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The Ridiculous Hour

The Ridiculous Hour

By The Ridiculous Hour Foundation

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Monthly, the Foundation releases mission packs that challenge recipients to grow in practical responsiveness to the promptings of God. In this podcast, Founder Kat Silverglate, brings each mission challenge to life through story, expanded content, prayer and ridiculous encouragement. Won't you join us as we grow toward ridiculous responsiveness?
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Episode 15: Go Gloved, Go Loved

The Ridiculous HourJun 21, 2021

Episode 54: Don't Forget to Remember

Episode 54: Don't Forget to Remember

In her book Compelled by Love, Heidi Baker, a missionary in Mozambique, describes a condition we may all have. Or perhaps a touch of. She calls it an orphan spirit. In the Lord, we are adopted children with full access to everything in our Father's house but we live as if the things of God are for the special kids or the ones who really belong in the house or the ones He loves better. What we most need is completely available to us but we live as if someone has restricted our personal access.

Our mission this month begins with a woman who says "I love you" over and over again to a husband who gets annoyed with the repetition: "Do you think I've forgotten? Or don't know? ... Isn't there a point in a relationship where you just know it's true?"

Our mission ends with the story of an abandoned boy in Mozambique who finds freedom from his orphan spirit in a Village of Joy full of repetitive acts of "I love you" and unfettered access to a soda in the family fridge.

Curious? We sure hope so!

Join the founder of the Mobile Mission Project at the Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the June 2024 mission story and challenge called -- Don't Forget to Remember!

If you'd like to receive this Mission Pack in the mail, pop on over to and we'll get one out to you. They are free.

Jun 01, 202418:41
Episode 53: Blah Blah Blah

Episode 53: Blah Blah Blah

Imposter syndrome plagues writers. No matter how many times you try to talk them off the ledge or give them a pep talk, they wonder if their words are gonna sound like a whole lot of "blah blah blah" to the reader.

But it isn't just writers, it's most folks with a story to tell. If we are found in the Lord, that includes us! We have an amazing story to tell. Not because we are eloquent, or famous, or great orators or writers, but because God says if we don't speak "the rocks will cry out." Certainly we beat a stone in story skill. Certainly!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation as she introduces the May 2024 Mission called Blah Blah Blah and welcomes Georgie Davis. Georgie, a Liberian missionary, cannot tell her hope story without revisiting the most tragic event of her life, reading hundreds of letters that give context to the loss and interviewing folks that were present at the scene 40 years ago.

Listen to how her hardened heart is being remolded and shaped into something akin to putty as she allows the Lord to show her how to process unspeakable loss.

If, after hearing this episode, you would like the equipping pieces discussed, or you'd like to receive Mobile Mission Packs in the mail [free], visit us at and we'll get a pack out to you right away.

May 01, 202419:11
Episode 52: Thunk Thunk Thunk

Episode 52: Thunk Thunk Thunk

The racetrack ride at Disney – The Speedway to Tomorrowland – is shockingly real to a kid. Bright popping colorful cars, twisty tracks, revving engines, low leather bucket seats and nobby rubber steering wheels all feel so real. But it’s the actual ride that eventually brings deeper meaning to the concept of “real.”

We steer our cars too hard to the left and… THUNK… we hit the guardrail at the center designed to keep our ride on the track. We react by over-correcting to the right and… THUNK… we hit the guardrail at the center and are forced back on to the course laid out for us. And on and on it goes -- THUNK, THUNK, THUNK -- until we get to the end of the course and conclude that either the ride is lousy, or we have a defective car, or both.

Our story begins with a child on a ride concluding her toy car is defective and in continues with her as an adult concluding she's defective because her mistakes feel a whole lot like THUNKING. She comes to believe she isn’t allowed to course correct or THUNK in public spaces, so she hides.

Our story ends with God allowing a course correction that births a women’s ministry with a simple core value -- REAL women get healed because others in the family of faith can only bear what a woman chooses to share.

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Inc. for the April 2024 mission story and challenge called THUNK, THUNK, THUNK. 

If you’d like to receive the free gift included with this Mission, email us at or go to our mission page on the website – and request one. We’d be thrilled snail mail it to you.


We sure hope so!

Apr 02, 202417:05
Episode 51: Do-Over

Episode 51: Do-Over

Ever ironed a crease in the wrong spot in a garment? Once that crease gets set and cool, it's pretty challenging to press it out, isn't it?

Dry cleaners actually use special tags to make sure a crease doesn't end up where one doesn't belong. They say CREASE and NO CREASE. And if they miss the mark [which we all sometimes do], there's a tag for that too -- DO-OVER. You can buy these tags by the thousands at dry cleaning suppliers.... which we did... just for the mission this month.

Because let's face it, who doesn't need a DO-OVER now and again... and again and again?


We sure hope so!

Join Ridiculous Hour Foundation Founder Kat Silverglate for the March 2024 Mobile Mission called DO-OVER where we open our hearts to God's call to keep short conflict accounts with others... to iron out creases right away.

And if you'd like the dry cleaning tags we sent out this month with our physical mission packs, we'd be thrilled to snail mail 'em to ya. Just visit our mobile mission page on our website at

Mar 01, 202415:31
Episode 50: I Signed Up for This

Episode 50: I Signed Up for This

We've all said it. Under our breath. In our heads. On our knees. To a trusted friend in whispered tones. "I didn't sign up for this!"

At the start, we genuinely want in. At the startline, we are focused on the rightness of the endeavor, or the possibilities for the future, or the hope or promise or prize, or just something better...

And then it gets hard, or impossible, or inconvenient, or boring or shocking or just plain ugly. And then we hear ourselves say... "I didn't sign up for this."

Our story begins with a classic bucket list item -- a full marathon. It continues on race day with the phrase, "I didn't sign up for this." And it resolves with a new mother teaching her mother-in-love a thing or two about self-sufficiency and God's strength.

Curious? We sure hope so.

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the February 2024 Mobile Mission -- "I Signed Up for This."

To receive the gift and challenge associated with this mission [free], go to the mission page at

Thank you to Shannon Alderman for her sound edits to this podcast. You make The Ridiculous Hour better.

Jan 31, 202419:34
Episode 49: Boxing

Episode 49: Boxing

Some say when we pray for patience, God allows challenges and tests. How else would one know the presence of patience if not by circumstances that require it? During a challenge, as our agitation builds, we look at the person getting on our last nerve, and we blame them for our disquietude. But then that prayer for patience rises in our memory, and we wonder "could that be YOU Lord?"

Our mission story begins with a little girl raised in a small town who adopts the phrase "I've got this" as she fights to prove she's worthy of big things.

Somewhere in mid-life, we find her on her knees praying that God would intercede in the impact her driven-ness is having on others. Literally she prays for "the possibility of being a deeply spiritual person who has a positive, rather than a negative impact on the people I care about."

Our story ends with God bringing her people to impact and care about. Lots of them. Oodles of them!

Curious? We sure hope so. Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Mobile Mission Project at the Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the January 2024 Mobile Mission story and challenge called -- Boxing.

To order the equipping pieces discussed in this story, email

And again, we thank Shannon I.F. Alderman for her sound edits on this podcast. She makes this mission better.

Dec 27, 202324:57
Episode 48: Pocket Confetti

Episode 48: Pocket Confetti

Have you seen that viral social media post with the eight-year-old in the car with Mom?

8YO: “Do you want me to throw the confetti in my pocket?”

Mom: “No not in the car! – why do you have confetti in your pocket?”

8yo: “It’s my emergency confetti, I carry it everywhere in case there is good news.”

It makes us warm but it also makes us pause. Most of us can relate to the mother who worries more about the mess of celebration than the good news being celebrated. Can't we?

In worshipping God, we proclaim Philippians 4:8 which celebrates whatever is true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praise worthy! We repeat Micah's words -- do justice, love mercy, walk humbly with God. But when actually doing so risks stepping out of our neatly ordered plans and risking the mess that may ensue if we live those things out with our neighbors, our enemies, our friends? "No, not in the car!" How do we let the confetti fly like a child without minding the mess?

Join Kat Silverglate, Founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the December 2023 Mobile Mission called Emergency Pocket Confetti. If you'd like your own set of pocket confetti, go to or email

Dec 02, 202314:42
Episode 47: Feast Mode

Episode 47: Feast Mode

When we are invited to a dinner with fancy napkins, we know there's something more than food being served. We know that we will be fed by something else. Something with meaning. Something deeper.

Our mission story this month begins with a tribute to the co-founder of a food pantry in South Florida. Long before Tricia Heng started that pantry, she was a struggling single mom who received a basket of food at a terribly difficult time. That gift from a stranger at a church gave her just the courage she needed to say yes to going on a retreat where she had a personal encounter with God. He tugged her heart. Made it personal. Let her know that she had a mission. She wrote a letter to Him at the end of that retreat -- nearly 27 years ago [11/3/1996] and she told Him she didn't know what the mission was but she knew He'd direct her steps. And He did!

Our story ends with a series of miracles that have allowed that feast to continue many years after her death. And for many to feast on the friendship of God.


We sure hope so!

Join founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Kat Silverglate, for the November 2023 true story and mission challenge -- Feast Mode.

If you would like the equipping pieces referenced in this piece [always free while supplies last], go to and request them.

Note, this mobile mission officially begins on 11/1/23. This episode was released early to supply pre-release copies to those who are new to The Ridiculous Hour Mobile Mission.

Oct 21, 202319:38
Episode 46: Lights Up, So That...

Episode 46: Lights Up, So That...

Our story this month begins with a five-time Emmy winning sports producer who moves from a big city to Boise Idaho to start a family and a family business: "I went from a bustling city working 60 hours a week in a high-profile job that held spotlights on ratings, followers, likes, clicks, views and awards to a small town where they drove slowly, didn’t know my name, and preferred ‘Calvin’s mom’ to Jenn... I loved being mom, but I didn’t know how to grasp the concept of worth outside the context of career success. Where did I fit in the world now?”

Our story ends with her having an epiphany about worth while performing as an extra in a few film shorts about the people the world might consider "extras" but God considered central.


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, Founder of The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the October 2023 Mobile Mission Challenge. If you'd like to receive the "equipping pieces" discussed in this podcast [always free while supplies last] go to and request them!

Oct 01, 202317:19
Episode 45: Salt & ...
Sep 01, 202314:00
Episode 44: Mid-Life: Reinforcing Holes

Episode 44: Mid-Life: Reinforcing Holes

The phrase mid-life is curious, isn't it? Especially when we have no way of knowing where the middle will be. Which is why mid-life tends to have us reinforcing holes. Asking questions like: “What have I left undone?” “What should I be doing in the time I have left?”

Our mission story begins with an invite to give a TED-style talk and how it moved a mid-lifer to face a stereotype he hid behind...

It ends with God reinforcing the holes in that adopted identity…

And somewhere in the middle, we hear how the holes were filled: "The best analogy I have is a pair of jeans with worn out knees. When you run your hand over that part you feel something in the thin place that you don’t feel on the rest of your legs. The presence of the Lord was overwhelming."


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at the Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the August 2023 Mobile Mission launch – Mid-life: Reinforcing Holes.

If you'd like the physical Mobile Mission Pack discussed in this podcast, go to and we’ll get one in the mail to you right away [free while supplies last].

*** Always with joyful gratitude to our sound editor, Shannon Alderman, for her creative work on this episode.

Aug 02, 202317:30
Episode 43: Old Love New Love

Episode 43: Old Love New Love

There is a truth that would make most of us viscerally nod our heads up and down -- a phrase that tugs our heart strings when we pause to think about the folks who live this out in our lives -- a phrase that reaches a deep tender place...

We long to be both fully known and still fully loved.

Think about it. To be DEEPLY known, warts and all, and STILL deeply loved requires a great deal of trust on the part of the known one and a great deal of patience and kindness on the part of the knower.

Our mission story this month starts with a nurse who explains, in an unforgettable way, why this kind of love is so hard to lose, and ends with a slap across the face that results in a... BEAR HUG!


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, Founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the July 2023 Mobile Mission called Old Love, New Love.

If you'd like to receive the Mission Pack referenced in this Podcast [always free while supplies last] visit We'd absolutely love to send you one!

Jun 29, 202318:18
Episode 42: Still with the IF in LifE

Episode 42: Still with the IF in LifE

We are so fond of the phrase "life is a gift," and it is; but, the middle letters in both these words, life and gift, are IF. Both center on the ability to question. It's what sets us apart. Makes us human, right? If we aren't careful, we can fall into the trap of believing that questions and doubts are a sign of ingratitude. Or a lack of faith. If we aren't careful, we can stunt our growth and that of others by calling honest questions and doubts by the wrong names -- ingratitude and faithlessness.

Our mission story begins with a girl whose parents give her the middle initials I.F. before they know her naturally inquisitive nature. A cancer diagnosis in her 20's amp up her questions about God and a fear that expressing them will signal ingratitude in the midst of so much care. Thinking that a carpe diem attitude is a higher way through cancer, she develops a poker face of confidence, stuffing her pain and doubts for years. COVID lockdown leaves her alone with all that stuffing and numbing mechanisms that no longer work. Our story ends with a "Godly Google Search" that results in friends who help her move from poker face to poker breath, a holy release from the desire to stuff honest questions and doubts.


We sure hope so.

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the June 2023 mission story and challenge. If you choose to begin this mission on June 1st, you will be joining individuals in 13 countries, 45 states and 270+ cities who are receiving these messages and activities. If you would like the physical Mission Pack with the equipping pieces described in this Episode (always free while supplies last), go to and request one or sign up to receive them automatically by mail.

This episode is dedicated to my little sister Shannon I.F. Alderman who is brave in her questions and faithful in her journey toward hope. As sound editor to this podcast, she has blessed countless others through The Ridiculous Hour mission. We thank God for her daily.

Jun 01, 202322:43
Episode 41: Tested Hope

Episode 41: Tested Hope

What is hope before it's tested? It's a funny question, isn't it? I mean, we know transformation happens between untested and tested hope, but what kind?

C.S. Lewis focuses his answer on revelation in his book A Grief Observed: “God has not been trying an experiment on my faith or love in order to find out their quality. He knew it already. It was I who didn't." The Apostle Paul goes beyond self-revelation to an often painful trajectory that ends at a fruitful promise: "...we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame..." Romans 5:3-5

Which leads some of us to this bold honest question... So does that mean it's possible to get to the point where we move through suffering and tests differently because we trust they lead to resilient hope? To a hope that does not disappoint? After reading Carlisa's story, we think you might find yourself declaring, "of course it does!"

When God called Carlisa and her husband to foster* nine children [not all at the same time], He already knew that it would pull her through the biggest faith crisis of her adult life -- the death of her beloved mother. Our mission story begins with a grief stricken daughter declaring "I don't do God anymore" and ends with a wild, nearly comical series of God-incidences that leave her shamelessly hopeful!

Curious? We sure hope so.

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the May 2023 Mission story called Tested Hope. If you'd like to receive the free Mission Pack discussed in this podcast, we'd be thrilled to send you one by snail mail while supplies last. Simply visit the mission page at

Note*: some facts about the children have been changed to protect their identities.

End Note: With ridiculous gratitude to our sound producer, Shannon Alderman, for your excellence in making these podcasts pop with music and vocal edits.

May 01, 202325:01
Episode 40: Active Waiting

Episode 40: Active Waiting

Waiting sounds like such a passive thing, doesn't it? The act of waiting. You let time pass until the wait is over and then you go on, right? Sometimes we do, but not always.

Not when it's the hardest kind of waiting. Not when it is the kind of waiting where you have zero control over the outcome and the outcome will seriously impact your life. You have a routine medical test. You get that call... you need a biopsy. While you're waiting for the test and then the results, you feel like you have a gremlin living in your head. He does laps around the creases in your brain repeatedly yelling "what if, what if, what if..." He's loud and rude and he won't shut up. You keep getting in the car with him like you're in a NASCAR race and you let him drive you to the scene of various worst case scenarios again and again. You're very active in that waiting room, but you know that it isn't the right kind of active waiting. How do you find it?

Our mission story this month begins with that little fear and worry gremlin driving a woman bonkers while waiting for biopsy results and it ends with perfect strangers feasting in a hospital room and experiencing peace together before the results come in.

Curious? We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, the founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the April 2023 mission story and challenge called Active Waiting. If you would like to learn more about the project or you'd like to receive the Mission Pack described in this episode [while supplies last], go to and click that orange Get Started button at the center of the giant bike picture.

This episode is dedicated to Alma Figueredo who found peace again and again while she waited.

With gratitude to Shannon Alderman for the sound edits to this episode.

Apr 01, 202317:58
Episode 39: Nothing Wasted With God

Episode 39: Nothing Wasted With God

I'm too old. I'm too young. I'm too inexperienced. I'm too poor. I don't have any talents. I'm too tired. I'm too busy. I'm not creative. I'm not bold. I'm afraid. I'm not fixed enough. I'm not ready. I'm not equipped. I'm not good at anything special. I'm afraid to fail. I'm shy. I don't have anything special to add. I don't have any unique skills. I don't know where to start...

Tell this to Margarita and Barbara, two best friends, who at 70 years old started making handmade dolls for people in need of comfort. It started with one doll, then another... and now, at 76 and 77 years old, they are close to their 7,000th's doll. Did they buy all that fabric and stuffing and thread? Nope. It was donated. Did they pay to have the dolls shipped to countries all over the world? Nope. Established ministries, churches, strangers and friends carried or shipped them to those in need. Do they have a formal organization? Negative! Just a name, Komfort Kuddlies and a heart to share the Lord.

This dynamic duo has something to teach us about the Parable of the Talents in Matthew 25. Something way beyond the call to use what we've been given. Something about the joyful freedom to invest our talents without the wrong kind of fear holding us back. Something about giving out of a deep security in God's love. 

Our mission story this months begins with a woman searching for a role model the way one might search for a Willy Wonka Golden Ticket and ends with two septuagenarians and a wild investment strategy. 

Curious? We sure hope so!

Join the Founder of the Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Kat Silverglate, for the March 2023 Mobile Mission -- Nothing Wasted With God. If you'd like to receive the equipping piece discussed in this Episode, visit and go to the mission page. We'll get one out to you!

With gratitude to Shannon Alderman for the sound edits and production of this episode. Thank you for giving your talents so faithfully!

Mar 01, 202323:07
Episode 38: Texture

Episode 38: Texture

In 1964 a father penned a bedtime story for his sons called Flat Stanley. In it, Stanley is flattened by a falling bulletin board which makes it possible for him to be sent through the postal service in an envelope to a friend in another state. He returns in a fresh new envelope full of stories about his time with friends. Strangely, this seems like such an apt description of what we've become socially. We flatten our voices into text messages, our movements into reels, our physical presence into sharable images and we send them to our "friends." We stopped calling this "connection" long ago and now call it flat-out-relationship.  And while much of this was absolutely necessary during a global pandemic, and while it remains vitally necessary for those with compromised immunities or health challenges, and while it definitely works for folks separated by geography and for teaching on a broad scale, haven't we taken the flat thing a bit too far? In the Lord, the relational world was never intended to be flat. Far from it. It was designed to have the texture of touch and voice and presence. How do we push through a culture that says flat is where it's at?

Our mission story this month begins with the director of a Trial Academy Boot Camp lecturing young lawyers on the importance of texture in their interaction with a jury and we end with Flat Stanley sightings all over the world and beyond to the International Space Station. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Ridiculous Hour Foundation [Home of The Mobile Mission Project] for our February 2023 Mobile Mission Challenge. If you would like to receive the equipping piece discussed in this month's podcast, visit our mission page at We'd be thrilled to mail you one while supplies last. And if you'd like to sign up to take these monthly challenges, visit our sign up link on our home page at

With gratitude to Shannon Alderman for her sound edits on this podcast. Her skill adds texture to the mission!

Feb 01, 202317:04
Episode 37: Counting Detours

Episode 37: Counting Detours

We buy planners this time of year. Preprinted commercial books that give space for yearly goals, monthly calendars, daily plans. We are given room to write and then check off our accomplishments. Set our top priorities. Even schedule our days by 30 minute increments. Doesn't it seem a bit odd that there isn't a box anywhere on those tools for detours? For the unplanned moments when our steps are involuntarily reordered? When it doesn't go the way we want and we find ourselves off the page trying to get back on track? Doesn't it seem like there should be a checkable box for the detours? Don't they count? Do we live as if the unplanned is unusual? As if the detours don't count on life's map?  

Our mission story this month begins with a quirky family mantra -- "what's written remains" -- that causes one family member to freeze when it comes time to writing down goals and plans. It ends with a carefully scripted weekend that was marked more by interruptions than by check marks. A weekend that made that same family member grateful she could compare the written plan to the map her steps ultimately took. 


We sure hope so!    

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, as she introduces the January 2023 Mobile Mission -- Counting Detours. To learn more about this project or to receive the equipping piece discussed in this episode, visit


Jan 01, 202317:11
Episode 36: More!

Episode 36: More!

Our mission story this month starts with a little girl who communicates through sign language a desperate desire for more time with her grandmother and ends with a sign language word that we may decide to use for the rest of our lives to remind ourselves and others that there is always more with God!


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of The Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation for the December 2022 mission challenge -- MORE! If you'd like to receive the equipping pieces discussed at the end of this podcast [always free while supplies last], visit the mission page at and select "request materials."

May we all walk through December 2022 remembering this -- there is always more with God!

Nov 29, 202218:36
Episode 35: Team Lift

Episode 35: Team Lift

Have you ever seen a team lift? A group of people reaching the least, the lost and the lonely TOGETHER! It's beautiful thing to witness isn't it? You see from afar that God is working through that team, but you hang back because it wasn't the burning bush moment you where hoping for. 

Or what about this: God puts an idea in your heart that is beyond your personal capacity. You immediately think more about the obstacles than the possibilities. If you can't do it all on your own with the gifts and resources you have, you choose instead to do nothing. You know that the whisper you heard from heaven requires more than a solo flight with God... you know it involves a team lift.  But with whom? And how? Not able to wrap your brain around that question, you allow the heavenly whisper to morph into a fleeting thought. 

Our mission story this month starts with a veteran stirred by a news clip about a little girl in a war zone and ends with hundreds of teddy bears and stuffed animals waiting for a ride to kiddos fleeing war zones.  


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the November 2022 Mobile Mission -- Team Lift. We are on a mission to rethink responsiveness to God, one month at a time. If you'd like the activity pack referenced in this podcast [free while supplies last], simply go to and select REQUEST MATERIALS just under the countdown timer. 

Sound Credit: Shannon Alderman is responsible for the sound production of this episode. You make us better. Thank you Shannon!

Oct 31, 202213:28
Episode 34: Do Not Stack

Episode 34: Do Not Stack

Do you give your trust to God in difficult circumstances and then find yourself fretting, worrying, and spinning? Do you give it to Him and then take it back? Do you give it to Him again and then wonder why you couldn't resist the urge to snatch it back? Do you give it to Him yet again and then find yourself surprised at the fact that you are holding it? "Why am I holding this? I already gave that to you God? Why is it so hard for me to trust you in this circumstance?" It is as if we are stacking up trust in the Lord the same way we sometimes stack dirty dishes in the sink. "I definitely trust you with ALL my heart God; but right now, I need to put that trust on the pile for a while so I can ______ [fill in the blank -- fret, worry, spin]?"  

Our mission story this month starts with a coffee loving college student on his way to a coffee farm in the mountainous jungle of Peru and ends with his anxiety ridden mother transferring her trust from an app on her phone to the God of the universe who knit this boy in her womb. 


We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the October 2022 Mobile Mission -- Do Not Stack. We are on a mission to rethink responsiveness to God, one month at a time. If you'd like the activity pack referenced in this podcast [free while supplies last], simply go to and select GET STARTED just below our tag line -- inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God!

Sound Credit: Shannon Alderman is responsible for the sound production of this episode. You make us better. Thank you Shannon!

Oct 01, 202219:23
Episode 33: God Size

Episode 33: God Size

Are you a resizer? You feel a nudge, a poke, a prompt a call from the Lord and immediately decide it's the wrong size? "Oh no Lord, that's way outside my comfort zone. Can you resize that? Make it medium please. Just squarely in the middle of my natural talents and abilities. I know how to use those." Or you want something bigger, so your resize request sounds more like this: "I want to make a REAL difference in the world. Can you give me something God size?"

Our mission story this month starts Mr. Canyou, an expert at resizing God's nudges, and ends with a young boy relieved to know he's not alone on the next few steps of first airplane ride.  


We sure hope so! 

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, for the September 2022 Mobile Mission -- God Size. We are on a mission to rethink responsiveness to God, one month at a time. If you'd like the activity pack referenced in this podcast [free], simply go to and select GET STARTED just below our tag line -- inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God!

Sound Credit: Shannon Alderman is responsible for the sound production of this episode. You make us better. Thank you Shannon!

Sep 01, 202216:49
Episode 32: Do Not Separate

Episode 32: Do Not Separate

Ever notice how some truths seem to go together? Stating one without the counterpart leaves you wanting to complete the thought. Truth #1: Truth without love is brutality. We've all experienced a brutally honest person who delivers hard truth with zero love, zero compassion, and negative zero empathy. At best we put up our armor and fight back. At worst we leave with a gaping wound that swallows any hope of addressing the hard truth. So what's the counterpart? What is love without truth? Truth #2: Love without truth is hypocrisy. You've been there, right? Some mushy sugary statement comes out of someone's mouth while the elephant in the room is so big nobody can ignore it. You know the speaker sees it to. But they ignore it. Cover it up with "love." So, you don't trust 'em completely. No, truth and love seem to be some kind of package deal. A set that isn't intended to be separated.   

Episode 32 begins with a "hard truth" meet up between friends and ends with Ralph Waldo Emerson's holy version of the truth/love package deal.  


We sure hope so!

Join the founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Kat Silverglate, for the story behind the August 2022 Mobile Monthly Mission -- Do Not Separate. To order the free equipping piece referenced in this podcast or to sign up for our monthly missions, visit


Sound Credit: Thank you Shannon Alderman, our sound editor, for your awesome edits.

Jul 30, 202213:31
Episode 31: Word Power

Episode 31: Word Power

Ever had to eat your words? Tasted the bitter fruit of words spoken a little too quickly? Rashly? Carelessly? We all have! But you know what? We've all done something else too. Something powerful and delicious. We've tasted the sweet fruit of life-giving words. Encouraging words. Even hard truthful words spoken with deep love and right motives. What if the phrase, "I ate my words" signaled a delicious moment? What if we wanted to eat the fruit of our words because we chose them so carefully? 

Our mission story this month begins with the shortest boy in a class who rose a head taller than the rest and ends with red "muzzle" flags in mailboxes in 44 states, 260 cities and a few countries.  

Curious? We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, founder of the Mobile Mission Project at the Ridiculous Hour Foundation, as she introduces the Foundation's July 2022 Mobile Mission Project -- Word Power. Would you like to join us over the next 30 days as we pause to respond to God's call to "be slow to speak?" Or perhaps you'd simply like to receive a sample mission pack in the mail? Either way, contact us at We'll get you started.

Audio Credit: With gratitude to Shannon Alderman for her audio edits to our podcast.

Jul 01, 202214:09
Episode 30: Orchid [with ridiculous emphasis on the last three letters... HID]

Episode 30: Orchid [with ridiculous emphasis on the last three letters... HID]

Our story this month begins with a spectacular gift that accidentally ended up on the trash heap and ends with a tree hospital for the deadest of orchids. Curious? We sure hope so! Join the Founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Kat Silverglate, as we find a way to pause in the brittle dry places of life and attach to the source of all life. If you'd like to learn more about our monthly missions or you'd like to receive the "equipping piece" that goes with this podcast (while supplies last), check out our mission page on our website at 

SHOUT OUT #1: With gratitude to individuals in 44 states, 260 cities and 9 countries that are participating in our mission this month! 

SHOUT OUT#2: With gratitude to Shannon Alderman for the sound edits on this Podcast. You make us better!

Jun 03, 202212:39
Episode 29: Love is a Tuesday

Episode 29: Love is a Tuesday

We live in a world that celebrates very visible things. Someone gets an award. Earns a degree. Delivers a speech. Writes a book. Starts a charity. Has lots of social media followers. The spot light goes there. People notice. Some form of social value is assigned. But what about the hidden things? The invisible acts? The excruciatingly beautiful sacrifices? Think about the nurse who cleans the vomit. The adult sibling who cares for the dying parent. The friend who drives the elderly couple to the grocery store. The individual who reads to the dyslexic child. Is there more to sacrificial acts of service than being "good citizens" or getting social credit or feeling good about ourselves? The Lord says there is. 

Episode 29 begins with a baby named Tuesday and ends with a bunch of folks dusting for fingerprints -- their own. 


We sure hope so!  

Join the founder of the Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Kat Silverglate, for the story behind the May 2022 Mobile Monthly Mission -- Love is a Tuesday. To order the free equipping piece referenced in this podcast or to sign up for our monthly missions, visit  


Sound Credit: Thank you Shannon Alderman, our sound editor, for your Tuesday edits. 

May 03, 202212:39
Episode 28: Small Moves Big Faith

Episode 28: Small Moves Big Faith

We live in a world obsessed with BIG. Big outcomes. Big following. Big titles. Big results. Big names. Big awards. Big wins. Big gulps. Big deals! Small, for the most part, doesn't make headlines. Doesn't garner attention. Doesn't even seem to wiggle the needle on the radar screen of life. Which is more than a bit ironic when you think about some of God's language about small things. Rather than promote BIG faith, He celebrates faith the size of a mustard seed. It sounds intriguing until you actually hold a single mustard seed in the palm of your hand. And then, it just sounds ridiculous! He sends the youngest son to fight a giant with small stones. And He refuses to speak to Elijah out of the Big-3 weather terrors: tornados, earthquakes and fires. Instead, God chooses to come to him in a small gentle whisper. God so flips our association with the lesser place of SMALL THINGS that we are left hungry to let Him use them to satisfy what BIG has simply failed to satiate.

Our mission story this month begins with a Mama determined to flip the script for a little girl intellectually and developmentally a year behind her class, and ends with a small move -- a one sentence private Facebook message -- that explodes the faith of the recipient.

Curious? We sure hope so!

Join Kat Silverglate, the founder of The Mobile Mission Project at The Ridiculous Hour Foundation as she welcomes us to the Foundation's April 2022 Mobile Monthly Mission -- Small Moves, Big Faith. If, after hearing this podcast, you'd like to learn more or you'd like a sample mission pack, visit

Apr 11, 202217:01
Episode 27: Claim Check

Episode 27: Claim Check

We walk the same paths around our postage stamp dwellings -- over and over again. The hallway. The bathroom. The kitchen. The bed. We drive the same routes to work and to the store and to the school -- over and over again. Stop light. Traffic jam. Car pool. We enter the same sanctuary, the same pharmacy, the same grocery store. We talk so much about God-with-us on the mountain tops and in the valleys of life, but what about His presence on the daily path? In the routine? When we meet someone who notices God in the familiar, we take note, don't we? More than a sense of jealousy, their wonder sparks a craving in us -- a craving to notice God-with-us in the over-and-over-agains of life.

Join mission founder Kat Silverglate as she launches The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's March 2022 Mobile Monthly Mission -- Claim Check. This month's mission story begins with a dance marathon in an Airbnb during February's now infamous snowmageddon and ends with a warning on a "Claim Check" that may change the way you celebrate the miraculous in your daily grind.


We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation, Inc. is a Christian nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Monthly, we release Mobile Missions that allow us to rethink responsiveness to God. To order a sample mission pack or to learn more about our mission, visit our website at

Credits: Shannon Alderman is responsible for the sound edits and musical additions to our monthly podcast. 

Mar 03, 202213:59
Episode 26: The Boundary Protection Program

Episode 26: The Boundary Protection Program

I've always associated boundary tape with controversy. Those little neon strips of plastic tied to twigs on trees scream conflict, boundary disputes, line drawing. And the yellow boundary tape with the words CAUTION or CRIME SCENE -- it shouts danger or tragedy. The stuff just never seemed to announce pleasant times to me. That is until 2019 when our family experienced four weddings and funeral and a whole lotta boundary tape. Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's February 2022 Mobile Mission Challenge -- The Boundary Protection Program. Our mission story this month begins with four weddings and ends with Psalm 16:6 and God's words on boundaries and pleasant places.

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The February 2022 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants on February 1. If you would like to receive the equipping pieces referenced in this podcast -- the boundary tape and celebration envelope -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to contact us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Thank you to our talented sound producer, Shannon Alderman.

Feb 01, 202216:40
Episode 25 What's Your Prefix

Episode 25 What's Your Prefix

The new year is exciting, especially when we've crushed our goals from the prior year. But what about those years where we feel like we are starting again and again on the same goal? Same lesson? Same issue? It can feel a bit like passing GO on the Monopoly board without collecting $200. But what if going back to start isn't always such a bad thing? Or a sign of failure? What if it's a sign of growth? What if we grow when we find the REwind button and press it? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's January 2022 Mobile Mission Challenge -- What's Your Prefix? Our mission story this month begins with a little girl frustrated by her Daddy's constant correction on the same issue and ends with a set of lottery balls slowly landing in chronological order.  

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The January 2022 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants in late December. If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the lottery ball stickers -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Thank you to our talented sound producer, Shannon Alderman.  

Our January 2022 Mission is lovingly dedicated to Bruce Steven Clarke [1938-1974]. 

Jan 04, 202216:28
Episode 24: Here We Grow Again

Episode 24: Here We Grow Again

I don't know about you, but when I imagine a Gallery Artist in Residence, I think of someone who is so elevated in proficiency that they are a bit guarded by the host gallery. Certainly they wouldn't want a clumsy member of the public bumping into the work or the master, would they? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's December 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Here We Grow Again. Our mission story this month begins with an imaginary movie about a gallery "artist in residence" and ends with the real deal in a surprise location.  

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The December 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants on December 1st. If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Our website, theridiculoushour@com, is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Dec 06, 202116:36
Episode 23: BTW -- by the way

Episode 23: BTW -- by the way

LOL, ILY, TTYL, BTW -- we type these little phrases now without wondering whether the person on the other end of the text or email or social media platform will understand. That last abbreviation, BTW -- short for "by the way," is usually reserved for an afterthought or a minor point. "BTW got dog food already." Or, "BTW alarm broken." It really doesn't seem like the the kind of introduction you'd give to a hope-filled, joyful celebration. Yet, that that is exactly how it arrived one Sunday morning in the ears of a forgetful acquaintance. Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's November  2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- BTW: By the Way.  Our mission story this month begins with an innocent confrontation over a forgotten promise and ends with a guilt-crushing, spur-you-on acronym you've probably never seen in a text or an email -- PRA. In this episode, we'll talk about how easy it to practice faithfulness like the Psalmist in Psalm 89:1 using the phrase BTW. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The November 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants on October 30th. If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get one out to you right away.

Our website,, is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Nov 04, 202113:31
Episode 22: Life Under the Wing

Episode 22: Life Under the Wing

Do you have a place you go to keep from going stir crazy? A place where you feel covered and protected? Like your dark cozy den where you hide away and watch movies with the family after an intense day? Or maybe the studio where you do art. Or the garage where you tinker. Even though you know life continues all around you, something about the cover of that space makes you feel secure. Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's October 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Life Under the Wing. Our mission story this month begins with a stranger at a legal conference describing the place he's been going during COVID-19 and ends with a woman finding feathers everywhere she goes. In this episode, we'll talk about how easy it is to forget the promise of Psalm 91:4 -- He will cover you with His feathers, and under His wings you will find refuge...

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The October 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants on September 30th. If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Our website, theridiculoushour@com, is coming soon. Stay tuned!

Oct 04, 202113:22
Episode 21: Fragile -- Handle with Care

Episode 21: Fragile -- Handle with Care

Fragile seems synonymous with weak, doesn't it? Like a decidedly negative attribute. But think about really good graffiti. Museum-grade graffiti. Don't you look at it sometimes and think, "who on God's green earth would put something that stunningly beautiful out there where anybody with a $5 can of spray-paint could wreck it?" Or more bluntly, "who puts fragile things like that in the path of possible humiliation?" Join our host and Ridiculous Hour Foundation founder, Kat Silverglate as she rounds a corner in Lisbon only to find one such work of art and how it led her to The Paradox of Fragility.  Curious?  We sure hope so!  If, after listening to this month's podcast, you'd like a copy of The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's September Responsiveness Project -- Fragile, Handle with Care, email us at   

Sep 09, 202111:45
Episode 20: The Stranger Prayer Project

Episode 20: The Stranger Prayer Project

Ever prayed for a stranger? Ever had strangers pray for you? Don't you wonder sometimes if your prayers are heard? Do these "stranger prayers" remind us that we've been the stranger at times deeply in need of friendship?  Do they draw us closer to God? Join Host Kat Silverglate as she shares a true story about a stranger prayer and how God showed her and the stranger His remarkable presence in the process. 


We sure hope so! 

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  Monthly, we prepare "mobile mission packs" that inspire responsiveness to God.  During the month of August, we'll be hosting the Stranger Prayer Project.  If you'd like to participate, listen to the podcast and send us an email at We'll get you started.

Aug 01, 202118:07
Episode 19: The Time is Now

Episode 19: The Time is Now

Sometimes we have a moment where God's presence is simply undeniable. In the retelling, it seems... well, made up. But it isn't. It's as real as the device you are using to hear this podcast. Yet, when He nudges or pulls us in a direction, we hesitate. Because we are afraid?  Because we aren't sure how He'll be present with us in the doing? Because we feel ill-equipped?  Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's July 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- The Time is Now. Our mission story this month begins with a hustle-stopping moment in a Homegoods store and ends with an intensely practical mission to inspire movement from a holy nudge to a step of faith.  

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  Our Mission Challenges are released monthly by snail mail to our regular participants, and now in podcast format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- Once the website is live, you will be able to find all our missions there!  If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the paper clock and time card -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away!

Jun 30, 202115:39
Episode 18: Remarkable

Episode 18: Remarkable

We are a people who mark! Humans tend to mark things. We mark birthdays and anniversaries and dates of death. But humans mark in other ways. Sometimes in ways that aren't intended to build up or edify or help. A mark of judgment. A scarlet letter. What if we could form a marking habit that rocked us and those around us? What if we could practice it in such a way that no matter how challenging the road ahead, we'd find ourselves encouraged by the markers we intentionally placed? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's June 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Remarkable. Our mission story this month begins with a series of famous stories that reveal our tendency to mark and ends on a mountain in Cuba with a bunch of folks who have much to teach us about the habit of marking. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The June 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files or links to our YouTube audio attempt! It is being released here for the first time in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the remarkable stickers -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

We pray that you have a reMARKable June!

Jun 22, 202113:19
Episode 17: Breaking the Ice

Episode 17: Breaking the Ice

Ice breakers can be mortifying to the extroverts out there. Forced connection in a quasi public setting challenges even the most extreme introverts at times. But what if breaking the ice in the midst of this socially distanced pandemic time is far easier than we imagine? What if we are melted in the process of opening ourselves to others and risking connection? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's May 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Breaking the Ice. Our mission story this month begins with a National Guard Colonel leading a group through a particularly touchy-feely ice breaker [one that would never happen in these six-feet-apart times!] and ends with a hotel check-in clerk giving her contact information away to a complete stranger after the ice was broken in the first seconds of interaction. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The May 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to a group of individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files or links to our YouTube audio attempt! It is being released here for the first time in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the You Matter sticker sheet -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Our May 2021 Mission is lovingly dedicated to James Eldon Simmons, The Colonel.  We sure do miss you Jim!  

Jun 22, 202116:53
Episode 16: From Soft Hearts to Hard Feet

Episode 16: From Soft Hearts to Hard Feet

God tells us that He takes our heart of stone and makes a heart of flesh. He gives us soft hearts, sensitive to his prompts and pokes and nudges. Which raises the honest question, what do we do when our hearts find it easy to resist God's prompts to go where He's calling? What if our feet told us a little of what we need to know about the hardening of soft hearts? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's April 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- From Soft Hearts to Hard Feet. Our mission story this month begins in Kowloon Hong Kong with a hard-footed, soft-hearted woman and ends with a pair of Birkenstocks that rocked a cancer patient's concept of what it means to be loved. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The April 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to a group of individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files or links to our YouTube audio attempt! It is being released here for the first time in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the hard feet and the hard/soft heart -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202116:03
Episode 15: Go Gloved, Go Loved

Episode 15: Go Gloved, Go Loved

Praise and compliments are tricky things, aren't they? People want to appreciate us for what we do or how we contribute. But sometimes, it feels a little weird. Like they are giving us credit for something that really belongs to God. Or we give a genuine compliment to someone who loves God and they shame us with their rejection -- "all praise and honor and glory go to God and God alone!" We slink off with our tail between our legs wondering what we did wrong. How do we skate the line between encouraging others and giving glory to God alone? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's March 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Go Gloved, Go Loved. Our mission story this month begins with a surgical glove in a pastor's pocket and ends with a box of food-service gloves blocking the entrance to a restaurant during the pandemic. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The March 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to all of our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to a group of individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files! It is being released here for the first time to the general public in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the glove and the hand -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202112:57
Episode 14: Whatever is Just

Episode 14: Whatever is Just

We hear the word "just" and a number of synonyms come to mind. Fair. Equitable. Equal. Level. But there are other meanings to this word. Like this one: "I'm just a ____ [student, clerk, lawyer, friend, you fill in the blank]." Here, "just" is a minimizer. Are we unwittingly using the word "just" to minimize things God never intended us to reduce or minimize? What if our "just" is out of order? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's January 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Whatever is Just. Our mission story this month begins with a most unexpected waiter and ends with a guest bill that has a most unusual tip recommendation -- "why you OWE me big time!" 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The February 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to all of our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to a group of individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files! It is being released here for the first time to the general public in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the guest check and note cards -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

We pray, as you listen to this challenge, that you are rocked by God's version of justice and transformed in your focus on "whatever is just."

Jun 21, 202109:49
Episode 13: How to Set the Tone

Episode 13: How to Set the Tone

How will we set the tone for 2021? Better yet, who will set our personal tone for the year? What power do we have in the setting of a life tone that will have significance beyond the horizon we can see with our eyes? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's January 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- How to Set the Tone. Our mission story this month begins with a penetrating phrase spoken during the eulogy of a colleague and ends with a bell ringing that will echo for generations to come. 

Curious? We sure hope so.

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God.  The January 2021 Mission Challenge was released by snail mail to all of our regular participants. It was also released, for the first time in an audio format, to a group of individuals who volunteered to receive audio as we worked to figure out the whole recording/podcasting thing. We thank God for these ridiculous friends who received our early emails with absurdly large MP3 files! It is being released here for the first time to the general public in June 2021 in a "clickable" format in anticipation of the Foundation's website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the ridiculous prayer and the wristband -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202109:34
Episode 12: Dare to Share Some Fruit

Episode 12: Dare to Share Some Fruit

We come to the end of a calendar year and we are already on to our new goals. "What's next," we ask? "What didn't we do that we should have?" "What progress will we make this year?" We starve in the process of moving from one thing to the other without pausing to pick up the fruit that has been falling around us all year long. How does one starve in a field overflowing with delicious fruit? The answer may surprise you. Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's December  2020 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Dare to Share Some Fruit. We begin this month's mission with a man who interrupts dinner with a loud slap on the restaurant table and a thought provoking challenge and we end with an intensely practical and delightfully colorful equipping piece that is designed to reveal the fruit-filled orchard around each of us. 

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our December mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the fruit slice sheets and note card -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202106:56
Episode 11: Let's Be Ridiculous Together

Episode 11: Let's Be Ridiculous Together

As we approach Thanksgiving, we presume that mission organizations world wide will provide hope to the hopeless with meals and songs and messages of hope. And they will! And they do! But the need is always far greater than the supply those organizations can give. Always. We know it. We feel that nudge to do something and we ache for those who are hopeless, particularly while we have so much to be thankful for. But we talk ourselves out of it. "Where would I even start?"  "Who would I start with?" Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's November 2020 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Let's Be Ridiculous Together. We begin this month's mission with the sickness of deferred hope and end with distributable stickers designed to lead to ridiculously hope-filled actions. 

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our November mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the ridiculous sticker set -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202105:59
Episode 10: Don't Just Let it Fall!

Episode 10: Don't Just Let it Fall!

Fall reminds us with its dramatic leaves that we will be shedding our whole lives. Trees shed dead stuff, but people? We sure try to shed our dead stuff, don't we? We try to shed our burdens and sins, our unforgiveness and our hurts. But often we reach a new season only to find ourselves standing in the same pile of decomposing leaves. "I thought I shed that already," we think. So we decide to let it fall again. And again. When the cycle repeats itself, what are we to do? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's October 2020 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Don't Just Let it Fall. We begin this month's mission with a group of runners signed up for their first marathon with no clue how they'll cross the finish line and we end with a shovel and a seeded leaf in a field of hope.  

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our October mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the seeded and unseeded leaves -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 21, 202106:42
Episode 9: I'll Take You There

Episode 9: I'll Take You There

When we are babies, we cry out and someone picks us up and takes us to the source of the solution. They take us to the food if we were hungry, to the changing table if we are messy, to he crib if we are tired. Babies find comfort in the solution, but they also find it in the delivery system -- in the one who takes them there. As adults, we need people who will take us to the source of help. People who will surround us in prayer. Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's September 2020 Mobile Mission Challenge -- I'll Take You There. We begin this month's mission with babies and we end with puzzle pieces that aren't designed to stay in the same box. 

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our September mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the prayer puzzle -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 20, 202105:23
Episode 8: Disrupting Division

Episode 8: Disrupting Division

Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's Report on Reaching Across Divides. We begin this episode clearing out a childhood home after the death of a beloved mother and we end with an event in Jacksonville Florida where 275 of our mission packs were used to "disrupt division" and exhort the church to build a bridge in culturally divisive times.

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. The Our June mission referenced in this podcast was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This report on our June mission is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in the original mission -- the coffee/tea pack -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 20, 202106:34
Episode 7: Checked Out For You

Episode 7: Checked Out For You

God is often prompting us to respond in subtle ways.  We hear a sermon, and a friend pops in our mind. "She's struggling in this area," you think to yourself. "This would really help," you decide. But you let it go, because you're afraid she'll think you're weird or intrusive or she might be embarrassed. You may not even notice this as a nudge from above. Maybe it's just indigestion? You read a book and a co-worker comes up every time you finish a chapter. "He was just talking about this issue." But you hesitate, because...? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's July 2020 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Checked Out for You.  We begin this month in that magical childhood place where parents read to us and wait for our questions to bubble up. We end in a hospital room where a visually impaired patient reads to another. The intensely practical and wildly creative challenge leaves us with a simple way to share when those "share this" nudges come from above.

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our July mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the library card sleeve -- or you'd just like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at We'll get it out to you right away.

Jun 20, 202109:36
Episode 6: Reaching Across A Divide

Episode 6: Reaching Across A Divide

We are in the middle of unspeakable divide. Election divide. Racial divide. Divide divide divide. Often we don't reach because we are afraid to say the wrong thing, so we don't reach at all. We don't speak at all. We are silent. But what if we didn't have to say much of anything to effectively reach? Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's June 2021 Mobile Mission Challenge -- Reaching Across A Divide.  We begin this episode on the Brooklyn Bridge and we end with an intensely practical and creative way to reach into the places hardest to bridge.

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our June mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive the equipping piece referenced in this podcast -- the coffee/tea invite pack -- or you would like a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at

Jun 20, 202107:09
Episode 5: The Masked Mission Report

Episode 5: The Masked Mission Report

When we become ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God and we trust that it isn't all up to us, we start to see the tapestry of God's amazing hands working around us.  Join Host and Mission Founder Kat Silverglate as she shares some of what God has done with The Ridiculous Hour Foundation's April Mask Making Mission. Our story this month moves from an apologetic mask-maker who blessed some homeless folks up north to about 100 homeless teens on their way to college [you read that right] with beautiful bespoke masks. You can't make this stuff up!  Only God.

Curious? We sure hope so!

The Ridiculous Hour Foundation is a nonprofit dedicated to inspiring lives ridiculously responsive to the promptings of God. Our May mission was distributed by snail mail during our formative year -- 2020. We've grown now to serve recipients in nearly 40 states and a few countries. Since we didn't have a podcast then, we decided to create one for each of our past missions. This one is being released for the very first time in June 2021 in anticipation of our website launch -- If you would like to receive a sample of one of our Mobile Monthly Mission Packs [free while supplies last], feel free to email us at

Jun 20, 202110:11