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By Jonathan McGinley

The Intentional Man Podcast will inspire and equip you to reject passivity and step into God's mission for your life with PASSION and PURPOSE. Hear inspirational stories of men stepping out in faith to BOLDLY PURSUE their God-sized dreams. Get equipped with practical tips, tools, and resources to immediately apply to your life. Learn how to live CONSISTENTLY INTENTIONAL.

This world needs men who are living intentional lives. This world needs men to rise up and be the leaders God has designed them to be. Join us on the journey!
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Injury Prevention & Pain-Free Living w/ Dr. Jake Huebner


Finding the BEST Plan for Your Life

Finding the BEST Plan for Your Life

Are you truly following Jesus wherever He leads? Or have you invited him to follow you? This is a question that I have been wrestling with lately.

When your first reaction to a command in God's Word or to something He asks you to do is instantly fear, worry, and anxiety, then you might need to reexamine your view of God. 

You don’t serve a God that wants you to be miserable. You serve a God who wants you to experience life and to experience it fully. You serve a God that truly wants the best for you. You serve a God that actually knows what’s best for your life and has a specific plan.

His plan is always the best plan even if it means you haven to go through some uncomfortable things in the process.

Jun 04, 202421:29


Has a lack of confidence kept you from doing something that you know you wanted to do? This is an issue that has caused me to miss out on many opportunities in the past and it is one of the most common issues I see plaguing men today.

I don’t want to come to the end of my life and look back with regret because I was scared to do the things I always wanted to do. I don’t want to look back with regret knowing I let a lack of confidence keep me from chasing my dreams and pursuing God-sized goals. And I know you don’t want that either.

So today I want to give you 5 ways to grow in self-confidence.


1. Develop the Habit of Remembrance

As a man of God, your confidence must start with God. That is a confidence that cannot be shaken no matter what circumstances you are facing. Get in the habit of writing down the God moments in your life so you can go back and revisit them in difficult moments. When you remember who God is and what He has done in your life, you can walk in confidence.


2. Stick to the Commitments You Make to Yourself

If you want to build confidence, start with some small actions that you can take and commit to sticking to them no matter what. You will build confidence as you keep your word. You will build confidence as you take consistent action. You will build confidence as you live in alignment with your vision and values.


3. Grow in Competence

Confidence increases with skill and knowledge. Embrace the learning process and practice consistently to gain expertise and confidence in various areas.


4. Always Be Prepared

Preparation reduces nervousness and boosts confidence. Invest time and effort in preparing for tasks and situations to feel more assured and capable.


5. Make it About Others Instead of Yourself

Author/Speaker Rory Vaden says, "There is nothing to fear when your mission to serve is clear." Anxiety, nervousness, and fear usually come when we make things about ourselves. When you take your focus off yourself and instead seek to put the focus on helping and serving others, you can walk in greater confidence.

May 28, 202419:16
5 Keys to a Successful ENVIRONMENT

5 Keys to a Successful ENVIRONMENT

Being an Intentional Man means being proactive rather than just reacting to what life throws at you. It's easy to slip into a reactive mode because of all the responsibilities and roles you juggle daily. You might be on top of things at work but not putting enough effort into your relationships or finances.

One key area often overlooked is our environment, including the people we spend time with, the media we consume, and the places we go. It's important to design your environment intentionally to support your growth and well-being.

Here are five areas to focus on:

1. People: Think about the influence of those you hang out with. Are they uplifting and supportive? Make an effort to spend more time with people who positively impact your life.

2. Home: Set up your living space to encourage healthy habits and align with your goals. For example, keep healthy snacks visible instead of cookies.

3. Work Environment: Keep your workspace tidy and free of distractions to boost your productivity.

4. Inputs: Be mindful of the media and content you consume. Choose things that inspire and uplift you.

5. Activities: Identify activities that recharge and bring you joy. Make time for these instead of defaulting to passive activities like watching TV.

Your environment can either support or hinder your growth. By designing it to align with your values and goals, you create a supportive space that helps you live more intentionally. Start with one area, improve it, and then move on to the others. Remember, it's about progress, not perfection.

May 21, 202418:33
4 Tips to Enjoy the PRESENT

4 Tips to Enjoy the PRESENT

Be a man that strives after the dreams and mission God has put on your heart, but enjoy the process along the way and live with gratitude and joy each day. Here are 4 ways to help you enjoy the present while still pursuing big dreams: 1. Develop a Lifestyle of Reflection When we don’t take time to stop, reflect on our lives, ask ourselves good questions, acknowledge the wins, identity things we are grateful for, we are not allowing ourselves to grow to the full. 2. Stop Comparing Yourself to Others Comparison can be the thief of joy. Oftentimes, comparing yourself to people who are ahead (or seem to be) of you causes us to lose sight of our mission. If you are going to compare, compare your current self to your former self. Acknowledge the progress you are making and celebrate the wins in the process. 3. Change Your Perspective on Failure and Discomfort Here is the shift in mindset that you must make…experiencing some failures and making mistakes is not a sign of weakness, it is actually a sign that you are growing, progressing, and pursuing something that is worth pursuing. Failure and discomfort are positives because it means that you are learning and growing. They are positives because it means you are on the right path. 4. Celebrate Your Wins with Others Have some guys (or one other guy) that you meet with consistently to celebrate your wins. This forces you to think about the things that are going well, and it teaches you to learn how to celebrate the wins of others instead of comparing yourself to others.

May 14, 202421:09


You live in a world that is becoming more and more distracted. The frustration of meticulously planning one's day, only to be derailed by constant interruptions and digital distractions, is a common experience. Overcoming distractions is crucial for fulfilling one's purpose and aligning with God-given goals.

The alarming statistics of time spent on phones, television, and emails highlight the need for proactive measures to combat distractions effectively. Three main causes of distractions are identified: internal triggers, external triggers, and a lack of planning.

Internal triggers, such as discomfort and stress, lead individuals to seek relief through distractions like social media or TV. Strategies like the "10-minute rule" are advocated to overcome these triggers.

External triggers, such as notifications and interruptions, also contribute significantly to distraction. Proactive measures like organizing smartphone apps and implementing focused work sprints are suggested to mitigate these triggers effectively.

Lastly, the importance of planning to reduce distractions is emphasized. Creating structured schedules and prioritizing tasks can minimize idle time that often leads to distractions.

Developing a personalized distraction management plan is encouraged, emphasizing the long-term benefits of mastering focus and living intentionally. Proactive action is urged to reclaim valuable time for meaningful pursuits and take control of distractions for a more fulfilling life.

May 07, 202422:45
Overcoming Self-Doubt

Overcoming Self-Doubt

Many men struggle with lack of confidence, low self-esteem, and feelings of inadequacy throughout their lives. These issues don't magically improve unless intentionally addressed.

The story of Moses in Exodus 3 and 4 highlights five traps of low confidence and self-esteem:

  • the 'who am I' trap
  • the 'I don't have all the answers' trap
  • the 'fraud' trap
  • the 'I'm not gifted enough' trap
  • the 'somebody else will do it' trap

These traps are lies from the enemy that keep men from fulfilling their God-given potential. Our validation comes from God, and we must focus on His promises instead of our own inadequacies.

Stepping out in faith and pursuing God's purpose for our lives can inspire others and lead to a life of significance.

Apr 30, 202423:46
How To Get The Results You Want

How To Get The Results You Want

In this episode, Jonathan discusses the importance of taking ownership and being intentional in different areas of life.

He shares his personal experience of feeling unfulfilled in his career and how he realized the need to be proactive in designing his future. Jonathan emphasizes the concept of the first creation, where one must have a vision and plan before taking action.

He encourages listeners to reflect on the areas where they may be passive and offers practical steps to start being more intentional.

You will leave this episode inspired to take charge of your life and live with purpose.

Apr 16, 202417:09
The Key To A Better Future

The Key To A Better Future

Do you have a plan and a strategy for making the future better? Or is it merely wishful thinking?

Most people believe that their future is going to be better than their current situation. Their finances will improve. Their relationships will improve. Their career will advance.

But most people don't actually have a strategy for how that is going to happen.

I believe that the key to making your future better is growth. You must intentionally grow in order to make tomorrow better than today.

There is a big difference between accidental growth and intentional growth. One is passive while the other is proactive.

In this episode, you will learn the importance of intentional personal growth and the exact steps you need to take to get started.

Apr 09, 202423:11
Make Each Day Your Masterpiece

Make Each Day Your Masterpiece

In this episode of the Intentional Man Podcast, Jonathan challenges listeners to make each day their masterpiece. He emphasizes the importance of living in the present and understanding that the way we live today impacts our tomorrow.

He shares the story of legendary coach John Wooden, who believed in making each day a masterpiece and achieved great success with his team.

Jonathan provides three keys to making each day count: treating each day as a gift from God, defining what success looks like in a day, and establishing daily actions to win the day.

Mar 26, 202415:56
Using Wounds to Unlock GREATNESS w/ Ryan James Miller

Using Wounds to Unlock GREATNESS w/ Ryan James Miller

In this episode, Jonathan interviews Ryan James Miller, author of the book 'Wounds: How Hurt, Heartache, and Tragedy Become the Keys to Unlocking Greatness.' Ryan shares the inspiration behind his book, which was sparked by a life-changing event - the mass shooting in Las Vegas in 2017.

He discusses the importance of facing wounds and dealing with past hurts, especially for men who are often conditioned to hide their emotions.

Ryan emphasizes the need to find strength and identity in Christ and shares his personal journey of healing and transformation.

He also introduces the Wound Analysis Framework, a process for understanding and leveraging past wounds to unlock greatness.

In this conversation, Ryan James Miller discusses the importance of stepping up and being honest about our weaknesses and struggles. He emphasizes the need for honest feedback from others and the value of seeking outside help, such as hiring a coach.

Ryan also highlights the significance of surrendering and being weak, recognizing that true strength is found in humility. He explores the idea that God's power is made perfect in our weakness.

Ultimately, Ryan believes that by doing the hard work of dealing with our wounds, we can awaken to the greatness that God has for us.

Mar 19, 202452:49
Injury Prevention & Pain-Free Living w/ Dr. Jake Huebner

Injury Prevention & Pain-Free Living w/ Dr. Jake Huebner

In this episode, Jonathan interviews Dr. Jake Huebner, a chiropractor and fitness enthusiast. They discuss Jake's background in health and fitness, the importance of proper lifting technique, and how to prevent injuries.

They also talk about the benefits of stretching and mobility exercises, especially for those with desk jobs. Jake emphasizes the need for discipline and consistency in maintaining a healthy lifestyle, and shares tips for incorporating mobility routines into daily life.

Finally, they discuss when it's appropriate to seek chiropractic care. Dr. Jake Huebner emphasizes the importance of addressing the underlying causes of pain and discomfort rather than relying solely on adjustments. He offers personalized programs to help patients achieve long-term results and become self-sufficient in managing their health.

Dr. Huebner encourages individuals to seek treatment early, even if they have minimal pain, to prevent potential issues from worsening. Being intentional with health involves taking care of one's body not only for personal well-being but also as a form of leadership and influence on loved ones.

Supporting Dr. Huebner includes following him on social media and spreading the word about his unique approach to chiropractic care.

Mar 12, 202439:54
Developing a Life Operating System w/Justin Boling

Developing a Life Operating System w/Justin Boling

In this episode, Jonathan interviews Justin Boling, an EOS implementer, about the importance of creating a vision for personal and professional growth. They discuss the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS) and how it helps businesses align their leadership teams and achieve their goals. Justin shares his personal experience of using EOS principles to improve his own life and the impact it has had on his family. They emphasize the importance of setting a 10-year vision, breaking it down into shorter-term goals, and taking action to make progress towards that vision. They also discuss the role of faith and prayer in the goal-setting process. In this conversation, Justin Boling shares his insights on finding a new path, organizing your time, and honoring God through discipline.

Mar 05, 202456:17
Where To Find Identity & Validation

Where To Find Identity & Validation

Tyler Johnston shares his journey of finding acceptance and identity in the Lord after struggling with the pressure to perform and seeking validation in other places. He emphasizes the importance of rest and Sabbath in maintaining a healthy balance between work and acceptance. Tyler encourages listeners to be honest with themselves and seek help from mentors or friends who can provide guidance and accountability. By focusing on God's love and acceptance, individuals can experience freedom, peace, and fulfillment in their lives. Tyler shares his journey of trusting in God's provision and how it has shaped his approach to business. He emphasizes the importance of relying on God's economy and not being driven by fear or desperation. Tyler also highlights the power of working with confidence and resting in a firm identity in Christ.

Feb 27, 202445:04
Never Stop Following Jesus w/Kevin McGinley

Never Stop Following Jesus w/Kevin McGinley

This is a special episode as I’m joined by one of the most intentional men I’ve ever known…my father Kevin McGinley. 

Kevin shares the incredible story of coming to know the Lord for the first time and finding freedom from a performance-based identity. In college, his life was radically transformed by an encounter with God and he has never been the same.

Since that time, he has pastored a church for over 30 years and dedicated his life to sharing the love of Christ with others and following God’s purpose in his life.

He also shares the powerful story of how God led him and his wife to adopt 5 children and how he has learned so much about the father heart of God through that experience.

One of the most amazing things about Kevin is his heart for people. Even in juggling many different roles as the pastor of a church, an athletic director, a high school basketball coach, a husband, and a father of 8 children, Kevin has left an imprint on so many people.

He shares his habits and mindset that keep him energized and going strong. This is an episode that will leave you feeling inspired to love the Lord and people more. It is one you don’t want to miss!

Feb 20, 202459:18
Pursuing Your Passion Before You Feel Ready w/Seth Silvers

Pursuing Your Passion Before You Feel Ready w/Seth Silvers

In some areas of life, if you wait to take action until you feel ready, you will never take action.

In this episode, Seth Silvers joins the show to tell the story of how he followed his passion and launched his business before he felt totally ready. It has been a long journey of ups and downs, but a journey of consistent action.

That has led Seth to the place where he has found his niche and figured out exactly what he wants to focus his life's work on. 

Hear Seth's inspiring story of perseverance and how taking the leap into the unknown to pursue your passion is well worth the risk. 

May 16, 202350:51
Why Willpower is Not a Good Strategy w/Jonathan McGinley

Why Willpower is Not a Good Strategy w/Jonathan McGinley

Have you ever sought to make a change and find yourself back in the same place weeks later? That's probably because your strategy was mostly based on sheer will and self-discipline instead of making a sustainable plan.

We rise and fall to the level of our habits and our plans.

In this episode, you will learn how to set yourself up for sustainable, long-term success when trying to implement a change in your life.

May 09, 202318:16
Finding Validation and Living a Disciplined Life w/Jeffery Jewett

Finding Validation and Living a Disciplined Life w/Jeffery Jewett

In this episode, Jeff shares his powerful story about his search for validation in his early years and how that impacted many of his goals and decisions. When Jeff found himself constantly searching in the wrong places, it led him down a difficult road in college.

It wasn't until a life-changing moment that Jeff became intentional with his life and habits.

This is a powerful story of overcoming setbacks, living a disciplined life, and finding validation in the right places. It is an episode you won't want to miss!

May 02, 202355:37
The Power of Vulnerable Storytelling w/ Matt Shoup

The Power of Vulnerable Storytelling w/ Matt Shoup

Early in Matt's career, he found himself pitching one of his largest potential clients on a sale for his painting business. After using every sales tactic he had, it wasn't until he shared his most vulnerable story that the client decided to give him his business.

Since this time, Matt has learned the power of brave and vulnerable storytelling as a way to connect with others.

In this episode, Matt and I discuss the importance of sharing your story and being real with others in order to grow as a man and have a lasting impact.

Apr 18, 202349:16
Improving Your Decision-Making Process w/Jonathan McGinley

Improving Your Decision-Making Process w/Jonathan McGinley

How do you typically make decisions? Are they based on your emotions at the time or do you have a good process?

If we don't gain clarity on the person we want to be and the principles we want to live by, we will usually make decisions based on our emotions.

In this episode, you will learn how to establish principles and values that drive your decision-making so that you can more consistently make decisions that line up with the person you want to be.

Apr 11, 202312:26
An Intentional Money Mindset w/Aaron Everitt

An Intentional Money Mindset w/Aaron Everitt

When it comes to your finances, what is your mindset? What is the purpose of money? How do you want to use your money throughout your lifetime?

Finding answers to these questions can have a profound impact on your life.

In this episode, Aaron talks about his mindset around his finances and he spends his money intentionally.

The insights he provides will encourage you and equip you to build a life of significance through your finances.

Apr 04, 202350:24
One Thing Holding You Back From Making Healthy Decisions w/Jonathan McGinley

One Thing Holding You Back From Making Healthy Decisions w/Jonathan McGinley

If you have found yourself consistently struggling to make good decisions with your health, this episode is for you.

Most of the time, we only focus on the outcomes and the processes needed to make changes in regard to our health, but there is another layer of change that oftentimes does not get addressed. That layer is the most important when it comes to long-term change.

This episode will help you look deep into your beliefs, thoughts, and identity when it comes to health and how some of those may be holding you back from a sustainable, healthy lifestyle.

Mar 28, 202311:35
The Importance of Investing in Your Health w/Trenton Scott

The Importance of Investing in Your Health w/Trenton Scott

Trenton Scott brings over 25+ years of experience as a chiropractor to the episode to talk about the importance of investing in your health.

We discuss some of the common physical pains and injuries that men typically face and the best ways to prevent them.

Trent gives practical advice on some exercises and practices you can put in place now to ensure that you are taking care of your body and reducing the amount of pain you experience.

This is a great episode for men of any age looking for some great advice on setting up their bodies for longevity and a more pain-free future.

Mar 21, 202344:18
Stop Settling For Just Good Enough w/Jonathan McGinley

Stop Settling For Just Good Enough w/Jonathan McGinley

What are the areas in life where you are settling for the status quo instead of pursuing something greater?

Are there different areas in life where you are playing small? 

I asked myself these questions after my conversation with Rob Bray in the previous episode. Oftentimes, when the answer is yes, it comes down to two common traps. 

This episode seeks to shine a light on two things that might be robbing you of pursuing your full potential and how to overcome them.

Mar 14, 202316:09
Changing Your Family Narrative w/Rob Bray

Changing Your Family Narrative w/Rob Bray

Growing up in a difficult home, Rob had to get intentional about changing the narrative of his family. Instead of following the same model of a man that he had, Rob talks about the journey of getting a vision for something better and pursuing it.

We discuss the importance of redirecting your masculine energy and passion into things that matter instead of temporary things.

Hear how Rob has now worked hard to change the past and write a better story for his family.

Mar 07, 202349:03
Developing a Positive Attitude at Work w/Jonathan McGinley

Developing a Positive Attitude at Work w/Jonathan McGinley

Whether you like your job or you're in a career you don't enjoy, one thing that you can control is your attitude. 

This episode will provide you with very practical exercises that you can put in place to find more joy and fulfillment at work on a consistent basis. 

Instead of letting your job and circumstances dictate your attitude, put practices in place that make sure your positive attitude is what dictates your job and circumstances. This episode will equip you with tools to make that process easier. 

Feb 28, 202314:32
Finding Fulfillment In Your Career w/Jon Holsten

Finding Fulfillment In Your Career w/Jon Holsten

We spend the majority of our lives working, so how do we make the most of that time? How do we find fulfillment and purpose in what we do?

Jon Holsten joins me today to talk about his journey to finding fulfillment in his career. Jon will give you practical tips and advice on how to find your why, keep the why in front of you consistently, and how to balance work and life.

He talks about the traps of putting our identities fully in our work and how to protect ourselves from burnout.

You will hear about the mindset it takes to be purposeful in your career and also some practical steps to take. This is a great episode for any man looking for more fulfillment in his current occupation and for those thinking about making a career transition.

Feb 21, 202352:49
Uncovering The Lie That Contributes To Passivity w/Jonathan McGinley

Uncovering The Lie That Contributes To Passivity w/Jonathan McGinley

When we think of passivity, we often think the cause is laziness or lack of focus. These can be symptoms of passivity, but the reason we find ourselves living in passivity usually goes way deeper.

After a great conversation with a mentor, I was challenged to address one big question that changed my life.

Passivity is more commonly a result of something deeper that is going on in our lives. It was for me.

This episode will lead you on a journey of uncovering the lie that is holding you back from living a purposeful and intentional life.
Feb 15, 202312:34
The Importance of Rejecting Passivity w/Carl Sutter

The Importance of Rejecting Passivity w/Carl Sutter

One of the greatest challenges facing men today is falling into passivity. We see it everywhere in our society. Whether it is because of a lack of confidence, fear, laziness, low self-esteem, lack of vision, or any other number of things, passivity is something that we all have to face in different areas of life. 

Join Carl Sutter and I as we discuss this issue and what it means for men in this day and age. We talked about the problem, some of the origins, and possible solutions that we have seen for rejecting passivity.

Carl also dives deep into his personal testimony regarding this issue and how he has learned to better fight it on a consistent basis. 

This is a powerful episode that has applications for every man no matter what stage of life you find yourself in. 

Feb 07, 202342:28
How To Take Your Intentionality To The Next Level w/Jonathan McGinley

How To Take Your Intentionality To The Next Level w/Jonathan McGinley

Your actions and words have the tremendous power to bring life and encouragement to those around us, but doing this on a consistent basis takes intentionality.

It’s oftentimes easy to coast through life and miss opportunities to be the kind of person that you truly want to be.

In today’s episode, you are going to get a three-step process for taking your intentionality in your relationships to a new level. If you start implementing these three things, I believe you will find a much higher level of fulfillment in your life and your relationships because you are being congruent with the kind of person you want to be.

Live a life that you are proud of by living intentionally.

Jan 31, 202313:22
Preparing for the Second Passage of a Man’s Life w/Chris Bruno

Preparing for the Second Passage of a Man’s Life w/Chris Bruno

Most of us have heard of the first passage of a man’s life - moving from boyhood to manhood. Chris believes there is a second passage of a man’s life - moving from manhood to becoming a sage.

After working with many men who have stumbled into their second half of life with no vision, purpose, or meaning, Chris walks us through the things that men should be doing now in their 20s, 30s, and 40s to thrive in the second half of their life.

Often, we as men put our identities in the wrong places in our search for validation. Chris talks about how it is easy to seek validation through people, positions, and programs that were never meant to give us meaning or purpose and how it is easy to take on masks from circumstances or people in our childhood.

You will not want to miss this very thought-provoking and inspiring episode. Whether you are just entering the first passage of life or the second, there are many practical tips and tools you can begin to implement now in order to thrive in the second half.

Jan 24, 202351:30
How To Lead Yourself Effectively w/Jonathan McGinley

How To Lead Yourself Effectively w/Jonathan McGinley

In order to be a great leader, you must first learn how to lead yourself. If leadership is an invitation, you must be living a life that is worth following.

How do we start on a path toward leading ourselves well?

In my interview with Mike Mitchell, we discussed the 5 Exemplary Practices of Leadership. In this episode, you will learn how to take those same practices of leadership and apply them to yourself.

Learn how to lead yourself effectively by Modeling The Way, Inspiring A Vision, Challenging The Process, Enabling Yourself To Act, and Encouraging the Heart.

Jan 17, 202316:49
The 5 Exemplary Practices of Leadership w/ Mike Mitchell

The 5 Exemplary Practices of Leadership w/ Mike Mitchell

Whether you realize it or not, we are all leaders in some shape or form. Mike talks about how leadership is influence and that it is the art of getting others to WANT to do what you believe needs to be done. 

Even if you are not in a paid leadership position, growing your leadership skills can have a huge positive impact on your life and relationships. 

Mike will walk you through the 5 exemplary practices of great leaders and how to apply them to your life. Kick-off 2023 by investing in your leadership skills and watch your relationships flourish this year.

Jan 10, 202357:11
Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet w/Jonathan McGinley

Make 2023 Your Best Year Yet w/Jonathan McGinley

In this episode, I share a practical tool that could be a game-changer in 2023. Whether you have already set goals or not, this exercise will help you gain valuable clarity and vision for what you truly want as well as practical steps to make it happen.  

Follow the exercise laid out in this episode and you will find yourself sticking to your goals and living a highly intentional life in the new year.

Jan 03, 202313:21
Principles of Effective Leadership as a Man w/Carl Gronberg

Principles of Effective Leadership as a Man w/Carl Gronberg

How do we as men become more effective leaders? What does it even mean to be a leader? Is everyone a leader or is that reserved for people with leadership titles?

These are all questions that Carl and I dive into on this episode of The Intentional Man Podcast. I believe this is an episode that every man needs to hear. Carl gives incredibly insightful thoughts on leadership and how to live a life that is worth following. 

You will be challenged to grow as a man, and you will also be given great, practical advice on exactly how to do that. This is an episode you don't want to miss!

Dec 20, 202251:37
Takeaways & Action Steps From The Rob Stout Interview

Takeaways & Action Steps From The Rob Stout Interview

If trials and difficulties in life are inevitable, what can we start doing now to prepare for them? In this episode, I discuss some of my main thoughts from the interview with Rob Stout about the hard knocks of life.

Instead of waiting for difficulties to happen to take action, there are some things we can start doing now to minimize the pain of future trials. I talk about taking responsibility for your attitudes and actions as well as building a rock-solid support group.

This episode will equip you with some practical tools to fight back against life's hard knocks and inspire you to start taking action today!

Dec 13, 202215:52
How To Turn Trials Into Triumph w/Rob Stout

How To Turn Trials Into Triumph w/Rob Stout

Life is full of difficulties. As much as we'd like to avoid them...they are inevitable. Rob shares his powerful story of how he got knocked down repeatedly, yet managed to find victory.
He discusses the temptation of taking on failure as an identity, the tendency to isolate in trials, and how things can slowly go off the rails if we don't have good men next to us.
Whether you find yourself in the middle of a difficult season or not, this is a powerful episode. Rob will give you some helpful tools to dig yourself out of the trial and also some practical tips on how to minimize them altogether.
Dec 06, 202243:20
Takeaways & Action Steps from the Sam Skipworth Interview

Takeaways & Action Steps from the Sam Skipworth Interview

In this episode, I dive into some of my main takeaways from the interview with Sam Skipworth. 

You will learn about how important it is to stick with the commitments that we make to ourselves, and how if we don't, that can negatively impact others around us more than we may think. 

You will also get a detailed 15-minute nightly planning and reflection routine that I have been using to bring way more focus and intentionality to my life. If you aren't currently taking time the night before to plan the next day, this will be a huge help in getting started. You will notice a huge positive impact on your day immediately if you start following the steps. 

Nov 29, 202218:14
Optimizing Your Time For Maximum Impact w/Sam Skipworth

Optimizing Your Time For Maximum Impact w/Sam Skipworth

Sam is one of the best there is when it comes to time management and sticking with successful habits and disciplines. In this episode, Sam will give you practical tips and tools to help you manage your time more effectively.

He gives us his process for taking a big dream and breaking it down into manageable steps, his process for Sunday planning sessions, and his exact process for his daily schedule.

The reason these disciplines are so important is they lead us to live a life that has maximum impact. Time is one of the most precious resources that we have. You will leave this episode with practices you can immediately put in place to maximize your life.

Nov 22, 202243:16
Marcus Robinson Recap: Highlights From The Interview

Marcus Robinson Recap: Highlights From The Interview

Have you been letting a negative narrative impact your life? Has this story kept you from pursuing your goals and dreams?

If you are like Marcus and me, you have probably had some sort of lie that you have believed kept you from pursuing your full potential.

For Marcus, it was taking on a victim mentality early on in his life where he thought he would never lose weight because he had a slow metabolism. For me, I didn’t think I had what it takes to build a business because no one in my family had done it.

In this episode, you will be inspired to push past those negative stories that you have believed for years, and find how that might just be the whole key to unlocking your impact and influence on the world.

Nov 15, 202213:46
The Journey To A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle w/Marcus Robinson

The Journey To A Sustainable Healthy Lifestyle w/Marcus Robinson

Hear the inspiring story of how Marcus overcame his negative mindset and habits around health and fitness to find a sustainable lifestyle that he is extremely proud of. 

We discuss his seemingly neverending battle with his diet and fitness and how that led to a lack of confidence in all areas of life. When one area of our life is out of line and drains us of confidence, it can have a massive impact on all the others. 

Marcus also shares about the difficulties of maintaining good eating habits after a serious diet, the struggles of keeping the weight off, and how a victim mentality played a large part in his mindset toward health.

But everything changed when he found a WHY that was much bigger than himself, and he set realistic and specific goals that got him going. Now, what he once hated has become a passion of his and he wants to help others on the same journey. 

Don't miss this powerful episode and key insights to overcoming any struggle in life and how to turn those struggles into a sustainable life that you enjoy.

Nov 08, 202241:04
Dustin West Recap: Highlights From The Interview

Dustin West Recap: Highlights From The Interview

In today's special recap episode, I dive into some of my main takeaways from the interview with Dustin West on How To Find Financial Freedom. Since recording the episode with Dustin, I have been thinking a lot about that question he asked: "What is the one emotion that comes to mind when you think about money?"

You'll hear thoughts and stories about how to overcome a fear mindset when it comes to your finances. I'll also discuss the importance of setting a budget and some of the disciplines and habits it takes to stick to it. You'll learn why it's so important to have little wins in your finances now and how that paves the way for great success in the future. 

Nov 01, 202219:56
How To Find FINANCIAL FREEDOM w/ Dustin West

How To Find FINANCIAL FREEDOM w/ Dustin West

This is a POWERFUL interview about finances with Senior Wealth Advisor Dustin West. You will be moved by his personal story of how he moved from an emotion of fear in regard to finances to now experiencing financial freedom.

What is your emotion when you think of your finances? Is it positive? Is it negative? Is it fear like it was for Dustin?

We dive into the emotions we face when thinking about finances and how to go from a fear mindset to a mindset of freedom. We discuss what a lot of wives are looking for from their husbands in this area...and the answer might be surprising. 

He also talks about the difference between intent and execution and how that is so important when it comes to your finances.

Dustin also gives us the fundamentals to getting out of debt and getting control of your personal finances.

This episode is absolutely PACKED full of practical tips and also incredible stories that will inspire you. It is an episode you need to listen to and share with your friends.

Oct 25, 202245:41
Practical Tools & Tips to Building A Healthy Lifestyle w/ Matt Preston

Practical Tools & Tips to Building A Healthy Lifestyle w/ Matt Preston

In Part 2 of my interview with Matt Preston, we start to get really practical on what it takes to be successful when it comes to diet and nutrition. In this episode, you will learn about the common pitfalls that people run into when setting off on a weight loss journey, the mentality it takes to be successful, and some of the habits of those who stuck with their goals.

You will also hear about how to find a deeper why that will get you through the tough times and what to do when the scale doesn’t seem to be moving in your favor.

Matt also gives us great practical tips on what to do to begin a journey of being intentional about your diet and nutrition and some great thoughts about grocery shopping and meal prepping.

There is a lot in this episode for anyone looking to get control of their diet and build a healthy lifestyle.

Oct 11, 202230:15
Being Intentional With Your Diet and Nutrition w/ Matt Preston

Being Intentional With Your Diet and Nutrition w/ Matt Preston

In part 1 of the interview with Matt Preston, we dive into what it means to be intentional with your diet and nutrition. So many times, this area is one of the first to be neglected when life gets busy. Matt talks about how preparing meals can actually reduce anxiety and help your productivity throughout the day.

We also discuss some of the common diet myths that are circulating today and we dive into the factors that come into play when looking to go on a diet to lose weight. This is a great introduction to nutrition knowledge and practices that you can start implementing now if you are looking to bring more intentionality to this area of life.

Oct 04, 202228:27
Daily Practices of Building A Business w/Justin Ray

Daily Practices of Building A Business w/Justin Ray

In part 2 of my interview with Justin Ray, we dive into the daily practices he put in place as he was building his business.

You will gain valuable insight into his morning routine, how he dealt with failure, how to stay locked into your vision when things get tough, and the importance of community when growing a business.

This episode is packed with practical tips that you can start implementing right away. You won’t want to miss it!

Sep 20, 202232:24
Building A Business From The Ground Up w/ Justin Ray

Building A Business From The Ground Up w/ Justin Ray

Have you ever wondered what it would take to build a business from the ground up? What challenges you would run into? What obstacles you would have to overcome?
In this episode with Justin Ray, we discuss some of the challenges to building a business and some of the habits that made Justin the most successful. This episode is packed with valuable material for anyone who has ever considered starting a business, but also has a lot of practical takeaways for any man wanting to grow.
Sep 13, 202226:28
Finding Your PURPOSE and Living a SIGNIFICANT Life w/ Hunter Wylie

Finding Your PURPOSE and Living a SIGNIFICANT Life w/ Hunter Wylie

You will not want to miss part 2 of the interview with Hunter Wylie! There are so many practical takeaways in this episode in regards to finding your purpose, daily habits, the importance of reflection, and how to prioritize your life. 

Hunter also talks about his experience with burnout and how to safeguard yourself against falling into it. 

And most importantly, we discuss how to keep your priorities in line and how to make sure you are setting your life up in a way that makes an impact on others. 

Aug 23, 202222:21
The MINDSET of an Entrepreneur w/Hunter Wylie

The MINDSET of an Entrepreneur w/Hunter Wylie

In Part 1 of my interview with Hunter, we dive into the mindset of an entrepreneur. You will learn of the challenges that entrepreneurs face early on in their careers, strategies to overcome those challenges, and practical tips for success.

Hunter also discusses the importance of finding your values in life and gives strategies to develop them. Even if you do not consider yourself an entrepreneur, this is an episode full of practical life strategies to stay organized, focused, and successful.

Aug 09, 202226:53
Why You NEED To Start Living With Intentionality w/ Brandon Ribble (Part 2)

Why You NEED To Start Living With Intentionality w/ Brandon Ribble (Part 2)

Brandon and I discuss the importance of connecting with your WHY and how to take your WHY deeper than most of us usually do. You will also learn some of the important habits and routines that Brandon has used to take his life to the next level and how he keeps his main priorities in line. 

This is a POWERFUL episode and one that will inspire you to start living a more intentional life in all areas and to keep your priorities in check.

Jul 24, 202227:49
Why You NEED To Start Living With Intentionality w/ Brandon Ribble (Part 1)

Why You NEED To Start Living With Intentionality w/ Brandon Ribble (Part 1)

Brandon and I discuss the importance of living an intentional life vs a reactive life. Intentionality is one of the best game plans toward achieving the life that you desire. Hear how Brandon brings intentionality to each aspect of his life and learn how he keeps his priorities in check. 

This is an episode you won't want to miss!

Jul 21, 202228:17