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The Book Creator Podcast

The Book Creator Podcast

By Rachel DiNunzio

A business podcast for book creators led by host Rachel DiNunzio and home to The Picture Book Academy. Follow @TheBookCreatorPodcast and @ThePictureBookAcademy to get your daily book creation updates and to join the Book Creation conversation.
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#3. Discovering Your Purpose: Is Creativity an Option? Part I

The Book Creator PodcastNov 07, 2018

Dealing With Libraries & Self Publishing Tips: How to get your book in the Library of Congress’ national database

Dealing With Libraries & Self Publishing Tips: How to get your book in the Library of Congress’ national database

Hey There bookcreators, welcome back to episode # 37 of the book creator podcast! I was working on a couple of client books projects that will launch in this fall and I noticed that there have been some MAJOR updates to the Library PCN, or Preassigned Control Number, website! So today I wanted to fill you in on all the changes to help you figure out to get your title the the appropriate cataloging information that it needs for self publishing, or if you have your own indie  publishing label. Alright book creators, let’s get down to book creating business. 

Aug 04, 201912:11
#36: Step By Step Picture Book Creation Course!

#36: Step By Step Picture Book Creation Course!

Learn all about the NEW DIY Picture Book Academy-- created based on listener feedback! Hope you enjoy it! Check out the details on!

Jul 21, 201906:41
#35: Hiring an Illustrator: how to create the best possible collaboration
Jul 08, 201910:35
#34: Get That Book Done! 3 Key Tips To Productive Work Time
Jun 24, 201913:05
#33 What they don’t talk about in art school: Creative Prospecting

#33 What they don’t talk about in art school: Creative Prospecting

I NEED to talk to you about something that I honestly don’t know why it isn’t a focused theme taught in high school, college or really anywhere for that matter! And this is the art of Creative Prospecting. Creative Prospecting is the ability to partner with the ‘other half’ to your creative whole. So for example, let’s say you make birthday cakes, the prospect would be the person who is in the market for a birthday cake! The act of prospecting is how to find that person so that we can do business and turn that passion into a profit! This week we are going to investigate creative prospecting.

Grab your free worksheets on

Jun 10, 201909:20
#32: Get Involved With The Publishing World: Clubs, Guilds, Societies, Challenges, Conferences, Writers & Illustrators Groups and more!

#32: Get Involved With The Publishing World: Clubs, Guilds, Societies, Challenges, Conferences, Writers & Illustrators Groups and more!

Whether you are an author an illustrator or both, it usually means that you are of the personality type where you genuinely enjoy some quality YOU time working on your next creation. I am with you! But it is also super important that we involve ourselves with the market and publishing community so that we can stay on top of our game and also make connections in the field. This week we are going to talk about how to get involved in the publishing world everywhere from clubs, to guilds, to societies, challenges, conferences, writers and illustrators groups and more.

Grab your free worksheet

May 27, 201909:24
#31: Write Unforgettable Characters: Developing A Character’s Persona

#31: Write Unforgettable Characters: Developing A Character’s Persona

When it comes to books, we are designing a story that works just for our character. If we could easily remove our character and replace her with someone else, then it is a good indication that we probably need to rework our character a bit to make sure her purpose exists within the story telling. How do we make sure we have a detailed and complicated character? We spend time to create a Persona. 

Grab your free worksheet

#selfpublishedauthor #authorillustrator #getpublished #authorvisit #selfpublishing #childrensbooks #scbwi #nanowrimo #authorschallenge2019 #futureauthor

May 21, 201910:58
#30: Author Visit Best Practices

#30: Author Visit Best Practices

I am just getting back from an awesome author visit and thought that this would be the perfect time to answer some of the top questions that you all send over about author visits! 

Author visits are a big deal. When you come out with your book, one major service that you can offer (and that people will ask you to do) is to come speak about your work. 

Today I am going to answer your questions all about author presentations and visits so that you can get out there, spread your message, and start making an income doing what you LOVE!

May 13, 201922:16
#29: Self Publishing: What do I do after my book is created?

#29: Self Publishing: What do I do after my book is created?

I know a lot of you want to know more about the self publishing route to see if it’s right for you or could fit somewhere in your long term publishing strategy! So today, I wanted to give you a high level overview of all of the stuff I wish someone would have told me ahead of time in a a 10 minute dose about what would be in-store for you if you decide to take your manuscript out in the world on your own and pursue self publishing! 

May 06, 201913:00
#28: Keep Your Momentum: 9 Ways To Stay Creatively Motivated

#28: Keep Your Momentum: 9 Ways To Stay Creatively Motivated

How do we manage a combination of life, a day job perhaps, maybe kids, and yet continue to stay motivated to pursue our creative calling? We ALL could use some help finding that drive sometimes-- especially on days when we are tired and the weather may not be so delightful! This week we are going to talk about how to staying motivated as creative individuals. Alright book creators, let’s get down to book creating business.

Apr 29, 201920:05
#27: Do You Need A Website? How to build a web presence

#27: Do You Need A Website? How to build a web presence

So this whole subject of web presence is a big topic. If we are going to get out there as creators: start to make pitches, try to start selling our book, or try to line up author talks-- whatever it might be, we need the right information out there that not only sells our products and services, but allows us to be found in the first place!

Apr 23, 201917:23
#26: Are You Ready To Publish?

#26: Are You Ready To Publish?

I get to talk to a lot of you at varying stages in your book making process! Some are just getting started, some have made a book in the past and want to create a second book maybe in a different genre, and others have put work into their first book and are wondering-- is it done? Am I ready to self publish this? Should I pitch? Is this book even ready to pitch? 

Today, we are going to talk a bit about this situation-- how do you know if a book is ready to pitch or self publish and at what stage are you ready to go? 

Apr 15, 201915:36
#25: Start Drawing! How to get your artistic side going!

#25: Start Drawing! How to get your artistic side going!

I thought it would be fun to talk about how to start drawing! Maybe you haven’t drawn in a while and just want to get back into it, or maybe you’ve always wanted to learn: in this episode we will talk about how to start learning to draw! And these are the things that EVERYONE can do.

Apr 08, 201915:23
#24: Should You Show Someone Your Work?

#24: Should You Show Someone Your Work?

You’ve written something, you’re excited, and someone tells you DON’T SHOW THIS TO ANYONE OTHERWISE SOMEONE MAY TAKE YOUR IDEA! How much of this is true? Is this something to worry about? When should you show someone your idea? Today, we are going to discuss fear/question as it is something many of us struggle with! We will talk about copyright, confidants, and our digital world.

Apr 01, 201916:05
#23. Ever heard of iBooks Author? This tool is too cool!

#23. Ever heard of iBooks Author? This tool is too cool!

Of course we can pitch our manuscripts to agents and even go direct to publishing, but there are so many other ways to get going as a book creator as well: especially if you consider what it is you are actually pitching!

As I get to know more about you and your publishing aspirations, I want to make sure that I am telling you about all of your possible publishing opportunities that might fit your project. Today I want to tell you about one such opportunity called iBooks Author: a free application, yes I said FREE, that you can download in the Mac App Store and it is a diamond in the ruff that you need to know about!

Mar 25, 201916:37
#22: Portfolio Must-Do’s: How to make a take-notice portfolio that will get you work!

#22: Portfolio Must-Do’s: How to make a take-notice portfolio that will get you work!

This topic really does not get enough attention! For all the illustrators out there, as well as writers, it is super important to show a cohesive body of work. But what does this mean exactly? I learned so much recently from Cecilia Yung, the art director at Penguin Random House, and I wanted to share with you some of my big take aways as well as what I have learned from years of trial and error to hopefully help you make an awesome portfolio from the get-go!

Mar 17, 201913:24
#21: Get Out Of Your Creative Rut: How to get over artists block when you are feeling blue

#21: Get Out Of Your Creative Rut: How to get over artists block when you are feeling blue

The title of Episode #21 says it all! It is so important as illustrators and writers to know how to get out of a creative blocks, ruts, low points: what ever you want to call them! These are periods we ALL got through as artists. I am just getting out of one of these periods, and I realized that it is so important to talk about what we do when we are feeling this way because there are many actions that we can take to get us back on the right path. Alright book creators, let’s get down to book creating business.

Mar 11, 201916:22
#20: 8 Tips To Start Making A Living From Your Book

#20: 8 Tips To Start Making A Living From Your Book

In Episode #20, we are going to have some fun thinking outside the box a bit of ways that you can sell your book and start to make a living from your title. Here are 8 tips for you to pursue. Alright book creators, let’s get down to book creating business.  

Mar 04, 201922:18
#19: The Picture Book Academy
Feb 25, 201909:32
#18: When Is The Right Time To Attend A Conference? SCBWI Winter Conference Take-Aways
Feb 18, 201914:15
 #17: Self Publishing Avenues: 7 Book Creation Tools That You Need To Know About
Feb 12, 201912:33
#16 Self Publishing Avenues: Ingram Spark & KDP
Feb 04, 201912:57
#15: Self Publishing VS. Traditional: The Pros and Cons
Jan 28, 201915:21
#14: How To Create A Book People Will WANT to buy! All About Book Business Plans

#14: How To Create A Book People Will WANT to buy! All About Book Business Plans

Welcome back to episode #14 of the Book Creator Podcast. Today we are going to have some fun talking about Book Business Plans. Building a business plan is not something you want to skip over! Remember, your book is a product-- and a product that you hope will be purchased by actual consumers! If we treat a book like any other product development, we can have confidence that what we are developing will fly in the marketplace. Alright book creators, lets get down to book creator business.

Please connect with Rachel on Instagram and Facebook @TheBookCreatorPodcast or @ThePictureBookAcademy. Grab your free Book Creation worksheets on! If you have an idea for an episode, feel free to reach out to Rachel through any of these channels! Talk to you soon Book Creators! 

Jan 21, 201916:00
#13: Don’t Get Lost In The Process! Create A Book Map!
Jan 14, 201916:33
#12: Your Top 5 Social Media Questions Answered
Jan 07, 201922:59
#11: 5 Tips for a No Excuses New Year
Dec 31, 201816:34
#10: 4 Creative Stocking Stuffers for you: BOOK CREATOR RESOURCES!

#10: 4 Creative Stocking Stuffers for you: BOOK CREATOR RESOURCES!

In episode #10, we are going to have some fun talking all about some things I want to add to your creative stockings this year: a whole bunch of Book Creator resources and more podcasts! No one can know everything, and that is why it is OH SO important to know how to use your resources. 

Listen anywhere you listen to podcasts! For a full list of options, head to

Please connect with Rachel on Instagram and Facebook @TheBookCreatorPodcast or @ThePictureBookAcademy. Grab your free Book Creation worksheets on! If you have an idea for an episode, feel free to reach out to Rachel through any of these channels! Talk to you soon Book Creators! 

Dec 24, 201808:02
#9: Create Your Unique Author-Brand: Build Your Network of Buyers BEFORE You Finish Your Book
Dec 10, 201818:35
#8: Publishing avenues: BEWARE of the Vanity Press!

#8: Publishing avenues: BEWARE of the Vanity Press!

Something that you will guaranteed come across in your search is something that is referred to in the industry as a Vanity Press. These companies offers sound really appealing and are designed to market to a very specific person in a very specific state of mind. As you may have guessed-- the person most susceptible to these offers are book creators early in their careers.

In this day and age, there are so many options and considerations to make when you are creating your book: Should you self publish? Should you pursue an agent? Should you try to pursue publishers directly? If you are a writer, should you hire an illustrator, should you hire an editor? Should you jump on the cutting edge publishing approach of chapter by chapter releases to gain and grow your audience for your first book? We are very fortunate to have SO many avenues but with these avenues comes SO many questions. So let’s start to dig in and talk all about which avenues are good to pursue and which to watch out for in the wide world of publishing. Alright book Creators, let’s get down to book creating business.
Dec 10, 201826:26
 #7: How to Develop Your Style!
Dec 03, 201824:44
#6. 9 Things That Make Your Author Page Sparkle
Nov 26, 201822:03
#5: What to do BEFORE you create your book & the 5 phases of book creation!
Nov 20, 201824:17
#4. Discovering Your Purpose: The Creative Journey Part I
Nov 07, 201823:04
#3. Discovering Your Purpose: Is Creativity an Option? Part I
Nov 07, 201824:35
#2. All About Mindset: 10 Tips to an Entrepreneurial Mindset.
Nov 05, 201824:06
#1: Five Steps to Kick-Start Your Book Project!
Nov 02, 201822:46