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The Breakdown with Shaun King

The Breakdown with Shaun King

By The North Star

Join Shaun as he unpacks the most important stories of injustice, racism and corruption, but also tells you who's fighting back and how you can support and join them with practical action steps.
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Ep. 655 - Let me tell you about the single most corrupt DA's office in America

The Breakdown with Shaun KingAug 11, 2022

Ep. 660 - Pennsylvania police shot & killed an 8 year old girl. Here's their strategy to get away with it.

Ep. 660 - Pennsylvania police shot & killed an 8 year old girl. Here's their strategy to get away with it.

1 year ago, right outside of Philadelphia, in a town called Sharon Hill, local police shot and killed an 8 year old girl named Fanta Bility, and tried to claim it was in a shootout.

But there was no shootout. And police have offered no credible explanation on why they unloaded their guns into the car of Fanta's family - killing Fanta, shooting her sister, and injuring other innocent bystanders.

Now, police are saying that since it can't be proven which of their bullets killed Fanta, that none of them should be convicted. So we MUST take action to stand up for this family.

ACTION STEP: Click the link in my bio on Instagram and you'll see everything you need to do to email and call every single person on this case, OK?

Aug 19, 202213:48
Ep. 659 - It gets worse. Conservatives love the Vice Chair of the Democratic Party so much that they are throwing fundraisers for him.

Ep. 659 - It gets worse. Conservatives love the Vice Chair of the Democratic Party so much that they are throwing fundraisers for him.

Yesterday I told you how a conservative white woman named Katie Bernhardt has become the chair of the Democratic Party of Louisiana - and blocked the endorsement of Gary Chambers.

Now, it turns out that the Black man that she hand-picked as her Vice Chair is so conservative that the most conservative Republicans in Texas are throwing fundraisers FOR HIM. And not as a practical joke. This man, C. Travis Johnson, is also another wolf in sheep's clothing. He's SO BAD that he recently side with Republicans and voted FOR their racist gerrymandering and redistricting plan. Black folk in the legislature could not believe it.

But it's not just that. The man is skipping important votes for Black voters and voting against the priorities of Black people REGULARLY. In other words, both the chair and vice chair of the Democratic Party in Louisiana, a party dominated by Black voters, are actively working against the interests of Black voters. They both need to be removed immediately.

Aug 18, 202211:43
Ep. 658 - Why does Louisiana have a lifelong ultra conservative Republican white woman leading the Democratic Party?

Ep. 658 - Why does Louisiana have a lifelong ultra conservative Republican white woman leading the Democratic Party?

Her name is Katie Bernhardt. She is literally a lifelong ultra conservative Republican that campaigned and donated to the worst conservatives in Louisiana and she is now somehow leading the Democratic Party in one of the Blackest states in America.

And now she single handedly tanked the Democratic Party's endorsement of Gary Chambers - against the wishes of the majority of Black voters and party members that actually make the majority of the party. This woman needs to be removed from her position immediately.

Aug 17, 202210:56
Ep. 657 - Don't be duped. The FBI has been HORRIBLE to Black people for generations.

Ep. 657 - Don't be duped. The FBI has been HORRIBLE to Black people for generations.

Listen to me - the enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. That's a cute saying, but that's about all it is. Yes, Donald Trump and conservatives are now attacking the FBI and calling to defund it - and because Democrats hate Trump so much, liberals are now cheerleading the FBI.

But that's a HUGE mistake. The FBI has done more harm to Black people, Black leaders, and Black movements than the KKK. They have had their hands in destroying Black leaders and movements all the way back to Marcus Garvey. They are not our friends. I can count on 1 hand the good they've ever done for us while entire books have been written about all the harm they've done to Black people - including assassinations.

Aug 15, 202213:26
Ep. 656 - We need to fund and build more monuments to brilliant Black leaders

Ep. 656 - We need to fund and build more monuments to brilliant Black leaders

Nobody in America has more monuments honoring them than white men. It's not even remotely close. In fact, HALF of the Top 50 most represented people with monuments were enslavers that literally bought, sold, and traded human beings. This is not ok.

But I think a big part of the problem is that we are too often waiting on other people to imagine and build these monuments for us when the truth is we're going to have to build them ourselves.

I'd like to begin with us building monuments to Malcolm X and Nat Turner.

What do you think?

Aug 12, 202211:30
Ep. 655 - Let me tell you about the single most corrupt DA's office in America

Ep. 655 - Let me tell you about the single most corrupt DA's office in America

With every day that passes, we are learning more and more about the blatant corruption that has overtaken the San Francisco DA's office. And what's wild here, is that Democrats can't blame Republicans for this corruption, because it's conservative Democrats, from top to bottom, running the whole thing.

We just learned that the new DA, Brooke Jenkins, was literally paid hundreds of thousands of dollars to be the face of the effort to recall Chesa Boudin, but presented herself to the public as an unpaid volunteer.  Once she then took the office that she paid to undermine, she then immediately began firing every prosecutor and staffer that had anything to do with prosecuting police or overseeing wrongful convictions and replacing them with people that have a long history of actually protecting the police.

Let me unpack and explain it all.

Aug 11, 202214:21
Ep. 654 - 4 great leaders that won their primaries last night!

Ep. 654 - 4 great leaders that won their primaries last night!

Listen, Americans everywhere are tired of politics and tired of politicians, but some truly BRILLIANT leaders continue to step up and run for office. Let me tell you about 4 great leaders that won their races and why those races matter so doggone much!

Aug 10, 202212:51
Ep. 653 - Now that Trump and his country cousins are being held accountable, Republicans are calling to defund the police

Ep. 653 - Now that Trump and his country cousins are being held accountable, Republicans are calling to defund the police

Donald Trump is under active investigation by city, state, and federal offices all over the country. And yesterday some of those chickens started coming home to roost - when the FBI executed a search warrant on his home and office in Florida and recovered at least 15 boxes of material.

Today, I'll unpack and explain what I know about the raid/search. What's wild is that it increasingly appears that Trump will never be held accountable for any of the monstrous things he did while in office, but that he made so many mistakes after Election Day in 2020, that it's going to be the window between Election Day and his exit from The White House that ends up truly jamming him up legally.

Aug 09, 202213:00
Ep. 652 - Israel massacred dozens of Palestinian men, women, and children this weekend. With American tax dollars.

Ep. 652 - Israel massacred dozens of Palestinian men, women, and children this weekend. With American tax dollars.

Calling it anything other than a massacre is a lie. Not a single Israel was killed while hundreds of Palestinian homes and businesses were hit with bombs and missiles - destroying everything in and around them - including at least 15 young children. It's despicable.

What's almost equally despicable is how hard honest coverage from the American mainstream media is to find. Before I recorded this episode I went to every major outlet in the country and hardly a word has been said in the headlines. And the articles and stories that were written made it out like a fight happened between equals. That's not what happened at all. It was a brutal, ugly massacre where children were literally blown to unrecognizable bits. I saw it with my own eyes. And people are asking why these kids aren't being treated with the love and attention given to Ukrainians - and the answer is simple. The American taxpayers are funding and arming the Ukrainians AND the Israelis. How can you speak out on what you wrote the check for?

Aug 08, 202210:34
Ep. 651 - Bye Amy! Memphis just voted out the worst DA in America.

Ep. 651 - Bye Amy! Memphis just voted out the worst DA in America.

This needs to be a national story! In the Deep South, voters in Memphis, Tennessee showed up in a MAJOR way to oust conservative DA Amy Weirich for a progressive reformer and civil rights attorney. It's a HUGE deal.

And it wasn't even close. Amy strangely made her campaign about ME, of all people, running ads blasting me, and my support of her opponent, but voters knew better and saw right through it, thankfully.

Here's the thing - when a progressive loses somewhere, it's all over the news. We need them to now keep that same energy for Memphis.

Shout out to the new DA, Steve Mulroy, who ran a great campaign. And shout out to the voters and volunteers in Memphis who made it happen. Proud of you!

Aug 05, 202210:09
Ep. 650 - Finally, a measure of justice and accountability for Breonna Taylor

Ep. 650 - Finally, a measure of justice and accountability for Breonna Taylor

Today 4 current and former Louisville Police officers were charged by the DOJ and arrested by the FBI for their role in the murder of Breonna Taylor.

First, I want to thank my dear friends @ Until Freedom for literally moving to Louisville to fight for a moment like this. And I want to thank the brilliant attorneys for the family of Breonna Taylor - who've never given up. And of course, local activists and organizers that have stood by the family every step of the way.

Does this heal the heart of Breonna's mother, Tamika Palmer? Of course not, but it does lift some of the burden she's had to carry. I am sure of it. These charges, we know, are not convictions, but when the DOJ charges police, they get convictions 99% of the time.

Above all, today is a reminder to never give up in your fight for justice and accountability. It's all so rare and so damn so slow, but we should never give up.

Aug 04, 202212:19
Ep. 649 - I am going to return the pain back to those that have hurt my family

Ep. 649 - I am going to return the pain back to those that have hurt my family

For most of my 42 years, I've aimed to take the thing that we call "the high road." I wouldn't even say that I fully regret it, because I meant well.

But 42 years of taking the high road has made it such that anybody, anywhere, can attack and spread dangerous information about my family without any consequences. Normally, I will defend myself, and my own reputation, and I will continue to do that as I need to, but now, I am going to use the same strategies that have been used against me, against those that have caused us harm. I am returning your strategies back to you.

Aug 03, 202209:30
Ep. 648 - My raw thoughts on Deshaun Watson

Ep. 648 - My raw thoughts on Deshaun Watson

I wouldn't say that I'm shocked that the NFL only suspended him for 6 games, but I am absolutely disgusted. Men have been suspended more than that for having fights on the field.I believe he did every single thing that the women said he did. I've spoken to some of these women directly. They are honest, hardworking Black women that were cornered and sexually assaulted by Deshaun. He's a disgusting pervert.

Aug 01, 202211:40
Ep. 647 - You can now call 988 for mental health emergencies instead of 911

Ep. 647 - You can now call 988 for mental health emergencies instead of 911

I am a HUGE fan of the brand new phone number, 988. Save it in your phone as "LIFELINE" or whatever else will help you know what it is.

You can call or text them 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, if you or a loved one is having a mental health emergency. They have 200 crisis centers across the country staffed and ready to support you the best they can.

My hope and prayer is that all of us will use this number as we need it. Our tax dollars are helping to pay for it. And we've seen way too often that when we call 911 for mental health emergencies police show up and get violent.

Make 988 the new default number you call or text in a mental health crisis, OK?

Jul 29, 202207:33
Ep. 646 - The single biggest factor impacting public safety in America? THE ECONOMY

Ep. 646 - The single biggest factor impacting public safety in America? THE ECONOMY

Hundreds of micro-factors impact what makes a home safe. A neighborhood. A community. A side of town. An entire city. But NOTHING impacts the safety of a place like the health of its economy. The economy is the single biggest factor impacting public safety in America.

When a home, a block, a neighborhood have true economic security, crime absolutely plummets. And, of course, the inverse is true. Without true, deep economic security, where people earn enough money to make it through the month, to care for all of their needs, and to grow and thrive, where that is missing, the toxic mix of poverty and despair rises.

Nothing would solve drastically reduce crime more than addressing the root economic issues at play that cause it.

Jul 28, 202212:04
Ep. 645 - It's time for Dave Chappelle to move on from the trans jokes

Ep. 645 - It's time for Dave Chappelle to move on from the trans jokes

I am HUGE Dave Chappelle fan. I've met Dave. Been to his shows. I am friends with many of his friends. But it is absolutely time for him to move on from telling trans jokes.

Here's the thing - in America - we do indeed have freedom of speech. And because of that freedom, Dave can continue to tell trans jokes for this rest of his life if he wants to. And people can protest Dave for the rest of their lives if they want to.

But here's my rub... you can really only crack jokes about oppressed groups that you ARE NOT A PART OF a few times before people get irritated. Dave has hit that threshold.

This is true for all comedians. Jewish comedians can crack jokes about Jewish people for the rest of their lives, but limits exist for anybody else that wants to move into that space.

The same is true for white comedians telling jokes ABOUT Black people, at the expense of Black people. I don't wanna hear that shit AT ALL. Do it once or twice and you can get away with it, but anything more than that, and a line has been crossed. Does that make sense?

Generally speaking, I want all of us to have broad freedoms about what we are able to say, myself included. But sometimes we have to censor ourselves when our words are doing more harm than good.

Jul 27, 202212:41
Ep. 644 - Pastors shouldn't be wearing a million dollars worth of jewelry. Let's start there.
Jul 26, 202210:57
Ep. 643 - Do NOT allow your frustration with Joe Biden to cause you to stop caring about LOCAL politics

Ep. 643 - Do NOT allow your frustration with Joe Biden to cause you to stop caring about LOCAL politics

I get it. Joe Biden is terrible. 82% of Americans don't want him to run again. And he shouldn't.

But it is FOOLISH to allow our frustration with him to cause us to stop caring about who our District Attorney is. Or who are Mayor is. Or city councilperson or school board leaders.

Don't fall for that trap. We all must be simultaneously frustrated with the President AND fully plugged into important races.

Jul 25, 202211:05
Ep. 642 - Return all land stolen from African Americans back to the rightful owners and descendants

Ep. 642 - Return all land stolen from African Americans back to the rightful owners and descendants

In America, our deepest wounds rarely heal because the wrongs that have been done here are rarely made right.

Verbal apologies are rare when it comes to racial injustice in this country, but anyone who thinks a verbal apology is enough is sorely mistaken.

Enter Bruce's Beach. This week, the descendants of the original owners of the Los Angeles beachfront property that was stolen from a Black family 100 years ago, were given the deed back to the land - the first known time this happened.I commend the Bruce family, their attorneys, local organizers, and all of the government officials that helped make this happen.

Now, let's see it duplicated in every city, county, and state in America.

Jul 22, 202210:06
Ep. 641 - Police DO NOT make cities safer. Here are the 3 things that do.

Ep. 641 - Police DO NOT make cities safer. Here are the 3 things that do.

We all deserve to be safe in our homes, neighborhoods, and communities. And we all want this. But it is NOT police that make communities safe.

STOP FALLING FOR THIS LIE. The safest communities in America hardly have police. They have these 3 things...Wealth, access to resources, and quality education from pre-school to grad school. That's ACTUALLY what makes communities safe.

Let me unpack and explain it.

Jul 21, 202214:21
Ep. 640 - The same organization that STILL refuses to give Buffalo victims millions of dollars is holding $14 million for Uvalde. And families are PISSED.

Ep. 640 - The same organization that STILL refuses to give Buffalo victims millions of dollars is holding $14 million for Uvalde. And families are PISSED.

Jul 20, 202211:07
Ep. 639 - Let's help the dear family of Millie Packer today

Ep. 639 - Let's help the dear family of Millie Packer today

This weekend, a healthy, vibrant, young pregnant Black woman and her husband went to the hospital in Texas. 24 hours later, both the baby and the mother were dead.

Now her children are without a mother and her husband, Brennon, is without a wife.

And what we know, is that pregnant Black women all over the country are having HORRIBLE struggles with their pregnancies at rates far worse than white women. And every expert has said that it is basically systemic racism embedded in the medical field.

As soon as you can, please click the link in my bio on Instagram to chip in and help this family TODAY, OK?

Love and appreciate you all.

Jul 19, 202211:28
Ep. 638 - Why are we ok with our taxes fully funding mass incarceration, but not education and healthcare?

Ep. 638 - Why are we ok with our taxes fully funding mass incarceration, but not education and healthcare?

On most episodes of The Breakdown, I come here to inform you of one important idea or issue going on in the world, but today I have one VERY important question...Budgets are moral documents. They show values and priorities.

And almost every developed country in the world, and many developing countries for that matter, fully fund education and healthcare, from birth to death, but not here in America.

We fully fund mass incarceration and all of the jails, prisons, and incompetent police money can buy but then saddle our people with student loans, co-pays, deductibles, and outrageous health insurance premiums every single month.

Why have we accepted this? It's foolish. Let's dig in together.

Jul 14, 202211:12
Ep. 637 - Of course the US is leading coups around the world.

Ep. 637 - Of course the US is leading coups around the world.

I know what OJ did. You know what OJ did. We all know what OJ did. That's very different than him going on CNN and openly admitting to it.

In essence, that's what former US Ambassador and National Security Advisor John Bolton did yesterday on CNN when he openly admitting to overthrowing governments around the world. We always knew this about the United States, but now a living official is on the record admitting it.

Let me unpack and explain it.

Jul 13, 202211:56
Ep. 636 - The devastating poll that should cause other Democrats to run for President

Ep. 636 - The devastating poll that should cause other Democrats to run for President

A brand new poll was just released showing 64% of Democrats do NOT want Joe Biden to run for President again. That's a DEVASTATING number and should immediately cause other Democrats to prepare and announce that they are actually going to run in 2024. Conservatives, from Trump, Desantis, and more already have those wheels in motion.

On today's episode of The Breakdown I will unpack and explain this poll and make sense of why these numbers are SO bad for Joe Biden now.

Jul 12, 202212:53
Ep. 635 - Reflecting on my Self-Care Journey

Ep. 635 - Reflecting on my Self-Care Journey

On today's episode of The Breakdown, I just want to pause a little and reflect on my self-care journey. I'm no guru or master, but for the past 3 years I've been working very hard to figure out what it means to actually take care of my mind, body, and soul.

Two things first come to mind for me: boundaries and therapy.

I'll tell you why those things were ever a struggle for me and what embracing both has made a HUGE difference in my life.

Jul 11, 202217:23
Ep. 634 - Israel killed an American journalist. The Biden administration chose to protect Israel.

Ep. 634 - Israel killed an American journalist. The Biden administration chose to protect Israel.

Nearly 2 months ago, a long range Israeli sniper shot and killed beloved journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, an American citizen. Nearly a dozen different newspapers and media companies conducted exhaustive investigations and all came to the exact same conclusion - she was shot and killed in cold blood by the Israeli military.

The United States, though, has chosen to ignore all of the facts from those investigations, including forensic evidence, videos, audio clips, interviews, and so much more, and instead issued a statement saying that they don't quite know who did it, and that if it was Israel, it was an accident.

It's utterly shameful. The US Government has chosen to protect and defend another country over one of its own citizens.

Jul 06, 202210:40
Ep. 633 - Violence IS the primary brand of America

Ep. 633 - Violence IS the primary brand of America

Mass shootings, gun violence, and police violence are so prevalent in this country, EVERY SINGLE DAY OF THE WEEK, that if I had to name just one thing to describe the actual reality of this place, it would be "violence."

And yesterday, which was the 4th of July, was as quintessentially violent as any other day, with a mass shooting literally interrupting a parade outside of Chicago and other events all over the country. While this country has BEEN exhausting for Black folk, more and more I see that a larger percentage of the nation is just thoroughly exhausted by the stress of this place.

And what compounds it all, is America's complete unwillingness to actually address its most difficult and dangerous problems.

Jul 05, 202210:44
Ep. 632 - Akron Police basically executed Jayland Walker by a firing squad. He was unarmed.

Ep. 632 - Akron Police basically executed Jayland Walker by a firing squad. He was unarmed.

What police did to this young brother, firing 90 shots at him, riddling his body with bullets from head to toe, is something almost exclusively reserved for young Black men.

Because what I know is that white mass murderers aren't treated like this. Period. And Jayland had never been in trouble a day in his life.

Jul 01, 202208:51
Ep. 631 - Arrest Carolyn Bryant Donham IMMEDIATELY for the murder of Emmett Till - then figure the rest out later.

Ep. 631 - Arrest Carolyn Bryant Donham IMMEDIATELY for the murder of Emmett Till - then figure the rest out later.

After 67 years, an unexecuted arrest warrant for the woman that helped get Emmett Till lynched has been found. And I have SO many questions.

This much I am clear on. Arrest this woman, RIGHT NOW.

Jun 30, 202210:29
Ep. 630 - Incarcerated Black men were told by the government to register to vote. Then given additional jail time for breaking the law when they did so.
Jun 29, 202212:52
Ep. 629 - Joe Biden & The Democratic Party have failed to meet the severity and enormity of the moment we are in

Ep. 629 - Joe Biden & The Democratic Party have failed to meet the severity and enormity of the moment we are in

We knew 2 months ago that it was all but a sure thing that Roe v Wade would be overturned and that millions of women would lose their civil and human rights as a result.

Joe Biden and The White House had MONTHS to prepare for this moment. Months. And instead they've offered a few badly delivered words and a bunch of fundraising emails in response to it all.

Guess what conservatives did? They passed robust laws months ago, state by state, that would be immediately triggered if Roe was overturned. THEY were prepared to meet this moment.

And even though Democrats have real options on what they can do, and what they should fight for, they've taken virtually none of them.

It's time that we begin thinking of new people to lead the party - from the top down.

Jun 27, 202211:20
Ep. 628 - Please support this retreat for Black fathers of police brutality victims
Jun 17, 202212:25
We need ALL listeners of The Breakdown podcast to please complete this quick survey
Jun 16, 202204:43
Ep. 627 - Joe Biden should NOT run for reelection

Ep. 627 - Joe Biden should NOT run for reelection

Right now, potential candidates for the Democratic and Republican nominations for President of the United States are all working through what it's going to look like for them to run for the nomination. Privately, teams are being formed, decisions are being made, and the waters are being tested.

On one end, dozens of Republicans are considering whether or not they run - regardless of Trump's role in the race. If Trump does run, it will indeed scare off most candidates, but some are already telling their teams they are running one way or the other.

On the other end, dozens of Democrats are privately considering whether or not they will run. But the major elephant in the room is the fact that Joe Biden, who is 79 years old, and will be 82 if he runs again, and will be nearly 90 years old if he won a second term, might run for reelection. In fact, this week the White House has said that he will.

In my opinion, they HAVE to say that. If they said otherwise, he'd immediately be a lame duck president and lose some of the power he currently has.

But he absolutely should NOT run. Yes, he's too old. And not nearly as capable as you'd hope the President of the United States would be. But also, he's just not that great of a President.

After years of posting hundreds of full length episodes of The Breakdown for FREE on Instagram, we are now going back exclusively to Apple Podcasts and Spotify and hope that you will join us there or at Subscribe and listen and share today!

Jun 15, 202212:12
Ep. 626 - Inflation vs. Price-Gouging vs. Corporate Profiteering
Jun 14, 202214:05
Ep. 625 - The January 6th Congressional Hearings are 16 Months Too Late

Ep. 625 - The January 6th Congressional Hearings are 16 Months Too Late

Better late than never? Maybe. But the new congressional hearings that are underway on the January 6th white supremacist insurrection are too little, too late. Conservatives have moved completely on. That door is closed altogether. And the truth is, I think 90% of Americans have as well. It's sad and crazy to say that. People waited. For weeks. Then months. Then seasons. Now years.

And life is hard right now. From gas, to inflation, to Covid, to gun violence, to mass shootings, and everything in between - we'd still like to see justice and accountability for January 6th, but the moment has been missed. I'm sure of it.

Jun 13, 202211:55
Ep. 624 - Families in Buffalo have not seen a dime of the money donated for them

Ep. 624 - Families in Buffalo have not seen a dime of the money donated for them

This makes my blood boil. Even though millions of dollars was given to GoFundMe to support the families of victims in Buffalo, an organization thousands of miles away, that has nothing to do with Buffalo, is lording over the money and is saying it might be as late as December before anyone gets it.

This organization should never be allowed to do this again. Had we all known better in the moment, we would've stopped them then and there. Moving forward, we MUST make sure that families have direct control of the money being raised for them.

Jun 10, 202212:39
Ep. 623 - Merrick Garland is a HORRIBLE Attorney General

Ep. 623 - Merrick Garland is a HORRIBLE Attorney General

We're at the point now where mainstream moderate Democrats like Congressman James Clyburn are calling out Merrick Garland. Garland MAJORS in failing to meet the moment - with the attack on the Capitol, with confronting white supremacy, and with confronting police violence.

He never should've been the nominee, but the best we can hope for is that he will step down soon and pass the work on to someone with more drive and determination to take care of essential issues.

FYI: Today is the next to last day this podcast will be on Instagram - we're moving everything back to Apple and Spotify and hope you will be joining us there.

Jun 09, 202209:04
Ep. 622 - A bittersweet day for justice

Ep. 622 - A bittersweet day for justice

Yesterday was both bitter and sweet. Men and women that are deeply dedicated to justice and equality won elections all over the country in super important races.

And then voters also recalled our friend Chesa Boudin as DA of San Francisco.

Let's unpack and explain it.

Jun 08, 202214:50
Ep. 621 - Today is the day San Francisco can stop the foolish recall of DA Chesa Boudin

Ep. 621 - Today is the day San Francisco can stop the foolish recall of DA Chesa Boudin

All across the country today we have primaries - including in California. But the one thing I am following the most today is Prop H in San Francisco, where billionaires, conservatives, and corrupt tech leaders have banded together, and donated millions of dollars, to stop San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin.<br />
<br />
It's a waste and an abomination that it has even gotten this far. Not only is Chesa a brilliant DA, he's a good, ethical, moral human being.<br />
<br />
Conservative Californian's continue to abuse the recall system when they can't win in the general elections. It's a waste of time and money.<br />
<br />
If you are in San Francisco, or know somebody who is, PLEASE encourage them to vote NO on Prop H to stop the recall of Chesa Boudin.
Jun 07, 202212:16
Ep. 620 - We MUST take steps to protect ourselves from gun violence while politicians continue to fail us in every way

Ep. 620 - We MUST take steps to protect ourselves from gun violence while politicians continue to fail us in every way

Gun violence is its own American pandemic. It's a public health AND a public safety crisis. It's now the leading cause of death for young people.<br />
<br />
And while we press politicians for meaningful reform, we must accept the burden and responsibility of fighting for our own safety and security. Today I will begin this discussion that I hope we can continue and make real in the days and weeks ahead.
Jun 06, 202211:36
Ep. 619 - A very BIG change for The Breakdown podcast starting on next Wednesday

Ep. 619 - A very BIG change for The Breakdown podcast starting on next Wednesday

If you are listening to this podcast right now, there is a 75% chance you are on Instagram! For the past 2 years, against the advice of every podcast expert I know, we have uploaded EVERY single full length episode of The Breakdown directly on Instagram for the world to hear and share.<br />
<br />
And I've loved it. We've made an ENORMOUS impact on the news and on so many civil and human rights causes, but we HAVE to go back to our roots on Apple Podcasts and Spotify if we want this podcast to be able to exist for years to come!<br />
<br />
Let me unpack and explain why.
Jun 03, 202207:57
Ep. 618 - My honest, sobering answer on what I think is going to happen to address school shootings and gun violence in America
Jun 02, 202213:06
Ep. 617 - An important lesson my wife taught me

Ep. 617 - An important lesson my wife taught me

On today's episode of The Breakdown, I want to share a simple, but profound lesson my wife taught me several months ago. I haven't been able to shake it and it guides a lot of what I am thinking today about how I should use my life and how I hope you will use yours
Jun 01, 202208:37
Ep. 616 - A retired federal agent was privately supporting the white supremacist terrorist in Buffalo

Ep. 616 - A retired federal agent was privately supporting the white supremacist terrorist in Buffalo

New details are emerging that make it clear that the white supremacist terrorist in Buffalo who shot and killed 10 African Americans had a small support group that included a retired federal agent from Texas.<br />
<br />
Here's what I know - the ONLY reason that man, and the others, aren't in some underground prison being tortured right now is because they are white men and because the victims were Black.<br />
<br />
It is abundantly clear that all over this country white supremacists are FLOURISHING with little to no monitoring or interrupting from city, state, and federal governments.
May 27, 202208:25
Ep. 615 - The mass shooting at Robb Elementary was a COMPLETE FAILURE of law enforcement from top to bottom

Ep. 615 - The mass shooting at Robb Elementary was a COMPLETE FAILURE of law enforcement from top to bottom

The more we learn, the uglier it gets. Let me unpack and explain it.
May 26, 202213:23
Ep. 614 - Action steps for confronting white supremacy…while holding a baby.
May 24, 202209:38
Ep. 613 - Meet Me Tonight For an Emergency Townhall

Ep. 613 - Meet Me Tonight For an Emergency Townhall

We're going to be talking about 2 main ideas:
<li>What we can do for OURSELVES to protect our communities and businesses. And...</li>
<li>What we can fight for on the policy level, in your city, in your county, in your state, and on the federal level - to better protect our communities.</li>
It's not going to be like a townhall you've ever been a part of before. The link is IN MY BIO to register now.
May 23, 202204:56
Ep. 612 - America clearly does NOT have a substantive plan to confront white supremacy

Ep. 612 - America clearly does NOT have a substantive plan to confront white supremacy

Politicians love Black votes but don't really love Black people. Because here's the thing... I've been in a devoted relationship with one woman for 25+ years and let me tell you what I've learned.LOVE IS A VERB.

Love requires corresponding actions to match it.And what I am seeing right now is that politicians keep telling Black people that they care, and that they see and feel our pain, but don't do anything about the actual material conditions causing that pain.

It's not enough to console our communities after ANOTHER white supremacist attack without actually doing ANYTHING to stop the next one.

And we're at the point as a people and as a nation where we have to move from rhetoric to substance.
May 20, 202210:25