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The Authentic Chic

The Authentic Chic

By Santresa Marie

Discovering who you are one authentic moment at a time. Being you is the only option.
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August 9, 2018

The Authentic ChicAug 09, 2018

What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

There will never be the "perfect time" to do anything. You have to make the decision to do exactly what God tells you to do exactly when He tells you to do it. You're waiting for other people to approve or get in line when God is waiting on you to just say yes and go.

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Mar 22, 202212:55
Your Peace Matters

Your Peace Matters

Are you a thermostat or a thermometer? Are you setting the temperature for your peace or are you allowing other people to set it for you? Your peace matters and you should require that it is always standing on a firm foundation. 

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Mar 15, 202214:53
Feelings are Fickle

Feelings are Fickle

Relying on your feelings is dangerous and irresponsible. Our feelings are fickle because they can shift and change with the wind. It is our responsibility to control our feelings and not allow our feelings to control us.

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Mar 08, 202216:35
What Are Your Terms and Conditions

What Are Your Terms and Conditions

Every social media platform has terms and conditions that you must agree to in order to use their platform. Just like social media, you need to have terms and conditions for your life. You need to have them set for people that enter your life. You need to clearly communicate said terms and conditions and if anyone violates them, there should be consequences. You can't live your life without boundaries, terms and conditions.

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Mar 01, 202218:47
You Set the Tone

You Set the Tone

Thermometers and Thermostats are not the same. One tells the temperature in a space and one sets the temperature in a space. Which one are you? Are you setting the tone for your life, your peace, your heart, your dreams or are you allowing external people and situations set it for you? How you enter your day matters. How you navigate throughout your day matters. You get to set the tone for your life.

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 22, 202217:56
No New Friends

No New Friends

Deciding not to create new relationships and friendships because of past disappointments, trauma or whatever is detrimental to you and your destiny. You were called to do life with people and you have to be willing to be open to those God ordained to be a part of your story. It's time to heal from the trauma, break up with the lies and open yourself to the friendships God has waiting for you.

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (Makeup by Santresa Marie & Santresa Marie Consulting), IG @santresamarie & @ thebeautywithinllc, and TikTok @santresamarie

Get your t-shirt and hoodies here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 15, 202217:23
Who Are You Performing For?

Who Are You Performing For?

You weren't called to live a life of performance. It's time to take off the masks and walk in who you were called and created to be. The people that love you want to love the real you..

Feb 09, 202223:01
It's Not Your Job!

It's Not Your Job!

People are going to do what they choose to do. Their decision to grow and become is theirs. It's not your job to make them do or not do anything. It's your job to do what you're supposed to do, protect your space, and mind the business God gave you to mind.

Feb 01, 202222:26
Building Relationships

Building Relationships

You're not an island. You weren't meant to do life alone. You need people and people need you. It's time to break up with the lies about not needing new friends or that women are messy and can't be trusted. There's value in relationships. Not every relationship is meant for a lifetime but you always need the proper perspective. Who are you called to do life with? Where is your tribe? Where is your community? It's time to stop doing life alone and build the relationships that are meant to push you forward in life.

For all Santresa Marie's content visit:

For access to exclusive content and early access visit:

Theme music: Alisa Alexander

Jul 09, 202119:31
Stop Looking For Yourself

Stop Looking For Yourself

It's stressful and frustrating to constantly try to "find yourself" because you're trying to create your own life. God knew us before He formed us. He mapped out our lives before our parents even considered conceiving us. So why would we spend time trying to create who we are instead of seeking the one that created us? 

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Discover all things Santresa Marie here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 10, 202123:10
The Table

The Table

Part of Psalms 23:5 says, "You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies." We get soo excited about that scripture. Yes, God is preparing a table just for me in front of all my enemies. The problem is that we don't focus on the table that's been prepared for US. Instead, we focus on the enemies, the "haters", that are in our presence. You know the, "I'm going to show all the haters wrong" or "I know my haters are watching me." Here's the thing...what other people think or say about you is none of your business. All the energy and time you're wasting focusing on them needs to be focused on the amazing table that God has set for you. Don't miss your moments because you're more concerned about the people than you are the table.

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Register your mini for the Minis and Makeup Virtual Event here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Discover all things Santresa Marie here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 27, 202122:56
What Do You Need??

What Do You Need??

I can do bad all by myself. I don't need a man. I don't need a woman. No new friends. I don't need any help. Do any of these phrases sound familiar to you? You've decided you're an island and you can live this life all by yourself. Who told you that? Who lied to you? I know you've experienced trauma, heartbreak, disappointment, betrayal but those things have created this narrative that you don't need anyone in your life. It's created this personal reality that struggle, stress, anxiety and worry are better than EVER saying you need someone again.

Well, you've been living a lie. You need people. You need connection. You need tribe. You need community. You are NOT an island. Your unwillingness to need has put you in survival mode and it's killing you. It's time to break up with the lie that you don't need anyone, ask yourself why you feel that way, and destroy it at its root. We need people. 

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Register your mini for the Minis and Makeup Virtual Event here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Discover all things Santresa Marie here:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 20, 202141:04
Make the Decision

Make the Decision

We all make numerous decisions every single day. Deciding where to work, live, how to pay for this or that. We make decisions about our children, our personal lives, our friendships. We even make decisions about vacations. The list goes on and on. Here's the revelation of it all.....there's only one decision that we need to make. Just one? Yes, just one. We just need to decide to trust and obey God because once we do that, the rest falls into place. Are you making the decision to trust and obey God or are you continuing to try to make ALL the decisions on your own? God cares about it ALL....yes all of it.

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 13, 202130:22
How Were You Made?

How Were You Made?

We know the biology about how we were made but that's not what I'm talking about. Do you know the care that God took to create you? Do you know how mindful He was when it came to weaving your entire being together? Nothing God did was by accident. He was sooo intentional when He created you. Psalm 139:14 takes on a WHOLE new meaning after all of this. You weren't created to just exist. You were created for so much more!

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 06, 202136:53
Changing of the Seasons

Changing of the Seasons

It's the last episode for Season 5 and I'm super excited about what's coming next. How do you view the changing of seasons? Is is just another moment in the year or are you preparing for a shift? I believe there's a changing of the seasons for us individually and it's our responsibility to prepare for it. Sometimes you're being prepared for something and you don't even realize it. Sometimes you're just moving out of obedience. Sometimes the shifting doesn't make sense in the moment. Every change takes us to another level.

Change with this season and watch your life explode right before your eyes!

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook (santresamarie & Makeup by Santresa Marie), IG @santresamarie and TikTok @makeupbysantresamarie

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Nov 18, 202036:01
Celebrate You

Celebrate You

When was the last time you celebrated yourself? You celebrate all the other people but never yourself. We've been taught it's arrogant, prideful, conceited, or bragging to celebrate ourselves. Well look here, it's none of those things. Especially when you're acknowledging the amazing things that God graced you to do. It's okay to celebrate yourself. When you celebrate yourself, other people celebrate you. When you celebrate yourself, it encourages other people to celebrate themselves.

My challenge for you is to begin to celebrate yourself at least once a day until it becomes the norm. It's time to flood your life with celebration!

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook, IG and TikTok @santresamarie

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Nov 11, 202031:27
I'm Not Her

I'm Not Her

Comparison is dangerous. Rehearsing your past is dangerous. Pretending and performing for others is dangerous. The more you focus on who you used to be, the more you miss of who you are now. The longer you pretend and perform, the longer you miss your authentic moments. The more you compare yourself to another woman, the more inferior you feel.

It's strength in walking in your truth. You're not her. You're not who you used to be. You're not another woman. You're not the masks that you wear. It's time to see the you that God created and walk in all of it.

Get your t-shirt, hoodie or sweatshirt here:

Don't forget to follow me on FaceBook, IG and TikTok @santresamarie

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Oct 28, 202036:37
The Demand

The Demand

Have you put a demand on yourself? Have you chosen to take a chance on yourself? There are things you have to do in order to put a demand on yourself.

  1. You need to know exactly who you are.
  2. You need to focus on the God things instead of the good things (just because you're good at it doesn't mean you're called to it).
  3. You need to put a demand on yourself (consistency, obedience, discipline).
  4. Watch people begin to put a demand on the call on your life.

It’s time to show up and be who you were called and created to be.

As mentioned in the episode, I released my Live: Big Bold Brave t-shirt in my online store along with other items. Go shop and support at:

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Oct 21, 202048:08
Become What You Behold

Become What You Behold

Merriam-Webster defines behold as to perceive through sight or apprehension; to gaze upon. We spend our time focusing on so many things and then trying to track how certain things and situations began to show up in our lives. You become whatever it is that you behold. What are you focusing on in life? Do you have a dream or passion that you haven't really gazed upon or done anything with? 

It's time to shift your focus, take action, be mindful of what you allow in your space and behold the things you really want to become.

Theme Music; Alisa Alexander

Oct 14, 202029:19
It's Okay.....

It's Okay.....

First........I recorded my FIRST FB LIVE episode and it was sooo exciting. I got to invite the amazing ladies in my Be Authentic group to join the conversation this week and I'm still on a high over it! I love how they shared their hearts. I can't wait to do it again and invite one of them to join me on my live to take an even deeper dive into our conversations.

This week, I told the ladies in my group that it's okay not to be okay. We operate in a world that thinks we're so strong, that we always have it together, and that we don't need any help. We walk around like we're always okay when in reality, we're screaming on the inside because we're exhausted, frustrated, hurting, etc. It's time to admit that we aren't okay and stop always pretending like we are. We have to cultivate safe spaces and relationships where we can admit it, release the emotions, brush ourselves off and get back up. We don't want to be a walking ball of uncontrollable emotions and we don't want to be a walking wall of lies either. 

It's okay not to be okay sis. It's okay to admit it. It's okay to be vulnerable. It's okay not to be strong for all the people. It's okay to release it. You're not alone. You don't have to keep it all bottled up. You don't have to pretend. There's strength in saying......"I'm not okay."

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander.

Oct 07, 202028:44
Grace For Yourself

Grace For Yourself

You show grace to other people. You even allow others to show you grace. What happens when it's time to show grace to yourself? Do you think you deserve to show yourself grace? Do you know what showing yourself grace looks like? These are questions you should ask yourself this week. When you're called to something, God has already given you the grace to finish. You don't have to run yourself ragged. You don't have to be team no sleep. You don't have to be overbooked. You don't have to beat yourself up. There's enough grace for you just like there's enough grace for everyone else. It's time to extend grace to yourself and enjoy the fruit of the things you've been called to finish.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Oct 01, 202025:43
The Real About The Proverbs 31 Woman

The Real About The Proverbs 31 Woman

You’ve seen the pretty quotes and graphics. Maybe you’ve even said it....I am a Proverbs 31 Woman. The question is....are you really?? Do you understand the depth of who the Proverbs 31 Woman was or did you read the first and last couple of verses and decide that’s who you are??

It’s a cute thing to claim but there’s work and expectations attached to the Proverbs 31 Woman. Years ago, God took me through every verse and imparted revelation about what it really means to be that kind of woman. Look here....I was shook and stopped calling myself that knowing I wasn’t in a place to even be interested in being all of that. I didn’t want to lie to myself with that false confession because at that time I didn’t believe any of it.

There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be a Proverbs 31 Woman. You just need to know what comes with that title because she played zero games.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander
Sep 23, 202049:38
Superwoman I am NOT

Superwoman I am NOT

I watched Auntie Patti, Auntie Gladys and Auntie Dionne sing Superwoman on Verzus Sunday and that one song was such a reminder. Women spend their lives thinking they need to do it all, be it all to everyone. We take on the cares of the world and then forget about putting the oxygen mask on ourselves before trying to help someone else. We think it's some kind of honor to be called Superwoman, wear the cape and have an S on our chest. However, it's a whole lie. Being Superwoman isn't a badge of honor, it isn't an achievement. It's actually a disservice. It's unnecessary weight that we are not supposed to carry. It's self neglect. 

I don't know about you but I broke with holding the Superwoman title a long time ago. It's not my job to do it all. Everything doesn't have to be crammed into one day. I don't have to grind or hustle to win or be successful. 

Sis, take off that cape and that S on your chest and burn them. Free yourself!! It's okay not to be Superwoman.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Sep 16, 202024:15
Honest and Exposed

Honest and Exposed

JUST BE YOU AND LIVE (MAKEUP FREE) You watch people on social media and they look so well put together. Sometimes you think there's no way you can relate to them or vice versa. What happens when you favorite Influencer decides to expose the pieces of themselves that you don't usually get to see? Well, I did just that for you in this podcast episode. I'm sharing all of who I am, apologetically.

Check out my YouTube Channel, Santresa Marie - The Authentic Chic to watch the video

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Aug 18, 202020:33
Your Own Lane

Your Own Lane

Last week I went live on FaceBook to challenge people to stay in their own lane. So I decided to share the live with my Authentic Chic nation. In this current climate, it’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything and everyone else. However, just like we need to focus on ourselves, we also need to stay in our own lanes. ⁣

⁣We don’t respond the same. We aren’t called to the same things. We aren’t responsible for other folks lanes either. ⁣

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jun 18, 202026:33
The Refining

The Refining

Refining is the process of removing impurities or unwanted elements or improving (something) by making small changes. We all need refining, especially if we say we want to experience and live our best lives. We cannot keep the things that need to go or refuse to make changes and expect greatness at the same time. That's just not how any of it works. Refining is uncomfortable. Refining can be scary. However, what's on the other side of the refining is more than worth it. It's time for you to be open and start being refined.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jun 10, 202021:34
What Are You Waiting For?

What Are You Waiting For?

It’s so easy to find reasons why you haven’t accomplished the goal or pursued your dream. You want things to be just right. You believe certain situations must be aligned before you can move. The truth is, there’s never a perfect time. You have to make the decision to go, to accomplish. Stop waiting to have it all together and move towards what you were called to do. What do you have to lose anyway? 

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jun 03, 202023:47
The Open Door

The Open Door

When we see an open door, it's exciting and sometimes scary. We want to know what's waiting on the other side. We know walking through the door will take us on a different journey and expose us to something new, something different. We've heard about open doors most of our lives and how beneficial they are.

However, sometimes we miss some steps when it comes to an open door. Just because the door is open, it doesn't mean it's for us. Just because it's for us, it doesn't mean it's time to go through it. When we walk through the door, there are things we must do in order to remain the that new space. We have to be willing to grow and expand. We have to know when it's time to to leave that space and walk through another door. We have to know when we need to blow out some walls to make room in that space. We have to know who can and cannot go through the door with us.

It's easy to see an open door and just walk on in. It takes wisdom to ask for direction every step of the way. The open door is only beneficial if we know what to do with it.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

May 26, 202023:38
Are You Free or Nah?

Are You Free or Nah?

Freedom isn’t reserved to certain situations and circumstances. You can decide to be free from anything that has you in bondage. ⁣Someone can give you the key to your freedom.  Someone can open the door of your bondage.  No one can make you use the key and no one can make you walk through the door.  You either make the decision to be free or you don’t. It’s not both. It's time for you to break up with all the bondage and step into your freedom.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Mar 04, 202053:31
The Safety of Love

The Safety of Love

Love is amazing but sometimes experiences can cause us to doubt it. It's not enough to have examples of genuine, unconditional love; you have to believe that it's safe to be loved and to give love. We all deserve to experience love authentically.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 19, 202021:12
Your Time to Shine

Your Time to Shine

It's easy to cheer for everyone else but what happens when it's time to cheer for yourself? What happens when it's time for other people to cheer for you? 

It's okay to shine. It's okay to be amazing. It's okay to be dope. You just have to be willing to own it. It's time to come out of the shadows and step into the light.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 29, 202028:02
That Ain't It Chief

That Ain't It Chief

That ain't it chief has been a well-known statement that people make when someone says or does something they consider to be foolish or just plain stupid. Well, I turned that phrase into an accountability tool when I found myself going backwards after having done the work so God could introduce me to my true self. It's easy to go back to the place of comfort when you've spent years there but it takes strength to acknowledge the backpedaling, own it and decide to get back on track.

Walk with me through the quick detour I took last summer and how I made the decision to step forward instead of retreating. Growing and becoming is uncomfortable but staying where you are is more painful.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Jan 23, 202020:26
No More Trauma

No More Trauma

Trauma is defined as a deeply distressing or disturbing experience or physical injury. Trauma can consume  your life and control you. Trauma will assume the role as your friend and protector. The problem is that trauma is neither of those things. We aren't meant to live in trauma. Just like everything else, trauma is something that has an expiration date. You get to choose if trauma controls you or you live free.

Theme Music by: Alisa Alexander

Jan 08, 202030:40
Who Cares

Who Cares

Why do you care so much about what other people think about you? Being concerned about what other people think about you will have you living like you have multiple personalities. You make people gods in your life. They rule over you and sometimes even own you. Your life doesn't belong to them so their thoughts and opinions about you shouldn't matter.

If what people think about you doesn't line up with what what said, it's irrelevant. It's times to refocus your attention from your "haters" and back to God where it belongs. Because remember, what other people think about you isn't your business.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 15, 201928:48
Responsible For Yourself

Responsible For Yourself

Worry about yourself isn't just a phrase used in petty or snippy moments. It's a truth that needs to be followed by a lot of people. We spend way too much time concerned with what other people are or aren't doing. The only person you are responsible for is you. God created you to live your best life, be obedient to Him, fulfill your purpose and be a good steward over the life He gave you.

You don't have time to focus on other people. You don't have time to try to be responsible for other whole adults that are responsible for themselves. You're responsible for your responses, your actions, and your thoughts. You have too much to do to be concerned with other people so really, worry about yourself.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander

Feb 10, 201938:25
Watch Your Mouth

Watch Your Mouth

Life and death are in the power of the tongue. What you say matters and it leaves an impact on those around you. The Passion Translation says, “Your words are so powerful that they will kill or give life, and the talkative person will reap the consequences.” Proverbs 18:21
Join Santresa Marie as she shares why yours matter, how words shape your character, and gives you steps on how to watch your mouth. You don't have to worry about regretting it if you don't say it.

Theme Music: Alisa Alexander
Jan 26, 201930:12
Face the Fear

Face the Fear

2019 is here and it's all about accountability. You can't reach any goal unless you're willing to be accountable and do the work. Santresa Marie starts the 2019 season talking about fear and how to overcome it.

Fear will paralyze you, cause you to doubt, make you feel inferior and keep you from trusting God. Fear only has the power you give it. Stop running, stop avoiding, and face the fear. There are steps to facing your fear and if you're willing to take the journey, you will discover that fear doesn't have any rights to your life.

God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power, love and a sound mind - 2 Timothy 1:7

Music by: Alisa Alexander

Jan 12, 201941:01
The Lies You Tell

The Lies You Tell

How many lies has the enemy told you in your life that have impacted the way you live and love? How many lies have you believed even when your intellect told you it was a lie? It's time to detach every lie the enemy has ever told you and grab hold to the truth and goodness of God.

It's been a while and I've missed y'all but this is the last podcast for 2018 (unless God says something different) and I'm excited to share it with you. I'm telling you it's been once heck of a ride since I began in August and I cannot wait to see what December and 2019 has in store for me and for you.

So, when the enemy tries to tell you a lie, say that's not what Jesus is saying and begin to say what God has said. It's a part of the pruning process but it's necessary to truly believe and receive everything that God says and has for us.

Theme music: Alisa Alexander
Dec 02, 201833:34
Level Up

Level Up

You can stand in one spot or you can go to the next level but you can't do both. Moving forward is only scary when you're focused on you instead of focusing on the one that has you. I shifted and made the decision to focus on God and level up and in less than a week my life has been in rapid fire.

My Authentic Chic Master Class was released and it's going to be EPIC!

Music By: Alisa Alexander
Oct 26, 201837:57
Out With the Old

Out With the Old

I found myself standing in my closet looking at all the clothes that no longer fit me. See, I've lost weight and stepped into the real, authentic me all at the same time. Some clothes are too big while others just don't fit who I am. I didn't know why I still had a lot of the clothes because they were too big a long time ago.

Then I heard God say, "How do you expect to receive new clothes when the old ones are taking up all the space in your closet." It hit me that that's how we live our lives. We spend time allowing old stuff (clothes, relationships, jobs, etc.)to take up space in our lives and wonder why we aren't receiving the newness that we desire and deserve.

It's time to clean house and get rid of the old. There's new waiting and it just needs a place to be able to rest.

Music By: Alisa Alexander
Oct 19, 201846:18
Greater and Authentic

Greater and Authentic

When you decide to walk in your greater, you have no choice but to be #Authentic. An unavoidable collision happens because living an authentic life and stepping into your greater go hand in hand.

My first guest, Alisa Alexander, shares her heart about the #Greater Movement and challenges you to do exactly what God has called you to do. It doesn't matter where you are, it matters what you speak.

Music By: Alisa Alexander
Oct 05, 201859:24
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 8: The Sweetness Of It All

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 8: The Sweetness Of It All

I made it y'all! Look what God did! The last episode of the ACL series and I'm so excited. This part of the journey has come to an end and in His perfect fashion, God made the peeling off of my remaining masks the sweetest experience ever. I'm here because I made the decision to be obedient and take the journey to me.
Sep 29, 201849:08
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 7: Pride, Selflessness and Other Stuff

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 7: Pride, Selflessness and Other Stuff

When pride disguises itself as other stuff, you don't realize you have an issue until you're face to face with it. Pride can look like selflessness. Selflessness can lead to self destruction. The other stuff tends to be wrapped up in everything else.
Sep 21, 201837:36
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 6: Big Girls Do Cry

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 6: Big Girls Do Cry

It's a dangerous misconception to believe that it's not okay to cry. Who told you it was a weakness?
Sep 14, 201836:01
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 5: Personal Protection

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 5: Personal Protection

Self protection can seem like it's beneficial but it's actually more harmful than you realize. Releasing this mask has been rough but the freedom attached to it is worth it.
Sep 07, 201854:33
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 4: Mean Girl

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 4: Mean Girl

When you make the choice to be mean for protection, you run the risk of shutting out those that love and support you most. I let go of the mean girl mask so the softer side could shine through. It's better over here.
Aug 31, 201831:50
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 3: The Forgiveness Factor

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 3: The Forgiveness Factor

You can choose not to forgive or you can choose to be free but you can't do both. Choosing forgiveness is for you and you alone.

Aug 24, 201835:50
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 2: Femininity and Weights

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 2: Femininity and Weights

It's exhausting trying to carry your weight and the weights of others. It's exhausting trying to deny a part of you that needs to shine. Embracing my femininity and releasing the weights.

Aug 17, 201835:37
The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 1: Why Am I Here

The Authentic Chic Loading Series Episode 1: Why Am I Here

When you're hit with the reality that you really don't know who you are, what do you do? You make the decision to take the journey to discover who you really are and who God called and created you to be. So this is my journey to me.

Aug 10, 201838:15
August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018

Aug 09, 201800:34