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By suresh and anusha

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Is it a sin to have tattoos of Christian nature ? | # EP-08 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

thebibleshow.xyzSep 23, 2020

Is it a sin to have tattoos of Christian nature ? | # EP-08 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

Is it a sin to have tattoos of Christian nature ? | # EP-08 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

if you are here for the first time then please listen to my before episodes where I made an episode of around 3 to 4 about having tattoos

Because it’s a complete series is it a sin to have tattoos of different kinds like permanent and temporary tattoos and did Jesus had a tattoo you will come to know all of this now coming to today’s episode

If you have listened to my previous episodes then you will come to a point to take a decision of having a tattoo but Do the same principles apply to tattoos that are of a Christian nature, such as a cross, a Christian slogan, or even a Bible verse?

Some Christians have found that having tattoos gives them more credibility, and thereby more possibilities of evangelism, with some groups of people. So what about Christian tattoos?

Obviously, a tattoo of a cross is “better” than a tattoo of a flaming skull, naked woman, or demon. Having a tattoo saying “Jesus saves” could indeed be a conversation starter with some people who would never approach a preacher wearing a suit and tie.

The question is more “is getting a tattoo a good and necessary thing to do?”

In  First Corinthians 10:23 declares, “Everything is permissible – but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible – but not everything is constructive.” Christian tattoos may be “permissible,” but are they beneficial and constructive? They have their own way of representing to others

In 1 Corinthians 9:22-23, Paul exclaims, “I have become all things to all men so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel.” Becoming all things to save some is perhaps the only good possible reason for getting a Christian tattoo. If having a tattoo genuinely opens doors for evangelism that would otherwise be closed, getting Christian tattoos would likely “qualify” under Paul’s “becoming all things” qualification. At the same time, it is frankly difficult to envision a scenario in which having a tattoo would enable a greater possibility of evangelism. If a person will not listen to you due to a lack of a tattoo, it is highly unlikely that such a person would genuinely listen due to the presence of a tattoo.

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Sep 23, 202005:53
Did Jesus have a tattoo (Revelation 19:16) | #EP-07 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

Did Jesus have a tattoo (Revelation 19:16) | #EP-07 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

there was a vision to john about the battle of Armageddon where he sees Jesus riding from heaven on a white horse, waging war against the beast’s evil the scripture, it’s written in  Revelation 19:16  “On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: King of kings and Lord of lords.”

so Some people have read this verse and concluded that Jesus has a tattoo on His thigh—and, therefore, tattoos are good and proper for all followers of Christ today.

However, Jesus was, is, and always a Jew. The Jewish Law in Leviticus 19:28 says“Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD” Jesus, as an obedient Jew, bound by Mosaic Law, would not take a tattoo.

Jesus came to Earth to fulfill the Mosaic Law, not violate it it’s also written in  (Matthew 5:17).

So then, what does it mean that on Jesus’ robe and on His thigh He has “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” written?

The book of Revelation is filled with symbolism, and the description in Revelation 19:16 is symbolic. In the same passage, Jesus’ eyes are said to be “like blazing fire” (verse 12), His robe is soaked in blood (verse 13), and there’s a sword coming out of His mouth (verse 15).

Obviously, none of these descriptions are literal; the name is written on Jesus’ thigh is probably figurative, too. The mention of the name being written on His robe and His thigh could very well mean that the words were not on His skin at all; rather, they were written on the part of His robe that covered His thigh.

In ancient times, a king or noble would often have his title or honorific woven into his garments and engraved upon his blade, its hilt, or its scabbard. Given that the scabbard would hang from a band at the waist, the words on the scabbard would fall at roughly thigh level. This would be a reasonable explanation, given that Jesus would never violate Levitical law by taking a tattoo.

Another possibility is that Christ is pictured as wearing a banner, or a sash, which extends from shoulder to thigh, and it is on this banner that “King of Kings and Lord of Lords” is written.

In any case, it does not seem that Jesus has an actual tattoo. The best way to confirm the truth of the matter is to be with Jesus when He returns to wage war upon those who have taken the mark of the beast. You can see it for yourself.

That’s it it was a small episode so I hope you are enlightened that Jesus didn’t have any tattoo so now the tattoos series come to an end where I made around 3 episodes if anyone didn’t listen to my other two episodes where I talked about temporary or henna and the permanent tattoo is it a sin what does the bible say about those tattoos you can listen to them

now the next series will be on body piercing can Christians body pierce and about the church of modification

so don’t forget to follow or subscribe to the show so that you won’t miss the coming episodes

Thank you

Praise the lord

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Sep 20, 202005:38
Do bible support tattoo and piercing your body,is it a sin ? part-2 about temporary tatoos | #EP-06 | |#dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

Do bible support tattoo and piercing your body,is it a sin ? part-2 about temporary tatoos | #EP-06 | |#dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

Henna is a plant that grows in South Asian and North African countries. Since ancient times, it has been used to color skin, hair, fingernails, leather, and wool. Henna is also used to make dyes or pastes for the art of creating temporary tattoos. Since henna makes tattooing simpler and henna tattoos are temporary, many people are open to getting a henna tattoo, these people including those who would never consider getting a traditional tattoo or a permanent one

Tattoos have been a subject of growing controversy for the past century as tattooing becomes more mainstream. Thirty years ago, tattoos still carried a stigma. In the days when American culture mostly adhered to a Judeo-Christian worldview, tattoos symbolize rebellion and defiance of that worldview. Tattoos, for the most part, were symbols of the debauchery a person had lived through, and women, in particular, avoided getting tattoos because of the message they implied.

Today, however, Western culture attaches no societal stigma to tattoos and therefore sees no reason to avoid them. Christian art has mushroomed, and it is quite common to see crosses, Scripture verses, and other religious symbols tattooed on moral, Christ-honoring people.

As a nod toward the trend, but without committing to a lifetime of ink, henna tattoos are now an option. Henna tattoos offer the same “look” that permanent tattoos do but wash off within a few days or weeks, depending upon the amount and quality of the henna dye used. So the question of the appropriateness of a henna tattoo becomes more nuanced, even for those rejecting permanent tattoos.

The first question that every Christian should ask about any lifestyle decision is this: will it honor the Lord? You have to ask yourself will it honor your lord will it honor your father in heaven

A second question must always follow on its heels: could it cause someone to stumble whom God wants me to serve in some way? You have to aware yourself that will it help anyone to whom God wants to help or serve him through me or my tattoos

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Sep 17, 202009:43
Do bible support tattoo and piercing your body,is it a sin? part-1 about permanent tattoos. | #EP-05 | | #dailywiththebibleshow

Do bible support tattoo and piercing your body,is it a sin? part-1 about permanent tattoos. | #EP-05 | | #dailywiththebibleshow

"What does the Bible say about tattoos and piercing? Does the bible support these practices? Is it a sin to have tattoos or piercing our bodies? These are some doubts we Christians have. mostly the young generation like me because I am 19 these practices are something which makes us look cool because all our friends of our age most of them have those these attracts others

Tattoos are more popular than ever in many parts of the world. The number of people with tattoos has increased dramatically in recent years.

Before tattoos were significant for a particular group of persons but now Tattoos are not just for delinquents or rebels anymore.

The edginess of rebellion historically associated with tattoos is starting to wear off.

In the holy bibleThe New Testament does not say anything about whether or not a believer in Jesus Christ should get a tattoo. Therefore, we cannot say that getting a tattoo is a sin. But it doesn’t give us a clear statement that it is not a sin it's also a sin

I know I am just confusing you don’t worry stay till the end you will get your answers

We have two kinds of people who judge by seeing the tattoos one who see the tattoo then he thinks the person who has tattoos is a rebellion type of character and the other group of person love those tattoos

So we have to think about these two groups of perceptions

We Christians should be a role model for others when anyone sees us or pass nearby they without talking with us we should present yourself with well dignified and an aura of peace should be released from us I don’t mean to say to impress them but we should present our god through us that’s what I mean to say

so if we have tattoos then it’s really bad to mark yourself in a rebellion category this is only for 1st group of the person which I mentioned before

Now for the second group of a person if they like our tattoos and they love what’s there in tattoos it's also a sin to have a friend like them who love those worldly designs and words like tattoos are no more related to a symbol of peace and calm but it just gives a negative perception on others mind regarding us

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Sep 14, 202009:12
"What does it mean that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ?'' | EP- #04 | | #dailywiththebibleshow | #suresh

"What does it mean that the body is the temple of the Holy Spirit ?'' | EP- #04 | | #dailywiththebibleshow | #suresh

while addressing the Christians in Corinthians to run from sexual immorality, Paul the apostle leaned on that, “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body”

Now most of us we see around us in social media and all this internet kind of stuff lot of them say that it’s my body my wish I can do whatever I wish to do and they go on for sexual pleasures, tattoos piercing their body which is the real example for unbiblical accent,

by the way, I am going to make a series of another two episodes on having tattoos what does the bible say about having a tattoo and what if it is henna or temporary tattoos and what if the tattoo is when its support Christian accent like have some biblical words, cross

And the next episode will be on body piercing and talking about the church for modification so don’t forget to miss the series follow or subscribe to the show

And for that unbiblical nature, the bible says in (1 Corinthians 6:19-20). Indeed, God the Father created our bodies, God the Son redeemed them, and God the Holy Spirit indwells them. This makes our body the very temple of the Holy Spirit of God.

Before we take any unlawful decision against the bible you are not the owner of your body you are not the owner of your soul nor you are the owner of your mind today you are here because of a sacrifice today you are here because of the cross which was filled with blood

Yes our father sacrificed his own bellowed son Jesus in the cross

for us he out flowed with blood his skin was ripped he wore a crown of thrones

As it is written in Romans 8:9 Those who do not belong to Christ do not have the Spirit of Christ residing in them

Thus, their bodies are not a temple of the Holy Spirit., then, the only greatest thing we can do for our bodies is to make them into a temple for God’s Spirit.

yes, And we do this by placing our trust and faith in Jesus Christ as our Savior.

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Sep 07, 202006:32
Is it good to be a positive rather then spiritual thinking? | EP-#03 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

Is it good to be a positive rather then spiritual thinking? | EP-#03 | | #dailywiththebibleshow #suresh

One definition for positive thinking is “the act of reviewing thought processes in order to identify areas that need improvement, and then using the appropriate tools to change those thoughts in a positive, goal-oriented way.” so in today's episode we'll know which is important either positive thinking or spiritual thinking stay tuned

Of course, thinking positively is not wrong.

The problem associated with “positive thinking” is in believing that there is some kind of supernatural power in positive thinking but in reality, there is nothing but there is something that we will know within a few minutes so stay tuned till the end don’t skip

In this age of false doctrine tore and watered-down theology, the power of positive thinking has stood out as one of the most and more popular difficulties or problems that we generally humans face.

So these False doctrines they similar are human ideas that mislead and impersonate or masquerading us that those are true. One such human idea is the power of positive thinking.

The idea of the power of positive thinking was limelight or popularized by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale in one of his books The Power of Positive Thinking (1952). According to Peale, people can change future outcomes and events by “thinking” them into existence. Which is 110% unbiblical

So Peale in his book says that The power of positive thinking promotes self-confidence and faith in oneself; it leads naturally to an unnatural false belief in the “law of attraction,”

Peale also wrote that “When you expect the best, you release a magnetic force in your mind which by a law of attraction tends to bring the best to you.” Of course, there is nothing biblical about one’s mind emerging or flow, a “magnetic force” that pulls good things into one’s orbit. In fact, this is much unbiblical about such a conception.

In The Power of Positive Thinking, Peale used flawed religious concepts and subjective psychological theories to advance a false version of faith and hope. His theory is part of the “self-help” movement whereby a person tries to create his own reality with human effort, proper mental images, and willpower.

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Sep 06, 202009:53
How important it is to have faith in god? | EP-#02 | | #dailywiththebibleshow | #suresh

How important it is to have faith in god? | EP-#02 | | #dailywiththebibleshow | #suresh

One of the common mistakes we make in our hard times is going out of faith

We just miss the train to our destination if we lose faith

Here the train is our faith so in today’s episode we will know about how faith is the most important part of human life so stay tuned till the end and the episode starts right after this intro

A person can achieve everything in his life if he or she has faith and believe in him believe in whatever work he does

Even if it’s hard for him to have faith and believe in his life for work

He for sure should have faith in god

He or she should have faith in the scripture

Faith acts as a personal master for our growth

No need of paying hundreds and thousands of dollars to any mentors or gurus to grow faith because it’s completely free

Relay on scripture believe in god have faith in both of these you will be successful in every aspect of life

Let’s take a daily example

A lock cannot be opened without a key

Here lock is what we want to achieve in our life

And the key is our faith

If you have a wrong key a lock cannot be opened

Having wrong and confused faith acting like we are so faithful enough we cannot reach the required destination

So always the right key can open a right lock

In the same sense, a right faith will lead us in the right direction

Fix it in your mind both conscious and subconsciously

The relationship between a key and lock is equal to the relationship between having the right faith and the right destination

If any of this is missing our whole life will be changed

We won’t reach the place where we desired to reach

We won’t achieve what we wanted to achieve in life

There are a lot of true incidents in the bible where we read about faith

I will share some few stories those are real stories from the bible where they had a victory by having faith

The first one is David and goliath

Before going to the exact scene between David and Goliath

David's life is completely filled with faith he used to believe on god in every second of his life like many boys and young men in Israel David had worked as a shepherd

Like all shepherds, his work is to take care of his ships from harmful mountain animals

Lions and bears are some of the fiercest large wild animals they are much stronger than men

If you see in the scripture in 1 king 13:24 and 2 kings 2:24 you will come to know how strong those animals where only the bravest and stronger men were able to kill

Here David was not so stronger having a posture of 22 or 27 inches of biceps or triceps

He was a simple shepherd

Here faith is something that leads him to victory

In the same way, Goliath was a giant he was taller huge, and was stronger than David but still, David went forward to fight with him

He believed and had faith that for sure the lord will help him

As he believed it happened

David won against Goliath

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Sep 05, 202007:08
How to overcome depression and loneliness through christ | Ep. #O1 | #dailywiththebibleshow | Suresh

How to overcome depression and loneliness through christ | Ep. #O1 | #dailywiththebibleshow | Suresh

Being a human, our human psychology always thinks that

We are alone when we are in trouble We are alone when we are broken We are alone when we are depressed This is what we feel every time when we are facing these types of problems

Most of the time some people feel that while going out and coming in for any purpose of work they have They feel they are going to lose the war, war  doesn’t mean a war of sword and arrow but in general, whether it’s going for a job interview or starting a business in a widely populated competition They feel like they are going to lose they feel like it's all over we cannot win on this world

But wait for a second if anyone of you thinks like this if anyone is confused what's going to happen then be calm Because there is an answer to every problem

There is a very sacred book in this world which will answer all your problems Not one or two but every problem Whether the problem is a tiny one like an ant or a big giant like goliath And that book is nonother then the holy bible Yes the holy bible has everything to answer

Let me share one of the references from the bible If you see in Deuteronomy 20:4 For the lord, your god is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory

Now to make you feel more comfortable with your problems or make you feel that you are not alone There is another reference in same Deuteronomy 4:22 Don’t be afraid of them for the Lord your God himself will fight for you, Yes that’s it doesn’t worry do not be afraid the Lord your God himself will fight for you

He himself will give you victory

You have to just pray pray pray

U have to just  have faith faith faith

U have to just lean on the scripture scripture scripture

Every problem whatever situation it is how hard and impossible it might Just fix it in right now note down in a wall fix it in your mind

That my lord my god he himself will fight for me he himself will give me victory Always read these lines meditate these lines whenever you are in trouble My lord your god will for sure answer each and every of your prayer In your free time even if you don’t have time take time for god and go through these references in Deuteronomy 1:30, 2:21,22 and 31

You will be completely aware and filled with faith Share this with any of your friends or relatives or your neighbors Even if he or she is your enemy who feels that they are alone in this worldly war Share this and spread the gospel Thank you praise the lord

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Sep 03, 202006:58