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The Bubbly Bibi

The Bubbly Bibi

By Nazia Keenoo

Welcome to The Bubbly bibi's corner, a podcast dedicated to boosting up your self-confidence and making you feel better about yourself! Here in my podcasts, I'll share with you some of the coolest secrets on how to love to feel more confident in your skin and unleash your personal power! I'll also share some of my personal experiences, struggles and tips! So wherever you are, whether you're in your car, on the treadmill or cycle, I hope you genuinely enjoy the show and that at the end of each episode, you'll be a little bit kinder to yourself! ❤️ Podcast by Nazia Keenoo 💕
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52. Allow the Next Chapter of Your Life to Unfold ✨

The Bubbly BibiMar 14, 2023

53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery 💪

53. Reflect, Recharge & Rock On: Your Guide to Badassery 💪

Self-reflection is like a big, juicy steak. It's delicious, it's satisfying, and it's good for you! But just like a steak, self-reflection can be tough to chew at times. It can be uncomfortable to confront your own thoughts and feelings, but that's where the real growth happens. So if you want to be a badass at life, you've got to be willing to dig deep and do the work.

Trust me, it's worth it! Yes, self-retrospection can actually be a lot of fun, too! It's like going on a treasure hunt, but instead of gold, you're searching for insights about yourself. You never know what you might find when you take the time to explore your thoughts and feelings. So grab a cup of tea, coffee or whatever you like and join me on this invigorating podcast adventure! 😍
Jun 16, 202310:05
52. Allow the Next Chapter of Your Life to Unfold ✨

52. Allow the Next Chapter of Your Life to Unfold ✨

You have unrealised potential waiting to emerge. You only need to take the next step and trust you are being guided to merge with your greater self. 😍 Everything in your life — especially your challenges — is tailor-made to help you see your stories of struggle. 💪 Whatever is in the way is the way!

So switch your mentality from "I'm broken and helpless" to "I'm growing and healing" and see how fast your #life changes, for the better...🤩
You are not broken, so love yourself exactly as you are, allowing the next chapter of your life to unfold. ✨🤗
Mar 14, 202306:30
51. Be Your Own Valentine 🌹

51. Be Your Own Valentine 🌹

Love yourself like no one else - it's time to give yourself the Valentine’s gift you have always wanted – 24/7 real love, real romance every day of the year – you deserve it and nothing LESS. ❤️🌹
Feb 14, 202319:20
50. You Don't Have to Be a Productivity Superstar (Daily Special)

50. You Don't Have to Be a Productivity Superstar (Daily Special)

The internet wants you to believe you aren’t doing enough with all that “extra time” you have now. But staying inside and attending to basic needs is plenty.

On the days when you have free time, when you have hours upon hours to get shit done, you might feel extra pressure to be productive. You might feel like you need to cross everything off your to-do list. You might feel like if you don’t do the laundry and exercise and walk the dog and cook a healthy meal, then you’re a failure. You might feel like there’s no excuse for slacking when time is on your side.

But you need more than time to be productive. You also need to be in a healthy state of mind — and if you’re not in a good place right now, you might need some rest. You might need to sit back and give yourself a break. You might need to go easy on yourself for a little while.

If you don’t get anything productive done today, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. You shouldn’t feel like you’ve wasted a perfectly good day. You shouldn’t feel bad about what a screwup you are.

Not every single day is meant to be filled to the brim with activities. Some days are meant to be catchup days. Not when you catchup on work, but when you catchup on sleep, catchup on shows, catchup with friends.

You need to give up the idea that you’re lazy for spending the day on your couch. You’re allowed to relax. You’re allowed to give your brain a well-deserved break, especially at a time like this.
No, you shouldn’t make a habit out of procrastinating, out of putting things off until tomorrow, out of lounging around when you should be working. But you shouldn’t make a habit out of forcing yourself to go go go when you’re not in the right state of mind, either. You don’t want to burn yourself out. You don’t want to push yourself over an edge.

If work is the last thing you want to think about right now, that is okay.

If you aren’t able to get anything productive done today, that is okay.

If your emotions are all over the place, that is okay.

But if you feel like you’re the only one who isn’t taking advantage of their newfound free time, you’re wrong. There are plenty of other people in the same exact situation as you right now. There are plenty of people who aren’t able to keep their minds focused, who aren’t able to keep their attention on their work, who aren’t able to motivate themselves when there are so many other things to worry about at the moment.

Even though you might be kicking yourself for not getting anything done when you have so much time on your hands, you need to give yourself a break. You need to understand that it’s okay if your confusion and disappointment and fear are getting the best of you right now.

Maybe tomorrow you can get yourself back on schedule. Maybe tomorrow you can get your motivation back up. Maybe tomorrow you can do something productive. But it’s okay if the only thing you do today is survive.
Dec 01, 202206:22
49. Forgive Yourself & Let Go of Regrets (Daily Special)

49. Forgive Yourself & Let Go of Regrets (Daily Special)

Forgiveness can be hard. When someone does something that hurts you, it can be difficult to let it go and move on. Although forgiving others can be a daunting task at times, it is often much easier to forgive others than it is to forgive yourself. Everyone makes mistakes. Maybe you missed your daughter’s winning goal because you left work late, told a lie that caused problems for others, or perhaps your actions resulted in life-altering consequences. No matter what happened, practicing self-forgiveness provides an opportunity for important growth, meaningful change, and improved emotional well-being.
Oct 11, 202204:33
48. It's Okay to Slow Down (Daily Special)

48. It's Okay to Slow Down (Daily Special)

You may feel pressure to set goals and reach them quickly. To know exactly what you want and how to make it happen. To have it all figured out. But rushing may lead to a life you don't truly want. Never learning who you are or who you want to be. It's okay to take your time. That might not be exciting. It might not be sexy. It may conflict with popular messages or narratives. It is, however, often the best long-term strategy. To move at your pace. Getting to know your desires. Your dreams. Your goals. Then, learning how to move toward them on your terms. Not anybody else's. This takes patience. It takes confidence. It takes courage. You might draw criticism. Ridicule. Doubt. From others, and maybe even yourself. You choose what matters more. That negativity. Or moving toward a life in alignment with your truth. You are worthy of that kind of life. Only you can make it happen. You’ve got this. 💪❤️
Sep 08, 202205:23
47. Don't Be Afraid to Start Over (Daily Special)

47. Don't Be Afraid to Start Over (Daily Special)

Why is that so many of us find ourselves limiting our windows of opportunity and potential because we think it’s too late to learn how to start over?

When you become stuck in life, one strategy that you have at your disposal is to start over again with a blank canvas. You can hit the reset button and pursue a goal or dream that you’ve never tried before. 💕☺️
Sep 08, 202203:39
46. You're Deserving of Love (Daily Special)

46. You're Deserving of Love (Daily Special)

You're deserving of love. On your good days, on your bad days, you deserve love. You're worthy of love and compassion. You're worthy of hugs when you struggle and high fives when you accomplish.

You deserve happiness. You deserve to be treated with respect. You deserve for someone to fight for you. You deserve kindness. You deserve to be lifted up and encouraged. You deserve to be able to depend on someone other than yourself. You're deserving of love.

You're worthy enough to love yourself. You're worth of getting to know and to be understood. You're worth more than the stars in all of the galaxies. You're deserving of love. You are worth a person’s time. You deserve to feel wanted and needed.

I'm sorry for the people in your past that have walked away. I'm sorry for the people that have caused you to question love. I'm sorry for people who have broken your soul and left the mess for someone else to clean up. I'm sorry people have taken advantage of your kind soul. I'm sorry you have felt abandoned and feel that everyone will eventually abandon you. But you're deserving of love.

Say those words out loud, “I'm deserving of love.” Say it every day if you need to. Say it in the mirror when you wake up. Say it at night before you go to sleep. Say it before you leave the house and when you’re driving down the road. Remind yourself that you are worthy. Surround yourself with people that remind you that you're worthy.

There are people in this world that would give their life for you. There are people in this world that would make sacrifices to provide a safe haven for you. There are people in this world that know exactly what you’re worth because you're deserving of love. ❤️
Sep 08, 202204:52
45. Free Yourself and Start Living the Life You Desire

45. Free Yourself and Start Living the Life You Desire

Do you ever find yourself pulled between what you want and what others want for you? Are you too afraid to be your true self or share your real thoughts? Do you care too much about what other people think? 🤔 Let’s talk about learning to live for yourself & not others. 🤗 From childhood, a lot of us begin our lives learning to live for our parent's approval and the approval of those around us—our peers, teachers, or society in general. This comes out of our desire for love and a sense of belonging. We seek love and acceptance from others, which is understandable, as one of Maslow’s psychological needs. Eventually though, we must learn to love ourselves, and find within us the love, approval, validation and confidence we've been yearning for. Thus begins the journey of discovering internal validation over external validation. 😊 Living for yourself means living the life that YOU want for yourself, regardless of the opinions of others. It’s living a life you feel aligned with, a life you love, and a life you are proud of. 😎 Living for others means living to please others, living for external validation & approval, and caring about what others think. You’re setting your goals based on what others want for you (like your parents), or chasing what society deems as success. Living for others can also mean wanting to do things to impress others, please others, or get approval from others, so you're not really being your authentic self and doing what you want. You're doing things because you care about how you appear to others. 😔 Let’s first clarify that “living for yourself and not others” doesn’t mean you should live a selfish life without considering or helping other people. It means learning to put your own needs first, and making choices that align with your values; doing things because you want to, and not because other people are influencing you to. If you want to help others, and it’s coming from an authentic place, then great. But don’t do it just because you feel obligated or pressured to. 🙅‍♀️ Understand that your life is in your hands, and if you give away that power to anyone else, you’re taking away from your own. 🧏‍♀️ Listen to Episode 45 to discover some interesting steps to begin living for yourself. 😍
Aug 07, 202221:20
44. Your Dreams Are Valid, So Keep Chasing Them

44. Your Dreams Are Valid, So Keep Chasing Them

Facing your fears and pursuing your dreams is the greatest gift you can give yourself — and others!
Jul 17, 202209:45
43. Sortez maintenant de votre bulle !

43. Sortez maintenant de votre bulle !

Ah la zone de confort, un sujet d’actualité pour moi en ce moment… C’est difficile d’en sortir, pas vrai ? Evidemment, personne n’aime être bousculé. Changer ses habitudes fait souvent très peur. Personnellement, je stresse, je doute… Parfois, c’est même la panique totale. Je suis morte de trouille… Est-ce que j’ai pris la bonne décision ? Est-ce que je ne vais pas regretter mon choix ? Vous aussi vous êtes du genre à vouloir tout contrôler ou vous avez du mal à lâcher prise ?

La zone de confort, on la reconnaît facilement. Quand vous êtes dans votre zone de confort, vous avez l’impression de maîtriser tous les éléments que ce soit au niveau professionnel ou personnel. Vous ne ressentez pas ou peu d’inquiétude. Psychologiquement, vous vous sentez à l’aise et en sécurité. Ce peut être, par exemple, ce travail que vous effectuez depuis plusieurs années et qui ne vous procure plus de réelle satisfaction, mais vous le connaissez bien. Vous appréciez votre équipe. Vous avez un salaire confortable, une mutuelle d’entreprise, des tickets resto et un bon CE… Peut-être même que vous avez la chance d’avoir un patron en or. Oh bien sûr, votre rêve c’est d’être à votre compte. Vous aimeriez gagner en liberté et en indépendance, mais il y a un hic. Pour ça, il faut prendre des risques…

Et puis, un jour survient une opportunité… Une super idée de business, par exemple. Exactement ce que vous attendiez pour vous lancer. Ce dont vous aviez toujours rêvé. Un job qui vous plaît et colle à vos valeurs. Et malgré tout, votre cerveau va commencer à mouliner : et si ça ne marchait pas ? Si je faisais une énorme bêtise en quittant mon poste ? Est-ce que je vais être à la hauteur ? Est-ce que je vais y arriver ? Est-ce bien raisonnable ? Si seulement je pouvais être sûre de prendre la bonne décision… Et la panique, l’angoisse, le stress, les doutes commencent petit à petit à vous paralyser. Vous êtes à 2 doigts de prendre le téléphone pour supplier votre ancien patron de vous reprendre ? Ne le faites pas ! Quand vous ressentez tout ça, c’est que vous êtes à la frontière de votre zone de confort.

A moins d’avoir atteint le summum de l’épanouissement, si vous voulez évoluer, vous devez sortir de votre zone de confort ! C’est une manière de prendre confiance en vous et de repousser vos limites toujours un peu plus. Bien sûr, l’inconnu fait peur, moi-même la semaine dernière, je n’en menais pas large. Alors, j’ai listé mes angoisses pour me rendre compte que la plupart étaient sûrement infondées. J’en ai parlé avec certaines personnes qui ont su me rassurer. J’ai enfin repensé à tout ce que je n’aurais pas fait si je n’avais pas surmonté mes craintes jusqu'ici.

A de rares exceptions, la plupart des opportunités ne se présentent qu’une seule fois dans une vie, saisissez-les ! D’accord, parfois elles vous prendront au dépourvu. Vous ne serez pas préparés et il vous faudra faire un choix dans l’urgence. Pas le temps d’hésiter ou de tergiverser… Mais finalement, ce sont les situations que je préfère. J’ai tendance à trop réfléchir alors un peu de spontanéité ne fait pas de mal. A trop vouloir calculer, peser le pour et le contre, nous ne faisons plus rien. Dédramatisons, nous avons le droit à l’erreur et ma devise depuis toujours est que je préfère avoir des remords que des regrets. Alors osons ! Réaliser mes rêves me demandera de sortir encore et encore de ma zone de confort. Pour certains, je sais que je ne suis pas encore prête, mais ça viendra…

Vous doutez encore ?

Pour vous apaiser, écoutez à ma nouvelle épisode ! Dans ce podcast, je vais vous expliquer pourquoi il est important de sortir de sa zone de confort et comment devenir une meilleure version de soi-même, même si ça fait flipper !
Jul 11, 202225:21
42. Get Out of Your Head Now!

42. Get Out of Your Head Now!

If you claim not to have a “worst” character trait, you can probably add dishonesty to the list. I think almost everyone has struggled with at least one bad trait. The good news is that those negative traits we fear may be holding us back can actually end up being the unlikely driver that propels us forward. But how do we learn to love the very characteristics we like least? How to transform those negative quirks into sources of strength and self-love? How can we change for the better?
Like many women, I was afraid of my own voice. I was scared of what would happen if I acknowledged and expressed my feelings. Above all, I feared people would leave me if I shared my deepest feelings. The need to voice out was natural and necessary, but my belief that it was wrong prevented me from taking ownership of my voice. So, instead, I communicated in unhealthy ways. I was passive-aggressive, I had anger outbursts, and many times, I would play the martyr.
And as I tried to suppress and control that side of me, it came out in waves of anger and pain. After years of transformation, I now understand that many of my behaviours were based on my belief that things are either all good or all bad. So how did I unlearn this belief and learn to express my authentic voice? By learning how I played the black and white game.
When we are young, we are taught that some aspects of our personality are bad or inappropriate, while others are good and helpful. And like most things we learn as children, we have to unlearn them. So to fit in, feel loved and be accepted, we deny the ‘bad’ qualities we think we have and try to express those considered ‘good’.
This polarised mindset forces us to see the world in terms of black and white, good and bad, or right and wrong. And in this game of black and white, the only rule is that white must always win. Unfortunately, the world is not that simple. Most things exist on a frustrating spectrum of grey.
Fortunately, we can learn to re-train these repressed qualities and turn them into qualities that benefit ourselves and others. Listen to Episode 42 and make the first move to get out of your head and get where your heart has always hoped to be.
Jul 07, 202215:19
41. Stop Forcing People to Care About You (Monday-Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

41. Stop Forcing People to Care About You (Monday-Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

Kill that part of yourself that still wants to save someone after they've walked away while you were drowning.

Don’t let that one person who doesn’t care about you live rent-free in your mind. They’ve taken enough. Re-claim your power by redirecting your focus to those around you who love you and care about you.

Your worth has nothing to do with how others treat you. How others treat you is a reflection of how they feel about themselves.

As soon as we realise those two things, it becomes easier to see the situation for what it is: a hurt person projecting their hurt onto us.

You’re a beautiful being with so much love and empathy in your heart. Honour that you care, honour that you put yourself out there. Rejection doesn’t have to harden us; it can make us stronger, kinder, and quite frankly unstoppable.
Mar 14, 202204:22
40. Stop Reopening Doors for Toxic People and Calling It Closure

40. Stop Reopening Doors for Toxic People and Calling It Closure

Listen to the second part of Episode 38. Missing Them Doesn't Equal Getting Back Together.

There are people out there who will make you feel uncomfortable whenever they are around. It is as if they were born to humiliate you, distract you, and get in the way of your success and happiness. And even if you've kicked them out of your lives, they always find their way back to you.

The worst part of all these is that you let them back in your life again, thinking they have changed for the better. And each time, you end up getting hurt.

But you should not keep allowing toxic people to rent space in your head again and again. Instead raise the rent and kick them out for good. It's high time you achieve your highest potential by eliminating one of the major stressors in your life—toxicity.

If you want to free yourself from unnecessary stresses and hassles, it would be best to drive out whomever and whatever is pulling you down. It may seem difficult in the beginning, but it will be worth it in the end, I promise. Your own battles are already enough to handle—you don’t need someone else’s baggage as well.

Cutting people out of your life doesn't necessarily mean you hate them. It means you respect yourself enough to walk away from anything that no longer serves you, grows you, or makes you happy. It means you are protecting your space and prioritising your mental health. ❤️🌟🧠

After you successfully remove these people and their negativity from your life, you will be surprised at how healthy and happy you can become. Life can be tough, so you need people who can bring out positivity in you, and not the other way around.

While getting rid of toxic people is important, getting rid of your own toxic traits is equally important. Stay tuned for "My Personal Development Diary - A Journey to Changing My Toxic Behaviour" podcast where I'll do a deep dive in topics like self-development, self-introspection, self-awareness and so much more.

Loving yourself isn't only about telling how awesome you are or defending your boundaries, it's also holding yourself accountable for your actions, not blaming others for things that don't work out the way they should and not feeling like a victim. Yes, it's the foundation of all personal development and growth because it gives you a reason to change and improve yourself for the better. It's the kind of love that gives you true fulfillment and peace. It's a form of unconditional love for yourself. No matter what you do, no matter what happens to you, no matter how other people treat you, there is a part of you that says "I respect myself and accept myself fully and completely." ❤️
Mar 02, 202217:32
39. Defend Your Boundaries and Honour Who You Are (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

39. Defend Your Boundaries and Honour Who You Are (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

"Boundaries" seems to be a buzzword in mental health circles right now –—and there is a good reason for that.

They say good boundaries make good neighbors. I say good personal boundaries build great interpersonal and professional relationships. Some people feel the need to please others, often without realizing that by saying “yes” to everything, they are also saying “no” to something else that might be equally important to them. This can have negative effects on both your personal life and your career.

Not sure how to set boundaries? You'll want to learn as this is the key to gaining self-worth, self-esteem, and healthy relationships. Stay tuned for the next part of this episode to find some great ways to set personal boundaries
Feb 16, 202206:51
38. Missing Them Doesn't Equal Getting Back Together

38. Missing Them Doesn't Equal Getting Back Together

You may miss someone; you may miss everything you’ve experienced with the person you’ve loved so much and wish you could relive these moments. And you wonder why it all ended... you fill your mind and thoughts with tons of unnecessary ifs and buts, trying hopelessly to figure out why things had to end this way. Could it have been something to do with you, with them, with the universe, with their dog, with...? What would have happened if...? Should we get back together? The dilemma is real! But nostalgia doesn’t necessarily mean you want to find that lousy prick who made you feel that way. Missing someone who has ghosted you or someone you’ve removed from your life can be complicated as fuck. Sometimes it involves satisfaction and relief, sometimes it’s accompanied by a twinge of pain and regret, and sometimes it involves anger and the need to revenge. But honey, you have to realise that some people only appear in our lives for a limited time; we experience good and bad times with them and then part ways. When we miss them, it’s good to remember the two sides of the story. There was a reason it ended in the first place. Keeping your distance helps you resist the temptation to go back – because, deep down, you know you don’t wanna go back into that shitty, crappy, unfulfilling relationship or friendship. You may miss the person or the story that brought you together, but this significantly affects the meaning of your memories. Sometimes you don’t want that stink ass saphead to come back, but you want to enjoy the good ol’ times again. However, remember that it doesn’t have to be with the same person again. You can relive part of the story and create better memories with another person. When you start again with someone you already know, someone with whom you’ve shared part of your past or someone with whom you try to relive moments from another time, you start from a whole different point. And this has nothing to do with living or feeling the same shit again – I’m telling that from personal experiences. I’ve suffered a lot, thinking that I could start over. Because at some point, what I was missing was the good old times and how we used to be. But getting back together ain’t the same in any way! And that’s where you need to distinguish between missing the person and missing the memories. When stories end, they just fucking end. Yes, this may sound harsh, but it’s the brutal truth. So even if we wanna repeat the same thing with the same trashy person, it will NEVER EVER be the same. Because people mature, grow and develop and therefore will never come back to the same point – ever. So, on this note, let’s learn to leave the memories in our minds and savour the flavour they’ve left behind. Let us re-feel them when we close our eyes, when our eyes are filled with tears, sometimes thinking about how it’s no longer there. But at the same time, let’s be happy that it all happened, and they’re still here in us, in some way or another. We are all made up of our memories, and that’s why we must live them that way. So allow yourself to miss things. But if it’s gonna hurt like hell, just leave it there. Don’t try to repeat or force something that no longer exists. You may miss it, but you may not want it back. It’s high time to draw a line and move on if we make a decision based solely on nostalgia. Let’s stop thinking about the past and open our eyes to discover what the future has in store for us. The people who left will undoubtedly remain in our hearts, minds and emotions, but those who are waiting to walk our path will want us to open our arms wide to them. ❤️😍
Feb 13, 202212:25
37. How Can I Stop Feeling Insecure in My Relationship? 🤔 (Part 2)

37. How Can I Stop Feeling Insecure in My Relationship? 🤔 (Part 2)

While relationships can be beautiful, they can also be complicated and messy. 🤯 And the root cause of a messy relationship is none other than insecurity. There comes the point in every relationship where one or both partners feel insecure. Insecurity arises from self-doubt, low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence and self-love and the fear of losing one’s partner.
We often believe that we cannot make our partner happy because we’re unsure of ourselves. This not only takes away your inner peace and affects your mental health, but it also affects your romantic relationship in a dangerous way. You may come off as a terribly jealous person, and your partner may feel too stifled in the relationship.
Whatever the reason for your insecurity, it’s important to deal with it healthily so that you can be more honest, open and loving with your partner and build a nurturing relationship together. If you find that you are constantly feeling insecure in your relationship, it’s time to address the root cause of your insecurity. Working on becoming more assertive and building a healthy sense of self-love can do wonders for how you perceive yourself. 😊 And this can reflect in your relationships with others. Gaining self-confidence also gives you the courage to walk away from a toxic relationship if you are being abused.
But how can you overcome your insecurities and gain confidence? Listen to this podcast! And don’t forget to check out the first part of this series! Stay tuned for the third part.
Feb 11, 202212:42
36. Selfish & Self-Centred People: Calm Ways to Put Them in Their Place

36. Selfish & Self-Centred People: Calm Ways to Put Them in Their Place

We all are selfish to an extent, but some people are just too much into themselves and tend to disregard others. They can even make you feel worthless! Some use you when they have issues, but they are never around when you need them. Sometimes they make you feel inadequate and invisible. But, no matter how the selfish person treats you, it doesn’t mean that you should behave like them and adopt a selfish lifestyle. Instead, stay true to yourself. Be who you are, do what you want, and prioritise yourself. Remember why you are still with this person but retain your good qualities. Don’t stoop down to their level. Self-centred individuals think that only their day, opinion, likes and dislikes matter. So their conversations are also like that – centred around only them and their lives. If you’ve been taking it for a long time, it’s time to snap out of it silently and smartly. If you want to know some calm and smart ways you can deal with self-absorbed people and put them in their right place, here are a few tips that may be useful.
Feb 08, 202212:45
35. Stop Begging for Love and Get Yourself Back Now! (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

35. Stop Begging for Love and Get Yourself Back Now! (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

The relationship is on the rocks and about to end, but you can’t accept that your partner, that person whom you loved so much, is about to become your ex. It hurts too much. Even worse, you find yourself begging for them not to leave you. And when they break things off, you can’t stop wishing for them to take you back, hoping that they’ll want to start over with you ... and you hate yourself for it because you know it’s too late. 💔

Honey, you’re not alone. Most people find it heart-wrenching and incredibly difficult to let go of their ex - no matter how bad the relationship was. Begging for love is more common than you think. Many people refuse to let go of their ex and plead with them to come back and give their relationship a second chance. 🥺 Sometimes begging can be a silent cry in your heart, streams of tears or late night crying fits. Sometimes it is loud, verbal and shameful.

But it’s okay to cry. An emotional meltdown is healthy and cleansing - even when it feels like you’re going crazy! 😵🤕 So, give yourself time to break down and express all the pain and heartache. Let the little child living inside you come out. Let the inner child cry, wail, throw a tantrum, stomp its feet, fall on the floor in a puddle of tears and cry. Let all the emotions you feel run wild. 😭 Collapse. Turn your heart inside out and have a good cry. Cry like your mother is holding you... Cry like your dad is watching over you... Your heart has to be flipped inside out before you heal.

But how do you stop begging for love? You may have tried telling yourself that even if you get back together, you’ll always know your ex is with you just because you’ve asked them to come back. Deep down, you know you don’t want a relationship based on pity or pleas for love. You know you want to heal your heart ... but you just don’t know how to do it and stop begging for love. 😢

Hopefully, this podcast can help you deal with this situation and make you realize how wonderful and precious you are. ❤️🤗
Feb 07, 202208:16
34. How Can I Stop Feeling Insecure in My Relationship? 🤔 (Part 1)

34. How Can I Stop Feeling Insecure in My Relationship? 🤔 (Part 1)

The truth is, many of us experience a lack of self-confidence from time to time, and that's perfectly normal. But when it comes to jealousy, personal insecurity and comparison in a relationship, it can drive a wedge between you and your partner. Insecurity can be somewhat positive and cute, as it can inspire you to work harder in the relationship and value your partner more. However, if insecurity starts to get out of hand, it can create a toxic atmosphere in your relationship and wreak havoc on your confidence. Even worst, it can tear apart partners who genuinely love and care about each other. 💔
Feeling insecure in your relationship can be deeply painful and upsetting. It can show up in all kinds of ways. For example, you may have trouble believing that your partner won't cheat on you. You may feel like your bond has been getting weaker and weaker for a while and that the foundation is starting to crumble. Or you may even feel like your partner is constantly on the verge of breaking up with you.
😰 Under these conditions, it can be tough to believe in the future of your relationship, and you may sometimes wonder if the easiest solution would be just to split up. It can also begin to have very negative effects in other areas of your life. Your self-esteem and self-confidence may be undermined, making it difficult to resolve problems. 😟
When insecurity or jealousy begins to surface, it can often seem harmless and somewhat adorable. But if it creeps too deeply into the relationship, it can cause you to act out of character and destroy your relationship. 🤯 So, if insecurity and jealousy are taking a toll on you and your partner, I suggest you listen to this podcast for some ideas to deal with this whole situation! 😊
Feb 05, 202211:58
33. Don't Allow Society to Turn You into Someone You Are Not

33. Don't Allow Society to Turn You into Someone You Are Not

We often try to mould ourselves into the image of what others think, and in this vicious process, we forget how to stay true to ourselves. From a young age, we learn to be someone our parents want us to be, and it is perfectly normal to get lost in this process.... 🤯 We are constantly told how to sit... how to talk... how to act... and even how to breathe in front of others. All of this has been so ingrained in our minds that when someone asks us how we’re doing, we don’t actually reply to that question as seriously and deeply as we should. Our answer is more often “Yeah, I’m fine” or “I’m okay” - even if we don’t necessarily mean it.😟 Unfortunately, it has become a habit to hide our true personalities and present ourselves to others as entirely different people. And, we somehow lose our true selves in that whole process. Have you ever thought about what it would be like if you could just be yourself? Your true self, without a mask hiding you? Imagine living in a world where we are all accepted - flaws and all - without hiding from others and ourselves. 🥰 Feeling positive in today’s chaotic world doesn’t seem easy. Saying “I’m fine” when you’re clearly NOT can damage your mental and emotional well-being. This false positivity prevents us from feeling confident and authentic with ourselves.🤐🤫🤕 Recognising and accepting our feelings as they are can be really helpful. When we accept our emotions, we acknowledge the problem behind those feelings and respond to find a solution. Knowing yourself is not just about knowing your body. It is about knowing who you are as a whole person – your body, thoughts, emotions, intuition, awareness, spirit, character and determination. Hiding these emotions and feelings would not help you feel any better; on the contrary, you will feel bummed out, miserable and blue.😓 This whole self-acceptance thing may seem daunting, but once you muster up the courage to accept your true identity, you will become more confident and self-assured in your actions. So, don’t be afraid to get to know yourself better and find the beauty that may be hidden. Each one of us is unique and has our own individuality. Even if you are a twin, you are still a 1 in 1. You’re beautiful, intelligent, strong, fearless, full of depth and wonder. And don’t forget to define how you want to be treated and spoken to. You are the one who has to live with yourself most of the time, and in the end, it is your opinion of yourself that will mostly influence your behaviour and functioning. So learn to tune your mind to positive thoughts about yourself. Do not let any negative thoughts about yourself linger. Do not let unpleasant words about yourself come out of your mouth. Be lighter on yourself. Nobody is perfect. Gently accept your human side. Listen to this podcast if you’re struggling to find your true authentic self. 😘🤗
Jan 29, 202209:42
32. Stand Up For Yourself Now 💪

32. Stand Up For Yourself Now 💪

For many of us, standing up for ourselves doesn’t come naturally 😓 – in fact, it can even seem like a no-go. Maybe you’re someone who doesn’t like to “rock the boat” and swallow any opposing feelings or thoughts to avoid confrontation - you find that doing what others want seems the best or easiest thing to do.
But when we let people walk all over us, it leaves a bad taste in our mouths.😖 We’ll end up with anger and resentment. We may wonder why people are so insensitive… why don’t they know what we want?
This is why you should stand up for yourself 💪 and stop 🚫 doing everything for someone else’s benefit. 🙅‍♀️ And to really stand up for yourself, you need to have boundaries and, more importantly, know how to set them. 🤗 When we don’t, we become passive - we let life “happen” and often get stepped on along the way.😞 If you find it challenging to stand up for yourself, you’re probably out of touch with your very own needs and overly attentive to those of others. In that case, you’re setting the stage for being taken advantage of.
Your needs, wants, desires, and goals are just as important as anyone else’s. Maybe they have not have been recognised as such when you were younger, but you have the power 🌟 to make sure they are now. And if you start standing up for yourself and fighting your own corner, you’ll find that things will start shifting in your favor. ❤️
Jan 22, 202214:40
31. Open Your Eyes And See That You're Enough 🤩

31. Open Your Eyes And See That You're Enough 🤩

Feeling like you’re missing something essential? 😰 Are you always left feeling not good enough, accomplished enough, attractive enough, smart enough or whatever you think the lack is related to? 🥺 Does the search for positive feedback and affirmation in your life feel like a unicorn hunt? 🦄 You may think you’ll never be good enough for anything or anyone, but the truth is that you are good enough, even if you don’t see it. 💪🥰 With a few mind shifts and thought discipline, you can learn to embrace and honour your inner worth and dignity. ❤️
Jan 19, 202215:30
30. "Feel Good" Tips To Kick-Start 2022

30. "Feel Good" Tips To Kick-Start 2022

Without a shadow of a doubt, the world has a way of keeping us busy and rushing us through moments of accomplishment and good news. But with so much inevitable sadness and anguish that we are all bound to experience in our lives, it’s high time we take the time to appreciate and focus on those happiness-inducing magical moments.
Even I tended to let the little moments of joy slip by too quickly…But I have slowly learned to stick with my feelings in the good times to make sure they really matter. So now, more than ever, I’m constantly working to create space for more joy and happiness in everything I do.
What does it look like if we focus on good days as much as bad days? How can we create spaces for happiness in our adult lives and feel better?
This January, it’s time to kick back and hone in on healthy habits that will allow you to thrive throughout this year and beyond. To help you feel better in 2022 and truly bring joy into your life, this week’s podcast is about tips for pursuing, capturing and treasuring positive moments, whether in small or big ways.
I hope you enjoy the first episode of this year’s podcast! Have a blessed and happy new year! ❤️
Jan 12, 202215:25
29. Loving Yourself Through A Breakup ❤️

29. Loving Yourself Through A Breakup ❤️

When you’ve deeply loved someone and that love dissolves or meets a sudden end, it can jolt you out of reality into a cloudy, confused state where you feel low, lost and alone. 😞

And, if you’ve ever suffered from self-esteem issues before, a breakup can make you particularly vulnerable to feeling unworthy of love from anyone (let alone yourself). 😥

When a relationship dissolves, it can alter the way we view our own identity. It has such a detrimental impact on us that we can even forget that we have a life, a career, and other people who still love us; we just feel worthless. But why does this happen?

So, here’s the thing: when we fall in love, we willingly choose to succumb to vulnerability. We blindly trust a person to the point that we think that they will be with us forever, present for our victories and, most importantly, our failures. Isn’t that so true? We become so attached to them that we share every silly incident, as well as all of our time, insecurities, fears, our saddest and happiest moments, and our new experiences with them. Inevitably, there comes the point that they become a part of our life, even our identity.

When the person who knows your real self, personality, weaknesses, and strengths breaks your heart by one day deciding to dissolve the relationship, then it seems logical to think that you are worthless and unloveable. It can make you believe that, when the person who used to love you the most doesn’t anymore and treats you like a piece of garbage, then they might be right!

But, however tempting it may be to cut yourself off from society or spend your days crying at yourself in the mirror and relentlessly running through everything your ex said to you (in a vain attempt to find a ‘solution’ that you think will make you worthy of love again), that’s not the answer.

Feeling worthless after a breakup is not uncommon, but it is harmful to your physical and mental health to not embark on the journey to learning to live life again. That’s why I present to you some self-love practices that you can observe to love yourself again and recover from your present state of melancholy.

Before you take your first step towards healing, however, there is a disclaimer: the journey will require both time and effort, but the results are worth it! ❤️
Dec 04, 202127:43
28. Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken

28. Be Yourself; Everyone Else Is Already Taken

In a world that convinces you to be different, being different and unique has become a scarcity in this world. It's easy to compromise everything you are and what you stand for just to make people feel warm... But doing so won't change ANYTHING, honey! 😉

In fact, you'll most likely lose yourself trying to fit in this world. Every person is unique and you can't try to be someone you are not. Just like a snowflake, you have distinct personality and characteristics that set you apart. 🤗

Your uniqueness is what helps you identity who you truly are and who you aren't. So, it's high time you learn to embrace your flaws and dare to be different! 💕
Nov 26, 202113:44
27. Love Yourself Enough to Let Them Go 😘

27. Love Yourself Enough to Let Them Go 😘

When we lose ourselves and our passion for life within our partnerships, it’s time to cut the cord and run.

Our relationships aren’t meant to be stagnant and burdensome affairs. They are meant to fill us with happiness and ease, while making our lives a more enjoyable experience.

Relationships that are bogged down by heavy torment or endless regret and conflict are not relationships meant to stand the test of time. They’re an indication of two people who just don’t work.

If you want to stop falling back into bed with your ex, break the pattern by empowering yourself with compassion and understanding.

It's important that you overcome this compulsive need to return to the same old places. But how? By trying to overcome the insecurities and misunderstandings that bring you back to toxic relationships. And this occurs by cultivating understanding, acceptance and the ability to reshape and re-process the intense thoughts and emotions you might be dealing with.

Honey, you aren’t defined by your relationships , but your lives can be bolstered by them. So, build better partnerships by learning how to let go of the bad ones once and for all. 💪

And always remember, the only relationship you'll ever own is the one with yourself. ❤️
Nov 24, 202108:53
26. Give Yourself Permission to Say NO Without Feeling Selfish (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

26. Give Yourself Permission to Say NO Without Feeling Selfish (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

Yes, it's perfectly okay to say "NO" without explaining yourself! 😊

Even if it hurts someone's feelings, give yourself permission to say NO to anyone or anything that drains you, makes you uncomfortable or causes you pain. ✋

Show up for what really matters without feeling mean, guilty or selfish! 💪

You have to set healthy boundaries and take care of yourself. ❤️
Nov 18, 202103:43
25. Se comparer aux autres : poison pour l'estime de soi ☠️

25. Se comparer aux autres : poison pour l'estime de soi ☠️

Racine de la jalousie et poison pour l’estime de soi, la comparaison n’est sûrement pas une solution idéale pour se sentir heureux dans son quotidien. Cela a des effets néfastes sur la confiance en soi, la bienveillance, la gratitude, etc.

Comment sortir du piège de la comparaison ? Écoutez ce podcast et découvrez les meilleures astuces pour arrêter de se comparer aux autres, être fière de soi et regagner confiance en soi ! 💋
Nov 17, 202114:02
24. How To Love Yourself After Being Cheated On?

24. How To Love Yourself After Being Cheated On?

It’s not easy to heal after being cheated on—after all, everything about infidelity is powerfully painful. It doesn’t matter if it was a one-time indiscretion, a series of micro-flirtations, an emotional affair, or finding out your partner has a secret family. Whatever shade of infidelity you’re dealing with, it’s totally natural to feel a sense of betrayal, anger, and grief. There’s nothing like betrayal to throw your self-esteem for a loop. When your spouse betrays you, you are devastated. But, your devastation might pale in comparison to the hit that your self-esteem takes when this happens.
Infidelity is the worst of the worst when it comes to damaging your self-esteem. Even though you know it’s not about you, there are still society’s messages directed at you. Many people will whisper and wonder whether or not you were a good wife or husband and if your spouse cheated because of your deficits not theirs.

But, still this pales in comparison to the blow your self-esteem takes whenever you think of the other person. Thinking of the other person and how they were able to lure your spouse away down the rabbit hole really takes the cake in terms of self-esteem destroyers. If you learned about your partner’s infidelity while being quarantined with them, it may be even harder to come to terms with the news. In such close quarters, you may not have been able to grant yourself the physical or mental space you need in order to process the situation. But if there’s one thing I want you to know, it’s that being cheated is never your fault and your value and worth aren’t tied to anyone or anything. With time and patience, healing and loving yourself again are possible, whether that means with your partner in or out of the picture. Listen to this podcast for more inspiration!
Nov 10, 202120:26
23. Turn Your Failures Into Goals (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

23. Turn Your Failures Into Goals (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

Failures are necessary for success in anything...they are learning opportunities that will propel you to the next stage. Instead of saying "I failed at my marriage", you can say "I had trouble communicating in my marriage and am learning to communicate better now." The first statement is anchored in the past that cannot be changed while the second has an eye to the future and is more empowering of what you can do now. So, switch your mindset from being a victim to a victor.
When you feel like a failure, you see yourself as a victim of the past instead of focusing on your resilience and ability to spring back. Try to leave the victim mindset behind and view yourself as a victor after overcoming failures to move on to something bigger and better.
Imagine yourself as a young child, full of innocence and beauty. Keep in mind there is no such thing as worthless or failing babies and children. We possess the same worth that we had when we were born.
Sometimes we need to look behind the scars and wounds to see that preciousness is still inside of us. No matter how much we fail, our worth remains the same and we are still beautiful.
Oct 22, 202103:17
22. People's Opinions of You Are None of Your Business

22. People's Opinions of You Are None of Your Business

“Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner.” – Lao Tzu. It is human nature to want to be liked and accepted. However, this often leads to people worrying too much about what others are thinking about them. This kind of excessive worrying can have a negative effect on your life. It can be so debilitating that it interferes with your ability to feel at ease with yourself and around others. Do not let it prevent you from living your life to the fullest potential. If you find yourself looking over your shoulder, self-conscious, or fretful about how your actions will look to others, here's some help to stop worrying.
In this podcast, I give you some reasons why you should not care about what others think about you.
Aug 24, 202123:09
21. Stop Thinking You're Dumb and Start Being True to Yourself Now

21. Stop Thinking You're Dumb and Start Being True to Yourself Now

If you do think from time to time that you’re stupid or not as intelligent as anyone else, listen to this!
Aug 17, 202112:29
20. I Love Me (Part 2) - Inspiring Little Recipes to Boost Self-Love 💕

20. I Love Me (Part 2) - Inspiring Little Recipes to Boost Self-Love 💕

Do you say yes when you really mean no? Do you break promises to yourself or neglect your self-care? Is it hard to put yourself first? If so, it’s high-time to give yourself the most important gift ever: Self-Love. Self-love is your secret weapon to living a fulfilling life. That’s because your inner world creates your outer world. Before you can receive love and respect from others, you need to love and respect yourself. When you make decisions out of guilt, a need to please or to avoid conflict, you overvalue the needs of others and disrespect yourself. This conveys—to yourself and those around you—that you accept very little. That doesn’t feel very good, does it? Some people equate self-love with selfishness. But that’s not true. When you think this way, it becomes hard to take good care of yourself. Delete that limiting belief from your mind. Create a new belief that echoes in your ear: “It’s okay to put my needs first.” Repeat often. The good news is when you love yourself fully you feed your soul and become the highest version of yourself. It feels natural to take good care of your body, mind, and spirit. Love begets love so you’re drawn to give to others. You have the energy to give and in turn, giving energizes you. Everyone benefits. As cliché as it sounds, self-love is the gift that keeps on giving. And what’s more important than that? So let's see how we can boost self-love in our lives!
Jul 20, 202118:34
19. Pamper Yourself, You Deserve It (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

19. Pamper Yourself, You Deserve It (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

This Monday Get-Up-And-Go message: Be your best suitor. How you treat yourself sets the standard for how others treat you. Don't use all your pocket money on little gifts for everyone else... Start including YOURSELF! Don't save your best peptalks for everyone else and shrug your shoulders when you're struggling.
You're your lifelong companion, you are your first CHAMPION.
You don’t need someone else to come and save you. You can be your own damn hero, your own Santa. Be good to yourself.
Jul 12, 202103:46
18. The Art of Taking Care of Yourself (Part 2/10)

18. The Art of Taking Care of Yourself (Part 2/10)

No matter how indulgent or fancy the term may sound, self-care is crucial for our physical, emotional and mental well-being. You shouldn’t neglect self-care at any cost! In the Part 2 of the "The Art of Taking Care of Yourself" series, I tell you all about the importance of caring for yourself!
Jul 06, 202112:52
17. The Art of Taking Care of Yourself (Part 1/10)

17. The Art of Taking Care of Yourself (Part 1/10)

Self-care is something that many people struggle to prioritise. There's a misconception that self-care is selfish, but this could not be further from the truth. Self-care is a crucial part of looking after yourself, as well as others. When you practice self-care you produce positive feelings, which boosts motivation and self-esteem leaving you with increased energy to support yourself as well as your loved ones. Taking care of yourself starts with tending to your own needs. In this series, which will be divided into 10 parts, I'll tell you everything you need to know about the art of caring for yourself!
Jul 05, 202112:28
16. Your Own Company is Enough (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

16. Your Own Company is Enough (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

Check out this week's Monday Get-Up-And-Go Message: Say it loud, and say it proud: Me, me, me! OK, maybe you don't want to shout it, but it is that important.

Fitting in time for yourself is essential to do your healthy habits. Take charge of your health and happiness, and you'll lower your stress, become more productive, and have more energy.

You may think "it's all about me" is selfish. But consider this: Other people benefit from your "me time," too. Do things that feed you mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and you'll bring greater patience and a more positive attitude to your relationships. You’ll become a better parent, spouse, and a more effective team player at work.

Jun 28, 202101:59
15. Care For The World By Caring For Yourself (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

15. Care For The World By Caring For Yourself (Monday Get-Up-And-Go Podcast)

Why is it so hard for us to take time for ourselves? We tend to put our work, kids, families, and other responsibilities in front of time for ourselves. Putting “me time” on the back burner, is a big part of why we feel overwhelmed, run down, and frazzled. Lack of self-care can make us ill-equipped to handle life’s stressors.

People tend to see self-care as a luxury, rather than a priority. There’s this notion that if we take time for ourselves that we are being selfish, or perhaps, self-indulgent – well nothing can be further from the truth. This mentality can contribute to feelings of guilt, (and who needs more of that) thinking that we need to take a break from our lives, to do something that actually makes us feel better.

With all the challenges and changes we are facing now with COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to be kind to ourselves and make self-care a priority.
Jun 21, 202102:48
14. Qu’est-ce qui est sexy pour vous ? 🤔

14. Qu’est-ce qui est sexy pour vous ? 🤔

Soyez sexy pour vous, à votre manière, selon vos critères. Sans essayer de plaire aux autres et en étant en phase avec vous-même. Portez ce qui vous fait plaisir, ce qui vous fait vous sentir vous. Accepte ton super body et sois en phase avec lui. Apprends à l’aimer et à l’assumer super haut et super fort. Alors tu seras au maximum du sexy et de l’acceptation de soi. Tu seras sexy, pour toi.
Jun 08, 202101:22
13. Me-Time - Taking Myself On A Date 😍

13. Me-Time - Taking Myself On A Date 😍

Enjoying life and being successful starts with having a good relationship with ourselves and gifting us some well-deserved tender loving care. But don’t worry; solitude isn’t about being lonely, sad, or having antisocial tendencies. On the contrary, seeking solitude can be pretty healthy. Spending time with yourself, noticing your best parts and weaknesses is actually a chance to see the light within and around as well as move forward to what you really want. Well, in short, spending some “me-time” offers a whole lot of social, physical, and psychological benefits! In this podcast, I’ll tell you why you should sometimes forget about others for a while and remember yourself a little more. Because if you don’t make time for yourself and become your number one priority, believe me, honey, no one else will do that for you! ❤️
May 08, 202118:14
12. Don't Live Your Life Waiting to Be Loved by Someone Else!

12. Don't Live Your Life Waiting to Be Loved by Someone Else!

We are told non-stop to sit and wait passively for the love of someone else to come and make things better, to wait until it validates and beautifies and rewards us for having been so patient. But think of all the wonderful things we could be doing instead of waiting, the people we could be if we weren’t tempering our us-ness to impress someone else. Surely even a mediocre day lived fully is better than the best day which is spent in waiting
May 05, 202101:24
11. Rendez-vous amoureux avec soi-même : L'importance de passer du temps avec soi-même 😍

11. Rendez-vous amoureux avec soi-même : L'importance de passer du temps avec soi-même 😍

Dans cet épisode, je te parle à quel point c’est important de passer du temps seule avec soi-même. Non seulement c’est nécessaire pour se connecter avec soi, mais surtout pour apprendre à se connaître de plus en plus.
Si on ne se connait pas, comment peut-on créer des connections profondes avec les autres?
Apprendre à se connaître est l’un des meilleurs cadeaux qu’on peut se faire. Si on apprend comment on réagit et qui on est, on peut travailler là-dessus.
L’important, c’est d’ÊTRE. Qui veux-tu être toi?

Apr 24, 202109:06
10. The Art of Being Kind to Yourself

10. The Art of Being Kind to Yourself

What does kindness mean to you? Giving a homeless person a dollar? Letting your partner have the last bite of cheesecake? Showing up at your best friend’s apartment armed with saltine crackers, chicken soup, and a week’s worth of their favorite rom-coms when she is quarantined with a stomach bug?

😊 I associated kindness with all the above. It wasn’t until I stopped and became aware of my thoughts that I realized that all of those circumstances focus on being kind to others, and not myself.

In a society that deems selflessness as the ultimate form of kindness, we often allow our personal well-being to suffer in order to put others needs before our own. But in reality, taking care of ourselves is being responsible, not selfish. Practicing self-kindness is an essential expression of self-love, one that is so often overlooked, or even forgotten entirely. Allowing kindness to cultivate within ourselves will also allow us to easily and genuinely extend this kindness out to others. ❤️
Apr 16, 202114:56
9. Bullies, Burger Off! 😉

9. Bullies, Burger Off! 😉

Bullies are everywhere, be it at school, work, or among family members! But have faith that no matter how hard they try to bring you down, these people cannot imprison your soul with their darkness! That's because you don't need their approval, blessing, or negative energy to shine and be happy! Just become your own sparkle and shine so bright that it burns their freaky eyes! ✨☀️😍
Apr 14, 202100:58
8. You're Sexy and You Know It: Être sexy pour soi-même ❤️

8. You're Sexy and You Know It: Être sexy pour soi-même ❤️

Nous avons tous des idées bien définies de ce qui est sexy. Souvent, ces idées ont été façonnées par notre milieu et notre culture, ainsi que par les images de femmes prétendument idéales qui nous entourent depuis des décennies. Malheureusement, ces images ne sont pas très inclusives et l’éventail en termes de couleur, de sexe et de type de corps est plutôt minime.

Ne laissez pas cela vous déranger. Reprenez le pouvoir et définissez ce que signifie pour vous le fait d’être sexy. Personne ne peut vous dire que vous n’êtes pas sexy et ce n’est pas du tout pertinent. Ce qui compte, c’est que vous vous sentiez bien dans votre peau. Laissez donc aller votre pouvoir féminin, permettez-vous de vous sentir sexy et vous remarquerez que vous serez beaucoup plus confiante dans la vie. You’re sexy and you know it! ❤️
Apr 08, 202108:08
7. 22 Signs of a Toxic and Fake Friend 🧐

7. 22 Signs of a Toxic and Fake Friend 🧐

Human lives are based on social connections. Friends are like a lifeline for us. We can share our happiness and sorrow with our friends. Friends can make us happy. They will support us whenever we are feeling low. Some friends act like they are your true friends but they are not interested in friendship. They only want to take benefit from you. These kinds of people are toxic and they will leave you when you need them the most. We call these people fake friends. It is really hard to spot this kind of person. Here are 22 fake friends signs that you can use to spot fake and toxic friends.😉 French Version available too.
Apr 04, 202120:49
6. Je m'aime ❤️ (2ème Partie)

6. Je m'aime ❤️ (2ème Partie)

S'aimer soi-même est le début d'une histoire d'amour qui dure toute la vie. Ne pensez-vous pas que si plus de gens s’aimaient eux-mêmes, notre monde se porterait bien mieux ? 🤔 L’amour de soi n’a rien d’égocentrique ou d’égoïste. D’ailleurs, ça n’a rien à voir avec l’égo tout court ! Pour moi, l’amour de soi, c’est un truc plus profond, un truc qui vient de l’âme et du coeur. C’est un process animé par l’amour et non la peur. S’aimer soi, c’est s’apaiser, se respecter, s’écouter. C’est prendre soin de cette enveloppe corporelle, mais aussi de ce qu’elle renferme de plus précieux. Parfois, il m’arrive de repenser à toutes ces fois où je me suis détestée, critiquée et traitée comme de la 💩 et je me dis wahouuu toute cette énergie dépensée à me battre contre moi-même alors qu’en réalité j’étais la personne dont j’avais le plus besoin ! ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 01, 202111:53
5. Goodbye Toxic Friend 🥰

5. Goodbye Toxic Friend 🥰

We have all had that one friendship or relationship that it seems impossible to get out of. No matter how many times you're hurt, you stick around for some unexplainable reason.. . You become broken down and lose yourself because you're so focused on giving and giving for someone who doesn't care how you feel. Then, one fine day you decide to break the toxic cycle, and I promise it's all uphill from there. ❤️
Apr 01, 202110:29
4. The Art of Dealing with Toxic People

4. The Art of Dealing with Toxic People

Unsupportive, draining, and difficult people are one of life’s greatest challenges. In this podcast, I want to talk about how you can stop and deal with the toxic people who come into your life. You deserve to have people in your life that you enjoy spending time with, that support you, and that you LOVE hanging out with. 😘❤️
Apr 01, 202115:53