The People God Picks | Unpredictable Savior | Week 2 |

The People God Picks | Unpredictable Savior | Week 2 |

Do you ever feel like your life is too messy or you are too unqualified to be used by God? It’s easy to assume God favors those who are more put together, more educated, or with more skills. But in this video, we see that Jesus does the exact opposite of what we’d expect. Instead of finding the best of the best, he picks a group of regular people to launch a world changing mission. From this story we will see that while we believe we need influence, status, or better behavior to be used or noticed by God, God is looking for people just like you to do some pretty incredible things.

Jan 07, 202446:31
Hope For Imperfect Holidays | Christmas With Grace | Week 4 |

Hope For Imperfect Holidays | Christmas With Grace | Week 4 |

At Christmas, we often want to experience the feelings of merry and bright, the calm of silent nights, and the glimmer of anticipation for what’s to come. But when our reality includes grief, loneliness or disappointment instead, we wonder where’s the hope in that? It can feel like you got short-changed. What if the first Christmas was as confusing and unpredictable as this year feels for you? This Christmas Eve, see how Jesus freely chose an unideal birth to bring surprising hope to your imperfect holidays and uncertain plans. Discover how joy and purpose can emerge from the messiness we want to edit out of the story.

Dec 24, 202346:29
Gold For A King | The Gifts | Week 3 |

Gold For A King | The Gifts | Week 3 |

Out of the three gifts the wise men brought in the Christmas story, gold seems to make the most sense. No new family would turn down gold, especially a family that just had a baby in a barn! But what we might not understand about this gift is that it wasn’t an appropriate gift for just anyone. It was a gift for royalty. In this video, we dive deeper into the meaning of this gift to understand the Magi’s motivations in giving this gift and we’ll discover that this communicates that we all have a choice to make on who Jesus will be in our lives.

Dec 17, 202342:41
Myrrh For A Baby? | The Gifts | Week 2 |

Myrrh For A Baby? | The Gifts | Week 2 |

Gold, frankincense and myrrh - we know the three gifts in the Christmas story. Gold sounds like a decent gift for any new family to receive, but myrrh? Its main use was for embalming dead bodies! Why would the Magi give funeral oil to a newborn baby!? In this second week of our Christmas series, we discover more about this strange gift, why the Magi may have  thought it was appropriate, and why its symbolic significance matters for us today.

Dec 10, 202347:35
What is Frankincense? | The Gifts | Week 1 |

What is Frankincense? | The Gifts | Week 1 |

We all know about the three gifts from the wise men - gold, frankincense and myrrh. But have you ever wondered why they brought such odd things as gifts? Why did they choose to bring these things for a toddler? In this first video of our Christmas series, we dig into the surprising significance of that fragrant gift - frankincense. We learn more about what it is, why it was given, and why its symbolic significance matters for us in this Christmas season today.

Dec 03, 202348:16
How To Express Gratitude | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 3 |

How To Express Gratitude | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 3 |

What’s the difference between feeling grateful and truly expressing gratitude? It’s good to verbally express thanks but too often, our sense of gratitude fades away with the words we say. If we want to live lives defined by gratitude, we need to move beyond just words. But what does that look like? In this video, we discover three principles that help guide us on a path of gratitude and sets us free from worry and fear associated with money. These principles not only remind us of all we have to be grateful for, but overflow into blessing those around us.

Nov 26, 202348:21
Why Aren’t We More Grateful? | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 2 |

Why Aren’t We More Grateful? | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 2 |

In our hustle-bustle world of instant everything, gratitude and thankfulness often get squeezed out. You’d think with all we have we’d be more grateful! Instead, we find it so easy to take for granted our many blessings and comforts. In this message, we find practical ways from the Bible to cultivate sincere, consistent thankfulness in our lives and learn how to move past discontentment and entitlement and let your needs and blessings prompt you to draw closer to God.

Nov 19, 202343:55
Where Does Good Come From? | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 1 |

Where Does Good Come From? | The Art Of Gratitude | Week 1 |

We take so much for granted - our lives, loved ones, talents we have. But have you ever stopped to seriously ponder where all the good in your life actually originates? Most often we assume it's from our own efforts and take full credit for it, but what if our thinking was totally backwards? In this video, we see what the Bible says about the true source of every blessing we receive. See the life changing difference between believing we're entitled to the good we have versus understanding it all as an undeserved gift from God.

Nov 12, 202352:43
We're Just Getting Started | 18th Birthday | Week 1 |

We're Just Getting Started | 18th Birthday | Week 1 |

Grace Church turns 18 years old! It's crazy to look back on how we started out with just 35 people crammed in a hotel conference room and to see where God has brought us. In this video, our Lead Pastor Sean Sears shares some awesome stories and history of where we have been as a church but also reminds us that we've only just begun to tap into all that God dreams for us. Hear how we can be a church God continues to bless and how you can be a part of helping these dreams become a reality!

Nov 05, 202345:55
Fighting for Peace | Upside Down | Week 4 |

Fighting for Peace | Upside Down | Week 4 |

Everywhere we turn, it seems we find conflict. Not only on the news but in our homes, workplaces, and communities. We long for peace in our world, in our lives, and in our hearts, but it seems there is always something ready to rob us of it. In this video, we explore the upside-down path of peacemaking Jesus lays out. While we’re distracted by achieving our definition of peace, Jesus calls us to engage through conflict to do the hard work of true peacemaking. Learn how to trust God through the struggle and become conduits of peace in a hostile world.

Oct 29, 202340:52
How To Have a Clean Heart | Upside Down | Week 3 |

How To Have a Clean Heart | Upside Down | Week 3 |

Having a pure heart often feels impossible with all the temptations and brokenness around us. This struggle can cause us to feel discouraged and unworthy or tempt us to throw in the towel and allow our hearts to become calloused and dirty. So how can we actually experience purity of heart like Jesus teaches? In this video, we see that purity of heart does not equal perfection, but rather can be obtained through practical habits to guard your heart, change your focus, obey God's voice within you. When we live this way, we can experience the blessing and peace God intends for us.

Oct 22, 202345:43
Balancing Justice And Mercy | Upside Down | Week 2 |

Balancing Justice And Mercy | Upside Down | Week 2 |

Injustice seems rampant today. We hunger for wrongs to be righted, yet showing mercy appears weak and lets the offender off the hook. So how do we reconcile Jesus’ teaching for us to want justice, but also freely give mercy? In this video, we see how Jesus flips the script by redefining our understanding of justice and mercy, what it would look like for us to live as people of justice and mercy, and how living out Jesus' radical, countercultural teachings leads us towards lives of peace, contentment, and purpose that we’ve been craving.

Oct 15, 202342:42
Why God Blesses Vulnerability | Upside Down | Week 1 |

Why God Blesses Vulnerability | Upside Down | Week 1 |

Do you ever feel like life is leaving you empty and unfulfilled? You try to check all the boxes for success - nice job, possessions, relationships - but something's still missing. What if God knows something about finding a blessed and fulfilling life that we’re missing? What can be challenging is sometimes Jesus’ instructions can feel backwards to us. Jesus said the poor, grieving, and humble are blessed, but living that way doesn’t sound like it leads to a better place. So what is Jesus talking about? In this video, we’ll be unpacking these counter cultural values that are supposed to lead to blessing and favor and see how Jesus intended them to bring us a life of meaning and purpose.

Oct 09, 202347:42
Should Christians Fight Culture Or Embrace It? | Asking For A Friend | Week 4 |

Should Christians Fight Culture Or Embrace It? | Asking For A Friend | Week 4 |

Living out your faith nowadays can feel like you’re on stormy waters. With Christian values diminishing in our culture, many people of faith are left feeling overwhelmed, angry, or tempted to leave their faith behind. So in these divided times, how should Christians respond to the culture around them? In this video, we answer this question by giving a Biblically-grounded perspective on what it looks like to stand firm in your faith and also live as a person of compassion and love towards those who do not share your beliefs.

Oct 01, 202344:39
Does Science Point To A Creator? | Asking For A Friend | Week 3 |

Does Science Point To A Creator? | Asking For A Friend | Week 3 |

Most of us grew up being taught evolution, but what if there’s actual empirical evidence that points toward purposeful design? We’re putting the Bible to the test to see if believing in Creation requires you to check your brain at the door, or if you can believe the Genesis account and still be rational and intelligent. In this video, we'll see respected scientists who believe the data fits better with Genesis than natural selection, and we'll discover how the world around us defies random chance, revealing fingerprints of an intelligent Creator behind it all.

Sep 25, 202352:34
What Does The Bible Say About Sex and Relationships? | Asking For A Friend | Week 2 |

What Does The Bible Say About Sex and Relationships? | Asking For A Friend | Week 2 |

Relationships today are complicated. Our world is constantly communicating to us how to navigate things like sex, dating, and marriage, but is this really working out well for us? Many of us still struggle reconciling our faith with our current desires and our past failures. In this video, we’ll have an open, judgment-free conversation on what the Bible says about navigating tough topics like healthy boundaries for sex, dating in a modern world, divorce, and re-marriage. Discover how to reconcile faith with your desires, build intimate relationships that honor God, and find hope and healing from heartache.

Sep 20, 202351:07
What Does The Bible Say About Gender Identity? | Asking For A Friend | Week 1 |

What Does The Bible Say About Gender Identity? | Asking For A Friend | Week 1 |

Navigating the topic of gender identity today is tough. Transgender. Gender dysphoria. Non-binary. What does it all mean? We want to care for people's innermost feelings and desires but is fully exploring and expressing all feelings and desires leading us towards wholeness? The complexities surrounding these issues leave many longing for clarity. In this video, we'll see what answers and wisdom the Bible gives around this topic to help us navigate these delicate and important issues.

Sep 12, 202357:37
Building A Life You Won’t Regret | Checking In |

Building A Life You Won’t Regret | Checking In |

Do you ever worry you'll look back with regret on how you spent your time and energy? It’s hard enough just getting through the day to day, let alone making sure your decisions are leading to a life of fulfillment and purpose. That’s where having strong values can help! In this video, we talk about 4 values designed to help you build a life of purpose and meaning. Find out why being biblically centered, outwardly focused, radically generous, and personally involved matters and also practical ways for you to start incorporating these values into your life this week.

Sep 03, 202356:56
Managing Fear And Anxiety | Triggered | Week 6 |

Managing Fear And Anxiety | Triggered | Week 6 |

Between pandemics, politics, and social media outrage, it's no wonder so many of us struggle with fear and anxiety. The constant state of feeling triggered can really take its toll on our mental, emotional, and spiritual health, and while we try to hide, ignore, or self medicate these feelings, they never really seem to go away. But here's the truth: you were created to live in peace, not in panic, but that doesn’t mean we’ll never wrestle with these feelings. In this video, we'll unpack practical techniques to manage fear and anxiety and give you Biblical wisdom for processing these emotions.

Aug 31, 202350:59
Is This Really Love? | Triggered | Week 5 |

Is This Really Love? | Triggered | Week 5 |

Love is a super confusing emotion. We say we "love" a lot of things when we really mean we like, we desire, we enjoy, we crave. And sometimes when we say “love” we really mean "lust". We live in a world that glorifies fantasy love while real relationships struggle and more often than not our disordered desires lead to pain and brokenness. No wonder we have so many questions about love! In this video, we take a look at what the Bible says about this messy thing we call love to find clarity and understanding so we can manage this emotion in a better way.

Aug 28, 202346:46
Is Being Happy Enough? | Triggered | Week 4

Is Being Happy Enough? | Triggered | Week 4

Is being happy all it takes for a fulfilling life? As a culture, we do so much, buy so much, and try so much to experience this blissful emotion and then we wake up and do it all over again. Most of the daily choices and decisions we make revolve around what will make us happy. After all, God wants us to be happy right? The problem with this emotion is when we start to believe feeling happiness can accomplish something it was never designed to do. In this video, we talk about how the obsession to be happy can lead us astray, how God desires more than for us to just be happy, and where lasting joy and happiness can be found.

Aug 14, 202334:22
Don't Let Anger Control You| Triggered | Week 3

Don't Let Anger Control You| Triggered | Week 3

Anger and rage seem to be all too common in our world today. Everyone seems to have a short fuse! We see it online, through the media, on our commutes, and in our relationships. It’s the default emotion when things don’t go right, and this intense emotion can be very destructive when handled in unhealthy ways. In this video, we’ll be learning from the Bible how we can navigate the complexities of anger, how to avoid its destructive tendencies, and how to manage this emotion in a God-honoring way.

Aug 07, 202344:50
Stopping Guilt From Becoming Shame | Triggered | Week 2 |

Stopping Guilt From Becoming Shame | Triggered | Week 2 |

Nobody wants to feel guilty or ashamed. We try to make excuses or shift blame so that we can avoid these feelings. But the reality is dealing with feelings of guilt and shame are a part of being human! In this video, we work to understand why God allows us to feel these difficult emotions and see how the Bible says we can go about dealing with these feelings in a more healthy way.

Jul 31, 202354:22
Why My Emotions Matter To God | Triggered | Week 1 |

Why My Emotions Matter To God | Triggered | Week 1 |

Let's be real, our emotions can be super complex and downright frustrating at times. Sadness, anger, fear, and love: if we’re honest, it’s a lot easier to numb or dismiss these emotions than deal with them! We often separate them from our spirituality, thinking they are two separate things, but what if God sees your emotions differently and deeply cares how you feel? In this video, we will see that God designed you to have “all the feels”, and by understanding and embracing God’s design for our emotions can lead to a deeper understanding of God and allow us to grow in our faith.

Jul 24, 202353:25
Neighboring Above And Beyond | Like A Good Neighbor | Week 4 |

Neighboring Above And Beyond | Like A Good Neighbor | Week 4 |

We all work really hard to make our lives easy and comfortable. But when it comes to loving our neighbor, Jesus says it’s more than being friendly and polite. In fact, he says truly loving our neighbor will often cost us something and push us beyond our comfort zones. In this video, we explore why we are so uncomfortable with this idea and also why making such a countercultural decision to love others is worth it.

Jul 17, 202355:05
Why Hospitality Matters | Like A Good Neighbor | Week 3 |

Why Hospitality Matters | Like A Good Neighbor | Week 3 |

For most of us hospitality is reserved for friends and family around birthday parties, BBQs, and holidays. Our busy, fast-paced lives and our reliance on technology can often distract us from spending time with those around us. But here's the thing: hospitality is more than just being polite. It's about loving your neighbor, just like Jesus taught us. In this video, we talk about how hospitality is more than just being a good neighbor, and we’ll give you some simple, practical ideas for inviting others into your space without it being awkward.

Jul 10, 202345:45
How Difficulties Expose Our True Self | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 3

How Difficulties Expose Our True Self | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 3

When facing adversity, tough circumstances, and difficult people, we tend to react…well poorly. After all, we were wronged! It wasn’t our fault! We deserve better! But our reactions act like a mirror that reflects what’s in our hearts, and exposes our hidden thoughts and character. And at times, when what’s in our hearts comes out through our words and actions, it can even surprise us! So what do we do about it? In this video, we discover that we have a choice in how we respond in these situations and learn from the Bible how to allow God to grow and transform us into the people He wants us to be through these times.

Jun 20, 202348:57
When Life Gets Tough | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 2 |

When Life Gets Tough | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 2 |

We've all experienced those moments when it feels like everything in our lives is falling apart. We long for comfort, security, and immediate solutions. We want God to fix our problems and make everything better. And when it doesn't happen, doubts and questions start to surface. But these are the moments where our faith is tested. In this video, we will see that God is not distant in hard times and that when we trust God in the midst of hardship, something incredible happens. God uses those hard times to shape us, to grow us, and to strengthen our faith.

Jun 12, 202339:44
When God Doesn't Make It Better | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 1 |

When God Doesn't Make It Better | A Tale Of 3 Kings | Week 1 |

Many people are initially drawn to faith with the expectation that following Jesus will lead to an easier and more carefree life. But is that really true? Does being a Christian increase your chances for more blessings and prosperity? If so, you might be asking “why are there still so many struggles in my life?” In this video, we talk about the realities of living with faith, and highlight how God sees hardships and struggles differently than we do. 

Jun 05, 202351:29
Letting God Write Your Story | Raise Your Game | Week 4 |

Letting God Write Your Story | Raise Your Game | Week 4 |

Ever wondered what it would be like to let God take the wheel and write more of your life's story? If we’re honest, many of us feel more comfortable being the authors of our own lives and it can be daunting to feel like we are giving up control of our own lives. But what if you knew for a fact that God had something better planned? Something you’d miss if you never took the risk? In this video, we are talking about what a life written by God can look like, why the risk is worth it, and how you can make your first move to hand the pen over to God. 

May 30, 202352:45