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By Tanya Eklund

The VOW, Voice of Women, is a Calgary, AB based podcast built on the empowerment of others through the sharing of real life stories. Hosted by Realtor/entrepreneur, Tanya Eklund. Tanya dives into the lives of admirable women over coming everyday challenges while exploring what they do to maintain a positive push for what the future holds.
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Penny Kane

The VOWMay 07, 2024

Dena Chernenkoff

Dena Chernenkoff

Dena Chernekoff is a passionate advocate for women's empowerment and holistic health. With a background in emergency nursing and a personal journey of overcoming trauma, Dena's insights are both compassionate and transformative. Join us as she shares her wisdom and practical guidance, inspiring others to embrace their worth and live vibrantly.

May 30, 202454:31
Lena Cebula

Lena Cebula

Lena Cebula is an author, social justice advocate, and host of the Love&BLoved Podcast. Raised in a post-USSR Ukrainian mining town, Lena's childhood was marked by profound trauma within her family. This early hardship led her down a dark path of drug addiction, alcohol dependency, and human trafficking. However, through resilience and determination, Lena found the strength to break free from despair. Today, she shares her raw, transparent journey in her book, "Miraculous: My Journey from Hell to Heaven," offering hope and inspiration to others facing similar struggles.

May 23, 202401:07:05
Penny Kane

Penny Kane

Penny, a passionate mother and indigenous woman, defied the odds to discover Bloom, a groundbreaking anti-inflammatory medicine derived from bee bloom. Frustrated by the limitations of traditional medicine in addressing her children's health issues, Penny embarked on a 13-year journey, facing skepticism and obstacles along the way. Now, with the first US composition patent in hand, she leads the charge in bringing Bloom to the world. As a backyard beekeeper and advocate for saving the bees, Penny's story embodies courage, intuition, and the power of resilience in the face of adversity. Her mission extends beyond healing to inspire others to believe that anything is possible. 

May 07, 202401:04:05
Mari Leigh

Mari Leigh

Meet Mari, a beacon of resilience and hope who turned her personal struggles into a journey of empowerment. From enduring intense bullying in high school to surviving the devastation of Hurricane Irma, Mari's life has been a testament to overcoming adversity. Forced to rebuild her life from scratch with just what she could fit in her car after evacuating, Mari found strength in the midst of chaos. Despite facing unimaginable challenges, including sexual assault and family loss, she refused to be defined by her circumstances. Now, as a trauma and mindset coach based in North Carolina, Mari helps women reclaim their confidence, freedom, and happiness. Her own journey of healing and transformation serves as a guiding light for others navigating their own paths to resilience and empowerment. Through her work and advocacy, Mari continues to inspire and uplift those facing life's toughest trials, proving that even in the darkest moments, there is always hope for a brighter tomorrow. 

Apr 26, 202450:05
Kerry Mellon - The Bestie Episode

Kerry Mellon - The Bestie Episode

Get ready to dive into the heartwarming celebration of birthday week with a special podcast featuring the incredible bond between Tanya and Kerry! With over two decades of friendship under their belts, they embark on a journey through life's twists and turns, discussing everything from the joys of parenthood to navigating the complexities of relationships. This episode is a testament to the enduring power of friendship, filled with laughter, tears, and moments that will leave you smiling from ear to ear.

Apr 17, 202456:09
Kaitlyn Cook

Kaitlyn Cook

Kaitlyn's life is a testament to defying limits and embracing self-belief. From facing fibromyalgia predictions to unexpected adventures worldwide, her journey is one of resilience and courage. Today, Kaitlyn's story serves as a beacon of hope for women everywhere, reminding them that they can defy expectations, chase their dreams, and carve out their own paths to fulfillment.

Apr 11, 202453:29
Dayle Sheehan

Dayle Sheehan

In a world that often tests the limits of human resilience, our guest today, Dayle Sheehan, found herself facing a life-altering tragedy at just sixteen. Strapped into a wheelchair, her journey took an unexpected turn, but instead of succumbing to despair, Dayle emerged as a beacon of inspiration, spreading a message of happiness, resiliency, and hope. Join us as we unravel the remarkable story of how Dayle not only conquered personal tragedy but turned it into a catalyst for thriving in business, as an entrepreneur, lead designer, public speaker, and acclaimed author. Her story is about to ignite the flames of motivation in our listeners.

Apr 05, 202401:17:33
Garima Rai

Garima Rai

Garima Rai is an exceptional multitasker seamlessly blending motherhood, financial finesse, and a former life as a radio show host dedicated to women's empowerment. Her story is a riveting narrative of vulnerability, triumph over the constraints of a conservative South Asian upbringing, and turning obstacles into stepping stones for personal growth. Garima's authenticity pierces through the ordinary, resonating with listeners as she fearlessly shares the messy, imperfect, and deeply relatable facets of life. Beyond the realm of numbers and spreadsheets, she's on a mission to radiate kindness, nurturing two little warriors of love. Her journey is a symphony of resilience, choice, and an unwavering belief that life demands authenticity. Get ready for a captivating journey with a woman unafraid to bare her soul, inspiring with every beat of her story.

Mar 26, 202401:09:52
Host Hacks - Aging & Biohacking

Host Hacks - Aging & Biohacking

In this mini podcast episode, join Tanya on her journey into the realm of biohacking for longevity. Fueled by a desire to lead a healthy and vibrant life, Tanya delves into various biohacking practices and supplements aimed at optimizing health and extending vitality. From simple lifestyle changes like adequate hydration and quality sleep to more advanced techniques such as red light therapy, infrared sauna sessions, and cold plunges, Tanya shares her firsthand experiences and insights. She discusses the benefits of these practices, including improved energy levels, enhanced metabolic function, reduced inflammation, and potential anti-aging effects. Moreover, Tanya offers a glimpse into her supplement regimen, highlighting key compounds like NMN, resveratrol, and spermidine, known for their roles in cellular rejuvenation and longevity. Whether you're a biohacking enthusiast or someone curious about optimizing health for longevity, this episode provides valuable insights and practical tips to embark on your own journey toward a healthier, more vibrant life.

Mar 15, 202414:39
Alexandra Klein

Alexandra Klein

Alex Klein is a Canadian dynamo shifting from pro basketball to Olympic bobsleigh despite a curveball – a diagnosis of ulcerative colitis in 2018. This brakewoman isn't just chasing Olympic dreams; she's empowering women in the off-season through online coaching in fitness and entrepreneurship.

A resilient force, Alex's journey from courts to ice is a testament to turning setbacks into success. Get ready to be inspired by her relentless pursuit of goals, both on and off the track.

Mar 14, 202454:37
Cathy Thorpe

Cathy Thorpe

Welcome to today's episode where we delve into the exceptional leadership journey of Cathy Thorpe, the driving force behind Nurse Next Door. With over two decades of leadership in retail, Cathy has been reshaping senior home care since 2014. But there's more to Cathy than professional success. Her journey is a blend of resilience and ambition, sparked by the profound loss of her husband.

Join us as we explore how this personal chapter propelled her to lead, write a transformative book, and pursue her aspirations. We will uncover Cathy's strategic vision—forging global partnerships, expanding into multiple countries, and redefining aging globally, giving seniors the choice to pursue their passions. 

Mar 07, 202435:22
Host Hacks - Leading A Female Dominated Team

Host Hacks - Leading A Female Dominated Team

In this captivating mini-episode, Tanya opens up to her listeners about the unique journey of leading a powerhouse, female-dominated team. Drawing from her personal evolution, she unfolds the narrative of transforming from a businesswoman into a visionary leader, with both past and present team members contributing to the remarkable growth of the Tanya Eklund Group.

Tanya gracefully acknowledges that her team's current strength is not just a culmination but a launching pad for each member to propel towards greater achievements, especially considering many had no prior experience in real estate before joining her. Through Tanya's insightful storytelling, she skillfully paints a vivid picture of the distinctive roles each team member plays and how their collective efforts have been instrumental in the group's success.

The essence of coaching permeates Tanya's business philosophy, emphasizing its crucial role in nurturing talent and fostering continuous growth. Tanya passionately conveys the understanding that in the dynamic world of business, staying connected to the journey is more vital than fixating on a specific outcome. People come and go, and as Tanya wisely points out, businesses evolve – a profound perspective that underscores the fluid nature of entrepreneurship.

This mini-episode is not just a glimpse into Tanya's leadership journey; it's a symphony of experiences, insights, and a celebration of the collaborative spirit that has shaped the Tanya Eklund Group into a thriving force in the real estate realm.

Mar 04, 202413:23
Host Hacks - Coaching with Tanya Eklund

Host Hacks - Coaching with Tanya Eklund

In this episode, Tanya passionately delves into the transformative power of coaching, shedding light on its myriad benefits. As a multifaceted individual juggling roles as a business owner, wife, mother, and friend, Tanya underscores the paramount importance of continuous self-improvement and investment in personal growth. Throughout the episode, she provides insights into the various coaching modalities that have seamlessly woven into the fabric of her life, tracing the evolution of her coaching journey alongside the expansion of her business.

Tanya emphasizes the notion that true change stems from a genuine commitment to putting in the effort and a sincere desire to bring about positive transformations. Her engaging narrative serves as a beacon for those seeking inspiration and guidance on how coaching can serve as a catalyst for personal and professional development.

Feb 23, 202419:06
Brooke Fielding

Brooke Fielding

Brooke Fielding is the 2024 Calgary Stampede Princess. From starting her equestrian journey at eight with her pony Rebel to representing rodeos and earning a Bachelor of Commerce degree, Brooke's story is a blend of passion and achievement. As the office manager at a Veterinary Clinic in Cochrane, she seamlessly combines business acumen with dedication to animal welfare.

Join us as we explore Brooke's journey from the arena to the veterinary clinic, from international equestrian arenas to her family's acreage in Water Valley.

Feb 14, 202433:44
Gail Taylor

Gail Taylor

Today, we are honored to have Gail Taylor, a Canadian songwriter, speaker, and advocate for change. With a remarkable career in finance and a passionate commitment to inspiring personal growth, Gail's journey is as diverse as it is impactful. Currently working on her second book, “Curve Balls," Gail's stories and tools aim to empower listeners to design their own lives. What makes Gail's story truly compelling is he dedication to discussing pressing issues like the opioid crisis, intertwining her experiences with the transformative power of music and her fervent advocacy. Join us as Gail shares her insights into finance, personal growth, and her mission to create change, all while shedding light on the urgent topic of opioids.

Jan 24, 202453:35
Wendy Baker

Wendy Baker

Wendy Baker is an extraordinary individual whose life started in the heart of The Source Family, a Los Angeles-based cult. Her memoir, "My Name Was Mushroom," uncovers her teenage runaway experience within this captivating yet challenging community. Wendy's story of breaking free and thriving as a successful entrepreneur and advocate for women is nothing short of inspiring. Join us as she shares her journey from the cult to empowerment, resilience, and a passion for helping others.

Jan 05, 202401:04:02
Niki Norlock

Niki Norlock

Welcome to the 'Truth' series, where we uncover the remarkable journey of Niki Norlock. Her story is one of resilience and transformation. Niki faced immense loss, illness, and despair, but in her darkest hour, she made a plea to the universe: "Show me the way, and I will follow without question. Join us as we explore Niki's extraordinary path of healing, self-discovery, and unwavering pursuit of truth. 

Dec 28, 202351:46
Bailey Rush

Bailey Rush

Hailing from Ponoka, Bailey Rush is a groundbreaking wake surfer who secured double gold wins at the 2023 CWSA World Championship. As the first woman to clinch world titles in both pro surf style and pro skim style, Bailey's story is nothing short of remarkable. Beyond the waves, she's a figure skater, coach, and a passionate advocate for wake surfing in Canada. Join us for a conversation with Bailey and discover her journey, accomplishments, and the unique artistry she brings to the sport.

Dec 21, 202331:04
Jaymi Green

Jaymi Green

Meet Jaymi Green, a seasoned life and business coach renowned for her extensive background in fitness and nutrition education. Jaymi’s life story is a testament to resilience and transformation. Having grown up in an environment marked by domestic and substance abuse, Jaymi later confronted personal challenges in her early twenties, stemming from a traumatic experience as a teenager. Despite these trials, she channeled her pain into a profound purpose. Today, Jaymi is dedicated to guiding individuals in various facets of life, empowering them to step into the highest version of themselves.

Dec 12, 202341:59
Ela Karahasanoglu

Ela Karahasanoglu

Ela is a financial professional, CEO, and thought leader whose story is as inspiring as it is captivating. Her journey is a testament to resilience, determination, and the ability to rise above adversity. Ela's path has taken her from London to New York, Toronto to Istanbul, accumulating over 25 years of international investment and leadership experience. But her true power lies in her ability to turn setbacks into stepping stones, transforming trauma into triumph. Join us as we delve into Ela's remarkable journey, a story that goes beyond achievements and reveals the incredible strength that lies within every challenge she has faced.

Nov 30, 202359:22
Carleana De Wilde

Carleana De Wilde

Carleana is an advocate, facilitator, counselor, mediator, artist, and a dedicated parent. Above all, she's a woman with a unique perspective on life and the people in it.

Carleana's life has been marked by overcoming challenges, and her experiences have shaped her extraordinary outlook. She doesn't see people as 'broken,' and she firmly believes that nothing is impossible. Her approach emphasizes inclusion, acceptance, and understanding. Adding to her milestones, Carleana has also recently completed her Supporting Survivors of Sexual Violence certification.

Join us as we delve into Carleana's inspiring journey, her holistic approach to life, and the positive changes she brings to the lives of individuals and communities. We hope her story and insights will leave you feeling inspired and motivated.

Nov 26, 202301:23:06
Tanya Eklund - Anti-Bullying Week

Tanya Eklund - Anti-Bullying Week

In honor of Anti-Bullying Week, Tanya reflects on her challenging childhood marked by bullying. From small-town struggles to finding strength in adversity, she shares her journey of healing as an adult. A poignant tale emphasizing the importance of kindness, understanding, and breaking the cycle of bullying. This mini episode is a story of transformation and hope.

Nov 15, 202313:43
Marsha Jacobson

Marsha Jacobson

Marsha, a self-proclaimed city gal, is an author, teacher, and writing coach based in New York City. But her journey is more than just city life; it's a story of resilience. Marsha's debut book, 'The Wrong Calamity,' is a memoir that shares her triumphant escape from an abusive marriage in a dramatic police chase.

Her experiences have appeared in publications like the New York Times, and she's a true inspiration for those seeking empowerment and transformation. Today we will  explore Marsha's remarkable journey and how she emerged as a beacon of strength for women everywhere. 

Nov 09, 202301:10:55
Charlene Doak-Gebauer

Charlene Doak-Gebauer

Charlene Doak-Gebauer is a globally renowned expert in digital child and family protection. Charlene's impressive accomplishments include being the award-winning Producer/Director of the documentary 'Vulnerable Innocence' and the Founder and Chair of 'Internet Sense First,' a federal Canadian charity. She's a keynote speaker in high demand worldwide and an advocate for online child protection. Charlene's personal journey is deeply rooted in her family's experience with child exploitation. Her commitment to this cause comes from a place of understanding, having been a survivor of sexual assault during her high school years. She's dedicated her life to making a difference in the lives of children and families, shaping the future of online safety. Today we explore Charlene's impactful work, her inspiring journey, and her mission to protect children in the digital age.

Nov 03, 202356:27
Natashia Mensah

Natashia Mensah

Natashia Mensah is a former RN, and founder of Mia Adora. From building a 7-figure e-commerce empire to becoming a certified transformational weight loss coach, Natashia's journey is nothing short of inspiring. After the loss of her husband to cancer in 2019, Natashia's life took a remarkable turn. She's helped high performers and busy parents shed pounds, reverse metabolic issues, and embrace healthier lives—all without extreme diets or workouts.Natashia's mission extends beyond health, as she's a strong supporter of charities fighting human trafficking and the global water crisis. Join us as we uncover her incredible story of resilience, transformation, and making a difference.

Oct 26, 202352:44
Debbie Ferguson

Debbie Ferguson

Debbie Ferguson is a seasoned entrepreneur, single mother, and passionate advocate for personal growth and community support. With a life enriched by diverse careers, global travels, and years of personal leadership training, Debbie's journey took an unexpected turn in October 2017. One Saturday morning, as she prepared for an open house, she suddenly lost the ability to speak. Rushed to the hospital, Debbie embarked on a remarkable journey of relearning speech, reading, and writing. This life-altering experience revealed a profound message from the Universe, reshaping her outlook and priorities. Join us as we delve into Debbie's inspiring story of resilience, transformation, and the power of finding purpose in the face of adversity.

Oct 19, 202346:25
Jenn Stephenson

Jenn Stephenson

Jenn Stephenson, the visionary behind Calgary's The Curated Home, has over 23 years of real estate and homebuilding experience. Her journey into interior design is inspired by a personal tragedy – the loss of her daughters. This experience fueled her belief in the healing power of home. At The Curated Home, her mission is clear: to make interior design accessible and meaningful. With handpicked furnishings and a commitment to quality, Jenn and her team celebrate the artistry of design, transforming spaces into havens that offer solace, comfort, and inspiration. Join them in a world where design, comfort, and resilience unite beautifully. Today, Jenn shares her journey with us.

Oct 10, 202349:14
Laurie Moser

Laurie Moser

Laurie Moser is the founder of 'Staying Active Health & Wellness.' With over 7 years in the fitness industry and personal experience in parenting a teen with mental health challenges, Laurie understands the power of self-care. Her online courses and group coaching programs provide moms with essential tools and a supportive community. Featured by Focus on the Family, Real Biz Moms, Tracking Happiness, and 5 Minutes for Me App, Laurie is ready to share her insights. Join us for a transformative conversation on self-care and resilience with Laurie Moser

Sep 28, 202344:47
Ramya Kapadia

Ramya Kapadia

Ramya S. Kapadia is a Knoxville-based artist who wields her talents in Bharatanatyam dance, Carnatic music, Warli art, and children's fiction. With a background in Medical Physics and Neuroscience, Ramya has transitioned seamlessly into the world of art, captivating global audiences with her performances.

As the founder of Natyarpana School of Dance & Music, she's dedicated to sharing the richness of Carnatic music and Bharatanatyam throughout the US. Beyond her artistic pursuits, Ramya is a passionate advocate for integrating traditional Indian arts into education, ensuring accessibility for all, including children with special needs.

From receiving awards like the Emerging Artist to shaping compassionate communities through her art, Ramya's journey embodies the fusion of tradition and innovation. Join us as we uncover the inspiring narrative of Ramya S. Kapadia.

Sep 21, 202346:08
Sherrie Laryse

Sherrie Laryse

Sherrie Laryse is a dynamic Emotional Intelligence teacher with over a decade of experience delving into human behavior, neuro linguistics, and the intricacies of grief, trauma, and mental health. Her passion lies in equipping individuals with tangible techniques to tackle life's challenges head-on. Through personalized consultations, captivating group sessions, and compelling public speaking engagements, Sherrie ignites transformation. Her journey is a tapestry woven with vulnerability, showcased in her unfiltered and empowering book, "On Path." Sherrie's unique approach empowers individuals to reframe their perspectives, fostering a profound sense of liberation in their authentic selves.Embark on a journey of profound change with Sherrie as she guides you through the art of embracing life's complexities, emerging stronger, wiser, and truly empowered.

Sep 15, 202358:35
 Pamela Joyce Liggins

Pamela Joyce Liggins

Pamela Joyce Liggins, an author and speaker from Harlem's Lincoln Projects, draws from her upbringing, fourteen years of marriage, and motherhood to create compelling stories. Her journey as an author gained momentum after her ex-husband's 2003 arrest, leading to her transformative role as a published author on May 23rd, 2009. She pioneers by releasing her books as audiobooks, with titles like "Family Tyme! Don't Get Caught Up!" and "FYER! The Diary of a BI Sexual Woman." Pamela's impact resonates through her works and her upcoming Off Broadway play "Side Chick" and series "I Am Not Defined By My Address." Today, I have the pleasure of hearing Pamela's journey as breast cancer survivor, advocate and author.

Sep 06, 202357:37
Lindsay Blaze

Lindsay Blaze

Lindsay Blaze has developed a culture of connection that is currently represented through a country gas station in Bon Aqua, Tennessee. As a curator of story and branding throughout her travels and career, Lindsay seeks to reveal the raw and real in life. A year and a half ago, she took over the gas station, a place known as the number one drug pick up and drop off for three counties. Today, Gas Boss thrives as an experience of joy that comes from genuine connection through the presence of emotional intelligence; so much so that the station opened an ice cream shop in it called Giddy-Ups. Lindsay’s heart and passion is to bring value to both staff and customer through the daily invitation and welcoming of them to be exactly who they are.

Aug 16, 202301:02:28
Erin Thorp

Erin Thorp

Erin Thorp is an empathic keynote speaker, writer and coach for leaders who struggle with conflict, communication, and performance during high-stress times. Erin’s life suddenly took a turn when her daughter was diagnosed with a severe learning disability along with ADHD. Having spent 20 years in the masculine dominated engineering and construction industries, Erin decided to take a leave of absence from her career to explore her superpower of empathy to help her daughter achieve the success that she has today, along with coaching many others on empathy and compassion. I have the pleasure of sitting down with her today to discuss how the impacts of her daughter's learning disabilities altered the trajectory of her life today.

Aug 03, 202351:31
Caitlin Devall

Caitlin Devall

Caitlin Devall is an experienced real estate professional with a wealth of industry knowledge, has dedicated numerous years to her career. Caitlin reached a pivotal moment of self-determination and was faced with the choice between freezing her eggs and exploring the possibility of using a donor, she ultimately embraced the latter as her golden opportunity to embark on the journey of single motherhood.
In this episode, Caitlin candidly recounts the challenges, triumphs, and transformative experiences that have accompanied her resolute decision.
Currently expecting her second child and generously shares her personal odyssey of navigating the complexities of solo motherhood, offering valuable insights to her listeners.

Jul 19, 202339:54
 Sharon Costanzo

Sharon Costanzo

Sharon Costanzo is a relationship & communication coach who specializes in helping women speak up and work through hard conversations so they can feel more confident and connected in their most important relationships. She hosts the Keep Talking Revolution Podcast and Respected + Connected, an online coaching program and community for women who are working on improving their relationships in a more empowered and authentic way. Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Sharon and gaining insight into how to effectively communicate with our partners.

Jun 28, 202345:28
Brenda Beckedorf

Brenda Beckedorf

Brenda Beckedorf is the Executive Director of Alberta IoT, a non-profit member-based association established in 2017 to support the growth of all things digital by creating a space for connection, collaboration, and innovation. In her role as Executive Director, Brenda’s focus is to bring our community together to provide a common voice in advancing the knowledge, adoption, and growth of the Internet of Things industry within the province of Alberta and throughout the world. Brenda has a story that is one of resilience and strength. She is a domestic abuse survivor, and I have the honour of speaking to Brenda today to hear her journey through turning trauma into triumph.

Jun 07, 202350:57
Shailynn Taylor
May 31, 202347:30
Michelle Furgiuele

Michelle Furgiuele

Michelle Furgiuele is a Canadian Human Trafficking Survivor, speaker, consultant and Peer Advocate with Restorations Canada. With over fifteen years of experience in multiple facets of the sex trade, Michelle now uses her story and extensive knowledge to educate and train various sectors on the realities of Human Trafficking. Through her work Michelle has been presenting preventative practices to High Schools, Police Agencies, Service Providers, the Hotel and Hospitality industry, as well as the aviator and travel sector. Michelle has co-written several manuals on how to detect Human Trafficking along with assisting victims in crisis and provides ongoing mentorship. Today I have the pleasure of speaking with Michelle to hear about her journey.

May 24, 202349:25
Moji Taiwo
May 17, 202354:09
Ginny Eklund

Ginny Eklund

In this mini Mother’s Day episode Tanya had the pleasure of interviewing her mother, Ginny Eklund. It was truly such a special day. In their interview, Tanya learned more about her mothers life, marriage and motherhood.

May 11, 202327:21
Weam Namou

Weam Namou

Born in Baghdad to an ancient lineage called the Chaldeans (Neo-Babylonians who still speak Aramaic), Weam Namou immigrated with her family to the United States at age ten. She is the Executive Director of the Chaldean Cultural Center, which houses the first and only Chaldean Museum in the world. She’s an Eric Hoffer award-winning author of 15 books, a two-time international award-winning filmmaker, journalist, poet, and an Ambassador for the Authors Guild of America [Detroit Chapter], the nation’s oldest and largest writing organization. Her script Pomegranate was chosen as a quarter finalist by Francis Coppola’s Zoetrope and was turned into a feature film. It's currently touring film festivals. Namou hosts a half-hour weekly TV show, and she’s the founder of Unique Voices in Films, a 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization. A keynote speaker, her essays, articles, and poetry have been published by national and international publications. Today, I have the pleasure of speaking with her about what it is like to be an immigrant women in them United States and what we can do as a community to encourage individuality, creativity and pursuing one's passion regardless of the where they were born. 

May 03, 202301:02:25
Dr. Naminder Sandhu

Dr. Naminder Sandhu

Dr. Naminder Sandhu is a born and raised Calgarian and proud daughter of Punjabi immigrants who practices Pediatric Emergency Medicine at the Alberta Children’s Hospital. She is a Clinical Assistant Professor with the University of Calgary and an active educator at the undergraduate and postgraduate medical education levels with over a decade of teaching experience. She is a respected leader having served as PEM subspecialty residency program director for numerous years and more recently as interim section chief. She is an active member of various committees supporting the Department of Pediatrics with her growing professional interests lying in the spheres of equity/diversity/inclusivity; physician mentorship; and burnout/wellness.

She serves as a director on the board of Canadian Women in Medicine, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping women thrive both personally and professionally. As a lifelong learner, Naminder is pursuing training in functional medicine on the side and recently received her certification as a yoga teacher who offers her skills to her colleagues to promote self-care since the COVID-19 pandemic. She was raised to value community engagement and serves as a board member of Between Friends Calgary, a local agency benefiting people with disabilities. A life in medicine thus far has been a challenging one, and the recent pandemic has renewed her mission to find fulfillment and value in our communities, connection, and ourselves. I have the pleasure of sitting down with her today to hear her journey through medicine.

Apr 26, 202359:25
Ariel White

Ariel White

Ariel White is a Marketing and Communications expert, and Sr. Account Manager at a creative agency. She also serves as a strategic advisor for a global eCommerce retailer, a Community Manager for Toast, a talent partner that helps connect women to tech roles, and is the Founding City Director for the Victoria chapter of WNORTH, an organization dedicated to empowering women to advance into senior leadership positions.  

A storyteller by nature, Ariel’s passion for writing led her to start a daily blogging practice in 2017. What began as a fun way to share recipes and outdoor adventures soon became an outlet for her to initiate and engage in deeper conversations around mental health, recovery from food and substance-use disorders, and finally disclose the secret of her childhood sexual trauma. Ariel currently works to amplify the voices of those fighting silent battles through advocacy and education, and leads conversations about trauma-informed practice and how it shows up in our leadership. Today, I have the pleasure of hearing her journey.

Apr 19, 202341:14
Amy Reding

Amy Reding

Amy Reding is an author, artist, and cancer survivor. At the age of 25 she was diagnosed for the first time with stage IV Hodgkin's Lymphoma. Since 2019, Amy has fought cancer on three different occasions and experienced multiple treatments of chemotherapy, fertility treatments, biopsies, immunotherapy and a stem cell transplant. Amy shares openly about her journey with cancer as a young adult, side effects, relationships, and choosing joy and adventure in the midst of compounding bad news. Today I have to pleasure of sitting down with her to listen to her journey.

Apr 05, 202355:34
Dr. Jessica Metcalfe

Dr. Jessica Metcalfe

Dr. Jessica is a strategic leadership and workplace culture consultant with a focus on self-intelligence and relationship intelligence. She is an award-winning international speaker and best-selling author who is on a mission to empower and unlock the inner voices of high-stressed high-achieving leaders. Dr. Jessica’s first book Speak Kindly, You’re Listening has been flying off the shelves! As a former Dental Oncologist and Education Director at one of the top 5 cancer centres in the world, Dr. Jessica knows first hand the challenges that come with high-stressed careers. She started out by teaching the medical and dental community how to improve a patient's quality of life post-cancer therapy and now elevates leaders and their teams to improve their quality of life through confidence, collaboration, culture and communication. I am honoured to be siting down with her today to hear her journey. 

Mar 29, 202301:04:30
Tanya Eklund - Life With Aging Parents

Tanya Eklund - Life With Aging Parents

In this mini episode, Tanya shares with her listeners about her experience with aging parents. While all of us know that it is inevitable, it is important to remember that time is extremely precious. Tanya speaks to how her fathers mild stroke last Christmas shifted her perspective on understanding the reality of aging parents. She concludes this episode by urging her listeners to spend time with those who we love because life as we know it is far too short.

Mar 23, 202305:14
Andrea Mondoux

Andrea Mondoux

With a struggle of body positivity, a unique family upbringing an ongoing battle with imposter syndrome, Andrea Mondoux is a Best Selling and 3x published Author, Speaker, Host of The Balance + Bliss Podcast, Coach and a Curvy Body Advocate changing the future of health and wellness, and how those perceive achieving it. She is passionate about supporting people in their pursuit of wellness and happiness by sharing relatable, actionable, and authentic strategies to help empower them to take control of their lives. With over a decade of lived experience transforming her habits, despite the diet culture, she is committed to changing the way people think about themselves. I am so excited to be speaking with her today to hear about her journey.

Mar 08, 202353:46
Bethany Gettis

Bethany Gettis

Bethany Gettis is a highly dynamic Internationally known Certified Holistic Nutritional ConsultantTM and REAL Food Advocate. Bethany is focused on guiding busy, health-conscious parents to their optimum healthy lifestyle, through nutrition while creating a holistic balance. After all, she created her business Nutritious & Delicious because she believes a healthy family starts with a healthy parent. The unexpected loss of her husband left Bethany to be a widow to raise her two boys on her own. I am sitting here today to hear her story of how she navigated this tragedy, pivoted and became the leader of her life and shifted her focus on happiness from within.

Feb 22, 202345:40
Dr. Jordin Wiggins

Dr. Jordin Wiggins

Let's talk about sex, baby! Dr. Jordin is a Pleasure Expert, Naturopathic Doctor and Author. She is the CEO of the Pleasure Collective, a coaching community for CEOs and founders who want to be as badass in the bedroom as they are in the boardroom. She is the author of The Pink Canary, an investigation into the hidden secret to optimal women’s wellness and podcast host of The Pleasure Principles. She is a regular contributor to articles and TV, including Cityline, Cosmopolitan, and The Washington Post, advocating for women’s health and right to pleasure. Combining her years of medical and holistic knowledge with personal experience and exploration, she unlocked her desires, attracted her reality as a fulfilled CEO, mom, stepmom, doctor, friend, lover, and women’s wellness advocate. I am so excited to sit down and talk to her today! 

Feb 15, 202301:03:08
Tanya Eklund - Listening to Your Body

Tanya Eklund - Listening to Your Body

In this episode, Tanya gets vulnerable with her listeners about the time that a pulmonary embolism nearly took her life. While training for the Boston Marathon, Tanya began to experience severe chest pain that progressively got worse. It wasn't until she was admitted to the hospital that the doctors discovered she had blood clots throughout her chest due to the birth control pill. Tanya informs her listeners to listen to their body, and no matter how healthy or in shape you may be, it is still so important to listen to the signs and symptoms that could potentially be life threatening. 

Feb 08, 202308:55