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The New You Experience Podcast

The New You Experience Podcast

By The Iconic Belynne Bez

This podcast is about incorporating new things new ways,Health Tips Interviews with entrepreneurs wellness coaches, let's see what we come up with
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Gemini 2020 No more sacrifices

The New You Experience PodcastMar 08, 2020

Aries may 2020

Aries may 2020

Shows that you ponder on some things that have gone wrong and will make sense of it , and act on your emotions end of May 2020
May 03, 202005:42
Pisces April 2020

Pisces April 2020

All thoughts this month ; so now we are reflecting because finance is starting to flicker like a lighter no, get on your grind , I see a softening oly of guilt; replays will happen until you consistently learn partnerships is a responsibility for two
Apr 16, 202005:19
Aquaruis April 2020

Aquaruis April 2020

Great job on the slow walk ok I live the balancing of your energies , great job you should see some real movement end of april you arw just placing it in your mind
Apr 16, 202003:45
Capricorn April 2020

Capricorn April 2020

Very nice energy happy! Stay with that development ! Great job ok
Apr 16, 202002:13
Saggy april 2020

Saggy april 2020

It was bound to come out ok!
Apr 16, 202003:58
Scorpio april 2020

Scorpio april 2020

Just believe end of month stay steady
Apr 16, 202002:24
Libra April 2020

Libra April 2020

Chunking deuces and chilling
Apr 16, 202002:56
Virgo april 2020

Virgo april 2020

You are held accountable for the part you play in your relationships at this time!!
Apr 16, 202003:10
Leo April 2020

Leo April 2020

Keep your composure
Apr 16, 202002:55
Leo april 2020

Leo april 2020

I bet you no now dont you
Apr 12, 202002:56
Cancer april 2020

Cancer april 2020

Things will mend after more learning lessons about finance
Apr 12, 202002:12


I think you will like what is coming up here because the exchanges; with career;love ; and this world on hush I think it might shake things up a bit ! Be good stay stuff ; remember I told you this ...Horoscopes are like a greeting card ; never to be taken for more than what it is : accuracy depends on the subscribers .. Belynnebez ....Libranation and mental prospective encourager ....hugxxx
Apr 06, 202003:17
Gemini April 2020

Gemini April 2020

Your In a good place but still mental troubles *control* its gonna end without your control ok things await continue to get your rest and guard against any power struggles with family friends and past loves
Apr 06, 202003:06
Aries April 2020

Aries April 2020

It could get tough lots of confusion here ok ; go with the situations that you feel are best for you shows you fighting against something here ,go where you feel that it will work out work will be in suprises love straight trash
Apr 06, 202004:21
April Tauras 2020

April Tauras 2020

Really nice read; holding i place for the new time frame that is coming in , it's really refreshing you will love this next career move ; it's a sectional type career
Apr 06, 202003:50
Aquarius March 2020

Aquarius March 2020

This is a time frame that is very good for you ,you will make up your mind to be committed again this year ,you have cleared up some financial things, valor went on in a past relationship, now your dwelling better about it, and seeing. Clearly you will loose a friend in this ok
Mar 13, 202003:55
Capricorn March 2020 A new season has began

Capricorn March 2020 A new season has began

Well well well look at you hunnieeee,you have changes as a result from something, congrats on all new possibilities, love you
Mar 13, 202004:19
Saggy march 2020 your ego is among you loose

Saggy march 2020 your ego is among you loose

Go ahead and get over it ok
Mar 12, 202004:07
Scorpio march 2020 neglecting positioning

Scorpio march 2020 neglecting positioning

It's good choices upon ,choices
Mar 12, 202003:41
Scorpio march 2020 it's all coming back together

Scorpio march 2020 it's all coming back together

Well seems like your number has popped wrongs will be fixed, live at a distant a offers of more change
Mar 08, 202003:15
Libra March 2020 blessing in disguise

Libra March 2020 blessing in disguise

Well seems to be like your moving on slowly into new financial territory ,very nice ok ,you no whatever stain is in and on your heart cannot bectepkaced don't sit in it be blessed from it
Mar 08, 202003:37
Virgo march 2020 Family's Important

Virgo march 2020 Family's Important

It shows adjustments, it also shows what you are willing to not partake in ,in orserntoncause some peace you and a mate might be at a distance, but you are going to relax things for peace
Mar 08, 202003:03
Leo March 2020 regret

Leo March 2020 regret

Well leo she seem to feel sadness just a bit in your mind ,situations people and places ok , seems a tiff had appeared your a little sad here ,but I dont see it. Clear, I must see your ego
Mar 08, 202004:59
Cancer 2020 March

Cancer 2020 March

You are struggling with almost. Being snatched out a relationship and having to deal with what you do not no, all is well you walk away free but down from the struggle of lies
Mar 08, 202003:27
Gemini 2020 No more sacrifices

Gemini 2020 No more sacrifices

Great month youbsyriggke with old feelings this month but you. Come out owning everything in the sense of moving in a new direction with acceptance
Mar 08, 202003:19
Tauras 2020

Tauras 2020

Basically leaving all behind for new love new job
Mar 05, 202002:40
Aries March 2020

Aries March 2020

Neglecting a pass love , and moving in a new energy ,being releases from someone's energy finally
Mar 02, 202004:04
My commentary on all signs

My commentary on all signs

ThankYou see ya in March! Belynnebez
Feb 11, 202003:27
Aquarius Febuary 2020

Aquarius Febuary 2020

Are you scared of new relationship with opposite because of income,are you fearing loss with career and leadership positions, well it will have to start with reflection ok you will need time leave love alone ,currently you will kill anything new in live because you will not balance and your being stubborn no one wants to embrace bitter
Feb 11, 202004:54
Capricorn FEBURARY 2020

Capricorn FEBURARY 2020

Your blindness will hurt you im if you dont use a realization right now ,dont ignore the fact that you are overlooking a situation for your personal gain and it's going to ruin your trust overall if you dont pay attention now !
Feb 11, 202002:53
Sagittarius FEBURARY 2020

Sagittarius FEBURARY 2020

You have got to reflect, it didnt turn out you can't go back to whatever this was ,irs ok reflect say your goodbyes because you will need to be prepared for change that you dont want ,its moving in a new direction something with belief and faith ket you down how dare you not. Olive in what is good for you, you dont want to let changes that effect you safely work you want control
Feb 11, 202005:21
Scorpio FEBURARY 2020

Scorpio FEBURARY 2020

You will need to learn to trust again ,it will effect everything you do please make sure you no and what kind of jobs,people and places yo uh arw dealing with
Feb 11, 202003:55
Libra FEBURARY 2020

Libra FEBURARY 2020

Libra libra so many good times coming up starts third week of FEBURARY ,also I saw some sneaky business and some revelations come in you will begin to see something different enter ,with people Income,possibilities of movement, I also so someone start to check for you a bit ,but still nasty it says your enemy is the authority figure and thats final and it also says ,enemy could be attitude how they treat you etc,men with suits and business will appear things are going to change with business and in business
Feb 04, 202003:59
Virgo Feburary 2020

Virgo Feburary 2020

Virgo,you are all over the place you are dealing very jealous of things because of past issues lots of work opportunity and travel a chance to secure family or money,but it might turn around and with a new authority in the picture
Feb 04, 202003:60


This was like for a single leo married leo a committed leo ,things are looking up for you ,but you have to count your losses in a situation where someone comes at you but it will back you go inward and move on
Feb 03, 202004:02
Cancer FEBURARY 2020

Cancer FEBURARY 2020

Things arw going to take a twist and fast ,so now you decide the dead skin you can no longer tolerate its space in your life ...see what you do ?
Feb 03, 202002:48
Gemini FEBURARY 2020

Gemini FEBURARY 2020

Gemini you will walk into newness you will settle your heart and mind and place things on a lantern to complete your emotions so that you can move in joy love you ,,
Jan 28, 202004:48
You have made strides TAURUS FEBURARY 2020

You have made strides TAURUS FEBURARY 2020

The point will be aware really clear about moving from old financial jobs leftover emotional relationship it's becoming a little long for you even for your patience 2nd 3rd week of FEBURARY you will no your direction
Jan 28, 202003:12
Aries February 2020

Aries February 2020

In this month of February there are a lot of positives at play after the first 3-13 days, it is very peaceful and it is very light you you joyous be happy and giving and loving,fast energy for career and jobs and new money deals and property matters
Jan 22, 202002:49
This is the Introduction to Febuary 2020

This is the Introduction to Febuary 2020

A small detail about the content that I will display from a Intuitive point of view for all signs ,races ,colors and creeds are welcome ,Thank you for listening Belynnebez!
Jan 21, 202001:06
Pisces January 2020

Pisces January 2020

This water sign is on fire this month but in the wrong direction a mate is trying to place themselves back in the home ,jealousy is in the home surprises end of the month someone is coming by with a offer
Jan 10, 202003:40
Capricorn January 2020

Capricorn January 2020

Your. Wry emotional you will get the help you need love is not a friend it's making you feel tied up ...
Jan 10, 202002:38
Scorpio January 2020

Scorpio January 2020

Lots of changes here you will news to make changes that can place you in forward movement
Jan 10, 202003:35
Virgo January 2020

Virgo January 2020

Walking away you have no choice it's all stale at this point your left with nothing but turn arounds
Jan 10, 202004:08
Leo january 2020

Leo january 2020

Leo softer side a nervous side ,but you will get thru,the problem is your letting a jealous ex interfere with your feelings and descion ,you will walk away from that person and really ne scared to walk into the new person's life ,timid
Jan 10, 202003:60
Cancer January 2020

Cancer January 2020

I mean so many changes here ,It also shows that ,revelation is coming in a fake situation, you will see yourself clear because the gag is you walk off they walk back and you move on HAPPY AND THEY REALIZE THE MISTAKE BUT ITS TO LATE CHANGES MOVED YOU FROM THE SITUATION
Jan 10, 202006:13
Aquarius January 2020

Aquarius January 2020

Jan 10, 202006:24
Sagittarius January 2020

Sagittarius January 2020

This Fire sign will probably unleash .tje fire signs feelings will be up for grabs when 2 people appear that the fire sign put to rest it will make thisbfirebaign testy and upset home matters will be good an authority figure will get it together , work is yummy
Jan 10, 202004:07
Libra January 2020

Libra January 2020

Jan 10, 202005:10
Gemini January 2020

Gemini January 2020

Thisbisbfornghe zodiac sign for Gemini , this air sign n is moving past rough waters but is still dealing with war wounds of the recent past offers are on the table someone is backing down and put in geminis life,Gemini will leave and go for a financial new start
Jan 10, 202003:27