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The Inside Out Gardener

The Inside Out Gardener

By The Indoor Gardener

Explore the fascinating world of gardening inside and out . House plants, herbs, hydroponics, propagation, seed starting. Everything about gardening inside and out .
I have made my career in gardening beginning in 1982. I was garden buyer for one of the largest independent garden centers in America until I retired in 2016. Greg’s Lawn and Garden Care in Athens, NY
Currently playing episode

For Pete's Sake: What's The Issue With Peat Moss?

The Inside Out GardenerMar 29, 2023

A Winter Full Of Blooms: How To Force Bulbs To Bloom When You Want Them

A Winter Full Of Blooms: How To Force Bulbs To Bloom When You Want Them

Don't you just love spring bulbs every spring? Why wait? To get a jump on spring "force" bulbs to light up your dreary winter.

Forcing is simply tricking bulbs to bloom out of season indoors by providing them with a "fake winter" or cooling period

Nov 07, 202314:00
Don't Leave The Leaves ,It Hurts More Than It Helps
Oct 20, 202312:06
What To Do About Asian Jumping Worms

What To Do About Asian Jumping Worms

Endemic to parts of Asia, jumping worms (Amynthas spp.) first arrived in North America sometime in the late 19th century, probably in imported plants and other horticultural and agricultural materials. Since then, jumping worms have become widespread across much of the northeast, southeast and midwestern U.S.

Sep 15, 202314:10
Blight Hitting Lilacs Heavy This Summer

Blight Hitting Lilacs Heavy This Summer

How to recognize, treat and avoid lilac bacterial blight

CORVALLIS, Ore. - Do new buds and branches on your lilac look blackish, like they've been scorched by a blowtorch? Your bush might have a bacterial plant disease called lilac blight.

A cool, wet, rainy, spring season favors development of lilac blight, especially if rains follow a late frost or winter injury, according to Oregon State University Extension plant pathologists.

Sep 10, 202312:24
Saving Tomato Seeds: How To Get Rid of The Goop On Tomatoes Seeds

Saving Tomato Seeds: How To Get Rid of The Goop On Tomatoes Seeds

Here is how to save tomato seeds. That goop surrounding the seed is easy to get rid of and it performs a vaible function as well.

Aug 30, 202308:45
Getting Your Plants Ready To Come In For Winter
Aug 25, 202308:45
When And How To Prune Hydrangeas

When And How To Prune Hydrangeas

Pruning hydrangeas is not really as hard as some make it out to be. Hydrangea pruning is based on what species you have and when they form buds for flowering next season. There are four major species, paniculata, macrphylla, arborescens and petiolaris

From University of Minnesota Extension

Hydrangea paniculata, panicle hydrangea

Prune back stems to just above a fat bud — called a heading cut — prune in fall, late winter or spring.

Hydrangea macrophylla, big leaf hydrangea Pink round flower heads on a green hydrangea shrub planted against a tan stone wall. This original Endless Summer inspired a large series of other H. macrophylla developed by Bailey Nurseries. These plants produce buds in late summer to early fall (August-September) that will form next year’s flowers. So prune these shrubs after they finish blooming before August

Hydrangea arborescens, smooth hydrangea

Let these plants grow a season or two before doing any serious "hard" pruning. Once the shrub is established and has a couple of growing seasons under its belt, prune these hydrangeas in the spring down to the ground, or not at all if you want a larger shrub. Flower buds will grow on this season’s growth or new wood.

Hydrangea petolaris or climbing hydrangea

This tough, gnarly vine needs little to no pruning ever, except for removing any dead wood that develops.

Other Sources: The Spruce

University of Maryland Extension

Aug 24, 202311:37
How to Make Amaryllis Bloom Again

How to Make Amaryllis Bloom Again

Amaryllis are beautiful tropical bulbs that can last many years. They just take time and patience to save them and get them into bloom in following years.

In this episode of The Inside Out Gardener I tell you just how to do that.

Of all the flowers and bulbs for the Holidays Amaryllis rank right up there with mums, Poinsettias and Cyclamen

Aug 24, 202310:59
How to Control Nutsedge:

How to Control Nutsedge:

Nutsedges are very aggressive and persistent weeds that commonly infest lawns, vegetable and flower gardens, and home landscapes. They can be very difficult to eradicate, and their control is likely to be a long process. Successful control involves both cultural and chemical management methods.

Once a nutsedge infestation has been controlled, sanitation to prevent new introductions is critical. Any new infestations should be managed right away to prevent the spread of these aggressive and difficult-to-control weeds.

Aug 15, 202313:36
Tropical Milkweed No Affect on Monarch Migration

Tropical Milkweed No Affect on Monarch Migration

Tropical milkweed impact on monarch butterflies “vastly overblown,”says longtime butterfly researcher David James’ early research suggests that non-reproductive and migratory monarch populations in Australia are not adversely affected by the presence of non-native and other ”tropical” milkweeds such as Gomphocarpus fruticosus, an African milkweed sometimes called Swan plant or Balloon plant.

By Monika Maeckle|February 22nd, 2021

Aug 02, 202322:45
The Gender Wars Come To The Melon Patch: Are There Male and Female Watermelons?

The Gender Wars Come To The Melon Patch: Are There Male and Female Watermelons?

Why is there still a debate about male and female watermelons, and bell peppers?

Are there male and female plants?

Yes! Hollies for instance (XMAS types, and Winterberry)

Are there Male and female flowers?

Yes, on many plants like squash, cucumbers and water melons

Jul 11, 202314:51
Drink Your Flowers, It's HAPPY HOUR!
Jul 11, 202305:15
Banana Water & Eggshell Tea Just Got Soaked

Banana Water & Eggshell Tea Just Got Soaked

.. soaking egg shells does not release any measurable amount of calcium just like soaking bananas does not release any measurable amount of potassium. The vast majority of both ingredients remain behind. Soaking eggshells and bananas does not release any worthwhile concentration of potassium or calcium.Big whoop that dry banana peels are 45% potassium. That’s by weight dried bananas have very little weight meaning that 45% of something so light still yields very little actual potassium. A 20 pound bag of organic fertilizer with 5% potassium yields 16 oz of potassium. You would need over a pound of dried banana peels to get just 1/2 pound. Percentages mean nothing. Whats counts is actual pounds/ounces of nutrient not some %. Percentage only tells you how much is contained in the item. Worthless knowledge without knowing actual weight in pounds or ounces.

Jun 27, 202310:08
Time To Stop Thinking Our Plants Are People Too!

Time To Stop Thinking Our Plants Are People Too!

The Indoor Garden Facebook Page: Lots of great indoor gardening information

Time to stop anthropomorphizing our plants ,attribute human characteristics or behavior to (a god, animal, or object).

Plants do not have neurons, the cells that transmit information via electrical signals in animal brains. In general, plants lack the machinery for thinking, Robinson argues. However, information can be said to move around inside plants, via chemical signalling. The idea that plants can learn is also contested.

Scientist Daniel Chamovitz unveils the surprising world of plants director of the Manna Center for Plant Biosciences at Tel Aviv University. A plant, he argues, can see, smell and feel. PLANTS SMELLING The clearest example in plants is what happens during fruit ripening. You may have heard that if you put a ripe and an unripe fruit together in the same bag, the unripe one will ripen faster. This happens because the ripe one releases a ripening pheromone into the air, and the green fruit smells it and then starts ripening itself. CHEMICAL REACTION not a plant smelling

PLANTS HEARING Typically, though, much of the research on music and plants was, to put it mildly, not carried out by investigators grounded in the scientific method. Not surprisingly, in most of these studies, the plants thrived in music that the experimenter also preferred. Do plants communicate with each other?

If a maple tree is attacked by bugs, it releases a pheromone into the air that is picked up by the neighboring trees. This induces the receiving trees to start making chemicals that will help it fight off the impending bug attack. So on the face of it, this is definitely communication.CHEMICAL ACTION/ACTION REACTION to communicate requires the ability to mentally construct a method to communicate. PLANTS CANNOT DO THISPLANTS HAVE MEMORY?

For example a Venus Fly Trap needs to have two of the hairs on its leaves touched by a bug in order to shut, so it remembers to close up. NOT REMEMBERING ACTION/REACTION

May 08, 202319:45
Why Do So Many Gardeners HATE MIRACLE GRO

Why Do So Many Gardeners HATE MIRACLE GRO

Visit The Indoor Garden for great buys on tropical plants and GRO MX soils Just take a stroll through any gardening Facebook group, and two things immediately pop up: a general disdain for Monsanto and. There's also a widespread misconception that Scotts is actually owned by Monsanto. Scotts is not owned by Monsanto, but the idea is so pervasive because of the marketing agreement and the close ties between the two. Motley Fool

Roundup®, a non-selective weed control product owned by the German company, Bayer. We do not own the Roundup® brand but distribute the product to retailers for sale to consumers. We have served in this capacity since 1998.

For more great indoor garden information look us up on Facebook The Indoor Garden

May 03, 202314:46
Introducing The $179 GMO Super Air Purifying Pothos

Introducing The $179 GMO Super Air Purifying Pothos

This episode of The Indoor Gardener Podcast looks at the NEOP1 a GMO Pothos claimed to clean 30 times more air than than a regular Pothos

Neo P1 is a new variety of Pothos. A world first innovation from world class brains, it’s been meticulously bioengineered by our team of 20 scientists to capture and recycle some of the most dangerous indoor pollutants. Good for the world, gorgeous for your home. Thie NEO P1 a superplant with superpowers.

Oter companies including Neomorph, Themis BioScience and Circular Carbon Chemistry are also working on similar products.

The Indoor Garden FB Page is full of great plant care information

Shop The Indoor Garden for rooted cutting, succulents and cool foliage.

Apr 04, 202315:26
For Pete's Sake: What's The Issue With Peat Moss?

For Pete's Sake: What's The Issue With Peat Moss?

The Indoor Gardener Podcast looks at the use and sustainability of peat moss. As well we look at alternatives to peat moss The l debate concerning the sustainability of peat harvesting centers around whether or not peat is a renewable resource. Peat bogs in Western Europe and the UK are almost  deleted. According to science direct in a Jan 20th 2022 paper: “Peatlands store around one-third of the global soil carbon (Gorham, 1991; Rydin and Jeglum, 2013); however, peat extraction and drainage for forestry and agricultural purposes have resulted in the degradation of most of the peatlands in Europe “

Visit our own line shop for soils, rooted cuttings, herbs and foliage plants

Thank you for listening to The Indoor Gardener Podcast with Greg Draiss

  • Mar 29, 202318:42
    Are You On Trend With These Plants for 2023

    Are You On Trend With These Plants for 2023

    The Indoor Gardener Podcast looks at what are the trending plants for 2023 such as White Bird of Paradise.

    Other trending plants for 2023 include some favorites like strings of__________________insert your favorite.

    Mar 17, 202315:44
    Water Water Everywhere. But Which Water Is Best for Your Plants
    Mar 15, 202319:05
    One Last Meal For Mealybugs

    One Last Meal For Mealybugs

    The Indoor Gardener Podcast

    How to get rid of mealybugs.

    Mealybugs on houseplants can be a big battle.

    The Indoor Garden online plant shop has rooted cuttings, succulents and foliage for sale

    The Indoor Garden Facebook page is loaded with great plant care information

    Mar 09, 202313:27
    How To Get Rid Of Fungus Gnats In Your Houseplants
    Mar 06, 202316:48
    Epsom Salts: The Biggest Myth In Gardening

    Epsom Salts: The Biggest Myth In Gardening

    The Indoor Gardener Podcast with Greg Draiss

    Epsom salts are touted as a cure all in the garden world. How can Espom Salts kill bugs, fight off disease, make flowers bigger and be a WEED KILLER?
    It's not because it does none of the aforementioned things. Epsom salts is Magnesium and sulfur, both of which are only needed in tiny amounts in growing plants. Neither Magnesium or Sulfur perform ANY major functions on their own.

    The Indoor Gardnener Podcast With Greg Draiss is a production of Wayneright Broadcasting.

    Mar 01, 202308:35
    Peeling Back The Mystery of Banana Water Fertilizer

    Peeling Back The Mystery of Banana Water Fertilizer

    The Indoor Gardener Podcast with Greg Draiss

    Banana water fertilizer is everywhere on the internet. But do you know where it is not? It is not in the tool box of anyone who knows gardening. The theory is if you take banana peels soak them in water for a few days the potassium in the peel gets absorbed by the water. The result is a magical tonic that makes plants explode in growth and flowers. It's not true. Most of the potassium remains in the peel. 

    The Indoor Gardener Podcast with Greg Draiss is a production of Wayneright Broadcasting

    Mar 01, 202307:59
    Feed Me! How, When and, What to Feed Your Indoor Plants

    Feed Me! How, When and, What to Feed Your Indoor Plants

    This episode of The Indoor Gardener Podcast breaks down all the different types and formulations of fertilizer into an easy to understand 20 minute episode. What about feeding plants in winter? Is organic better than Miracle Gro for The Indoor Gardener? It's all here and no matter what type or formula of fertilizer you choose your plants will be healthier with a good meal. 

    Feb 25, 202319:11
    What Do You Mean This Plant Is Patented?
    Feb 23, 202304:39
    Time to Get Potted: Repot your indoor plants any time you please
    Feb 23, 202312:32
    Let's Talk Lighting for Indoor Gardening

    Let's Talk Lighting for Indoor Gardening

    Lighting for plants is overly complicated. Thee are four types of light your lants may get.
    1: Full sun
    2:Bright light

    3: Indirect light

    4: Low Light

    In this episode I talk about those four lighting situations and how to add supplemental lighting to grow anything any plant anywhere with or without windows

    Feb 23, 202311:22
    Is Proplifting Stealing.......YES IT IS

    Is Proplifting Stealing.......YES IT IS

    Welcome to The Indoor Gardener Podcast

    Proplifting advocates say it is OK to pickup off the floor plant pieces and take them home. What about a banana on the floor in the produce department.
    Is the argument "it's only going in the garbage anyway" legit?
    No stealing is stealing. You have no right to assume something on the floor is going to the trash unless you own the store.

    Visit our online shop TheIndoorGarden
    On FB The Indoor Garden

    Feb 23, 202311:22