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The Love You Want, It Starts With You!

The Love You Want, It Starts With You!

By Anne Hellgren

The mission of The Love You Want podcast is to create a space where you can learn how to empower yourselves in your relationships. While the focus is mostly on romantic relationships, we also discuss relationships with your family and children as they have a profound effect on your romantic life. We cover topics around how to gain self-worth, self-clarity, great communication skills, and an empowered mindset. This show will give you the knowledge and tools to help you attract and maintain the kind of relationship you truly desire and deserve! Connect with Anne at
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Episode 2: Why You MUST Have Self-Clarity in Your Relationships!

The Love You Want, It Starts With You!Jun 23, 2022

Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience - Interviewed by Caroline Carey of Soul Purpose Podcast

Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience - Interviewed by Caroline Carey of Soul Purpose Podcast

This is an interview I had as a guest on the Soul Purpose Podcast by Caroline Carey. I had a deep, honest and raw conversation about some of the struggles I experienced growing up during my childhood, teen years and adult life.  

“Who would YOU really be if you: 

  1. Got rid of your unwanted cultural, religious, parental or societal programming? 
  2. Stopped worrying about what others think of you? 
  3. Showed up for yourself and your loved ones more authentically? 

Read that again.” 

- Anne Hellgren  


The aim of sharing this episode is the hope that we can learn that our difficulties do not need to define our future. We have the ability and power to work on ourselves and the healing we need. We can choose another path other than the one we have experienced or normalized through societal, cultural, or other such programming. If we want another path for our life, then we must intentionally and actively choose to do the work to get to where we want to go. It is not easy, but we must be brave enough to break those dysfunctional patterns.  


Make sure you listen to the full episode as it is really about inspiring and encouraging people to overcome challenges and thrive past them. This is an impactful episode – one I truly believe everyone should listen to as we all experience certain levels of programming or trauma.  


If you have found this useful and know someone who needs to hear this message, please share it with them. It will not only benefit them, but you could also gain the awesome feeling of knowing that you are blessing someone else through your share! 


If you want to know more about how to work on overcoming your own challenges or programming, email me at Let’s create the future you deserve and desire together!  


Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me! 


With love, xx 

Connect with Anne Hellgren: 

Jun 06, 202449:60
Episode 100: Biggest Lessons Learnt from 100 Episodes

Episode 100: Biggest Lessons Learnt from 100 Episodes

This episode is a celebration of lessons learnt or shared across the 100 episodes of my podcast! I look back at some of the best and most impactful and most shared episodes and create something I find empowering, insightful, and inspiring! 

“Being right is overrated. Give me Peace Instead.

  • Spiritual Peace so I can forgive, let go, and move on.

  • Physical Peace so I can invest my presence & time with the right people.

  • Emotional Peace so I spend my energy intentionally and joyfully.

  • Mental Peace so I have the wisdom of discernment.”

- Anne Hellgren

Here's the lessons I share with you!

  1. You are stronger than you think.

  2. You will have to win wounded.

  3. Be intentional with your life.

  4. Practicing gratitude is life-changing.

  5. Give your pain a purpose.

  6. Let go of things and people who don’t serve you.

  7. Learn to love your authentic self.

  8. Trust and act on your intuition.

  9. Protect your peace and energy.

  10. Raise your standards.

I want to thank you all who have been a part of this journey in any capacity! It means so much to me that I've made it here and so grateful for all the feedback I've been getting! 

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe/follow and like the podcast! It helps me reach out to more people and make the impact I aspire to make globally!

With love and Here's to many more! Xx


Anne Hellgren Coaching

Founder,  Certified Coach, Podcast Host & Board Member

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

May 30, 202438:39
Episode 99: Stop Repeating Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns 

Episode 99: Stop Repeating Dysfunctional Relationship Patterns 

This is taken from an episode where David Roberts interviewed me on his podcast, ‘People with Purpose.’ David and I discuss self-worth, surrounding yourself with the right people, and taking responsibility for your health and choices. We also discuss the importance of living an authentic life rather than one expected of you or simply to please others. 


“If you had 1 year to live:  

  • What would you stop doing that no longer serves you?  

  • What would you start doing?  

  • Most importantly- WHO would you really want to spend more time with?  

Start now… You might not even have that 1 year left…” - Anne Hellgren 


  • We all develop bad habits, including entering and staying in bad relationships. Fortunately, habits can be broken. 

  • Children who see ongoing abuse in the family tend to be more likely to tolerate or perpetuate it in their adult lives because it feels normal to them. 

  • Build a strong relationship with your kids, have deep conversations with them, and stay approachable so they feel confident about opening up to you as they grow up. 

  • Many bad decisions could be avoided if we learned to love ourselves more and recognize our self-worth.  

  • Periodically, pause and review your life—the direction you are going in—and ask if your relationships, friends, jobs, etc. are still serving you. 

  • Worrying too much about what others think of you will hinder your growth and happiness. 

  • Take the time to assess and question your religious or cultural programming. Many of us go through unnecessary pain and unhappiness following traditions and beliefs created by previous generations that neither apply to us anymore nor serve us at all. 

If you have found this useful and know someone who needs to hear this message, please share it with them. It will not only benefit them, but you could also gain the awesome feeling of knowing that you are blessing someone else through your share! 


If you want to know more about creating your own MBOD or examine your existing circle, email me at Let’s create the future you deserve and desire together!  


Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me!  

With love, xx 

Connect with Anne Hellgren: 

May 23, 202401:00:42
Episode 98: How To Feel More Aliveness!
May 09, 202427:02
Episode 97: How To Manifest What You Want

Episode 97: How To Manifest What You Want

May 02, 202427:57
Episode 96: Winning While Wounded

Episode 96: Winning While Wounded

We all experience low points at some point in our lives; sometimes, those periods last longer than we would wish. In this episode, I want to share my concept of “winning while wounded” so you understand you have the power to choose the right next steps to get you out of this low state. I also share with you a concept I created that has repeatedly helped me tremendously—I call it “My Board Of Directors” or MBOD.

“Some people have the best intentions and your best interest at heart- but if they have no knowledge or experience in that particular area, that advice could still harm you. Learn to discern between good intentions vs. knowledge & experience.” - Anne Hellgren

If you want to know how to actively create a circle of people around you who can influence and improve your life, this episode is for you! Whether you don’t have a strong circle of positive influence or are looking to improve certain aspects of your existing circle, I promise you will have valuable insights from this episode!

If you have found this useful and know someone who needs to hear this message, please share it with them. It will not only benefit them, but you could also gain the awesome feeling of knowing that you are blessing someone else through your share!

If you want to know more about creating your own MBOD or examine your existing circle, email me at Let’s create the future you deserve and desire together! 

Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Apr 25, 202435:30
Episode 95: 5 Ways To Deepen Your Connections

Episode 95: 5 Ways To Deepen Your Connections

Humans are social creatures, and belonging is crucial for our well-being. When you feel connected to others, you feel like you're part of something bigger than yourself, which can boost your self-esteem and overall happiness.

Strong social connections have also been linked to lower levels of stress. Knowing that you have a support system to lean on can help you cope with life's challenges more effectively and decrease feelings of anxiety.

Research suggests that people with strong social connections tend to live longer, healthier lives. Whether through emotional support, encouragement to adopt healthier habits, or simply having someone to share activities with, connections can positively impact your physical well-being.

How to build a connection with others:

  1. Be Authentic - Be true to yourself and let your genuine personality shine through. Authenticity builds trust and makes it easier for others to connect with you on a deeper level. Don't be afraid to share your thoughts, feelings, and vulnerabilities. 
  2. Being Present—Whether you're face-to-face or online, people can tell when you’re not fully present for them. 
  3. Understanding and Empathy—How understanding are you of other people's needs? How empathic are you of others? Building connections with people from diverse backgrounds cultivates empathy and understanding. It helps you recognize and appreciate individual differences, fostering a more inclusive and compassionate worldview.
  4. Be curious about other people. Ask questions that many others wouldn’t in a real effort to learn more about them.
  5. Engage in Deep Conversations: Move beyond small talk and engage in meaningful conversations with others. Discuss topics that matter to you on a deeper level, such as philosophy, spirituality, or personal values. These conversations can lead to greater intimacy and understanding in your relationships.

Please do those you care about a favor and share this episode with them. I promise you, many need to hear this more than you can imagine. Be that person in their lives who gives words of comfort and growth.

Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Apr 18, 202428:13
Episode 94: Give Your Pain A Purpose

Episode 94: Give Your Pain A Purpose

If you want extra motivation, encouragement, and empowerment, this episode is it! It takes on a slightly different format than usual but promises to inspire you out of any funk or simply uplift you higher than you currently are. 

“We all suffer hardships as part of the human experience. We also have a choice on whether we can give our pain a purpose or whether our new purpose becomes to live in pain.” Anne Hellgren


I will focus on the following points: 


  • How to find the purpose of your struggles and pain. 
  • Making better decisions through your past negative (and positive) experiences. 
  • My own stories of family deaths, divorce, and miscarriages. 
  • How the hand of God has carried me and can carry you through it all. 
  • You are still here- your purpose is far from done! 

This episode has a sensitive context that some listeners may find challenging. If you find yourself affected by the context of this episode—or any other episodes on this podcast—please contact me at anne@annehellgren for a 30-minute complimentary consultation.  

Please also share this episode with anyone who could use words of encouragement, hope, and strength. Sometimes, it’s just one thing people take that changes everything for them!  


Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me!  

With love, xx 

Connect with Anne Hellgren: 

Apr 11, 202434:57
Episode 93: Don’t Give Up On Yourself!
Apr 04, 202424:41
Episode 92: Be Intentional With Your Life

Episode 92: Be Intentional With Your Life

This episode needs to be shared as I believe too many people are living life passively instead of intentionally. People do not reach their true potential living a life where coasting is the norm, or where they settle for what they get rather than questioning if there is more they could be doing or giving. 

So I ask that you honestly ask yourself where, if any, of these areas of your life are you not giving it your all? Where have you yet to give intentional and conscious efforts to improve or even start building on? 

“If you’re not living intentionally, you are living passively- there is no in-between.” Anne Hellgren

As usual, be kind to yourself and have self-grace when going through each point. This is about self-empowerment, not a chance for self-criticism. But also be honest with yourself, for it is neither a space for denial if you are to gain from listening to the episode. 

The five areas of intentional living I discuss are:

  • Physical health 
  • Mental Health 
  • Spiritual Health 
  • Emotional Health 
  • Financial Health 

As usual, if you have been affected by any of these topics, please feel free to contact me for a free 20-minute consultation.

Please do those you care about a favor and share this episode with them. I promise you, many need to hear this more than you can imagine. Be that person in their lives who gives words of comfort and growth.

Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Mar 28, 202429:05
Episode 91: How To Stop Self-Sabotage

Episode 91: How To Stop Self-Sabotage

Let’s spend time together on this episode discussing something that doesn’t get enough air time. I think it’s important because it has the potential to make or break whatever we do in all areas of our lives. This is our tendency to self-sabotage ourselves.

“Not loving and respecting yourself is in itself a way of self-sabotage. Therefore, it becomes impossible to self-sabotage when you’ve mastered self-love and self-respect.” Anne Hellgren

We have all said or heard it said by others, why do “these kinds of things keep happening to me?” or some variation of it. When we experience negative or difficult situations, our first instinct isn’t self-reflection to see our role in them. At least not for most. But, I want to challenge you through this episode to start asking yourself what role you played in getting the experience you are going through. 

This isn’t about beating yourself up or shaming yourself. It’s about learning how you sabotaged the results or experiences that you wanted. 

I will share with you a couple of signs that you may be self-sabotaging yourself before discussing why you may be doing so. I will then share with you a couple of ideas on how to stop this soul-destroying practice and learn to live the life you want instead. Let’s be honest: These self-sabotaging behaviors may serve a purpose, but they’re definitely not the results we desire or should strive for.

Some of the things discussed in this show will include: 

  • Substance Abuse
  • Negative thought patterns
  • Procrastination and Avoidance
  • Impulsive Actions
  • Low Self- esteem 
  • Past Trauma
  • Fear of failure or success
  • Self-awareness, patterns, and triggers
  • Seeking help 
  • Practicing self grace and self-love

Please do those you care about a favor and share this episode with them. I promise you, many need to hear this more than you can imagine. Be that person in their lives who gives words of comfort and growth.

Please subscribe and rate the podcast if you enjoyed this episode! It would mean a lot to me! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Mar 21, 202442:03
Episode 90: What I Learned at My Lowest Moments

Episode 90: What I Learned at My Lowest Moments

Mar 14, 202421:14
Episode 89: Who and What Is Lowering Your Standards?

Episode 89: Who and What Is Lowering Your Standards?

Mar 07, 202438:54
Episode 88: Pushing Through the Funk

Episode 88: Pushing Through the Funk

We know we have all been there, that place of feeling down and stuck in a state of funk that we desperately despair of being in, but struggle to get out of.

“Accept those emotions rather than ignore them, in that way, you can truly start to work on them.” - Anne Hellgren

It's important to know that there's nothing wrong with you when you find yourself there. However, and I stress this, if you constantly find yourself in a state of feeling very low and/or for long periods of time, please seek professional help. 

This episode is about the everyday things and emotions we experience as part of life. The ones that throw us off course and get us stuck in an unhappy or emotionally unhealthy state. 

I share 5 things that can help us overcome those funk moments and help us deal with what we are feeling and thinking. Instead, we climb out of it, at our own pace, and find the peace we long for.

  • Acknowledge them for what they truly are.
  • Accept the emotions -don't resist or ignore them
  • Zoom out 
  • Reframe
  • Emotional, Spiritual and Mental Regulation 

I hope this episode truly serves you and learn to work through the funk in a more productive and efficient manner. Remember, you are not alone on this journey, even if it sometimes feels like it. 

So, can you please do those you care about a favour and share this episode with them? I promise you, many need to hear this more than you can imagine. Be that person in their lives who gives words of comfort and growth.

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Feb 29, 202436:10
Episode 87: Does Love At First Sight Exist? - An episode from Relationship Secrets Unlocked Series

Episode 87: Does Love At First Sight Exist? - An episode from Relationship Secrets Unlocked Series

This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.” Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss if love at first sight does exist! 

“When love builds up too fast, I believe it’s important to take a moment to tune into your intuition. Ask yourself if it is love, attraction, or just lust. While all 3 can exist at the same time, confusing lust for love can be a messing game!” Anne Hellgren

We discuss where love at first sight really exists or whether we are confusing it for lust, or attraction at first sight. We also discuss how the various cultures, religions, backgrounds, and experiences of all 5 panelists feel about this topic. I promise you a very interesting discussion given the various personalities in the group and where our passions and expertise lay. 

“Relationship Secrets Unlocked" is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively.

As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Feb 22, 202451:13
Episode 86: Asher Wright Joins Me To Discuss What It Means To Matter!

Episode 86: Asher Wright Joins Me To Discuss What It Means To Matter!

Asher Wright, an immigrant from Jamaica and a proud U.S. citizen, is deeply connected to his Jamaican roots. A 22-year veteran of the U.S. Army, he has transitioned to entrepreneurship with a mission to empower immigrants and veterans. Through his venture, Asher focuses on the theme 'To matter or to matter again,' a reflection of what his clients – immigrants and veterans – are seeking. His work is dedicated to helping them build better lives for their families and find significance in their journeys. As a Wisdom Coach and passionate writer, Asher gathers and shares transformative wisdom from ordinary people with extraordinary stories.

“If you’re never failing in life it means that you’re not pushing yourself enough. Fail and fail again - learn from the failures - but never be so afraid you fail to start at all.” Anne Hellgren

Listen to an episode about what it means to matter when you’re an immigrant or find yourself in a world that is unfamiliar to you. How do we keep ourselves feeling empowered when we might not feel that way? 

We also talk about what it takes to find our purpose and feel value through the way we love ourselves.  

If you enjoyed this episode, please could you SHARE it with others? We all need a word of encouragement and you never know who may especially need this message today! 

With love, Anne xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Connect with Asher Wright:

Feb 15, 202438:59
Episode 85: The Importance of Your Circle Of People - Interview with Natalie Arabella Bailey

Episode 85: The Importance of Your Circle Of People - Interview with Natalie Arabella Bailey

I am joined by Natalie Arabella Bailey on this interview to discuss the importance of who and what we allow into our lives, and making the conscious decision to make the changes necessary. 

 “I think it’s great to be as honest as you can with others, BUT, I don’t believe everyone deserves your vulnerability. If you don’t feel safe and open enough in a relationship, romantic or non-romantic, exercise wisdom in what you share.” Anne Hellgren

Natalie is a Property Developer, Coach, and Mentor, with a passion for health, wealth, and happiness. 

This is a very inspirational podcast on how to improve all areas of your health, that is, spiritual, physical, emotional, and mental health. We also talk about confidence and how all these factors go on to affect all other areas of your life! 

If you’re looking to hear inspirational stories and get a boost in your motivation to improve your life- this is for you! I promise it will leave you feeling empowered to achieve higher and new heights! 

Natalie co-owns a property company with her mum, which also makes for a great conversation on how to navigate relationships with family members when it can be challenging to do so!

If you are struggling to live the life you desire, please reach out to for a complimentary coaching call as thank you for being a listener to this podcast.

If you enjoyed this episode, please could you SHARE it with others? We all need a word of encouragement and you never know who may especially need this message today! 

With love, Anne xx

Connect with Natalie Arabella Bailey: 

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Feb 08, 202437:38
Episode 84: How Do Expectations Affect Your Relationship? An Episode From Relationship Secrets Unlocked

Episode 84: How Do Expectations Affect Your Relationship? An Episode From Relationship Secrets Unlocked

This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.” Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss how collective and individual expectations affect our relationships!

“If we took time in the beginning to get clarity on the expectations of ourselves, our partner, and the relationship itself, and communicated it, it would save us a lot of conflict and heartache in the long run.” Anne Hellgren

The word “expectations” can elicit a lot of emotions and reactions, and I have seen this to be true with the backlash I have previously received on social media when using it. 

A much-contested and very interesting topic when debated from the perspective of 5 women from different cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds! 

We explore whether we should have expectations in a relationship from our partners and our own roles in the relationship and how they are formed by our own cultures, religion, values, upbrings, and so on. And what happens when we don’t communicate these expectations from the beginning of the relationship? 

What also happens when our expectations vary vastly from those of our partner? How do we navigate this- if we can at all. 

Be ready for an episode that keeps it real and be warned that it may ruffle some feathers as there are some unexpected and/or shocking views shared!

“Relationship Secrets Unlocked" is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively.

As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Feb 01, 202433:58
Episode 83: Family Relationship Breakdowns and What To Do - Interview with Jenny Mitchell

Episode 83: Family Relationship Breakdowns and What To Do - Interview with Jenny Mitchell

I’m joined by Jenny Micthell, who co-owns and runs two property businesses with her husband. She is also a very honest, positive, and beautiful ray of lovely energy! In this episode, Jenny and I talk about the relationship breakdowns in families. All relationships in our lives can have a profound effect on us and Jenny’s story will definitely move you to your core. 

“Having your family relationship break down can cause trauma and hurt. If you wish to heal from it, you must first accept the truth of the situation. That is, is this something you want and/or should fix? And second, forgive them and yourself as needed. Only then can you start on your healing journey.” - Anne Hellgren

In her 20s she found out that her sister was having an affair with her best friend and confronted her sister about it and told her parents. This resulted in her being abandoned by her whole family and she has not been in contact with them for over 23 years, despite her attempts to build bridges.

Jenny shares how this break in the relationship between her and her family drove her to a drinking problem that lasted over 10 years before she finally quit drinking. She also shares the trauma experienced from this loss and the effects on her marriage and parenting. 

She shares openly about what healing methodologies helped her to deal with the trauma and loss, in the hope that others may be inspired to reach out for help as well. 

Living with undealt open wounds can be destructive. If you also find yourself or someone you know in need of help to deal with relationship breakdowns that are affecting them, please reach out to me at for help. 

The longer we go on suffering in silence the more precious time we waste in that sad, angry, depressed, frustrated, or defeated state. You can change that now. 

If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast? 

If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Jenny Mitchell: 

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jan 25, 202433:35
Episode 82: Do Soul Mates Exist? An Episode with Alexander McDonell

Episode 82: Do Soul Mates Exist? An Episode with Alexander McDonell

This episode is taken from The Art Of Connection series created by Alexander and I. We ask, how do we define soul mates and what does it really mean to be a soul mate? And what’s the difference between a soul mate and a twin flame? Alexander and I go deep and honest about the concept of whether we are really made to have that one particular person who is amazingly and “perfectly” made for you. Or if you meet someone and together you make each other perfect for each other. Or can you have more than one soul mate? 

"I believe that Soul mates are not found. They are recognized – two hearts resonating in harmony, sensed in a timeless connection that echoes through the depths of existence." Anne Hellgren

The other question is, how do we know when we have found our soul mate? Are there any signs to look out for or is it just something we inherently know within us? 

This is a deep conversation and may have very different views but join us as we unpack this interesting topic and get some insights that will challenge your views on the idea of a soul mate! Make sure you listen to the full episode!

If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast? 

If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Alexander McDonell:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jan 18, 202432:35
Episode 81: Overcoming Cultural Programming to Empower Yourself with Shreya Parekh

Episode 81: Overcoming Cultural Programming to Empower Yourself with Shreya Parekh

I'm joined by Shreya Parekh, host of the EmpowerHer Podcast and inspirational woman who is giving women a platform to share their stories to help empower other women into their highest selves through their stories. 

“Evaluate what cultural programming you have and notice if it’s serving your authentic self and values. Keep those that are, and change those that aren’t. It may not be easy, but well worth it if you’re seeking true happiness.” Anne Hellgren

Shreya and I discuss our shared stories of the complexities around being a strong and outspoken woman in cultures that look down on that. She has accomplished more in her life and education than was expected of her, especially being brought up in an Asian society by a single mum. She also shares views around how the Asian culture she grew up in had racist and sexist views and how she navigated around that, given it was so far removed from her own values and beliefs. 

We also talk about how our health and relationships affect all other areas of our lives! This was a significant lesson that we learned through the pandemic, and I believe the lessons should continue to be applied. 

This podcast is for people who are looking to empower themselves as a whole- from a spiritual, health, and relationship aspect. You will learn that once you have worked on these areas- all other areas of your life start to improve- including your financial growth.

If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast? 

If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Shreya Parekh:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jan 11, 202443:18
Episode 80: When is Enough Enough?
Jan 04, 202424:39
Episode 79: The Power Of Forgiveness

Episode 79: The Power Of Forgiveness

In todays divided and divisive society where people are so quick to pass judgment on to others, it’s important to talk about forgiveness when we feel we’ve been wronged. I see forgiveness as a conscious effort to let go of feeling anger, hurt, and other negative emotions that have held you back from progressing the way you desire.

“If your lack of forgiveness is crippling your soul and spirit, be assured that it’s also affecting you physically in the long term. Sometimes we need to find forgiveness towards those who hurt us, so we can stop hurting ourselves with past events that we cannot change.” - Anne Hellgren

In this episode, I encourage people to think about the following:

  • What does it mean to forgive?
  • When we forgive others for our own sake and healing.
  • The benefits of forgiveness.
  • How your lack of forgiveness and anger can be poisoning your spirit. 
  • Forgiving yourself and having self-grace for yourself.

I really think a lot of people need to hear this message to start on their own healing journey around forgiving those who have wronged them. I promise you, building a forgiving spirit can be one of the best gifts you give yourself! So please share this episode and help create a more compassionate and loving effect that is much needed today! 

If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favor? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW it?

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Dec 28, 202323:32
Episode 78: Dealing With Finances in a Relationship

Episode 78: Dealing With Finances in a Relationship

A much-contested and very interesting topic when debated from the perspective of 5 women from different cultural, racial, and religious backgrounds!

“I think if people had a very honest conversation about financial expectations of each other before getting married or cohabiting, it would save them both a lot of heartache and stress.” - Anne Hellgren

This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.” Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss how money affects relationships!

This is what makes this episode about money such a dynamic and insightful conversation as we explore how our identity created from our programming affects how we see finances in our relationships.  

Be ready for an episode that keeps it real and be warned that it may ruffle some feathers as there are some unexpected and/or shocking views shared!

Relationship Secrets Unlocked" is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively.

As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Dec 21, 202339:32
Episode 77: Protect Your Peace & Pick Peace Over Drama

Episode 77: Protect Your Peace & Pick Peace Over Drama

You will never bloom into your full potential while planted in polluted or toxic soil!

“We need to consciously and actively make choices about what we are removing and what we are allowing into our lives. I want to remind you that YOU have power over the level of peace you experience- so make choices that birth peace, not drama.” Anne Hellgren

We rarely need to look hard to find things and people that are readily and keen to steal our peace. Sometimes it’s not even done consciously but by the content we consume on TV, social media, news etc. What we fail to notice is how these constant negative or divisive messages affect us. And sometimes it’s a completely intentional attempt to steal our peace from people who thrive in drama. Either way, I encourage you to enter a season and lifetime of a peaceful attitude and spirit. 

Getting the right kind of people into your life will be a game changer for you in all areas of your life. You cannot thrive in an environment that distracts you with negativity. Or gets you to focus on non-sense issues, while the things that really matter to you fall off your schedule or priority. 

Listen in to this episode to understand how you can get the following:

  • Emotional detachment 
  • Psychological detachment 
  • Physical detachment
  • Improved communication
  • How your own behaviour is changed by constant and intense toxic environments
  • How your own mindset if affected by toxic people or things

I really think a lot of people need to hear this message to start on their journey of living a peaceful life! You will never bloom into your full potential while planted in polluted or toxic soil! Remember- it’s a choice you make, so make the choice to protect your peace!

If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favor? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW it?

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Dec 14, 202323:36
 Episode 76: Seeking Clarity: The Path to Self-Awareness

Episode 76: Seeking Clarity: The Path to Self-Awareness

I am joined by Vipoola Devani, a Conscious Relationship Consultant and  Self-awareness Advocate. Vipoola and I discuss what it means to be self-aware and how we can increase our self-awareness so we attain the things that matter to us in all areas of our lives. We also share our journeys on self-awareness, the hardships, and good, and the consequences of not having self-awareness at certain times of our lives.

“Self-awareness is not a destination we get to. It is a journey and a process that never really stops- and there is great beauty in that!” Anne Hellgren

You will be taken into a deep but very inspiring conversation about why it’s important to embark on our journeys of knowing who we truly are, authentically, and what we are called to do with our lives.

Also, we discuss what happens when we go through life ignoring our true selves in exchange for what others call us to be or do. To live a fulfilled life, the one meant for you and only you, I believe it’s essential that we stop listening to all the outside noises from our cultures, religions, society, and upbrings - that do not serve us. Instead, take what serves you from your programming and upbringing, then incorporate new ideologies that serve your higher authentic self more appropriately!

If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast? 

If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Vipoola Devani:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Dec 07, 202334:02
Episode 75: What is Love?

Episode 75: What is Love?

Nov 30, 202329:44
Episode 74: 5 Things That Kill A Relationship

Episode 74: 5 Things That Kill A Relationship

Some obvious things are well known to destroy most relationships, and some less known, or silent killers, of a relationship. In this episode, I want to talk about what we can sometimes overlook as being insignificant but repeated long enough, is sure to kill your relationship. 

“Some people will repeatedly hurt or disrespect you, offer apologies, but never change their behaviors. Please see them for who they are - not what you would like them to be.” Anne Hellgren

Some of these things can be done consciously or subconsciously but the hurt and distraction will follow. So as you listen in, look out for things that you may be experiencing from your partner, or that you are doing or saying yourself.

I cover the following topics in detail and you may be surprised by the insights you receive from this episode, so make sure you listen to the end of this podcast!

  1. The green-eyed monster of comparison

  2. If you don’t create your boundaries and enforce them, someone else will do it for you!

  3. Unhealthy and Unwanted power imbalances can be a ticking time bomb.

  4. Over-reliance on your partner is a turn-off on many levels

  5. You can only be inauthentically you for so long. Ps. It’s demoralizing and soul-draining. Don’t do it…

If you enjoyed this episode, could you please do me a favor and follow/subscribe to the podcast? 

If you know someone who should hear this message, please share this episode! You never know just how much you might be helping them on their journey.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Nov 23, 202337:00
Episode 73: How Absent Fathers Affect Our Future Relationships with Tyrone Wheeler

Episode 73: How Absent Fathers Affect Our Future Relationships with Tyrone Wheeler

I am joined by Tyrone Wheeler, a Relationship Coach who helps men heal their relationships with their dad or their father figures in life. Having gone through a period of being absent from his father for over 35 years after the separation of his parents, he went on to experience various challenges in his life. He was affected by this absent relationship with his father and it went on to affect his own adult relationships and marriage.

“A parent’s physical presence doesn’t automatically meet a child's emotional and psychological needs. If you have an unhealthy attachment style, or dysfunctional patterns in your relationships- it would serve you highly to examine how your physical, emotional, and psychological needs were met by your parents or carers as a child.” - Anne Hellgren

Only when he did the work on himself, was he able to heal from not just the physical disconnect, but also the emotional disconnect he experienced with his father.

This conversation is something that we as a society need to speak more openly about. If we continue to ignore the importance and impact that absent fathers have on their sons- and not just daughters- we create a society that leaves behind a trail of emotionally broken men. Men who have struggled to form and experience healthy and secure attachments in their relationships. And many times this can also carry a lot of resentment, insecurity, detachment, addictions, and anger. Which, dangerously, are not always even at a conscious level. 

Please share this episode with other people in your life. You may be surprised how many people suffer in silence as they struggle to admit that an absent father or father figure has significantly had an impact on them! 

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If you enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

With love, Anne  xx

Connect with Tyrone Wheeler:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Nov 16, 202330:28
Episode 72: The Influence of Self-Talk in Attracting the Love You Want

Episode 72: The Influence of Self-Talk in Attracting the Love You Want

I am joined by Stuart Wade, a clinical hypnotherapist and sports performance mind coach. As an athlete and a person who has always been interested in how the mind works, this led him to pursue a degree in sports science which includes sports psychology.

“Be responsible for your happiness, your emotions, and your thoughts. Have some self-love and self-grace towards yourself, just the way you'd have to someone that you love.” - Anne Hellgren

In this episode, we discuss the importance of having a positive mindset and how it can affect your relationships. So if you are aiming to have a good relationship with yourself and others, this episode is for you! 

Everyone has struggled with negative self-talk. As human beings, we are wired to notice the bad over the good things. This can stem from a past experience like bullying, or it can come from your personal trait of being self-critical or perfectionistic. But there is a way to end this vicious cycle and it starts with you!

It all starts with mindfulness - be aware of what you take in and spill on others. Take a moment to identify your wants, and focus on them. Do something that will feed your happiness, it can be going to the gym for a workout, a stroll in the park, creating a spiritual practice, eating healthy food, or getting a good amount of sleep. Maybe a change in your environment is necessary to do the trick. 

It’s not too late to rewire our brains for positivity. Know that by being the best version of yourself, you are easily attracting what you want and that includes happy and healthy relationships. The results may not happen overnight but with continuous practice coupled with self-grace, you will surely get there.

As always, if you would like to reach out, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If you enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx


Connect with Stuart Wade:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Nov 09, 202337:01
Episode 71: How Childhood Beliefs Affect Your Relationships

Episode 71: How Childhood Beliefs Affect Your Relationships

This episode is taken from a new and exciting podcast series I created with 4 other coaches called “Relationship Secrets Unlocked.”

“The programming we receive and the stories we tell ourselves as a result of what happens to us in our childhood is often complex and multiple-faceted. So to fully understand your relationship patterns, be willing to honestly explore yourself deeper and wider.” - Anne Hellgren

“Relationship Secrets Unlocked" is a uniquely enriching podcast series that presents a holistic view of relationships from an international and culturally diverse perspective. With an expert panel of five relationship coaches hailing from diverse cultural, religious, and professional backgrounds, the series aims to educate listeners about the complexities of human relationships and how to navigate them effectively.

Like this podcast, Relationship Secrets Unlocked is a platform for learning, understanding, and embracing the myriad facets of human relationships. With their varied expertise, the panel presents a comprehensive picture of what makes relationships work, how to navigate challenges, and the role of cultural and religious factors in shaping our experiences. It is an essential resource for anyone seeking to deepen their understanding of human connections and improve their own relationships.

Join Julie Fitzpatrick, Claire Auchmuty, Ksenia Droben, Gazala Saleem, and me as we discuss how our Childhood beliefs consciously or subconsciously affect our attachments, communication, connections, and everything else in our relationships! 

As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Nov 02, 202338:40
Episode 70: Can We Really Have It All?- Interview With Moniqe Fiddes

Episode 70: Can We Really Have It All?- Interview With Moniqe Fiddes

Moniqe Fiddes is a South African songwriter, superstar musician, and multi-million-pound entrepreneur. She is also the wife of Matt Fiddes who is well known for his outstanding success as a businessman and friend of the late Michael Jackson. 

In this episode, Moniqe and I discuss how she was a very well-known success in her own right, before getting married to Matt. She grew her music career in South Africa while keeping her sights on a larger goal of being successful and providing for her family. She shares her story of being held at gunpoint in South Africa while her father was robbed of his whole pension money as her family home was robbed of all valuables!

She also shares her story of how she met Matt while he was in South Africa, a beautiful story indeed! 

Moniqe is an open book and also shares insights into how Matt’s relationship with Michael Jackson also had an effect on their relationship.  

We then discuss how it is to be a mother of 3 young children (6 in total) while running her successful property portfolio, her music career, and massive support for her husband. She is truly an inspiring woman and powerhouse! 

Tune in to this episode and learn how we view having it all as a society and what it means to be truly happy in our own right! For a couple in the public eye, I highly admire how genuine and honest Moniqe is about her professional and private life!

If you haven’t already, make sure you also listen to Matt Fiddes's interview on this podcast, episode 51! Again- such an inspiring and honest conversation!!

Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE/FOLLOW and SHARE  if you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

Connect With Moniqe Fiddes:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Oct 26, 202345:46
Episode 69: Manifesting Your Soul Mate with Yvonne Tchrakian

Episode 69: Manifesting Your Soul Mate with Yvonne Tchrakian

Yvonne is a Corporate Lawyer, The Founder of Pause Penny, a Motivational Speaker, and the host of the podcast, “All Up in Your Biz”. She is also a mother of 4 children. Yvonne shares her intriguing story of how she manifested her soulmate who is now her husband. 

“I believe that in order to really manifest what you want in life, be very clear on not just what you want- but also what you want to repel.” - Anne Hellgren

If you have ever been interested in finding out how you can also manifest the right partner for you, this episode is for you! We also discuss the importance of being very clear on exactly what you need vs want in a relationship, and in a partner.

If you’ve listened to this podcast before, you’ll know that I emphasize there is a big difference between our wants and needs in a relationship! 

Just as importantly, knowing what you don’t want and being able to identify that before you start to manifest your ideal partner is so key! 

Yvonne is a ray of positive energy and has openly shared her journey with me! I hope this episode inspires you to dig deep and get clarity about want you’re looking for so you can start to manifest your desires. Even if you are already in a relationship, you can always improve certain aspects of it, and this episode will help you on your journey to do just that! 

As always, if you would like to reach out for a complimentary discovery call, please email me at I love hearing from my listeners! 

If You enjoyed this episode, please show some love and FOLLOW AND RATE the podcast! 

Know anyone else who would enjoy this episode? Please SHARE it! 

With love, xx

Connect with Yvonne Tchrakian: 

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Oct 19, 202338:38
Episode 68: What Is The Role Of Sex In A Relationship?
Oct 12, 202333:04
Episode 67: Overcoming an Unhealthy Relationship With Alcohol with Sophie Swinn
Oct 05, 202342:58
Episode 66: You Deserve Better!
Sep 28, 202338:11
Episode 65: How Your Expectations and Programming Affect Your Life with Julie Fitzpatrick

Episode 65: How Your Expectations and Programming Affect Your Life with Julie Fitzpatrick

I am joined by Julie Fitzpatrick, award-winning Therapist and coach and Founder of Millieside Therapy & Coaching. She works with empowering Business Owners and professionals to Unlock the power of their imagination so they can Become Unstoppable!

“We need to create a society where we stop our need for constant and immediate gratification and accept delayed gratification as normality in certain circumstances. This is especially important when striving for growth, connection, and success.” Anne Hellgren

In this episode, we discuss how our programming and current society are affecting how we show up in life and how we react to what is happening to us. As coaches, we dive into the topic of the current state of how we live, in which a lack of presence, entitlement, constant offense, and need for instant gratification have formed our life experiences and relationships with those around us. How mindful are we about how our newly formed attitudes of constant dissatisfaction in the smallest of things are affecting our relationships, romantic or not?

We also share some tools and techniques to help you get back into a healthier mindset that serves us, rather than keeps us trapped in a state of constantly feeling like we are lacking or not enough. This is an episode for those who need an uplifting message that the best is yet to come if we adopt a healthy mindset and move away from negative thoughts when we can.

 Can you please do me a favor if you enjoyed listening… Please click on the “FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE” button. Also please SHARE the podcast with someone who needs to hear this today! 

With love till next week….

Connect with Julie Fitzpatrick

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Relationship Coach and Podcast Host to “The Love You Want Podcast”

 Can you please do me a favor if you enjoyed listening… Please click on the “FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE” button. Also please SHARE the podcast with someone who needs to hear this today! 

Sep 21, 202346:48
Episode 64: Guard Your Energy

Episode 64: Guard Your Energy

This is an episode that everyone needs to hear! The concept of energy has been a massive topic in the last couple of years and for a good reason. Whether you believe in the power of energy or not, the fact remains that we cannot thrive in an environment that depletes us constantly.

 “Whether you believe in the power of energy or not, the fact remains that we cannot thrive in an environment that depletes us constantly. Therefore, you will not reach your full potential if you allow people or things that deplete you, or steal your energy, to take up space in your life.” Anne Hellgren

In this episode, I talk about the importance of keeping people and things that are draining us or even toxic to us, away. This can be hard when the person who’s stealing your energy is close to you, but that doesn’t mean you remain without choice. You still have the choice of how much time you spend in the company of such people. You also have the choice of whether to completely cut them off. Yes, it may be harsh and perhaps a last option in some cases. But remember, this is about you being able to have a healthy state of mind so you can be there for those who truly need you - and for yourself! This isn’t selfish, it’s self-care! 

If you find yourself in a situation where you would like to get away from certain behaviors, thoughts, or people that are damaging to your positive energy and state of mental and emotional health, reach out to me at for a 20-minute complimentary session to see what the next best steps for you could be. Life is precious, let’s treat it that way.

Can you please do me a favor if you enjoyed listening… Please click on the “FOLLOW/SUBSCRIBE” button. Also please SHARE the podcast with someone who needs to hear this today! 

With love till next week….

P.S. I have got a NEW AND EXCITING series coming up soon…. STAY TUNED my lovelies xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Sep 14, 202325:15
Episode 63: My Journey to Healing from Dysfunction

Episode 63: My Journey to Healing from Dysfunction

In this heartfelt episode, I invite you to join me on a deeply personal journey as I recount my harrowing experiences with abuse and dysfunction in relationships. My story is a testament to the incredible strength of the human spirit and the transformative power of healing.

“To encourage survivors of relationship abuse to speak out, it's crucial that we refrain from asking why they stayed. Such questions can intensify their shame and suffering. Instead, let's focus on how we can support them in their healing process. This approach fosters understanding, empowers survivors, and creates a safe space for them to share their experiences and seek help.” Anne Hellgren

Main Discussion Points:

1. My Path through Abuse: I open up about my own experiences with the painful realities of abuse and dysfunction within relationships, shedding light on the emotional and psychological toll it can cause.

2. Fueling a Mission for Change: I share how my personal journey of healing and recovery has become the driving force behind my mission to help others break free from the same patterns of abuse and dysfunction.

3. Practical Strategies for Healing: I offer practical strategies and tools drawn from my own experiences for those seeking to heal from dysfunctional relationships. These include insights on establishing healthy boundaries, rebuilding self-worth, and recognizing the warning signs of problematic relationships.

4. Embracing Healthy Connections: I emphasize the significance of nurturing healthy and supportive connections after breaking free from dysfunction. I provide insights into how individuals can create and maintain meaningful, loving relationships.

With love till next week…. 


P.S. I have got a NEW AND EXCITING series coming up soon…. STAY TUNED my lovelies xx

Connect with Petra Brunnbauer and The Jōrni Podcast:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Sep 07, 202330:09
Episode 62: Tackling Mental Health Stigma: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

Episode 62: Tackling Mental Health Stigma: A Journey of Healing and Empowerment

We are joined by Milka Kamau to delve into a powerful story of resilience and healing as we explore the unspoken struggles surrounding mental health. 

“As we continue to be silent about our experiences in mental health, we’re fostering the stigma to continue. The way for us to end the stigma is to come out and say I’m going through a mental health illness. And as we say that, the stigma will end. It will have no place.” - Milka Kamau

We learn about Milka’s experiences growing up -  feeling like something was wrong with her, constantly seeking validation, and wearing a mask to hide her true self. She takes us to the emotional complexities of her relationship with her father, navigating abuse and strict household rules, and the impact it had on her mental well-being. This story doesn't end in despair. Milka shares her realizations and shows us her path to healing. We highlight the importance of seeking help and raising awareness that mental health conditions are treatable. But in order to end this stigma, one must first break their silence.

We explore the power of sharing serious messages about mental health, abuse, and PTSD, urging you, our listeners, to spread this important episode far and wide. Remember, your voice matters. Milka also talks about her advocacy efforts, their role in a global group striving to collect resources for individuals with mental health conditions, and their relentless pursuit to make a difference.  Together, let's create a world where mental health is openly discussed, understood, and supported. 

Please don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, and Review if you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

Connect with Milka Kamau:

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Aug 31, 202301:15:14
Episode 61: How to Stop Being So Needy in Relationships

Episode 61: How to Stop Being So Needy in Relationships

Aug 24, 202338:49
Episode 60: How to Fail Forward in Your Relationships

Episode 60: How to Fail Forward in Your Relationships

In this episode, I’m talking about how to fail forward when your relationships fail. Usually, failed relationships aren’t something most of us want. And in fact, can be an extremely difficult time for many. With divorce rates in the Western world averaging 52% (currently), there are clearly a lot of failed relationships out there. This is not even counting non-marriages.

“There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship. But every relationship has the ability to teach you something about yourself, others, and the world.” - Anne Hellgren

I discuss what it really means to fail forward in a relationship, and how we can use failed relationships to improve our lives moving forward. And also how to let go of things and behaviors that may be keeping you in a pattern of failed relationships. I will also share some tools that you can use if you find that you need to heal from a failed relationship that has felt you hurt, angry, disappointed, and more. 

If you feel that you are going through a stage in your life and want some support on how to overcome it, reach out to me at anne@annehellgren. Life is best lived when you are able to learn, heal and move on from what doesn’t serve you!

As always, I would be forever grateful if you can share this. 2023 has taught me that many of us are in the same boat - just not aware of it or sharing the same language or courage to share our own experiences. Let’s make a difference if and where we can.

With love till next week….

P.S. I have got a NEW AND EXCITING series coming up soon…. STAY TUNED my lovelies xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Aug 17, 202326:47
Episode 59: Be Unapologetically You

Episode 59: Be Unapologetically You

If you are anything like the vast majority of people around the world, you have struggled with always showing up as your authentic self, constantly and unapologetically. 

“As much as I don’t like using the word ‘regret’, I feel strongly enough on this one to use it. My one regret is not showing up UNAPOLOGETICALLY ME sooner in my life.” Anne Hellgren

We are so conditioned - FROM BIRTH- to feel, act, think, and be in a certain way. Sometimes this serves us so beautifully. Sometimes it hinders and hurts and even destroys us so fundamentally. 

The saddest thing, in my view, is that the conditioning goes on well beyond our childhood. You can form ideas of your worth and what is “wrong” with you or “acceptable” with you and etc based well after your childhood. 

I want to unpick these issues in this podcast. I want to discuss where we get our programming that forms us so we can question - IS THIS REALLY ME? 

When we do identify “it” is me - or at the least the version I want to be even if I’m not there yet, how can I stop believing that I need to be apologetic for being me? Not the programmed me - but the me that has perhaps gone against what the family, religion, culture, society and everyone’s damn expectations of me should look like and be like?

This is a deep one and will shake some feathers - within you and in your circle of people!!! You have been warned…BUT I PROMISE YOU…doing the work to show up unapologetically you is the BEST GIFT you will ever give yourself!! 

Reach out to me on if you want any support on this or other relationship and self identity issues.

As always, I am forever grateful if you can share this. One thing 2023 has taught me is that many of us are in the same boat - just not aware of it or sharing the same language or courage to share our own experiences. Let’s make a difference if and where we can.

With love till next week….

P.S. I have got a NEW AND EXCITING series coming up soon…. STAY TUNED my lovelies xx

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Aug 10, 202324:12
Episode 58: Are You Dating With Intention and Purpose?

Episode 58: Are You Dating With Intention and Purpose?

This episode is all about how you are navigating through your life, whether you are single or in a relationship. I want to challenge you during this episode to ask yourself if you actually have a plan for who you spend time with, how you spend time with them, and what you both bring to each other through that relationship.

“The relationship you’re in has the power to affect all other areas of your life.” - Anne Hellgren

A lot of the times when I think about relationships that really didn’t serve me or which I did not serve, it boils down to a couple of things, but the theme is - I had no clear intention and wasn’t living with purpose in that relationship! 

This is going to be a deep one, but stick with me! I’m about to give you some deep insights that you can learn and use in ALL areas of your life. If you’re single and want a relationship - this will help you get clarity on what kind of relationship would truly be suitable for you. 

If you’re already in a relationship, you will learn how to improve it so you can experience deeper and more honest connections with your partner. 

And if you are happily forever single, you can use what I share to create great non-romantic relationships. :-)

Talking points:

  • Intention - do you know why you want to be in a relationship? Is that intention even yours or someone else's? Let’s get clarity here!
  • Purpose - What are you looking to get out of that relationship? What is drawing you to get into a relationship? What are the short-term and long-term goals? How will it fulfill you and inspire you in other areas of your life?

Would love to hear your shares, send me an email at

If you know someone who needs to hear this, please share it with them.

If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favor? Could you please SUBSCRIBE AND RATE it? 

I love to connect with my listeners, so if you are struggling with something in your relationship or struggling to find the kind of relationship you desire - I’m offering you a FREE 30-minute coaching call! Thank you for being a listener to this podcast and supporting it! 

CLICK HERE TO BOOK TODAY!  (P.S. I will not continue to offer this for much longer due to time constraints!)

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jul 27, 202321:02
Episode 57: How to Love Yourself More - 3 Things I Let Go Of

Episode 57: How to Love Yourself More - 3 Things I Let Go Of

In this episode, I am going to go deep and vulnerable about what I did to learn to love myself more. I did cause I know not doing it would keep me on a path of dysfunctional habits, thoughts and actions. I wanted more for myself and I hope this episode inspires you to think about what you are currently doing in your life that is stopping you from having the kind of relationship you want with yourself first - then others. As I always say, it starts with you!

Now I am able to proudly stand in my peace and truth of who I am and how I show up - even during the bad days - my self-love helps me endorse the tough moments and keeps me going. 

I talk about:

  • Let go of other people's opinions
  • Let go of negotiating my self-worth
  • Let go of thinking self-love is selfish

What is it that you need to stop doing? What do you need to let go of? Would love to hear your shares, send me an email on

If you know someone who needs to hear this, please share it with them.

If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favour? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND RATE it? 

I love to connect with my listeners, so if you are struggling with something in your relationship or struggling to find the kind of relationship you desire - I’m offering you a FREE 30 minute coaching call! A thank you for being a listener to this podcast and supporting it! 

CLICK HERE TO BOOK TODAY!  (P.S. I will not continue to offer this for much longer due to time constraints!)

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jul 20, 202324:07
Episode 56: Protect Your Peace

Episode 56: Protect Your Peace

In this episode I will be keeping it short, sweet and very real! I want to talk to you about how you need to learn to protect your peace in your relationships. Just because you are in a relationship, doesn’t mean that you are responsible for constant negative damping from your partner. It doesn’t mean that you should allow yourself to live in a constant state of drama caused by your partner. And sure as hell doesn’t mean that you are constantly responsible for managing their moods and healing all their wounds. 

“Don’t let other people’s unhealed trauma be your daily drama.” Anne Hellgren 

We each need to take responsibility for how we show up in our relationships. We are responsible for our happiness, emotional regulation and peace of mind. So that said, I encourage you to take charge of these factors and make sure that you evaluate if what you are getting from your relationship is growing you or draining you. Then make the decision to either change a draining relationship through seeking help, or changing the environment. Either way, the choice to protect your peace is on you- whichever way you choose to do so.

If you enjoyed this episode, could you do me a favour? Could you please LIKE, SUBSCRIBE AND RATE it? Also, being the kind person you are, who do you think you can share this with to protect their peace? 

I love to connect with my listeners, so if you are struggling with something in your relationship or struggling to find the kind of relationship you desire - I’m offering you a FREE 30 minute coaching call! A thank you for being a listener to this podcast and supporting it! 

CLICK HERE TO BOOK TODAY!  (Ps. I will not continue to offer this for much longer due to time constraints!)

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jul 13, 202318:32
Episode 55: How To Stop Self-sabotaging Your Relationships

Episode 55: How To Stop Self-sabotaging Your Relationships

In this episode, we delve into the topic of self-sabotage in relationships and share strategies to overcome this destructive pattern.

“Until you learn that unhealed trauma or fear is affecting your programming, you will continue to self-sabotage your relationships - consciously or subconsciously.” Anne Hellgren

Main Segment:

1. Understanding Self-Sabotage

  • Explore the reasons behind self-sabotage in relationships.
  • Discuss common patterns and behaviors that indicate self-sabotaging tendencies.
  • Emphasize the importance of self-awareness in breaking free from this cycle.

2. Unearthing the Underlying Fears 

  • Delve deeper into the fears and insecurities that drive self-sabotage.
  • Reflect on past experiences and traumas that may contribute to these fears.
  • Provide guidance on identifying and challenging negative beliefs to foster healthier relationship dynamics.

3. Embracing Vulnerability and Self-Compassion 

  • Highlight the role of vulnerability in building meaningful connections.
  • Discuss the importance of self-compassion and self-care as foundations for healthy relationships.
  • Encourage open communication and honest expression of fears and emotions.

4. Seeking Support and Professional Help

  • Explore the benefits of seeking support from trusted friends, family, or therapists.
  • Discuss how external guidance can provide fresh perspectives and help navigate emotional challenges.
  • Normalize the act of seeking help as a sign of strength and commitment to personal growth.

5. Practicing Patience and Celebrating Progress

  • Emphasize the need for patience throughout the journey of overcoming self-sabotage.
  • Encourage listeners to celebrate even small victories and acknowledge setbacks as part of the process.
  • Provide motivation to keep moving forward and maintain a commitment to personal growth.


  • Remind listeners that self-sabotage can hinder the potential for healthy and fulfilling relationships.
  • Encourage them to apply the strategies discussed to break free from self-sabotaging patterns.
  • Remind Listeners that they can get a COMPLIMENTARY COACHING CALL with myself!


Please don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, and Review if you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jul 06, 202325:13
Episode 54: Navigating Open Relationships and Non-Monogamy
Jun 29, 202310:60
Episode 53: Escaping The Cycle Of Domestic Abuse

Episode 53: Escaping The Cycle Of Domestic Abuse

This week I share an interview where I was interviewed by Anthea McCourtie on her podcast ‘Action Women’.  I share my own experiences with domestic abuse and how I have broken the toxic and terrifying cycle of abuse suffered at the hands of past partners. I also share about my work and how I help others to gain and maintain meaningful, empowering relationships.

“Unless we have open and honest conversations about abuse, it will keep happening behind closed doors- just as the abuser would have it.” - Anne Hellgren

Some Key Points:

  • People sometimes suffer domestic abuse in silence because they are afraid to talk about the things that matter. If we don't vocalise, then we cannot hope to heal effectively.

  • Escaping domestic abuse is not an easy thing. Often we are so conditioned by the time it begins that our initial reaction to its appearance is a loss of hope and a feeling of being trapped.

  • Cultures often dictate that women are meant to be subservient to their spouses. Submission is taught, and normalised. This needs to change.

  • Change has to begin within ourselves if we want it to take root. Start by loving yourself, which will make abuse a crime against someone we come to care for.

Please don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, and Review if you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

If you know someone who needs to hear this, PLEASE SHARE this episode with someone who needs to hear it! Sometimes people may suffer in listen, but you can help them stop the suffering sooner rather than later.

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jun 22, 202349:33
Episode 52: How to Build Trust in a Relationship

Episode 52: How to Build Trust in a Relationship

Today's episode focuses on building trust in relationships, the foundation for a deep and meaningful bond. In this episode, I will share some key elements of trust as well as strategies for building and maintaining trust.

"Trust is not just about faithfulness but also about being vulnerable and open with one another." - Unknown

Key Elements of Trust in a Relationship:

  • Trust: comprises several core components: reliability, honesty, vulnerability, and integrity.
  • Reliability: Being dependable and following through on commitments.
  • Honesty: Open and transparent communication as the basis for trust.
  • Vulnerability: Feeling safe to be authentic and share without fear of judgment.
  • Integrity: Acting in alignment with personal values and being true to one's word.

Strategies for Building and Maintaining Trust:

  • Effective Communication: Open and honest dialogue, active listening, and seeking to understand each other's perspectives.
  • Setting Clear Boundaries: Respecting and honoring each other's boundaries to establish a safe space.
  • Building Emotional Intimacy: Sharing vulnerable moments, thoughts, and feelings to deepen the emotional connection.
  • Consistent Actions: Small gestures, acts of kindness, and keeping promises to build trust over time.
  • Forgiveness: Allowing the healing process and restoration of trust after mistakes or misunderstandings.

Final Thoughts and Advice:

  • Building trust is an ongoing effort that requires commitment from both partners.
  • Patience, open communication, and seeking professional help if needed are crucial in rebuilding trust.
  • Trust is a two-way street, necessitating vulnerability and a willingness to extend trust to your partner.

IF YOU MISSED THE LIVE WEBINAR ‘How Toxic Relationships Affect Your Mental Health’ You can watch it NOW. Please note this link will be up only until the 17th of June 2023. If you are interested in this webinar after this date, please use my Calendly to schedule a time to speak. 

Please don’t forget to Subscribe, Rate, and Review if you enjoyed listening to the podcast!

Connect with Anne Hellgren:

Jun 15, 202318:29