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The Value Exchange

The Value Exchange

By The Value Exchange

Capturing conversations & stories from people passionate about delivering social value. Looking to inspire many more to act, as delivering social value is a MUST for all people and organisations. Hosted by Rob Pye and Annabelle Lambert from + regular special guests #value_exchangers If you would like to join us and talk about your insights and social value work then contacts us at
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Episode 63 - Giovanni Gambacorta - We can all be part of the solution

The Value ExchangeMay 08, 2024

Episode 64 - Jignasha Kanani - You must be ready to listen and act

Episode 64 - Jignasha Kanani - You must be ready to listen and act

Really pleased to be sharing with you our recent conversation with Jishnasha Kanini. As a Mother of two and a career in banking we talk about becoming a parent and maintaining one’s identity at work whilst dealing with the unexpected confidence knock. We cover the journey to resilience, her work in diversity and inclusion, the underlying theme of People and that most are trying to do the right thing, the importance of safe spaces and in creating these spaces the imperative to listen and respond. She also tells us about how she is driven by her children and wanting them to feel they can achieve anything they want. Plus much much more. Check it out!

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May 22, 202452:16
Episode 63 - Giovanni Gambacorta - We can all be part of the solution

Episode 63 - Giovanni Gambacorta - We can all be part of the solution

Delighted to be back sharing another podcast, another story. This time it’s Giovanni Gambacorta, based in Belgium and working to deliver a different and community-led economy, a “Supportive Citizen Credit System”. In this story Giovanni shared how as a child witnessing a spectacular light show set to classical music, this turned out to be TV coverage of  the first Gulf War, and in that moment how he began to question what and how information was being shared via TV and led to his participation in anti-war peace demonstrations in his late teens and early adulthood. He shares a wonderful moment of how being 16 collided with reading Brave New World, 1984 and watching The Matrix and Fight Club, enough to get anyone thinking about  the future. His journey has led him to think very deeply about many things, often stripping back all ideology and as he describes it, getting back to the physics, in particular asking the question What is Money? And finding the answer to be,  it’s a simple translator of value. We also hear about his journey moving away from the horizontal silos of the Left and Right and beginning  to view things more vertically, seeing the grassroots up to the elite and understanding he wants to be part of the solution what a shared prosperity might look like, leading to today’s Supportive Citizen Credit System. Certainly a story to get you thinking and as Giovanni says the main problem for folks looking to experiment in what a new world might be shaped is to simply just get going, we can only learn if we try. Plus, as always, much much more. Check it out!

Find more info about Giovanni and his work visit:

Reference Link in the conversation:

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May 08, 202453:08
Episode 62 - Andy Stern - It’s time to give ourselves better options

Episode 62 - Andy Stern - It’s time to give ourselves better options

Such a wonderful story we are sharing this week. Huge thanks to Andy Stern for joining us. Andy is the Co-founder of Workers Benefit Fund , President Emeritus SEIU, one of the largest unions in the US, and author of “Raising The Floor”. Andy begins his story with growing up with a sense of justice and being bothered from an early age by inequity. Despite not having come across unions early in his life he tells of how his passion to empower people with little or no power led him on a path towards SEIU. He talks about the importance of serving his union members everyday and about the bringing together of Walk a day in my shoes, where he worked with Barack Obama and others to help understand the lives and work of the union members. He also shares his interest in technology and an awareness that technology was always going to be disruptive, that went without saying, but the problem was that no one was really thinking about the impact on human beings, the workers. Somewhat ahead of his time in discussing this issue and the Future of Work more generally in his book “Raising the Floor” and how this has led him to be a supporter of Basic Income.  Plus much much more. Check it out!

Find more info about Andy and his work visit:

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Apr 24, 202459:37
Episode 61 - Jimmy Paul - Building a world with no need for charity

Episode 61 - Jimmy Paul - Building a world with no need for charity

Delighted to be sharing this week's story from Jimmy Paul, currently Head of Scotland’s Violence Reduction Unit. Jimmy shares his story from an early upbringing in East London where violence was prevalent, to entering the care system at 11yrs, a very unpleasant experience for Jimmy, but he recalls much kindness from teachers, helping him not get consumed by experiences often viewed as the “pipeline to prison”, and helping him get to Edinburgh University to study Geography, this was his plan. From Uni he experienced a period of unemployment and working in jobs which were simply not invested in him. However he eventually made his way to the NHS, and although travelling in different directions,  he’s always held a deep seated thread of social justice in his roles, via being the co-chair at the Independent Care Review in Scotland and understanding the importance of listening, to the Wellbeing Economy Alliance and to today at the Scottish Violence Reduction unit, where he is on a mission for a world where everyone has a role to play in violence reduction, primary prevention in the community is super important, working with those with lived experience is key and hoping that the VRU will one day simply just not be needed. An aim we can’t disagree with.  Check it out!

Find more info about Jimmy and his work visit:

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Apr 10, 202401:00:07
Episode 60 - Mike Bond - The power of finding your tribe

Episode 60 - Mike Bond - The power of finding your tribe

Delighted to be sharing with you this week, the story of Mike Bond, co-founder and Studio Director at Bond and Coyne, Lecturer and co-founder of WonderWhat, an educational tool to inspire young people into creative careers.  Mike shares with us how his creative journey began at the age of 5, with Saturday Pottery lessons, an activity he so enjoyed he kept up until his mid teens. He tells us about how being academically able at school led to most people steering him in the direction of  a “proper job” and a non creative career path. However,  London became his destiny and he ended up at Central St Martin’s College of Art. Here he met his co-creator and now business partner on day 1, he felt connected with the world like never before and felt that his ideas were being listened to. Mike tells a wonderful story of how, as a student, he took his ideas to the Design Council, and through that moment of bravado led to an amazing project, connections and validity. On being offered an opportunity to teach others, something he soon discovered gave him much meaning, he wanted others to feel that good ideas can come from anyone and when there is no obvious way to solve a problem then don’t hesitate to invent something to fix it! Plus much much more. Check it out!

Find more info about Mike and his work visit:

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Apr 03, 202455:15
Episode 59 - Zack Polanski - Giving voice to the people

Episode 59 - Zack Polanski - Giving voice to the people

Excited to share with you this week our recent podcast recording with Zack Polanski, Deputy Leader of the Green Party in England and Wales currently, also a member of the London Assembly. After sharing his recent delight at attending a Westminster event for 2000+ schools kids and being energised by such a positive engagement with young people, Zack takes us through the importance of human connection behind the many differences of opinion he faces daily in politics before going right back to being schooled in a faith school, where he had little or no interest in politics but already found himself motivated, as a bit of a rebel, to support the underdogs in his community. As a child he was encouraged to participate in drama, which led him to Manchester Youth Theatre, an experience that changed his life. Having learned of and studied the Theatre of the Oppressed, then participating in fascinating Immersive theatre, the interaction between politics and theatre became clear and his experience helped him understand the importance of bringing people’s voices to the chamber. Zack also shares with us the need to ensure connection between the micro and the macro and why he remains hopeful in the face of a status quo that cannot sustain itself. Plus much much more.  Check it out!

Find more info about Zack and his work visit:

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Mar 27, 202401:14:32
E58 - Aletta Venter - Liberating the capital buried in the land

E58 - Aletta Venter - Liberating the capital buried in the land

It is wonderful this week to share the story of Aletta Venter, a retired biodynamic agriculture farmer in South Africa. Starting with growing up at the height of apartheid, where her father was a political journalist and it was extremely difficult to get away from all the hideous ways in which humans were treating other humans. Her words, she was disgusted and lost faith in humanity, so much so when old enough she decided to try and get as far away from humans as possible and so began her journey into farming and the stewardship of the land. We talked about her first-hand experiences of the objectified ways those working the land were treated,  her discovery of biodynamic agriculture,  the history of enclosure, her frustration with the law, how land is not a commodity for sale, much like air, and her journey to freeing land she inherited by creating a Land Trust and ultimately creating a way it can be stewarded by those who really have a connection with the earth and want to work with it and take care of it. There is a lot to think about here. A lot to inspire. Imagine a world where no one owned the land and we all did our piece to look after it. Check it out!

Find more info about Aletta and her work visit:

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Mar 20, 202401:00:50
Episode 57 - Lou Perkins - Just notice, and then be curious about why?

Episode 57 - Lou Perkins - Just notice, and then be curious about why?

Really lovely to chat this week with Lou Perkins. Lou is primarily a coach, who also  works with the Club of Doing Well and Doing Good, which is where we first met. We hear from Lou how “People” has emerged as a golden thread throughout her life, we hear about the influence of teaching and service embedded by her childhood. She tells us about music, working with her brother and acknowledging the need to manage that relationship from the outset so as not to destroy strong family relationships. We talk about the decision she made to ensure she spent enough time with her child, she offers advice about the benefits of therapy for helping people move on more quickly. We also discuss how everything might really be about People and how organisations by really putting people first might be the most socially valuable contribution they can make. Plus much much more.   Check it out!

Find more info about Lou and her work visit:

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Mar 13, 202401:01:19
Episode 56 - Roland Harwood - Connecting over 600 coffees

Episode 56 - Roland Harwood - Connecting over 600 coffees

Fab opportunity this week to chat with Roland Harwood. Publicly probably well known as a compulsive connector (that’s what it says on his LinkedIn profile), and probably less well known as a failed astronaut.  Roland shares with us his story, this includes  music, physics, that astronaut story, education, people, his general optimism for open innovation and his move to help “the suits meet the sneakers” in his time at 100%Open. He talks about how his optimism has been tested as the misuse and misinformation that has emerged has become widespread and is causing many problems in society. He also tells us how 600 coffees turned into his building of the Liminal community, to his passion for the Climate Tech Supercluster, right here in Europe, his top secret project, about which all he would say was “it’s something to do with machine learning”, and he reminds us all that “thinking is working”.  Check it out!

Find more info about Roland  and his work visit:

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Mar 06, 202452:32
 Episode 55 - Michael Haupt - Hope, confidence and a vision for transition

Episode 55 - Michael Haupt - Hope, confidence and a vision for transition

Delighted this week to have been chatting with Michael Haupt and hearing his inspiring story from spending many years working in mobile technology, a job which enabled him  to travel the world extensively. He talks about the out of body experience he encountered whilst backpacking, an experience which communicated with him so strongly about what the future was going to look like that he then began his many year journey to help people experience and accept the difficult societal and planetary transition we are already in, whilst maintaining hope, confidence and full of ideas for what a better future can be. It was when Michael came to visit the Valley of Grace (South Africa) that he was revisited by his vision and has been working ever since to understand the complexity of humans in the valley, help people accept what’s emerging and looking to cultivate those circumstances, with restoration of the hydrological cycle at the centre of the activity in the valley but most definitely understanding human participation in making the local society successful and sustainable. Check it out!

Find more info about Michael and his work visit:

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Feb 28, 202453:59
Episode 54 -Mayssam Daaboul - What kind of transactions are we incentivising?

Episode 54 -Mayssam Daaboul - What kind of transactions are we incentivising?

Excited to be talking with Mayssam Daaboul this week. Mayssam, an Ethical Economist,  is based in Lebanon and for many years has been researching and working to create a more peer to peer world. At a young age, Mayssam talks about how he was super interested in biology, but found himself moved into the pharma business in order to make a living. After some time and discomfort trying to square some of the ethics of business practice, he went on to pursue more further education, which has led to his current research and practice to explore and promote more ethical economics. We talk about what we mean by economics, the current obsession with financial transaction and the importance of finding and valuing better those transactions that really help society, which often don’t involve money at all! He also shares his strong belief that real change can only come bottom up, and he talks about how he is supporting putting this into practice through work going on with farming and the open food network in Lebanon and also projects to secure the commons maintained nature of water supply and the forest locally to him. Lots to inspire and think about how things can be different. Check it out!

Find more info about Mayssam and his work visit:

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Feb 21, 202447:06
Episode 53 - Elisa Tuijnder - Time to focus on the things that bind us

Episode 53 - Elisa Tuijnder - Time to focus on the things that bind us

Feb 14, 202456:22
Episode 52 - Lucy Green - From laboratory to community engagement

Episode 52 - Lucy Green - From laboratory to community engagement

This week sharing a recent lovely opportunity to spend some time chatting with Lucy Green. Lucy is a Professorial Fellow at the University of Southampton and has been researching physiology for the last 30+ years, specialising in the first 1000 days of life and the impact that has on long term health and in particular non-communicable disease. We talk about lifestyle, genetics and epigenetics. And having spent many years in the lab, Lucy more recently has taken on the role of Head of Engagement and talks to us about how this community engagement is becoming more important both from a research perspective but also in supporting community and individual education. Absolutely fascinating stuff, so much so we ran out of time but we hope to hear Lucy’s Chemistry Kit story next time but for now check it out!

Find more info about Lucy and her work visit:

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Feb 07, 202458:40
Episode 51 - Judi Newman - The role of compassionate communities

Episode 51 - Judi Newman - The role of compassionate communities

Jan 31, 202450:53
Episode 50 - Guy Standing - The Politics of Time

Episode 50 - Guy Standing - The Politics of Time

This week we are really delighted to have a return storyteller, the Economist, Author and long time proponent of basic income,  Prof. Guy Standing. Guy has recently released his latest book “The Politics of Time - Gaining Control in the Age of uncertainty”, which is a hugely well researched journey from ancient times to today, looking at how and where we, as citizens, spend our time and how it has become more and more governed by the powerful, never more so than today. Chronic uncertainty is driving a crisis of mental wellbeing, made even worse by the constant political prioritisation of jobs over all other aspects of a good life. There is much to be learned from history that could lead to a better way of living and spending our time. Guy talks about the defence of the commons, the forgotten difference between labour and work, how billionaires agree the system is rigged in their favour  and how we need to enter a new era with the economics of enough. This is only just scratching the surface of the book. Check out the podcast then give the book a read, it is really enlightening.

Find more info on Guy and all his publications, including The Politics of Time visit:

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Jan 24, 202401:03:10
Episode 49 - Haleem Clift - Living a better life

Episode 49 - Haleem Clift - Living a better life

Prepare to be inspired. We have given this episode a subtitle - Haleem and the Noisy Parrots, a good band name? Perhaps not. So lovely to speak with Haleem Clift for this week's podcast. Although ordinarily from the South West of England, Haleem took time out of a recent trip to Perth, Western Australia to spend some time with us and share his story. Still in his very early 20s Haleem has experienced some of life's more difficult challenges, made some bad decisions but is now on a pathway to a better life and his mission to help others perhaps not make the same decisions he did, OR, where they have, help people understand that they have opportunities to accept the past for what it was and move forward. He talks about how he has only recently come to realise and value the sacrifices that his mother made for the family. He talks about how he has been helped by counselling and talking about his deepest feelings and hopes and dreams. We also hear about his passion for acting, his film making with which he is looking to make people think and bring about some positive change to society, how he is taking his story to schools and beyond, hoping to help others make better decisions and understand we can all have opportunities. A most inspiring young man. Check it out!

To find out more about Haleem and his work visit:

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Jan 17, 202449:31
Episode 48 - Ruby Mir - Essential skills, setting people up for success
Jan 10, 202401:00:21
Episode 47 - Lady Val Corbett - Catching people before they fall

Episode 47 - Lady Val Corbett - Catching people before they fall

Lovely to share for this first week in 2024 our recent conversation with Lady Val Corbett. She shares her story from her early days starting life in South Africa with an abusive father, her passion to work on Fleet Street where she shares some lovely recollections of her time as a young woman finding her way in Fleet Street, which offer a reminder of how times have changed, albeit there is still much work to do. Amazing resilience. She talks about meeting her late husband Robin Corbett, her tireless work to support and seek equality for women, and her motivations to take forward the work of her late husband and building a “better together” network of people and organisations seeking reform in the criminal justice system, particularly prison reform and understanding that the majority of those who find themselves in prison simply need a second chance. SO much to inspire.

To find out more about Lady Val and her work visit:

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Jan 03, 202401:04:40
Episode 46 - Julie Mountain - Giving people agency over their own environment

Episode 46 - Julie Mountain - Giving people agency over their own environment

Really wonderful conversation with Julie Mountain on this week's podcast. From having a vocational urge to be an architect from an early age, to realising that architecture was not actually the right fit.  Then driven by a desire to design, Julie followed her interest for landscape design married with her passion for helping people to learn, and found herself designing for learning beyond the classroom. Understanding that kids (humans) need to move and sitting still is not a natural state.  She also talks about how early on she realised the importance of community engagement in people understanding what they need from their environment and delivering space to meet those needs. This passion for learning also saw her found “50 Dangerous Things Camp” which not only helps kids understand and learn about risk taking but also helps parents re-assess how they view risk. Definitely time to stop helicopter parenting, it’s not helping kids be safe. She also talks about how she first came across the call for more “sustainability thinking” which had not been in any design lexicon during her education. So much inspiring stuff as to how education and learning can be very differently taught. Check it out.

To find out more about Julie and her work visit:

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Dec 20, 202301:10:45
Episode 45 - Rax Kalia - Your value lies in who you are

Episode 45 - Rax Kalia - Your value lies in who you are

It was great to spend some time recently chatting with Rax Kalia. We met Rax at an event he, in his role of Local Events for Lloyds Banking Group, was hosting on behalf of SkillsBuilder and DWP. Rax agreed to take some time to chat with us about his story. Born in the UK, then moving to India at 11yrs old and returning at 13, he shares with us his experience of two very different education systems and the resilience he needed to get through to University and understanding early that your grades don’t define who you are. He talks about his desire to serve the greater good in his life, from becoming a community police officer, “the job” as he calls it, to the impact he is helping deliver through the community events and school children he is supporting. He also shares his belief that we all should be taking ownership of what he can do now, making small impacts and looking how to turn them into a tidal wave of positive change. So much to inspire. Check it out!

To find out more about Rax and his work visit:

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Dec 13, 202350:33
 Episode 44 - Gavin Thomas - Not being defined by a role.

Episode 44 - Gavin Thomas - Not being defined by a role.

This week we had a lovely opportunity to catch up with old friend  Gavin Thomas, who shares with us stories from his 30+ years as a serving police officer and beyond. He talks about the rapid technological transition he witnessed unfold, he shares thoughts on what he’s learned about leadership, recruitment and retention and more recently hybrid working. He also shares stories about the transition into retirement from the force, not being defined by his role, which he believes has made the transition easier, and taking up his current role in TeamPolice as an opportunity to do something different but no less meaningful. Just one of many things that now keeps him busy, including giving back more time to his family commitments. As always lots to think about and inspire.

To find out more about Gavin and his work visit:

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Dec 06, 202301:00:35
Episode 43 - Johnnie Moore - Why we might want to learn to be more unhurried

Episode 43 - Johnnie Moore - Why we might want to learn to be more unhurried

This week we have been lucky enough to meet Johnnie Moore, Facilitator, Trainer and Writer. Having spent much of his early career in advertising, Johnnie talks to us about how by his mid 30s he was starting to question why and the purpose of what he was doing. Finding he was far more fascinated by people and their interactions than simply creating and promoting brands, he began his transition to becoming a facilitator and about 10 years ago started running the Unhurried Project and subsequently the publication of his book “Unhurried: What's possible beyond busyness?”. Johnnie shares how he was influenced by both therapy and Improv theatre techniques, how we really should move away from “commitment ceremonies” and the absurdity of expecting folks to learn everything via a linear and time constrained schedule. We also cover the joy that can emerge from  relationships if we just make the space to be willingly present with each other. Obviously we chat about much much more so check it out, and be inspired!

To find out more about Johnnie and his work visit:

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Nov 29, 202353:41
Episode 42 - Clare Richmond - Start small but start somewhere

Episode 42 - Clare Richmond - Start small but start somewhere

It’s been so lovely to reconnect with this week’s podcast guest, Clare Richmond. She’s a social innovator, a coach and most recently an author of the Scavenger Mindset. A book which, she herself admits, has enabled her to capture a lot of what she has learned from working with community led and resource constrained leaders for many years. We talk about her early experiences of traditional leadership and her feeling that this is not actually working with reality. How this moved her from a comfortable marketing and comms role to her founding the Crouch End Project, to working with least likely leaders,  her encouragement to “look again and look deep” and taking her father’s advice that “if a job is worth doing , then it’s worth doing , even if you do it badly”. Plus many more gems of learning she kindly shared which could help us all get more done without needing more than we have already.  Her parting thought about popping the Cabinet on a plane to Rwanda, might be helpful to us all? Another inspiring story. Check it out!

To find out more about Clare, the book and her work visit:

The Scavenger Mindset Book

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Nov 22, 202357:11
Episode 41 - Sem Lee - Human and planetary health need to be at the core of all design

Episode 41 - Sem Lee - Human and planetary health need to be at the core of all design

Nov 15, 202357:49
 Episode 40 - Cate Kalson - Workplace cultures you would be happy to send your kids into

Episode 40 - Cate Kalson - Workplace cultures you would be happy to send your kids into

We really enjoyed capturing our most recent story with Cate Kalson, Chief People Officer from Opencast. Cate talks openly about how she was “set up for success”, her desire to be “useful” and her move from working in science labs, which she loved,  to the commercial realities of working in business. We also talk about how she squiggled her way into the People zone, her strong belief in human potential and her inspiration to build an “everyone culture”. Plus much much more. Much food for thought in this one. Enjoy!

To find out more about Cate and her work visit:

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Nov 08, 202352:38
Episode 39: Josh Gaillemin - Storytelling happens all the time; Everyone does it.

Episode 39: Josh Gaillemin - Storytelling happens all the time; Everyone does it.

Lovely to share our recent chat with Josh Gaillemin, half of The Whole Story. We chat about how Josh came to be a Storyteller, how he spent time at a housing association and ended up helping disadvantaged adults. One who even went on who took the work he did with Josh to then become a superstar DJ on the South Bank. Josh talks about a life of falling into things, how he once told an agency he would do any jobs, even those no one else wanted to do, and how that presented him with opportunities he would never have otherwise had. He also shares his story of how a trip to India with his mother went from what he saw as a failed month away actually turned into the beginning of The Whole Story journey, one he is still on and loves very much. Lots of insights into why we all might want to tell better stories, how we might want to consider not waiting until we are 50 to do the things we love and much much more. 


To find out more about Josh and his work with The Whole Story visit:

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Nov 01, 202359:30
Episode 38: Carolyn Dare - Biochar, People meets Place meets Planet
Oct 25, 202301:06:51
Episode 37: Dmitry Fedotov - Time to recognise the value of Youth Work

Episode 37: Dmitry Fedotov - Time to recognise the value of Youth Work

This week we had a lovely opportunity to speak with Dmitry Fedotov, Operations Director at The Youth Association, one of the country’s oldest youth work organisations, founded in 1904. Dmitry talks to us about how part of his passion for youth work stems from his own experiences having been a migrant at the age of 5, moving to South Yorkshire from the former Soviet Union, Latvia to be precise. This certainly fuelled his desire to follow a pathway of helping people. We talk about the lost generation of youth workers, how cutting the youth work sector has meant that those who had no support in this way now don’t even know this support exists as an opportunity. This is a problem that we need to solve. We talk about the principles of youth work and how this informal, voluntary education, delivered in social groups with no fixed goal in sight really enables young people to not only learn great stuff but also follow a pathway that is right for them, not just squashing themselves into spaces they really don’t fit. Plus, of course, much much more. Dmitry is a super passionate person so prepare to be inspired. There is a lot we can all learn from this wonderfully people centred approach to helping young people.

To find out more about Dmitry and The Youth Association:

Can you please help find the next generation to step into Youth Work -

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Oct 18, 202358:21
Episode 36: Rachel Sosin - Shifting the needle for a new norm

Episode 36: Rachel Sosin - Shifting the needle for a new norm

This week we have the great pleasure of sharing a recent conversation with Rachel Sosin, who is on a mission to improve the lives of people. Accepting this is quite a grand statement but definitely one we should all aspire to. We chat about her enjoyment of talking to strangers, agendaless coffees, a real interest in people and what makes them tick, how a design course changed her life, realising she was a generalist, the lasting effect of reading “Ministry for the Future”,  wanting to help shift the needle for a new norm, how we might encourage people to do things in the best interest of the world as a whole, plus much much more. Of special note, the strong cockney accent ;)

Lovely conversation, some great stories.  Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

To find out more about Rachel visit:

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Oct 11, 202359:34
Episode 35: James Fellowes and Chance Bleu-Montgomery - Inclusive hiring is not a competitive sport
Oct 04, 202350:12
Episode 34: Pranay Sanklecha - Helping people think deeper.

Episode 34: Pranay Sanklecha - Helping people think deeper.

Lovely to share this week’s story with you as we spent some time chatting with Pranay Sanklecha. Great to talk to Pranay about his growing mission to help people think more deeply, and the benefits that can ensue from taking some of the practice of philosophy and applying it to real life. We talk about how we all can be wrong about anything, we talk East vs West culture, getting energy from not pretending (and other places),  the human desire to be seen and heard and have real connection with each other, plus many more things. One of our favourites being that there is an art to disagreement. Something we would do well to practise more methinks! 

And just for the record the answer to the Question of Life, the Universe and Everything is of course 42 (not 43!)


To find out more about Pranay and his work visit:

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Sep 27, 202352:04
Episode 33: Jacqueline Hollows - Wake up and write yourself into your own story

Episode 33: Jacqueline Hollows - Wake up and write yourself into your own story

So delighted to be sharing our recent chat with Jacqueline Hollows, Founder of Beyond Recovery, Wellbeing coach, champion for reform in the criminal justice system and all round wonder woman. Jacqueline shares the story of her difficult upbringing, her many years of living behind a facade and coping via addiction until the day her world collapsed and she was free to start again. With support and research her starting point became “we are all amazing” and after taking much inspiration from the prison inmates she decided she wanted to help, Beyond Recovery was founded and so too her journey for criminal justice reform. As a coach she is a practitioner of the Three Principles to create change and tap into the innate source of unlimited peace of mind and wellbeing that exists within every human being. Empowering stuff it’s difficult to disagree with. All this and much much more. Hope you enjoy this one. Jacqueline is truly uplifting :)


To find out more about Jacqueline and her work visit:

The Book - Join the Crowdfunder =>

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Sep 20, 202346:39
Episode 32: Lord Jim Knight - Make Earth Great Again!

Episode 32: Lord Jim Knight - Make Earth Great Again!

We were really pleased to have spent some time chatting recently with Lord Jim Knight. We talk about how his early acting career gave him a good foundation to then go on to pursue a life in politics, which ultimately led to his passion for education. We talk about this passion and how by finding the right sort of tech, tech that supports the redefining of education, it can really make a difference and not just a distraction. We also cover how lockdown led to his falling in love with nature in a way that he had not done before and helped fuel his desire to make Earth great again.  We discovered that he is pursuing the creation of a new aim for education, one which instils an ethos of caring for oneself, caring for others and caring for the natural environment now and for the future. We also discussed flipped learning, the diagnostic potential of tech to help more diverse learners, reducing the obsession with knowledge in education and Eider ducks, plus much much more. Definitely one for educational reformers!


To find out more about Lord Jim Knight and his work visit:

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Sep 13, 202349:56
Episode 31: Lloyd Fassett - I’d do this even if someone paid me

Episode 31: Lloyd Fassett - I’d do this even if someone paid me

Super interesting conversation this week as Lloyd Fassett shares some of his stories about having spent the last 20 years in Staffing in the US. He talks about how this is a less than perfect occupation and how he came to find a passion for improving it with better tech leading to better alignment of people and work. We first met Lloyd quite a few years ago, when working on our project, looking at large scale construction projects and their employment data forecasts and it appears that in some ways the same problems still exist, not least the fact that the ontologies still being used are from the 1930s. Time for some change, listen to Lloyd’s story and how he sees the problem at the systemic level and why he’s stepped up to do something about it. 

To find out more about Lloyd and his work visit:

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Sep 06, 202349:03
 Episode 30: Simon Bland - It’s important to keep being you

Episode 30: Simon Bland - It’s important to keep being you

We had the lovely opportunity to spend some time talking to Simon Bland, Head of Economic Prosperity for Reigate & Banstead Council. Simon shares some wonderful stories, starting with wanting to be a Hotel Manager, becoming a Chef, how he transitioned to teaching and the challenges he’s faced/is facing in his 20 years in the Council. We talk about the challenges facing employers and their approach to recruitment today, how we might do this differently and why people need to keep being their authentic selves. We also spend some time considering social value and what does that actually mean (there’s definitely still much confusion) and perhaps it might be as simple as all deciding to help people/each other more. This and much much more. Enjoy!

To find out more about Simon and his work visit:

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Aug 30, 202348:17
Episode 29: Lucy Lynch - Creating a Lucy* shaped hole

Episode 29: Lucy Lynch - Creating a Lucy* shaped hole

We are so pleased to be sharing another wonderful conversation and story, this week with Lucy Lynch. Lucy is currently the Head of Graduate Partnerships for the Nurture Programme at Eden Smith. We were hugely privileged to talk with Lucy about her work journey, starting life in the Midlands in the 1970s, her travelling, education, Battersea Dogs Home, being a returner to work and finding her current day activities and understanding she is by nature a nurturer, wants to give back and really enjoys helping people. We also discuss thoughts on technology and how it is simply an enabler (or should be) and not take over the good that is being a human, the importance of storytelling, for understanding data and particularly for oneself.  Also how organisational culture needs to be accessible to prospective employees and the importance of the Arts to Lucy and for everyone. And much much more. Such a richness of stories. Enjoy!

*Insert your name

To find out more about Lucy and her work visit:


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Aug 23, 202345:50
Episode 28: Mark Waters - What would happen if two galaxies collided and other stories

Episode 28: Mark Waters - What would happen if two galaxies collided and other stories

Super delighted to share with you our recent conversation with Mark Waters. Working with, Mark is on a mission to help children understand their self worth, the value they bring to the things that really interest and motivate them and how they might build on that to reach work they really want to do. He is also expanding their aspirations, helping them quite literally see the universe of opportunities that any and every single one of them could pursue. We talk about Mark’s years in education trying to encourage those in special provision to step back into mainstream education and his epiphany and realisation that that really isn’t the right solution. We talk about how academic qualifications mean very little when it comes to people entering and succeeding in the workplace, we talk transferable skills, the opportunity for virtual working in the face of poor social mobility and the Journey to Mars! And, of course, much more.

To find out more about Mark and his work visit:


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Aug 16, 202346:08
Episode 27: Richard Dennis - Empathy and the importance of illuminating problems from multiple directions
Aug 09, 202353:28
Episode 26: Alan Fowler - Accidents and Incidents in designing the future
Aug 02, 202301:01:20
Episode 25: Cal Ewings - Time to stop othering and listen to who we really are.

Episode 25: Cal Ewings - Time to stop othering and listen to who we really are.

This week we had a wonderful catch up with Cal Ewings, another of our Young Leaders. Cal was part of the second Young Leader cohort and during their time with us we learned that Diversity and Inclusivity mean a lot to them. They did some great work in this space, which helped us all learn a while lot. So it was great to catch up with them and find out where life has now taken them and what is there to learn from their Young Leaders experience. We talk about diversity and where the “Guide to Me” meets the “Guide to the Organisation”, why listening is paramount, how we might get to a place where we can discourse and debate in a non-combative way - No more shouting at each other please! Of course, there are moments of the usual phun, this week CDs vs vinyl and jam sandwiches (again!)

We love our Young Leaders and this is another great story!

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Jul 26, 202353:23
Episode 24: Catherine McLaughlin - Not getting out of bed for washing powder

Episode 24: Catherine McLaughlin - Not getting out of bed for washing powder

Really lovely this week to have spent some time catching up with Catherine McLaughlin. Catherine’s story spans, not only spending time working with us at Ethos, but also the NHS, Local Authorities, Sport England and many charitable organisations on a mission to help people be more than appears readily available to them at first sight. We talk about many of her experiences,  how working through covid has shaped her passion for clarity and purpose, about keeping the outcomes in clear sight and about how seeking meaning through work was an early decision offering stiff opposition to the chance to sell washing powder, amongst many other things. We also touch on the trauma we all experienced from 1970s and 80s public information ads - if you know, you know! :)

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Jul 18, 202355:33
Episode 23: Charlotte Kinloch - A Value Exchanger journey: Young Leader, South America now Canada

Episode 23: Charlotte Kinloch - A Value Exchanger journey: Young Leader, South America now Canada

It’s always lovely to get back together again with our Young Leaders. So delighted to speak with one of our very first, Charlotte Kinloch. Now based in Canada, Charlotte shares her story of bad work experiences,  finding Ethos, Value Exchange, resuming her postponed  travels post covid and work now as a community project co-ordinator for a great charity, Next Gen Men based in Vancouver (links below). It’s a whirlwind tour, where we find out about discovering being happiest closer to nature, living more collaboratively with a mountain community in Colombia, not being able to shake an agile way of working and supporting work to change the way we see, think and act about masculinity. 

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For more information on the great work of Next Gen Men visit:

#people #empowerment #travel #meaning #nature #gender #socialvalue #youngleader #storytelling #stories #futureofwork #workingoutloud #WOL #valueexchange #value_exchangers #workredefined

Jul 11, 202326:36
Episode 22: Ben Goldsmith - Loss, Love and a Calling to Nature

Episode 22: Ben Goldsmith - Loss, Love and a Calling to Nature

In July 2019, Ben Goldsmith lost his fifteen-year-old daughter, Iris, in an accident on their family farm in Somerset. Iris’s death left her family reeling. Grasping for answers, Ben threw himself into searching for some ongoing trace of his beloved child, exploring ideas that until then had seemed too abstract to mean much to him. Missing his daughter terribly and struggling to imagine how he would face the rest of his life in the shadow of this loss, Ben found solace in nature, the object of a lifelong fascination. As Ben set about rewilding his farm, nature became a vital source of meaning and hope. 

Feeling the importance of sharing the story of his journey he set about writing a book about his experiences. “God in an Octopus” is the story of a year of soul-searching that followed a terrible loss. In an instant, Ben’s world had turned dark. Yet, unbelievably to him, the seasons kept on turning, and as he immersed himself in the dramatic restoration of nature in the place where it happened, he found healing.

We were delighted to be able to chat with Ben recently about his experience, his book, but mostly about his finding meaning in his passion for nature/rewilding/the environment, how important access to nature is for all, especially for one’s health and wellbeing and learning about how indigenous cultures might be where we find a better future.

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For more information on Ben follow him: 

For more information on his book “God is an Octopus, Loss, Love and a Calling to Nature” visit: 

#people #empowerment #rewilding #meaning #climate #environment #storytelling #stories #futureofwork #workingoutloud #WOL #valueexchange #value_exchangers #workredefined

Jul 05, 202339:02
Episode 21: Jodie McNally - Everyone has a role to play in putting more “S” into ESG

Episode 21: Jodie McNally - Everyone has a role to play in putting more “S” into ESG

We were absolutely delighted to spend some time this week talking with Jodie McNally, Chief Programmes Officer at the EY Foundation. We talk about the origins of her motivations to help young people and improve social mobility. We also hear that from an early age she was already questioning if she couldn’t see the point of work then why would she bother to put her energies into something meaningless. We talk about the work of the EY Foundation and about how everyone can play a role in delivering more social value. And she’s certainly not wrong on that point! 

We hope you enjoy and feel motivated to get involved. Starting your Value Exchange journey could help you identify the social value you want to deliver and how you will achieve that. 

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For more information on Jodie or the EY Foundation visit: 


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Jun 28, 202332:21
Episode 20: Ahmad Mohammad - A Young Leaders journey to impact
Jun 21, 202332:21
Episode 19: Geoff Carss - Be a bit more activist, Bee friendly and How many blackbirds live in one family garden?
Jun 14, 202345:32
Episode 18: Rob Pye and Annabelle Lambert - A Value Exchange Approach
Jun 07, 202334:58
Episode 17: Jess Flack - Why the journey is so important and other stories
May 31, 202347:06
Episode 16: Jon Husband - Wirearchy, the future of work now, networks and the rise of the need to be seen.

Episode 16: Jon Husband - Wirearchy, the future of work now, networks and the rise of the need to be seen.

May 24, 202348:26
Episode 15: Claire Borer - Are you ready to discover your "Hell Yes!" moment?
May 17, 202346:59