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The Builders

The Builders

By Matt Levenhagen

"The Builders" Podcast is designed for those that are 'building' stuff on the web. Whether that's building a business, an agency, building teams, building products, services.. or building websites.. if it's related to building something, it's fair game.
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Matt Mower - A Leaders Missing Tool & Transforming Decision-Making

The BuildersMay 13, 2024

New MacBook Pro Review: Key Decisions, Agency Setup, and Tech Insights

New MacBook Pro Review: Key Decisions, Agency Setup, and Tech Insights

In this enlightening episode, Matt Levenhagen shares a candid behind-the-scenes look at the technology that powers his web design and development agency. Focusing on the transition from an aging MacBook Pro to a new model, Matt underscores the critical importance of performance, multitasking, and convenience in his day-to-day operations. The podcast delves into the decision-making process behind choosing the right tools to support a high-paced, global business environment.

Initially, Matt sets the scene by discussing the technical difficulties he faced with his older MacBook Pro, such as battery issues, performance degradation, and the need for a reliable upgrade to sustain his growing business demands. Emphasizing the pragmatics of switching to a new MacBook Pro, he maps out how this change was essential in maintaining a seamless workflow and ensuring that his agency's operations stayed unaffected during the transition.

The episode serves as a comprehensive guide for tech enthusiasts and business owners alike, highlighting thoughtful considerations that go into choosing a machine that's a workhorse for a professional running a digital enterprise. Matt articulates the hardware choices he made, including opting for the M3 Pro chip and additional memory for better multitasking capabilities, and explains how the new setup contributes to the efficiency and effectiveness of his work.

Key Takeaways:

  • The necessity of upgrading to new technology when running a business to ensure continued efficiency and productivity.
  • Selecting the appropriate hardware and software is critical for tasks such as developing, managing team communications, and content creation.
  • The decision-making process behind selecting a new MacBook Pro, focusing on the M3 Pro chip for its multitasking capabilities.
  • The importance of a seamless transition from old to new hardware to avoid downtime in business operations.
  • Understanding personal workflow patterns and the day-to-day tech stack can facilitate smoother technology upgrades.
Jun 03, 202401:08:32
Ron Macklin - Mastering the Art of Connection: How Our Stand Impacts Our Relationships

Ron Macklin - Mastering the Art of Connection: How Our Stand Impacts Our Relationships

In this fascinating episode, host Matt delves into the intricacies of human connection with guest Ron Macklin. From the fluidity of personal growth to the foundational ways we can improve our relationships, this conversation unpacks Ron's journey from an engineer to an author and thought leader in communication and relationship building. Ron introduces his "Macklin Method," a framework designed to establish trustful connections both personally and professionally.

Ron elaborates on the transformative power rooted in understanding our "stand" – our core beliefs and reactions – and how acknowledging this stand affects our interactions. The discussion later shifts to Ron's writing process, shedding light on the emotional and technical journey behind writing his book. Through a narrative that resonates with readers, Ron aims to intertwine the elements of his method with a relatable story that reflects universal human experiences.

Key Takeaways:

  • Humans have a significant capacity for change and self-improvement, which is a major theme throughout the episode.
  • The "Macklin Method" includes steps like understanding one's stand, being an offer of help, and allowing others to contribute to us.
  • The importance of deep human connection as a source of happiness and fulfillment is emphasized, supported by Ron's book, "Everyone Is Afraid."
  • Ron discusses the enriching experience of writing his book and the challenges he overcame, particularly in terms of ensuring its storytelling nature.
  • Allowing others to contribute to us is highlighted as a vulnerability that many struggle with but is crucial for establishing meaningful relationships.
May 28, 202447:03
Monica Pitts - Transforming How You See Your Website - A Productive & Effective Employee!

Monica Pitts - Transforming How You See Your Website - A Productive & Effective Employee!

In this episode of the podcast, we dive into an intriguing conversation with Monica Pitts, a web designer who looks at websites as integral team members of a company. As the conversation unfolds, Monica shares insightful experiences and methodologies that contribute to the creation of impactful online presences for her clients.

The episode begins with Monica discussing her background in agriculture, evolution into the web design space, and how she found her niche working with construction companies, tradespeople, and non-profit organizations.

She emphasizes the importance of viewing websites as employees that work diligently for a company, reflecting on the significance of a site's functionality, design, and content alignment with organizational goals. Monica highlights how her team's consultative approach with clients has led to the development of websites that not only look aesthetically pleasing but also perform effectively in attracting talent, automating processes, and serving as valuable resources internally and externally.

Key Takeaways:

  • A website should be treated as an active member of a company's team, contributing substantially to achieving business goals.
  • Web design involves a consultative approach, asking clients critical questions to ensure the final product aligns with their needs and challenges.
  • Consistency in web design is vital for maintaining a professional image and facilitating a user-friendly experience.
  • Automating repetitive tasks and updating content efficiently can significantly enhance website functionality.
  • Specializing in specific industries, such as construction or non-profit sectors, allows for a deeper understanding of client requirements and tailored web solutions.
May 20, 202458:03
Matt Mower - A Leaders Missing Tool & Transforming Decision-Making

Matt Mower - A Leaders Missing Tool & Transforming Decision-Making

In this insightful episode, Matt Mower delves into the intricate world of leadership decision-making and the necessity for specialized tools to assist top-level executives in steering their organizations more effectively. Matt draws from his rich background in programming, technology leadership, and strategic roles to shed light on the common pitfalls of startups and the missed opportunities within enterprises that fail to grasp the changing dynamics of their business environments.

Matt reflects on his entrepreneurial journey, recounting the lessons learned from the highs and lows he experienced while navigating various startups. He discusses the significance of having a system that supports leadership in making consequential decisions and the challenges businesses face in managing opportunities and aligning their teams around a unified agenda.

Key Takeaways:

  • Dynamic Decision Making: Businesses should treat decision-making as an OODA loop—observe, orient, decide, act—and continually reassess their actions in response to changing circumstances.
  • Vision Centrality: Maintaining the vision as central to a business’s day-to-day operations is vital for strategic direction and growth, yet often difficult to sustain over time.
  • Systematic Leadership: Leadership teams, just like sales or operations teams, need a system like Agendascope to effectively manage complex decision-making processes.
  • The Importance of Flexibility: The ability to adapt assumptions and approaches is critical for the success of entrepreneurs and startups.
  • Depth of Experience: Matt Mower taps into his substantial technical and strategic expertise to diagnose common obstacles that inhibit business growth and proposes the benefits of a coherent leadership tool.
May 13, 202454:32
Michael Buzinski - Implementing the Rule of 26: How to Double Your Website Revenue

Michael Buzinski - Implementing the Rule of 26: How to Double Your Website Revenue

In this insightful episode, we delve into the elements that fuel successful digital marketing strategies and business growth, featuring the seasoned insight of guest Michael Buzinski. Michael, fondly known as Buzz, shares his entrepreneurial journey, from his early beginnings to becoming a multifaceted business owner and digital marketer.

The conversation primarily revolves around Buzz's innovative 'Rule of 26' methodology, which promises to double website revenue by focusing on three crucial KPIs: traffic, conversion rates, and average revenue per client. He emphasizes the power of incremental changes and the need for businesses to understand their value in the marketplace.

Additionally, Buzz provides actionable strategies for raising rates and effectively communicating your worth to clients.

Key Takeaways:

  • The 'Rule of 26' is a strategy designed to double website revenue by improving traffic, conversion rates, and average revenue per client by 26% each.
  • Identifying an ideal client profile is essential for increasing conversion rates and creating targeted marketing messages.
  • Incremental price increases can streamline a client base and help businesses charge what they are genuinely worth.
  • When scaling a business, it's crucial to have systems in place and ensure that any new hires have clear instructions and expectations to perform effectively.
  • Virtual Assistants (VAs) can be a valuable asset when they're given proper guidance and tasks align with their strengths and language proficiency.
May 06, 202454:36
David Baer - The Power of Strategy: Bridging the Gap Between Tactics and Success

David Baer - The Power of Strategy: Bridging the Gap Between Tactics and Success

In an engaging episode of the builders podcast, host Matt welcomes David Baer, a seasoned marketing expert and creative partner. The conversation unveils David's unique trajectory from theater management to wine marketing and eventually to pioneering strategies in direct response marketing. David shares valuable insights into the evolution of his career, the pivot points that led to entrepreneurship, and the lessons learned from the peaks and valleys of his journey.

David delves into the essence of strategic marketing, discussing how tactics and strategy interplay like the precarious rungs on a bridge in an Indiana Jones film. He speaks to the necessity of aligning marketing initiatives with broader business strategies and the importance of adopting technology, such as AI, in ways that amplify a business's capabilities. The episode is rich with David's experiences and his philosophy on nurturing a business ecosystem where technology enhances, not replaces, human potential.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace the concept of strategy as a guiding force to navigate from the current state of business to the desired future state, understanding that it's not a straightforward path, but a squiggly line filled with tested tactics.
  • Utilize AI and technology as a way to expand organizational capacity and improve efficiency, rather than replacing the workforce.
  • Marketing tactics should be employed in the context of the overarching business strategy, ensuring each step taken aligns with the end goal.
  • Trust, but verify – a lesson David stresses from his journey through entrepreneurship, highlighting the importance of due diligence in business decisions.
  • Access to advanced marketing and AI tools is leveling the playing field for small and medium businesses, allowing them to compete with larger enterprises.
Apr 29, 202454:03
Cross-Company Team Synergy: The Impact of Leadership Relationships on Outsourcing Success

Cross-Company Team Synergy: The Impact of Leadership Relationships on Outsourcing Success

In this insightful episode, Matt Levenhagen delves into the dynamics of partnerships and team collaboration across organizations. With his extensive background in team building and project management, Matt unpacks the key elements that ensure successful and harmonious relationships in the workplace.

Starting the conversation with a candid observation on the longevity and depth of working relationships, he emphasizes the importance of synergy, mutual respect, and shared business ethos for enduring and productive alliances.

Matt candidly discusses the intricacies of agency collaborations, emphasizing the necessity for goodwill, seamless communication, and cultural compatibility to drive joint ventures forward.

By weaving personal experiences with practical advice, he offers a nuanced perspective on establishing meaningful connections within and beyond one's company. His approach underscores a holistic view of business partnerships, where value, talent, and personal rapport are equally crucial.

Key Takeaways:

  • Building lasting business relationships requires a combination of mutual respect, a culture fit, and delivering value.
  • It is critical to not only establish business connections but also to foster personal rapport, leading to an enjoyable work environment.
  • Equally important is ensuring timely compensation and clear communication, which are foundational for trust and smooth operations.
  • Personal relationships with agency owners or team leaders can significantly enhance the collaboration and project outcomes.
  • The challenges and rewards of outsourcing are balanced through strategic partnerships that focus on mutually beneficial goals.
Apr 22, 202445:40
Randy Wilson - Harnessing Desire, Discipline, Self-Education and Preparation for Success

Randy Wilson - Harnessing Desire, Discipline, Self-Education and Preparation for Success

In this enlightening episode, Randy Wilson delves into the crux of transforming life's challenges into stepping stones for growth. His candid discourse encompassing opportunity, preparation, and the pursuit of genuine desires resonates with anyone standing at the crossroads of personal and professional evolution. Randy's tale, starting from an unexpected career setback to finding solace and direction in self-education, serves as an inspiration for self-driven improvement.

Randy's region-centric upbringing in the Midwest laid a foundation for work ethics, however, it left him unprepared for the curveballs of corporate unpredictability. His pivot from corporate life to self-reliance showcases a quintessential journey of American entrepreneurship.

He emphasizes the pivotal role self-learning plays in recognizing and seizing opportunities. Through his podcast, Rich Mind, Randy seeks to echo timeless values of resilience and lifelong learning, making his narrative particularly engaging for those in their decisive years of personal development.

Key Takeaways:

  • The store closure that prompted Randy to seek control over his destiny through self-education.
  • Randy's realization that resenting past influences is unproductive and that self-improvement is continually achievable.
  • The importance of discipline and presence in positioning oneself to capitalize on arising opportunities.
  • His motivation for the "Rich Mind" brand is rooted in providing generational value and personal experiences that resonate universally.
  • How Randy leverages his podcast as a medium to impact lives positively and drive change at an individual level.
Apr 15, 202401:04:34
Ben Johnson - Legacy to Leading-Edge, Tailored Tech Solutions, Modernizing Businesses

Ben Johnson - Legacy to Leading-Edge, Tailored Tech Solutions, Modernizing Businesses

In this dynamic episode of the builders, host Matt engages with Ben Johnson, the innovative CEO behind Particle 41, to unravel the complex interplay between technology, entrepreneurship, and business growth. The dialogue opens doors into the formulaic aspects of transforming ideas into executable and profitable business ventures, with Ben underscoring the vitality of thorough market research and entrepreneurial adaptability.

The conversation covers the nuances of business strategy, market segmentation, and the importance of addressing industry needs with a creative touch. Pondering the technological advancements since the days of the Commodore 64, Ben reminisces on his formative experiences with tech and how his journey has led him to equip companies with the tools to thrive in a modern, digitally-driven landscape.

Key insights into the role of technology in scaling businesses are explored as Ben maps out the process of transitioning from legacy systems to cloud-based solutions. As an advocate for custom software at customer-touch points, he provides a pragmatic view on leveraging technology as a conduit for business growth and customer engagement.

Key Takeaways:

  • A successful entrepreneur needs to validate their business ideas with market research and be willing to pivot or adapt as necessary.
  • Building a business often requires a co-founder or team that can complement one's skill sets and share a unified vision for growth.
  • Moving businesses from legacy systems to the cloud is not merely trendy; it's strategic for scalability and future-proofing.
  • Investing in custom software can offer high value at the intersection between customer experience and brand identity.
  • Engaging in mastermind groups and seeking counsel through coaching or advisory services can be pivotal for business owners at any growth stage.
Apr 08, 202449:28
Jeremy Shapiro - Org Charts, Empowered Teams, to KPIs: Scaling Your Business Strategically

Jeremy Shapiro - Org Charts, Empowered Teams, to KPIs: Scaling Your Business Strategically

In an enlightening episode of the builders podcast, Jeremy Shapiro dives deep into the intricacies of structuring and scaling a business. His insights into drawing up an effective organizational chart and identifying key roles underlying current business operations serve as the foundation for strategic growth.

From discussing the critical differences between working in versus on the business, to the significance of hiring and delegating effectively, this episode is a treasure trove for any entrepreneur looking to elevate their enterprise to the next level.

Jeremy emphasizes the vital role of documenting roles, responsibilities, and key performance indicators (KPIs) to enable not just delegation, but informed and focused team productivity. He also challenges common entrepreneur reservations such as the fear of losing control over quality, and the misconception that scaling requires exponential increases in team and resources.

Key Takeaways:

  • Map out an organizational chart for your business as it stands today, identifying all the roles and responsibilities, not titles.
  • Understand the difference between working on your business (strategic planning and vision) versus working in it (daily operations).
  • The freedom gained by hiring others can increase your business's capacity, even if new hires aren't performing at the same level initially.
  • Recognizing the importance of letting go of perfectionism can accelerate business progression and focus on value delivery.
  • Identifying and leveraging the ‘superpowers’ or strengths within your team can lead to cross-pollination of skills and ideas, fostering growth and innovation.
Apr 01, 202449:23
Kristin Zhivago - Building Success on Kindness, Promises, and a Jerk-Free Culture

Kristin Zhivago - Building Success on Kindness, Promises, and a Jerk-Free Culture

In this engaging episode, guest Kristin Schvago shares her deep insights into branding, marketing, and creating a customer-focused business strategy. The conversation unlocks the often-overlooked simplicity behind marketing and selling—fulfilling promises and satisfying customer desires.

Kristin emphasizes that branding should not be overcomplicated; it's fundamentally about making and keeping promises to customers. Drawing from her extensive experience, she elaborates on the significance of understanding customers' desires, concerns, and questions to streamline the buying process. Creating a 'jerk-free' business and work environment is a central theme, as Kristin advocates for workplaces devoid of individuals who make things harder for others.

Key Takeaways:

  • Branding is about the promise made to customers, while the brand represents the promises kept.
  • Effective branding and marketing can be simplified to understanding and fulfilling customer desires.
  • Interviewing five to seven customers of a particular segment can lead to actionable insights for businesses.
  • A strategy to maintain a 'jerk-free' business environment is critical for reducing stress and improving productivity.
  • Kristin prescribes empathy and love as guiding principles for entrepreneurship and interactions within businesses.
Mar 25, 202450:26
Philippa Gamse - Unlocking Business Opportunities Through Analytics: Discover Your Goldmine!

Philippa Gamse - Unlocking Business Opportunities Through Analytics: Discover Your Goldmine!

In this episode, listeners get an insider's perspective on the enigmatic world of website analytics with Philippa Games, a seasoned expert in the field. Philippa demystifies the process of dissecting analytics and leveraging the data to bolster business objectives. Understanding the narratives behind the numbers is her forte, making her insights invaluable for businesses looking to extract actionable steps from overwhelming data sets.

Philippa emphasizes starting with clear business and website goals before diving into the analytics. Customizing tools like Google Analytics four to fit these goals can yield insights into customer behaviors and preferences. Philippa shares fascinating case studies where analytics led to the creation of new products or the optimization of existing processes—demonstrating that with the right analytical approach, data can be transformed into a strategic asset.

Key Takeaways:

  • Every page of your website should have a strategy, and understanding what actions you want visitors to take is crucial.
  • Site search analytics can offer a gold mine of insights into what your audience is looking for, which can drive content and product development.
  • Setting up analytics properly is vital to ensure accurate data collection for meaningful insights.
  • Holistic analysis involving a blend of technical skill and creative thinking can reveal unexpected opportunities for business growth.
  • Consulting with analytics experts like Philippa can help businesses interpret overwhelming data to make informed decisions.
Mar 18, 202457:16
Lean & MVPs APPLIED: Testing and Iterating Product & Services Ideas to Find Winners!

Lean & MVPs APPLIED: Testing and Iterating Product & Services Ideas to Find Winners!

In this introspective episode of "The Builders," host Matt Levenhagen takes a deep dive into the philosophy of lean startups, beyond the surface of initial business launches, and applies it to internal business processes and ventures.

His refreshing take on minimizing risk and fostering innovation through rapid, iterative testing of products and services comes to life through real-life examples drawn from his decades-long experience in the trenches of entrepreneurship and internet marketing.

Matt discusses his journey from testing various special reports to hitting gold with a report on PPC advertising, which eventually morphed into a robust 200-page guide and associated products.

Listen in as he unravels how this lean startup approach allowed him to refine his business strategies over the years, leading to the evolution of his agency and its offerings. Moreover, Matt provides insights into his current suite of plugins developed under Unified Plugins, detailing the lean methodology in action within his product development process.

Key Takeaways:

  • Lean startup principles can be effectively applied to product and service innovation within an established business, not just at the startup phase.
  • Rapid, iterative testing with minimum viable products (MVPs) can save time and resources while finding the market fit.
  • A successful product or service can evolve from a simple test, such as Matt's special report on PPC advertising, which grew into a larger, profitable venture.
  • It's essential to gauge the market's response to a product or service before fully committing to its development.
  • A lean approach can be applied to various business areas, from plugins and digital products to services and even marketing strategies.
Mar 11, 202401:08:03
Andrei Mincov - The Trademark Factory's Origin Story & a Deep Dive into Trademarks!

Andrei Mincov - The Trademark Factory's Origin Story & a Deep Dive into Trademarks!

In this engaging episode, Matt welcomes intellectual property expert Andrei Minkoff to explore the significance of trademarks for entrepreneurs. The conversation starts with Andrei's foundational story, which is rooted in his father's encounter with copyright infringement, fueling Andrei's eventual immersion into the world of intellectual property law.

Andrei shares his journey from Russia to Canada, his struggles with establishing his law career overseas, and how these experiences led him to launch Trademark Factory. With profound insights into the trademarking process, Andrei highlights the importance of protecting one's brand and the ingenuity of his business model, which guarantees results for a flat fee.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trademarks are crucial for legal brand ownership and enforcement against imitation.
  • Andrei Minkoff’s journey in IP law was inspired by his father's struggle with copyright infringement in Russia.
  • Founding Trademark Factory, Andrei developed a unique trademark registration service with guaranteed results for a guaranteed budget.
  • Statistics show a high percentage of trademark applications initially get rejected, highlighting the importance of professional help in the process.
  • Entrepreneurs should value their brand and consider trademarking early to avoid costly legal disputes.
Mar 04, 202455:28
Jeannette Seibly - The Hiring Triangle: Assessments, Interviews, and Due Diligence

Jeannette Seibly - The Hiring Triangle: Assessments, Interviews, and Due Diligence

In this engaging episode of the Builders Podcast, host Matt welcomes Jeannette Sibly, an expert in leadership coaching and talent advising. With decades of experience and a hands-on approach to driving tangible business results, Jeannette shares insights from the trenches that are particularly relevant to small and medium-sized business leaders.

Jeannette discusses the nuances of hiring, the transformative power of effective coaching, and the common pitfalls that companies face in the employment process. From the importance of knowing who you're hiring to the critical role of job fit in an employee's success, Jeannette emphasizes the high cost of intuition-based hiring and the substantial benefits of a structured, data-driven approach.

Listeners are provided with a wealth of knowledge, including actionable strategies for improving hiring processes and optimizing team performance. Jeannette's focus on people challenges and her tools for understanding the core of an individual make this episode a must-listen for any business owner or manager looking to refine their hiring and management practices.

Key Takeaways:

  • Hiring the right people is less expensive than training and exiting, but doing it poorly can be costly and detrimental to your business.
  • Jeannette advocates for a balanced hiring approach, with one-third of the decision based on interviews, one-third on vetted assessments, and one-third on thorough due diligence.
  • Proper assessments are vital for determining job fit; legitimate assessments should have technical manuals, high validity and reliability, and account for distortion.
  • Employers must understand that job fit is the number one indicator of job success, and not all capable job applicants will necessarily fit the job.
  • Leadership and hiring managers should be equipped with the right questions and tools to discern between an interviewee's rehearsed responses and their true potential and fit for the role.
Feb 26, 202452:23
Jim Bishop - Transforming Leadership: Navigating the Changes in Today’s Business World

Jim Bishop - Transforming Leadership: Navigating the Changes in Today’s Business World

In this episode of "The Builders," we are thrilled to have Jim Bishop, a renowned leadership coach with a background as a trained scientist, share his unique insights on transforming leadership and executive coaching's pivotal role. Jim takes us on his journey from his scientific beginnings to becoming an influential figure in human resources and leadership. He discusses his holistic strategy for reshaping work cultures, emphasizing the shift from reactive measures to proactive leadership styles that significantly impact workplace dynamics.

Our conversation with Jim illuminates the essential transition leaders must undergo, especially in the face of challenges brought about by the pandemic. He highlights the importance of adaptability and emotional intelligence in today's rapidly changing business environment. By focusing on midlife leaders, Jim offers guidance on navigating through these shifts with a redefined sense of purpose and connectedness, which is vital for personal and organizational growth.Key Takeaways:

  • Jim Bishop's expertise lies in enhancing work cultures and honing the leadership skills of executives through effective coaching.
  • The evolution from traditional training methods to a coaching-centric approach enables leaders to transform their experiences into powerful tools for cultural change.
  • The unprecedented disruptions of 2020 have underscored the need for a leadership paradigm shift, prioritizing flexibility and emotional intelligence.
  • Bishop's approach is particularly impactful for midlife leaders striving to recalibrate their definitions of success to focus on more meaningful aspects like purpose and legacy.
  • Embracing authenticity in leadership fosters a dynamic team environment and culture, paving the way for innovation and improved organizational performance.

This episode not only explores Jim's transformative coaching methods but also delves into how leaders can navigate the complexities of today's business world with resilience and foresight. Join us as we uncover the strategies for building a culture that thrives on innovation, purpose, and connectedness.

Feb 19, 202449:11
Mark Graban - Transforming Mistakes into Positive Outcomes & Continuous Improvement

Mark Graban - Transforming Mistakes into Positive Outcomes & Continuous Improvement

In this enlightening episode, Matt welcomes Mark Grabin, an advocate for utilizing mistakes as opportunities for growth in business settings. With a compelling commitment to the concept of continuous improvement, Mark shares his extensive experience and insights on the positive transformation of workplaces.

From the onset, Mark delves into his diverse background, explaining the trajectory of his career that led him to focus on fostering better organizational cultures through continuous improvement and lean management principles. He reflects on his early days in manufacturing and how a move to healthcare consulting offered a broader perspective on the necessity of empowering employees and recognizing the universal desire to contribute meaningfully to one's work.

As the conversation unfolds, Mark emphasizes the importance of cultivating psychological safety in the workplace, asserting that an environment where employees feel secure to raise concerns, admit mistakes, and seek help is pivotal for fostering continuous learning and growth. He further discusses how the principles he learned in manufacturing and healthcare can apply to any business, and underscores the role leaders play in modeling constructive responses to mistakes.

Key Takeaways:

  • Continuous improvement and respect for employees are critical components of lean management and organizational success.
  • Psychological safety and effective problem-solving are foundational for building a culture that embraces learning from mistakes.
  • Mistakes should not be met with punishment but should be used as opportunities for improvement and prevention of future errors.
  • Organizations benefit from self-assessment and openness to change, especially when persistent issues are rooted in systemic problems.
  • Mark Grabin's work includes books, podcasts, speaking engagements, and his company, Kinexis, which focuses on supporting continuous improvement through software.
Feb 12, 202454:10
AJ Saunders - Easing Into It: How to Successfully Transition Your Business to Ecommerce

AJ Saunders - Easing Into It: How to Successfully Transition Your Business to Ecommerce

In this enlightening conversation, Matt and AJ Saunders delve into the strategies and mindsets required to harness the power of e-commerce and digital marketing to advance business goals. The episode provides a deep dive into creating a minimal viable online presence and building upon it through strategic marketing efforts.

The host and guest commence by examining the essence of starting small when venturing into e-commerce. AJ emphasizes the significance of establishing a straightforward, functional system that allows for testing and growth, urging businesses to transition from traditional methods to more automated, customer-centered online solutions. They then pivot to the vital role of content strategy and social media presence in scale and outreach. AJ illustrates this with his personal victory on LinkedIn, where consistent, strategic posting led to real business opportunities.

Key Takeaways:

  • A fundamental starting point for any e-commerce endeavor is developing a minimal viable product or service – focusing on strategy over breadth.
  • Incremental marketing strategies are vital to test the waters before allocating major resources.
  • Networking and strategic content sharing can significantly contribute to business growth.
  • Consistent, value-driven engagement on platforms like LinkedIn can help attract ideal clients over time.
  • A library of content, such as a Trello board filled with social media post ideas and drafts, can streamline and inspire regular posting.
Feb 05, 202456:11
Carrington Crothers - Mastering the Art of Photography: Beyond Stock Images

Carrington Crothers - Mastering the Art of Photography: Beyond Stock Images

In this episode of The Builders, host Matt welcomes Carrington Crothers, a remarkable photographer and entrepreneur from Prospect Street Studio. Tune in for an insightful discussion as Carrington shares her intriguing journey from a student with changing majors to becoming a founder with a successful career in photography. The conversation dives deep into the power of networking, the pivotal moments that shape a career, and the importance of building relationships beyond immediate business needs.

Carrington discusses her transition from feeling like a 'hot mess' with no clear career path to finding her passion in photography. After gaining hands-on experience and learning a valuable lesson in happiness over job security, she took the leap to start her own studio. The dialog also highlights the significance of being more than just a provider of photographs, as Carrington emphasizes the role of strategic imagery in solving business problems like return rates and enhancing search engine optimization (SEO).

Key Takeaways:

  • Networking and building long-term relationships can significantly influence one's career trajectory and create new business opportunities.
  • Personalized photography holds more value and can significantly influence a brand's online performance compared to stock images.
  • Strategic imagery goes beyond aesthetics, serving as a communication tool to enhance user education and business goals.
  • Carrington values helping her clients bridge the gap between their current state and their desired achievements through tailor-made photography strategies.
  • Prospect Street Studio is specialized in creating images that not only resonate with audience engagement but also contribute to tangible business outcomes.
Jan 29, 202455:25
Joel Salomon - Making Budgeting Fun? How to Transform Your Relationship with Money!

Joel Salomon - Making Budgeting Fun? How to Transform Your Relationship with Money!

In this insightful episode of "the builders," host Matt welcomes back Joel Solomon, a financial guru and self-improvement enthusiast who captivates the audience with his dynamic approach to money management and personal growth. As an advocate for continuous learning, Joel shares his unique perspective on turning financial responsibility into a fun and engaging activity. This episode not only delves into the significance of reading for professional development but also provides a deep dive into the power of budgeting and transforming one's financial landscape.

Joel Solomon prompts entrepreneurs to always prioritize 'paying themselves first' and sheds light on the importance of understanding personal money personality types, which can significantly impact business decisions and relationships. As the conversation unfolds, Joel introduces fun and motivating techniques like 'The Budget Game' to help listeners effectively manage their finances. By the end of the episode, Joel passionately asserts that focusing on money with positive energy can lead to phenomenal growth both personally and professionally.

Key Takeaways:

  • Emphasize the importance of learning and growing every day, with Joel Solomon advocating the reading of a book a week to enhance knowledge and mindset.
  • Understand the imperative of paying oneself first in a business to secure personal financial stability.
  • Learn about the 'sugar pie' money personality types that Joel and his co-author created and their influence on how individuals and businesses handle finances.
  • Discover 'The Budget Game,' an engaging approach to budgeting that turns a typically mundane task into a motivating and goal-oriented activity.
  • Recognize the impact of concentrating on money and how this focused energy can lead to unexpected financial opportunities and 'money miracles.'
Jan 22, 202454:40
Pete Mohr - Greatest Future Impact: The Art of Delivering Transformative Client Experiences

Pete Mohr - Greatest Future Impact: The Art of Delivering Transformative Client Experiences

In this enlightening episode of The Builders, we warmly welcome back Pete Mohr, delving into the art of delivering transformative client experiences. Our focus: creating the greatest future impact for clients. This episode is a treasure trove of insights on business coaching, nurturing client relationships, and fostering strategic growth. It's an essential listen for anyone seeking actionable strategies to elevate their business's value to customers and refine operational efficiency.

Pete introduces the 'Promise' framework, a pivotal concept spotlighting the transformative journey businesses undertake to elevate clients from their current challenges to a future of enhanced possibilities. We explore how to craft unique solutions that distinguish your business in a competitive landscape. Pete sheds light on visualizing and articulating the future benefits clients will gain, and the importance of a robust action plan to turn these visions into reality. Crucially, he underscores the power of feedback and success metrics in ensuring that your business consistently delivers on its promise of transformative impact.

Key Takeaways:

  • Deeply understand client challenges and innovate distinct solutions to stand out.
  • Effectively communicate the future benefits and transformative potential of your services or products.
  • Develop and implement action plans that resonate with your clients' future aspirations.
  • Continually measure success and gather feedback to refine and enhance your impact.
  • Ensure your team and resources are perfectly aligned to fulfill the transformative promise to your clients.
Jan 15, 202446:52
Our 2024 Unified Blueprint: 4 Key Pillars, Services PLUS Products Strategy

Our 2024 Unified Blueprint: 4 Key Pillars, Services PLUS Products Strategy

In this insightful solo episode, Matt Levenhagen delves into his strategic blueprint for 2024, focusing on the integration of services and products. He reflects on pivotal decisions, emphasizing the '4 Key Pillars' that are central to his vision for growth and innovation.

Matt shares his journey of transitioning from an insurance niche to a broader focus, underlining the importance of adapting and refining business strategies. He also introduces Unified Plugins, a burgeoning product arm of his business, and discusses how it fits into his comprehensive services-plus-products strategy.

The episode highlights the creation of a cohesive ecosystem, where diverse websites and content not only coexist but thrive together, bolstering the overall brand.

Wrapping up, Matt expresses deep appreciation for his team's dedication and his listeners' unwavering support.

Key Takeaways:

  • The integration of services and products is key in a dynamic business landscape.
  • Strategic planning and focus on core pillars are instrumental for business evolution.
  • Adapting business strategies to current trends and needs is vital for success.
  • A unified ecosystem of products and services enhances brand strength and growth.
  • Passion, team support, and strong relationships are cornerstones of business success.
Jan 08, 202435:45
Alexander De Ridder - AI Agents Unleashed: How Businesses Must Adapt or Fall Behind

Alexander De Ridder - AI Agents Unleashed: How Businesses Must Adapt or Fall Behind

Alexander Day Ritter shares his origin story, growing up in a small village in Belgium and his early fascination with computers and technology. He discusses the importance of creativity and how it has shaped his career in AI.

Alexander emphasizes the need for businesses to embrace AI and the potential it holds for improving processes and creating value. He also talks about the concept of AI agents and how they can revolutionize industries and transform the way we work.

Key Takeaways:

  • Embrace AI as a tool to improve processes and create value in your business.
  • Think of your company as a story and communicate that story to inspire your team and customers.
  • Focus on soft skills and creativity to thrive in the AI industry.Start collecting and storing data now to prepare for the future of AI.
  • Use AI agents to offload tasks and increase productivity in your business.
Jan 02, 202401:20:01
Donna Dube - Revolutionize Biz Ops: How CEOs Can Reclaim Time & Drive Success

Donna Dube - Revolutionize Biz Ops: How CEOs Can Reclaim Time & Drive Success

Donna Dubay, a certified Director of Operations and Business Growth Strategist, joins the show to discuss the importance of operations in small businesses. She explains that while marketing and front-end activities are important, it is equally crucial to focus on the back-end operations to ensure the smooth running of the business.

Donna emphasizes the need for a clear vision, measurable goals, and a well-defined team to achieve success. She also highlights the importance of work-life balance and taking time for personal well-being.

Key Takeaways:

  • Operations in small businesses are often overlooked but are crucial for success.
  • Having a clear vision and measurable goals is essential for growth.
  • Building the right team and delegating tasks can help alleviate the burden on the business owner.
  • Prioritizing work-life balance and personal well-being is necessary to avoid burnout.
Dec 26, 202347:51
Victoria Pelletier - Unleashing Potential Through Personal Branding, Resilience, and Productivity

Victoria Pelletier - Unleashing Potential Through Personal Branding, Resilience, and Productivity

Victoria Pelletier shares her journey from a challenging childhood to becoming a successful corporate executive and entrepreneur. She emphasizes the importance of personal branding and how it has played a significant role in her career success.

Victoria highlights four key components of a strong personal brand: subject matter expertise, storytelling, differentiation, and legacy and impact. She also discusses the importance of authenticity and connecting with your audience on both digital and in-person platforms.

Key Takeaways:

  • Personal branding is essential for career advancement and building relationships with clients and customers.
  • A strong personal brand goes beyond subject matter expertise and includes storytelling, differentiation, and a focus on legacy and impact.
  • Authenticity is key in building a personal brand and connecting with your audience.
  • Personal branding should be consistent across all platforms, both digital and in-person.
Dec 18, 202345:34
Anne Laffin: Taming Startup Chaos: Messaging, Marketing, and Wrangling Strategies

Anne Laffin: Taming Startup Chaos: Messaging, Marketing, and Wrangling Strategies

Summary:Anne Laffin, a marketing consultant and fractional head of marketing, joins Matt Levenhagen on The Builders podcast to discuss how she helps early-stage startups wrangle their chaos and get organized.

Anne shares her own journey from working in market research and financial services to starting her own company and working with startups. She emphasizes the importance of being open to feedback and flexible in the ever-changing startup environment.

Anne also highlights the significance of messaging and creating a marketing plan that is adaptable and focused. She concludes by discussing the challenges of defining roles and maintaining clear communication within startups.

Key Takeaways:

  • Startups should be open to feedback and flexible in order to adapt to changes and find the right path.
  • Messaging is the foundation of effective marketing and should be clear, consistent, and aligned with the company's goals.
  • Marketing plans for startups should be shorter-term (3-6 months) and regularly evaluated and adjusted based on results.
  • Startups often struggle with defining roles and maintaining clear communication, which can lead to chaos and inefficiency.
Dec 11, 202342:46
Roy Coughlan - A Tale of Resilience, Entrepreneurship, and Becoming a Podcast Coach

Roy Coughlan - A Tale of Resilience, Entrepreneurship, and Becoming a Podcast Coach

In this riveting episode of The Builders podcast, we sit down with Roy Coughlan, a man whose story is a beacon of resilience and entrepreneurial spirit. Roy takes us through his remarkable journey, starting from his early days as an entrepreneur in Ireland to becoming an influential podcast coach.

We delve into the highs and lows of his career, exploring how he navigated through significant challenges, including a tough stint in the construction industry and navigating financial hurdles in property investment.

What stands out is Roy's unwavering resilience, as he shares how he overcame personal and professional setbacks and transformed them into opportunities for growth. The episode shines a light on his transition into the world of podcasting, where he conquered his fear of public speaking and embraced meditation for mental clarity and strength.

Roy's expertise and insights into podcasting are not just about techniques but also about the heart and soul that goes into creating impactful content. Join us as we uncover the inspiring story of Roy Coughlan, from enduring hardships to coaching others in the art of podcasting.

Dec 04, 202359:37
Dan Hafner: Turning a Do-It-Yourself App Venture into a Successful Biz & Agency!

Dan Hafner: Turning a Do-It-Yourself App Venture into a Successful Biz & Agency!

Welcome to this inspiring episode of 'The Builders' featuring the dynamic Dan Hafner! In today's talk, we delve into Dan's incredible journey from embarking on a DIY app-building project to founding a thriving business and agency, Dapper Mobile Apps.

Discover how Dan, starting with a passion for technology and a self-taught approach, turned his app-building hobby into a professional venture. We'll explore the challenges and triumphs of his path, including his initial steps into app development, overcoming industry hurdles, and the strategies that led to his business success.

Dan also shares valuable insights into entrepreneurship, the importance of hands-on experience, and his approach to App development can provide a quick turn around - money loves speed!

Join us as we uncover the story of a man who transformed a personal project into a leading name in the app development industry.

Nov 27, 202349:42
The Art of Capturing: Client Requests, Teamwork, Access, How To's & More!

The Art of Capturing: Client Requests, Teamwork, Access, How To's & More!

Welcome to another engaging episode of The Builders. I'm your host, Matt Levenhagen, and today I'm excited to share my insights on a topic that's fundamental to the success of any agency: The Art of Capturing. In this episode, I delve into how capturing every detail, be it client requests, teamwork dynamics, access control, or the creation of comprehensive how-to guides, forms the backbone of effective agency management.

As someone who has navigated the transition from solo work to leading a team within a bustling web design and development agency, I've experienced first-hand the challenges and rewards of this evolution. I'll walk you through the journey of how we transitioned from using Notion to Atlassian Confluence and finally to ClickUp, exploring the unique advantages each tool offered in managing our complex tasks.

An integral part of this process is capturing client requests accurately and effectively. I'll discuss strategies and systems we’ve implemented to ensure every client communication is documented and organized, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks. Additionally, I'll share how tools like Slack and ClickUp have revolutionized our approach to teamwork and communication, fostering a collaborative and efficient work environment.

Security and accessibility are paramount in our line of work. I'll talk about how we handle sensitive client information and access management, particularly our adoption of 1Password. This tool has been a game-changer in securely managing access details and ensuring our clients' data is safe.

Lastly, I’ll touch on the importance of creating detailed how-to guides. These resources are not just about giving instructions; they are about building a knowledge base that empowers the team and enhances our service quality.

Join me in this episode as I unfold the layers of capturing every crucial aspect of agency work, a practice that has been instrumental in the growth and success of my agency. Whether you’re running an agency, part of a team, or just interested in organizational strategies, there’s something in this episode for everyone. Let’s dive in!

Nov 20, 202301:00:28
Stretching the Boundaries: Embracing New Challenges in Business

Stretching the Boundaries: Embracing New Challenges in Business

In this solo episode of The Builders, I'm thrilled to share my journey with you – a story of growth, learning, and innovation. We delve into how my agency has evolved over the years, embracing challenges such as full-site editing themes and headless CMS in WordPress.

Our conversation takes you through the trenches, revealing how we've expanded our services beyond traditional WordPress development, including working with videographers and copywriters to deliver sophisticated and comprehensive solutions. I discuss our venture into headless CMS projects, reflecting our commitment to stay on the cutting edge of technology.

This episode isn't just about the technicalities; it's a reflection on growth mindset, stretching our capabilities, and the importance of a versatile, skilled team. I hope this episode inspires you, whether you're a web developer, an agency owner, or simply someone passionate about the ever-evolving world of digital creation.

Nov 13, 202350:45
David Caha - Leading the Charge in Data-Driven Marketing & Predictive Analytics

David Caha - Leading the Charge in Data-Driven Marketing & Predictive Analytics

Join me, Matt Levenhagen, as I welcome David Caha to "The Builders" for a captivating episode where we delve deep into the realm of marketing analytics. David isn't your typical marketing guru; with a background steeped in academia and science, he brings a fresh, meticulous perspective to the digital marketing landscape. In this episode, we explore how David transitioned from the academic world to launching his own agency, focusing particularly on the health and wellness industry, where precision and care in analytics are paramount.We tackle the often-underestimated importance of analytics in marketing, discussing not only its challenges but also the undeniable benefits it brings to the table. From the initial investment to the ongoing maintenance, we dissect what it truly takes to implement an analytical approach and how it can transform the effectiveness of marketing strategies through methods like A-B testing and targeted traffic analysis.For entrepreneurs and business owners alike, understanding the intricacies of website investment, maintenance, and the pitfalls of neglect are crucial. David and I dive into these topics, emphasizing the importance of finding clients who value digital growth and the necessity of building solid relationships. As we wrap up, we touch on David's specialized work in the burgeoning field of psychedelic therapy and how carving out a unique niche in the market can position an agency as a leading expert.Whether you're looking to enhance your digital marketing prowess or just curious about the intersection of science and marketing, this episode is an invaluable resource. Tune in to gain insights that could be the game-changer for your business's online presence.

Nov 06, 202301:00:10
Joel Salomon - Mindset, Acting "As If," and Unleashing Passion & Desire

Joel Salomon - Mindset, Acting "As If," and Unleashing Passion & Desire

I'm delighted to welcome Joel Salomon back to another episode of "The Builders." Joel is a master prosperity coach, and he's got some serious wisdom to share about the power of mindset in business. I was particularly struck by his story about starting his hedge fund, where he "acted as if" he had secured initial investments—and then actually secured them. It's a must-listen for any entrepreneur out there.

In this episode, we dig deep into the role of mindset, especially for those of us grinding it out in the entrepreneurial trenches. From actionable strategies like understanding your sales numbers to the importance of visualization and vision boards, we cover it all. But it's not just about the business side of things; Joel also shares valuable insights into personal growth, letting go, and even the energy of money.

So, tune in to learn how to elevate your mindset and your business. Whether you're just starting out or you're an established business owner, this episode is packed with tips that can help you act "as if" your dreams are already a reality. Trust me, you don't want to miss this one!

Oct 30, 202349:27
Colin Sanburg - From Red to Black: The Importance of Financial Literacy

Colin Sanburg - From Red to Black: The Importance of Financial Literacy

Hey everyone, welcome back to "The Builders" podcast, Episode #143. Today, we delve into the nitty-gritty of business challenges and the transformative power of understanding your numbers with Colin Sanburg. Colin is not just a business owner; he's a business turner-arounder. He's navigated the complexities of financial difficulties, made tough calls, and ultimately emerged stronger.

This episode is packed with wisdom as Colin shares his journey from facing challenges in manufacturing to becoming an investor with a keen eye for numbers. We discuss the importance of strategic accounting, not just for number-crunchers but for every business owner. Whether you're in digital or traditional sectors, understanding your numbers is key to overcoming challenges and ensuring profitability and cash flow.

We're all about actionable insights here on "The Builders." So, if you're in the business of better living through business savvy, you know what to do—hit that subscribe button and let's keep the conversation going!

Oct 23, 202340:55
Pete Mohr - From Operator to Owner, Planning for the Unplanned: What If Life Happens?

Pete Mohr - From Operator to Owner, Planning for the Unplanned: What If Life Happens?

In this episode of #TheBuilders, we dive deep into the journey of transitioning from an operator to an owner in your business. If you've ever felt stuck in the daily grind, handling every detail yourself, this episode will offer you actionable insights to break free and elevate your role.We discuss the importance of systems, processes, and clear communication within a team. You can't expect your team to read your mind, so we tackle the pitfalls of not having a well-defined process and how it hampers growth. Whether you're struggling with outsourcing or keeping your team aligned, we cover it all here.Don't miss out on this episode if you're aiming to work "on" your business rather than "in" it. We get into the nitty-gritty of making your business more sellable and freeing up your time, all while it continues to grow and profit. Tune in now!

Oct 16, 202345:07
Resolving Business Issues & Client Fires While on a Weekend Adventure

Resolving Business Issues & Client Fires While on a Weekend Adventure

In this episode, I delve into a weekend getaway that turned into an unexpected business troubleshooting adventure. As entrepreneurs, we often find ourselves in situations where business challenges don't respect our personal time. This weekend was no exception. As I was enjoying a Frank Lloyd Wright tour, the tranquility was punctuated by client emergencies that needed my immediate attention. But being prepared has always been my mantra, and this scenario tested my readiness and responsiveness against unforeseen business hurdles.

Equipped with my trusty laptop and the essential tools of my trade, I navigated through client and partner issues, ensuring that business continuity was maintained even in my absence. I share how the ability to stay connected, having a reliable team back at base, and maintaining open channels of communication with clients and partners can make a huge difference in managing unexpected business issues. It's about striking that delicate balance between addressing critical business needs and enjoying a well-deserved personal break, showcasing the life of an entrepreneur in its true, unpredictable form.

Join me in this candid narrative as I unfold the events of that weekend, share the lessons learned, and the importance of being prepared for the unexpected. Whether you're on a weekend getaway or simply away from your desk, the business world continues to spin, and how we respond to these unforeseen challenges defines our entrepreneurial journey. It's a blend of preparation, rapid response, and maintaining a calm demeanor amidst the chaos that keeps the entrepreneurial spirit resilient and ready for whatever comes next.

Oct 09, 202341:29
Kris Ward - Building a Business that Supports Your Life & Doesn't Consume It

Kris Ward - Building a Business that Supports Your Life & Doesn't Consume It

Welcome to another eye-opening episode of "The Builders" podcast. Today, I'm thrilled to bring you an enlightening conversation with Kris Ward, a visionary entrepreneur and author who knows a thing or two about work-life balance. In this episode, we delve into how you can build a business that enhances your life instead of draining it—because let's face it, who wants to be a slave to their business?

Kris started her entrepreneurial journey 14 years ago, navigating from exhaustive 12-hour workdays to a liberating 6-hour schedule without compromising the growth of her business. She even managed to step away for two years without causing a blip on her company's radar. How did she do it? By focusing on what truly matters and implementing strategies that align her business goals with her personal aspirations.

We also explore the "3 D's" that could be damaging your business, why a $5/hour help could be a game-changer for you, and how changing lives across the globe can simultaneously elevate your business. Join us as we uncover valuable insights for entrepreneurs who dream of a life that's about more than just business. Buckle up, Builders; this episode is a game-changer.

Oct 02, 202338:52
Jonathan Green - Leveraging AI for Business Success and Entrepreneurial Insights

Jonathan Green - Leveraging AI for Business Success and Entrepreneurial Insights

Hey there, Builders! Welcome to Episode #139 of "The Builders" podcast. This episode is an absolute treasure trove for anyone interested in entrepreneurship, AI, and business growth. I had the pleasure of diving deep into a conversation with Jonathan Green, an expert in AI and ChatGPT technologies. We explored everything from the setbacks that fueled our entrepreneurial journeys to the strategies that have helped us succeed.In this episode, Jonathan shares invaluable insights on the practical aspects of entrepreneurship, such as attracting clients, learning from experiences, and the necessity of taking massive actions. We also got into the nitty-gritty of AI, discussing how to best interact with it to streamline business operations. If you've ever been curious about how AI can be a game-changer for your business, you won't want to miss this.But it's not just all technical talk. Jonathan and I get personal, discussing our own setbacks, learnings, and how we've evolved our businesses over the years. You'll hear about the importance of personal branding, pricing strategies, and even how to "fire" clients that are not a good fit.So tune in, take notes, and get ready to build a smarter, more efficient business. Don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more insights and stories from the trenches of entrepreneurship!

Sep 25, 202301:04:00
Joel Salomon - Unlocking Financial Freedom: The Power of Mindset, Process and Belief

Joel Salomon - Unlocking Financial Freedom: The Power of Mindset, Process and Belief

Hey everyone, it's Matt Levenhagen! In this special episode of "The Builders," I sit down with an incredible guest, Joel Salomon, who shares his remarkable journey from starting to pursue his dream job in money management in 1992 after finding a roadmap to follow to eventually launching his own hedge fund by 2012. But the didn't end up being all smooth sailing; just as he thought he had it all figured out, his initial investors pulled out, throwing a curveball his way. Learn how 'act as if' and manifestation played a role.

I was truly inspired by how he took this setback as a chance for personal growth. In December 2015, he listened to a speaker who was dishing out bad financial advice to his audience. That led him to a pivotal moment of clarity, realizing his ultimate goal and purpose: to help others achieve financial freedom.

We also dive deep into the world of self-publishing. My guest has penned three impactful books, one of which became a bestseller in its first week! He shares invaluable insights for anyone looking to publish their work. We wrap up the episode by exploring one of the most potent rules from his best-selling book—Belief.

So, grab your favorite cup of joe, and let's jump right into this inspiring tale!

Sep 18, 202348:38
Agency Update: Our Growth Journey, Team Investments & Key Milestones

Agency Update: Our Growth Journey, Team Investments & Key Milestones

Hey everyone, Matt Levenhagen here, and welcome to episode #137 of The Builders podcast. In today's episode, I'm giving you an agency update on Unified Web Design — the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Over the past year, we've been scaling like never before. While growth is exciting, it's also packed with challenges that I can't wait to share with you.

We've been investing heavily in our team, our systems, and new initiatives. I'll be diving into some key operational changes we've made, how we are overcoming obstacles, and the new exciting projects we've taken on. The journey of entrepreneurship is never linear, and that's what makes it both thrilling and, at times, nerve-wracking. So, sit tight and get ready for an insider's view of our growing agency.

If you're an entrepreneur, a web designer, or someone who's interested in the behind-the-scenes of business growth, you'll find tons of actionable insights in this episode. And for those of you who've been following our journey, you'll get a fresh perspective on what's been happening at Unified Web Design. I'm excited to share this journey with you, so let's get started!

Sep 11, 202359:56
Amy Foley - From Solo Freelancer to Team Leader: The Power of Networking, Business Autonomy & HubSpot Insights

Amy Foley - From Solo Freelancer to Team Leader: The Power of Networking, Business Autonomy & HubSpot Insights

In this latest episode of The Builders podcast, I have the pleasure of chatting with Amy Foley, the co-founder of Inbound Backoffice. We get into the nitty-gritty of her journey from working solo at home to heading a thriving business. We discuss how she scaled her team to handle growing demands and share valuable pointers on networking and referrals—essential tools for any entrepreneur. If you're a freelancer on the rise or an established business owner, this episode is loaded with gems for you.

We don't stop there, though. Amy delves into her tactical strategies for forming key business relationships and successful agency partnerships. She's got a passion for helping others and a knack for getting things done—qualities that shine throughout our conversation. I also weigh in with my two cents on how advancements in AI and chatbots are poised to disrupt the way businesses operate and how we can think about it. You'll want to hear this part.

Last but not least, we spotlight HubSpot's robust features. It's not just a CRM; it's evolved into a comprehensive marketing solution. Amy and I break down its myriad capabilities, from email marketing to website development, and discuss why it's become a cornerstone for many modern marketers. So buckle up for a jam-packed episode that takes you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship, tactical networking, and the future of business tech. Trust me, you won't want to miss it.

Sep 05, 202346:23
Tyler Pigott - Building a Thriving Business: Vision as Your Ultimate Decision-Making Tool

Tyler Pigott - Building a Thriving Business: Vision as Your Ultimate Decision-Making Tool

In today's enlightening episode of "The Builders," we sit down with Tyler Pigott, a seasoned marketer and entrepreneur, to delve deep into the art of crafting a compelling vision for your business. But we don't stop there.

Tyler shares his perspective as a generalist vs a specialist (someone going into a business being 'known' for a specific craft) . Ever wondered what fuels long-term decision-making? Tyler spills the secrets. Plus, we discuss the invaluable experience of having a mentor or coach by your side and the tremendous impact it can have on your business trajectory.

I even share my own entrepreneurial experience, shedding light on the strategy behind adding products to Unified Web Design's service-based model—always with an eye on the long game.

Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a business owner rethinking your current approach, this episode promises actionable insights that you can apply immediately to up your game.

Aug 28, 202357:46
Entrepreneurs' Roadmap to Servers, Growth & Security: From the Trenches & No Jargon Allowed!

Entrepreneurs' Roadmap to Servers, Growth & Security: From the Trenches & No Jargon Allowed!

Entrepreneurs, get ready to dive into the world of servers, growth, and security without a hint of techy jargon (or a minor hint). In this episode, I'm sharing my personal journey from the trenches, revealing how I've navigated the complexities of servers and growth strategies without the tech overwhelm.

Discover the actionable insights I've gleaned from the front lines of my own server experience. Whether you're an aspiring entrepreneur or seasoned veteran, these tips are tailored for those who prefer plain English over technical lingo. Join me as we explore the roadmap to robust servers, sustainable growth, and secure online ventures.

Tune in to episode 134 of "The Builders" and empower your entrepreneurial journey with no-nonsense advice. Together, we'll demystify the technical aspects of growing your online business in a way that's both engaging and easily digestible.

Aug 21, 202352:16
Ashton Rodenhiser - Visual Note Taking: How Graphic Recording Can Improve Your Meetings

Ashton Rodenhiser - Visual Note Taking: How Graphic Recording Can Improve Your Meetings

This episode explores the power of visualizing ideas through the art of graphic recording with Ashton Rodenhiser. Ashton explains how she turned her creative skills into a career as a graphic recorder, capturing the key ideas and insights from meetings, conferences, and presentations through illustrations. She discusses how graphic recording can improve meetings by helping people engage, remember information, and make connections visually. Ashton shares tips for how anyone can start incorporating visual note taking into their own lives through simple doodling and drawing techniques. She recommends starting with basic shapes like lines, circles, and squares and building a "visual vocabulary" of icons that represent multiple ideas. Ashton stresses that the drawings don't have to be perfect - it's the process of listening, processing, and visually representing information that matters most. Key takeaways from the episode: • Graphic recording can improve meetings by helping up to 80% of "visual learners" engage and remember information presented. • Simple doodling techniques like drawing lines to connect ideas or using icons can boost information retention by up to 29%. • Anyone can learn the basics of visual note taking - it just requires practice drawing simple shapes and building a set of visual "shortcuts" that represent multiple concepts. Neatness and artistic ability are not important. • The illustrations created through graphic recording can be used as accountability tools, reminders, and even marketing materials to demonstrate the value of meetings and presentations.

Offer from the Episode (not sure when this will expire, so definitely check it out asap if you're interested!)

Title: The Beginners Guide to Sketchnoting

By link:

Coupon: builders

Aug 14, 202353:13
Changing the Stories We Tell Ourselves - Rethinking Team Culture & the Art of Connection

Changing the Stories We Tell Ourselves - Rethinking Team Culture & the Art of Connection

Welcome to Episode #132 of "The Builders" podcast, hosted by me, Matt Levenhagen. In this engaging episode, I sit down with Ron, a recovering engineer turned team builder, who has set out to change the stories we tell ourselves. Our conversation isn't just about transforming team culture; it's about redefining the very art of connection and openness within teams. Join us as Ron shares lessons on building trust, nurturing relationships, fostering creativity, and embracing change. We explore questions like, "What stories shape our culture?" and "How can we free ourselves from narratives that no longer serve us?" This isn't just a podcast episode; it's an invitation to discover who you want to be within your team and as a leader. Subscribe and tune in for actionable insights and stories that will challenge you to think differently about yourself, your team, and the culture you cultivate.

Aug 07, 202348:37
Building Authority Online: Why It Matters & How to Do It

Building Authority Online: Why It Matters & How to Do It

Welcome to the 131st episode of "The Builders" where I, Matt Levenhagen, your seasoned host and founder of Unified Web Design, delve deep into the why and how of building authority online. We kick things off with a throwback to my humble beginnings, navigating the treacherous waters of early online entrepreneurship, and the stash of old products that paved the way for my business's success today.

I shine the spotlight on an old product - Niche Authority, a pivotal milestone in my journey that shaped my perspectives on online authority. As we weave through my story, we'll be revisiting Episode 1, the very beginning, where we discussed the importance of a strong business identity as the cornerstone of a successful business.

In this episode, we talk about everything from building a compelling website to creating a lasting first impression. We cover why a business, especially an online one, should prioritize website development, and why first impressions often hinge on the quality of your homepage. We delve into the importance of trust-building and presenting an image of authority to your audience, all while keeping things simple and easy to navigate. I'll be sharing personal insights from my journey of building my first website and the lessons I learned along the way.

Finally, we dive into the more technical aspects, including content management, user experience, professional design and how these contribute to a company's image of professionalism and legitimacy. I emphasize the importance of incremental improvements and leveraging relationships for business growth. You'll also get an insider look into search engine optimization and how it contributes to your business's authority.

Jul 31, 202339:23
David Van Beekum - The Story Behind Tweva: Patents, Funding, and Rethinking Local Advertising

David Van Beekum - The Story Behind Tweva: Patents, Funding, and Rethinking Local Advertising

In Episode 130, we dive into a fascinating conversation with David Van Beekum, one of the minds behind Tweva, a revolutionary platform that's redefining local advertising. David shares his journey from being a tech enthusiast to becoming a successful entrepreneur, and how his father's passion for sound and audio technology in the '70s influenced his career path.

We delve into the complexities of building a business beyond just creating a website, as David recounts his experience in developing a unique software for small food distributors and the challenges he faced in securing a patent for it. He provides valuable insights into the patent process, highlighting the importance of uniqueness and the risks involved.

The conversation takes a poignant turn as David shares the impact of his business partner and friend's sudden passing (instrumental in developing the ideas behind Tweva). He discusses the importance of networks in business and the challenges he faced in securing VC capital.

Finally, we explore the concept of Tweva, a social TV channel for your city that allows community participation and offers a platform for businesses and influencers. David explains how Tweva makes it easy for businesses to advertise on local screens and how it provides a platform for sharing local, relevant content. He emphasizes the importance of creating 'infotainment' - content that is not only informative but also entertaining.

Jul 24, 202355:28
Exploring New Strategies: The Intersection of Business Priorities and Content Strategy

Exploring New Strategies: The Intersection of Business Priorities and Content Strategy

In this episode of The Builders Podcast, I, Matt Levenhagen, delve into the process of navigating change and balancing business priorities while exploring new strategies. I share my journey of starting a new YouTube series on The Builders channel, a venture that was both exciting and challenging. This series was a departure from my usual style, featuring a completely new format and approach. However, the time and effort required to produce these videos led me to reassess their impact on my overall business operations.

I discuss the importance of understanding the full context of your business activities when considering new strategies. This includes acknowledging your baseline operations, the role of marketing, and the need to constantly reassess your strategies to ensure they align with your business goals. I also share my experience of adding a new SEO person to our team, a strategic decision aimed at enhancing our content strategy.

In the process of exploring new content formats, I discovered the tool and the benefits of short-form content. This led to a shift in our content strategy, incorporating lessons learned from the phased-out YouTube series. I emphasize the importance of trying new things and pushing your limits, even if it means stepping outside of your comfort zone.

I also share my increased respect for YouTubers and the amount of work that goes into creating engaging content. This journey has taught me valuable lessons about time management, the value of presence in content strategy, and the importance of learning from failures or stopped initiatives.

Join me as I navigate the complexities of change, explore new strategies, and provide insights on how to effectively balance business priorities and content strategy. Whether you're a business owner or a content creator, this episode offers valuable insights into managing change and making strategic decisions.

Jul 17, 202349:45
Time Tracking Mastery: A Deep Dive into My Agency's Workflow for Hourly Projects

Time Tracking Mastery: A Deep Dive into My Agency's Workflow for Hourly Projects

Welcome to Episode #128 where we delve deep into the heart of my business operations: time tracking. We'll pull back the curtain on how I've mastered this crucial aspect in running my web design agency efficiently. From invoicing to hourly tracking, discover how I've developed an intricate dance of cash flow, all while staying close to the numbers and enjoying the process.

I share with you an inside look at our meticulous tracking mechanisms for employees and external collaborators alike. Through meticulous systems like Freshbooks and spreadsheets, you'll see how we record hours and translate this into the financial flow of the business.

The takeaway? Good software and processes are key. If I can manage this, given the complexity of my agency's operations, you certainly can, too. So join me as I unravel the nuts and bolts of time tracking, an invaluable tool for running any business. I hope you enjoy the journey as much as I have.

Thanks for being part of the builders' crew. Enjoy the episode!

Jul 10, 202359:46
Optimizing for Conversions: A Holistic Look at Website Performance

Optimizing for Conversions: A Holistic Look at Website Performance

In episode #127, I delve into a topic that's truly close to my heart: optimizing for conversions through a holistic look at website performance. This episode serves as an in-depth exploration of how every element of a website, from its loading speed to its design, influences its ability to convert visitors into customers.

From an SEO perspective, we discuss the importance of site speed and reliability, and how these factors impact search rankings and bounce rates. I also shed light on the vital role that technical teams play in maintaining both the server and the website framework, underlining that you don't always need a new website—sometimes, just a fresh design will suffice.

I share insights into specific optimization strategies, such as image optimization, using CDNs, and minifying, while emphasizing that sometimes an issue requires a total rethink. I underline the importance of a holistic approach to conversion optimization, explaining why every component of the website matters.

Throughout the episode, I share why I'm passionate about this topic and why it's crucial for other agencies and marketers to have someone who can help their clients with their websites. Tune in to understand the intricate web of factors that influence website performance and, ultimately, conversions.

Jul 03, 202340:08
Embracing Change & Innovation: My New YouTube Series Journey

Embracing Change & Innovation: My New YouTube Series Journey

Welcome to episode #126 of my podcast where I delve into my latest adventure – launching a new YouTube series. This isn't just about a new series; it's about trying something different and stepping out of my comfort zone. It's about the pursuit of impactful content, the need for success to extend reach, and balancing the technicalities of optimization with the heart of content value.

In this episode, I pull back the curtain on the process of producing the series – from leveraging AI tools for scripting, refining ideas with personal research, to experimenting with recording techniques. Unlike my previous work, where the focus was me or my guests, this time it's about other companies and their fascinating stories. From global giants like Netflix and Amazon to smaller enterprises, we'll dive into what makes them unique.

Taking a step back, I also reflect on the broader context of running my business while venturing into this new territory. As you listen, you'll understand that it's not just about the end product but also the journey - the learning, the courage, the willingness to stumble, and the constant pursuit of growth. Remember, it’s not just about me, but you as well - how can you step out of your comfort zone? How can you take action today? Join me on this journey of exploration and innovation. Until next time, peace.

Jun 26, 202344:24