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Melton Foundation

Melton Foundation

By The Melton Foundation

A leading proponent of global citizenship practice worldwide, the Melton Foundation looks back at over 25 years of shaping young minds through experiential learning, skill development, and intercultural exposure.

Through our fellowship and collaborative programs, we promote and enable global citizenship as a way for individuals and organizations to work together across boundaries of place and identity to solve challenges in an interconnected world.

And as part of many initiatives to do so, we also record and publish InterCultural Podcasts from around the world! Enjoy!
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Social Innovation during Global Pandemics

Melton FoundationApr 19, 2020

Understanding Critical Dialogue in Intercultural Friendships

Understanding Critical Dialogue in Intercultural Friendships

Join hosts Anoushka Mongia, a passionate Melton Fellow from India, and Innocent Chikwanda, an insightful Melton Fellow from Ghana, as they delve into the fascinating world of intercultural friendships in our new episode of the #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast. In this thought-provoking podcast series, they explore the significance of critical dialogue in building meaningful connections across cultural boundaries.

Anoushka and Innocent draw from their own experiences as Melton Fellows, who have dedicated themselves to promoting global citizenship and intercultural understanding. Tune in to "Understanding Critical Dialogue in Intercultural Friendships" and embark on a transformative journey towards building stronger, more inclusive relationships across cultures. Let's embrace diversity and bridge the gaps together!

Note: The hosts of this podcast, Anoushka Mongia and Innocent Chikwanda, are Melton Fellows, individuals committed to creating positive social change and fostering intercultural understanding through the Melton Foundation.

Jun 06, 202338:27
Beyond the Surface: Exploring Appearance Anxiety

Beyond the Surface: Exploring Appearance Anxiety

In this thought-provoking episode of the #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast, Melton Fellows Linda Arthur, Eric Gadzi, and Yang Ke come together to delve into the complex topic of appearance anxiety. Join us as we navigate the societal pressures, personal struggles, and psychological impacts associated with our perceptions of physical appearance.

Furthermore, we open up a compassionate dialogue about the psychological toll of appearance anxiety. We discuss the ways in which it can impact mental health, self-esteem, and overall well-being, while also highlighting the importance of self-acceptance and embracing diversity.

This episode of #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice serves as a reminder that true beauty lies beyond physical appearance. Join us as we unpack the complexities of appearance anxiety, empower individuals to embrace their uniqueness, and work towards a world where self-worth is not solely tied to external appearances.

May 18, 202323:11
Shattering Silences: A conversation on Youth Suicide Rates in Chile and USA

Shattering Silences: A conversation on Youth Suicide Rates in Chile and USA

Welcome to "Shattering Silences," a thought-provoking episode of the #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast, hosted by Melton Fellows Breyunha Smith from New Orleans, USA, and Camila Farías from Temuco, Chile. In this episode, we delve into an urgent global issue and address SDG #3 by bringing awareness to the alarming rates of youth suicide in both Chile and the USA.

Join us as we engage in a candid conversation, highlighting personal insights, and data-driven perspectives. By examining the parallels and disparities between Chile and the USA, we hope to create a platform for dialogue, understanding, and ultimately, change.

"Shattering Silences" is an episode that goes beyond statistics, challenging societal norms and shedding light on the significance of mental health advocacy. Whether you're a concerned citizen, mental health professional, or someone seeking to make a difference, this episode will equip you with valuable knowledge and inspire you to take action.

Let's break the silence surrounding youth suicide rates and work together toward a world that nurtures the well-being of our young generation.

May 18, 202311:25
Breaking Barriers: Feminism in Germany and the USA

Breaking Barriers: Feminism in Germany and the USA

In this episode of the #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast, Melton Fellows Lena Uddyback, and Caroline Ziegler dive deep into the world of feminism, examining its roots and contemporary manifestations in Germany and the USA. Join us as we explore the diverse experiences, challenges, and triumphs of feminist movements in these two influential countries.

Join us for an enlightening conversation that delves into the heart of feminism, its impact on society, and the challenges that lie ahead. Whether you're a seasoned activist, a curious observer, or simply interested in promoting gender equality, this episode will provide valuable insights into the multifaceted nature of feminism in Germany and the USA.

May 18, 202323:52
The Future of AI: How ChatGPT and Similar Technologies Can Make Our World a Better Place

The Future of AI: How ChatGPT and Similar Technologies Can Make Our World a Better Place

This episode of our #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast explores the broad spectrum of AI with Melton Fellows Bo Yu, from Hangzhou, China, and Hannah Zhou, also from Hangzhou, China.
AI technologies like ChatGPT have enormous potential to make our world a better place. From improving healthcare outcomes to reducing carbon emissions, AI can help us tackle some of the biggest challenges facing humanity today. However, there are real concerns and risks associated with AI, such as job displacement, privacy violations, and even the possibility of unintended consequences without responsible use. But it's up to all of us to ensure that it's a future that we want to live in. After all, AI is non-living, humans are alive. The power of human thoughts will lead AI to be a helpful assistant to humans toward a better world! Happy listening!

May 18, 202321:21
Widening the DEI lens: Accessibility and Belonging

Widening the DEI lens: Accessibility and Belonging

This episode of our #GlobalCitizenshipInPractice podcast explores the broad spectrum of accessibility, including but not limited to all forms of disability. It looks at how we can bridge the gap between ourselves and those who need help through Accessibility. We discuss examples of how any content or facility’s functionality has been modified or designed to accommodate people of different abilities. We end with a call to action on means or ways that we as Melton Fellows can promote accessibility.

Happy listening!

Apr 26, 202316:15
Peace in our time: A Global perspective

Peace in our time: A Global perspective

This podcast anchored by Senior Melton Fellows Shravani Vangur and Tobias Woode takes one through a journey of peace. Our Fellows discuss the perception of peace in different parts of the world and what the youth of the 21st century, can do to promote peace for all. Happy Listening!

Mar 22, 202328:38
Global Solvers Accelerator: An Insider's View
Feb 09, 202321:41
Addressing the bias on Modern Feminism

Addressing the bias on Modern Feminism

Is Feminism misandry? Can men also be feminists? How can we promote feminism without suppressing men?  Be sure to listen to this episode of our Global Citizenship in Practice podcast, where our Fellows address the bias on feminism. Hope you enjoy it!

Jan 12, 202313:41
Equidad de género

Equidad de género

La equidad de género son los mismos derechos, responsabilidades y oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres, por lo tanto el sexo con el nazcamos no va determinar estas cualidades a lo largo de nuestra vida.

Esta supone que se tengan en cuenta los intereses, prioridades y necesidades de tanto mujeres como de hombres, reconociéndose la diversidad de ambos grupos.

El objetivo de la equidad de género es la igualdad de trato entre hombres y mujeres sin discriminación ni superioridad de género, para que se pueda acceder a las mismas oportunidades.

Algunas de las consecuencias que tiene la desigualdad de género son la explotación y violencia sexual, diferencias en la división de trabajo no remunerado (domésticos y cuidados de los demás), desigualdad en la toma de decisiones públicas, los desastres naturales afectan más a las mujeres que a los hombres, los hábitos y costumbres donde a los hombres se les da el privilegio de la libertad sobre las mujeres que llevan a las niñas a casarse con el consentimiento de los padres, discriminación laboral donde las mujeres se les paga menos por hacer el mismo trabajo que un hombre.

La igualdad de género es un derecho humano fundamental por lo que promoverla es esencial en todos los ámbitos de una sociedad sana desde la reducción de la pobreza hasta la promoción de la salud.

Las mujeres son un gran porcentaje de la población mundial, por lo que representan un potencial desarrollo social si tienen igualdad de oportunidades.

Si eres una mujer y quieres aportar a reducir la brecha puedes continuar e incentivar a otras niñas a que sigan estudiando y a luchar para poder acceder a servicios de salud sexual y reproductiva.

Si eres un hombre puedes trabajar junto a las mujeres y niñas para lograr la igualdad de género y mantener con ellas relaciones respetuosas y saludables.

Otras acciones que contribuyen a la igualdad de género son la ejecución de programas que permitan el acceso tanto de hombres como mujeres a salud sexual y reproductiva, el reconocimiento legal de los derechos de las mujeres a recursos económicos como propiedades, también permitir y propiciar que más mujeres ocupen cargos públicos permitiendo así una mayor perspectiva de igualdad de género y combatir prejuicios sociales mediante información y generando conciencia acerca de los problemas que genera la desigualdad de género en todos los ámbitos.

Pero, ¿que es la igualdad de oportunidades? Todos deberíamos contar con un mismo punto de partida en la sociedad, es decir que solo nuestro propio esfuerzo y decisiones marquen nuestro desarrollo sin que nuestras existencia esté determinada por nuestra posición social y/o económica. En nuestra sociedad no todos nacen con las mismas oportunidades.

La equidad de género es una herramienta de análisis que nos permite identificar las desigualdades de trato y oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres, también es útil para proponer cambios en la organización y estructura de las instituciones y concientizar a las mujeres acerca de la importancia de conocer y ejercer sus derechos.

En base a esto, ¿que es el sexo? Es una variante biológica que diferencia a miembros de una misma especie en macho y hembra.

Y, ¿que es el género? Termino para hacer referencia a la fabricación cultura e histórica de lo femenino y masculino, lo cual se define como conjunto de prácticas, ideas y discursos relativos a la feminidad y masculinidad.

Oct 07, 202210:43
Discriminación y sus formas

Discriminación y sus formas

La discriminacion es dar un trato desigual que puede afectar a una persona como a un grupo determinado, se puede dar por una gran variedad de motivos como raciales, religiosos, politicos, por su edad, sexo, condicion fisica o mental.

La discriminacion normalmente se forma de un prejuicio que se basa en conceptos de identidad y en la necesidad de las personas de identificarse con un grupo determinado, lo que genera división, odio e incluso la deshumanización de la personas por su identidad diferente.

La intolerancia, el odio y la discriminacion causan una fractura cada vez más grande en las sociedades, ya que por medio de esto se están dañando los derechos de la gente y fomentando la desigualdad.

Todos tenemos derecho a ser tratados por igual pero aun así es frecuente que haya grupos de personas que sufran este tipo de discriminacion o sesgo por parte de quienes están en posiciones de privilegio o poder.

Una forma de discriminacion es el sexismo que se basa en la idea de que las personas de determinado sexo son inferiores a las del sexo opuesto, esto se ejerce principalmente sobre las mujeres. La idea del origen del sexismo fue propiciada desde el feminismo internacional en la década de los 60, y se refiere a la ecuación simbólica y política que pretende ordenar el mundo de acuerdo a la superioridad del hombre sobre la mujer. Los actos cotidianos de sexismo pueden parecer inofensivos pero a la larga crean ambientes de inseguridad y miedo sobre la mujer, lo que conduce a aceptaciones de la violencia. El sexismo en su expresión máxima puede llevar a crímenes de odio contra la mujer.

Otra forma de discriminacion es el racismo, algo que afecta a todos los países del mundo.

Esta niega de forma sistemática los derechos de las personas solo por su raza, etnia u origen nacional. El racismo sin control puede conducir a atrocidades sin escala como genocidios.

Otra forma de discriminacion es la xenofobia que es en contra de la población extranjera. Esta se basa en ideas de superioridad y racismo fomentadas a menudo por la superioridad de un país sobre otro. En algunos casos los mismos discursos políticos acentúan esta brecha y avivan el odio y la violencia al otro. Usualmente califican a los migrantes como delincuentes, que vienen a quitar oportunidades para los ciudadanos del país y que sobrecargan el sistema de salud.

Una buena forma de combatir la discriminacion es informándonos y siendo conscientes acerca de estos temas. Por lo mismo es muy importante generar conversaciones en torno a este tema para poder erradicar las distintas formas de discriminacion de nuestra sociedad.

Oct 07, 202212:31
Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS): Impacto del consumo y producción para el desarrollo de un mundo sostenible.

Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible (ODS): Impacto del consumo y producción para el desarrollo de un mundo sostenible.

Los ODS fueron propuestos por la ONU con el fin de poder mostrar una visión integral, indivisible y renovada con el fin de poder construir un mundo donde podamos vivir de manera sustentable, sin discriminacion y con equidad de oportunidades. Relacionado a los ODS se crea la agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sustentable, lo cual propone 17 objetivos con 169 metas que abarcan las esferas económica, social y ambiental.
Uno de estos objetivos es el número 12 que busca producción y consumo responsable.
Este busca garantizar modalidades de consumo y producción sostenibles en América Latina y el Caribe, pretende cambiar el modelo actual de consumo para conseguir una gestión eficiente de los recursos naturales poniendo en marcha procesos para evitar la pérdida de alimento, un uso ecológico de los productos químicos y disminuir la generación de desechos.
Para lograr este objetivo se establecieron algunas metas como:
De aquí a 2030 lograr la gestión sostenible y eficiente de los recursos naturales.
Aplicar el marco decenal de programas de consumo y producción sostenibles.
De aquí a 2030 reducir a la mitad el desperdicio de alimentos per cápita mundial.
Reducir las pérdidas de alimentos en las cadenas de producción y suministro, incluido las pérdidas posteriores a la cosecha.
Ayudar a los países en desarrollo a fortalecer su capacidad científica y tecnológica, para avanzar hacia modalidades de consumo y producción más sostenibles.
De aquí a 2030 reducir considerablemente la generación de desechos mediante actividades de prevención, reducción, reciclado y reutilización.
Pero, ¿estamos realmente conscientes de la situación actual en la que nos encontramos?
Muchas veces no nos hacemos estas preguntas en el día a día. Probablemente no estamos conscientes que si para 2050 llegamos a los 9,6 millones de habitantes, se necesitaría el equivalente de 3 planetas para suplir nuestras necesidades con el actual estilo de vida que llevamos, lo que nos dice que estamos en un sobregiro ecológico. Probablemente no somos conscientes que la tecnología también contamina y que menos de un 20% de los desechos electrónicos son reciclados, o en relación al plástico, ¿sabías que más de 13 millones de toneladas de plástico son vertidas en los océanos cada año?
En base a toda esta información ¿cómo podemos contribuir en nuestro día a día?
Utilizando ampolletas de bajo consumo, si todos lo hiciéramos ahorraríamos un total de 120 millones de dólares al año.
Desconectando los electrónicos que no estamos usando y apagando las luces.
No comprar más alimentos de los que se van a consumir.
Reducir el consumo de plástico prefiriendo envases reutilizables y bolsas de tela para hacer las compras. Reutiliza las botellas y envases de plástico que no puedas evitar.
En relación a las empresas, ¿Cómo pueden medir su contribución al ODS 12?
Existe una guía que contiene indicadores específicos para que las empresas puedan comprobar los avances de sus contribuciones, algunos ejemplos son:
Reducción en el consumo de energía y agua.
Reducción de los requerimientos energéticos de los productos y servicios vendidos.
Grado de reducción de los impactos ambientales de productos y servicios.
Emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero evitadas debido al reciclaje.
Porcentaje de productos y materiales de envasado recuperados por cada categoría de producto
Porcentaje de insumos reciclados utilizados para fabricar los productos de la organización.
Tasa de reciclabilidad de los productos.
Número de acciones que contribuyen a favorecer el consumo responsable.
En torno al ODS 12 es importante fomentar el uso eficiente de los recursos a través de patrones de consumo y producción sostenible, mejoras en el acceso de servicios básicos, creación de empleos verdes y fomento del reciclaje.
Si continuamos en el camino que llevamos nuestro mundo y actual estilo de vida no durará.
Debemos valorar lo que tenemos y ayudar a conservarlo.

Oct 07, 202208:26
Racismo: el concepto de “raza”

Racismo: el concepto de “raza”

El termino clasismo es una de las grandes corrientes de la discriminación, siendo algo muy contemporaneo aún hoy en dia.

El racismo viene de tiempos coloniales donde comienza este espíritu de superioridad respecto al resto.

El racismo tiene varios hitos influyentes en la historia, un ejemplo de esto es el médico estadounidense Samuel George Morton que fue muy reconocido en el área de craneometría (disciplina que estudia el tamaño y volumen del cráneo) donde él afirmaba que las personas caucásicas tienen el cerebro más grande y por ende que esto podía determinar la capacidad intelectual de una raza simplemente por su tamaño craneal.

El racismo va pasando por sucesos que van marcando la historia y que tienen “base científica” que son las hipótesis con las cuales se intenta entender o justificar ciertos comportamientos racistas.

Desde la perspectiva de la genética y herencia no existe el término de raza. En el año 2000 se realizó una investigación donde se tomaron 3 a 4 muestras de varias “razas” que estaban diferenciadas por Samuel Morton y se encontró que prácticamente no había ninguna diferencia. Esto nos da a entender que el término de raza es un constructo social y la ciencia actual no reconoce a los humanos divididos por raza, solo es la raza humana en general.

Todos tenemos estos constructos sociales que vamos integrando desde pequeños pero, lo único que existe es una diversidad biológica que es solamente física porque al final todos estamos hechos de lo mismo, por lo que esa raza de la cual se habla es solo una raza discriminada ya que todos somos seres humanos y esa es la única raza que existe.

Chile en los últimos años ha recibido a muchos inmigrantes, por lo que se han multiplicado las diferentes nacionalidades, teniendo esto aspectos negativos y positivos.

Los inmigrantes son grupos humanos desprovistos muchas veces de humanidad, han vivido pobreza, discriminacion por su color de piel, apariencia, acento, entre otras. Para muchas personas los inmigrantes son percibidos como sujetos de peligro ya que vienen a quitar oportunidades. Lo que realmente nos muestra la inmigracion son personas que están en busca de oportunidades para vivir una vida mejor, y si estos grupos humanos no las pudieron encontrar en su país de origen probablemente si las puedan encontrar en otros lados.

Oct 07, 202212:48
"Don't let Talent Fool You!" A Conversation About Talent, its Development, and Mentoring

"Don't let Talent Fool You!" A Conversation About Talent, its Development, and Mentoring

I think we all had a moment where we really wanted to learn something new or became interested in a certain subject but were hesitant or avoidant in pursuing it. “But, I don’t have the talent!”, is a phrase often heard in that context. But what exactly is talent and what role does it play in being successful in something. How can talent mentorship be useful to be better at something faster? Why do we let that tiny word limit us in such a way in our lives? We will explore these questions and more in the following Podcast hosted by Daniel Patrick Ballestrini and Bakiye Icik.

Mar 25, 202231:05
A gateway to the Global Citizenship Learning Program

A gateway to the Global Citizenship Learning Program

In this episode, Melton Fellow Clement hosts our Learning Director, Alafia Stewart, as the two discuss what the Global Citizenship Learning Program Fellowship offered by the Melton Foundation encompasses, the essence of becoming a Melton Fellow and what one needs to do to become a part of this life-long fellowship experience! 

Happy Listening! 

Feb 10, 202223:33
What is holistic female empowerment?
Sep 03, 202112:53
Building a generation of leaders in Cameroon
Sep 03, 202109:19
Women Work Wonders in Lagos, Nigeria
Jul 03, 202113:16
Impact Storytelling - World Unity Week 2021

Impact Storytelling - World Unity Week 2021

From conversations about propaganda, news, and social impact through Storytelling - this engaging #RoundTable on #Impact Storytelling saw perspectives from diverse storytellers under one roof! Meet Melton Fellows Camila Huecho, Ashitha Nayak, Aamina Green, and Claudia Patino as they share their views on what makes storytelling a unique tool for progress.   We were live on #WorldUnityWeek 2021 with #MeltonFellows leading the way in '#Storytelling For #Change -- Catch the full conversation above! 

Jun 25, 202149:39
Inspiring Peace in Cameroon

Inspiring Peace in Cameroon

This podcast anchored by Ashesi University Melton Fellows Daphne Chebesi and Claris Nadini, takes one through a journey of history. It begins with revealing the history of Cameroon and how it is affecting the country now, goes ahead to explore the decisions made that has put the country in the position that it is now, reveals how all these have affected the education system in some parts of the country and finalizes with details on what Daphne is doing with Inspire for Peace to try and send a peace message with the hope that it will reach to whoever it needs to and bring back the Cameroon she is personally dreaming of. 

Jun 10, 202120:12
Global Citizenship through a new lens

Global Citizenship through a new lens

In this episode of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast, Melton Foundation's Executive Director Steffen Bethmann is joined by Daniel Perell, United Nations Representative at Baha'i International Community. Catch the guests discussing the many facets of Global Citizenship and its role in bringing the world together in modern times.

May 27, 202146:00
Why HBCUs still matter

Why HBCUs still matter

HBCUs have historical significance in America, and they continue to produce successful Black intellectuals. Listen to the history of HBCUs and how one HBCU, Dillard University, is creating a space for students of color to thrive. 

In this episode of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast, Melton Fellow Kennedy is joined by Dr. Roland N. Bullard, Jr.'s Dillard University's (New Orleans, LA) Vice President for Student Success. Catch the guests discussing the relevance of HBCUs in modern times. 

Featured in the podcast: 

Dr. Roland N. Bullard, Jr. is a higher education and student advocate who serves at Dillard University (New Orleans, LA) as Vice President for Student Success. In this role, Bullard has oversight for campus police, career and professional development, conduct, counseling, disability services, Greek life, health services, religious life, student engagement and leadership, TRIO programs, and university housing. He also serves as an adjunct faculty member at the University of New Orleans in the M.Ed.- Higher Education program and teaches undergraduate FYS (First-Year Seminar) courses in the University College at Dillard.

Kennedy is currently a second-year Psychology/Pre-Med major at Dillard University.  In addition to being a part of the 2020 batch of Melton Fellows, Kennedy is involved in a myriad of programs on and off campus which detail her commitment to service. As her new Melton Fellow project, Kennedy created and operates Book'd: a virtual book club for BIPOC girls that promotes critical and reflective thinking, equips young women with leadership skills, and promotes empowerment. After college, Kennedy plans to attend medical school with aspirations of becoming a surgeon.

Apr 08, 202120:12
Mental Health for Milennials

Mental Health for Milennials

In this episode of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast, Melton Fellow Harshinee is joined by the co-founders of one of India's leading mental health online forums, Mental Health Talks India. Catch the guests discussing lived experiences, dos and don'ts, and more when it comes to mental health for young people of today! 

We encourage listeners to employ takeaways discussed in their daily lives, and further social impact on an individual and community level. More episodes of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast coming soon!

Feb 17, 202148:44
The Future of Africa's Education and Leadership

The Future of Africa's Education and Leadership

Welcome to a new episode of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast! 

"We have reviewed the past and present characteristics of education and leadership in Africa. In the wake of a pandemic that has rocked economies globally, this discussion between Melton Fellow Kwabena Ankrah and Patrick Awuah Jr., Founder and President of Ashesi University, Ghana, analyzes the future of Africa’s Education and Leadership and give prompts that will lead to learning and healing from our past and present ashes to forge a glorious continent in coming years." 

Happy Listening! 

Jan 20, 202133:06
For a world without Gender Violence

For a world without Gender Violence

In this episode of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast, Melton Fellow Lindiwe is joined by Oxfam in Ghana's Gender Justice Advisor Keita Rose-Tahiru. Catch us discussing Activism against Gender-Based Violence, the implications of Gender-Based Violence on young girls and women, some of the DO’s and Don'ts for civilians when dealing with a person who has fallen victim to Gender-Based Violence, and more. 

We encourage listeners to employ takeaways discussed in their daily lives, and further social impact on an individual and community level. More episodes of the 'Global Citizenship in Practice' podcast coming soon!

Nov 25, 202023:31
Health, Local governance, and Social Innovation in South Chile

Health, Local governance, and Social Innovation in South Chile

Welcome to a new Spanish episode of Global Citizenship in Practice: 

La crisis atmosférica en Temuco, Chile, enreda causas económicas, obstáculos sociales, y consecuencias para nuestra salud que la vuelven un problema complejo de zanjar. Durante esta #Climathon, tres expertas chilenas se reúnen a discutir este desafío bajo tres aristas principales: Salud, política local, e innovación social. La polución al sur de Chile se ha vuelto crítica en los últimos años, y solo una comprensión transversal del problema y la acción colaborativa crearán el cambio que nuestras -y futuras- generaciones necesitan para volver a respirar.

The air pollution crisis in Temuco, Chile, tangles economic causes, social obstacles, and consequences in our health; making it a difficult problem to sort out. In this podcast episode from our #ClimathonTemuco panel session, three Chilean experts gather at the table, to discuss this problem under three main factors: health, local governance, and social innovation. Pollution in South Chile has become critical in the last few years, and we know only a transversal comprehension of the problem and collaborative action can create the change our -and future- generations need, to breathe again.

Topics discussed in the podcast: 

  • How does a pollution crisis affect our health?
  • How does pollution behave in urban areas?
  • Causes and origins of particulate matter in South Chile.
  • Decontamination plans for Temuco and Padre Las Casas communes in La Araucanía Region.
  • Firewood: Exploring the Chilean home-heating system.
  • Less money, fewer options: What is "energy poverty"?
  • What is the "district energy" system innovation - and how can it help?
  • Challenges of the air pollution crisis in Temuco. 

Podcast Guests: 

  • Belén Rodríguez is Internist at Hernán Henríquez Aravena Hospital in Temuco, and Senior Fellow in the Melton Foundation. | She covered the pollution crisis and its consequences in the human body, as well as pollution-related diseases and the projection of such situations for future generations.
  • Paula Castillo is Ministerial Secretary of Environment for the La Araucanía region. | She explained about how our local governments are tackling the pollution crisis in the region, the challenges ahead, and future prototypes and measures to address them.
  • Gustavo Ciudad is Director at the UFRO (Universidad de La Frontera) Environmental Institute. | He spoke about the concept of "energy poverty", socioeconomic barriers to sustainable societies, and environmental responsibility for citizens.

Happy Listening! 

Oct 03, 202001:20:16
A Woman's Life: Expectation versus Reality
Oct 03, 202018:25
Sustainability and a global Pandemic: How can we live 'Green' during COVID-19?
Sep 10, 202016:10
Do you have a healthy relationship with your 'Mentor'?

Do you have a healthy relationship with your 'Mentor'?

Our latest podcast is about mentorship and how it is important for young students today.

Melton Fellows Amari and Abigail from the Dillard and Ashesi campuses have an interactive dialogue about mentorship and how it has enriched their lives and professional development. They aim to move more kids pursuing higher education to evaluate or establish healthy professional relationships to ensure success in their careers.

Hot topics, intercultural dialogue, current affairs, and friendly, thought-provoking conversation! 

Sep 09, 202017:22
Urbanization: Effect on People and the Environment
Sep 09, 202018:48
Bridging the gap in Mental Health Care

Bridging the gap in Mental Health Care

What is at the crux of Mental Health Care? How do we prepare and mitigate risks associated with mental distress? What is emotional well-being? How can we destigmatize 'mental illness' and encourage those who need help to proactively seek it? How easy or difficult is it to help a loved one in distress? 

Who better to answer these questions than a premiere organization working on Mental Health care and awareness in the metropolitan city of Bangalore, India? Joining us on this episode of 'Global Citizenship in Practice' is the enigmatic Mr. Manoj Chandran, Founding member, and CEO of the White Swan Foundation, a Bangalore-based non-profit organization that offers knowledge-led solutions in the area of mental health.  They provide persons with mental illness, caregivers, and communities with well-researched information that helps make informed decisions on how to deal with mental health issues. Their mission, “To deliver knowledge services for mental health and wellbeing”, resonates with us deeply, and we are thrilled to be partnering with them in our small endeavors towards promoting UN - SDG 3, Good Health and WellBeing. 

Happy Listening!

Aug 04, 202021:48
COVID-19 Quarantine: How do we deal with Poverty and Resource Scarcity?

COVID-19 Quarantine: How do we deal with Poverty and Resource Scarcity?

During the pandemic, poverty has increased across Chile and the world. Every day there is more unemployment and the situation does not look favorable for the future, there are no more incomes and life becomes complicated. How to deal with poverty and scarcity of resources? What actions can be done to contribute during this context? 

Join us on this episode of 'Global Citizenship in Practice' to delve into this topic with Héctor Mellado from the Innovapaís Foundation!  

Aug 02, 202057:15
COVID-19 in World Media: 'News' in the times of a Pandemic
Aug 01, 202013:00
COVID-19 and Education - How do we go from here?
Jul 28, 202016:31
A Ruptured Cultural Identity: How Africans and African Americans Struggle To See Eye-to-Eye
Jul 04, 202019:55
Do Cultures and Traditions slow Africa's development?
Jul 04, 202018:48
Global Citizenship and Cultural Identity

Global Citizenship and Cultural Identity

In our recent Intercultural Peer Mentoring Podcast, we have Anirudh Bathija from India, and his mentor May Garces, from Chile, sharing their perspectives about Global citizenship and what it means in terms of incremental progress, understanding what it's like to remove yourself from your cultural identity to be a global citizen, May speaks about what it means to her to be a mentor, the Sustainable Development Goals they are each passionate about, a small game of 'this or that', and more!

Listen on for fun advice, enjoy a budding intercultural friendship, and keep coming back for more! Happy listening!

Jul 04, 202037:08
Communications and the Community

Communications and the Community

In this episode of the Intercultural Peer Mentoring Podcast, we have Zhang Dou Dou from China, and her mentor Ashley Wilson, from the USA, sharing their perspectives about their biggest shared interest - communications, social impact, and the interconnected nature of storytelling and mass media. There's also a fun game, some lively banter, and a genuine mentor-mentee relationship for us to peek into! :)

Listen on for fun advice, enjoy a budding intercultural friendship, and keep coming back for more! Happy listening!

May 24, 202015:31
What would you tell your 21 year old self?

What would you tell your 21 year old self?

In our first Intercultural Peer Mentoring Podcast, we have Lindiwe Mutungamiri from Zimbabwe, and her mentor Victor Valenzuela, from Chile, sharing their perspectives about their biggest shared interest - entrepreneurship, social impact, and Victor advises Lindiwe on navigating the world as Global Citizens in their own right. Lindiwe also asks her mentor a pertinent question - 'What would you tell your 21-year-old self? '  :) 

Listen on for fun advice, enjoy a budding intercultural friendship, and keep coming back for more! Happy listening! 

May 24, 202011:42
Demystifying Design Thinking

Demystifying Design Thinking

What is Design Thinking, really? You may have heard the term, you also may have used the methodology, but have you ever wondered what 'Design Thinking' really is? How does it improve lives - in schools and professional environments and homes alike? Join us as we 'Demystify Design Thinking' with Mana Taheri, an accomplished Design Thinking educator, and coach from the world-renown HPI School of Design Thinking, in this podcast! :) Happy Listening! 

May 02, 202014:22
Innovation for the Differently Abled

Innovation for the Differently Abled

Melton Fellows Sangeetha and Yunmei from India and China bring you a podcast around technological innovations for differently-abled citizens in India, biodiversity preservation in China, and more!

Hot Topics, Intercultural Dialogue, Current Affairs, and friendly, thought-provoking conversation!

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Apr 25, 202006:08
Extinction Rebellion Explained

Extinction Rebellion Explained

Melton Fellows Hannah, Dou Dou and Harshinee from Germany, China, and India, bring you a podcast around the Extinction Rebellion initiative across Europe, ban on single-use plastic in India and it's implications and more insight on building a sustainable tomorrow!

Hot Topics, Intercultural Dialogue, Current Affairs, and friendly, thought-provoking conversation!

Support the show (

Apr 25, 202011:58
Civil Unrest and Citizen Uprising
Apr 23, 202012:37
Socio-political climate and Gender (in)Equality in Germany and China
Apr 22, 202023:09
Social Entrepreneurship and Global Healthcare Systems
Apr 20, 202020:15
Daily life in China - CoronaVirus Pandemic
Apr 20, 202016:22
Social Innovation during Global Pandemics

Social Innovation during Global Pandemics

Hot Topics, Intercultural Dialogue, Current Affairs, and friendly, thought-provoking conversation!

Melton Fellows Archishman & Shijia from India and China primarily discussed two topics, the role of social startups and advancements in technology during the current COVID 19 situation and the second, Sun Yang, a star swimmer who was recently banned for eight years because he was painted as a drug cheat.

Happy Listening! 

Apr 19, 202017:11