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The Limitless Landscapers Podcast

The Limitless Landscapers Podcast

By The Landscaper's Circle

Whether you’re a garden designer, landscaper or professional gardener, I am here to help you achieve success. On this podcast, Paula aka The Landscapers Coach talks about all things business, marketing and life with a lot of laughter and community along the way. Created by a landscaper for landscapers - I got you ;)
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The Importance of Check In

The Limitless Landscapers PodcastMay 15, 2024

Making BIG Decisions in a Small Business

Making BIG Decisions in a Small Business

This week’s episode is about making big decisions in small businesses.

First, a quick update on Aura Landscapes, the business I run with my husband, Mike. We've been doing this for 14 years now, and, as many of you know, it’s been quite a journey. Recently, we've added a skilled landscaper and a new in-house garden designer, also named Mike. We've also taken on a couple of apprentices.

However, not all changes have gone smoothly. We hired another team member who didn't stay long, so Mike had to pick up the extra work. This meant he was working full-time on the tools and often away from home, which affected family time and left him very tired.

It all came to a head recently when Mike said he was fed up with the lack of time to work on the business, spend time with the family, or enjoy his personal interests. He was thinking about cancelling a long-term contract to free up his time. This contract has been a reliable source of income, so his suggestion was quite serious. I advised him to consider all options before making such a big decision.

We thought about different solutions, such as rescheduling jobs to allow for more breaks, sharing work among team members, and focusing on closer projects to reduce travel time. It was important to look at all these options rather than make a quick decision.

We've noticed that growth in our business tends to follow a cycle. It’s like a rollercoaster, both in terms of success and the personal toll it takes. These cycles repeat, often bringing the same challenges until we address the root problems. For us, many of these challenges relate to systems and processes.

We’re currently working with Nicola De Piazzi, a systemologist, to put effective systems and processes in place. The goal is to separate ourselves from daily operations, allowing the business to run smoothly without our constant involvement. This shift will enable us to focus more on planning and strategy, which is essential for long-term growth.

We've also learned from past experiences, like our recent attempt to expand our hard landscaping teams. We quickly realised that adding more teams wasn’t the right move at the time. Instead, we decided to focus on improving our current teams and possibly expanding our soft landscaping team, where we see more potential for manageable growth.

HR and health and safety have also been areas of focus. Outsourcing these aspects to Annmaree has made our hiring process easier and ensured compliance, making growth more manageable.

One of my favourite recent initiatives has been setting KPIs and closely monitoring our numbers. This approach has provided valuable insights into how we can increase efficiency and profitability. Our new garden designer, Mike, has also contributed fresh ideas for improving our systems and processes.

Lastly, I encourage all of you to think about your role within your business and how you can delegate tasks you dislike. This delegation can revive your passion and free up time for strategic planning. Whether you love site visits, like one of my clients, or prefer project management, like my husband, it’s about structuring your business to suit your strengths and interests.

Remember, being a small business owner is incredibly rewarding despite the challenges. You have the power to create the life you want, make impactful decisions quickly, and adapt as needed.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 22, 202418:19
The Importance of Check In

The Importance of Check In

For this week's episode, I want to talk about something that hit me during my recent check-in with my personal trainer. It’s something I think is incredibly relevant to both my coaching clients and anyone out there working with a coach.

As many of you know, I’m an aspiring bodybuilder, and that means I have to follow a strict plan laid out by my trainer. Each week, I complete a check-in form that asks about my week, my achievements, struggles, what I’m grateful for, what I need to work on, and if I need any help. I’m always 100% honest because I know that honesty is very important for achieving my goals. Alongside this, I take progress photos and compare them week by week before sending everything to my coach.

After I submit my check-in, my coach sends me feedback via a Loom video. She tweaks my plan, offers advice, and sets new tasks. This week, I’m actually having an in-person check-in with her, which is even more beneficial. We can tweak exercises and poses in real-time and have a thorough discussion about my progress.

Why Check-Ins Are Essential

The reason I’m sharing this process is because it’s something I also stress with my coaching clients. Many people sign up for coaching but fail to check in regularly. I always prompt my clients, asking about their progress and any issues they might be facing. Regular check-ins are vital for accountability. Without them, there’s no one to hold you accountable, which can lead to stagnation.

For my clients who do check in regularly, I provide quick responses and the support they need, whether it’s an extra call, templates, assistance with writing, or links to useful resources. I’m also there to celebrate their wins or give them a push when needed.

The Impact of Skipping Check-Ins

If you don’t check in with your coach, you’re doing yourself a disservice. Regular check-ins allow you to have honest conversations, receive necessary feedback, and make crucial adjustments. For example, my recent check-in led to my coach removing 30 minutes of cardio from my plan because I’m making good progress. If I hadn’t checked in, I would’ve continued with an unnecessary and exhausting routine.

Applying This to Your Business

This principle applies to business coaching as well. Regular check-ins help you stay on track and ensure you’re supported properly. It allows your coach to provide timely feedback and make necessary adjustments to your plan. Between our monthly coaching sessions, it’s up to you to reach out and keep the momentum going. Without regular updates, you might not make the progress you want or feel supported.

So, here’s my challenge to you: if you have a coach, check in regularly. Be open and honest about your struggles and successes. Ask for the help you need and engage actively with your coach. If you’re my client, expect a new check-in protocol every week because I believe it will enhance your coaching experience and help you achieve your goals faster. Take full advantage of the support and guidance available to you. Your future self will thank you for it.

The Landscaper’sCoach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 15, 202410:20
Have You Thought About Mental Health Lately?

Have You Thought About Mental Health Lately?

In my latest podcast episode, I open up about a topic many of us tend to avoid: mental health. I share my own experiences with anxiety, panic attacks, and postnatal depression because I believe it's essential to shed light on these sensitive subjects. It's something that's close to my heart, having faced challenges in my own life and within my team.

My journey with mental health began when I was a sales manager, feeling overwhelmed by the pressure to hit targets. The stress led to anxiety and panic attacks, making me feel like I was having a heart attack. Despite loving my job, the constant pressure took its toll on my mental well-being.

I found myself struggling again after giving birth to my children, experiencing postnatal depression. I felt a deep rage and resentment, even towards my loved ones. It was a difficult time, juggling motherhood, renovations, and business responsibilities while battling my own mental health issues.

Seeking help was crucial for me. I attended counselling sessions and, at times, relied on antidepressants. While medication provided temporary relief, it was counselling that truly helped me understand and manage my thoughts and feelings in the long term.

Through my journey, I've learned the importance of self-care and prioritising mental health. I now make time for activities that bring me joy and reduce stress, like going to the gym and spending time with loved ones. It's about finding balance and not letting work consume every aspect of my life.

As a mental health first aider, I'm committed to supporting others who may be struggling. Whether it's offering resources or simply lending an empathetic ear, I believe in creating a supportive environment where people feel safe to talk about their mental health.

It's clear that mental health issues are prevalent, especially in the wake of the pandemic. By speaking openly and honestly about my experiences, I hope to encourage others to seek help and prioritise their well-being. Remember, you're not alone, and there are resources and support available to help you through tough times.

So, if you're struggling with your mental health, don't hesitate to reach out for help. You deserve to live a life that's not overshadowed by anxiety or depression. Let's work together to break down the stigma surrounding mental health and create a world where everyone feels supported and understood.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 08, 202425:35
Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) - Do You Need Them in Your Business?

Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) - Do You Need Them in Your Business?

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Limitless Landscapers podcast. Today, we're talking about business performance management and setting standards.

Now, onto the real talk. I recently had a pow-wow with my amazing admin assistant, Annmaree, who's been an absolute game-changer in my business. Having her onboard has lightened my load and allowed us to focus on fine-tuning our operations. One big focus? Monitoring financial performance and setting clear targets.

So, why all the fuss about KPIs? Well, let me break it down for you. We're talking cold, hard cash, people! Sales, profits, the whole shebang. Because let's face it, if you're not making moolah, your business ain't gonna last long. And that's where KPIs come in handy – they give you a bird's eye view of your financial performance, so you can course-correct before it's too late.

Now, let me hit you with a real-life example. We're crunching numbers, looking at job costs and BAM! We uncover a sneaky little problem – turns out, our job estimates were way off because we forgot to factor in the logistics. That's the beauty of KPIs – they shine a spotlight on areas that need a bit of TLC, so you can tighten up your game and keep those profits rolling in.

But wait, there's more! Let's rewind to my days as a sales manager. Picture me, rallying the troops, hitting targets left, right, and centre. How did we do it? You guessed it – KPIs! Clear goals, regular check-ins, and a sprinkle of tough love when needed. It's all about keeping your team on their toes and making sure everyone's pulling their weight.

Now, I know what you're thinking – managing performance can be a bit daunting, right? Especially in the wild world of landscaping, where skilled staff are as rare as a sunny day in December. With a solid set of KPIs in your toolkit, you'll be steering your business towards success faster than you can say "green thumb".

So, here's the bottom line: whether you're a one-person operation or a full-blown landscaping empire, KPIs are your secret weapon for smashing goals, boosting profits, and building a business that's as strong as an oak tree. So go ahead, embrace the power of KPIs, and watch your business bloom like never before!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 02, 202418:48
Business Boost: Unveiling 4 Insights from the Webinar

Business Boost: Unveiling 4 Insights from the Webinar

For this week's episode, I'm buzzing with energy after hosting a fantastic webinar, and I can't wait to share all the juicy details with you!

So, picture this: Kendall from Builder Story and I teamed up for this webinar, and did we have a blast! Despite the time zone difference (shoutout to Australia!), we nailed it. I didn't stress about the numbers this time. Nope, we focused on deadlines and clear communication, which made everything run like a well-oiled machine. Lesson learned: Clear instructions and deadlines are the secret sauce!

But here's the real kicker: passion was the driving force behind this webinar. When you're passionate about what you're talking about, the nerves fade away. It's like magic! And let me tell you, engaging with passionate folks during the webinar was a game-changer.

Now, let's talk about quality versus quantity. We had a smaller group, but they were super engaged, asking loads of questions. It made the whole experience top-notch. So, if you're wondering how to make your webinars stand out, stick around for some pro tips!

Oh, and speaking of pro tips, let's talk about the importance of owning up to mistakes. Yep, we had a little technical hiccup with the webinar link, but we sorted it out pronto. No drama, just a quick apology and solution. It's all about keeping things real and transparent.

But wait, there's more! Communication is key. Whether it's with clients or team members, picking up the phone and sorting things out can save you a world of trouble. Trust me, I've been there!

Now, here's the exciting part: what will you learn from this episode? Well, buckle up because we're discussing:

-The power of passion in driving successful webinars.

-The importance of quality engagement over quantity.

-Pro tips for navigating technical hiccups with grace.

-The value of transparent communication in business.

So, if you're ready to take your landscaping game to the next level, grab a cuppa and tune in because this episode is packed with actionable insights that you won't want to miss! Keep those emails coming!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Apr 24, 202418:45
Embracing Imperfection: Overwhelmed in Business

Embracing Imperfection: Overwhelmed in Business

In this podcast episode, I talk about my recent experience getting back to work after the Easter break. Yep, I'll be the first to admit it - I didn't get as much done as I'd hoped over the holidays, and it's left me with a hefty to-do list staring me down.

Now, I know I'm not alone in this boat. In fact, I've chatted with some of you who are in the same boat - feeling a bit guilty about not being as productive as we'd planned. But here's the thing: it's totally okay. We all need a break now and then, and sometimes life throws us a curveball that disrupts our plans.

But now that we're back in the swing of things, it can feel overwhelming trying to catch up on all that missed work. I mean, I've got cash flow forecasting hanging over my head like a dark cloud, and it's not exactly a fun task to tackle. Plus, there's the usual juggling act of running a business while managing family life - anyone else feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day?

But here's the good news: we're resilient bunch, us business owners. We know how to roll with the punches and come out swinging. And while it's easy to get bogged down in negativity when we're feeling overwhelmed, there are ways to snap out of it.

For me, I've found that tuning into some inspiring podcasts or speakers can really lift my spirits. Bob Proctor's talks on manifestation? Pure gold. And let's not forget the power of gratitude - taking a few minutes each day to jot down what I'm thankful for helps keep me grounded and focused on the positives.

But perhaps the biggest hurdle we face when we're feeling overwhelmed is fear. Fear of those daunting tasks that seem insurmountable. Fear of failure. Fear of the unknown. Sound familiar? Trust me, I've been there too.

But here's the secret: once you muster up the courage to tackle those fears head-on, you'll often find they're not as scary as they seemed. It's all about breaking things down into manageable chunks and taking that first step forward.

So, that's my plan for the week ahead: facing those fears and tackling one tough task at a time. And if you're feeling overwhelmed too, just know that you're not alone.Whether you're a fellow landscaper, a busy parent, or just someone trying to find their balance, there's something in this episode for you. So grab a cuppa, settle in, and let's have a chat about life, work, and everything in between!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Apr 17, 202412:35
Motivation or Discipline?

Motivation or Discipline?

In this podcast, I talk about how important it is to stay motivated and disciplined when chasing your goals, whether it's in business or personal life. I've been thinking a lot about this, especially as I'm working towards my first bodybuilding competition, which needs a lot of both motivation and discipline.

Let's start with motivation. It's what gets us going, that spark of excitement and passion for what we want to achieve. For me, it's about setting goals and working towards them, like when I was in sales or now, running my landscaping business.

But here's the thing about motivation – it can come and go. Sometimes we feel super excited, and other times we're not so sure. That's where discipline comes in. Discipline is about sticking to your plans and doing what needs to be done, even when you don't feel like it.

I believe discipline is even more important than motivation because it keeps us on track when things get tough. While motivation helps us set goals, discipline helps us actually reach them by sticking to our routines and plans, no matter what.

Right now, I'm preparing for my bodybuilding competition. I'm really motivated to do well, but it's my discipline that keeps me following my strict diet and training schedule every day. To keep my motivation up, I use techniques like setting goals, imagining myself succeeding, and celebrating small wins along the way. These things help me stay focused and excited about what I'm doing.

To stay disciplined, I create routines, control my impulses (like not eating too much chocolate!), and set deadlines for myself. This keeps me accountable and helps me keep moving forward, even when I don't feel like it.

Looking ahead, I'm excited to announce a webinar I'm hosting with Kendall from Builder Story. We'll be sharing tips on how to build a successful landscaping business, combining my knowledge of business systems with Kendall's expertise in online marketing.

In conclusion, staying motivated and disciplined is really important for reaching your goals. So let's keep setting goals, staying disciplined, and chasing our dreams, one step at a time. Stay motivated, stay disciplined, and keep going for your dreams!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Apr 03, 202417:18
Roots & Growth: A 14-Year Journey in Landscaping

Roots & Growth: A 14-Year Journey in Landscaping

For this week’s episode, I am sharing a story close to my heart: the 14-year-long journey of our landscaping business, Aura Landscapes, which I co-own with Mike. This episode is a time for reflection.

Aura Landscapes is celebrating 14 years—a real milestone that slipped my mind until a social media reminder popped up! It's quite the feat, and a testament to our resilience, especially considering the rollercoaster ride we've been on, which I've talked about in detail in our very first podcast episode.

In these years, we've proudly scooped up 37 awards, showcasing the trust our clients place in us and our standing as a leading force in the landscaping community. We value these recognitions, and though they might not be the sole reason clients pick us, they surely sprinkle an extra bit of trust and respect on our name.

Talking about the team, it's grown and shifted over time, but the spirit remains strong. Training our people, like Luke who started as an apprentice and now leads teams, is at the core of what we do. But let's be clear, creating a harmonious team isn't without its challenges—getting rid of the troublemakers early on is crucial.

Last year, we welcomed Shaun, who's taken our soft landscaping and planting to new heights, allowing us to expand our offerings. Now, we can take a client's idea from the drawing board all the way to regular garden upkeep. It's a big leap from our early days as hard landscaping specialists.

We're not shy about learning from others either. Over the years, I've made use of business coaches and entrusted our finances to experts because it's all about having that extra perspective and expertise.

One key piece of advice—keep a close eye on your finances. It's saved us from many a tight spot and continues to guide our business decisions.

As for mindset, it's very important. Staying upbeat and balanced in your personal life helps the business flourish too. We've learned to find that sweet spot between work and play, an important lesson for all of us, especially when the going gets tough.

Looking ahead, we've got big plans, like a new yard and bringing on fresh talent, including an in-house designer. We're also excited about opening our design showroom, which will be a space for clients to see and feel what we can create for them.

We're busy spreading the word about the joys of landscaping, encouraging young folks to consider it as a career, and getting ready to share more of our journey with you. If you've got any questions or just want to hear more, drop me a DM!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Mar 20, 202430:22
Running The Numbers

Running The Numbers

For today’s episode, we're not just talking about surviving the constant rain; we're discussing how to excel through cash flow forecasting, job costing, and strategic planning. Whether you're considering a new venture or want to ensure your current projects are profitable, this episode is your key to success. In this rainy March, I'm here to delve into the important practice of managing your finances – the foundation of business growth:

- The Importance of Cash Flow Forecasting & Business Planning: Managing your finances isn't just a good habit; it's essential. Whether you're making decisions about growth opportunities or evaluating new ventures, understanding your financial situation through cash flow forecasting and business planning is your compass through the challenges.

- The Importance of Cash Flow Forecasting & Business Planning: Managing your finances isn't just a good habit; it's essential. Whether you're making decisions about growth opportunities or evaluating new ventures, understanding your financial situation through cash flow forecasting and business planning is your compass through the challenges.

- Job Costings: To truly know if we're making a profit, we need to examine our jobs closely. This means assessing pricing, labor, materials, and all other expenses compared to income to ensure each job is financially rewarding.

- Can You Afford It?: Before adding new services or team members, such as an in-house garden designer, we must consider the full range of costs. It's not just about wages; it includes equipment, office space, and other overhead expenses.

- Increasing Revenue & Marketing: Growth is not just about covering costs; it's about expanding revenue. Understanding the number of additional jobs, average project values, and the number of leads we need is crucial. Our marketing strategies should adapt to our evolving services, attracting the right leads for our new ventures.

- Reflecting on Practices and Making Adjustments: Regularly reviewing job costings, marketing strategies, and operational practices is essential. Adjusting our approaches based on real data ensures we continually improve efficiency and profitability.

- Empowering Our Teams: By providing clear job instructions and work schedules, we empower our teams to take ownership, leading to better project outcomes. This allows us to focus on higher-level business growth strategies.

- Exciting Collaborations and Learning Opportunities: I'm thrilled about the upcoming webinar with Kendall from Builder Story, focusing on a blend of traditional and digital strategies for business growth. This is an opportunity to expand our knowledge and drive our businesses forward.

In everything we do, our focus is on making informed decisions to nurture our businesses into flourishing landscapes. We leverage numbers, forecasts, and plans as tools to cultivate success. If you're eager to grow, I'm here to help you plant the right seeds. Let's bring success, not just weather the storm. See you in the next episode, and here's to hoping for sunnier skies and prosperous times ahead!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Mar 13, 202416:04
Reflections from Downtime: Lessons Learned Running My Business

Reflections from Downtime: Lessons Learned Running My Business

In this podcast episode I talk about the transformative power of downtime, drawing from my recent experience of taking a much-needed break.

Throughout this episode, I reflect on how embracing moments of rest and relaxation can profoundly impact both personal well-being and business success.

During my time away, I realized the importance of prioritising sleep. By ensuring I got enough rest each night, I found myself feeling rejuvenated and ready to tackle challenges with a renewed sense of energy. It was a stark reminder of the significant role sleep plays in maintaining mental clarity and physical health, especially in the demanding landscape of entrepreneurship.

Additionally, I explored the value of indulging in my passions and hobbies. For me, this meant dedicating time to my bodybuilding journey, even while on holiday. By integrating my fitness routine into my travel plans, I not only stayed committed to my goals but also discovered a deeper sense of fulfillment and balance.

Spending quality time with loved ones was another highlight of my break. Whether it was enjoying leisurely conversations over coffee or embarking on adventures with my best friend, these moments reminded me of the importance of human connection and companionship. In a world often dominated by work obligations, nurturing relationships outside of business is crucial for maintaining a sense of perspective and joy.

Moreover, disconnecting from work and technology proved to be a game-changer. By setting boundaries around when I engaged with emails and social media, I was able to fully immerse myself in the present moment and recharge my mental batteries. This practice of digital detoxification not only alleviated stress but also fostered a greater sense of mindfulness and presence.

Reflecting on my experience, I encourage fellow landscapers and entrepreneurs to prioritise self-care and incorporate regular breaks into their schedules. Whether it's a brief escape from work or a more extended vacation, taking time to recharge is essential for sustaining long-term success and well-being. By nurturing ourselves, we cultivate the resilience and vitality needed to thrive in both our personal and professional lives!

If you want help with your landscaping business get in touch:

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Feb 28, 202423:33
Marketing Insights & Website Wisdom for Landscapers with Builder Story

Marketing Insights & Website Wisdom for Landscapers with Builder Story

Ever wondered how a landscaper could transform a barren digital land into a flourishing online garden? Well, in this podcast episode, Kendall from Builder Story share secrets on the often underestimated powerhouse of a tool: the website.

Kendall believes the website is the lead domino in the landscaping world. Picture this: leads rain down like confetti, but the website is the grand stage where the magic happens. Forget about the rise of social media; the website is the unsung hero. It's like the backstage pass that lets you control the narrative, strategically distributing information to captivate potential clients.

Navigating the website labyrinth

Kendall points out common pitfalls: the overwhelming, all-in-one showcase or the barren wasteland that leaves you wondering, "Who are these people?" His advice? Less is more. Direct your audience to the sweet spots — showcase your best work, keep it concise, and, most importantly, add the "get in touch" button on every page.

All about testimonials

While Kendall doesn't believe in sending potential clients on a wild social media goose chase, he's all about testimonials. Forget outdated written ones; video testimonials are key to the landscaping world. Real, authentic, and captivating, they add a touch of glamour to your website, transforming potential clients into raving fans.

Content strategy

Our guest emphasizes that the secret is repurposing. From drone videos to behind-the-scenes construction chaos, every snippet is a potential for your content list. Don't wait for the perfect moment; start collecting now.

In the world of marketing, relationships are very important. It's not about a massive social media following; it's about meaningful connections. Shout it from the rooftops; your landscaping journey has begun. Tell everyone, because you never know where your next project might sprout from — maybe your mate's auntie's brother knows someone who needs a landscaper.

Your website is the gateway, your connections are the foundation, and your journey is unique. If you're a landscaper starting out, don't overcomplicate it; keep it real, keep it authentic, and remember that, just like a garden, your business will bloom with the right seeds.

Ready to spruce up your website, cultivate meaningful relationships, and transform your online presence? Visit Builder Story's website, fill out their quirky form, and watch your landscaping business flourish.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Builder Story Website:


Jan 31, 202437:02
Set Your Intentions For 2024

Set Your Intentions For 2024

This week on The Limitless Landscapers Podcast, I'm sharing my journey of setting intentions for 2024. Reflecting on 2023, I've learned valuable lessons, like not saying yes to everything. I'm leaving that behind. Also, I'm leveraging sobriety for a clearer mindset.

Now, three weeks into the year, I know it might feel a bit slow or even challenging for some of you. It happens, trust me. Personally, I've been reflecting on 2023, and it feels like ages ago, even though it's just been a few weeks. Lessons learned, mistakes made, victories celebrated – we've all been there.

One big lesson for me was about trust. Trusting people and avoiding hasty decisions without due diligence have been pivotal lessons for me. It's incredible how these lessons, while seemingly small, have a profound impact on our lives and businesses.

Another crucial aspect is leaving things behind. For instance, I've decided to bid farewell to being a "yes person." Saying yes to everything, just to please others, is no longer my game. It's about setting boundaries, respecting my time, and ensuring that every yes aligns with my genuine desires.

2024 is also about leveraging what worked in 2023. Personally, I'm leveraging my sobriety. I hit the one-year milestone of not touching alcohol. It's given me clarity, resilience, and a better understanding of myself. I'm taking this momentum into 2024, aiming to be a better version of myself.

Now, looking ahead to this year, what do you want? I want to win my bodybuilding competition in September, grow my business teams, and attract quality leads. But the key is not just the what, it's the why. My desire to win the competition isn't just about victory; it's about embracing the challenge, testing my limits, and exploring new opportunities in the fitness world.

And hey, what about something scary? For me, it's standing on that competition stage. It terrifies me, but it's a challenge I'm drawn to. What's your scary thing? That project, that stage, that opportunity that your brain tells you to avoid? Embrace it – it might just be your ticket to the next level.

Lastly, let's talk about energy. The energy you bring to your goals matters. For me, it's all about confidence. The belief that I've already won, the energy of a pure athlete. It might sound a bit mystical, but trust me, the energy you embody shapes your outcomes.

Reflect on 2023, set clear intentions for 2024, and infuse them with the right energy. Oh, and here's a fun twist – choose a word for the year. Mine? Winning. Winning at life, in every aspect. What's yours? Share it with me on Instagram @thelandscaperscoach. Let's make 2024 our year of victories!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have ⁠@thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast⁠.

Follow TLC on Instagram:⁠ @TheLandscapersC⁠⁠oach⁠

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Jan 24, 202416:51
Cultivating Success through Logos and Newsletters in Landscaping

Cultivating Success through Logos and Newsletters in Landscaping

In this podcast episode, I talk about the significance of business logos and their pivotal role in achieving success.

Your logo serves as the face of your company, leaving a lasting imprint on clients and encapsulating your brand identity.

The Significance of a Striking Logo

Your logo is more than an image. I'll share insights into why a well-designed logo is crucial for leaving a lasting impression. We'll explore colours, fonts, and scalability to ensure your logo stands out. Drawing from my rebranding experiences with Aura Landscapes and The Landscapers Coach, I'll provide practical tips and advice.

Crafting Your Unique Brand Identity

Let's discuss the essential elements of a memorable logo. From colour palettes to fonts and graphic choices, discover how to create a logo that resonates with your audience. I'll guide you through the process of making it timeless, scalable, and high-resolution, a true representation of your brand.

The Power of Newsletters in Brand Storytelling

Join me as I explore the often underestimated potential of newsletters in brand storytelling. Learn how a well-crafted newsletter builds a consistent connection with your audience. We'll discuss client-focused content, engaging subject lines, and the art of regular communication. Be inspired by a recent email campaign success story that led to significant business enquiries.

Ready to elevate your brand? Visit for a wealth of resources, including the insightful blogs. Let's embark on this transformative journey together and turn your landscaping business into a powerhouse!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jan 17, 202424:15
Inspiration For Your Business

Inspiration For Your Business

In this episode, I want to chat with you about something we all experience, especially in January, the rollercoaster of inspiration in our landscaping businesses.

As we hit the second week of January, I know that initial burst of motivation might be wearing off a bit. We start the new year with grand plans, but then reality kicks in. The routine sets in, the kids are back at school, and suddenly, we're juggling time again.

I've been feeling it too, and I bet some of you are in the same boat. So, let's talk about how we can keep that inspiration alive and well throughout the year.

First off, inspiration doesn't have to cost a thing. A quick Google search for business or landscaping inspiration can lead to a wealth of ideas. Read blogs, like the weekly ones on TLC, covering a range of topics. This week's blog, for instance, explores how Landscape Business Magazines can be a goldmine of inspiration, offering industry trends and business strategies.

Now, I want to share some books that have been game-changers for me. There's "Manifest 1 and 2," all about manifesting your dream life – a topic I'm passionate about. "Systemology" has been helping me streamline my landscaping business systems. And for mindset shifts, "You Are a Badass" and "Chillpreneur" are must-reads.

Podcasts are a constant source of motivation for me. I love listening to content creators and motivational speakers. Carrie Green, from the Female Entrepreneurs Association, and Diary of a CEO are among my favorites. Of course, I hope you're a regular listener to this podcast – the Limitless Landscapers podcast!

Webinars are another fantastic resource. I used to host them when I was The Landscaper Circle, and they're an excellent way to learn from experts. But a word of advice: choose webinars that truly matter to your business. Live sessions are better than recordings – believe me; I've signed up for many and rarely watched the recordings.

Excitingly, I've got some collaborations in the pipeline, so stay tuned on my social media for updates. And speaking of learning, consider online courses and programs. They can give you that extra push to develop your skills and boost your confidence in your business.

Don't underestimate the power of events. Whether industry awards, like APL in March, or local business gatherings, they provide opportunities to learn, network, and collaborate. Attending these events has often reinvigorated my passion for my business.

Now, mentors and coaches – they've been absolute game-changers for me. Having someone to guide you, hold you accountable, and provide that much-needed boost can make a huge difference. I've got three mentors for different areas of my life, and they've been instrumental in my journey.

Surrounding yourself with positive people and creating an inspiring environment is vital. Upgrade your circle, and if your workspace doesn't inspire you, change it! Inspiration often comes from bursts of insight, so actively seek out those bursts. Just recently, a creative idea sparked during a call with a content creator. Collaborative conversations can be incredibly motivating.

As we navigate through 2024, remember, you're in control of your journey. Check out previous podcast episodes and blogs for a timeless dose of inspiration. Stay motivated and stay inspired!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jan 11, 202415:22
Reflection Not Perfection

Reflection Not Perfection

Ever felt like your new year's resolutions were sinking by day four? In this episode, I share my journey through the beginnings of 2024. I share the chaos, the wins, and the unexpected beauty that comes with embracing imperfection. This episode is a rollercoaster you won't want to miss.

I kick things off by sharing my grand plans for the Christmas and New Year shutdown, only to be hit with a whirlwind of unexpected events – family illnesses, late-night decorating sessions, and the not-so-speedy assembly of a supposedly two-hour bed. As I grappled with the guilt of not sticking to my perfect routine, I'm here to shout out loud: It's okay not to be perfect.

I share my reflection on my business wins in 2023 – new office, soft landscaping services, and a stellar year-end figure. But hey, it's not all sunshine and rainbows. I also fess up about my dismal enquiry tracking skills, realising I've been way off the mark. Lesson learned: accurate tracking is a game-changer.

This reflection time has led to goals goals being set and the need for my business to run smoothly without me for three weeks (at least - find out why by listening in). Cue the need for systemisation, improved sales processes, and a rock-solid CRM system. It's a journey from chaos to structure, and this is my behind the scenes share at the very start of a new year.

However, I do wrap it up with excitement for a planning session with Mike, I hope to leave you with the contagious optimism that 2024 is our year to shine.

Ready to crush your 2024 business goals? Get in touch and learn why imperfections are your secret weapon to turning dreams into reality!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jan 04, 202422:60
Navigating the Business Interlude Between Christmas and New Year

Navigating the Business Interlude Between Christmas and New Year

Have you ever found yourself stuck in that weird post-Christmas, pre-New Year limbo, wondering how to tackle the impending year like a boss? Well this is the episode for you because I have a scoop on all things planning, reflecting, and setting goals as we waltz into the New Year.

So, what's the deal with taking a break during this unique shutdown period? It's the one time you can enjoy a disturbance-free hiatus, free from the incessant calls and on-site dramas. It's some well-deserved downtime, possibly sprinkled with a bit of 'me time'—because why not?

My game plan for my landscaping business is to reflect on the wins, silver linings, and lessons of the past year. Forget resolutions; let's talk plans and goals for 2024. And hey, no pressure to have it all figured out by January 1st. Life's too short to stress about New Year's Eve deadlines, am I right?

Now, let's get down to business, quite literally. Things that I will be working on this break is; cashflow forecasting, marketing strategies, and the nitty-gritty of terms and conditions to ensure the business is ship-shape come the New Year. And here's another tip: don't forget those award entries; after all, who doesn't want a shiny new trophy on their shelf In 2024?

As for my personal life adventures this is also important when looking ahead to 2024. I brace myself for a year of bodybuilding competitions—simultaneously exciting and terrifying. Because nothing says 'New Year, New Me' like sculpting the perfect physique, right? I am completely aware that this will affect what my plans are for my businesses which is why when it come to planning for 2024 we need to look at personal goals too.

Finally, I am looking into a new CRM system, better project management, and systems! A shout out to Nicola from Systemology for her support on this, because who wouldn't want their business running like a well-oiled machine?

So, whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just dipping your toes into the business world, listen to this episode to get the lowdown on navigating the weird period between Christmas and New Year with style.

Curious for more insights or need a friendly nudge in the right direction? Slide into my DMs on Instagram or shoot me an email. And if you're looking for a mentor or coach for your business for the New Year, you might have just found the perfect match.

Here's to a fantastic New Year filled with reflection, laughter, and epic wins. Catch you on the other side!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Dec 28, 202315:17
6 Ways to Turn This Year's Landscaping Clients into Next Year's Revenue

6 Ways to Turn This Year's Landscaping Clients into Next Year's Revenue

Who knew landscaping could be so chaotic and festive simultaneously? Enjoy the escapade into the jolly, messy world of a landscaper's Christmas.

Curious how to transform your landscaping clients into a pot of gold for the upcoming year?

In the midst of Christmas cheer and half-term madness, learn how to elevate your landscaping game. No wrapping paper? No problem. We're wrapping up the year with open jobs, a Christmas party, and a dash to the shops – because, let's face it, who doesn't love a last-minute spree?

Now, 2024 is knocking, and as much as I'm itching for a break, I'm also brewing some cosmic plans. But hold on, it's not just about wishes to the universe. It's about real, actionable strategies to grow and develop your landscaping business. Because, let's face it, we're all visionaries here, hating the systems but loving the thrill of looking into the future.

We're not just talking about client acquisition; we're talking about strategies to make your business blossom. From marketing manoeuvres to the art of the sales, we're discussing it all.

Now, let's dissect the juicy bits. Leads might be on the low side but have you ever wondered about the secret to turning clients into lifelong advocates? It's a bit like tending to a garden – regular watering (communication), feeding (feedback), and the occasional sprinkle of magic dust (exclusive offers). We're not just in business; we're in the business of building successful relationships.

And the grand finale? Planning for 2024. It's not just about scribbling goals on a napkin; it's about crafting a strategic masterpiece.

Need a hand in the process? I'm your landscaper's coach, here to guide you through the maze of business growth. So, gear up, get in touch and let's make 2024 the year your business blossoms beyond your imagination!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Dec 20, 202316:60
The Sales Hustle: Mastering Follow-ups For Business Growth

The Sales Hustle: Mastering Follow-ups For Business Growth

In this episode, we’ll transform your sales game: the art of the follow-up.

Ever wondered if you're leaving money on the table? We're about to find out.

Now, let's talk conversion rates, the secret of sales success. It's not just about the numbers; it's about decoding the story behind those numbers.

Sales, the dreaded word, or is it? Spoiler alert: we're all salespeople. Whether you're selling landscapes or dreams, embracing the pitch is your golden ticket. Let's make those dreams come true, one pitch at a time.

Learn to navigate the tricky world of follow-up. Why is it crucial? Well, it's the secret to your marketing spend. If you're not following up, you might as well toss that money out the window. Treat every lead like royalty – they want to feel special. Pick up the phone, don't be shy.

And here's the reality check – if you think a potential client isn't your cup of tea, say no from the get-go. Don't waste time. And Following up – it's an art. Keep following up until they beg you to stop or hand over their business. Craft those email campaigns, keep the phone buzzing, and be the persistent suitor they can't resist.

If there’s only one thing you need to remember, that is: follow up. It's the secret weapon of sales success. Master it, and you'll soon be closing more deals.

Ready to upgrade your sales game? Subscribe, like, share, and let's conquer the sales world together. Turn dreams into landscapes, one follow-up at a time!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Dec 13, 202322:31
Let’s Talk Goal Setting and Achieving Success for Landscapers

Let’s Talk Goal Setting and Achieving Success for Landscapers

Ready to dive into the wild world of goal setting with me? Whether you're knee-deep in paperwork, we all need a plan to make our dreams blossom. In this week's podcast, we're discussing the secrets of goal setting for 2024.

Reflecting on 2023: A Wild Ride Through Dry Days and Paperwork

2023 has been a rollercoaster, right? It's time to reflect on the year gone by, especially as we approach the final month. Who knew time could fly so fast? So, grab your landscaping gloves, and let's get into it!

Decide, Why, and Write: The Trio of Goal-Setting Power

Step one: Decide on your goal. Easy, right? Not so fast. I'm warning against picking goals out of thin air. We're not here for superficial aspirations.

Step two: Connect your goal to your why. Why? Because goals without purpose are like a garden without sunlight—lifeless.

Step three: Write it down. This isn't a love letter; it's your future. Use a spreadsheet, vision board, or carrier pigeon if that's your style. Make it real!

Sharing is Caring: The Power of Vocalizing Dreams

Ever blurted out a crazy idea to a friend and suddenly felt committed? Welcome to the magic of sharing goals. Whether it's with a coach, a friend, or your cat, vocalizing your dreams makes them real. Once you say it out loud, you're committed to watching it grow.

Break it Down: Because Big Goals Need Baby Steps

Let's talk about those big goals, like hitting a 500,000 turnover. It's not a sprint; it's a marathon. Break it down. What's the deadline? How are you getting there? Think SMART—Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely. Got it? Now, let's dissect those goals!

First Step: The Leap Towards Goal Glory

You've got the plan; now, what's your first step? Are you tackling marketing, sales, or hiring a guru? Don't procrastinate; start sooner rather than later. If you wait for the perfect moment, your goals will be collecting dust.

Keep On Going: The Marathon Mentality

Struggling? Feeling overwhelmed? The landscaping business path is not always paved in gold. Reach out for support. Your first idea may not be the winning seed. It's okay. Business is a wild landscape—up, down, and sometimes tangled in thorns. Get the support you need.

Celebrate Every Victory: A Toast to Your Green Thumb

Celebrate every small step. Success is a journey, not a destination. Don't rush to the next goal without appreciating the beauty of what you've achieved. And gratitude? It's the fertilizer for your future success.

Let's Toast to 2024 and Blooming Gardens!

As we approach the end of 2023, let's start on this journey together. Use my 8-step guide to sculpt your 2024 goals into masterpieces. Whether it's a lush garden or a thriving landscaping business, the principles are the same—plan, commit, adapt, and celebrate. Cheers to 2024, the year of blooming dreams! 🌱💪

Need help? Get in touch ☺️

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Nov 29, 202311:54
Deposit Power: Safeguarding Success

Deposit Power: Safeguarding Success

 Ever been stuck in a garden with a financial weed problem? In this episode, we’ll unearth the secrets of maintaining a flourishing landscaping business. I'll take you through the winter chill and the warm embrace of solid cash flow strategies. 


Why you should take deposits! 

Because in the frosty days, when gardens hibernate, your cash flow shouldn't. But here's the twist: some folks still shy away from this golden rule.

There are clients who perform the vanishing act, leaving your business hanging. But, guess what? If you've got a deposit, that's a shield against garden ghosts.


Let me share my magic number – 25%. 

It's not just a deposit; it's a fortress. Large enough to deter cancellations, sturdy enough to cover the initial project costs. But if they opt out, the deposit in hand will be yours, it's a win for you!

Cash flow is always on the tip of my tongue. It's the king, the emperor, the regent of all businesses. So, learn the art of deposits, and watch your financial garden bloom.


In a world where people try to save a buck, clients may test the waters.

Let me share my own "client tests." Did they want to pull out? Sure. Did I hand back deposits? Not a chance. Hold your ground! As I recall, clients are sometimes just trying it on, seeing if you'll dance to their money-saving tune. Spoiler alert: you don't have to!


I experienced a a client who played hardball with the deposit. A friend of a friend, a local job, and a whole lot of drama. Lesson learned? Stick to your guns. I, in my wisdom, even lowered the deposit and got tangled in a payment saga. Low deposits can haunt you.


Entering my paperwork wonderland

Take note of the magic trio: client paperwork, terms and conditions, and payment schedules. 

My secret? Chunking it up. Like a well-planned garden, each payment aligns with the project timeline. It's not just a payment schedule; it's a symphony of cash flow, a masterpiece of financial gardening.


One last tip, charge for site visits. It won't make you a millionaire, but it's a ticket to the right clientele. After all, those who invest in you tend to stick around.


Let's cultivate our cash flow one deposit at a time. Because in the kingdom of landscaping, cash is not just king; it's the unrivaled ruler.


Want help with any of this? Drop me a DM, email or book a time on my online calendar for a call just head to my website. 


The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula



Nov 22, 202315:54
Winterpreneurship: Thriving in the Business Chill

Winterpreneurship: Thriving in the Business Chill

Winter is here, but so is the perfect opportunity to level up your landscaping game. In this episode, let’s talk about winter business planning. Discover how to turn the slower period into a powerhouse of productivity.

Let's kick things off by asking the burning question – is winter the ideal time to invest money and time in your business? This is an age-old debate. Some folks are hunkering down, playing it safe, while others are seizing the opportunity to rev up their engines for the coming year. What's the right move?

The Power of Coaches and Mentors

I spill the beans on why I've got not one, not two, but three coaches in my corner. There’s immense benefits of having a coach and mentor, guiding you through the maze of business decisions. It's not just an investment; it's a game-changer. Having the right people in your corner is key, and can catapult you toward success. But remember, without action and investment from your end, even the best coach won't help. It's a partnership, a commitment, and a journey to success.

Winter Wonderland of Business Planning

Winter isn't just about snowflakes and hot cocoa; it's the perfect time for strategic planning. Explore mapping out your business goals, carve a niche in marketing strategies, and analyze the numbers in a financial review. Don't let the slower period fool you – it's a goldmine for reflection, planning, and setting actionable steps.

Testing, Measuring, and Sleighing Goals

Always test and measure your strategies, ensuring you capitalise on what works for you. Whether it's social media, email marketing, or a dash of both. Learn to build a foolproof calendar. The goal? Slaying your marketing game and reveling in the joy of increased enquiries.

Financial Review – Because Money Talks

Don’t forget your financial review process. Whether it's a cozy chat with your accountant or a solo journey through your numbers. Reflecting on your finances isn't just for the end of the year; it's a constant dance to plan, strategise, and keep that cashflow forecast flowing smoothly.

Winter Projects – Building Dreams in the Cold

As for my winter plans, it includes finishing the showroom and focusing on mindset reflections. Learn how to set aside time for self-improvement and mindset shifts, ensuring you bring the right energy to the table.

Let's Sleigh 2024!

The quieter period isn't a hibernation; it's a preparation period. Reflect, plan, and set your sights on the bustling spring ahead. If you've been pondering coaches and mentors, now is the time to take the leap. Let's slay those goals and make 2024 the year of limitless growth.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula

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Nov 15, 202319:60
Overcoming Obstacles: A Behind-the-Scenes Journey of Business Success

Overcoming Obstacles: A Behind-the-Scenes Journey of Business Success

If you've ever thought running a landscaping business was all sunshine and roses, boy, do I have a story for you! I'll take you from the brink of financial disaster to the thriving landscaping company we are today.


We all dream of our businesses skyrocketing, right? Imagine growing so fast that you practically blink and have three people in the office generating leads and sales. But, spoiler alert, the path to success is rarely a straight line. Stick along and see how I turned debt and despair into determination.


Things were going great. We had places to store products, a team of three working their marketing magic, and the business was booming. Then life threw a curveball; a £40,000 curveball, to be precise. Debts were piling up, the company's future was on the line, and I was a new parent. A stressful situation? You bet! It felt like the perfect storm - rapid growth, mounting overheads, and a questionable stint with artificial grass (yes, it's a thing!).


Now, you're probably wondering why I didn't just throw in the trowel. The answer is a valuable lesson: the power of using a cashflow forecast to plan your way out of disaster. I turned to an insolvency practitioner who guided me through the process. Together, we explored different scenarios and discovered that going bust wasn't the only option. With a well-thought-out plan, we could trade our way out of the mess.


Fast forward a bit, and we tackled another financial hurdle. But it wasn't a friendly challenge; it was a costly legal battle. We stood our ground, adamant that we had done nothing wrong. However, we learned that sometimes it's not about right or wrong but who presents their case more convincingly in court. We ended up with a £54,000 court award hanging over our heads. Here's where that 'never give up' spirit came in handy again. Negotiation skills and family support helped us reduce the debt to £45,000, which we then diligently repaid.


This story is more than just a tale of financial woes; they unveil the importance of mindset. I've always been a "glass-half-full" kind of person. Mike, my husband and business partner, sometimes tilts towards "glass-half-empty." Striking a balance between optimism and realism is crucial. It's the belief that we can be the best landscaping company in the South that fuels my actions. Mindset matters. Doubts, negativity, and mindset issues can undermine even the most well-intentioned actions.


Mindset is a hidden player in every business. It can either supercharge your strategies or sabotage them silently. For every action, a mindset shadows it. The power of belief is monumental. If you believe in your business's potential, that belief can propel you through any adversity. But remember, it's not just about believing; it's about taking action with the right mindset.


The business journey is not a linear path; it's a rollercoaster of highs and lows. You're stronger than you think, and sometimes, the toughest route is the most rewarding one. Every hurdle is a lesson, every challenge an opportunity. Your mindset, belief, and actions can transform any obstacle into a stepping stone towards success.


Are you feeling the struggle? Want support from someone who gets you and your business? Get in touch, I’m here to help.



The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula



Nov 08, 202335:25
Choice Matters: Embracing the Hard Path in Life and Business

Choice Matters: Embracing the Hard Path in Life and Business

Today, we're talking about a concept that might sound a bit uncomfortable - choosing the hard path.

This episode is all about making choices that lead to a truly extraordinary life. You see, life's a menu, and sometimes, the most tantalizing options come with a side of challenge.

The Power of Choice

Life's all about choices. You can choose to see the sunshine or the storm clouds. You can choose the scenic route or the well-trodden path. It's all in your hands. You can choose easy, but why not choose to embrace a little struggle for a more fulfilling life?

Sobriety and Society

Now, let's raise a glass of…water? I decided to take the harder path by quitting drinking, not because I had to, but because I wanted to aim for something extraordinary. In a society where 'Cheers!' is the norm, choosing a glass of water isn't easy. It's a journey of self-discovery, of finding the real 'me' beyond the influence of spirits.

Hard Choices in Business

Shifting the spotlight to your professional life, do you find it hard to pick up the phone and make that crucial sales call? Or maybe you're struggling to break free from the comfort of doing everything yourself, because outsourcing seems like a foreign concept. These are the hard choices in the business world, but these are the choices that set you on the path to success.

Choosing Your Heart

Let me sum it up: life is about choosing your heart. Every decision, from being a people-pleaser to chasing your dreams, has a hard and easy side. But it's the road less traveled that leads to the extraordinary. It's about challenging yourself, pushing those boundaries, and discovering what you're truly capable of.

A Final Choice

In life, choose to savor the moments that come with a bit of a challenge. Regret is hard, but so is discipline. Pleasing everyone is hard, but so is going after your passion. It's all about choosing the heart that aligns with your extraordinary dreams. Remember, the power of choice is your superpower.

So, the next time you face a tough choice, think about this episode, and remember - the harder path might just be the one leading to your extraordinary, limitless life.

If ever you need more support, just book a free call with me HERE.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Nov 02, 202314:13
Quick Growth: The Power of Outsourcing for Your Landscaping Business

Quick Growth: The Power of Outsourcing for Your Landscaping Business

Outsourcing, the magical spell that can transform your business from a pumpkin into a thriving carriage. This week's episode is all about that.


The Power of Outsourcing

Ever felt like you're juggling multiple plates in your business? We've all been there. But here's the answer to reclaim your life again: Outsourcing. 

Well, picture this – outsourcing whisks away other tasks so you can focus more on all those big goals. It's like having a clone who does the stuff you hate and aren't good at.


But before you go outsourcing-crazy, hold on to your cash! Outsourcing comes with a price tag. You've got to do the math – it's called a cashflow forecast, and if you're not using it, it's time to ask why. Crunch the numbers and make sure your business can cover the cost. After all, you're outsourcing to unburden yourself, not to break the bank.


My own Outsourcing Journey

I'm not just spouting theory here; I've walked the outsourcing walk. It started with hiring an accountant and bookkeeper because, believe me, I'd rather wrestle a dragon than wade through spreadsheets. Fast forward to today, and I've outsourced SEO and content creation. It's like having a team of wizards for your online presence. I may be a content wizard myself, but outsourcing ensures the magic happens consistently.


The Mindset Shift

It's all about letting go of control. If you're a control freak (like me), this part might be a bit of a struggle for you. But remember, as your business grows, you can't be everywhere. You can't be the bridge between everything. To achieve your exit plan or goals, it's time to make yourself redundant.


The Exit Plan

What's your endgame? If it involves selling your business or passing the reins to another, it's time to start making changes. This might mean evolving your mindset. It's all about looking at the bigger picture and securing the future of your business.


If you're still pondering whether outsourcing is the spell your business needs, remember that it's not just about saving money – it's about saving your time and sanity. So, are you ready to step into the world of outsourcing and let your business bloom? Don't just wish upon a star – make it happen.


If you want support with cashflow, outsourcing, decision making and everything that goes along with being a business owner book a free call with me. Just head HERE.


The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula



Oct 25, 202321:27
Green Growth: Mastering Marketing for Landscapers

Green Growth: Mastering Marketing for Landscapers

Today, we'll explore the art of marketing for landscapers in a way that's both easy to understand and engaging. Whether you're a seasoned landscaper or just starting out, this will shed light on the tricks of the trade and help you attract the right clients.

The Power of Marketing

Let's begin by understanding why marketing is vital. Marketing isn't just about advertising; it's about connecting with the right people. Think of it as planting seeds in a vast garden. In this world, success isn't about quantity but quality. It's about getting potential clients who are genuinely interested in what you offer.

Diverse Marketing Tools

Marketing for landscapers isn't a one-size-fits-all deal. It's more like using different tools for different tasks. You have options like a well-designed website, social media, local SEO, content marketing, and more. Each tool has a unique job, and it's about finding the right mix that works for you. Just like taking care of your plants, marketing takes patience and consistent effort.

Nurturing Leads

Now, let's go deeper into nurturing leads. You need to follow up on enquiries to make sure potential clients don't slip away. Following up can be as simple as sending an email or picking up the phone. Don't be shy; it's how you can close deals faster by keeping the conversation alive.

Learning from Experience

What works for one landscaper might not work for another. It's all about trying things and seeing what clicks. To understand what's working and what's not, you need to measure and track your efforts. An enquiry log is like your gardening journal. It helps you see what's thriving and what needs some adjustments.

The Belief Factor

Beyond strategies, it's about belief and the energy you bring to your marketing. Positive energy, self-belief, and avoiding negativity from others are crucial. High energy attracts high energy, and that's where opportunities blossom.

Marketing for landscapers is a diverse landscape. It's not just about tools and techniques; it's also about the energy you put in. So, put on your gardening gloves, and let's make your marketing flourish!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Oct 18, 202327:29
The Power of Connections for Business Growth

The Power of Connections for Business Growth

In this episode, we're exploring the fabulous world of connections. No, not your Wi-Fi connection, but those powerful bonds that can speed up your business growth. Ready to explore the incredible universe of networking?

Unmasking the Networking Superpower

Ever wondered why some businesses skyrocket while others barely crawl? It often boils down to - networking! If you're like me, you've binged on those superhero movies. Well, think of building connections as your own business superpower. The main idea is this: when you build connections in your industry and beyond, magical things start happening. In this episode I am going to show you the real power in networking well and how it genuinely helped grow my landscaping and design business as well as my clients landscaping businesses too.

More Than Just LinkedIn

Networking isn't confined to LinkedIn requests or emails. It's about the old-school breakfast clubs, lunchtime networking, and even those mixed groups. It's the power of showing up and meeting people in person. Yes, shaking hands still counts! Remember, the best marketing isn't the one you pay for; it's the one you build.

I took my business to the next level by attending networking events. I joined breakfast clubs, engaged in business meetings, and did the old-school charm offensive. The network I built years ago helped me bag big projects. I didn't just take on random jobs; I got referrals from trusted connections. I’m reaping the rewards even years later.

The Rule of 'Know, Like, Trust'

In the game of business, trust is the ultimate treasure. It's like a superpower that turns potential clients into loyal advocates. Building these trust-based relationships takes time, but the payoff is worth it. Remember, it's not just about taking but also giving. It's always about creating a win-win situation.

Nurturing Your Network

Second important thing - maintaining those connections. It's like a follow-up, a friendly tap on the shoulder to say, "Hey, I'm here, and I can help you." An old friend remembers you, but you need to remind your business connections of you. Keep the conversation going, and you might just land your next client.

Building connections isn't just a buzzword, it’s crucial for business growth. So, step out, shake hands, and nurture those connections. Your next big break might be just one network event away.

Ready to turn your business into a success story? Remember, it's not what you know but who you know (and who knows you). So, go out there, be the superhero of networking and grow your landscaping business!

Need support and a guiding hand? Book in for a free discovery call with me just go to the website and book in a time that suits you.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Oct 11, 202316:39
Revisit Episode: Let's Talk About Dave

Revisit Episode: Let's Talk About Dave

As October starts, business seems to be turning a little quieter. But worry not, in this re-visit episode of my previous podcast “LET'S TALK ABOUT DAVE”, I have some advice to keep your business thriving even as winter creeps in.

In this episode, I'm talking all about Dave. Dave owns a landscaping business, he works in the business more than on the business, he doesn’t worry about planning he chooses to wing it and therefore he is often skint, unprepared and scared for his future.

We all have a little bit of ‘Dave’ inside of us all and as business owners we need to do something to change it. I have five things that I cover in the free winter call that I have been having with landscapers and garden designers all month and they are:

1. Scheduling time to work ON the business. There are so many things that we COULD do in our business but we say we never have time, most of the reason we never have time is that we spend our time firefighting and getting dragged back into the business. Make time to do the stuff that matters and set boundaries. A whole podcast dedicated to boundaries is here.

2. Cashflow really is king! I go on about cashflow ALL THE TIME! Yet some people still do not run a cashflow forecast in their business. This is the easiest way to take back control of the business and plan better, make better decisions and make plans to bridge any gaps identified.

3. Managing projects better. Not just looking at profit margins, overheads and holding the teams accountable but also planning work in that suits the weather predicted.

4. Following up EVERY SINGLE enquiry and open quote. Don’t give up, keep contacting the clients and get a simple yes or no. Stop leaving it to the clients and take control or employ a salesperson to do it for you.

5. Build your network of support around you. It is extremely important to continue to build relationships with people that are great for referrals and collaborations as well as through getting a coach and surrounding yourself with likeminded people that bring positivity to you and your business.

There are at least another three items we could go through to prep for winter but I will leave them to share with the next two landscapers that book a call with me 🙂

Finally, it’s really all about the energy. Yes, I am going a little woo on you, the reality is we are all energy and what you show up as is what you will attract. You have a choice, show up in a state of lack and negavity or show up in a state of abundance, positivity and joy. You can take all the actions you want but you won’t get the results you are looking for until you show up in the right energy that allows you to attract everything into you.

In a bid to help you plan your business better here is a completely FREE gift for you only available to our podcast listeners for a limited time - grab your FREE goal setting templates here

If you are interested in booking a discovery call, visit or DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE Winter Prep call today.

P.S. For my upcoming episode next week, I’ll be discussing “The Power of Connection." So stay tuned and hit subscribe for that.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: ⁠@TheLandscapersCoach⁠

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: ⁠@thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast⁠

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: ⁠@warmanpaula⁠

Website: ⁠

Oct 04, 202322:56
Landscaping Growth Secrets: Mastering SEO for Success with Jon Norman Garden Design

Landscaping Growth Secrets: Mastering SEO for Success with Jon Norman Garden Design

You might be wondering, “What’s SEO got to do with landscaping?“, it turns out that in the digital age, every garden, even your website, needs a bit of weeding and nurturing. Jon spilled the digital dirt in this podcast on how to grow your landscaping and garden design business online.

The Blog Blooms: Learning the juicy secrets about the power of blogging. It’s about nurturing your website with fresh, relevant content. Just like a garden, your website needs constant attention. Blogging not only keeps your website lively but also attracts those curious internet bees buzzing around for information.

LinkedIn: More Than Just a Business Suit: Remember when LinkedIn was like a corporate garden party where everyone wore stuffy suits? Well, it’s changed. Now, it’s more like a friendly neighborhood with emojis and real conversations. Learn how this platform can help you connect with people who can turn into fruitful business relationships.

The SEO Pruning Shears: SEO might sound like a fancy, intimidating term, but Jon breaks it down into bite-sized bits of knowledge. He reveals the importance of optimizing your website for search engines, ensuring that your website is easily discoverable by those looking for landscaping expertise.

The Instagram Floral Arrangement: While LinkedIn is great for connecting with professionals, Instagram is your canvas for showcasing your work through photos. Check how Instagram can help you attract potential clients who are seeking visual inspiration for their outdoor spaces.

And if you want to connect with Jon for more digital gardening tips, find him on LinkedIn as Jonathan (Norman) Venables.

Until next time, keep planting those digital seeds of success!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: ⁠⁠@TheLandscapersCoach⁠⁠

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: ⁠⁠@thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast⁠⁠

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: ⁠⁠@warmanpaula⁠⁠

Website: ⁠⁠⁠⁠

Jon Norman Garden Design

Jon Norman

Contact: 07528 947946


Instagram: @jonnormangardendesign



Additional resources:

Useful SEO tools to search for keywords:

Expensive ones (but may be worth it if you are taking this seriously):



Cheaper options with trials (which you can keep using as trials as long as you have a few spare emails):
Neilpatel - I like this tool a lot. Easy to use with lots of extra features
Morningscore - This one is very easy to use and allows you to compare your company with your local competition

Brian Dean one of the leading names in SEO and content marketing:
Backlinko (this is the epic blog I mentioned)
@BrianDean (Brian’s YouTube channel)
Brian Dean (Brian Dean videos on SEMRush)

Andy Crestodina of Orbit Media Studios:

Orbit Media Studios (Their blog)

Orbit Media (their YT channel)

Content Chemistry (Andy’s epic book)

Orbit Media - All of the Orbit Media Studios blog and webinar sessions organised by me in my own board (as you do)
Jammy Digital (aka Martin and Lyndsay):

Jammy Digital

Jammy Digital (Their excellent blog) Content Fortress - Their utterly brilliant book called Content Fortress – well worth buying LinkedIn Gus Bhandal: John Espirian: John’s website John’s brilliant and very informative blog John’s awesome book called Content DNA

Sep 27, 202345:13
Green Dreams: Inspiring Landscapes and Design with Ben Walker of Walker Landscape & Design

Green Dreams: Inspiring Landscapes and Design with Ben Walker of Walker Landscape & Design

Today, we have a special guest on the Limitless Landscapers podcast Ben Walker, of Walker Landscape & Design. In this episode, we'll dig into Ben's incredible journey from humble beginnings to becoming a landscaping powerhouse. 


He is celebrating a decade of Walker Landscape & Design with his partner in life and business Grace. The couple's shared passion for landscaping bloomed into a successful garden design and build company based in Cheshire. They've grown steadily over the years, nurturing their business and navigating the bumps in the road that happens for most entrepreneurs.


Business & Marriage

Running a business with your spouse sounds like a romantic dream, right? Well, it's not all roses and rainbows, but it's close! Ben and Grace Walker exemplify the power of partnership. Their unwavering commitment and shared vision have fueled their growth. Sure, there are challenges—like drawing the line between work and family—but the benefits of working with someone who is as fully committed to the business as you are far outweigh the cons.


Growing Pains and Green Dreams

Ben's secret to growth? The "say yes, figure it out afterwards" philosophy. It might sound risky, but it's been the basis for his business's consistent expansion. As the business grew, so did their team, with young talents like Connor rising through the ranks to become the commercial director. It's all about paying more for more, a win-win strategy.


The Green Dream Showroom

But that's not all! Ben had another ace up his gardening sleeve—creating a showroom. It wasn't just a showroom; it was a visionary display of what landscaping could be. It's a place where clients could see, touch, and feel the products, transforming their dreams into tangible landscapes. 


The showroom became more than just a showcase; it became a game-changer. Clients loved to see the products in large format, feeling reassured about their investments. Conversion rates skyrocketed. The showroom continues to be a success.


A Mindset Fertilized for Growth

Ben attributes much of his success to his growth mindset. It's not just about the technicalities; it's about the way you think. His advice? Make yourself redundant in the business. Yes, you read that right! It's all about creating a well-oiled machine that doesn't rely on any one person.


However, maintaining that balance between work and personal life is a constant struggle. Ben admits there's no one-size-fits-all solution, but he's working on it. He's a firm believer in the ultimate goal—being able to choose when and how you work.


What's Next?

So, what's on the horizon for Ben and Walker Landscape & Design? More growth, of course! But this time, it's about consolidating their gains, fine-tuning their operations, and getting the business to a point where it doesn't need Ben's constant hands-on involvement. It's all about achieving that perfect work-life blend.


Cultivating Success in the Landscaping World

Ben Walker's journey in the landscaping industry is a testament to passion, partnership, and the power of a growth mindset. His story serves as inspiration for all budding landscapers and business owners out there. So, whether you're tending to your garden or nurturing your own dreams, remember that with dedication and the right mindset, you can turn your green dreams into reality.


The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: ⁠@TheLandscapersCoach⁠

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: ⁠@thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast⁠

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: ⁠@warmanpaula⁠



Walker Landscape and Design

Ben Walker

Contact:  01244 301 922


Instagram:  @walkerlandscapeanddesign



Sep 20, 202325:19
Revisit Episode: Lack of Leads? This is For You

Revisit Episode: Lack of Leads? This is For You

This week’s episode is a revisit to our previous episode “Lack of Leads? This is for you” which is all about marketing, in particular generating leads for your landscaping and garden design businesses. ‘It’s quiet/I haven’t got any leads coming in’ is what I am hearing a lot at the moment in the industry so I thought I would share a number of ways you could generate leads for your business.

I am talking about low cost/ no cost ways that if done right could make a big impact to your business:

- Your mindset - are you living in a mindset of lack or abundance? You need to work on your mindset daily to bring to fruition all that you want from life and business

- Go back to basics - leaflets/brochure drops are a great way to raise awareness of your company in specific (desirable) locations. Do beware that you will need to know where your ideal clients live/ hang out in order to get good results.

- Utilise your database - Are you contacting open quotes, old enquiries and getting referrals and testimonials from clients. There are so many ways to utilise existing contacts via email marketing.

- Upselling - can you upsell an existing service (solution to your clients problems) to your old/existing clients? Cleaning, sealing, maintenance, planting etc.

- Wider your network - can you connect with more garden designers (if you are a landscaper) and vice versa to generate leads and referrals? Other businesses that target the same clients as you? Local events?

- Digital marketing - if you have the budget and are clear on your ideal client are paid ads the way to go? Facebook, Instagram, Linked In and Google Adwords are all great ways to target your ideal client just ensure you can monitor and amend regularly whilst keeping a handle on the budget

Most importantly if you need help in your landscaping business get in touch with me over at The Landscaper’s Circle.

Check this other episode I mentioned in “Client Magnet: The Power of Attracting Your Ideal Clients”

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: ⁠@TheLandscapersCoach⁠Follow our Podcast on Instagram: ⁠@thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast⁠

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: ⁠@warmanpaula⁠


Sep 13, 202320:05
September Scape: Navigating Your Landscape Business Through Autumn

September Scape: Navigating Your Landscape Business Through Autumn

"In today’s episode, we're immersing ourselves in the wonderful world of September. Yep, it's that time of year again – the back-to-school season, the return to routine, & the perfect moment to ask, "What's September got in store for your landscaping business?"

Let's chat about how this month can set the stage for your success.

Embracing the Back-to-School Calm

With the kids back in school, there's this oddly peaceful vibe in the air. The chaos of summer is behind us, & we're suddenly faced with the sweet sound of quiet. Even my dogs seem to be loving it!

In my world, we're busy expanding our maintenance team, & 2 fantastic new members are joining our crew. Work is flowing in, and things are looking pretty darn good.

September: The Time for Strategy

September is like the gateway to the last quarter of the year & the grand entrance into the year that follows. It's all about planning – but without the stress. Let's prepare now so we're not scrambling when winter hits.

So, here are some actionable ideas I'm immersing ourselves in, & you can too, to make these last few months count.

Supercharge with Automated Email Campaigns

First up, ever thought about automated email campaigns? They're like having your very own digital marketing dream team. They connect with potential clients, nurture relationships, & keep your brand in the spotlight. But remember, it's not just about sending emails; it's also about that follow-up game.

Think about campaigns to connect with potential partners, catch up with existing clients, gather referrals, promote new services, & upsell the ones you already offer. The sky's the limit.

The Art of Planning

September is when I get into some serious planning. Opportunities are knocking, & while I'm excited, I'm also making sure I'm covering all bases. That means looking at the good, the bad, & the potentially amazing.

I'm crunching numbers, because making informed decisions is my secret weapon. Running a cash flow forecast is my way of navigating growth.

Setting Sail for New Goals

Remember those goals you set at the start of the year? Well, it's time for a revisit. Life evolves, & so should your goals. Maybe you've already ticked some off the list, which is fantastic! Now, what's next?

Set new goals, both the realistic ones & the ones that make you a tad nervous. Think about how you want next year to pan out & most importantly, how you want to feel. Happiness and fulfillment are the ultimate goals, and your business should be your trusty vehicle to get there.

Reflection & Preparation

September is like my personal New Year – a fresh start filled with promise. It's the moment for reflection, planning, & making sure my business aligns with my life goals. I want to spend more time with my family, and my business adapts accordingly.

I encourage you to do the same. What do you truly want? Your business should serve those desires, not hinder them. It's a time for thinking, getting ready & yes, enjoying a bit of downtime.

Celebrate Your Achievements

Lastly, don't forget to celebrate your wins. Reward yourself for your hard work & accomplishments. Whether it's a spa day, a weekend getaway, or simply some quality 'you' time, do it without guilt. You've earned it!

So, my fellow landscapers, let's make September a month of reflection, planning, & setting the stage for an awesome end to 2023 & an even better 2024. Share your thoughts with me – what are your new goals? How do you want to feel next year? Shoot me an email and let's keep the conversation going.

Until next week, happy landscaping & remember, your business should be your path to a life you love. Catch you later, folks!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Sep 06, 202318:01
Nurturing Growth: Behind the Scenes of my Landscaping Business

Nurturing Growth: Behind the Scenes of my Landscaping Business

For today’s episode, we're taking a peek behind the curtain of my own landscaping business and sharing some exciting twists and turns we've been through lately.

Summer’s Farewell & Hello Routine

We're waving goodbye to the summer breeze and saying hello to routines. Anyone else feeling the back-to-school vibes? I sure am, and it's perfect timing because we're in the midst of some major growth in my landscaping and garden design company.

The Showroom & New Team Member

Guess what? We've got a showroom in the works! It's like a secret garden, waiting to be unveiled. Plus, we've welcomed Shaun to the crew. He's our soft landscaping and maintenance manager, and he's bringing a fresh touch to our team.

From Hard to Soft: Branching Out

We used to be all about hard landscaping, but we're turning over a new leaf. Thanks to Shaun, we're venturing into the world of soft landscaping and maintenance. Yep, we're diving into plant care and transforming outdoor spaces.

Growing Pains & Process Lessons

Growth brings its challenges, especially when summer break gets in the way. But we're adapting and learning. Shaun’s arrival is a reminder that we need some kick-butt processes to keep things running smoothly.

Staffing Saga: Lessons in Hiring

We've all been there—finding the perfect team feels like hunting for a unicorn. I tried some job ad magic, and guess what? It worked! Tips: Never give up on recruiting methods, even if they didn't work before.

Cash Flow Chronicles: Expansion Realities

Let's talk money. Cash flow is like our business compass. Crunching numbers, forecasting, and ensuring our ship can sail through growth storms—it's how we navigate expansion waters.

Growth Formula

As we reflect on the journey, I'm sharing my secret formula: Cash flow analysis + solid processes = success. Transparency is the name of the game, and learning from my adventure could help you in your own business journey.

From juggling summer chaos to sprouting new services, my growth spurt journey is a testament to the crazy, exciting world of nurturing a landscaping business. Remember, whether it's planting seeds or expanding businesses, we all need the right tools—so start with cash flow, dance with processes, and let your dreams grow wild!

And if you want to chat about anything—growth, landscaping, or just want to geek out about plants—reach out to me at or through our website. Can't wait to hear from you! Until then, keep those dreams growing!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Aug 30, 202319:50
Green Profits: Mastering Systems for Landscaping Success with Nicola Depiazzi

Green Profits: Mastering Systems for Landscaping Success with Nicola Depiazzi

In this weeks episode I am chatting with Nicola Depiazzi who after 7 years of experience running a marketing consultancy and then expanding her expertise as an NLP coach, Nicola discovered Systemology and started Green Pillars Consulting to help SMEs change the way they do business, led by systems.

This is a huge area that many business owners including us businesses in the landscaping industry struggle with but the aim is to achieve complete business reliability and to help founders step away from the day to day operations, stop micro managing and claim back that elusive work life balance.

In this episode we chatted about lack of productivity and time management that many of us have and that a simple (well maybe not simple) but a solution to this is developing and implementing systems which is what Nicola does best.

Nicola works alongside businesses to develop a sustainable business with a systems culture that gives owners the space to dedicate more time to growth and business development, as well as to enjoy the things they love, like family time & holidays (and don’t we all strive for this as business owners).

The key with systems is to avoid key person dependency. When vital knowledge is solely within team members' or founders’ heads the business is at risk. Documenting the knowledge, developing best practice and evolving into a systems-led business ultimately delivers less errors, improved efficiency and increased profit.

I asked Nicola what is the number one tip to get started with systems and that was following Systemology’s Critical Client Flow (CCF) the basis is to capture 20% of the systems that generate 80% of the revenue. You can find out all about this through Nicola (see details below) or reading the book Systemology by David Jennings (I am currently a third through the book myself).

There is another element to make adopting and implementing systems easier and that is through appointing a systems champion and that can be someone in-house or someone you hire specifically for this purpose or sub-contract it out.

It can be easy you just need to get started ;)

If you want help with growing your landscaping business get in touch with me, that's what I do best.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Nicola Depiazzi - Green Pillars Consulting



Aug 16, 202328:02
Greener Horizons: Navigating Landscape Trade Shows for Success

Greener Horizons: Navigating Landscape Trade Shows for Success

In this weeks episode I am chatting with Jeremy of The Landscape Show. We were talking about what the show is about and why you should attend as a landscaper, garden designer or horticulture business.

Landscape promises an unparalleled experience that showcases the latest innovations, trends, and networking opportunities. There are so many reasons to come along here are some:

A Blooming Showcase of Innovations:

Step into a vibrant landscape of cutting-edge technologies and groundbreaking products at Landscape. The trade show offers an extensive array of exhibits, where leading companies and industry pioneers will present their latest offerings and innovations. The perfect inspiration for professionals seeking to stay ahead in the rapidly evolving landscape industry. Over 60% of exhibitors are new products and suppliers!

Expert Insights and Educational Seminars:

Knowledge is the key to success, and Landscape ensures attendees are equipped with the latest insights and trends through a series of educational seminars and expert-led sessions. Whether you are an industry veteran or a newcomer, the wealth of information available at Landscape will elevate your understanding and proficiency in the field.

Networking Hub for Green Enthusiasts:

Landscape provides the perfect setting for networking and establishing invaluable connections within the industry. Engage with fellow professionals, exchange ideas, and collaborate on potential projects that could shape the future of your landscaping business. Exactly why this year it is the Society of Garden Designers (SGD) Soiree evening on Wednesday 27th and a Discovery Day of education on Thursday 28th.

A Showcase of Success Stories:

Landscape is not just an exhibition of products and services; it is a platform that celebrates the successes of the green industry. Witness inspiring success stories from accomplished professionals who have triumphed over challenges and achieved remarkable feats. Learn from their experiences, embrace their strategies, and gather motivation to propel your own career to greater heights.

Embrace the Green Revolution:

As the world shifts towards environmental consciousness, the landscaping industry plays a vital role in shaping a sustainable future. Landscape exemplifies this commitment to environmental stewardship, with a focus on eco-friendly practices, green initiatives, and sustainable landscaping solutions. Embrace the green revolution and join forces with like-minded professionals to create a greener and healthier planet. This is the industry event where no artificial grass will be seen!

Experience the show:

To be at the forefront of the landscape industry, you cannot afford to miss Landscape—the premier trade show that offers an immersive and enriching experience.

Come join me at the “How To” theatre on Thursday 28th September or catch up with me over coffee on Wednesday 27th September just get your free admission tickets at:

With so much to see and so many people to meet and connect with, there is no reason why you shouldn’t attend and we cover how to get the most out of this (and other) tradeshows in this episode.

Plus come to the show, there is a free drink at the bar on Weds 27th just waiting for you ;)

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


The Landscape Show


M: +44 (0)20 7821 8221



Aug 02, 202326:12
Demystifying Facebook Ads with Matthew Freestone

Demystifying Facebook Ads with Matthew Freestone

In this week’s episode I am chatting with Matthew Freestone of New Leaf Media. He is an expert in generating leads for landscapers through Facebook Ads. Now you may be thinking that Facebook isn’t where your customers are or that Facebook Ads won’t work for you. I would seriously urge you to listen to this episode to see if this is actual fact or whether there is some mileage in utilising the power of Facebook to generate more leads for your landscaping business.

We covered ALOT in this chat including;

- Organic social posting - what is good for business

- Paid advertising

- The Facebook Pixel for remarking

- Call To Actions (CTA’s)

- Importance of Testimonials

- Importance of know, like and trust

- Knowing your numbers

- Features vs Benefits

- Automated call bookings

- Boosted posts (don’t do it!)

- Repurposing content

- and much much more!

I’m not going to lie it was a great conversation that lasted well over an hour, but it was full of great ideas for lead generation and it changed my mind on the usefulness of Facebook for my landscaping and design business.

Have a pen and paper ready for this episode - you are going to need it!

Grab your FREE goal setting templates here

Talking Winter Prep, I have identified 5 (well, possibly 6) things we can plan in order to make winter a little easier this year and start next year with clients and money in the bank.

Email me for your FREE Winter Prep call to discuss your best strategy to navigate the off season with ease. Only 2 call slots left. Don’t miss out. Be brave drop me a message, it might just be the best thing you could do now for your businesses future.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Matt Freestone is an social media specialist who’s worked with household names such as Deliveroo, Warner Music and Currys PC World and has experience growing Facebook, Tiktok and Instagram pages online to millions of followers. He set up and now runs New Leaf Media, a marketing agency that specialises in finding landscapers more enquiries, site visits and projects through innovative social media marketing and appointment booking processes.


M: +447787122211


Jul 26, 202356:42
Let’s Talk About Dave

Let’s Talk About Dave

In today's episode, I'm talking all about Dave. Dave owns a landscaping business, he works in the business more than on the business, he doesn’t worry about planning he chooses to wing it and therefore he is often skint, unprepared and scared for his future.

We all have a little bit of ‘Dave’ inside of us all and as business owners we need to do something to change it. I have five things that I cover in the free winter call that I have been having with landscapers and garden designers all month and they are:

1. Scheduling time to work ON the business. There are so many things that we COULD do in our business but we say we never have time, most of the reason we never have time is that we spend our time firefighting and getting dragged back into the business. Make time to do the stuff that matters and set boundaries. A whole podcast dedicated to boundaries is here.

2. Cashflow really is king! I go on about cashflow ALL THE TIME! Yet some people still do not run a cashflow forecast in their business. This is the easiest way to take back control of the business and plan better, make better decisions and make plans to bridge any gaps identified.

3. Managing projects better. Not just looking at profit margins, overheads and holding the teams accountable but also planning work in that suits the weather predicted.

4. Following up EVERY SINGLE enquiry and open quote. Don’t give up, keep contacting the clients and get a simple yes or no. Stop leaving it to the clients and take control or employ a salesperson to do it for you.

5. Build your network of support around you. It is extremely important to continue to build relationships with people that are great for referrals and collaborations as well as through getting a coach and surrounding yourself with likeminded people that bring positivity to you and your business.

There are at least another three items we could go through to prep for winter but I will leave them to share with the next two landscapers that book a call with me 🙂

Finally, it’s really all about the energy. Yes, I am going a little woo on you, the reality is we are all energy and what you show up as is what you will attract. You have a choice, show up in a state of lack and negavity or show up in a state of abundance, positivity and joy. You can take all the actions you want but you won’t get the results you are looking for until you show up in the right energy that allows you to attract everything into you.

In a bid to help you plan your business better here is a completely FREE gift for you only available to our podcast listeners for a limited time - grab your FREE goal setting templates here

I have been running some free Winter Prep calls through July, these are to discuss some winter prep strategies, find out more about your landscaping business and to see if working with me going forward would be a good fit. Contact me to grab your FREE Winter Prep call, the first 5 calls went quickly, I decided as we have a couple of weeks left of July to offer 2 more FREE calls. Don’t miss out. I won’t be offering any more of these calls after July. Be brave drop me a message, it might just be the best thing you could do now for your businesses future.

DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE Winter Prep call today.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jul 19, 202320:20
Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

Fail to Plan, Plan to Fail

This week’s episode calls upon the famous words spoken by Benjamin Franklin: “Fail to plan, plan to fail” it was also amended and used by Winston Churchill! Two world leaders who were successful through adversity, so I think they have a point.

The reason we should be planning more regularly in our landscaping, garden design or horticultural businesses is that it ensures we are firmly in the drivers seat heading towards our destination (our goals) with clear action steps and vision. Prior planning and strategy sessions can allow us to assess our goals more rigorously and ensure they adhere to the S.M.A.R.T principle (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-bound).

Think about the following; do you have goals? Have you set action steps? Milestones? Identified risks? Identified possible choices and decisions that might come up? Who is accountable? These things should be thought about and then put into action through a plan and a strategy for growing your garden design or landscaping business.

Grab your FREE goal setting templates here.

The number one thing I see happening is landscapers failing to prepare for winter and the inevitable winter woes it brings - money issues, stress, worry, dried up pipeline of work…I know this because this is what I have experienced in my business for the last 13 years! This is by definition insanity - doing the same thing, over and over and expecting a different result - Albert Einstein.

This year I am doing it differently I have decided to prepare for winter by creating a plan and a strategy to make it reduce our winter woes and leave me feeling excited in January rather than depressed and scared. I urge you to do this too.

I have identified 5 (well, possibly 6) things we can plan in order to make winter a little easier this year and start next year with clients and money in the bank.

Email me for your FREE Winter Prep call to discuss your best strategy to navigate the off season with ease. Only 2 call slots left. Don’t miss out. Be brave drop me a message, it might just be the best thing you could do now for your businesses future.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jul 12, 202311:17
The Surprising Thing I’m Doing In My Business This Summer

The Surprising Thing I’m Doing In My Business This Summer

In this episode I am talking through the surprising thing I am doing in my business this summer. It might seem too early to be doing this but I would argue we are still not preparing early enough. The thing I am talking about and planning for in my landscaping business is winter. This is the time where the weather stops play, cash dips, we close for Christmas holidays and projects are poorly managed and then over-run into the following year.

In this episode I am sharing what things I am looking at and preparing for in my landscaping business now in order to make winter easier and less stressful. Three areas in particular that I am paying attention to now are:

1. Cashflow. Monitoring cashflow and looking at ways to bring in the cash over the winter period.

2. Projects. In order to ensure great cashflow we need to pay attention to the kinds of landscaping projects we are booking in over the winter months.

3. Staff. Setting out our requirements for staff over the next year is key to

Before you go I mentioned in the podcast about some free calls that I am gifting to landscapers that decide to take action! These calls are my Winter Prep calls and aim to discuss with you how to prepare for the off season (winter) in your landscaping business. There are only 3 free calls left available (2 have already gone!) and if you are intrigued with how I, The Landscaper’s Coach, could help you in your business then grab a call just email: to schedule.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jul 05, 202314:07
Tackling Two Pain Points Head On

Tackling Two Pain Points Head On

In today’s episode of the Limitless Landscapers Podcast, I am discussing recent events in my landscaping business that brought up two pain points that many of us landscapers face: managing customer expectations and finding time to effectively run your business. 

Additionally, I address the unfortunate issue of the impact that what others do leads to devaluation within the industry and the impact it has on professionals like us.

Join me as I explore real-life client stories, share valuable insights, and offer strategies to overcome these hurdles. 

1. Customer Expectations - Balancing Dreams and Realities - unfortunately I have two client stories to share here that perfectly show expectations vs reality and despite having clear communication channels sometimes it falls on deaf ears. I also touch on the impact of other landscapers practices has on these expectations and business.

2. Time Management - Finding Balance in Business Operations - this is something I myself struggle with in my landscaping business and it is something that holds us back. We must make consistent time weekly to work on the business rather than on the business and this needs to be protected by clear set boundaries. 

In this episode, I have aimed to address two pain points in my landscaping business that can easily be affecting your landscaping business too.  By sharing real-life client stories, exploring strategies on dealing with these pains, and discussing industry perception, I aim to empower landscapers to overcome these challenges and thrive in their businesses. Join us next time on the Limitless Landscapers Podcast as we continue to delve into the limitless possibilities of the landscaping industry.

Before you go I mentioned 5 free calls that I am gifting to 5 landscapers that decide to take action! These calls are my Winter Prep calls and aim to discuss with you how to prepare for the off season (winter) in your landscaping business. There are only 5 free calls available and if you are intrigued with how I, The Landscaper’s Coach, could help you in your business then grab a call just email: to schedule.

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jun 28, 202325:27
Say No In Order To Grow

Say No In Order To Grow

This week’s episode talks about the simple word ‘no’. In both personal and business life, saying "no" can be one of the most powerful tools at our disposal. Yet, many of us struggle with setting boundaries, fearing that declining requests or opportunities will lead to missed chances or strained relationships. However, through my own real-life experience, I have learned that saying no is essential for protecting our energy and fostering personal and business growth.

In personal relationships, particularly with family and loved ones, we often feel a strong sense of obligation to say "yes" to every demand placed upon us. However, constantly overextending ourselves can lead to burnout, resentment, and neglect of our own needs. I faced a similar situation when my family expected more from me than I could reasonably give. I have decided to say no because it will help to:

1. Preserving My Energy.

2. Strengthen Relationships.

3. Self-Growth and Empowerment.

Similar to personal life, boundaries are crucial in the business world. As entrepreneurs or professionals, we often face a barrage of requests, collaborations, and opportunities. While it's tempting to say yes to everything in the pursuit of success, it can lead to overwhelm and compromise our ability to deliver our best work. By saying no strategically, we protect our time and resources, enabling us to focus on projects that align with our goals.


1. Enhanced Focus and Productivity

2. Improved Quality and Reputation

3. Work-Life Balance

Learning to say no is an essential skill for personal and business growth. It empowers us to protect our energy, set boundaries, and prioritise our well-being. By saying no strategically, we create the space necessary for personal development, healthier relationships, and enhanced business success. Embrace the power of saying no and watch yourself and your business thrive like never before.

If you are looking to build better boundaries, elevate your energy and enhance your personal development why not consider joining my new Levelling Up Mastermind. There are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support.

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jun 21, 202316:40
How important is leadership in your business?

How important is leadership in your business?

In today's episode, we will be discussing the crucial role that effective leadership plays in driving success within your business. We will explore various aspects of leadership, including vision and values, communication, boundaries, objective setting, recruitment, onboarding, and different leadership styles. So, whether you're a seasoned leader or aspiring to be one, this episode is for you.

1. Vision and Values - a strong vision and clearly defined values are the foundation of any successful business. It’s important to have a shared vision that is well communicated throughout the business.

2. Communication - is the lifeblood of any business, and effective leaders understand its significance.

3. Boundaries - setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work environment and ensuring productivity. As business owners we need to establish clear expectations, roles, and responsibilities within their teams.

4. Setting Objectives - a fundamental aspect of effective leadership. Leaders need to define and communicate specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals for their teams.

5. Good Recruitment - a company is only as strong as its people, and effective leaders understand the importance of good recruitment.

6. Onboarding - a crucial phase for new employees, and leaders play a pivotal role in ensuring a smooth transition. If done right it can help foster a sense of belonging and engagement from day one.

7. Leadership styles - these can have a profound impact on a businesse's culture, performance, and overall success. We will discuss the styles and how leaders can adapt their approach to suit different situations and team dynamics.

Remember, leadership is not just about authority; it's about inspiring, empowering, and enabling others to reach their full potential.

If you are looking to improve your leadership skills and hang out with other amazing leaders why not consider 1joining my new Levelling Up Mastermind. There are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support.

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jun 14, 202331:00
How Systems and Processes Transform Business

How Systems and Processes Transform Business

In this weeks episode I am talking about systems and processes, I know, I know the really exciting stuff in business.

However, talking from experience systems are critical if you are looking to take your business to the next level and you are planning to exit someday. What really brought this to light for me is in the taking over of my Father’s business I soon realised that it had zero systems in place and it is becoming a headache because of this.

Simple systems that need to be considered in any business are:

- How are your enquiries dealt with and by who?

- How are you keeping track of clients?

- How do you invoice, who raises and chases the invoices?

- Who monitors the bank and cashflow?

- Who deals with HR and staff?

- Who takes care of the marketing and monitors what is working or not?

- How do the staff get paid and who pays them?

There are so many more I could talk about but these are just some that have come up in my Father’s business and my own landscaping business. The main aim for my Father’s business is to sell and in order to do that we need to ensure it is systemised and making money which are not happening at the moment.

This episode follows perfectly on from my Friday Thoughts series on Instagram @thelandscaperscoach (go check it out) as I document my journey in taking over my Father’s business and this is a topic that needs a more thorough look at through the podcast.

If systems and processes are something you know you need in your business, I am here to support you. Why not consider 1:1 coaching with me or joining my new Levelling Up Mastermind. There are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support.

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Jun 07, 202318:46
Is the Price Right?

Is the Price Right?

In this weeks episode I am talking about pricing and the problems that can arise when you do not price correctly.

I am covering the importance of working out your overheads, splitting that cost out and including it in your quote, looking at and knowing your numbers, monitoring your numbers (not just financial), profit margins and ensuring your prices hit the right spot in the market.

It’s an episode that followed on from my Friday Thoughts series on Instagram @thelandscaperscoach and needed a more in-depth look at through the podcast.

If pricing and cashflow and breakeven points freak you out, I am here to support you. Why not consider 1:1 coaching with me or joining my new Levelling Up Mastermind. There are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support.

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 31, 202317:25
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck

In this weeks episode I am talking about the subtle art of not giving a fck! What is this? It’s the art of letting go of unnecessary worries and expectations. It leads to overwhelm, demotivation, overanalysing, comparisonitis, fear of failure and low energy. Why is not giving a f*ck important? When you start to let go you can begin to breathe a little easier and enjoy life alot more! To cultivate a "not giving a f*ck" attitude, here are just some strategies you can employ:

  1. Identify your core values and re-commit to your goals
  2. Practice mindfulness (get curious) to become aware of your thoughts and emotions. 
  3. Challenge and reframe negative thoughts and perspectives. Train yourself to see setbacks as valuable lessons rather than failures.
  4. Embrace imperfection and let go of the need for everything to be perfect. Embracing imperfections allows for growth and innovation.
  5. Establish clear boundaries to protect your time, energy, and mental well-being. Learn to say "no" to requests or tasks that don't align with your priorities or values. 
  6. EDevelop a healthy relationship with failure. See failures as stepping stones to success rather than personal shortcomings. 
  7.  Build a network of like-minded individuals who share similar values and aspirations. Surrounding yourself with supportive and positive people can boost your confidence, provide valuable feedback, and help you maintain a not giving a f*ck attitude.
  8. Prioritise self-care activities that nourish your mind, body, and soul. 
  9. Instead of constantly comparing yourself to others, focus on your own journey and progress. Remember, your path is unique, and comparing yourself to others only detracts from your own success.
  10. View challenges as opportunities to learn and grow. Open your mind to possibilities and solutions rather than focusing on the problem.

If you need support or help in navigating your journey as a landscaping business owner then consider 1:1 coaching with me or joining my new Levelling Up Mastermind. There are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support.

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 25, 202336:19
What's Your Excuse?

What's Your Excuse?

In this episode I am talking about excuses, stories we tell ourselves and self limiting beliefs that hold us back in life and business.

The problem with these self led stories and excuses are that they almost always are the reason we are stuck in business. They are born from fear, fear of failure, fear of the unknown and often past experiences. They come in the form of:

“I’m not good enough”

“I’m not smart enough”

“I don’t have enough time”

“I don’t have enough money”

“I don’t have enough experience”

“I’m too old/young”

“It’s too hard”

“I’ll never be successful”

The list goes on. Essentially these are judgements based on your self limiting beliefs. Self limiting beliefs are ones that have the greatest potential for impacting negatively on you reaching your full potential. They are developed to protect us from future pain. This leads to them stopping you from or holding you back from living the life you have always dreamed of.

How do you work through them?

1. Identify them as they arise

2. Pull apart the belief/ get to the bottom of why you have it

3. Assess the accuracy of the belief - find proof and examples of why it is BS

4. Track your behaviour as only then can you begin to change it

5. Focus on the positive. Practice gratitude, positive affirmations, set intentions and most importantly begin to reframe the beliefs

6. Never give up.

Choose happy 🙂

If you are looking for help and support in your landscaping business there are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support and see all of the benefits as detailed in last week’s podcast episode (listen here).

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 17, 202321:05
Client Magnet: The Power of Attracting Your Ideal Clients

Client Magnet: The Power of Attracting Your Ideal Clients

On this weeks podcast episode we're going to talk about the importance of ideal client profiling in your landscaping business. As a business owner, you probably already know how critical it is to understand who your ideal client is. However, do you know how to create an ideal client profile, and more importantly, what impact this has on your marketing and lead generation efforts?

First, let's talk about why knowing your ideal client is so important. When you understand who your ideal client is, you can tailor your marketing efforts to appeal directly to them. This makes your marketing messages more effective and allows you to generate more leads and close more sales.

Creating an ideal client profile involves identifying your target audience's characteristics and behaviors, such as their age, gender, income level, interests, and pain points. This information will help you develop marketing messages that resonate with them and position your services as the solution to their problems.

Knowing your ideal client also helps you focus your marketing efforts on the platforms where they spend most of their time. For example, if your ideal client is a busy professional, you might want to focus your marketing efforts on social media platforms like LinkedIn, where they're more likely to be active.

Understanding your ideal client and creating an ideal client profile is critical for any landscaping business's success. It allows you to develop more effective marketing messages, generate more leads, and close more sales. So, take the time to identify who your ideal client is and develop a plan to market to them directly. Your business will thank you for it!

If you are looking for help and support in your landscaping business there are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support and see all of the benefits as detailed in last week’s podcast episode (listen here).

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 10, 202321:14
Digging Deeper: Why Running a Landscaping Business is Anything but Easy!

Digging Deeper: Why Running a Landscaping Business is Anything but Easy!

This week’s podcast episode is all about how running a business is not the easy choice! Running a business can be extremely challenging & complex for many reasons. As landscaping business owners we have to contend with the normal business complexities as well as the skills shortage in the industry, the unpredictable weather, the seasonality & more! However, I am not here to be all doom and gloom, rather I want to connect you back to your business. Having had a number of conversations with my clients as The Landscapers Coach, when business is difficult or going through a tough stage you can feel like giving up or you can feel pulled between growing the business and pulling it back. Here are 6 questions ( actions) I would like you to think about if, like me you are on the pendulum swing of hate and love for your business at the moment:

  1. What is your why? Why are you running a landscaping or design business? What is the reason? Who are you doing it for? This is an important question to answer as it will directly relate to your ultimate decision on how to move forward.
  2. What is your endgame or exit strategy? Are you looking to sell, pass it down to family or something else? This will definitely impact on your decision on moving forward & links into the next consideration.
  3. What are your goals? For the next month, year, 3 years & onwards to exit. Then most importantly consider the plan on how to achieve them. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. 
  4. What’s your 20 minutes a day being spent on? If we make consistent effort, consistently the results are phenomenal. What is the thing or things you are putting off because you feel like the task is too big or overwhelming? Break it down into 20 minute chunks you would be amazed at what you can achieve 
  5. Set yourself a routine. Sounds simple, yet probably the most difficult one on the list. The thing is if you create a routine that is enjoyable, simple to do & has positive impact on you & your business you won’t stop doing it & it should become a habit. Routines are essential for maintaining a sense of structure, organisation, & balance in our lives. While it can be tempting to resist routines or resist structure, establishing healthy routines can have a significant impact on our overall well-being & productivity.
  6. Create your daily to-do list. We all have to-do lists as long as our arms & that is great to get everything out of your head and down on paper. However, it can be overwhelming & by not completing it you leave open loops in your brain which is not good. Therefore if you can create a daily to-do list (created from your entire master to-do list), a maximum of 3-4 to-dos that you can REALISTICALLY complete in the day, you will find less overwhelm and more achievement.

Overall, running a business requires a wide range of skills & knowledge, & it can be a challenging & demanding undertaking. While it can also be incredibly rewarding, it's important for all business owners to understand the complexities and potential pitfalls of running a business too! If you are looking for help &support in your landscaping business there are only TWO seats left available to join me, The Landscapers Coach, within my first coaching programme & Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support and see all of the benefits as detailed in last week’s podcast episode (listen here).

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email & I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit! 

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoachFollow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


May 03, 202325:03
Masterminds vs Group Coaching: What’s Best for Business Success

Masterminds vs Group Coaching: What’s Best for Business Success

This week’s podcast episode is talking about masterminds vs group coaching in light of the changes happening over here in TLC. Changes are happening so that I can offer a better, more laser focused service to those of you who are looking to up level your landscaping business.

I have chosen to change the format to a mix of 1:1 coaching and bi-monthly masterminds with in-between ‘nudges’. But why is this preferable over group coaching? A mastermind is a meeting of minds in order to pull upon individuals experiences and enable us to collaboratively help each other. Group coaching tends to be individual coaching by one coach in a group setting.

The proof is in the results, studies show that there is evidence to suggest that masterminds and 1:1 coaching can be highly effective in helping individuals achieve their goals and improve their performance and a study conducted by Manchester Inc. found that coaching led to a 60% increase in goal achievement compared to individuals who were not coached! It has also been found that clients who received coaching reported a wide range of benefits, including improved communication skills, increased self-awareness, and better work performance

These statistics provide some evidence of the success of coaching, it's important to note that coaching is a highly personalised process, and individual results may vary. The effectiveness of coaching is also highly dependent on the quality of the coaching relationship, the coach's expertise, and the individual's commitment to the coaching process.

The investment of time and money into a coach and a mastermind is significant but it therefore means the best people attend and do the work. This is proven not only in studies that show coaching gets you an average return on investment of 5-7 times, but also it is proven in the charging for site visits debate. In my landscaping business I charge for site visits and when I don’t the client never chooses us. Why? Because they do not see the value and they are not invested. Same goes for a mastermind and coaching opportunity.

There are a small number of seats available to join me The Landscapers Coach within my first coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. It’s an opportunity to join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support and see all of the benefits detailed in this podcast!

Want to find out more? DM me or send an email and I can book you in for a FREE discovery call to ensure we are a great fit!

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Apr 26, 202322:03
Quarter Two: Setting Goals and Realigning with Your Vision

Quarter Two: Setting Goals and Realigning with Your Vision

This week’s podcast episode is called ‘Quarter Two: Setting Goals and Realigning with Your Vision’. Most of us business owners will have set our yearly goals at the end of 2022/ beginning of 2023 but as we are well and truly into quarter two do we need to reset those goals and most importantly realign with them.

Why is quarterly goal setting important for your landscaping or design company? Many reasons:

  • It helps you break down your goal into quarters therefore focusing on the small steps not the huge mountain
  • Small steps are way more easier to achieve
  • You can review quarterly to see if there are any issues that crop up and improvements you can make
  • Helps with short term planning
  • Enables you to set realistic targets

How do you set goals?

  1. Set your annual goals e.g. add a new service, increase profit etc.
  2. What tasks do you need to do to achieve this i.e. recruitment, marketing etc.
  3. Assign the tasks to specific months
  4. Create timelines for each goal being realistic (use the SMART principle of goal setting)
  5. Delegate what you can and ensure everyone in the company knows the goals of the business

How do you set goals? I understand that as landscapers you get busy and the plan usually goes out of the window but it is really important to keep your goals front and centre in order to push yourself to do those tasks that will move the business towards the end goal. Productivity plays a big part and setting boundaries. Check out the episode all about setting boundaries here if you struggle with this or check out this episode on time management here.

Helping you set and work towards your goals are exactly what I can help you with as The Landscapers Coach within my new coaching programme and Levelling Up mastermind. Join a small select group of other landscaper’s looking to level up themselves and their businesses with my support. Want to find out more? Email 

The Landscaper’s Coach & Podcast

Call us on: 02381 800 102


Send us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.

Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoach

Follow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast

Follow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaula


Apr 19, 202324:59
13 Years of Wisdom: Lessons Learned from Running a Business

13 Years of Wisdom: Lessons Learned from Running a Business

This week’s podcast episode is drawing on my experience in running and growing a landscaping and garden design business for the last 13 years with my husband! Lots of takeaways and opinions within this episode, not to mention lessons learned!Certainly, here are six lessons that one might learn from running a landscaping and garden design business for 13 years:

  1. Adaptability is key: One of the most important skills to develop as a business owner is the ability to adapt quickly to changing circumstances. Economic conditions, customer preferences, and industry trends can all change rapidly, and those who can pivot their strategies and offerings are more likely to survive and thrive.
  2. Hire slow, fire fast: Building a business centres all around your staff. When you rush into hiring due to demand you run the risk of hiring the wrong people. Then to hesitate in firing can mean more problems and impact on your business. The same applies to growth too.
  3. Focus on cash flow: Profitability is important, but cash flow is king. It's essential to manage cash flow carefully and plan for the ups and downs of revenue and expenses. This means keeping a close eye on accounts receivable and payable, managing inventory effectively, and staying on top of expenses.
  4. Charge a site visit fee: The single most important change I made in my business was to charge for a site visit. It is the ultimate loss leader or tripwire in that it gets potential clients to spend a small amount of money with you, which then builds a connection with the business, If you then deliver on the service they are more likely to buy from you.
  5. Quality vs quantity: This is not only important when it come to clients but also very applicable to marketing. Quality, well targeted marketing is more important than high volume untargetted marketing. The only way you will know what works is to try things and then track and monitor their success.
  6. Keep learning and get accountability: The business landscape is constantly evolving, and successful business owners never stop learning. Reading industry publications, attending conferences, seeking out mentors, and staying up to date on trends and best practices are all essential to staying competitive and growing a business. Getting a business coach and mentor is key for any business and something that I have never looked back from.

I have worked with my business coach for years and continue to do so to help me keep accountable and feel surrounded by the right people. Looking for a coach and mentor with experience in owning and running a landscaping business? Get in touch, I am The Landscaper’s Coach and I got your back in business  For a free discovery call get in touch in all the usual ways below. The Landscaper’s Circle & PodcastCall us on: 02381 800 102Email: us a DM on Instagram with any questions you might have @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcast.Follow TLC on Instagram: @TheLandscapersCoachFollow our Podcast on Instagram: @thelimitlesslandscaperspodcastFollow me! Paula Warman on Instagram: @warmanpaulaWebsite:

Apr 12, 202328:42