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The Chico Vibe

The Chico Vibe

By Guillermo Mash

Arts and newsworthy stories with commentary by Guillermo Mash and his Boston area bred wit and wisdom. Thursdays at 5pm on KZFR 90.1FM Chico, California and your favorite podcasting platform.
Currently playing episode

9: Nov-22-2021 Christmas Preview

The Chico VibeNov 23, 2021

16: Jan-06-2022 Plunging Into 2022

16: Jan-06-2022 Plunging Into 2022

The final edition as Guillermo Mash, the producer and host of The Chico Vibe commences a 2023 sabbatical from audio stories to focus on written word and public speaking.

With The New Years Day Polar Bear Plunge, the lowdown on the return of live theatre in Butte County with Jason Cassidy, Matt Eckhardt performing Sucker Fish Sucks and a message for him from his mom.

Our main feature is a uncovering Butte County murder, mayhem and lies the settlers brought to Mechoopda Territory and how all meaningful history of native american culture and arts has been suffocated to the point nearly everyone considers that the history of our land started when white European Settlers came and conquered the land.
Jan 08, 202230:46
15: Dec-30-2021 Excellence in 2021

15: Dec-30-2021 Excellence in 2021

Guillermo Mash, host and producer of The Chico Vibe on KZFR 90.1FM reveals his picks for "Excellence in 2021."

"I chose people and places I have personally connected with this past year. The list itself was spontaneous, it wasn't as if sat and spent hours. I just thought about it and wrote it down. All of these people had a lasting impression, they had warmth and they were all about community building and imagining and actually doing something better. Everyone on this list."

New business, Nena's Bakery
New spaces, Loiter Club
New Music Release, Cracks in the Concrete
Journalism, Natalie Hanson
Open mic, Word Church
Samaritan, Hunger Trolley
Shelter now, CHAT
Sketch artist, Michael Bone
Advocacy, Jim Brobeck
Elected Official, Debra Lucero
Event, The Tweed Ride
Environmentalist, Ali Meders-Knight
Activism, Melys Bonifacio
Honorable Mentions, SURPRISE
Dec 31, 202130:00
14: Dec-23-2021 Christmas Show

14: Dec-23-2021 Christmas Show

A gamut of topics from the gerrymandering referendum, Nena's Bakery, the Bike Party Tour of Lights, a poignant Covid-19 editorial read and penned by Jason Cassidy, a look at Safe Space Winter Shelter. And more!

With music by Brass Connection and Maurice "BigMo" Huffman
Dec 24, 202129:51
13: Dec-16-2021 A wonderful time for a...

13: Dec-16-2021 A wonderful time for a...

As aired on KZFR 90.1FM -- Merry Standish Comedy bookends a thirty minute tribute to the arts and the power of listening across the divide. With special guest Bob Trausch from Chico Housing Action Team (CHAT), the lowdown with CN&R Arts Devo Jason Cassidy. And more! "If you want to change my mind -- stop arguing and start listening. Ask me about myself and my views, and listen thoughtfully to my responses. Stop arguing and start listening. It will make you way more effective when it's your turn to speak." -- Justin Lee, author of Talking Across the Divide[1] [1]
Dec 17, 202130:00
12: Dec-9-2021 Hip Hip Hurray For The Holidays
Dec 10, 202130:01
11: Dec-2-2021 Remembering Kelly Meagher

11: Dec-2-2021 Remembering Kelly Meagher

Paying respect to Kelly Meagher, a man full of gumption for the common good. Music by The Yule Logs, Loki Miller and Terra Karma. With Jason Cassidy of the Chico News and Review with his annual Arts Devo awards for 2021. And MORE!  Special appreciation for Aaron Standish and Liz Merry's words of love and care for Kelly and for several classic audio clips that bring the voice and character of Kelly to life. And to Tom Gascoyne for his CN&R feature story on his dear friend from December, 11, 2011.
Dec 03, 202147:59
10: Nov-25-2021 Thanksgiving

10: Nov-25-2021 Thanksgiving

"Happy thanksgiving. Love life and love Chico, and Chico will love you back." -- Paul Westbecker

Guillermo Mash and Jason Cassidy lead the show, per usual, with The Chico Vibe Arts Lowdown, highlighted by the return of the Pageant Theatre and a new CD by The Yule Logs dropping this Friday. With out and about with Guillermo featuring the 9th annual Tweed Bicycle Ride and Christmas preview. The stars of the show are those without a roof and the organizations that help them. Including a Without a Roof vignette from Thanksgiving 2013 on the streets of Redding and another from the 2012 Thanksgiving Day Run for Food to benefit the Jesus Center in Chico, California.

My favorite spoken words from the show: "As we stand at the door of the Holiday Season, please keep in mind that those that work in the store you are shopping don't set the prices, those on the registers aren't responsible for the long lines, and no one working there is the reason for your bad mood.

If you can't be nice to the people that are trying their best to help you, especially at this time of year, not to mention what we've all been through, it doesn't matter how much money you have in your pocket... you might as well be destitute." -- Lonnie Hammock

"Always remember, if you have a roof be grateful." -- Guillermo Mash
Nov 25, 202130:00
9: Nov-22-2021 Christmas Preview

9: Nov-22-2021 Christmas Preview

It  was a night of merriment and joy as people took to the streets, shops and downtown skating rink to ring in another holiday season for the  downtown business district. I took a break from the hubbub for a few beers at Duffy's Tavern. The bar was doing a brisk business with short staff, a common theme downtown and nationwide as our workforce rebounds from still lingering affects of the global pandemic.

The Ice Skating rink was bustling with skaters and onlookers experiencing a downtown ice skating experience for the first time in the city's history, as Christmas music filled the chilly late November air. The  controversy surrounding the City of Chico's decision to use taxpayer funds for the project was silent as laughter and the sound of blades  filled the air.

I spoke with Paul Westbecker, a familiar face downtown in his wheelchair  and Stoble Coffee hat about his thoughts on the rink. Let's take a  listen...

I grew up in New England ice skating on frozen ponds and lakes and have fond memories of the thrill of the glide. Even the bruises from falls  and hockey collisions seem nostalgic with time. I'm happy for the glee  of children, especially the two-year-old who, in the arms of her dad,  skated right in front of me at the rails. We have so much that divides  us politically and economically that it's only logical that a seasonal  Ice Rink would be another divisive chapter. I largely agree and  sympathize with the impacts to the Paradise ice rink business, the  questionable use of city funds and the ugly fencing that consumed all of  the parking areas and created hazardous walking and bicycling  conditions. Yet I see the clear community benefits of fostering a public  event that brings people together for merriment and social bonding that  has been so past due during months of lock-downs, mask mandates,  vaccines and bashing of each other for our personal choices in how we  responded to Covid-19. At least for one night there was nothing but  peace and goodwill in the downtown vibe.

Guillermo  Mash host of The Chico Vibe wishing you and yours a safe, happy and  gratitude filled Thanksgiving week. Please share The Chico Vibe with  your friends and family and subscribe to our daily, Chico Vibe, podcast  on all major streaming platforms. Until the next time. Always remember,  if you have a roof be grateful.

Nov 23, 202104:24
8: Nov-21-2021 The 9th Annual Tweed Ride

8: Nov-21-2021 The 9th Annual Tweed Ride

Guillermo Mash welcoming you to the Sunday, November 21st, 2021 edition of The Chico Vibe featuring the ninth annual Tweed bicycle ride. The festivities started at the hands statue downtown at 11am where a couple of hundred tweed dressed enthusiasts bicycled to picnic and party at five mile recreation area in Bidwell Park!

Please share The Chico Vibe with your friends and family and subscribe to our daily, Chico Vibe, podcast on all major streaming platforms. Until the next time, always remember,  if you have a roof be grateful!

Nov 22, 202108:21
7: Nov-18-2021 Writing for Donuts

7: Nov-18-2021 Writing for Donuts

As aired on KZFR 90.1FM -- Writing for Donuts, Volume #2, a collection of writing by Butte County's homeless youth. With brand new music, and an interview, with Scout The Wise. Plus tracks from 6th Street records and Josh Indar, aka the Donut Guy, describing the weekly program at 6th Street Center for Youth. All this to express our excitement for the book release, Friday at 6pm at the Museum of Northern California Art (monca).

Both volumes are a testament to our unsung local heroes, young people making their way Without a Roof. The writings resonate with me as a runaway at the age of 16 in Boston, and provide a unique opportunity for everyone to view the world through the five senses of youth pouring out their lived experiences in compelling and brilliantly unique ways. I'm so proud and humble to know some of the youth who have contributed their words and to have had opportunities to walk alongside them in their journeys. If you want to solve homelessness in 20-years house every single houseless youth NOW!

Plus our weekly arts lowdown with Jason Cassidy, aka Arts Devo and the news ticker.

Please share The Chico Vibe with your friends and family and subscribe to our podcast on all major streaming platforms.
Nov 19, 202130:00
6: Nov-15-2021 Let's go Chico!

6: Nov-15-2021 Let's go Chico!

The early morning silver shroud moistened my bicycling riding cheeks en route to purchase the Sunday edition of the Chico Enterprise Record. I was pleased to see the headline tribute to the romantic return of the Tule fog and the play on words Editors note that enticed me to embrace our fair city in words.

"Let's go Chico."

There. I did it. With just three words, I've got probably 49.99 percent of you overwhelmed with pride, another 49.99 percent chuckling, "I see the word play here," and no more than .02 percent of you wondering, "What the heck is a Chico?" Ah, but how many truly know Chico?

To the arcane Chico is a species of greasewood, to Spanish speakers it is a small boy and to the enlightened it's a diverse North Sacramento Valley enclave shining bright with loving actuation and hope.

This silver-haired cis male remains a Chico at heart. I'm a lover of woods singing the praise of my adopted city of nine-years every chance I get. We simply have much more to be grateful for than angry at.

“There is just as much beauty visible to us in Chico as we are prepared to appreciate, and not a mustard seed more. ... A human sees only what concerns them.” -- Adapted from a quote by Henry David Thoreau

I see a beauty unlike no other little boy. The people, the places, the flora and fauna. From the soothing sounds of awakening birds at GRUB CSA Farm, to the rustling of the fall leaves in Bidwell Park. And, above all else, its humans. Their frailty, their devotions, their love and their hearts.

Together we can change the conversation starting with, "hello neighbor!"
Nov 15, 202102:04
5: Nov-11-2021 We Love Chico
Nov 12, 202130:00
4: Nov-4-2021 Local Heroes

4: Nov-4-2021 Local Heroes

As aired on KZFR 90.1FM -- Featuring the annual Chico News and Review Local Heroes edition, Valley's Edge EIR public comment period, the Tim Hart Wildland Firefighter Bill and Out and About with Addison Winslow. With music by Cameron Ford and Sunny Acres.
Nov 05, 202128:43
3: Oct-28-2021 The Gratitude Show

3: Oct-28-2021 The Gratitude Show

The KZFR 90.1FM Fall Pledge Drive "gratitude" show. Music by Esco Chris, Bruno Faria and Jesi Naomi with KZFR rad peeps Jason Cassidy, Grant Parks, Kevin Durkin and Shirley the new KZFR Office Manager. All this and MORE on People Powered Radio!
Oct 29, 202127:58
2: Oct-21-2021 Todd Snider

2: Oct-21-2021 Todd Snider

As aired on KZFR 90.1FM: Jason Cassidy, Chico News and Review Editor with the "Arts Lowdown" followed by his interview with Todd "musical storyteller" Snider. Out and About with Guillermo featuring Marianna with Reading Pals of Chico, Forest with the Paradise Ice Rink, Jimmy with Vuture Food, Beth Sisk on the "Sisko Sez" billboard on Park Avenue, the newsreel and music by Nathaniel with Inspire School of Arts and Sciences.
Oct 22, 202129:52
1: Oct-7-2021 Best in Chico

1: Oct-7-2021 Best in Chico

As aired on KZFR 90.1FM -- The Chico Vibe returns to KZFR 90.1FM with a special Best In Chico show from the latest edition of the Chico News and Review. The CN&R Lowdown with Jason Cassidy, music by Severance Package and XDS -- An Out and About segment with the Chico Yo-Yo Club, North State Shelter team, Chico State SQE No Harm Disarm Banner Drop and students sharing why they love going to Chico State -- News from Tuesday, October 5th Chico City Council Meeting and MORE!
Oct 09, 202129:50