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The BSO Podcast

The BSO Podcast

By Coach BSO

Welcome to the BSO Podcast - your ultimate guide to supercharging your career growth and becoming the best version of yourself!

Are you ready to take your career to dazzling new heights and unleash your full potential?

Well, you're in the right place!

I've got insider tips, expert advice, and career-boosting hacks to help you navigate the ever-changing world of work like a pro.

Tune in every fortnight as I share insightful tips and game-changing strategies that will propel your career towards greatness.
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Episode 25 - 5 Things Reading Helps You To Achieve

The BSO PodcastMay 29, 2022

Episode 60 - My 2023 In Review

Episode 60 - My 2023 In Review

Join me on this reflective journey as I dive into the highs and lows of the year 2023.

In this episode, I unravel the lessons learned and celebrate my victories. Here's a glimpse of what you'll learn in this episode:

  • The Power of Self: Explore how understanding my strengths and weaknesses became the cornerstone of my achievements in 2023.

  • Focused Success: Learn how setting specific goals and maintaining a laser focus propelled me to achieve milestones like the quarterly webinars and my newest book "The Art of the Middle."

  • Ideas in Action: Delve into the transformative potential of a simple idea and unravel the journey from concept to a tangible outcome.

  • Reflection for Growth: Understand the role of reflection in refining strategies, learning from experiences, and shaping a clearer vision for 2024.

  • Circle of Impact: Discover the profound influence of a supportive circle which can offer motivation, inspiration, and a collective push towards success.

Join me for a candid and insightful review of 2023, where lessons learned can become stepping stones for a more impactful 2024 for you. Your journey to personal and career growth in 2024 starts here!

Dec 30, 202321:23
Episode 59 - Un-Goal Setting: Embracing Serendipity For Career Growth

Episode 59 - Un-Goal Setting: Embracing Serendipity For Career Growth

In this episode, we flipped the script on traditional goal-setting.

Here's a sneak peek at the refreshing lessons you'll take away:

  • Discover the power of un-goal setting and how it's not about ditching goals but embracing unexpected twists and turns for extraordinary growth.
  • Discover how unplanned detours in your career journey can lead to significant opportunities.
  • Learn the art of flexible planning and how to cultivate a mindset that welcomes adaptation and innovation in your career journey.
  • Listen to the stories of professionals who discovered life-changing career opportunities.
  • Embrace the uncertainty of your career path.

Ready to let serendipity shape your career journey? Subscribe, share this episode, and embrace the delightful surprises that can lead to extraordinary career growth.

Dec 17, 202309:34
Episode 58 - The Power of Sabbaticals

Episode 58 - The Power of Sabbaticals

In this episode, "The Power of Sabbaticals," we embarked on a journey into the transformative realm of career breaks. Here's a glimpse of the invaluable insights you will gain:

  • Discover how a sabbatical is more than just a break but a deliberate pause for recharging, reflecting, and reinventing.

  • Hear stories of professionals who returned from sabbaticals with newfound energy, fresh perspectives, and enhanced skills.

  • Explore strategic sabbatical planning, including financial considerations, timelines, and activities that will contribute to your professional and personal development.

  • Learn how a sabbatical offers unique opportunities for learning beyond traditional classrooms.

  • Learn how meditation, journaling, and reflection can guide you to gain clarity about your career path and life goals during a sabbatical.

  • Be inspired by professionals who turned their sabbaticals into pivotal moments in their career journeys.

If you are ready to consider a sabbatical as your career catalyst, subscribe, share this episode, and let your career journey be a symphony of strategic breaks.

Dec 10, 202310:37
Episode 57 - Your Career Feng Shui

Episode 57 - Your Career Feng Shui

In this episode, we explored the ancient art of workspace arrangement, Feng Shui.


Here's a snapshot of the wisdom you will gain:

  • Discover the strategic desk placement that invites success and supports stability.

  • Learn to create a palette that fuels your professional journey.

  • Explore practical decluttering tips for a focused and successful career.

  • Learn how personalization can inspire daily success.

  • Hear how professionals transformed their careers through career Feng Shui.

If you want to create a positive work environment, this episode will provide guidance. Subscribe, share the wisdom, and let your workspace be a canvas for success!

Dec 03, 202310:39
Episode 56 - The Art of Self-Advocacy

Episode 56 - The Art of Self-Advocacy

Join us in this empowering episode as we explore "The Art of Self-Advocacy".

Here are the key takeaways:

🌟 Discover the true meaning of self-advocacy and why it's your career's secret weapon.

🌟Learn how self-advocacy can be the difference between career stagnation and growth.

🌟Explore effective strategies like knowing your value, setting clear goals, and mastering the art of communication.

🌟Gain insights into overcoming obstacles like imposter syndrome, fear of rejection, and the fine line between advocating and bragging with finesse.

🌟Tailored advice for introverts and less assertive professionals to become their own career champions at their own pace and style.

Tune in now and become the champion of your career!

Oct 31, 202315:09
Episode 55 - The Power of Rest

Episode 55 - The Power of Rest

You're on a long road trip, and your fuel gauge is nearly empty. 

What do you do? You pull over to refuel.

In life, we often forget that we're just like that car on the road, running on limited energy. So, today, we're challenging the notion that productivity always requires non-stop effort.

In this episode, together, we'll explore:

  1. how rest isn't a luxury but the vital fuel your body and mind need to reach peak performance
  2. practical strategies to incorporate rest into daily life, boosting productivity and creativity.
  3. the importance of setting clear work-life boundaries to avoid burnout and rejuvenate your energy.
  4. how to make the most of your vacation time to come back stronger, both in your career and personal life.

Join me on this episode, as we reveal the transformative power of rest and help you reclaim your energy for a more vibrant, successful life.

Oct 01, 202308:22
Episode 54 - Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Personal Growth

Episode 54 - Embracing Discomfort: The Path to Personal Growth

Buckle up for a transformative ride!

In this episode, we explore the untapped potential of stepping out of your comfort zone.

Here's what you'll learn:

  1. how embracing discomfort is the key to unlocking your full potential.
  2. why vulnerability is a strength, not a weakness.
  3. how bouncing back from challenges can lead to greater career success and personal growth.

Don't miss this insightful episode that will inspire you to step out of your comfort zone, embrace discomfort, and unlock a world of personal growth opportunities.

Tune in now and embark on your journey to becoming the best version of yourself! 

Sep 11, 202310:05
Episode 53 – Thriving Through Toxicity: Navigating Challenging Workplaces

Episode 53 – Thriving Through Toxicity: Navigating Challenging Workplaces


Come join me for an enlightening episode on a common issue we've all faced: "Toxicity In the Workplace"

I am sure you agree that toxic workplaces can transform bright and sunny days into storms. Indeed, they can impact our mental and emotional well-being and motivation levels.

However, there's no need to worry! In this episode, I offer practical advice on tackling this challenging situation like a true professional.

I start by helping you recognise the red flags of a toxic work environment. From negativity to bullying, I help you identify the signs and empower you to take control of the situation.

So, join me as I help you thrive through toxicity and reclaim your career journey with confidence!

Don't miss out on this empowering episode!

Tune in now and let's tackle workplace toxicity together.

Aug 21, 202307:43
Episode 52 – Quitting Your Job Guilt-Free

Episode 52 – Quitting Your Job Guilt-Free

Welcome to another exciting episode of "The BSO Podcast"

Are you feeling stuck in a job that no longer lights your fire?

Are you ready to take charge of your career and pursue your dreams?

Well, you're in for a treat today!

In this episode, we're diving headfirst into the thrilling journey of quitting your job without that nagging guilty feeling.

It's time to put yourself first and prioritize your happiness!

So grab your headphones and get ready to take that epic leap.

First, I'll tell you how to prepare through self-reflection. Then, you will learn how to discover what makes your heart sing and identify those long-buried passions.

Once you have a clear vision of what you want, it's time to plan your exit strategy.

I know informing your boss may cause anxiety, but no need to worry.

In this episode, you will learn how to do it without damaging your relationship or causing emotional harm to anyone.

So, get ready to immerse yourself in valuable advice and deep and brief authentic experiences in this episode.

Settle down with a hot cup of coffee or tea or a glass of water (if you are like me) and ensure you're in a cosy spot because we're about to embark on a liberating journey of quitting together.

Remember, life's too short to settle for anything less than amazing.

Tune in and start living your dream career today!

Aug 10, 202307:60
Episode 51 - Procrastinate with Purpose: Unlocking the Benefits of Delay

Episode 51 - Procrastinate with Purpose: Unlocking the Benefits of Delay

In this episode, I explore the Power of Procrastination and how to harness the benefits of structured delay.

Listen now to learn the concept of structured procrastination, the importance of incubation, and how procrastination can foster creativity.

You will also learn practical strategies to make procrastination work for you, including structured breaks and intentional delays.

Join me on this fun journey as we unlock the benefits of embracing your inner procrastinator.

Tune in and harness the power of structured delay for enhanced productivity!
Jul 23, 202308:22
Episode 50 - Zen and the Art of Workplace Productivity

Episode 50 - Zen and the Art of Workplace Productivity

In this episode of "The BSO Podcast," I explore the fascinating world of workplace productivity and finding harmony amid chaos.

Discover the secrets to achieving Zen at work as I share practical tips and strategies to declutter your physical workspace, reclaim your focus, foster collaboration, and manage stress.

Join me on this journey to unlock the power of Zen and enhance your productivity in the workplace.

Tune in and find your Zen!

Jul 10, 202308:50
Episode 49 - Future-Proof Your Career: Essential Skills for this Digital Era
Jun 25, 202310:44
Episode 48 - Overcoming Career Plateaus and Thriving Again

Episode 48 - Overcoming Career Plateaus and Thriving Again

Today's episode explores career plateaus, how to navigate them, overcome the challenges that come with them and re-ignite our career growth.

You will also learn that:

🌟career plateaus are common and can be demotivating, but also present opportunities for growth.

🌟seeking new organisational opportunities through lateral movements or considering industry transitions can help you get unstuck.

🌟mentors and coaches can provide the guidance and support you need throughout your career journey.

🌟embracing personal growth and using career plateaus as opportunities for self-reflection and reinvention can help you re-ignite your career.

Finally, remember that career plateaus are not the end of your career; you can overcome them and reach new heights with the right mindset and actions.

Jun 12, 202313:16
Episode 47 - The Jack of All Trades Advantage: Why Being a Generalist Can Pay Off

Episode 47 - The Jack of All Trades Advantage: Why Being a Generalist Can Pay Off

Today, I share my thoughts on being a generalist and how it can benefit you in today's job market.

In this episode, you will learn:

✍🏻What it means to be a generalist, and how it differs from being a specialist

✍🏻The advantages of being a generalist

✍🏻How to cultivate a diverse skill set and knowledge base

✍🏻How being a generalist can make you more valuable in your area of expertise.

✍🏻The importance of learning continuously and seeking out new experiences

Overall, being a generalist can be a huge advantage in today's job market.

So don't be afraid to try new things, expand your knowledge base, and cultivate a diverse skill set to stay relevant and adaptable in this new world of work.

Thanks for listening, and be sure to subscribe for more career growth tips and insights.
May 20, 202308:26
Episode 46 - The Art of the Side Hustle

Episode 46 - The Art of the Side Hustle

In the episode, I explore the challenges and benefits of pursuing a side hustle while maintaining a day job.

With my experience successfully balancing two businesses, I share some practical tips for managing time and energy.

Perhaps the key takeaway is the need to be realistic about the time and energy available to devote to a side hustle.

This is because it is important to be honest about how much time can be dedicated to a side hustle without compromising job performance or personal well-being.

This can mean setting clear boundaries around when and where work on the side hustle will take place.

Another important consideration is the need to be strategic about the type of side hustle we pursue.

So, I emphasize the importance of choosing a side hustle that aligns with our passions and skills and can provide a sense of fulfilment and purpose.

This can help make the additional work feel less like a burden and more like a meaningful pursuit.

This episode also explores some common obstacles to balancing a side hustle and a day job, such as burnout and overwhelm.

It also emphasizes the importance of self-care, taking breaks, and seeking support when necessary.

Overall, this episode provides practical insights and advice for anyone considering pursuing a side hustle while maintaining a day job.

I believe that if we are realistic about time and energy constraints, are strategic about the type of side hustle pursued, and prioritize our self-care, it's possible to successfully balance multiple ventures and achieve our personal and career goals.
May 07, 202309:31
Episode 45 - Achieving Work-Life Integration: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies

Episode 45 - Achieving Work-Life Integration: Benefits, Challenges, and Strategies

In today's fast-paced world, work and life can sometimes feel like they are at odds with each other, making it difficult to achieve a healthy balance. However, a new approach to work-life balance has emerged in recent years known as work-life integration.

In this episode, I explore what work-life integration is, its benefits and challenges, and provide practical tips on how to overcome them.

You will also learn:

✍🏻Definition of work-life integration

✍🏻How it is a proactive and intentional approach to harmonize the demands of work and personal life.

✍🏻Why it requires a mindset shift that values adaptability, flexibility and resilience over the traditional dichotomy between work and personal life.

✍🏻How I manage some of the challenges of work-life integration

Achieving a healthy work-life balance is no easy feat, but work-life integration offers a new approach to help individuals find harmony between their professional and personal lives.

By understanding the benefits and challenges of work-life integration and implementing practical strategies to overcome them, we can create a more fulfilling and balanced life.
Mar 29, 202315:49
Episode 44 - Finding Harmony: Strategies for Achieving Balance Between Personal and Professional Life
Mar 13, 202317:26
Episode 43 - Navigating the Mid-Level Career Maze: Strategies for Achieving Success
Feb 20, 202354:20
Episode 42 - How To Become A Top Performer in 2023
Feb 05, 202350:12
Episode 41: How To Take 2023 By Storm
Jan 16, 202316:42
Episode 40 - 2022: What Worked, What Sucked And What They Can't Wait To Do In 2023
Dec 29, 202201:15:22
Episode 39 - Living Daring Dreams With Will
Dec 18, 202235:05
Episode 38 – Gratitude: The Lifestyle For A Wholesome Life

Episode 38 – Gratitude: The Lifestyle For A Wholesome Life

Episode 38 – Gratitude: The Lifestyle For A Wholesome Life

In this episode, I had an insightful conversation with Christina Soname, a Learning & Development professional, Corporate Trainer, and speaker about gratitude and how it is the best lifestyle to live all year round.

First, let me share a little about Christina.

She is a career development enthusiast and training consultant whose mission is to inspire young professionals to embrace the dignity of labour and commit to a culture of excellent stewardship in their personal and professional lives.

She is the author of Dear Young Professional, a fictionally storified book which looks at the real stories of real professionals in the workplace. She mentors hundreds of young professionals through the DYP Network which she founded in 2021

Christina is married to her best friend, Gbemiga Soname, and together they mentor singles to make informed relationship choices and live wholesome lives. Christina & Gbemiga are co-authors of the Countdown devotional for soon-to-weds.

Things you will learn in this episode:

  • Why you should be grateful especially when it seems like there is nothing to be grateful for
  • How to cultivate a lifestyle of gratitude
  • How being grateful opens you up to the possibilities that you would have missed

Thank you for listening to this episode of the show. If you require any assistance with implementing what you learnt, please send me an email at and it would be my pleasure to help you. You can also follow me on social media at @coachbso for more helpful career tips.

Dec 05, 202235:16
Episode 37 - Making the Most of 2023
Nov 21, 202218:20
Episode 36 - How To Make An Effective Career Transition
Nov 07, 202217:48
Episode 35: Tips For Effective Communication Within and Outside The Workplace
Oct 23, 202236:16
Episode 34 - Critical Questions To Ask Before Choosing A Career Path
Oct 10, 202213:07
Episode 33 – What Makes a Good Leader? Tips & Strategies for Growth
Sep 18, 202253:28
Episode 32 - Understanding the Concept of Self-Leadership
Sep 04, 202211:50
Episode 31 - Managing, Mastering and Multiplying Your Wealth

Episode 31 - Managing, Mastering and Multiplying Your Wealth

In this episode of the show, I had an insightful and interesting conversation with Oludayo Adeniyi, The Abundance Queen about managing, mastering, and multiplying your wealth as a professional and entrepreneur. A little about Oludayo: Oludayo, fondly known as The Abundance Queen is a Certified Results & Performance Coach, a Professional Scrum Master, a Chartered Human Resources Practitioner (MCIPM) and a Certified Knowledge Broker with Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi. She is passionate about helping professionals and entrepreneurs develop the right mindset, skills, and strategies to manage, master and multiply money so they can live life on their terms. Oludayo has a way of helping her clients see and unlock the abundance they have within them. She firmly believes that everyone desires abundance and shouldn't settle for less. She has been privileged to work with over 1000 people across the globe. With her experience as a Professional Scrum master, she deploys the scrum methodology in helping her clients achieve and even exceed their goals. She has been featured on different media platforms including Inside Business Africa, Insight Radio, City People, Women Connect blog, Nation Newspaper, Brand TV, MiTV, Pawafrica and many more. Oludayo loves reading, watching movies and dancing. In this episode, you will learn: 📌the 50-30-20 rule for creating your personal budget  📌How to make your personal budget work for you 📌How to align your budget with your personal goals 📌What it means to manage and master your wealth as a 9 to 5er and entrepreneur 📌How to earn active and passive income as a 9 to 5er 📌How to multiply your wealth as a 9 to 5er and entrepreneur Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.
Aug 21, 202247:28
Episode 30 - Budgeting Made Easy
Aug 08, 202217:17
Episode 29 – The Road to Self-Mastery Begins At the Juncture of Self-Discovery
Jul 24, 202217:27
Episode 28 – The 33 Areas of Personal Development You Should Focus On As An Individual

Episode 28 – The 33 Areas of Personal Development You Should Focus On As An Individual

In this episode of the show, I had an insightful and interesting conversation with MINTA; Omobabinrin Adeola Osideko about personal development and the areas we all need to focus on to live a wholesome life. First, a little about Omobabinrin:
Omobabinrin Adeola Osideko (MSc, FCCA, CPA) is a trained Accountant in Nigeria, Canada, and United Kingdom. Outside her regular job as a Finance professional, Adeola is a Personal Development Coach and a Branding Expert. Her passion for writing, teaching, and public speaking are what launched her into what she does presently as a coach, speaker, and Branding consultant.
Adeola is an international speaker who has spoken in different countries both online and offline, she is the Licensed Organizer of TEDxBingerville and has successfully organized a TEDx event in Bingerville, Cote d’Ivoire where she lives with her family.
She is an author with 6 published books and 14 e-books and has coached over 10,000 people in Personal Development and Branding. She is the Executive Director of PCD Academy an online school that teaches various Personal Development skills and My Branding Academy an online school that trains business owners and individuals on Branding.
Adeola has featured on Arise News London, TVC Nigeria, WEB-NG TV, Galaxy TV, Girls Show RTV on GOTV, Nigeria Tribune, Style-born Magazine, Jidekaiji Magazine, and so many other print media such as Nigeria Tribune and The Nation.
She is a multiple award-winning coach who has won so many awards including 2 International awards, a social media Influencer, multiple brand Ambassador and the Editor-in-Chief of The Crystal Magazine.
She is the Founder of COACHED BY OMOBABIRIN, a Facebook community of over 21,000 members.
Adeola is the convener of The Global Brand Summit, The Branded Woman Awards, The Iconic Brand Awards, and the Personal Branding Affirmation Challenge (PBAC). She is a mentor to few and a role model to many.
Adeola is a lover of music, fashion, and Arts. She loves to spend time with her family when she is not working.
In this episode, you will learn:

📌What personal development is
📌The 33 areas of personal development you must focus on
📌How personal development helps you to be productive personally and professionally

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.
Jul 10, 202251:34
Episode 27 – 4 Things You Must Do To Build Your Personal Brand
Jun 26, 202217:10
Episode 26 - How To Own Your Skills Through Personal Branding

Episode 26 - How To Own Your Skills Through Personal Branding

In this episode of the show, I chat with my friend Emeka Ebeniro, a Business and Brand Consultant about the importance of personal branding in the career growth of a professional. First, here’s a short bio about Emeka:
Emeka Ebeniro is a Personal Branding and Transformation specialist, motivational speaker, and exceptional content creator. He is an activator, igniting the potential and gifts in people so they can do and be much more.
He is a certified Integrated Marketing Communications Professional and Business Consultant with over 13 years of experience in Brand Management, Corporate Communications, and Organizational Strategy.
Emeka has trained over 1000 creators, coaches, and leaders across 5 continents and helped them build powerful and profitable brands. Emeka is the convener of Personal Branding Summit, Africa's No. 1 Global Summit on Personal Branding.
His mission is to help 1,000,000 individuals and businesses optimize potential, increase visibility and grow their income.
In this episode, you will learn:

📌The common misconceptions about personal branding
📌How personal branding helps you to move from doing what you know to taking ownership of your skill as a professional in the marketplace
📌Why you need to amplify your skills in the marketplace
📌How to amplify your skills in the marketplace

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.
Jun 12, 202246:40
Episode 25 - 5 Things Reading Helps You To Achieve
May 29, 202218:15
Episode 24 – How Career Coaching Helps You to Move From “Doing” to “Being” As a Professional

Episode 24 – How Career Coaching Helps You to Move From “Doing” to “Being” As a Professional

In this episode of the show, I chat with my friend Nadia Ibrahim-Taney about the importance of “being” over “doing” as a professional. A little about Nadia:
Nadia Ibrahim-Taney helps people design happy and fulfilling careers through authentic career coaching and her expertise includes career exploration guidance, resume writing, interview prep and LinkedIn profile optimization.
Her pronouns are She/ Her/ Hers and as a member of the LGBTQ+ community, she focuses on how diverse identities impact and influence folks holistically and professionally.
Please connect with her on LinkedIn or at
In this episode, you will learn:

📌how to enjoy “being” rather than “doing” as a professional
📌the importance of staying curious about yourself and your environment to grow
📌the importance of making technology work for you and not vice versa
📌how saying “no” to something is saying “yes” to things that are important to you
📌how the way you show up for yourself determines how you show up for others

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.
May 15, 202246:35
Episode 23 – The 3 people you need to accelerate your career growth

Episode 23 – The 3 people you need to accelerate your career growth

In this episode of the show, I talk about these 3 people. Guess what I call them? Your Three Musketeers.

You will learn:

  • who the 3 Musketeers are
  • the role each Musketeer plays
  • how they all work together to accelerate your career growth

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

May 01, 202213:28
Episode 22 - My Unique Goal-Getting System
Apr 17, 202211:37
Episode 21 – 4 Tips for setting and achieving your career goals
Apr 03, 202215:38
Episode 20 - How deliberate rest helps you to do more and be more

Episode 20 - How deliberate rest helps you to do more and be more

Work, work, work! Does this sound familiar to you?

Unfortunately, many professionals adhere to this formula, proudly wearing their busyness as a badge of honour and perpetually circling the hamster wheel.

They refuse to accept that slowing down to rest is the fastest way to accelerate their careers.

According to research, deliberate rest improves our moods, overall well-being, and performance. When you're busy being busy, it's difficult to do any of these things.

In this episode of the show, I tell you:

1. what deliberate rest is

2. what deliberate rest does for your career and general well-being; and

3. how to get deliberate

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Mar 20, 202212:11
Episode 19 – Managing Emotions In the Workplace

Episode 19 – Managing Emotions In the Workplace

We are all emotional beings, and our emotions manifest themselves at work as well. While it's generally okay to be conscious of and not conceal our emotions, there are occasions when we need to effectively regulate our emotions. In the workplace, this is especially true. Managing our emotions (particularly negative ones) at work is typically regarded as a sign of professionalism.

In this episode of the show, I discuss various strategies for dealing with our emotions at work. Listen to this episode to find out more about:

  1. common positive and negative emotions at work
  2. the Recognize, Understand, Manage strategy
  3. tips for managing your emotions in the workplace
  4. tips for managing the emotions of your teammates within the workplace

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Mar 07, 202215:59
Episode 18 - What's your love language?

Episode 18 - What's your love language?

A few days ago, it was Valentine's Day, and the entire world was agog with celebration. With today's global consumerism, many people are under tremendous pressure to feel loved. As a result, I focused my social media efforts during the week on showing you how to love yourself first.

In this episode of the show, I'll try to help you figure out how to receive and offer love in the workplace so that you can be more productive.

Have you heard of the concept of love languages? Listen to this episode to learn:

1. What love languages are

2. What love language (s) work best in the workplace

3. How to determine and speak your colleagues’ workplace love language

4. What an emotional bank account is

5. How to fill an emotional bank account

6. How an emotional bank account helps with speaking the right workplace love language

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Feb 20, 202219:50
Episode 17 - Step Up LIke A Pro

Episode 17 - Step Up LIke A Pro

After a very successful outing at the STEP UP Conference 2022 last weekend, on this episode of the show, I share my talking points at the Conference which I titled: How to STEP UP Like a Pro.

You will learn that:

  • your desire to succeed must become an obsession
  • your game plan must become SMART (ER)
  • you need a personal brand
  • you need your Musketeers

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Feb 07, 202222:39
Episode 16 - How to deal with Imposter Syndrome

Episode 16 - How to deal with Imposter Syndrome

In this insightful episode of the show, I share my personal experience and learnings from an article I read recently on VeryWell Mind on an all too important topic that many people are dealing with in all areas of their life, Imposter Syndrome.

You will learn:

  • What Imposter Syndrome is
  • Causes of Imposter Syndrome
  • Types of Imposter Syndrome
  • How to deal with Imposter Syndrome

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Jan 23, 202220:27
Episode 15 - You are Your Most Valuable Asset

Episode 15 - You are Your Most Valuable Asset

As professionals, we hear it at work all the time that "our employees are our greatest assets"

The question is if an employer considers you its greatest asset, what about you? How do you perceive yourself?

In this episode, you will learn that:

  1. you are the most valuable and important asset you have
  2. you must treat yourself as a valuable asset
  3. if you value yourself, you will invest in yourself
  4. you are the only asset that can deploy or engage any other asset (money or people) to produce the results you desire

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this episode. You can pick up the conversation on social media at @coachbso. Please remember to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or need assistance or accountability with the thoughts I shared on this episode, please do not hesitate to contact me at It would be my pleasure to assist you.

Jan 09, 202208:10
Episode 14 - How to give your career a great start in 2022

Episode 14 - How to give your career a great start in 2022

In this final episode for 2021, I shared my learnings from an article I read on Forbes by Ashira Prossack. You will learn the following:

  1. why you have to be clear on your career objectives for 2022
  2. how continuous professional development is critical for your career growth and success; and
  3. why you need to focus on growing your network to accelerate your career growth

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode and every episode I have published since June 2021. I do not take your listenership for granted.

Let's do this again in 2022.

Have a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous 2022.

Dec 12, 202106:13
Episode 13 - How to define your personal brand

Episode 13 - How to define your personal brand

In this episode of the BSO Podcast, I share my thoughts on what it takes to define one's personal brand. I also share some questions that may be useful in getting it done. You'll also learn:

  1. The first step to take to define your personal brand.
  2. the questions you must ask and answer to correctly define your personal brand
  3. How external input might aid with the determination of your personal brand
  4. Why developing your personal brand is critical to your professional success.

Thank you very much for taking the time to listen to this episode. Please remember to subscribe, rate, comment, and share this episode. Please email me at if you have any questions or need help with defining your personal brand. It would be an honour to assist you.

Nov 29, 202112:21
Episode 12 - Tips for having a competitive advantage in your career

Episode 12 - Tips for having a competitive advantage in your career

In this episode, I share tips for creating a competitive advantage in your career. You will learn:

  • what a competitive advantage means for your career
  • why you need to move from goal setting to goal getting
  • the power of your circle of influence and networking over your competitive advantage
  • how mentoring enhances your competitive advantage

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Nov 14, 202110:02
Episode 11 - How to create your Career Path

Episode 11 - How to create your Career Path

In this episode of The BSO Podcast, I share tips on how to create a career path. This episode will teach you the following:

  • the distinction between a career and a job;
  • what a career path is;
  • how to create a career path; and
  • how it works

Thank you for stopping by to listen to this episode. Please don't forget to subscribe, rate, comment, and share. If you have any questions or require assistance with implementing the tips I shared, please contact me at It would be a pleasure to help you.

Oct 31, 202114:05