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TCR Messages

By The City of Refuge Melbourne

Messages by Pastor Seyi Oluwasola and Ministers of The City of Refuge, Melbourne
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Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 1

TCR MessagesFeb 25, 2024

Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom Part 3

Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom Part 3

To be a part of the Church, you must confess Jesus as your Saviour, but when you make Him Lord of your life, you become part of the kingdom of God. You cannot exercise the authority of the Word if you are not under authority of the Word. When you yield yourself to God, you will be restored back to glory so that you can experience total RESET in your life in Jesus’ name. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

May 28, 202444:50
Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom Part 2

Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom Part 2

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

May 20, 202451:48
My Journey of Faith So Far- Lessons Learnt

My Journey of Faith So Far- Lessons Learnt

Every believer is on a journey of faith. We develop in capacity on our faith journey when we learn to be obedient His word. The Lord will always watch over His word and do as He has said in your life as long as you yield to His will and ways. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

May 13, 202449:13
Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom

Living the Supernatural Life of the Kingdom

A life devoid of the supernatural power of God is not the real Christian life. This is not the life God has ordained for Kingdom Citizens. As God’s chosen people, He wants us to experience His power, His Kingdom, and His glory us. But what you experience will be determined by how much you yield yourself to be trained by Him.

As we are trained, we will get to know God more and more and will do great exploits in Jesus' Mighty Name. Praise God!

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

May 06, 202431:33
Healing Explosion- Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 7

Healing Explosion- Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 7

Being a citizen of the kingdom means that you have the right to walk in divine authority!

But this authority can only be exercised when you start to bring yourself under the authority of God’s word. This will then position you to layhold on all that God has for you in His Kingdom. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Apr 29, 202442:46
Lessons from Psalms 23

Lessons from Psalms 23

Psalm 23 is one of the most popular scriptures we all know. There are however many life-changing, fundamental truths in this passage.The walk of faith is based on absolute trust in HIM, even when we don't understand. If HE can't stop you, HE can't commission you! We all love the green pastures, but the pathway to this is unalloyed surrender! Be blessed as you listen.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Apr 22, 202429:53
Fear Every Believer's Battle

Fear Every Believer's Battle

Fear presents itself in the life of every believer but we are being equipped daily to dwell in the presence of the Lord. The word of the Lord, is forever settled in heaven therefore it cannot be unsettled on earth. As believers, may we confront whatever wants to bring fear into our lives with the word of God. When we act upon the word of God that we believe, we are being obedient to the Lord and our lives will be prosperous and we will have good success in Jesus’ name. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Apr 15, 202424:07
Living The Abundant Life

Living The Abundant Life

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Apr 08, 202433:53
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 6

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 6

If you do not have a relationship with Jesus, you will never understand who you are and who you are called to be. Believers who are walking in their relationship with Christ Jesus will know who they are and the power to rule and reign over circumstances. This is because of the price Christ paid for all and His sacrifice on the cross. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Mar 31, 202433:19
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 5

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 5

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Mar 24, 202441:27
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 4

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 4

Faith is a choice that involves action. Jesus saw Jairus’ faith by his action. May your faith in Christ Jesus cause you to act in obedience to God’s will and His Word. You have a choice, either to focus on the problem or put your trust in the Lord who is able to turn around all things for your good. This is the purpose of this message.

God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Mar 17, 202459:58
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 3

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 3

Although the woman with the issue of blood suffered for years, she did not allow circumstances to discourage her as she reached out and received her healing in Jesus. May you as a believer grow in deepening intimacy with the Lord. In doing so, you will encounter Jesus, and the test you are experiencing now will become your testimony. May the Lord’s voice become your voice, that what you have received from the Lord you will take it everywhere that signs and wonders will follow you in Jesus' name. Shalom.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Mar 10, 202450:24
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 2

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 2

Storms come to try to stop us from going to the other side. May you walk in understanding and know that there is a reason why you are going through a storm. If we do not give up, we will grow through challenging circumstances and get to the other side to inherit the promise that the Lord has set aside for us. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Mar 03, 202446:59
Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 1

Healing Explosion! Releasing the Supernatural Healing Power of God Part 1

What you do not declare, you are not likely to experience. What will not make you bitter can only make you better. Don't let negative circumstances take away your faith. When you start declaring, heaven will post to your address the truth you have been speaking. Bartimaeus did not allow the warning of others to stop him from crying out to Jesus for his breakthrough. Instead, he continued, and his expectation was not cut short. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Feb 25, 202435:43
Are You Serviceable? Part 2

Are You Serviceable? Part 2

Pruning will bring restoration and revival in your life. You grow in the Lord when you allow the Lord to prune you. Wrong thought patterns are changed to the thoughts of the Lord as your mind is stayed on Him through His word that transforms you into a new person who will bear more fruit for His glory. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Feb 18, 202452:19
Are You Serviceable?

Are You Serviceable?

Are you serviceable? The Lord will not use an untested vessel. The process of pruning cannot be accomplished in human strength but when you lean on the Holy Spirit, He is able to renew and reshape everything in you to the will of Christ. It is in your renewal that you become a son, one of whom the world is awaiting to see manifest in the fullness of God. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Feb 13, 202449:20
The Sin of All of Us

The Sin of All of Us

Pride goes before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall. Pride is the nature of the fallen man and is always endeavouring to ensnare the believer and then consequently destroy.

Therefore, what God’s children need is revelation rooted in a relationship with God that will help us see others through the mind of Christ. No more self-focus but let the mind of Christ be in us so that we can remain humble and obedient to the will of God in order to experience supernatural lifting and uncommon elevation.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Feb 03, 202453:16
How to Supercharge Your Prayer Life

How to Supercharge Your Prayer Life

There is a level without devils that can only be discovered when you know who you are in Christ Jesus. The Lord will do absolutely nothing until His people rise up to pray. To a greater extension, our city cannot be changed unless the people of God humble themselves and spend time to pray and fast. This will also enable you to layhold on things concerning you that God settled before the foundation of the world that you will only experience as you live your life under His command.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Jan 28, 202449:31
The Supernatural Power of Praying and Fasting

The Supernatural Power of Praying and Fasting

Prayer enables and argument disables. The Godhead is the perfect example of unity. There are no arguments amongst God the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. They honour each other, love each other, and defer to each other. We need to know this and walk in the same way in our relationship with one another. This is what being at the mountain top in prayers does. It helps you to maintain the right perspective so that you start to see things in the same way as the Father. Prayer and fasting will also do this in your life. You will emerge infinitely better, life transformed which will produce total transformation of our circumstances in Jesus Mighty Name. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne

Jan 21, 202442:19
2024 Our Year of Supernatural and Uncommon Elevation

2024 Our Year of Supernatural and Uncommon Elevation

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Jan 15, 202443:07
Entering into Promise 2024 Part 3- Our Year of Supernatural Lifting and Uncommon Elevation

Entering into Promise 2024 Part 3- Our Year of Supernatural Lifting and Uncommon Elevation

What is the Lord saying to you in this NOW season? We are all temporary residents and sojourners on earth. As believers, we therefore need to invest our time towards the things that will add eternal value to our lives. We are on a destiny train with a God-given assignment that will be fulfilled not by power or might but by the grace of God and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. He knows all things and will guide us so that we can experience supernatural lifting and uncommon elevation. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Jan 07, 202453:54
Entering in to Promise Our Year of Prophetic Fulfilment Part 2

Entering in to Promise Our Year of Prophetic Fulfilment Part 2

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Jan 01, 202455:38
Looking at the Year 2024

Looking at the Year 2024

The Lord has reserved a number for us in the year 2024. But obedience to the Lord is the key that unlocks Heavenly blessings, and we will not just be blessed but become a blessing to others and nations. Therefore, let's make the word of the Lord our priority and the final authority in our lives so that He can make us His priority. As we start our year, don’t let circumstances distract you from what the Lord is saying to you, but walk in the light of His word knowing that He who has started a work of supernatural lifting in you is able to complete it in Jesus’ name. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Dec 31, 202341:10
The Essence of Christmas the Significance of The Birth

The Essence of Christmas the Significance of The Birth

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Dec 23, 202356:42
Understanding the Power of Corporate Thanksgiving

Understanding the Power of Corporate Thanksgiving

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Dec 18, 202344:11
Entering into Promise Our Year of Prophetic Fulfilment

Entering into Promise Our Year of Prophetic Fulfilment

The Campus of the City of Refuge, Melbourne, is a safe place, a place of shelter for saints, strangers, and sojourners. Although saints need to delight in the faithfulness of God in moving to the campus. The Campus is not a place of relaxation but a platform for Kingdom advancement. It is a tool given by God to fulfill divine purpose. Therefore, having the right attitude and the desire to serve the Lord will help in advancing the Kingdom and accomplishing this purpose.

Dec 17, 202351:48
Becoming A City Set on a Hill that Cannot be Hidden

Becoming A City Set on a Hill that Cannot be Hidden

We are a city set on a hill that cannot be hidden. God has called you and I, His saints, to be salt of the earth and light of the world that draws in people to know Jesus. As The City of Refuge, we are a safe place, a place of protection and restoration for the broken who are seeking wholeness. So let our light so shine before men that they might see our good works and praise our Father in heaven.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Dec 03, 202345:03
What God Does For One He Can Do For All

What God Does For One He Can Do For All

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Nov 28, 202355:14
Standing in Your Testing Times

Standing in Your Testing Times

Every believer’s faith will be tested but the Lord will steady their steps during the process that they will remain standing. There are important principles that one should learn in the process while they are standing. These principles are perpetual and can be applied to any test that one will encounter in Jesus name. God bless you.

Nov 24, 202334:16
Developing a Breakthrough Mentality

Developing a Breakthrough Mentality

Every believer needs to develop a breakthrough mentality so that no matter the situation, they will rise above it and walk in the dominion of God. In having such a set mentality, you will become unstoppable that no good thing will be withheld from you. Everything regarding a believer who has a breakthrough mentality, will experience nothing less than TOTAL Restoration in their lives and community in Jesus' name. God bless you.

Nov 24, 202347:03
How to Develop a Breakthrough Mentality Part 2

How to Develop a Breakthrough Mentality Part 2

The number 1 thing that stops people from breakthroughs is past experiences. The woman with the issue of blood did not allow past disappointments or the crowd to prevent her from a glorious future. As she spoke her expectations of healing, she acted upon what she believed by faith and was made whole. You, too, can develop and apply your faith to experience your breakthrough. What the world calls impossible is possible with God! God bless you.

Nov 24, 202352:21
Developing a Breakthrough Mentality Part 3

Developing a Breakthrough Mentality Part 3

The barriers and obstacles you experience as a believer are not meant to defeat you. The Lord allows situations, so you will be promoted. Therefore, you must develop muscle in the spirit so you can experience fullness of manifestation in the physical. You must develop a breakthrough mentality that will connect not only to the way you think but your lifestyle as a whole in the way you speak and respond to situations. When you develop in the way you see things and have vision, provision will come. You will lack no good thing to withhold you from breaking through in Jesus' name.

Nov 24, 202331:24
Developing a Breakthrough Mentality Part 4- Serving is Greatness

Developing a Breakthrough Mentality Part 4- Serving is Greatness

As believers, serving in the vineyard is not optional. Though everyone desires greatness, not everyone desires to serve forgetting that serving is greatness. Moses, Joseph & David are all veritable examples. Whilst serving is not always palatable and according to our plans, great power is usually preceded by great emptying. Your place of service is your spiritual address, stay there because therein your breakthrough is situated.

Nov 24, 202352:15
Engaging with The Prophetic Word

Engaging with The Prophetic Word

The Prophetic Word should not be despised by forgetting it. Instead, believers need to lay hold of the word that will guide them through the challenges of life. Therefore, write the word in your heart by meditating on the word of God. What you mediate on will become your dominant thought, which will determine your destination in life. God bless you.

Nov 24, 202349:40
Two Realities- You Choose

Two Realities- You Choose

We make choices all the time but as believers, we need to choose to be led by what the Spirit of God is saying and not believe the contrary situations we may see in the natural. As children of light, let us follow the example of our Saviour, Jesus who was not of this world but was living in the world. He maintained contact without contamination. May you choose to live by the reality of the Spirit of the living God. God bless you.

Nov 24, 202326:17
Two Realities Part 2- Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit

Two Realities Part 2- Living by the Power of the Holy Spirit

When we embrace the word of God it changes the atmosphere around us. Dwelling in the spiritual reality will create the opportunity for you to live by the empowerment of the Holy Spirit. In doing so the word becomes revealed to us, it makes us free from sin and death. Our reality as believers will be that we are walking and living in the truth of His word. God has settled things about us if we would get into His word Shalom.

Nov 24, 202351:33
Remember your Creator in the Days of your Youth

Remember your Creator in the Days of your Youth

Our children as young believers in Christ are called to be God examples to their peers in deeds and in their faith. Our youths are the bible that society will read. In these modern times young people need to be mentored in the Lord. In doing so they will remember the Lord so that they can be established in the Truth of His word which will prevent them from being easily distracted or deceived by the wiles of the enemy in Jesus name. God bless you.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Nov 18, 202341:03
How Big is Your God?

How Big is Your God?

Believers need to know that their Father in heaven is too big to fail. Therefore as believers never doubt His word which is as sure as the rain, it will never return to Him void. He’s bigger than your problems and bigger than anything satan throws at us. So let’s rest in Him for He will never leave us and will fulfill His promises in our lives in Jesus name! Shalom.

This is an official recording of The City of Refuge, Melbourne.

Nov 11, 202323:08
The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022 (Part 4): Activate to Manifest

The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022 (Part 4): Activate to Manifest

We all have the potential within us to become all that the Lord has preordained for our lives. The key to activating the God given potential within us so that it may come into manifestation is to Believe and Declare it. We also need to agree with what the Lord says about us so that it will become our reality. God bless you.

Jan 30, 202256:35
The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022 (Part 3)

The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022 (Part 3)

Only God can truly give peace to a human soul. This peace that comes from God alone is beyond human understanding and it signifies the harmony between our spirit and soul. Therefore when contrary situations arise we can speak the peace of God over it and cause a turnaround in Jesus Mighty Name.

Jan 23, 202245:41
The Nature and Character of Year, 2022 (Part 2)

The Nature and Character of Year, 2022 (Part 2)

What are your expectations for the year 2022? Your experiences in this year will be determined by your ability to activate the possibilities that have remained as potentials and turning them into realities with your fervent declarations of what God says about you.

Jan 16, 202201:01:37
The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022

The Nature and Character of the Year, 2022


Jan 09, 202201:11:14
Characteristics of 2022

Characteristics of 2022


Jan 02, 202201:13:38
2022 Our Year of Fullness, Manifestation and Overflow of Abundance

2022 Our Year of Fullness, Manifestation and Overflow of Abundance


Dec 31, 202157:37
Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors (Part 3)

Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors (Part 3)

The mind is the doorway to the spirit. If you don't guard your mind you will be deprived of the wisdom of the Lord. It is time for the church to arise and consistently advance in the Spirit so that we can come into full manifestation of what God has planned for His Church.

Dec 26, 202101:27:43
The Triumph of the Lamb and the Victory of the Called, the Chosen, and the Faithful

The Triumph of the Lamb and the Victory of the Called, the Chosen, and the Faithful

In your spiritual walk with the Lord victory belongs to those who are called, chosen and faithful. Faithfulness is determined by a believer’s commitment to actively work with the Lord and carry out His assignment. When you are faithful in your God given role, the Lord will give you what others are pursuing.

Dec 19, 202159:52
Five Different Expressions of Thanksgiving

Five Different Expressions of Thanksgiving

David was an outstanding king and a man beloved by God. Like David we too can live a highly distinguished life, the key to this is thanksgiving and becoming a true worshiper of God.  In addition, when you develop an attitude of gratitude to God, you will unlock the fruitfulness of life. God bless you.

Dec 12, 202151:21
Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors (Part 2)

Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors (Part 2)

Contending for the faith is important because there are faith inhibitors which endeavour to hinder our spiritual growth. Let us therefore be aware of the temptations of this world and grow up seeking first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added us.

Dec 05, 202101:03:38
Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors

Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Identifying Faith Inhibitors

The church has not been called to be passive but to be actively engaged and earnest in her walk with God. We must therefore be ready and willing to contend against faith inhibitors as we endeavour to enter into the fullness of all the promises available to us in Christ!

Nov 28, 202101:10:05
Contending Earnestly for the Faith: Distractions That Come When We Are Not Contending Earnestly for The Faith
Nov 21, 202159:53