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The Observer Station

The Observer Station

By The Observer Station

Welcome to "The Observer Station," the ultimate podcast created exclusively for fishery observers. Hosted by marine biologist and experienced observer, Wayne Walter, this podcast is your go-to resource for all things related to fisheries, marine conservation, and the thrilling world beneath the waves. Each episode dives deep into the captivating life of fishery observers, shedding light on their vital role in monitoring and safeguarding our oceans' ecosystems.
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Stay Positive, Bring A Laugh Out To Sea

The Observer StationFeb 26, 2023

Things We Aren't Thankful for: Trawl?

Things We Aren't Thankful for: Trawl?

In this interview two members of the Public Rachel and Phil give their take on the environmental impact of trawl fishing and the urgent need for a paradigm shift in our approach to harvesting marine resources.

Nov 23, 202301:37:28
Citizen involvement in science

Citizen involvement in science

Citizen involvement in science spans a wide range of activities, providing diverse opportunities for individuals to actively contribute to scientific research and discovery.

Nov 11, 202330:13
June Meeting: Part 1

June Meeting: Part 1

Observer safety is No.1! Heres a break down of whats going on up there.

Jun 30, 202352:41
New Tails, Old Questions

New Tails, Old Questions

This week is the first in hopefully many interviews with new observers.

Jun 19, 202301:26:09
Dragging Bottom or Just stirring up problems

Dragging Bottom or Just stirring up problems

Hey Yall,

Heres a short snip from the meeting. Im going to post a few of these. Let me know what you think about what is being said or what isn't being said.

Jun 09, 202309:17
2023 Spring FMAC: Federal Observers?

2023 Spring FMAC: Federal Observers?

This episode I go into what went down at the 2023 FMAC meeting and changes that will be coming to a fishery near you.

May 20, 202333:34
Birds of a Feather are not always best together

Birds of a Feather are not always best together

Social Media, is it bad? Is it Good? The answer may shock you, its Yes and No. If you want the total answer, listen in as Wayne goes to the depths of media to find the truth for you.

May 07, 202337:40
Rockfish ID: Hardest Fish in the West

Rockfish ID: Hardest Fish in the West

Whats the best fish around? No one knows, but these guys and gals sure are hard to beat. Listen in as we try to help with those tricky fish IDs.

Mar 11, 202345:31
Stay Positive, Bring A Laugh Out To Sea

Stay Positive, Bring A Laugh Out To Sea

Join Co-host Lauren as she reads you the worst jokes she could find!!! It gets lonely, and glum while out at sea make sure to stay positive and what better way than to LAUGH!!

Feb 26, 202308:31
Observer Pros and Cons

Observer Pros and Cons

Take a peak into our minds and the type of people we (observers) are! Whether you are new to observing, thinking about being one of us, a super seasoned prior, or just curious; come along with us as we talk pros and cons of our world and share some fun stories along the way!

Feb 23, 202301:22:24
Spooky Seas

Spooky Seas

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Join us this week for our Halloween special, be prepared to be titillate and terrified with our stories and native lore of alaska and the dark waters that surround it. 

Feb 22, 202353:32
Enter into the Observer World

Enter into the Observer World

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Hey All, 

   This is the start of our observer podcast. Im sure all of you know plenty about the work you've done but here is some background on us, your hosts, and the fishery that we all work in and the job we do. 

Feb 15, 202351:04
Providers-What Who Where?

Providers-What Who Where?

Stuffed with a Thanksgiving feast and possibly giddy from too much pie, Lets chat about our bosses! What is a provider? And how can we navigate this better?

Feb 15, 202301:04:04


Oh boy am I(Wayne) mad in this one. Listen in as the AP goes into the CP Pot fleet and NMFS try's to find solutions to tossing newbies into the meat grinder that is working on a pot vessel for your first contract. There's a solution that no one want's to look at, and listen in as my blood pressure goes up and I get ever more frustrated at the lack of self-awareness given.

Feb 10, 202354:57
Intro to Fish ID

Intro to Fish ID

Listen in as we attempt, very poorly, to help you with your fish ID's. There's a lot of fish out there, and here are some helpful tips on identifying some of them.  More episodes like this to come, so feel free to reach out and ask for help and clarification on anything fish related. 

Feb 04, 202301:03:56
Dutch Duke Delights: Jonathan's time in Alaska and NMFS

Dutch Duke Delights: Jonathan's time in Alaska and NMFS

Destress and be Delighted as Jonathan McFall goes into his background and time as a field worker in Dutch Harbor AK. Schooling and jobs can take you to a variety of places, listen in and learn where this journey takes one man. 


Jan 21, 202301:14:02
An Old Station in a New Year

An Old Station in a New Year

GOOD NEWS FOLKS, thats all we are bringing to you, GREENER DAYS are ahead if you take some of our helpful tips to heart. 

Jan 07, 202343:41
A Councils Contemplating Conclusion : The Dog and The King

A Councils Contemplating Conclusion : The Dog and The King

Well, the Council has decided. What they have elected to do will shape the state of Alaska and its food supply, listen in to hear the summary of the latest meeting, or go listen to the meeting and make your own conclusions. 

Dec 24, 202201:04:56
Dog Race Part 1: Save our Salmon

Dog Race Part 1: Save our Salmon

Here I show you some comments made at the AP meeting as part of the winter NPMFC meeting. These comments deal with the struggles of catching salmon for peoples of all types and backgrounds. 

Dec 10, 202201:22:23
NPFMC- A brief explanation

NPFMC- A brief explanation

The world is changing. Listen in as we pressure you to get informed on the changes being made to the oceans around you. This episode explains a little about the group that manages the waters off Alaska and the fisheries that happen inside them. 

Nov 26, 202229:48
Observer Retention and Sacrifices to the Sea Gods

Observer Retention and Sacrifices to the Sea Gods

Welcome Back to SEASON TWO!!! Boy did we miss you guys but we loved all the feedback and we took what you said and requested to heart! Join us as we open on a rant specially dedicated to all the priors who have reached out! We heard you and we are bringing to light your and our woes about work life balance! 

Sep 24, 202233:04
*Bonus* Sole Episode: Mentor Program

*Bonus* Sole Episode: Mentor Program

Listen to Sarah talk about her mentor program idea

Jul 23, 202244:31
An Old Observers Rambling

An Old Observers Rambling

Listen to Walter as he talks about current observer events and then proceeds to go on a rambling rant about current observer working conditions and those who work with us. 

Jun 03, 202231:12
Best Fishes: A Fishery Management story

Best Fishes: A Fishery Management story

Listen in as we talk about the very basics of fishery management and what is done to help keep the machine moving. 

Jun 03, 202227:50
Earth day short -non Spotify

Earth day short -non Spotify

Just a short episode to Celebrate earth day
Apr 26, 202214:09
Earth Day Short

Earth Day Short

Episodes with music are only available on Spotify.

Its Earth Day, so lets have a little chat about that. 

Apr 22, 202226:21
Pollution Solutions

Pollution Solutions

Do you know what MARPOL really is or what to look for? Joins us as we wade through the slurry of MARPOL!

Apr 16, 202252:25


Tune in for April Fools!! 

Apr 02, 202214:49
That's Net Your Problem!!

That's Net Your Problem!!

Tune in to hear from the founder of Net Your Problem, Nicole Baker! She is a former observer who turned a problem she saw everyday while up in Alaska into a business solution. We dive into what fishing nets are made of and how different nets and gear can be turned into reusable pellets or even fuel!! 

Visit Net Your Problem at their website below or find them on Instagram @netyourproblem , maybe you could be an unlikely partner in their pursuit to clean up our world!!

Mar 19, 202257:33
Waman's HERstory Month Women in Maritime

Waman's HERstory Month Women in Maritime

Welcome to our Women's Maritime History episode! We dive into women and their influence in Maritime history, myths, and lore!

If you enjoy the song in this episode follow the link below to enjoy more of their music! 




Mar 05, 202253:08
Take a Deep Dive on the Longline! Soul Queen: Part II- Halibout That

Take a Deep Dive on the Longline! Soul Queen: Part II- Halibout That

In this episode we talk about some of our knowledge on longline then return to Sarah to hear her talk about the IPHC and her brief experience with working on a small Long Line vessel.

Feb 26, 202258:38
All about them Plants

All about them Plants

Wayne and Lauren talk saltwater union contract and plant life! 

Feb 05, 202251:31
Amendment 80: Flatfish are Bottom Feeders

Amendment 80: Flatfish are Bottom Feeders

Wacky wonderful whirling world of trawl!! With so much to cover we brought in guest to help us fill in on some experience we don't have yet! Joined by Charles, who has been an observer for the past six years in AK, shares with us some of his experience working on A80 vessels back when the kinks were being worked out!

Jan 22, 202249:37
Let's Talk Trawl!!

Let's Talk Trawl!!

Get our take on trawl and the wonders of the sea floor!!

Don't know what trawl fishing is; come join us as we talk about the pros and the cons! 

Jan 08, 202201:13:50
Words of a Coordinator

Words of a Coordinator

This episode we hear from Erica Westly, a former Saltwater West coast coordinator about her time as both a former observer and a coordinator. 

Dec 25, 202101:03:28
Amendment 80: The Sole Queen

Amendment 80: The Sole Queen

There's so much to trawl we decided to bring in others to help talk about their experiences with part of it. Here is Sarah, a long term observer for the Alaska Program and one of the most proficient A-80 observers in the Alaska program. 

Dec 13, 202155:27
BONUS EPISODE! Observer Basics

BONUS EPISODE! Observer Basics

Wondering what the hell we were talking about and a lot got lost in translation from the first episode? Don't worry we got your back, in the first of many bonus episodes! 

Terms and Germs!

Nov 20, 202140:28
Teaser Preview

Teaser Preview

Don't know if this podcast will be your speed and don't have time to waste 40+ minutes to figure it out? Well you're in luck because we  decided to put some clips together for ya! 

Teaser Preview Episode!!!

Nov 12, 202101:03