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The Daily Disturbance

The Daily Disturbance

By Anthony Pangilinan

Amidst the intense chaos and change in the world, must we need another disturbance? Whether it be a gentle whisper, or a kick in the butt, we all need constant change in our lives. Good ones.

I put this together with the commitment that all who take part will be disturbed into a whole new realm of living. The key lies in the heart. I hold on to this encouragement by a mentor who “confused me at a higher level” more times I can remember, Dr. George Blake: "Disturbances to a good heart lead to positive change."

Jingle: Jessie Lasaten

VO: Cherry Bayle
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So, how do I stop people pleasing? Just end it. | S2E98

The Daily DisturbanceJun 28, 2023

How to redirect today with the reality of having been away? (Part 3) | S2E135

How to redirect today with the reality of having been away? (Part 3) | S2E135

It’s not enough we set our sites towards the right direction; we need to prepare and equip ourselves for proper execution.

Let it be a successful R.E.T.U.R.N (The last 3 ways to return home!)

Aug 18, 202304:40
How to redirect today with the reality of having been away? (Part 2) | S2E134

How to redirect today with the reality of having been away? (Part 2) | S2E134

It’s not enough we set our sites towards the right direction; we need to prepare and equip ourselves for proper execution.

Let it be a successful R.E.T.U.R.N.

Aug 17, 202304:56
How to “redirect” today with the reality of having been away? (Part 1) | S2E133

How to “redirect” today with the reality of having been away? (Part 1) | S2E133

After having acknowledged the reality of having got away, what to do next? I suggest you R.E.- A.I.M.

Aug 16, 202305:51
Me? Find my way back? (Part 2) | S2E132

Me? Find my way back? (Part 2) | S2E132

Yesterday we spoke broadly about the need to acknowledge reality as an initial step in finding one’s way back, regardless of the issue at hand.

Today let’s look at 7 ways to establish R.E.A.L.I.T.Y.

"The truth will set you free, but first it will piss you off." - Gloria Steinem

Aug 14, 202305:39
Me? Find my way back? (Part 1) | S2E131

Me? Find my way back? (Part 1) | S2E131

Cmon, we’ve all have diverted to the wrong path - consciously or unconsciously, or just a mistaken route at one point in our lives.

"Your present circumstances don’t determine where you can go; they merely determine where you start." - Nido Qubein

Aug 14, 202303:22
When should I not reset my life at all? | S2E130

When should I not reset my life at all? | S2E130

Here are 9 reasons or signs that perhaps you shouldn’t reset and instead to keep going on the direction and path you’ve already previously set!

When you see all these signs in front of you, most likely, just K.E.E.P. G.O.I.N.G!

Aug 11, 202304:52
What if I have to keep resetting? How do I get the energy to keep going? | S2E129

What if I have to keep resetting? How do I get the energy to keep going? | S2E129

How to stay O.N.C.O.U.R.S.E., no matter how many times you reset!

Aug 11, 202307:52
How to reset when I find myself off balance? | S2E128

How to reset when I find myself off balance? | S2E128

Dad: “Son, I’ve worked for you all my life!”

Son: “Dad, You’ve worked for yourself all your life, and that company that never sleeps!”

The first thing to do is to recognize it.

"There is a time in for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens." - Ecclesiastes 3:1

In what way do you need more balance and a reset today?

Aug 09, 202305:41
Isn’t resetting about change? | S2E127

Isn’t resetting about change? | S2E127

Why are we so scared about changing?

Doesn’t it excite you to try a new restaurant? Or to engage in another hobby? Or to receive an offer for possible promotion?

Yes, resetting is about changing, and be thankful that it is!

Aug 07, 202305:35
Me, reset? Let me reflect on that! | S2E126

Me, reset? Let me reflect on that! | S2E126

Yes, you should! Resetting is for all! Besides, you do it already. Didn’t you reset you alarm clock? Or the microwave timer as the soup wasn’t hot enough? Or are the terms of your partnership - or relationship - evolving or “resetting” as time goes by?

Aug 07, 202304:37
When is comparison really good? | S2E125

When is comparison really good? | S2E125

W.H.E.N. I.T. I.S. R.E.A.L.L.Y. A.M.A.Z.I.N!

Aug 03, 202307:30
When is comparison really bad? | S2E124

When is comparison really bad? | S2E124

W.H.E.N. I.T. R.E.A.L.L.Y. S.U.C.K.S. B.AD.

Aug 02, 202307:11
How do I make comparison work for me? | S2E123

How do I make comparison work for me? | S2E123

How can I make sure comparing is value adding, not just to me, but to my family and colleagues?

By consider these 4 means or!

Aug 02, 202307:20
When is comparison Good, Bad and Ugly? | S2E122

When is comparison Good, Bad and Ugly? | S2E122

I compared my run this morning with that I did two weeks ago and I saw marked improvement in stamina and speed: that was good

I compared my preparation time for an upcoming marathon with the one I did when I set my best time, and I started doubting I could still run with a good finishing time: that was bad…and as I started fearing if I could even come close to my regular race times, it got ugly!

Here are ways to know comparison is B.A.D. And G.O.O.D.

Aug 01, 202304:09
Why does comparison have such a bad reputation? | S2E121

Why does comparison have such a bad reputation? | S2E121

Because it often leads to overly critical – if not downright negative – self-evaluation.

"Comparison is the thief of joy." - Theodore Roosevelt

Jul 31, 202306:07
How to Embrace the reality of EGRs in our daily lives? | S2E120

How to Embrace the reality of EGRs in our daily lives? | S2E120

And so we have learned that Life is filled with individuals who require Extra Grace (EGR) due to various reasons. Accepting and embracing people with EGRs at home and in the workplace is essential for fostering a harmonious, compassionate and I dare say, God-blessed environment.

Here are 4 ways to make Accepting EGRs as a way of life, to T.AK.E. as a reality, for your own good, if you choose to make them so.

Jul 28, 202309:48
What if I am the EGR person? | S2E119

What if I am the EGR person? | S2E119

Congratulations, its an opportunity for you, to get the extra grace you will be thankful for!

Here are 4 things you can do - for you - if you are today’s Extra Grace Requirer!

G.I.V.E. yourselves all you’ve got!

Jul 27, 202309:00
How to love the EGRs of our lives? (Part 3) | S2E118

How to love the EGRs of our lives? (Part 3) | S2E118

1. I - Initiate or strike while the iron is cold…

2. N - Nurture Patience.

3. C - Cultivate Empathy

4. H - Harness Forgiveness

5. R - Respond with Gentleness

6. I - Invest in Prayer

Are you getting the Acrostic?

Let’s go to the last 2 and see what, or who, ultimately is the key to unconditional love.

Jul 26, 202308:50
How to love EGRs? (Part 2) | S2E117

How to love EGRs? (Part 2) | S2E117

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend." - Martin Luther King Jr.

Yesterday we looked at 3 of 8 ways how to love EGRs in our lives. Let’s look at the next 3!

"The true measure of any society can be found in how it treats its most vulnerable members." - Mahatma Gandhi

Jul 25, 202307:57
How to love EGRs? (Part 1) | S2E116

How to love EGRs? (Part 1) | S2E116

Love thyself!

So, that’s all of us!

The answer is Yes…

And here the first 3 ways how.

Jul 24, 202310:55
How can I prevent settling in my life? | S2E115

How can I prevent settling in my life? | S2E115

How can I prevent settling for less.

By aiming H.I.G.H.

Jul 21, 202312:37
And what are the consequences of settling? (Part 2) | S2E114

And what are the consequences of settling? (Part 2) | S2E114

We looked at 4, lets complete the list of consequences from a life of settling.

Truly, by settling for less as a way of life, the conclusion is, sadly, a life in D.E.C.L.I.N.E.

"Do not be satisfied with the stories that come before you. Unfold your own myth." - Rumi

Jul 19, 202307:07
And what are the consequences of settling? (Part 1) | SE113

And what are the consequences of settling? (Part 1) | SE113

As global citizens striving for excellence, we are called to embrace God's plan for our lives and pursue the best in all aspects. Settling for less, whether in our personal or professional lives, can lead to various adverse consequences.

Lets look at 7 consequences of a “settling” approach, 4 today and 3 tomorrow (Though I do hope, after today, you would have dropped “settling” as a way of life completely!)

"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do." - Mark Twain

Jul 19, 202308:10
Why do I find myself ‘settling’ for something less? (Part 2) | S2E112

Why do I find myself ‘settling’ for something less? (Part 2) | S2E112

What are the other 2 reasons why I “settle for less”

Societal Pressure

Yielding to fear!

"So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that the only thing we have to fear is...fear itself — nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to convert retreat into advance.” - Franklin D. Roosevelt

Jul 17, 202305:11
Why do I find myself ‘settling’ for something less? (Part 1) | S2E111

Why do I find myself ‘settling’ for something less? (Part 1) | S2E111

Today, I almost did.

It was raining hard this morning, and I was supposed to be training…for an upcoming run.

But I couldn’t miss today’s run. Not 2 months before the race and given the fact that I am in a state of catching up!

Let’s look at 2 of 4 reasons why we all “settle for less.”

Jul 16, 202304:40
What kind of bridges should I build, and how? | S2E110

What kind of bridges should I build, and how? | S2E110

Here are 5 bridges I suggest you build now, connections you strengthen today and forever…

Let them lead you to the C.R.O.S.S!

Jul 14, 202309:25
Why can it be tough to build bridges and make connections in life? (Part 2) | S2E109

Why can it be tough to build bridges and make connections in life? (Part 2) | S2E109

Yesterday we looked at two things that make it tough to build bridges and make connections in life? Wounds of the past. Obstacles that won’t make us go past.

Today we look at 2 more for a total of 4!

Jul 12, 202307:49
Why can it be tough to build bridges and make connections in life? (Part 1) | S2E108

Why can it be tough to build bridges and make connections in life? (Part 1) | S2E108

Because it takes effort to build anything, and it takes risk to reach out and make connections…

So most will resort to default mode and avoid extra work and unneeded risk.

Let me give you 2 specific reasons today and 2 more tomorrow. What can you relate with?

Jul 12, 202305:10
Why do I have to build bridges to connect with others in my life? (Part 2) | S2E107

Why do I have to build bridges to connect with others in my life? (Part 2) | S2E107

From yesterday’s drawing I.N., we now look at 3 reasons why bridges are needed to pour O.U.T.

"The bridge you build today may be the path you walk on tomorrow." - Matshona Dhliwayo

Jul 11, 202305:26
Why do I have to build bridges to connect with others in my life? (Part 1) | S2106

Why do I have to build bridges to connect with others in my life? (Part 1) | S2106

Building bridges of connection in life is essential to life. Without them we have to means of refill ourselves and all the tanks in our life: physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, financial, etc. In their absence, we are also unable to pour anything out.

Tuesday - Why do I have to build bridges to connect with others in my life? (Part 1)

From yesterday’s drawing I.N., we now look at 3 reasons why bridges are needed to pour O.U.T.

"The bridge you build today may be the path you walk on tomorrow." - Matshona Dhliwayo

Jul 10, 202303:52
Is it possible to Live freely with boundaries around me all the time? | S2E105

Is it possible to Live freely with boundaries around me all the time? | S2E105

Blessed be the ties that free! Thank God I’ve had boundaries since birth!

Without them, I’d be dead, or severely compromised.

Physical boundaries.

Relationship boundaries.

Financial boundaries.

Y.E.S. you can!

Jul 07, 202307:55
Can’t I change my boundaries over time? | S2E104

Can’t I change my boundaries over time? | S2E104

Well, I hope you still aren’t your crib my friend? Ofcourse they do! Age, stage as adviced by a sage… By choice or circumstance. 6 reasons we C.H.A.N.G.E. our boundaries.

Jul 05, 202309:42
How to establish or re-establish boundaries | S2E103

How to establish or re-establish boundaries | S2E103

Well, I hope you still aren’t your crib my friend? Ofcourse they do! Age, stage as adviced by a sage… By choice or circumstance. 6 reasons we C.H.A.N.G.E. our boundaries

Jul 05, 202312:00
What are areas of boundaries I need to watch out for? | S2E102

What are areas of boundaries I need to watch out for? | S2E102

Here are 4 areas you might have to rethink and “H.O.L.D.”

Love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won't accept." - Anna Taylor

Jul 03, 202305:52
Aren’t boundaries constricting? | S2E101

Aren’t boundaries constricting? | S2E101

Ofcourse they are, that’s exactly why they are called just that, “bound-tries”: they bind you - and others too - so people know there are limits.

Does your home have a front door?

Does your shower have partitions to keep the water in?

Is your personal handbag under your control?

Do you have secret passwords for access to your accounts?

Do I still need to convince you boundaries need to exist and to be maintained at all cost!

Jul 03, 202305:03
So, how can stopping my people pleasing be the loving thing to do | S2E100

So, how can stopping my people pleasing be the loving thing to do | S2E100

f you start “people displeasing” with the motive of doing what’s best for all, then you are doing the most LOVING thing someone can do for someone else.

So, do all the LOVING you can do today as you stop “people pleasing”

Jun 30, 202310:11
So, what to do instead of “people-pleasing?” | S2E99

So, what to do instead of “people-pleasing?” | S2E99

Nope, its not people displeasing!

(Although when doing what is right, that is a possible consequence, too!)

Here are 4 things to do instead as the approach of people-pleasing is phased out…

Jun 29, 202310:41
So, how do I stop people pleasing? Just end it. | S2E98

So, how do I stop people pleasing? Just end it. | S2E98

Just end it.

Til its a habit.

And you’ve replaced it with doing what best for people, whether they like it or not.

Here are 5 ways to just E.N.D. I.T.

Jun 28, 202308:12
How much of a pleaser am I? A self test. | S2E97

How much of a pleaser am I? A self test. | S2E97

Yesterday we look at Validation, Avoidance of conflict, Low self esteem, Underlying fear and External pressure…
And I sense you could relate with some, perhaps even all. Today, let's do a deep dive and check ourselves against these 5 Whys (VALUE), for a better understanding of self and how we can move forward with new learning…

Jun 27, 202309:43
Why do I keep on people-pleasing? | S2E96

Why do I keep on people-pleasing? | S2E96

Because it works.

I pleased my mom I got a candy.

I pleased my teachers and I was given another chance to make the grade.

I pleased my wife and…she gave me 5 kids, haha!

There are actually good reasons and actual benefits in people pleasing. The key is to make sure it is intentional, not habitual. THen it is deadly! Here are 5 reasons we V.A.L.U.E. people pleasing.

Jun 25, 202306:43
How to live with pressure my whole life through? | S2395

How to live with pressure my whole life through? | S2395

You’ve probably come to understand that the pressure and the pressures just won’t disappear. OR if they do, they make another comeback when you least expect them to.

Well, what to do?

W.E.L.C.O.M.E it.

Jun 23, 202308:51
What are real life stories of people who handled pressure well? | S2E94

What are real life stories of people who handled pressure well? | S2E94

Let’s some faces to principles and practices we’ve been discussing when it comes to pressure. Past, present and some working their to the future. From all corners of the world. People for whom Pressure is but part of a Process of change and transformation.

Jun 21, 202306:46
What are pressures I should not go through?

What are pressures I should not go through?

We’ve been talking about pressure and how to spot it, face it, overcome it, win with it!

But you should know: there are pressure NOT to be enabled and welcomed in your life. Here are 5 pressures you should say N.O. W.A.Y. to!

Jun 21, 202310:00
How to stay positive while responding to pressure? | S2E92

How to stay positive while responding to pressure? | S2E92

How to stay positive while responding to pressure? Weathering it is one thing, staying positive is another. Surviving pressure is a feat, thriving inspite of it is epic. Here are 4 ways to stay positive while responding to pressure…

Jun 20, 202307:30
So, what’s the better mindset when it comes to pressure? | S291

So, what’s the better mindset when it comes to pressure? | S291

Without it you’d be dead! So stop complaining when you’re “under pressure!” Instead, adopt a new mindset to allow you not just to survive but to thrive amidst the pressures around you.

Jun 18, 202307:34
How to survive intense and debilitating pressure? | S2E90

How to survive intense and debilitating pressure? | S2E90

Navigating intense and debilitating pressure requires resilience, strength, and a strategic approach. By clinging to key principles, we can find guidance and inspiration to endure and overcome. Here are 5 ways to survive and thrive under intense pressure. Its pretty simple actually. All you do is CLING!

Jun 16, 202307:52
So, how do I deal with pressure? Part 2 | S2E89

So, how do I deal with pressure? Part 2 | S2E89

"A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials." - Chinese Proverb

So, beyond just facing the pressure helps, so does meeting it head on, toe to toe. 5 ideas to face pressure by F.O.R.C.E.

Jun 15, 202309:56
So, how do I deal with pressure? Part 1 | S2E88

So, how do I deal with pressure? Part 1 | S2E88

For one, welcome it as a way of life!

Didn’t you just pressure a client to pay what he or she purchased?

Did your partner just pressure you to be more considerate?

Didn’t air just pressure your heart to pump more blood to help you stay alive?

Pressure is a part of our daily lives and here are 4 ways to F.A.C.E. it!

Jun 14, 202310:10
Are the pressures I face the same as those experienced by others around me? | S2E87

Are the pressures I face the same as those experienced by others around me? | S2E87

Good question…Will let you reflect on that… What are your pressures today? Check them against the 8 sources of pressure at home and in the workplace.

Jun 13, 202309:01
So what is pressure and why do I have so much of it?! | S2E86

So what is pressure and why do I have so much of it?! | S2E86

Legendary tennis star Billie Jean King says "Pressure is a privilege." Well, to many of us, it’s something we wouldn’t mind doing without. I don’t need that privilege, some of you might say! Hindi ko na kaya ang pressure sa buhay ko! But the reality is, like it or not, you have and will continue to go through. Let’s take a deeper dive at pressure - what it is and what it is not - so we can better address it!

Jun 12, 202309:04